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A Spirited Emergence
Episode 9: The circle widens
Copyright © 2010 D.L.
All Rights Reserved. |
I spend most of Saturday morning asleep. Using my powers to project myself into school is exhausting. I have been eating twice as much as normal and I’m heading to bed an hour earlier each night.
My father has gone grocery shopping with my Aunt and cousin by the time I get up. My Uncle is at work. Some customers are willing to pay extra to have their carpets and curtains fitted at the weekend, instead of having to take time off work during the week.
We have invited Aunt Janice, Uncle Richard, and Susan to dinner on Sunday with the intention of revealing my secret to the adults. Therefore it’s necessary for Jenny to be absent on Saturday. As I want to give my new-found abilities a rest, I decide it will be easier to disappear for the day.
I get up around 11am and make myself some brunch. I dress in my blue denim skirt. I have on my sports bra, over which there is a plain white t-shirt and my old blue-checked shirt. It’s made of thick material, and it will keep me warm if it turns cold. I have on some thick white sports socks and my new hiking boots.
I load my rucksack up with some waterproofs, a blanket, and an umbrella, and sneak out the back gate to head down to the river.
After an hour’s walk, I find a clearing in the woodland lining the river valley. I get the blanket out of my bag and spread it on the ground next to a tree. I then sit down, using the tree as a backrest, and proceed to complete most of the week’s homework assignments.
It starts to rain about 4pm. Swiftly packing up, I put my waterproofs on, and trek back home. I take a less roundabout route home, and arrive back half an hour later. I quickly check where the various members of my family are with my remote vision. Happy that my father is home alone I continue through the back gate, across the garden, and into the kitchen. He’s vacuum cleaning the dining room when I arrive. He stops and comes into the kitchen when he hears me enter.
After exchanging greetings, it’s time to go upstairs and take a nice relaxing bubble bath. After my bath, I return to my room wrapped in towels and look through my wardrobe. I get out a knee-length maroon pleated skirt and a red shirt. I have washed my hair so I put it up wrapped in a towel.
My father continues to clean the house while I put some potatoes on to boil, and warm some oil in a frying pan. I fry some pork medallions and when nearly done, I put some plates into warm, and zap some baked beans in the microwave.
Later that evening, Susan pops round to give me a lesson in hair care. I already know the basics of styling, but never had much opportunity to practice until now, as I had to keep my hairstyle unisex. Before my change, my hair was almost black, and came down to just below the top of my shoulders. In school, I usually tied it back into a short low ponytail.
When I was in girl mode, I wore it loose in a long pixie-type cut. Depending on the direction I combed, I could also have bangs. The effect was subtle, but I could portray either a tomboy or an effeminate boy. I was willing to be regarded as a bit of a sissy if it allowed me the flexibility to cross-dress. I’m now a red head. My hair is also longer, coming down and almost covering my breasts. It also seems to have more volume than before. Up until now, I have been using very simple styles. Most of the time, I have had my hair in a high ponytail, as that’s quick to accomplish. I have also worn it in both single and double braids.
I want to do something special in the morning, so Susan is going to help me experiment. We try several styles, but the one I like the best is a mixture of several styles. I end up with two narrow inch-wide braids, one each side of my head, running from my forehead round above my ears and meeting at a bun on the back of my head. The rest of my hair falls from underneath the bun, straight down my back. We decide it would look even better with a slight wave, so I end up wearing rollers to bed.
I have a slight lay in on Sunday morning and arise around 9am. I descend to the kitchen in my pyjamas and satin dressing gown. As I enter, my father is putting a piece of beef in the oven for lunch. I get myself some breakfast cereal and a cup of coffee. My father has already made a cup for himself.
I spend most of the morning finishing off my homework. There were some bits of research I need to do on the internet that I couldn’t do while out yesterday. Around eleven I start to get ready for our guests.
I first sort my hair out by removing the curlers and giving it a good brush out. I then recreate the hairstyle from the evening before, only this time it looks even better with waves of hair running down my back instead of being straight.
