After I posted Rescue and read a few of the comments, I began to have second thoughts about it being a stand alone story.
I re-read the story a couple of times and concluded that there might, in the near future, (months not days or weeks cos I'm busy.) I might pick up on a couple of loose ends/threads in the story.
Any body got any preferences or even ideas?
Think long and hard...
Think long and hard about a sequel. Nothing wrong with them, if there's a good reason. But, just cause some readers asked for it and/or suggested ways or even you did, you don't necessarily NEED to write it.
My personal experience (when I've succumbed to the sequel lure) is that the sequel garners far less interest than the original. On the other hand, if it's planned in advance (the sequel that is) then follow-ons seem to generate MORE interest.
Of course, your mileage will likely be different from mine.
Good luck, whatever you decide.
You should do exactly what you think is right.
I could only read the first 500 words because it made me so angry to have this unfeeling person stand by for so long and allow a child to be beaten. It seemed to me that if a gang of thugs were beating on a defenseless child for that long he probably would be dead and maybe that's what was going through that cyclist's head.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Well, I'd like to know how Mom & the kids reacted to that last line? How do they get along on a long term basis? What about the Baby? Do Bev and Mom become an item? What happens to the Bad Guy, does he go to prison?
Does he get abused while in there? Do Bev and Jamie/Janet become cycling buddies, and which name doesw she end up with, anyway? How do things work out at school? Do Bev and Mom and Jen become a threesome? Does the sun end up rising in the west? Oh, so many questions!
Enquiring minds want to know. Hey, me too!
"Does the sun end up rising in the west?"
You're giving it away!!
Successor to the LToC
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
It's Primed and Ready
Bev, The way you've told the story there could easily be sequels that would hold the interest of your loyal fans. But, the choice is up to you and how you feel when the time comes. Trust in your instincts, Luke... erm, Beverly.
May the force be with you.
Linda Jeffries
Too soon old, too late smart.
Linda Jeffries

Too soon old, too late smart.
Well if a sequel is too much.
Then maybe you'd want to do a postlude? I was a nice story with all kinds of posibilties, but only if you want to. :)
Loose Ends
One not mentioned is the house listed in the will.
The children and their mother may have been.
The lawsuit regarding unfair dismissal.
Neighbors such as Harry and others.
The new job.
Each and every one of the officers.
More trips outside to run errands and shop while dressed.
Lots of loose ends to play with.
As to the delay of Bev going out to help. My take was more of self preversation and fear.
I also had the anger thing going for the baddies. (kiil'em all and let the devil sort them
out later)
Overall I liked it. No real complaints. Easy to read and follow.