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I am furious. I have just come off the phone with a friend. i read Bev's story 'Rescue' earlier, and synchronicity....a 14 year old boy, their son, s attacked in a classroom in front of the whole class

AND THE FUCKING TEACHER by a well known bully, and injured badly. Concusson, whiplash, broken nose, other injuries yet to be established. The parallels with the story are there, the child is mildly 'different', but not in our way. The result is that he is dragged out of the class by another teacher, and left standing in a corridor after beng screamed at in an orgy of vctim-blaming.
A child, with head injuries, left standing in a corridor for nearly an hour with no medical treatment, until at the end of the school day they decde to make their own way home, and the school contacts Mum to say that he has left without permission and is likely to be suspended.
Did I mention I am FUCKING ANGRY?

Breathe....I have just fred off a draft letter for them to send to the school, copied to local authority and Member of Parliament. It contains a "please explain" list of points naming the teachers, and nforms them that the Police WLL be involved (don't give me any bullshit about school property, serious crimnal assault doesn't cease nside school gates) as well as advce that lawyers are being nstructed to examine a case for gross negligence, failure of duy of care, etc, etc.

Sorry for the rant, but I am screaming here.



I can understand a teacher not intervening in the attack (stupid UK attitude means the bully's parents could potentially claim the teacher was beating up the bully - teacher would be suspended and poss. lose job / not be allowed to teach), but what happened after the victim was taken outside the classroom is inexcusable. Never mind the fact that there's now at least one class of children that won't dare to cross the bully, because he can apparently get away with anything; and it will no doubt have stroked the bully's ego, as he probably now thinks he's untouchable.

Hopefully the boy's parents took photos (evidence!). Ideally, classmates need to be interviewed in the presence of parents or a social worker (NOT school staff for fairly obvious reasons!), because the school almost certainly will try and contest the claim. Collate school reports, character witness statements from any professionals he's involved with outside school etc. to prove that he's not a troublemaker.


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None of this is n the news. It isn't 'news' when a child assaults another. It was a personal phone call yesterday. I shall leave this up for a couple of days and then withdraw it; I just needed to scream.

And well you should!!

I dearly hope someone got the police involved YESTERDAY, and that they have begun interviewing the other kids in the room at the time.

This should cost the school dearly, the teacher at minimum his or her license, and the bully a full suspension coupled with plenty of hard community service.

There is no excuse for this kind of behavior. None at all

And, I disagree. This is news, someone should make a bunch of calls to the various news outlets, after the police are involved. The police nor the press will release names, as the altercation was between minors, but there is no reason a sympathetic relative or friend can't interview the poor victim, who is perfectly in their rights to name names, and post the result on Youtube. If this were to happen the press could merely publish the link and still be within the law. It might very well result in international news.

I was victimized by bullies in school almost into high school. I know for a fact that bullies get worse and more bold over time. The only answer for them is take them down harder.

Please keep us informed as to the outcome.

Carla Ann


I am still victmised.I take it very seriously.