I apply simple makeup. I quite like my freckled cheeks, I think they look cute, so I don’t want to cover them with foundation or blush. Lightly dusting my face, just enough to take the shine off, I apply some mascara and outline my eyes with a black line to emphasis them, then add some red lipstick. Using red nail polish, my fingers and toes are soon decorated.
I remove my gown and pyjamas and start to get dressed in the outfit I have chosen. I start with a garter belt and then roll some black stockings up my long smooth legs before pulling on a pair of sexy red lace panties. Wrapping my strapless push-up bra around me, I secure it in place so that it cups and lifts my bosom.
Taking my dress from its hanger, I step into it and zip it up. There is a small hook and eye at the top, to make sure that the zip can’t come undone. This would be fiddly to do up for most people, but I have the added advantage of being able to see my own back.
The dress is a dark red and strapless, the top coming straight across the top of my chest from just below my armpits. It’s shaped round my breasts becoming narrow at the waist, emphasising my figure. Below the waist is attached a pleated skirt section that comes down to just below my knees. The join between body and skirt isn’t straight, but is instead V-shaped. The bottom of the V is in the middle in front of my crotch and extends upwards over my hips before levelling off and going straight across my back. The material is uniform in colour, but has tiny fleurs-de-lis arranged in a diamond pattern all over it.
I put on my red t-bar shoes with a two-inch heel. I get out and wear my new ladies’ watch. It has a white dial with black numbers, the bezel and buckle are gold-coloured with a thin black leather strap. I finish off with a gold chain round my neck from which is hung a single gold teardrop with a ruby in the centre and affix matching earrings.
I then wait upstairs until our guests have arrived. The three of them turn up shortly after noon. Uncle Richard and my father are both wearing chinos and casual shirts. Aunt Janice is wearing a green summer dress.
Susan is wearing a cream blouse and a blue plaid skirt. Normally she would have been in jeans, but made an exception today. As I am going formal, she didn’t want to go overboard and upstage me, while on the other hand needed to be smart enough to support the special occasion. I am watching events remotely from upstairs.
Dad sits everybody down and pours each person a glass of sherry. Once everyone has sat down, it’s time to make my entrance. Our living room has two couches and a matching chair. My Aunt and Uncle are sat on one couch and Susan on the other. My father is stood by the chair. I slowly descended the stairs and glide into the room.
Susan gives me a wolf whistle as I pass her, which I simply ignore. My father hands me a glass of sherry, saying, “You look gorgeous, honey.”
I take a sip and place it down on the coffee table. “Thank you, daddy,” I reply. I then kiss him on the cheek, leaving him with a bright red lipstick imprint, before turning to face our guests as my father introduces me.
“I believe you have all briefly met, but I would like to formally introduce you to my daughter, Jennifer Alice Palmer.” I smile and curtsy. My father then adds with a smile, “I decided to trade David in for a more beautiful model.”
“I’m an upgraded refit, not a trade in!” I reply sharply. Turning to Susan, who is sat laughing on the couch, I add, “and you can cut that out, or I might decide to give you a real reason to laugh. I know where your ticklish spots are.”
“Two can play at that game,” Susan replies mischievously.
“Yes, but I’m not ticklish am I,” I confidently retort.
“Your old body might not have been, David, but I haven’t tested this new version yet,” she says, twitching her fingers at me menacingly.
“True,” I concede, “but now is not the time to test it.”
My aunt and uncle are watching this surreal exchange with both amusement and puzzlement. My father then explains further, “I know this is quite a shock, but this is, or at least until recently was, David. I was most surprised when I walked into David’s room last Sunday to find this young beauty asleep in my son’s bed. Exactly what has caused this is still a mystery, but David’s body has undergone a spontaneous gender change.”
“Nice try John,” my aunt responds, “but this is one wind up that’s simply too unbelievable. I have seen both Jenny and David several times this week. In order for this to be true, David must have the ability to change sex at will.”
“I do, I’ll show you,” I reply. With that, I sit down on the couch next to Susan and stand back up again as David, leaving my now unconscious body on the couch behind me. “Is this proof enough?” I ask.
