Lost in the Hills of Iowa?

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Golly, America is a big place! However, much to my astonishment, I ran into a Muslim woman at a motel in Sherman, Wy. Wow. We hope to be back on line Tuesday night, and how I have missed you all. I simply can't say how little the fact that I am trans and Muslim matters to anyone. Everyone has been so friendly. See ya all later. miss you.



Hey Gwen,

[email protected] Just wait till you get here! This is a truly incredible part of the country. I know I might be a bit more than biased, I've lived here all my life, But there are good, honest, working-class people here. Their hearts are as big as anyone's on the planet.

Welcome to the neighborhood! Our arms are wide open and awaiting your arrival.

Much Love and Peace,

The Eagle Has Landed in Painesville, OH !

We just got in yesterday, and spent most of the day getting settled. For a poor Oregon girl it is stifling hot because of the humidity. I finally had to relax my dressing standards and wear a short sleeve top. I am quite grateful to be settled and have a home again.

Much Peace
