Monolith: Chapter 8

A gentleman in the center of the table cleared his jowl covered throat, the plaque under him read 'Secretary of the Homeland Security'. “We are publicly announcing your existence-” He held his finger up to stop Theo from responding. “as a Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Despite Mr. Farris's report and testimonial we feel that a alien cover story will be more believable to the public.”



Beth slept with her mouth open, she didn't breathe out of her mouth but it was open anyways. Theo had wondered how much drool her pillow had collected over the three or so weeks she had been sleeping here. Theo swallowed and moved her tongue around in her mouth to check her own level of drool in her mouth, normal. It's always normal, she couldn't remember the last time she had dry mouth or the smell of food made her mouth water. Always the same, her body seemed to be never changing and undemanding. When she was a guy she would have these moments where her body would disappear and she was just an invisible observer. The feelings and sensations of her(his) body would white noise away and to her brain her body had ceased to exist, until her nose itched or some muscle would get sore. Now with this new body, Theo felt she was an invisible observer almost constantly. The only demand her body had now was the occasional passing of water out of her body.

Theo got up from her seat and walked away from the journal she was writing in. She stepped around boxes of her personal effects from home her Mom had sent. The boxes had a mixture of junk from her home and her apartment. Around the time Theo had been declared dead her apartment had been cleaned out and everything was shipped to her Mom's. She was confident her Mom wouldn't have found any embarrassing items like a porno mags or sexual aids. She knew her Mom, and her lack of computer skills would stop her from finding the really incriminating evidence.

So for a few weeks now, Theo's Mom had brought a box every time she visited. It was a good day when Theo's 'Super Nintendo' showed up, Theo and Beth had stayed up all night playing 'SFII' and 'Zombies ate my neighbors' until Beth fell asleep on Theo's shoulder.

There was a box filled with cards and board games. David and Heather usually showed up at the same time, so they would pull out a game and play while the four of them talked. The default game they would go back to most of the time was 'zombies' the board game, fight the horse and get to the helicopter before anyone else did.

Theo looked around the room at the various boxes and found a common theme. Zombies; books, movies, games, if it had a zombie on it she had it. She thought about this quirk of hers at a distance like she was a third person in the room. She couldn't decide if her collection was saying 'I appreciate the symbolism of Zombies.' or 'I believe I need to be ready when the Zombie Apocalypse comes.' It didn't really matter now anyways, Aliens were real and zombie weren't .

Theo quietly made her way to the bed and sat down at Beth's side. She was in undiscovered territory now, she had never imagined what it would be like to have a girlfriend to sleep next to. Why bother when you couldn't even begin to imagine how to get a girlfriend. Theo remembered when 'he' would talk to girls who 'he' was attracted to. It would start out fine, some successful attempts at humor and genuine interest. Soon the pregnant pauses started interjecting into the conversation and over the shoulder glances for escape were made. The pauses were murder on Theo.

'How am I going to start this conversation back up without sounding like a jerk.' Theo would berate to 'himself'. Theo would feel 'himself' get dumber and uglier with every passing minute of conversation. 'He' could only bear so much, most of the time Theo would say “bathroom” and make haste.

Theo realized she was on the other side of the fence now. She thought about being that girl who Theo met at a party and tried to talk to. Theo imagined her male self shuffling up to her, it was the first time she had been drunk. 'He' slurred his words a bit as he tried to find some common ground. Jokes and quips came out of Theo's mouth half realized and not funny. 'He' would throughly embarrass 'himself' then disappear only leaving a funny story to tell to her friends. Theo wondered if she would experience anything like that, male attention. The thought made Theo's spine wiggle, no doubt there were people already masturbating to the few photos the government had released of her.

Theo pulled up the corner of the comforter and slipped into bed next to Beth. She spent a minute looking at Beth's cute little face, she didn't look so much like Velma at the moment because her glasses were off. Beth's features were taken right out of the twenties and thirties, put a skin tight cloche over her head and you'd be halfway there. The other half was her nose, it had a strong Roman straightness to it that made you think of art deco. Theo adjusted the pillows under her head and closed her eyes trying to turn her brain off.

