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A Spirited Emergence
Episode 7: Back to school
Copyright © 2010 D.L.
All Rights Reserved. |
My cousins’ family arrives home around 10pm. I don’t actually speak to Susan this evening, as it’s getting late. However, I have left a note on her pillow to come across to my house half an hour earlier in the morning. Projecting into her room and writing a note is no problem. Although if needed we do have a key, so I could have done it the conventional way.
I make sure my alarm is set for Monday before going to sleep. I have set it to go off earlier at 7am instead of half past.
The alarm wakes me up, and I proceed to get out of bed. I head across into the bathroom and take a quick shower, amongst other activities, returning to my room wrapped in a bath towel and get dressed in my school clothes. Although I won’t actually be entering the school as a girl, I think I will look less conspicuous dressed the same as everybody else.
I start with a clean pair of panties. They are a new pair that I got yesterday. Although I have been wearing panties for a while, most of the ones I had could be considered unisex. You have to look hard to tell the difference. These ones are pale blue and have lacy bits around the edges. They also have less material around the sides, but still cover a lot of skin in case I accidentally show them off.
I put on one of my new white bras. I have been wearing a training bra once or twice a week for the last two years, so fastening it behind my back is no problem. Since my change, it’s actually easier, as I seem to be a little more flexible. It’s also very handy being able to remote view your own back.
I pick out one of my new navy blue skirts, step into it and zip it up. I then get a new white blouse out. Originally, I was going to keep wearing my old shirts, but my father has bought me some blouses instead. They are slightly different to my normal shirts in that the buttons are the other way round and the collars have rounded ends to them instead of being pointed. They also fit better as they are tailored for my shape, being wider at the chest and narrower at the waist rather than being straight.
I finish off by putting on my school sweater, socks and shoes. I make sure I have my watch on. It isn’t a very girlish model, as it’s a digital sports watch. However, it has countdown and alarm functions, and I will need these later.
I would normally clip my keys to my pants using one of the belt hoops. They are on a chain so I can keep them in my pocket. However, I no longer have that option, as the skirt doesn’t have pockets. I instead make sure they are attached to my school bag. I actually hope to be able to project a working key, as this will make life easier.
Heading into the kitchen, I get myself some breakfast cereal. There is already a cup of coffee waiting for me. While I was dressing, my father has disappeared into the bathroom.
Susan sneaks in the back door as I rinse my dish, cup and spoon in the sink.
“Where is Uncle John, his car is still in the drive?” she asks, concerned about me being seen by my father.
“Upstairs in the bathroom,” I reply, “don’t panic.”
I grab the hand towel and dry my hands. Just then, my father walks into the kitchen.
“Hi Susan, morning Jenny,” he greets us. “Jenny, I hope you and David got some sleep last night. I know it’s cramped in that single bed. If you are going to sleep over more often, then we may have to buy a bigger bed.”
Susan is at a loss for words. I decide to play along with my dad and add, “we managed to get some sleep eventually Mr Palmer. I hope my groaning didn’t keep you awake. I did try to keep the noise down, but it’s difficult to concentrate in the heat of the moment.”
Susan is now eyeing us both suspiciously. I don’t think she is buying the idea that my father would let his 14-year-old son have underage sex with his girlfriend.
My father laughs. “Come on, it’s time to get you three to school,” he says, picking up and finishing his half-full cup of coffee.
I choose to put Susan out of her misery. “It’s all right, Dad knows everything. He woke me up with a drink yesterday morning. He got a bit of a shock seeing a girl sleeping in his son’s bed. I decided to come clean.”
Susan signs with relief. “You two had me going for a minute there. Considering all the weirdness over the last few days I wasn’t sure what to believe.”
My father loads up a large cool box with items from the fridge then starts to head out to the car. As he gets to the back door, he pauses and calls out, “Jenny, you didn’t keep me awake last night, I was reading my book. You know you sound just like your mother did when reaching climax. Volume must run in the family. My sister was always quite loud, and if what she tells me is correct, Susan here can generate some decibels as well.” He then walks out the door chuckling before we have time to respond.
Both Susan and I colour up, speechless. I don’t know which of us is redder, and with my complexion, I have a head start. The trouble is, I was testing the hairbrush last night, and although I think I kept the noise down, I am now not sure if he is joking or serious.
We load the car up with the cool box, our bikes, an old garden sun lounger, and some blankets. It’s a tight squeeze to get two bikes in, but we manage with half the rear seat folded down.