Susan decides now is the time to test if I’m ticklish, as she starts to attack my defenceless unconscious body. It would appear my new body is ticklish. At first, my projected form reacts, as I start to squirm and laugh where I’m standing as David. However, I can’t maintain my projection under such stimulus, and after a couple of seconds, I’m forced to return to my body to defend myself. I retaliate by tickling Susan back, having the advantage of knowing exactly where to aim. Susan has yet to discover my weak spots. We quickly call a truce and end the silliness.
I explain what has happened to me on that Friday. We then serve and eat lunch. During the afternoon, I relate some more of the events of the past week. Although the adults are concerned about me being bullied, they all have a good laugh at the changing room incident.
It has taken some time, but by late afternoon, my aunt and uncle had come to accept the new me. By the end of the evening, we have all become closer as a family.
On Monday morning, Susan and I follow our new routine, stopping at the shop for my usual body switch.
I am getting the distinct impression that something is going on while I sit in homeroom during morning roll call. Dimwit and Thicky seem too pleased with themselves, as if they are planning some nefarious scheme. I will need to make sure to be extra careful between lessons in case they try to jump me again.
During second period, I am scheduled to take an English Literature lesson. We have been studying Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Having completed the text, we are now watching a film adaptation for comparison. As our lessons are only an hour long, we can’t watch it in one sitting so having watched the first half in the previous lesson, we are watching the remainder today.
Our teacher, Mr Spencer, has the movie on a DVD, and he is playing it on a laptop hooked up to a projector at the front of the room. He has set it going and then sat at the back of the room out of the way. About 20 minutes into the video, the movie is suddenly replaced by footage of me wearing girl’s clothes. The footage is from before my change and shows me walking with Susan down by the river.
We both look alike and if the footage was just of me, I could possibly claim it to be Susan, but this isn’t possible with both of us in shot. I recognise the location. The footage must have been shot from the other side of the river using a zoom lens. I certainly don’t recall seeing anybody filming me. There is no sound with the recording. Instead, whoever made the clip superimposed a simple tune over the top.
To make sure everybody knows who this is of, the wording ‘David Palmer’ appears across the top of the screen, and ‘Perverted transvestite faggot’ across the bottom.
Everybody in the room is caught by surprise. Mr Spencer dashes to the front and stops the video, but it’s already too late to save my embarrassment. There is already a mixture of laughter and wolf whistling filling the air.
“Silence!” Mr Spencer calls as he removes the disc from the laptop and takes a closer look. “This isn’t the disc I prepared for the lesson; somebody has been tampering with my equipment.”
The room goes quiet. I have turned a nice shade of red and I’m trying hard not to lose it and start crying. I take some deep breaths and concentrate on remaining focused and in control. I’m projecting into the school from the empty shop unit again, and the last thing I need is to get distracted by my emotions and simply vanish.
I quickly regain my composure. I always knew that this was a risk and have already decided on an action plan in case something like this happened. I will not try to deny anything, and openly tell the truth if questioned, but not volunteer information unless directly asked. If this means openly acknowledging my gender variance, then I will do so.
I have an additional option since my change. Originally, I had thought that it might be possible to start at another school, hopefully as a girl. Now David could simply disappear. Not even my relatives could believe David and Jenny are the same person, so I don’t think anybody else will be able to make the connection. Of course, I still have the legal identification problem to solve, which is the Achilles heel of my plan. In addition, Homeland Security appears to be watching for people disappearing, so that alone is incentive not to do so.
Mr Spencer has been looking over at me with a concerned look on his face. Seeing that I have regained my composure he addresses the room. “This is no laughing matter. Not only has school property been tampered with, which is serious in its own right, but this constitutes a direct attack on one of our students. Now I don’t know the circumstances of how this film was shot, so I can’t say if it would be classed as an invasion of privacy, but the wording added on top could definitely be described as libellous.”
He looks around the room before continuing, “I want to know who did this or you’re all going to end up in detention.”
Everybody sits in silence waiting to see if anybody will own up. It doesn’t look like anybody is going to respond. I am in enough trouble without getting resentment from ending up in detention so I decide to speak up.