Beth was in that half awake state when Theo sat down on the bed, it must be close to morning, Beth thought. Theo didn't want to weird her out with the no sleeping thing, so she went to bed every night for as long as Beth was awake. Beth would occasionally wake and find Theo writing in her journal or reading a book, Theo would apologize and go back to bed. On a rare night, Theo would appear to be actually sleeping, Beth found that after some heavy petting Theo would tire and fall asleep most of the time. “Heavy petting” it miffed Beth a little that they hadn't gone past making out. She didn't want to push Theo, but it seemed to her that Theo wasn't getting any more comfortable in the bedroom. Beth would start kissing and holding and Theo would follow suit but she never would make the next step. Beth was sure that if she didn't advance to second base herself Theo would have just kept on kissing until the end of time. Beth couldn't figure if Theo was scared or just didn't know what to do.

Beth cleared her mind the best she could, there would always be runaway thoughts. She concentrated on her breathing and fell into a hour long sleep.


Beth woke in mid conversation, she lifted her head off her pillow and squinted at the blobs in the room.

“What's the big news?” Theo sat on the end of the bed.

“The White House made their decision.” Dr. Fleming said.

“Wha'd they say?” Beth slurred while rubbing her eyes.

“I haven't got all the details but it sounds like Theo is going to get out of here.” Barbra raised her hands and gestured to the room.

“Really?!” Theo said.

“Yeah, come on, let’s get you dressed up. The 'brass' wants to meet with you before it goes public. We've got to be there by lunch.” Barbra said.

Beth noticed bags at Barbra's feet “I know you've been dreading this but I've brought some clothes, girl's clothes.”

Theo groaned and fell back into the bed.

“Suck it up, Boyo!” Beth said.

“Yes, pajamas aren't going to cut it when you are with the President.” Barbra told Theo.

Theo's eyes went out of focus and she fell limp on the bed. Theo was thinking 'I'M FUCKED!' but her mouth was too paralyzed with impending doom to make a noise. Beth panned into Theo's view she had a look of curiosity. That look was soon replaced with a shit eating grin. what did she know? Beth could see into the future! She could see Theo mumbling and sounding like a moron in front of the Commander and Chief. Beth continued to stare with a grin of Schadenfreude, the grin was infectious and Theo couldn't keep it off her mouth.

Beth breathed out. “I bet you-”

“Don't say it!” Theo laughed.

“I bet you'll-” Beth said.

“Please!” Theo covered her face to slow the infection.

“I bet you'll fart in front of the President.” Beth said.

Theo bellowed out in laughter and kicked her legs to work the air pump in her chest. “NO--!” she choked out.

“It's inevitable, it will happen.” Beth put on the air of foreboding.

Theo laughed out more, stamping her feet on the bed as is she was trying to tap out of the wrestling match. Beth looked up from her victim and looked at the bags. “What have you got there?”

“Formal wear, mostly.” Barbra rapped the side of the bag with her foot.

“Mostly?” Beth asked.

Barbra took a peek at Theo and spoke a little louder. “I've decided to take your advice Beth, so I bought some lacy underwear to embarrass Theo with.” she got a laugh out of Theo.

Beth mused out loud “All according to plan, let me see those titillating garments.”

Beth moved off the bed and perused through the bags on her knees. “Yes, most embarrassing, thank you, Barbra.”

“Look at this, I found a business suit Theo's size.” Barbra removed the article of clothing and held on high.

“What do you think, Cuttlefish? Beth asked.

Theo looked up with red eyes “Cuttlefish?”


The hallway echoed with the clicks of moving footwear. Theo could almost hear a beat in the chaos and her own rhythm was much quicker than the rest. To Theo it felt like her skirt was a rope tied around her knees. So she had to take small steps very quickly to keep up with the escorts.

Theo felt out of sorts walking down this hallway in a women's business suit. Not three hours ago Beth was using Theo was a mannequin, then double daring Theo to wear the suit, At least Theo was glad she wasn't wearing heels. With her Navy blue colors and her long hair swept out from her face, Barbra and Beth said she looked smart. When she was a guy she knew what kind of reactions 'his' clothes would make at least 'he' knew when he looked stupid. It was like wearing a Halloween costume, human interaction was suddenly changed when you had a vampire or mummy costume on. People treated you a little differently and you treated them differently as well. How were they going to act towards her? Theo wondered.