While we drive, I fill Susan in on the slight change of plan regarding my location, and yesterday’s events. We arrive at the shop units on Hamilton Road. There are four units with customer parking at the front, and loading space at the rear. We drive round the back and up to the loading door for the empty unit. There are two doors going inside from the rear. The first is a normal width door, which my father unlocks and opens. The other is a larger roller door for bringing in stock.
The open door leads in to a small corridor heading to the back of the main shop floor. To our left is a small stock room that the other external door accesses. On the right is a small office. The main shop floor fills most of the unit’s area. It’s empty apart from a counter near the main entrance where a till would normally be placed. All the other fixtures and fittings are missing.
We enter the office. In the corner is a stainless steel kitchen sink. My father runs some water to make sure that the supply is on. At the other end of the room, we find a door to a bathroom. There’s a counter with two small hand basins and two toilet cubicles, both identical except for the symbols on the doors.
The sun lounger is set up in the office for me to lie on. Also placed in the room is the cool box with my food supply, and some blankets in case I get cold, as there’s no heating switched on and I won’t be moving round much.
I lay down on the lounger, covering myself with a blanket. I can’t be seen from outside as the only windows are high level. The front of the shop has metal shutters covering the windows and door. The rear isn’t boarded up, but the windows are small and contain wired glass.
Susan and my father wait outside while I prepare myself. We are going to try to speak to the nurse. This means that I’ll need to be able to be examined if necessary. Projecting my old body into the room, but this time naked, I quickly check myself over to make sure I’m happy that the projection is foolproof. I enlarged my chest a fraction, something I have discussed with my father, before getting dressed and returning outside, locking the door behind me. There is another key inside. We called at my father’s office on the way home yesterday and picked up the keys. We stopped and got some extra keys made in one of the shops nearby.
We then drive round the corner to the school. Susan and I unload the bikes and deposit them in the bike shed while my father heads for the school office.
Shortly after roll call, the school nurse enters my homeroom and asks for me. I quickly gather my things and follow the nurse to her office. Everybody knew I had been off sick on Friday afternoon, so it isn’t unexpected when the nurse arrives. She often has a brief chat with students returning from time off sick.
We entered the nurse’s office and my father is sitting in one of the chairs in front of the desk. I guess at what will happen next, if a parent is present, it usually means a full examination. The nurse is limited in what she can do without parental consent.
The nurse, Mrs Carter, a plump older woman, motions for me to sit in other chair before sitting down at her desk. “Your father tells me that you are becoming embarrassed about the way your body is developing and that this is causing a lot of anxiety about using the changing facilities, especially when you have to use the communal showers. He is concerned that the migraine attack last week could have been stress related and triggered by you having gym class that afternoon.”
I nod showing my embarrassment, and start to cry softly.
“Please climb onto the bed and remove your sweater and shirt so that I can examine you.”
I do as instructed. Underneath my shirt, I am wearing a silk camisole. At her questioning glance, I respond, “My chest, especially my nipples, can get quite sore by the end of the day, so I wear this on days I don’t have to change for gym.”
She then proceeds to examine my chest. I wince slightly at her touch. “Your chest is a little tender and larger than average. It doesn’t help that you are slightly overweight.” She finishes her examination and makes some notes on my file. “You appear to have the onset of a condition known as gynomastasia. You are developing breasts as a girl would. This can happen to boys going through puberty and usually rectifies itself after a while. Would you consent to a genital examination? I would like to check if everything is normal.”
I nod and dropped my pants and underwear. She proceeds to feel my gonads before returning to her desk to write more notes.
“Thank you, you can get dressed now.” I quickly put my clothes back on before she continues. “You seem to be underdeveloped for your age. It would appear that you have started puberty, but your body is giving mixed signals. You may be suffering from a hormone imbalance. I suggest you make an appointment with your doctor to get this investigated as soon as possible.”
She then takes my temperature and blood pressure. I am worried that this might not work, but it seems my projected form is able to generate heat to warm the thermometer, and my arm is solid enough to provide a reading.
“I can see why you are anxious while using the changing and shower facilities. I also see from your file that there have been several instances of bullying recently, noted by the coach.” The nurse concludes. “Your blood pressure is slightly high, possibly due to stress. I am therefore signing you out of P.E. lessons for the next fortnight. Please report to the front office during those periods instead of going to the sports halls.”
