Monolith: Chapter 7

“How's life been?”
Theo was flabbergasted “You turned me into, I don't know what. They think 'Theo' died and that I'm a fake, am I a fake? I've been having a awful time.”
“I'm sorry.” it was the kind of sorry when some one says they drank the last soda or beer when you're looking for one.
Theo took a calming breath “Why did you turn me into this?” Theo waved her hands down her body.



If the universe wasn't the way it is. If it was uniform and neat like Newton imagined. If space and time were evenly distributed along our universe, not clumped together like snow balls rolling down a hill. If that universe existed, about the time when Theo was trekking through an alien desert David would have been eating a bowl of cereal in front of his computer.

It was strange to think that just last night he had been arrested by the government, taken in for questioning, and let go before the sun came up. Now he was in his underwear watching the latest Adventure Time in his parent's house. He felt like a king, he was invincible “Ain't nothing gonna keep me from ma cereal.” David said to himself.

The music from the moon stage in the Duck Tales video game was coming out of David's pants. David balanced his cereal bowl on the computer desk and dropped to his knees and rummaged through laundry. Pulling his cell phone of the pants pocket he saw Heather's name flashing on the screen. David shrugged as he put the phone to his ear.


“David, where have you guys been? Beth hasn't picked up her cell.” Her voice had a sixty forty split of annoyance and panic.

“Oh, sorry about that, after we got to Theo's house the feds showed up and hauled us in.”

“Oh no!”

“Naw it's alright, Theo made a deal and we were released and now we can visit her anytime.”

“Well that's good, considering, wait where is Beth?”

How much could he blab? David was thinking. “She stayed there, we figured one of us should stay.”

“So we can visit her now, huh? Were you going to go back and visit Theo today?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“You mind picking me up on your way there?”

“Sure! No problem.” David was thinking about the two hours it took to drive to the lab, lots of alone time with Heather. They talked a while longer, David gave her the longer version of the story, then they agreed on a time to meet and ended the call. David looked over his room and realized he need to do laundry.


“Can anyone tell me what just happened here?” Farris asked.

An overweight fellow who looked equally skilled at D&D as he was with science took the mantle and answered. “We've had rough theories on what would happen if you went through the fold and came back as soon as you got there...”

Farris cut him off “What does that...?”

“Well you know of the time dilation between our world and the alien world? It's not caused by that planet spinning faster or anything, it's a result of the travel through that fold in space. Somehow it acts like faster than light travel and if 'time' stops for light at light speed than it's theorize than if you could move faster than FTL then you would get to your destination before you left.” The scientist was a little out of breath when he finished.

“The alien said something similar.” Theo said.

Farris looked over to Theo “Ah yes about that debriefing we agreed on.”

“You mind if Beth here joins? So I don't have to tell this move than once.”

“I suppose...”

“I'd also like to be there.” Barbra said as she walked up to Theo.

“That's no trouble, Dr. Fleming.” Farris said.


Farris led them to the other lab, the dead lab. Since there was no fold on this side the lab was used for storage and temporary sleeping quarters. You would never find a Suit here; they were sensible and went home at night, the scientists, on the other hand, ran until they couldn't run anymore. Most nights you'd find a snoring lab geek on a cot in the corner of the room. They did find one, so they moved to a table at the other end of the room.

Farris placed a small digital recorder on the table and turned it on. “This is Director Barry Farris, I am interviewing the alien calling herself 'Theo'.”

“Uh? Hello.” Theo said to the recorder.

“Now, Theo, could you begin from the point you entered the fold?” Farris asked.

“Yes, I entered and became weightless then halfway through I was pulled out of the corridor into some kind of nebula. I was floating there in space or whatever it was for about a minute before she appeared and said.”

“How's life been?”

Theo was flabbergasted “You turned me into, I don't know what. They think 'Theo' died and that I'm a fake, am I a fake? I've been having a awful time.”

“I'm sorry.” it was the kind of sorry when some one says they drank the last soda or beer when you're looking for one.

Theo took a calming breath “Why did you turn me into this?” Theo waved her hands down her body.

“Like I just told you, I had to so you wouldn't die.”

“But why do I look exactly like you?” Theo asked.

“It's way the all of the... what would be the English equivalent? 'Fold Guides' look like.”

“Fold Guide?”