“Sorry, Beth I can't get you any farther, you'll have to wait for us here.” Barbra apologized.

“Oh, okay, good luck Theo.” Beth gave Theo's hand a squeeze.


Barbra, Theo, and two guards left Beth behind at the security checkpoint. It didn't surprise Theo that this wasn't the only security checkpoint between the entrance and whereever they were going. She had expected the Pentagon would have looked like a fortress on the inside, not drab office after drab office.

“Remember this is only a meet and greet, they've already made their decision. Just answer their questions, no sweat right?” Barbra patted Theo reassuringly on the shoulder.

“Okay.” Theo whimpered.

Beth lead her through a nondescript door into a conference room that looked into the center garden of the Pentagon. Old men lined the side of the conference table that faced the wall. She followed Barbra and sat down on the opposite side, Theo wished she could have been on the other side so she could stare mindlessly into the courtyard.

“Thank you for joining us this afternoon.” Farris called out from the end of the table.

A little evil part of Theo wanted to call out 'Sup Bro.' “Hello, Mr. Farris.”

“I know we haven't told you what will be happening, but this is why we had this meeting.” Farris said.

“What is going to happen?” Theo asked quietly.

A gentleman in the center of the table cleared his jowl covered throat, the plaque under him read 'Secretary of Homeland Security'. “We are publicly announcing your existence-” He held his finger up to stop Theo from responding. “as an Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Despite Mr. Farris's report and testimonial we feel that an alien cover story will be more believable to the public.”

Another Suit at the table decided to answer Theo's unspoken question. “First you've got think about your safety, you'll effectively become an ambassador and we would be obliged to provide the Secret Service for protection. And think about your Mother, If she was linked to you, think about all the attention she would have. And you've really got to think about the bad attention, we have no doubt there will be assassination attempts against your life. And not just against you, there is a possibility that anyone connected to you could be targets.”

Theo sunk in her chair a bit as he continued on. “Think about the media. Theo's life, your life will get paraded over the world and they'll leave no stone unturned. You'll be a open book to them and the rest of the world. Be an alien though, and suddenly you've got no past to dredge up.”

Resignation slowly faded onto Theo's face as a bony gentleman addressed her. “And if we go with your story, we've got an alien who changes you into a copy of herself against your will. I know that doesn't instill confidence in me, what about the public?”

Farris cut in. “We're already getting reports of people claiming abduction by aliens who like you.” he pointed to Theo.

The bony suit cut back in.“You know what we're talking about. We can't let the public have a negative attitude towards the aliens who built the Monolith. I hate to say it but the government needs to look like the bad guy in this story. We can't afford to have the public think that there is a indifferent alien race up there looking down at us like we're ants.”

Barbra placed her hand up Theo's arm and gave her a look that said 'you know they're right'.

“Okay.” The air came out of her lung as if she had been punched in the gut.

Farris pushed a stack of papers to Theo, “Your homework, and a list of names.”


“Sorry to spring this on you, but the President is going to talk to the press tomorrow and you are invited, it's just a list of do's and don'ts. I'll go over your story with you in more detail later.”

“What about the names?” the news had made Theo temporarily dim.

“Honey, you've got to pick a new one.” Barbra said apologetically.


David strolled around the chamber poking at Theo's possessions. “A new name for Theo, huh? What is our list so far?”

Heather flipped through pages of text and read off the twenty or so names they had chosen. “Well? Any of those jump out at you?” she asked.

“I'm pretty partial to Theodora.” David said.

“So... you like women with grandma names? I thought I knew David.” Theo rested the back of her hand on her forehead. She was back in the track suit she usually wore, no sense in dressing up to stay inside. Plus Theo didn't want David to see her in a skirt, it was a 'good' thing Beth told David all about when he showed up.

“We've all got our a dark secrets, Theo.” David rasped out.

“How many Agnes's are you stringing around, David?” Beth asked.

David just shrugged his shoulders.

Beth was buried in a book “I'm looking up constellation names, how about Aquila or Lyra?” She wagged her eyebrows.

