Writing is so much harder than I want it to be.
It's in plain desperation I throw in every new part here, and when done, I find myself starting to rewrite it, as it's baad.. Bad bad bad. And it's not at all what I want it to be, it should be so much better.
Anyway, if you read it, please revisit it some hours after instead, as I keep on changing it. But it's only when it's up that I can see how it will look. Writing it doesn't give me that same 'clarity' of vision, possibly? That, or I'm like a blind leading a blind, ah, that would be me leading me self..
So, please, reuse use if used..
And I think it will become even more confusing with the next parts, I'm sort of into physics and it becomes a most unholy mix as I started to write about that too. You might read it as a puzzle, because that's what it is becoming I'm afraid, at least it puzzles me. And it's definitely a draft, one that that I doubt ever to pass that stadium too :) Maybe i should rename it? The never-ending draft?
So, now you're forewarned..
Otherwise, I still like it :)
But that's me..
Stupid question
But why don't you reread it on your computer?
Inputting a story to this site us quite hard work, with all the tags you have to set. Reading it on your computer is easy.
I do :) It doesn't
I do :)
It doesn't help..
There is a certain magic in putting it up online and reading it like this, at least for me. Doing so I see things I missed when writing before, and to me it becomes like a puzzle. You see a sentence that suddenly won't 'flow' right as you see the 'finished' part, so you change it a little. But doing so you will suddenly find something else that stopped flowing later in the text, etc, etc. It may have to do with my English too, the more I write the less words I seem to know. And English have such a extensive vocbulary.
"This site:http://members.aol.com/DrHumph/funetik.htm suggests that English has the largest vocabulary, over three times as large as other languages. Likewise, www.hello-online.ru/knowhow.php?comid=70 says that English has 500 000 regular words and and extra 300 000 technical words. www.rio.maricopa.edu/distance_learning/tutorials/study/vocab... suggests over 1 million words in English" so it is a very rich language.
I don't know about you but for me, sometimes when I look at a text, I can get this feeling that there is just that single word missing for it to become perfect, and I can feel the word in me bones but still not find it. That feeling can be very frustrating, even depressing :)
Sometimes I wonder why we're not telepathic, but hey, that would be cheating, right :)
(Like this one, it's my third edit, DTJ = Damn That Jeyboard (K):)
Hmm, a long night here, my spelling is eroding :)
Something to consider...
Something to consider, if you have the time. (That is, can you manage to wait after writing, before posting...
Write something. Then, put it "away" for a few days or even weeks. (Go on to other projects or later in this project. Let the "finished" bit rest a bit.) Then, pull it out and "edit" it. I've found this is very effective for me - even though my dozen or so readers complain bitterly about the extra time it takes - and helps me fix a lot of stuff I just wasn't seeing earlier.
(If you have REAL discipline, repeat the above... I've not managed this. Consider an editor as well. Some are good at sparking your imagination with helping to add just the right words to help you get the idea/concept across.)
If it's really the "looking at it in the browser window" that helps you figure stuff out, consider wrapping your story in a few HTML tags, so you can look at it in your browser. At a minimum, you need the following:
put your formatted story here.
Best of luck,
Good advice Anette. I've
Good advice Anette.
I've thought of doing just that, making a HTML page, but I have a feeling that I need to know that others look at it to take it seriously. when I write I just write, misspellings and all :)and feel very satisfied that me and my muse agrees on something for once.
Then I do just as you say, must be an instinctive reaction? I stop writing, and when at last forcing myself to look at the 'result' decide that a fire is a nice thing to have, a big one :) But after I put it up here knowing that educated bright readers and writers, like you two, might see it I find myself getting 'extremely motivated' to check it, over and over, Swearing and sweating ingeniously as I wonder why I put out that fire.
I'm only human, and a lazy one to boot.
But I might test lifting it into a browser before :)
Sounds like you are only motivated when you know your readers think your work is bad.
Personally, I'd rather my readers didn't know what rubbish I produce on the first draft. I have dozens of half finished stories which will never be seen on this site or any other because I won't publish until it's as near perfect as I can make it. I usually put my stories into cold store for 1-2 months, then rewrite. If I've made extensive changes, I'll repeat that until I'm happy.
Only then do I let it loose on my readers.
Well, to each one his/her
Well, to each one his/her own they say.
As for me only wanting to put up 'bad work'?
Nahh, it's pretty good, well, at least when considering my simple standards.
Just not good enough, but I guess there is more than me meeting that feeling.
Not only with my writing either :)
We can't all write immortal prose..