“A keeper of sorts, you'll be tasked to guide your species into the galactic theater. There are many fold gates on many habitable planets throughout this galaxy and you will be able to connect to them and meet new species. You're meant to bridge the gap between a sentient of your world and a sentient of a other. So you may have a peaceful and fruitful relationship with your neighbors.”

“Seriously?!” Beth asked.

Theo gave Beth a stare. ”seriously.”

Farris cleared his throat. “Please continue.”

“What? that is a lot for me to handle, how am I going to do this? Isn't there some one better?” Theo asked looking down to her feet.

“This is not a path you were born to, it will take experience and wisdom. You'll will have a century or two to grow and learn before you really bring your people into the stars.”

“Two centuries?!” Theo yelled.

“Did she say how long your life span is?” Farris asked.

“She didn't.” Theo said.

“You will live long enough.” the alien said.

Theo let her body relax and go limp as she though about outliving everyone she knew. There was talk about possible breakthroughs in medical science, talk about making the human race biologically immortal. Theo remembered watching a talk with Aubrey De Grey, he thought it would be possible in the next couple of decades. Maybe it would happen, maybe she didn't have to keeping going on alone.

“Am I really Theo?” Theo asked with her head pointing up and away from her body.

“Yes, I didn't destroy you I just rearranged you. You are still you but with some more sides.” She answered.

“How am I going to prove that?”

“Farris seems to have taken an interest in you and he is impartial, tell him if he wants to talk to me have him step into the fold.”

“She knows me?” Farris asked.

“How do you know Farris? You can watch us can't you.” Theo asked the alien.

“Just curious, honest.” the alien apologized.

“So did you make the Monolith Fold gate follow me through that desert?” Theo questioned.

“Yup, you don't have the mastery yet to do that and I don't want to see any harm done to you.”

“Jesus, why didn't you tell any of this the first time?” Theo moaned.

“If I did, no one would accept the job, even you Theo, only the most egotistical of your species would take the burden thinking it was their 'destiny'. I don't need those people and unfortunately I have to force the right ones into the job. Don't worry, with time comes strength and anyone in your position could do what you will do.”

“How do you know what I'll do? Can you read my mind? Or see my future?”

“I can't read your mind no one can read minds, and I can't really see your future but I can see the reactions you make in the future.”

“I don't quite...” Theo slowly said.

“You don't have a trail or paths as you call them. so I can only see you when I am looking in the right place and 'time', the space time you are currently existing in.” the alien answered.

“Oh, about that; how am I seeing into the future and how did I walk through walls?”

“You're not just three dimensional now, so now you're able to catch glimpses of what I see. You'll get better at it, it just takes time.”


“Well it is time for you to go now...”

“I have more...”

“I know I will be here to answer them but later, you need to go back and continue that loop.”

“What if they still don't believe me?”

“Then it might take your people a thousand years make it out of your solar system. You need to limit your growth or expand off world as soon as you can or humanity is going to choke this planet and yourselves to death.”


“Indeed... okay off you go, we'll talk later.” She waved as Theo fell away from her.

“But I...!” Theo yelled.

“Then I came out of the fold and did my Carnac impression.” Theo said as she leaned back into her chair.

Farris leaned back as well with the look of deep thinking. He sat there a moment staring at the digital recorder before bringing his hands up to his face and rubbing his eyes. “Christ...”

Theo just shrugged in response and Barbra leaned forward and addressed Farris. “Are going to go through the fold?”

“Yes, I have to, we can't just take her word for it.” Farris pointed to Theo. “I'm not going to come back out of that thing looking like you do am I?”

“Ah, I hope not... I don't think she would, it would kind of ruin my credibility.” Theo responded.

Farris growled “Well, better now than later....”

Barbra's cell phone interrupted “Sorry.” Barbra said as she dug through her purse.

“Anyways I'm going, I want you stay here for now, I want to go over want happened on the alien planet later.” Farris told Theo as he was walking out of the dead lab.


“Oh, hello David.” Barbra said to her cell.

Beth and Theo moved in close to Barbra trying to listen to the conversation. “I'm actually at the Monolith with Theo and Beth” Barbra said.

“Nothing I should say over the phone.”

“Sure I can arrange that, and Heather too. What about your professor?”

“Oh, well, if I was away from my family that long.”

“Okay see you in a bit and bring some food, I'll reimburse you.” Barbra said as she hung up.

“Yah! Pizza.” Theo said with a mellow enthusiasm.

“How do you know he's going to get pizza?” Barbra asked.