We thank her and leave the office. First lesson has already started so I’m provided with a note to explain my absence.
As we leave the nurse’s office, a woman in a smart business suit emerges from the Principal’s office.
“Thank you for your time, Mr Edwards,” she pronounces while shaking the principals hand.
“I am sorry I wasn’t able to help in your enquiries, Mrs Stapleton. If any of my students do go missing, I will let you know,” Mr Edwards replies as he shows her out of the front door.
I say farewell to my father before heading to my first lesson. On the way, I slip into the boys’ bathroom. It’s empty as expected during lessons.
The visitor to the school has caught my attention, so I spy on her with remote vision as she gets into her car, placing her briefcase onto the passenger seat. Once sat behind the wheel she reaches over an opens the case. Inside there are a number of files marked with a Homeland Security logo and confidential in big red letters. She pulls out a list of the local schools and makes a note next to our school’s entry of ‘no known candidates.’ The paperwork is returned to the briefcase, which is locked and placed under the front passenger seat. Mrs Stapleton then drives away.
I may be paranoid, but I get the feeling that it could be connected to the events at the weekend. Perhaps I’m not the only person to have experienced a sudden change of appearance and to manifest strange abilities. My decision to keep my change as secret as possible might turn out to be a wise one. If I’m being hunted, then it may be best to lie as low as possible.
I put my rucksack down on the counter and step into the middle of the room. I relax and let my projection become more ghostlike. My clothes fall to the floor through my body leaving me naked as I step away from them. I look down at myself and make my crotch change from male to female. My normal school attire then appears on my projected form.
Scooping up my discarded garments, they are quickly folded and put into a bag. Leaving the room, the clothes are deposited in my locker on the way to class. Most lockers are in our homerooms, however as my homeroom is one of the science labs, our lockers are in a nearby corridor instead.
Walking into the lesson five minutes late, I place the note on the teacher’s desk, and sit in my usual place. Mr Carpenter simply nods at my arrival and pauses while I take my seat. I assume one of my peers has told him that I was with the nurse.
Morning lessons progress as normal. At morning break, I go to the school library and leave my bag at the desk in the entrance. It’s a rule that all bags have to be left at the door. There are tables at the front for the purpose, overlooked by the librarian’s desk. I walk through the seating area, where a number of students are sat, and round behind one of the bookshelves. While nobody is looking, I vanish.
Back in the deserted shop, I get up from where I have been laying and stretch my legs. I quickly use the bathroom before returning to my seat and consuming a bar of chocolate, while also drinking a bottle of lemonade. This is followed by spending the next fifteen minutes dozing before my watch alarm beeps to denote my time is up. I quickly picture the school and look around remotely to find somewhere to appear. The library is too busy, but I find a spot beneath a stairwell to emerge from and appear there. I retrieve my bag before heading into my next lesson.
I use the same trick at lunchtime. We have a full hour for lunch, so I disappear as soon as I can. Once back in my body I eat my lunch, having worked up quite an appetite by projecting, and follow up by a half hour catnap. My watch wakes me up ten minutes before the end of the lunch period, allowing me to return to school feeling refreshed.
By the end of the day, I’m getting tired, but the situation is manageable. After classes are over I quickly meet up with Susan and we head out to the bike sheds. We try to get away as quickly as possible so we don’t get harassed. Once we have collected our bikes, we ride round to the empty shop. We wait for some kids to pass, and then sneak round the back. Once out of sight I get Susan to hold onto my bike while I cease projection. I grab the cool box and leave through the back door, making sure it is secure.
I meet Susan outside and fix the box to the back of my bike with the aid of some bungee cords. I have a wire rack over the back wheel, and although slightly large, the box can be secured.
My bike doesn’t have a high crossbar, which means it can be ridden while wearing a skirt. Strictly speaking, it is a girl’s bike, but it’s unisex enough to get away with. I climb on and start to ride home, having only ridden in a skirt a few times before, it feels odd, but strangely satisfying to do so.
I realise that I will need to adjust the seat and handle bar heights when I get home, as they don’t feel quite right. I know I have longer legs and I think my arms may be an inch or two shorter. It’s hard to tell, as the sleeves on my sweater have always been slightly long.
