Looking for a Story

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Wasn't going to bother anyone, but with the search function down and no luck looking through the author list, I figured I'd ask.

There was a popular series here about a teen-aged T-girl who was an excellent locksmith. She also helped out caring for a baby at a home across the street from hers. Can't remember the title or author.

Thanks, Eric

Save bandwith

Can someone post a link to Chapter 1 so that we don't all waste precious server bandwidth scroffing through 100 pages of listings of 'Bike' chapters, looking for the needle in a haystack?

BTW Angharad; have you unpubbed a lot of stuff? Bike 1 is only preceded by two posts, both blogs. I'm sure there are earlier stories.


There goes another evening...

... I am pleased to say.

PS I didn't use a Search engine because I haven't had much success in the past. I clearly need to revise that view, and it was rather hypocritical of me anyway - in another life I am always chiding those who post questions without having first tried their best to find the answer for themselves.

Back Door...

Puddintane's picture

Also, remember that Big Closet is indexed on the Web.

Searching for locksmith "Big Closet" found one entry to Totally Insane in the first few hits, as well as this question.



A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style




A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style