August 9th, 2010 - 16,586 visitors, 45,847 pages viewed

That's a record number of visitors to BC on Monday, August 9th. It's also 177% of the average number of visitors in August of last year. The average for August this year is just about 150% of last year.

The number of pages viewed is probably also a record, though maybe not technically since we had one day when some bot in Italy two years ago downloaded over half that many pages in a 16 hour period all by itself. There was also a freaky day in March about that time when FM, SS and SP were all down and page downloads went nuts on BC as people tried to copy the site for fear it would also go down.

Traffic on BC has been growing for the last three months at a rate of more than 2% per week, or about 33% a quarter. I don't expect that to continue through the end of the year but in the past, the period of greatest growth has always been November through January.

Normal growth at BC has averaged just less than 1% per week over a span of years. I think we may have hit a knee in the curve, a taking off point but who knows, we could hit a plateau just as easily. More readers also means more authors and more stories. Last week we averaged one new author a day. We've been averaging more than ten new stories a day for some time, about 80 a week.

And the community is growing. More stories have more comments and more blogs are being posted, too. Friction is also up a bit but seems to quiet down faster than it had in the past. More people are being more tolerant of each other, I think.

Big Closet Top Shelf is a friendly place, I like it here. :)

Hugs to all,

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