As disclosed in another blog this weekend, Erin is $100 short of what she needs for the month for BC.
In the past Hatbox has worked best when there are a steady stream of new pieces being offered for the subscribers.
Erin has trouble getting new offerings processed. I believe she's said it takes her three to four hours to set up a new Hatbox story. There are people who can't afford to contribute money, who might have computer skills that could take over some of the Hatbox processing. Maybe someone is good with graphics who could do the covers? Maybe another person could be in charge of story solicitation?
Hatbox is a wonderful place for authors to display their work. It makes me feel good to think people will actually pay to read what I write. I know most of them are actually contributing to Erin's needs for this website, but I can squint a little and see it as being a step away from the NY Times bestsellers' list. Erin has agreed that anything I write for Hatbox will be posted for free for a certain amount a time after it has been in Hatbox for a year. That way BC isn't becoming a pay site and everyone who wants to read my stories can.
Any thoughts?
I am a bit short of funds at the moment but would be willing to contribute another story or two.
However, I feel that it would help increase revenues by having a button at the top of the home page that led straight to the site. The one used at the moment seems somewhat confusing as it is called Hatbox Gifts and just leads to a subscription page without any information for the new reader as to what is available. If you want people to buy something you need to show what's on offer, perhaps sample sections or something-just an idea.
Hugs Sue
Good Suggestion Sue
Maybe there's someone with computer skills who would be willing to help Erin update and enhance the marketing of Hatbox.
It's wonderful news that you would be willing to contibute another story. Imagine what a story like your soccer (football) saga would raise.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Another problem
is that the 100 dollar short is also due to the doubling of the monthly goal from 500 to 1000. Not an unreasonable amount but readers have to get with the program to contribute, hatbox story or no.
The passing of the hat I think should be made a little more prominent also. There are certainly enough registered members here I suspect. Funny how people think nothing paying 10 dollars for a takeaway lunch and is unwilling to donate to something really worthwhile to them.
I pledge 20$!
I get paid once a month, and that will be this friday. I pledge 20 bucks, and I challenge y'all to match it! This site is important to me! I wish I could go back to work, I'd do more!
Although I have donated to the hatbox and therfore have access to the stories there, I don't think I've ever actually read anything from the hatbox. One reason is that without going there I just don't know what stories are available. I think the lack of "publicity" for the hatbox stories limits their value. The second issue, as has been mentioned before, is the lack of a link to the hatbox area from the main page making it difficult to drop in to check out the offerings there.
I hope a way can be found, without imposing an additional burden on Erin, for Big Closet to achieve long term financial stability through the generosity of the BC community.
Michelle B
I would be happy to help with the formatting and posting of Hatbox contributions.
I already have written some scripts to clean up and reformat html and text files.