I've never bought into the numbers put out by Fictionmania. Fifty-seven million hits in the last dozen years seems a bit much by several fold.
I sometimes think our BC colony is made up of a LOT of duplicity. . .people who use multiple screen names. I know of several, but if that is their greatest sin, they're still on the way to beatification. At times I wonder if the actual count of those individuals who come here isn't much lower than apparently stated by Who's Online, like in the low hundreds, rather than thousands. Evidence to the contrary is the number of actual writers -- whose styles are sufficiently different to suggest they're not the same people. Either BC inspires everyone to write, or the normal .5% are doing the writing. My guess is a little of both, so that 3 to 4% of the total number who come here eventually post a story. Given an estimated 150 active writers, BC probably has 5 to 7,000 actual active patrons.
Why cares?
We all should.
Erin has a $1,000 a month nut to crack. Given the 80/20 rule and a 5,000 total patronage, ia grand a month would still seem extremely doable. One thousand people would have to each contribute about $10 a year, but let's get inside that number. We have a lot of wounded doves within our membership whose earning potential is slight. Either those with physical and mental challenges that reduce their ability to earn are the most outspoken of us, or an estimate of 50% of us being in that category is close. We are now up to $20 per able member. Quite a number of us are silver-tongued (and haired) devils on fixed incomes or pensions. . .maybe even half the remaining number, brining the annual needed contribution to $40. At the other end of the spectrum are those too young to have steady income. . .make that $50. Let's reduce the number of willing contributors by half again due to those who suffer from intense fear of someone discovering their secret. That fear prevents them from contributing, registering, etc. This number would also include those who have a strict aversion to paying for anything that is available through the internet.
All in all it would appear that the true number of contributors to BC is in the area of 100 making their share of the needed revenue somewhere around $100 to $120.
I realize the above is sand piled on sand, but the reality seems to be that this site needs several dozen benefactors to contribute over $100 annually. Any other way of looking at it is, in my opinion, unrealistic. Suggestions that if we all tossed in a dollar or two the problem would be solved doesn't pay Erin's bills.
No Point in Commenting
The last time I attempted to put forth some suggestions I was basically slapped down. So I'll sit this round out.
Nancy Cole
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
I already do it
but then I do tend to occupy a bit of server space. I do it quarterly through Amazon and would happily pay into a subscription scheme instead if there was one.
Perhaps I misunderstand,
but there is a subscription, through Amazon. There are lots of options, from single payments to quarterly or monthly payments. I do the monthly, myself. The only problem I have is that it isn't recurring, so I have to keep redoing it every year (I'm only on my second year, though I think I overlapped a bit. That's okay, though, BC & Erin are worth it!). But then, perhaps that's what you were referring to?
Did any of that make sense? 0.o
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Same as Angharad
I also; I'm fortunate in that my income allows me. There are those not so fortunate and Erin has generously opted not to make this a subs site. Sad though that we can't find some way of anticipating her need to hold out the begging bowl.
Dy hole
My sister has donated several hundred dollars in just the last year alone, but that well is dry for now. So some of you other people need to open your purses and wallets.
They know they can survive
This is sad
Angela has brought up a very serious subject, money to keep this site active and only one person has taken the time to comment, thank you Nancy. Even sadder is that I think the people who will do something to help are the ones contributing to this site as authors. I don't want to sound like a harpie but unfortunately most of the readers are doing it because the stories are free, never mind that someone is paying for it, as long as they aren't. I could use a different analogy but I don't want to start a flame war, so I won't. Hopefully some of the freebees will take the time to contribute, Arecee
Sorry I wrote this before I saw all the replies,but as usual it's the authors on this site that took the time, Arecee