“I don’t think it was anybody in here, Sir,” I begin. All eyes turn in my direction, “I have a good idea who would want to do this, I just can’t prove it. That piece of music was the tune to ‘Daisy, Daisy’. I have been called Daisy on many occasions, but not by anybody here as far as I can remember.”
“As to the contents of the video,” I continue, “yes, that is me and I won’t deny being cross-dressed. I do object to the caption. I find the terminology both inaccurate and offensive.”
Mr Spencer considers what I have said before answering. “Very well, I won’t issue a detention.” A collective sigh of relief fills the room, “But I would like a word with you, David, after class. The rest of you may leave when the lesson ends, however please do not discuss this incident. Any rumours or harassment of Mr Palmer will not be tolerated.” He then looks through his briefcase and finds a backup version of the disc. “Good job I burnt a second copy,” he remarks as he puts the new disc in the laptop. After checking that this version has not been tampered with, he resumes the video.
Nothing more is said about the video clip and the lesson continues as normal. After the bell rings for the start of morning recess, Mr Spencer asks me to accompany him. There are a number of small offices around the school, which belong to various departments. We enter the English department’s office and shut the door so that we can talk alone.
“First I would like to apologise,” Mr Spencer starts, “if I had paid closer attention to the disc I would have realised it wasn’t the one I prepared.” I nodded and he continues, “I can understand you not wanting to openly accuse anybody of doing this, so I won’t force you to name anyone. I know that there have been several incidents between yourself and Dwain Scott. Do you think that he is responsible for this?”
“He would be my prime suspect,” I reply, “He first came up with the idea of calling me Daisy. He has also tried to blackmail me before with pictures of me dressed as a girl, only last time it was a photo taken at a Halloween fancy dress party with me dressed as Alice in Wonderland. That particular incident backfired on him and he has been hostile to me ever since.”
“Ah, yes, I remember that incident. The canteen is not the best place to try and conduct blackmail,” Mr Spencer smiles at the memory.
“I presume you are aware of what happened last week when he tried to chase me and ended up following Susan into the girls’ changing room?” I ask.
“Yes, I heard what happened from coach Sanders. None of us can quite work out how you both managed to trick him into that, although even if it was you who went into the girls’ changing rooms you would think he would have had enough sense not to follow,” Mr Spencer states.
“He can be a dimwit at times,” I laugh, “which is why I’m surprised he can manage to pull off a trick like this. He must have had help. His usual partner-in-crime is Freddy, but he’s just as brainless as Dwain. They both had a smug look on their faces this morning. I thought they might be planning something, but I didn’t expect this.”
Mr Spencer nods in agreement, “I am going to have a word with Dwain and Freddy, as they are obvious candidates anyway. Unfortunately I suspect they will simply deny it and we won’t be able prove anything.”
“I fully expect that to be the case,” I agree.
“I guess things are about to get very difficult for you now that this has happened,” Mr Spencer states. “You don’t have to talk about this if you are uncomfortable with the subject. Anything you say will be in confidence and I will only speak to other staff on a need to know basis. Do your parents know about your cross-dressing? You obviously have the help of at least one friend.”
I trust Mr Spencer. He’s a good teacher and an honest person. I decide to admit some details, “I only have my Father. He’s a single parent. I kept it hidden from him for a long time but he recently caught me en-femme. We’ve had a long heart-to-heart discussion on the subject and he’s willing to support me. The other person in the video is my cousin, Susan Potter. She has known about my feminine side for years. We actually told her parents about me yesterday and after some initial disbelief, they have come to accept what I am. This won’t cause any problems for me at home.”
“That is good to know,” he replies, “you say you have been cross-dressing for a long time. I presume that means you are unlikely to be stopping any time soon.”
“Correct,” I state, “in fact the only time I now present myself as male is during school hours. The rest of the time, I present as a girl. I classify myself as transgendered and eventually I intend to transition fully, but there are protocols that have to be followed, and these take time.”