Theo mulled it over. “Aquila is kind of a mouth full but Lyra sounds like Italian money, hmm.”


“I think I like those more than 'real' names.” Theo said. She pulled herself out of bed and sauntered up to Beth. “Let me see.”

“I found the best sounding two.” Beth claimed.

Theo eyed Beth and turned to the book. “You're right, they are the best.”

“So what's it going to be?” Heather asked.

“Give me two to three more hours.”

“Whoa deja-vu, I remember you saying that two to three hours ago.” Beth said as if mystified.

“Now that you mention it, I do too, WEIRD.” David said.

“Aquila... No! Lyra, yep Lyra.” Theo nodded her head.

“You sure there, cap’n?” David said.

Theo focused on the middle distance and screwed her mouth up to a point. Theo looked as if all of her 'hyper intellect' as she called it, was being used up by the decision. Her eyes re-aligned and motor control was back at her disposal. “Aye.”


Theo was back in her business suit, fiddling with a jacket button. It had been a long restless night, more than usual. She chose a new name, went over the history of her new life, and generally paced around the room. It was after she found her new name, that's when she realized. She had all these possible tracks she could have gone down, all the possible directions her or his life could have taken. Now her track was fixed, she had only one way she could go. And that track made Theo nervous, in her imagination the track expanded out, split apart, looped in on itself, and made a mockery of physics. It made Theo glad Beth was there so she could hug her troubles away. Theo made it through the night and the morning, now she was in a van on its way to the White House.

“If you keep playing with that it's going to fall off.” Beth said.

“I know! geez.” Theo muttered.

“Don't worry LYRA, you are just talking and answering some simple questions. And it's okay to be nervous, we actually want you to be 'emotional' it'll make the public relate to you better. We don't what them thinking you're too alien if you know what I mean.” Barbra didn't mean to put much emphasis on Theo's new name but she did.

“Yeah, LYRA.” Beth did mean too.

“I can still call myself Theo, right?”

Barbra looked apologetic. “We're recommending you don't, I know I can't stop you but it might lead to slip ups.”

“Lyra understands.” Theo said.

Beth gave her a one armed hug all the way to the White house. Around back they drove them to a service access that was away from the media's eye. Checkpoints littered their way to a waiting room near the Oval office.

“I almost feel like I'm going to barf.” whispered Theo.

“See? you're still mostly human, so think of it as a good sign.” Barbra encouraged.

Theo grimaced and looked away. The sight of a wall filled with historic photographs made Theo briefly think about Abraham Lincoln's ghost. Beth moved close and wrapped herself around Theo's arm interrupting her thought.

Beth looked into Theo's eyes. “Remember our bet.”

“I WILL END YOU.” Theo hissed through her smile.

Barbra patted Theo's arm. “Show time.”

A swell of people came out of door facing Theo. To Theo it looked like a sheep dog trial, Secret Service dogs herding a flock of advisors and cabinet members through the room. In the middle of the flock was the President doling out decisions and tasks to the people around. The President caught sight of Theo's crew and approached.

“Ah! Hello, Lyra is it? Nice name.” The President reach out a hand.

Theo stood and offered her hand, they shook. 'Nice firm handshake, why that's the handshake of a good, patriotic citizen.' Theo imagined a fifties announcer talking.

Theo replied “Thank you M-” there was a clatter of plates down the hall. “-Resident, It's an honor to meet you.”

“And I'd have to say it's an honor to meet you, Lyra. I think history books are going to be talking about you much longer then they will about me.”

“Oh well, I-I don't think-” Theo sputtered.

“I want to apologize for not meeting you earlier but when you came out of that thing the whole world was breathing down my neck. We've been dealing with chain of custody so to speak.”

Theo's brow knotted up asking for more details. “Other countries feel unrepresented, nearly every country has sent you offers of citizenship and they want some of your time. So we are left to organize all of it.”

“Sorry about that.” Theo said.

The President smiled. “No need to apologize.” The President looked to Beth. “Miss Nasso I hope you aren't here to be on television.”

Barbra cut in over Beth “Don't worry M-” some one across the room had a coughing fit. “-esident, we've briefed them on keeping their relationship out of the eyes of the public.”

