Just some questions for the writers in the ret-con universe: What impact on society and pop culture would you think the appearance of super-heroes and villains have? Would regular people be afraid of them, like in the X-men comics, or would they become celebrities, with fan clubs and paparazzi and reality shows? what effect would it have on fictional movies, shows, and comics? What would other countries think about the U.S. deliberately creating a super hero in American Dream? Would that set off an "arms race" as what happened with the A-bomb? Would hucksters offer treatments for people to become meta-human? What about religious groups, what would be their take on it? just some questions to consider.
Interesting questions, all!
Allow me to ramble on a bit...
Given our strange fascination with celebrity, I believe (and have touched on this in my stories) that we will have very popular metahumans. They will be like new Gods, beloved, respected, and hated at the same time. Just like real world celebrities, really.
Let's look at Jade. I have often called her "the most popular woman in the world", and for good reason. She went public, she is constantly doing everything she can to help, and she's a very charismatic and strong-willed person. Her convictions are rock solid, and she's someone people can believe in. She's not afraid to tackle the tough questions either; she's doing a job, and she's not going to let politicians or approval ratings slow her down.
I think we need heroes like that today, where our leaders are never fully black or white, but some tolerable shade of grey. Will there be people who dislike what she stands for? Hell yes, but she's not some inaccesible vigilante; she wants to work with the governments of Earth if she can, she'd much rather uphold the laws than break them, and she genuinely wants to help.
And does. Sure, you can argue that she has too much power, that she is beholden to no authority on Earth, etc. etc...but all you can really do is complain, at this point. No one can really stop her, and why would you want to?
That's why, to date, the U.S. government is tolerating these new heroes. They can do things the government can't, and it's not like they can really say "no, don't save human lives without permission"...that won't get anyone far.
Will there be 'mutant-haters'? Yes, always. And they may become organized, and become a threat. But I don't see a return to McCarthyism. Not when people start to realize anyone can be a metahuman. Your co-worker, your neighbor, your kids.
Now those metahumans who abuse their powers, that's a different story, but again, the only people who can stop the 'supervillains' are superheroes. Not that I think the classic supervillain will work very well in a real world type setting. As I've said before, the idea of a sociopatch like the Joker endangering thousands of people, getting beat up, and merely exiled to an asylum for six months just won't fly.
Heroes will be in every aspect of pop culture, another theme I've touched on. Some heroes will license their image, while others will prefer not to. You'll see tv shows, movies, and the like. Comic books, paradoxically enough, will benefit, and we'll see more superhero movies and the like. Because seeing someone fly overhead never gets old.
As far as a metahuman arms race goes, while the U.S. came up with one super-soldier, that's not really a threat. If more appear, then yes, other countries might get nervous. But right now, I think everyone is trying to recruit superhumans as they appear.
Right now, most of the metahumans have shown up in America. Even a country as small as Japan has had three. But think of nations with higher population density. I mean, think about this. If one out of a million people can get superpowers, what does that mean for a country like China? 1,324 potential metahumans?
Any one of whom could have godlike powers? Yeah, it may look like the U.S. has a near-monopoly now, but that may very well soon change.
Hucksters offering "make a metahuman out of you" treatments? Doubtful. Not when it can be made into a legitimate business enterprise; in the U.S., Lex Luthor is already trying to corner the market on that idea!
Religious groups will have a hard time tackling the metahuman question. Nobody really foresaw this event, so milleniarist faiths will be in trouble. Some will condemnt them, others will say this is a test of some kind, a few may even try to worship the new heroes.
Which might get amusing when you consider Thor... (come to think about it, I believe the Marvel 2099 imprint had a Church of Thor as one of the world's most prevalent faiths!).
I do think however, that oppressed peoples of all kinds will find that the fearful and the hateful will be turning their eyes upward. Who's worried about non-heterosexual marriage when there are demigods running around?
Although when the gender-bending aspect of the metahuman factor comes out, things will really start to hit the fan...
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-of-effect...but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
foreign retconning?
The biggest obstacle the retcon universe has to other nations is the fact that by their very nature Marvel and DC are (quite rightly given the audience they predominently cater to and country of origin) Americentric. I'm actually quite happy about that. Must be something about skyscrapers and superheroes!
Obviously if the retcon universe branches out in the future to retconning them to different nationalities that might change. There are actually very few heroes and heroines of foreign nationality that aren't rather cardboard versions of national stereotype. DC's original Global Guardians being one cringeworthy example. 'Little Mermaid' for Denmark is just sooooooo lame. It's like 'hmmmmm...what do I know about Denmark without doing any research'. A few exceptions obviously exist - John Byrne's Alpha Flight or the Alan Moore (at times tongue-in-cheek) Captain Britain. Yet in lesser hands both have drifted back to stereotype.
