I'm shaking right now

I'm shaking right now because something just attacked our dog. He's just a little half-chihuahua lapdog, but we let him out every night to do his business. Usually he stays close to the house, but tonight he ran off after something into the pasture by our house.

There's a lot of blood loss for such a small dog. Mom's trying to get the bleeding to stop now, but there's nothing else we can do.

We're a small community. We have one vet for the whole town who keeps regular hours.

God, I hate this. I hate not being able to DO anything, but worst of all, I hate having to be the strong one because Mom nearly had a nervous breakdown right on the spot. I can't afford to worry about it because she's FINALLY calmed down a little.

Mom and Dad are taking care of him, using steri-pads to keep pressure on the bite. He has his rabies shots at least. If one of our neighbor's dogs shows up at his house with blood on its mouth then we'll know what happened. I'm more worried that he had a run-in with a coyote. Whatever it is went right for the neck.

*sigh* God damit. This is why I don't like pets. Something ALWAYS happens to them. I've had five dogs and six cats that either ran into the road or under a car. I had one that even got its paw caught in a riding lawnmower because life is cruel to a 12 year old cat-lover.

Most people own animals from the time they're kittens or puppies, and raise them to die of old age, but anything I touch bucks that trend spectacularly.

Fuck it. I need to go cry. Sorry everyone. I just needed to vent.

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