“That's all he eats.” Beth said.


David and Heather had just stopped by the closest Original Famous Ray's pizza and were back in the New York traffic. International news was coming over the radio, David figured NPR might impress Heather or at least she'd tolerate it.

“So you were with 'her' most of day yesterday, is she really Theo?” Heather asked out the window.

“Yeah she makes the same jokes Theo does, talks like him. The new packaging has changed her some but I am confident she is Theo.”

“This is so weird.” Heather muttered.


“The fact that she is Theo is weird enough but now, now she can see the future and teleport or whatever you described. I feel like I'm in a comic book...” Heather said.

“I wish.” David chuckled to himself.

“I hate to say it but, her ears, her ears kind of creep me out.” Heather was still looking out the window in to the dense sidewalks.


“I don't know, maybe it's my lizard brain telling me that she's different and that I should be afraid of her.”

“Could be.” David was worried he was going to run out of monosyllabic responses.

“What do you think happened that couldn't be talked about over the phone?” Heather asked.

“I don't know, maybe Theo has a new power or maybe they believe her now.” David shrugged.

Heather didn't respond for a moment. “Maybe... Oh and thanks for picking me up.”

“My pleasure.” David smiled.


David managed to find a spot to park that wasn't taken by a Government vehicle or stray news van. David remembered that for more than two weeks straight after their quarantine this lot was filled to capacity with the news media. And in the grass next to the lab was a forty foot line of cameras all pointing up into the lab's windows, hoping for a good shot. Halfway through their quarantine the media attention dropped and most of the cameras disappeared. David figured they were waiting for the real story to start when the quarantine was lifted. Sure enough the media was back in force as they were escorted into a shuttle for debriefing. Now the lot only had a few sleeper news vans in wait for some breaking news. In this one instance David was thankful for the Government, they kept the media away. His parents weren't badgered by reporters and his cell phone wasn't off the hook with calls from news anchors because of the bullying of good old Uncle Sam.

They reached the double stairway that led up to the Monolith as Beth came out of the door to meet them.

'Hi guys!” Beth waved.

“Hello.” David and Heather said in unison.

With a look of concentration Beth raise her fingers to her temple. “I see pepperoni pizza.” She struggled.

“MY GOD!” David yelled. “HOW DID YOU KNOW?”

Heather provided the laugh as they climbed the stairs to the reception hall.

“We need to get you signed in, Dr. Barbra can help us.” Beth called out.

They had fresh badges and were already on their way to the dead lab. “Easy huh?” Beth asked.

“Piece of cake, or should I say piece of pizza!?” David waggled his brow.

Beth pointed to her brain and with a grin said. “You're fucked up in the head.”

They passed through the doors into a crowded room filled with boxes and spare scientific equipment. Theo sat on a picnic style table that hugged a windowed wall. She was faced down looking at a pad of paper and pen in hand, she wasn't writing, though. She drew long slow curved lines around the paper, the act of a truly bored person.

“Got some tasty Zaa here.” David said.

Theo spun her head up to see, to David it looked like Theo's head rotated around her long ears. “Hi guys.” she smiled as she got up from her seat.

“How is it goin...” David said as Theo gave him a hug. David thought it weird that Theo's head didn't even reach his chin now.

“Better.” Theo said as she pulled away and met his eyes.


“Hey, Heather.” Theo walked up and gave another hug.

Heather eyed Beth who only shrugged her shoulders. “Hello, Theo.” Heather said while she patted Theo's back.

“How about we fill Heather in while we eat?” Beth asked.

“Yeah okay, come on guys, sit down and listen if you dare to this truly terrifying tale.” Theo said as she escorted them to the table.


“And then the hero tells her adventurous tale to her good friends over some pizza THE END.” Theo finished.

“Bravo bravo.” Beth droned like a zombie.

“So what do you think?” Theo asked.

“Hmm...” David furled where his beard would have been. “There just one thing, a hole in your story, a gap.”

If you were trained to recognize signs of lying on some one's face, you would have been the only one in the room who would have noticed a slight tremor of fear that ran through Theo. “Oh yeah?” She said.

“What ever happened to the baklava?” David asked.

“My god, what did happen to it?” Theo said in a hushed tone.

“It's being subjected to illegal government torture no doubt.” Heather said.

“You're getting better at keeping up with us, Heather, you’re still not at our level, of course.” Theo said haughtily .