In regards to occurance of superhumans in other nations (i.e. non-US), Japan is actually quite big as a nation with 127 million (top 10 big) and would have a fair amount. More interestingly, if you look at the top twenty most populous nations the balance of power for any even distribution of superhumans per capita would be with the developing world.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
National Heroes?
Making Retcon heroes for other nations isn't easy, for that very reason. But not impossible; despite many already existing Japanese heroes to choose from, I specifically adapted Lightning Lass and Secret for my story, simply because there are more than enough heroes to go around.
And yes, the big comic companies are pretty bad about how they populate the world with heroes. But if you do some research, you'll find that good examples of heroes from various countries do exist; at some point I plan on at least mentioning the French metahuman Fantomette!
And yeah, I'll grant, the population vs. world power argument has huge gaping holes in it, but there are some quite populous regions that lack the power of larger nations; getting their fair share of metahumans will definitely rock the boat.
Especially since there's no reason to believe that the power level of metahumans will be anywhere near balanced; the world may soon tremble at the awesome power of Lady Liechtenstein!
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-of-effect...but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
alpha flight
or a modest version of them, will make an appearance in my Amanda Waller story. I decided to steal her and make her Canadian.
One of the purposes of the
One of the purposes of the CRU is to insert super-powered heroes and villains into mainstream reality. So anything that goes on now, toward any group of minorities can happen to metahumans. The only difference is that they have the power to defend themselves. It's pretty much that simple. So, I don't see massive nationwide organized hate groups (like in Marvel: Humans First, etc) forming. There may be a small group or idiot protesters like there are for any other issue, but nothing larger.
Businesses: If there is a buck to be made, they'll figure out a way to do it. Super-Villain insurance? Scientific research? Super drugs? Super Prostitutes... (Whoops, that one's already been done.)
Other Countries: Though we haven't heard from them, they'll have their own capes. It was already suggested in American Dream that the thought of a Super-Villain Terrorist would be a problem that might have to be dealt with.
There will be talking heads on television crying of doom and devils, and angels, and aliens, books written, movies made, editorials spat out without thought, polls, government agencies, mercenaries, etc. Just like real life.
Blog: http://lilithlangtree.tglibrary.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lilith_langtree
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Here am I thinking about the animated film "The Incredibles"....
damage control
marvel had a short lived series that featured a company that helped people clean up after a super hero battle. It was done mostly tongue in cheek, but it would certainly be something someone would look into.
Dial P for Power
I'm actually touching on some of those questions in Dial P for Power.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
A timeline?
Is there any sort of time line for the RetCon universe? Or at least a general idea of when things are happening? I know that the Green Arrow (Miss Arrowette) story is up to October, but I thought that the other ones were set earlier in the year?
Retcon wiki
There's a Retcon Wiki that I've been using as a basis for my timeline. I'm actually up to December now (at least I get there in my new few chapters). In my next chapter I mention a few of the other heroes popping up. I don't think I'll get Olivia as far as March, where most of the other heroes now dwell but I'll get as close to it as possible.
Where can I find the wiki?
Here's a link
It has pretty much everything you need but it is updated by the authors a lot so I'm not sure how up to date it is...I put Green Arrow in the character part but she doesn't have a page yet, not have any of her events been added to the time line. But the timeline helps a lot.
About the Wiki
We're still kind of updating it sporadically, I know I'm way behind on adding my characters. The timeline is a bit wonky too, because I didn't really have any set dates in mind when I started writing. For example, Green with Envy was 'summerish', and I kept it pretty vague.
This meant I had to do a lot of backtracking when Lillith was like "hey, we got a timeline now!".
Especially with Magical Chaos. Ugh. Lol.
And then of course, I have poor Janice, stuck in the early months of 2012 (!), which makes me leery about writing anything, since I don't know what's going to happen in the interim.
Working on a shared universe project with other writers is a lot of fun, but it's also more than a little maddening!
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-of-effect...but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
timelines, blech
I'm afraid I screwed up on the whole timeline thing, too, with Miss Mars.
Oh, well, I just keep telling myself it's a COMIC! Nobody EXPECTS it to make any sense!
I'm trying my hardest not to screw up. I think I've done ok so far but I've still got some story to tell so who knows what will happen.
Now, now
thinking like that doesn't help any. Just because we draw our ideas from comics doesn't mean that our work is lesser or cheaper than anyone else's. Your story, in particular, is very good, and you shouldn't think less of it because you were inspired by the Martian Manhunter!
Comics have won literary awards, despite the stigma on the medium, and I'd give my right arm to write something with the same level of quality as The Sandman, Books of Magic, V for Vendetta or Secret Wars. Wait, no, Secret Wars was bad! Never mind. ^_^
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-of-effect...but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
A Proofreader/editor
I've finished my story for Wolfsbane (copyright Marvel) and was wondering if someone would be willing to proof it for me. Please.
This is so tempting, but I have other stories to write...
He even has the "Star Spangled Diaper" on.