Mr Spencer looks at me for a few moments before answering. “You always have been slightly different from the other boys. In fact, I wasn’t sure of your gender until I learnt your name. I will discretely have words with your homeroom teacher and the Principal. You’re in Mr Francis’s homeroom?” I nod and he continues, “I think it best if we set up a meeting with your father. This school operates a strict equal opportunities policy and we won’t allow any discrimination or harassment. If you have any problems then you’re welcome to come and find me.”
“Thank you Sir,” I smile, relieved at his reaction.
He stands to leave and opens the door. Susan, Tracy and Mary, my three closest, and possibly now only, friends are waiting outside the door. I am enveloped by a group hug. I hand my bag to Susan, “Can you hold on to this, I need to pop to the loo.” Susan knows that means I want to end my projection.
I enter the boys’ bathroom. The only toilet cubicle is occupied. There is another boy at one of the urinals. As he currently has his back to me, and therefore hasn’t seen me, I safely do my vanishing act.
Back in my body in the closed shop unit, I quickly grab a coke and a bar of chocolate and dash into the loo. My primary concern is to replenish my energy; going to the loo is actually a secondary priority that could have waited until lunchtime. I drink and eat as fast as I can while I have a pee.
Returning to my sun lounger, I sit back down and remotely view the bathroom. There are now several boys inside, although none of them are looking in the direction of the entrance. David appears behind the door and leaves the bathroom before any of them notice. The girls are waiting for me outside.
Susan mouths sorry to me while the others aren’t looking. I nod my head slightly in acknowledgement. It is obvious that they don’t want to leave me alone. As the bell is about to ring I am escorted to my next lesson.
Tracy is in all but a few of my lessons and we always sit together. Susan shares about a quarter of her classes with me, as does Mary. Between the three of them, I have at least one of them with me all the time. The only exception is Physical Education, where the girls and boys are separated to play different sports. However, as I have been temporarily excluded by the nurse, this is no longer an issue.
The next lesson passes without incident. I can hear some whispering going on behind my back, but nobody confronts me.
As we break for lunch I realise I have a new problem. Up until now, I have been able to slip away unnoticed. However, my friends have decided that I need safety in numbers, and won’t let me simply disappear. I can’t pretend to be in the loo for an hour.
I am with Tracy and Mary. Susan will no doubt meet with us soon; she was in a different classroom last period.
Suddenly there is a loud bang and a scream. I immediately home in on the source with my remote vision to see Susan standing in front of her open locker, soaking wet. I start running towards Susan’s location calling to the others to follow me.
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Ho hum...
Dwain and Freddy are really excelling themselves this time - first by tampering with the DVD, then by booby trapping Susan's locker. Of course, nobody saw them do it, so they'll get away with it... again!
As for what to do at the end of the day, perhaps it's time to let Tracy and Mary in on the secret? Then maybe if the four of them put their heads together, they could devise a scheme that would somehow use Jenny's abilities to catch Dwain and Freddy red handed...
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Well, the point is not
Catching them red-handed, it's proving the color of the hand.
The plan, as it was, isn't nearly something they could have come up with. They wouldn't have been watching Jenny and Susan in the first place, especially with these kind of optics. They were working under someone, for some time, apparently.
Possibly, David is long under someone's scrutiny, however the nature of Jenny's powers and the timing threw the hounds off track. Also, I think that perhaps those two were set up to take the brunt of possible emergent's wrath, who would then be forced to run and 'helped' by a 'good samaritan'.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
A Spirited Emergence - Episode 09
Would be poetic justice for those two creeps to transform as she had.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Dimwit and Thicky... seem to be performing well beyond their apparent intellectual abilities in this campaign against David/Daisy/Jenny.
One wonders who else is involved, and probably directing the action.
One good thing though is the evident support that the English teacher provided.
Pity about the forced outing though. Why do some people get off thinking that they have the right to share this sort of private information about others? Particularly when they believe that doing so will serve to shame and embarrass. These are the sort of events that follow and shape a person for the rest of their lives.
Puppet Strings
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
Some things are coming out...
But how will that affect the rest. And I hope Susan's okay. Obviously she can't be an Emergent, but someone else can.