Last weekend we had our garage sale (I hate garage sales by the way) anyway, my daughters decided that they would try to sell some of their old toys as well.
One of the items they put out was a Magic 8 Ball. You know, you ask a question, shake the ball and look on the bottom for the 'magic' answer.
One of the neighbor kids came over, I think he's around seven. He was checking out the girls Magic 8 Ball and they were explaining it to him. He thought it was great.
He was walking around with it asking questions and laughing at the results. He came up to me and asked the 8 Ball, "Is this a woman?" The Magic 8 Ball said "absolutely" he laughed and asked again, "Is he really a girl?", the response was "Most definitely"
The kid ended up buying it, he walked away laughing at me the 'girl' and just being a fun little kid.
He absolutely made my day.
Who knew these things really worked?
a thought about a story
I know, 'Connie had a thought?' how strange. :) but here's an idea for the Halloween contest. Take that scene and have the eight ball actually change someone.
Anyway, just a thought. If anyone wants to use it, go for it. I'm still working on another story for the contest.
Hopefully I can get to it as yet another story has taken over my brain at the moment.
Luv to all,
Love it! I don't have the focus for another story myself, but I'd love to see someone run with it! :-D
Just think
of what chaos a real Magic 8 Ball could cause.
There's a whole bunch of stories here. :)
Magic Eight Balls on the Internet
Wikipedia has an entry about the Magic Eight Ball.
There are a wide variety of Magic Eight Ball simulators on the Internet. I came up with the following set of three questions to ask, then used them to test the first three Magic Eight Balls that a Google search turned up:
Magic Eight Ball CGI
Ask the Magic Eight Ball
Ask the Eight Ball
Spike's Eight Ball knows all—This was a bit different to the other two where you typed in the question and received a response. With Spike, all you do is think of your question and click the screen.
Probability Simulation
Bike Resources
Bike Resources