“Good, we couldn't properly explain your relationship without raising some unwanted questions. Might cast some doubt on our story.”

“Understood.” Theo and Beth chorused.

“I've got to give my address; then we'll have the question and answer session.” and then the President was out through the door.

“Let go over your 'script' again.” Barbra said.

Theo slumped down in her chair and found Beth's hand. “I don't want to do this.”

“It'll be okay.” Beth chirped positively.


Barbra found Farris idling in the hallway adjacent to the press room.
“Why hello, Barry.” she greeted.

“Barbra” Farris nodded. “I was wondering if you had any news about the research I asked you to do.”

“We went over every video we had, none of my experts found any conclusive evidence of 'Lyra' lying. Our consensus is that she is truthful.”

“What about this inconclusive evidence?” Farris asked.

“During that last interview you had at the Monolith, they say she gave off some possible signs. It was only a audio recording though so they weren't a hundred percent. Besides, the alien you talked to, backed up her testimony.”

Farris let the facts rattle around in his head. “Thanks, Dr. Fleming.”


The President told the nation and the world Theo's story of origin. A sentient alien species had made the monolith and it wasn't clear if they were still alive. Then the Monolith opened, scientists assumed it had some sort of timer or it was 'testing the waters' before it opened. Two college students enter the 'fold' and a collapse like event occurs, the Male student goes missing. The 'fold' opens approximately three hours after it closes and the female student is escorted out by Lyra. She is in a near blank slate aside from the fluency in English. She was brought to Maryland and kept in quarantine in case of foreign diseases. A second trip through the 'fold' and a videotaped interview with a similar alien was made. It was unknown what sort of relationship the two have but it's thought they may be siblings of sorts. The interview backed up Lyra's claim, that she is a combination of human and alien and that she is meant to be a liaison between humanity and other sentient species.

The address ended with the President's hopes for the future and the stressed importance of the moment we live in. The President briefly mentioned the talks with the other nations and the logistics involved, then Theo is invited on stage.

“Everyone, welcome Lyra, she'll be answering some questions. Go easy on her, please.” The President lead Theo to the podium.

A bank of cameras in the rear of the room rapidly emitted wave forms of light at Theo. There weren't as many cameras as Theo had thought, and the room was smaller than her imagination. Looking around the room made Theo think of a concept she hadn't thought before. Theo always thought of the White House as a theatrical stage, like political power couldn't be contained in a mere house. But here is the President talking to the nation on a re-processed indoor swimming pool.

There was light applause as Theo neared the podium. Her stomach had twisted itself upside down by now. 'Remember the script' Theo thought “H-hello.” she meeked out.

Hands went up and at Theo's shoulder the President pointed to the lucky reporter. “It wasn't mentioned before but where did your name come from? Was it given?”

“Ah- no I chose it myself. It's a constellation.”

He followed up. “Any meaning to the name?”

“A stringed musical instrument.”

A new hand. “It's nice to meet you, Lyra. It was mentioned you're a 'blank slate', excuse the term. I am wondering how much did you know and how much have you learned?”

“Well I knew how to walk, read, and communicate. Now I'm reading about history and mathematics and watching the programs on the television.” Theo said.

Every reporter there had a cute safe joke or quip about the stupidity of television but they held their tongue. They didn't want to be the one who made the cheesy joke to earth's first alien. “So you can't remember your childhood? Or should I ask, did you grow up like we do?”

Theo wished her Mother wasn't watching. Her mom knew what was going to be said but it didn't stop Theo from feeling bad. “I don't know, I wasn't told, I suppose I could have been created or that I don't remember my past.”

“Does that trouble you?”

“I don't understand.”

Theo could see the reporter carefully forming their response for maximum tactfulness. “I mean either way you've been robbed of your childhood.”

Theo played the alien who was deciphering the metaphor in the question. “Ah- I don't know very much about childhood to be missing its presence.”

Another hand took over, it was attached to a geriatric and skinny woman. “If you've been created then it raises some interesting religious questions about the soul. Any comments?”