We split up at the end of our road and go to our homes. Having adjusted my bike, I head upstairs to change, ditching the school sweater and skirt, and hanging them up for tomorrow. I put on a sleeveless red denim top with built in mini-skirt that barely covers my derriere. I remove my socks and shoes and put on some thick red opaque pantyhose, so that I won’t be showing off my panties. I love the feel of the material tight against my legs.
Putting on my new fluffy slippers, I head back down to the kitchen table. I get my homework out of my school bag and settle down to work, being joined shortly afterwards by Susan. We spend the next hour and a half working through our homework. During that time, I put a casserole in to cook for myself and my father to consume later.
Susan is surprised when she sees what I’m wearing. She doesn’t think my father will approve, however I point out that he was with me when I bought it. In fact, he had suggested it in the first place!
When my father gets home, we discuss how things have gone and decide to play things by ear for the time being.
Tuesday morning Susan and I ride to school as normal, taking a detour so that I can switch bodies at the shop unit. I follow the same routine as the day before, projecting into school and discretely disappearing at recess and lunch to recharge my energy levels.
Wednesday morning is slightly different as I am due to have gym class. As everyone else disappears off to the changing rooms, I divert to the main office. Explaining to the secretary who I am and why I’m there, I’m instructed to report to the library instead. The librarian is expecting me and sets me to work cataloguing new books. The books require a barcode inside the front cover, which is then scanned and entered into the computer system.
Things were going fine until Wednesday lunchtime, when I hear one of my regular tormentors call out to me, “Hey, Daisy, have you been avoiding us?”
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How did she...
Why didn't anyone from the Center or the Syndicate notice her emergence? I thought that they had rsychics for that? Not that I mind-I think the kidnapping of the emerged is wrong. I like the idea of her projections, and I want to see more of this story!
A Spirited Emergence - Episode 07
Like how story is going. But wonder why her emergence was not caught by Syndicate or Center.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Re: failure of Center/Syndicate detection
the visitor was HLS (Homeland Security), so the Center *did* detect her emergence, but probably not what ability she had... as such, when they see male David after the scheduled second emergence, they think it was a false positive result from the precog: only a *possible* future, that didn't occur. if the Syndicate got a similar vision, they might not have even bothered to respond, since they saw nothing powerfully useful happen(like most any -kinetic, or tele/em -path). i think this one may be safe in the public, but loosely watched by the Center.
The Syndicate
It all depends on what the timeline of this story is too. If it takes place after the fall of Section Four, then the Syndicate is definitely not what it used to be. They might have detected her but might not see her as something worth their time, who knows. They're a strange bunch and they work on many different levels.
I'm curious to see where this story is going.
It's going to be interesting... see how Jenny handles her "regular tormentors."
Its somewhat gratifying when bullies get their comeuppance, and learn what it's like when the boot's on the other foot.
Projected Strategies
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
Detection by the Center
The are a number of questions as to why the Center hasn't picked Jenny up.
The Center suspects that there is an emergent having read details of the Bank Heist. Mrs Stapleton, the Centers information officer is currently going round local schools looking to see if any students have disappeared, having undergone a sex change. They haven't found Jenny because:
The Center and/or the Syndicate may turn up later, but at the moment, Jenny has other concerns to keep her busy.
Center / Others
I'd imagine that if The Center did discover Jenny, they'd probably initially just hire someone to keep a loose eye on her, as she seems to be doing OK and both her dad and best friend know of her change. They might possibly schedule an interview to brief her about the why, but probably keep fairly hands-off unless some goons discover her.
It's worth remembering that The Syndicate isn't the only game in town - we know Carson at least had at least one operation going after The Syndicate was effectively dismantled, and I wouldn't put it past him to have several quasi-autonomous organisations going simultaneously, without knowledge of each other, following its fall. There may also be others with a vested interest in obtaining Emerged for research or brainwashing into mercenaries.
Do we know dad's line of work? If the excrement hit the spinning blades, could he be given a useful role within the DoHS/Center? It also raises the question of what to do with Susan - as she's 'in the know', she could become a potential target even though she's not Emerged.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Jenny and her dad teasing
Jenny and her dad teasing Susan had me almost rolling on the floor with laughter! Great chapter!
Damn, bullies had to show up right when shi was getting ready to disappear for lunch.
Now I have to remember who Mrs. Stapleton is. I can't remember if I heard of her in a Center story or somewhere else. Like, maybe a Tanya Allan book. Which is likely, if it's not here. I just hope she's really from the Center and not somewhere else. Good story so far!