Sissy farm 24 Posted

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Well, finally got chapter 24 of Sissy Farm posted. Arm is slowly getting better but the cabin fever is serious. At the moment I'm going for walks in the hills around my house and picking blackberries to make Blackberry crumble and custard. (Delicious!!)
It's bloody awkward picking the berries though cos you need both hands to pick them. One to hold the bramble and one to pluck the berries.
That's all for now folks.

Enjoy Michelle's story and remember she's slowly becoming empowered in her external life whilst still a beholden sissy in her private relationship. Interesting conundrum.



...unlike most other tales involving sissydom, this family seem to have loving, kindly mistresses, who don't appear to exploit their partners. Heck, their partners can go on to lead relatively normal 'public' lives. Hopefully once the group leave the Academy and start finding their own courses in life, they'll find mutually agreeable arrangements to their private lives. Of course the sissies will always be subservient to their mistresses, but that doesn't necessarily mean servitude to the extent of dressing / bathing their mistress or doing everything mistress commands immediately without question for fear of punishment.

As for Jeanette being found an acceptable mistress for Julia, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if after watching Julia milk a few times, she's tempted to have a taste...
...closely followed by another, and another, and another, and etc. :)


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