Theo flipped her the imaginary bird as the President cut it. “We're not here for this kind of debate, Lyra here isn't even familiar with those concepts yet. I just say this, as soon as you can prove that YOU have a soul then we'll know if Lyra here has one as well.” The President gave Theo the one-handed parallel shoulder hug, great pose for publicity photos. The President's comment will later bring the popularity polls to record lows.

The reporters chuckled and continued, The President pointed to the softball pitcher in the room. “Lyra, What do you think of our world so far?”

Phantom eyes where rolling in Theo's head. “It's very fascinating, what I've read so far. I still find it amazing we are standing on a sphere.”

“Are you saying that you had no concept of planets and outer space?”

“Not until she was taught about it.” The President provided.

“That brings up a question, what will she be taught? Will 'intelligent design' receive equal attention?”

“I'm NOT even going to answer that.” The President's buttons were being pushed and you could hear it in the President's voice.

Questions after that became softballs and stayed that way till the end. The last hand rose. “So Lyra, what do YOU want to do?”

Theo strayed off script. “I want to be a normal person. I want to be with people.” no follow up question.

A report with a casual disregard for manners spoke before being call on. “Lyra, do you know anything about Theo Holmes' disappearance?”

Theo shifted as if uncomfortable. “I hadn't ever met him, so I don't know, I'm sorry.”

“We've done a thorough investigation, and we're pretty confident this isn't an 'alien plot' despite what you think.” The President got a few chuckles.

All the boring questions about policy and world relations tail-ended the Q and A. The questions were way over the head of Lyra, so Theo kept a tight lip. The President finished up the questions and ushered Theo to the 'backstage'.

The hallways were empty and quiet as they escorted Theo back to the waiting room. Beth and Barbra were sat by a TV watching the feed of the Q and A.

“Come all the way to the White House and you watch it on a Television. Phh.” Theo said nonplused.

“Hey!” Beth cheered. She got up and gave Theo a quick hug. “You didn't embarrass yourself out there, I'm proud.”

“Thanks.” Theo looked to Barbra. “Can we go?”

“Tired huh? Yeah we can go, come on follow me.” Barbra said kindly.


“I feel like I'm abandoning my Mother.” Theo mumbled into Beth's tiny shoulder.

Beth shifted in bed and embraced Theo. “Aww... it's okay Lyra, you'll still be able to visit her once in while. And I bet she knows you're trying to keep her safe.”

“You don't have to call me that here you know.” Theo mumbled again.

“I know, but I think getting a new name will be good for you.”

“Oh yeah?” Theo whispered.
“Yup.” Beth chirped as she kissed Theo's nose.

Theo gave her a peck back and looked into her eyes for a moment.

“Are those lusty eyes I see?” Beth nibbled into Theo's ear.

Theo responded with action as she kissed Beth harder. Breathing got heavier and their faces became flushed with blood. Beth was giving Theo's chest some TLC when Theo grabbed her wrist. Theo guided Beth's hand down past her stomach to her panties. Beth made eye contact and looked for a signal to proceed, Theo's face said 'all systems go!'. Beth kept eye contact as Theo writhed and winced from waves of pleasure. Finally Theo arched her back then collapsed back onto the bed in exhaustion. Beth gave her a quick peck on the cheek, but Theo didn't respond, she was asleep.

'Just like a guy.' Beth thought. She knew she had no basis to state that fact being she had never been with a guy, but she thought it anyway. Beth had a rare opportunity, it was one of the few times Theo had fallen asleep. She spent her time staring at lithe alien beauty, she took in all the sexy curves and valleys. She wondered how often Theo watched her sleep. 'It was a little weird to think about but if Theo was thinking about half the stuff I'm thinking about. It kind of turns me on, I'm a weirdo.'

Beth moved in closer and held Theo tight as she fell asleep. “Oh well.” She said to herself.


Thanks to DJKauf for editing.

Note: I just realized my story is getting more complicated than I had planned, oh well. I feel like I've got to keep writing until I get to my "good ending", and I don't know when that will be :]
It was when I was thinking about the layers of knowledge the characters have.
First layer: what the alien has told Theo.
Second layer: what Theo has told her friends and the government.
Third layer: what the government has told to the public
I need to make notes so I can keep them straight LOL.

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