Well, I am really up against some hard choices. I let slip my trans status to a couple of co-workers, and I had a amazing response - My blood pressure, which was high, dropped, and my cluster headache went away. Then today, as I had to go back into hiding, the headache came back and my bp went back up. So I finally realize the truth - i either live honestly, and suffer the consequences, or I keep myself in the closet, and risk a serious health problem. Pray I make the wisest choice.
To Thine Own Self Be True!
"To Thine Own Self Be True" is a motto that you can't argue with. If being real has caused your symptoms to go away, then your body is trying to tell you something. You already know the truth inside of you. You just need to listen to it. Speaking from experience I know that it takes courage to make the leap, but every journey begins with the first step. I know that for me, that moment of freedom came when I was no longer having to pretend to be someone I wasn't. The weight of the world lifted when I began to be true to myself and I have never looked back. I couldn't imagine ever going back to my old life. I hope you find your truth and live it because your health is way more important. Good luck Hon!
Or the coincidence you mentioned might be just that. While there appears to be a nexus between your ailments and the stress caused by lack of free expression of your self -- the two may be totally unrelated. Have you thought about keeping a diary? You can learn a lot about yourself by accurately noting how you feel and what you do -- over a long period of time. I only mention this so that you don't eliminate the need to check with a physician if the symptoms persist.
Years ago I kept a runner's log. I kept a record of my physical activity, sleep patterns, what I ate, etc. Over time I found that when I had eaten a large portion of red meat I labored the next day -- much more than usual to accomplish a normal run.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)