Looking for a Story/Story Request


Sorry if this is in the wrong place (not sure where to put it). I've come asking for help to find a particular type of story. I literally went through every single category (so many unclassified ones it's crazy) and still couldn't find what I was looking for.

Essentially what I'm trying to find is a story with a female obsessed with the protagonist (who is either female already or more likely Male->Female). This powerful female is in a position of authority/power and desires/wants the protagonist as her own. That's a general outline of what I'm looking for. I feel like I must have been looking in the wrong place because I can't find any! I guess the other caveat that would limit the results is that I'm not looking for a story about humiliation. In general the two characters will not be in a relationship prior to the obsession of the female. She may or may not be responsible for the protagonist's transformation. I want the story generally written in the protagonist's POV but am flexible (as I just want to find any story!). So... yeah, once again female obsessed with protagonist, powerful, wants to make him/her hers, preferably to fall in love with her but any type of property/master-slave relationship is fine. And, the point of the story is not humiliation! Some can happen but only in the female's desire to make the protagonist hers, not just to humiliate him/her.

Thanks all.

P.S. I have no idea what the Author thing is that I had to chose from for this post. I just put New Author because I'm lost.