I'm posting this now even though Best Served Cold is only about half way over.
I wanted to give people a good idea of what they can expect next from me. So after this story, I'm going to either move on to my Red Lantern Retcon on Laira or the side story to Best Served Cold, starring Mattie and Clara.
In the future I've got both the sequels to Green Arrow and Blue Beetle plus a Retcon on Black Panther. I've also got another Syndicate story I'm developing too.
Busy, busy, busy!
Your muse is definitely overflowing with story ideas :)
You do realise, of course, that you're in serious danger of overtaking Lynceus as the most prolific RetCon author? :)
That's not to mention your productivity in The Center universe...
Keep it up :)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
The ideas keep coming, my muse likes to keep throwing them at me. I've tried to get her to stop but she's on a writing kick.
Really looking forward to them!
I loved both Green Arrow and Blue Beetle (and Booster Gold, too), and would really enjoy reading their further adventures. Black Panther is another good idea-I look forward to meeting the Wakandan princess. (Hmmm. Black Panther either with or against Catwoman-the Mistress of Gadgets and the Princess of Vibranium-it won't happen in the DC/Marvel continuum, but, maybe in the retcon world? Could be fun!).
I am looking forward to a gigantic crossover story! I don't know how it would happen, but it would be fun to see!
You write an interesting story! I want more!
(PS-Don't get the idea that I don't like the Center stories-I do, very much!)