The Ultimate Gender Surgery.

If you were paying for the SRS on a young teen, and you were like a kajillionaire, and you wanted them to do like the full meal deal, I wonder what could be done?

Well, to start off, maybe they could just chuck your penis; it wasn't designed to be a vagina anyhow. Maybe they could go find the vaginal tissue of a dead girl, and due to some breakthrough research in tissue rejection, they made the body believe that Vagina was supposed to be there. Maybe they'd still use the Vas Deferens to provide lubrication? Now there is cutting edge research in which researchers are growing whole organs in test animals. So, I wonder if it would be posible to use DNA from the male subject and induce it to grow a Vagina. In a hundred years, maybe they could just fix T girls in infancy.

So, with that out of the way, Maybe they could pump fat from your tummy into your butt to inflate it. I almost did that in Thailand, but it was $12,000 I did not have. So, combined with some abdominal fat, and the plastic implants they use on that, plus a little lift, you could have an astonishing butt.

Apparently, there is a fair amount of Vocal Cord surgery done; much of it due to throat cancer, but at least some is done as part of feminization proceedures as in the story. I can only wish. I'd like a Goldy Hawn voice, thank you very much! :) Thankfully mine is passable as it is. As it turns out, I was straining to have a male voice and when I stopped things got much better.

Cheek implantation is fairly common, and in going back to look at sites that I have not visited in years, I find that all sorts of facial surgery are posible if you are flush with money. Hopefully, the subject would not have the Male Pattern Baldness gene. Apparently, a significant number of the Showgirls in Vegas are T but they have had amazing things done to their faces.

This last part is still, today, beyond the "event horizon", I think. For a moment, let's assume that the subject is prepubescent. Advanced testing proceedures have allowed doctors to determine that the child is in fact irrevocably a girl in a boy's body.

The field of endocrinology is so involved that some Doctors make that a specialty. There are inumerable hormones and chemicals in our bodies, and they differ strikingly from female to male. Even if you could, giving a prepubescent boy estrogen after you castrated him would not a female make. ("As Nature Made Him", John Colapinto)(I still can not imagine a surgeon inept enought to mess up a circucision that much !)

So, moving right along, by this time, geneticists and other Doctors have found a reliable way to predict being GID, and have truly determined that it is a form of Intersex. So, it begs the question: can the most caring techniques give the child a happy life of their prefered gender? Can a prebubescent body be coaxed to change course and with minimal intervention become female. Perhaps a small abdominal implant would encourage the body to become more female, growing the full choir of female organs; changes in pelvic construction, and all the subtle things that make a body female. And perhaps, all the dangly bits can be persuaded to grow on the body of another.

Much peace


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