“Of course.” David backed up.

“Yeah you're regular coin-a-sewers over there.” Beth did her best big dumb guy voice.

“I hope you saved me some, pepperoni pizza by the smell of it.” Barbra called out.

“Yes ma'am.” David said.

Barbra took a seat and grabbed a slice and started on it. “Haven't eaten all day.” she said after a few bites.

“Any news?” Theo asked.

Barbra with a mouth full of pizza pointed to Theo as if to start a game of charades. She finished her bite. “Yes, Farris is already back from talking to your alien friend.”

“I don't even know her name.” Theo said.

“Anyways, he looked a little shaken when he came out of the fold. My guess is he heard what you told him, he's probably going to have to take this to the president.” Barbra said.

“What do you think will happen?” Heather asked.

“Couldn't say, but I hope the president takes the leash off of Theo, so to speak.

“Like I said before, you are going to be popular.” Beth said as she poked Theo's nose.

“That's right, if this goes down how we want there is going to be a huge media circus around you for a long time...”

“Better pick now who gets your interview, Colbert or Steward.” David said.

“And the US won't have the monopoly on you anymore. You're probably going to get VIP invitations to all the countries in the world. Heck, most of them would probably give you honorary citizenships.” Barbra mused.

“Cool! Visit any country you want, anytime you want. You're taking me with you.” Beth said to Theo.

“We need to get you trained up on your politics.” Barbra said.


They were talking about which hand you should shake a diplomat's hand with when Farris entered the room. The conversation died as they all looked to Director Farris.

“Theo, can I have a few minutes?” Farris said.

“Sure.” Theo lifted herself out of her seat and followed Farris through the door.

“I've talked with, she never gave her name, but you know who. I just want to let you know I'm going to write this all up tonight and present it to the White House cabinet tomorrow. Don't get too hopeful yet, there is still going to be some discussion for a day or two. And if my recommendation has any pull you just might get a new citizenship and out of that quarantine lab...” Theo started grinning. “Ah! That doesn't mean I totally believe you now, I just don't think you are a danger to country anymore.” Farris said.

“I'll take that.” Theo smirked.

“I'll trust you not to run off?” Theo nodded. “Good now I've got some paperwork with my name on it, I will keep Dr. Fleming apprised of any news.” Farris said walking off down the hallway.


Beth and Theo were leaning on each other in the back of an agency shuttle. The sun was setting and the long day was catching up to Beth.

They had spent most of their time today sitting around that pizza box. They talked about the weirdness around Theo, they talked about news stories, they mostly talked about nothing. Late in the afternoon Barbra broke up the talk saying she had work to do, she set up a shuttle to take Theo back to the quarantine lab and left. Conversation lasted another hour before the group split going their separate ways. Theo and Beth watched David and Heather leave as they waited for the shuttle to arrive.

“Do you think you will age?” Beth asked quietly.

“I don't know, I'm kind of scared that I won't.” Theo mumbled.

“I think I understand.” Beth reached out and gripped Theo's hand.

“I, I think I love you too.” Theo stammered.

Beth slid closer and tightened her hold. “Thanks for finally saying it.”

Theo stayed silent and enjoyed the contact she was having with Beth. Theo could hear a soft snore coming from Beth, how long have I been up? Theo thought. She shifted her head carefully and looked at the busy traffic that was filtered through the dark plate of glass. There were still a lot of pedestrians walking about 'Should I feel responsible for every person out there? Will I in the future?' Theo thought.

“What am I going to do?” Theo said to herself.


“Like I just told you, I had to so you wouldn't die.” The alien said.

“But why do I look exactly like you?” Theo asked.


“‘Cause? I deserve more than a ‘CAUSE!” Theo screamed.

“Maybe you do, but that's going to be my answer for now.”

Theo deflated “What am I going to tell them? How am I going to prove I'm me?”

“Farris seems to have taken an interest in you and he is impartial, tell him if he wants to talk to me have him step into the fold and I will tell him that you are you.”

“He’s going to ask why, and he won't take ‘cause for an answer. It's going to make him more suspicious of me, then they'll never let me out of my cage.”

“Tell them this then...” The alien continued.

“Is any of that true? am I me? you just rearranged my body right? and I'm a Fold Guide?” Theo asked.

“It is time for you to go. Don't worry, I will tell you the truth soon it's just not the right time.” She said as Theo fell away from her.

“But I...” Theo yelled.

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