
by Bamajoe

This Daisy was no flower, and an off the cuff offer lands her an police officer on the front line of the fight against organized crime. One will flourish, while the other finds love, wealth, and a little romance along they way. "No, I'm not Daisy." And let me assure you he is no Lady

Chapter 1

I was sitting in one of my not so favorite cafes, nursing a headache from the beating I had taken the night before. Two weeks ago I was a detective, first class Mark Clay. Now I am a flatfoot working Vise without enough rank for it to matter and happy, in a way, just to still be on the force. Maybe I should back up just a little before you hear the rest of the story.

For three months I had been buying drugs undercover. Always the same guy did the deal and always the stuff tested out 100%. He was small time and we knew it. We wanted his source or the guy that was above him in the ring. After several deals, one of the boys down at the lab, Jimmy, called me off to the side.

"Did you hear that I.A. is snooping around"? Jimmy said.

"No". What or who are they looking for"? I asked.

"Don't ask me, but the evidence locker is clean as a whistle and they took a ton of my files and two of my computers." Jimmy added.

I eased my way back upstairs and to my desk, then started passing the word that the snitch patrol was here. There was another drug buy set up for this weekend and, when the captain called me to his office, I knew it wasn't good news. I hadn't filed for my vacation time, and I wasn't up for a promotion. That was about the only good news the Captain ever gave anybody.

"Detective Clay, meet Marsha Bridgeport and her partner, Amanda Barnes."

"Hello," I said, as politely as I could.

"Nice to meet you," the ladies said in tandem.

"What? They turned I.A. over to the ladies now," I quipped to the captain.

"We're here to ask you for your help, not investigate you," Amanda spoke up, quick like.

"Then ask," I stated almost quick.

"You have a drug buy set up for this weekend with a wanna-bee called Carlos. Right?"

"Correct," I replied.

"Well, we think that Carlos, who we already know is on patrol, is getting his drugs from a P.O."

"Aren't they supposed to be cops, too," I asked?

"Some are, some are not. This one is and, if we're right, he has some big time help somewhere in the department."

"And I fit in this equation, where?" I asked.

"This weekend you'll get busted, along with Carlos. You will both go through all the steps, but charges against you will be dropped, of course. And, if he really is a new guy in town, then you look great to the department. However, once we print him and have a picture to work with, if he is who we think he is, he will somehow get a walk, too."

"And why would you do that?" I asked.

"Well, you know his first stop will be his supplier."

"He gets a walk on 10 Kilo's, he won't even get out the door and his supplier would kill him on sight. Better to sit on him and make him squeal, I added."

"Not really," Marsha injected, "if he is this man."

She handed me a picture to see him.

"His name is Daniel Chow. He has no known drug ties and never has had, but he is tied to the P.O. that we think might be involved. He has family here and a wife and kid. His P.O. has given him nothing but great reports. He even has a legit job."

"So, if this guy goes running home to the P.O., then you figure on investigating him for the source of the drugs."

"Yes, and whoever is holding the money for him. He lives a simple lifestyle, not that of a man with money. His bank accounts are clean and neat and he still owes plenty on his house."

"So he's sitting on the money?"

"Somebody is," she added. "And that person might also be the real supplier."

"Sounds rather weak to me," I grinned, "but then you two are I.A. So you suspect an active officer is involved?"

"Yes, but that is all we can tell you right now."

The buy went down at 8:00 p.m. sharp and so did the bust, just as it was planned. As it turned out, Daniel was out by 10:00 and just before midnight we were both given a walk. On purpose, no one read us our rights and the public defender was furious and almost as mad as the D.A. Two seconds out the door Danny boy took off for his P.O., that's parole officer, if you didn't already know.

Three days later Danny turned up in the west river, tits up and taking on water. The word on the street was that Danny was killed by a hooker when he refused to pay for the service. That was a stretch for any of us to believe. This guy was on parole for beating up a man that had tried to rape his sister. Not the type to go looking for a hooker and then stiff her for the bill. It just didn't fit the profile, as they say.

His P.O. was under investigation, but according to Amanda and Marsha it was going nowhere fast. I received a text message that said, if I wanted to know who killed Danny, I should talk to Daisy. Yeah, right, I told myself. Daisy was somewhat of a myth or a mystery, to say the least. Supposedly a real ladies' lady with her hooks in both sides of the street. Word was she could quote you the name of every hooker in town and most of the John's, as well. We had 20 year men that had looked high and low for this Daisy, as she was called, and nobody, but nobody, had ever been successful. If I could find her, I could probably solve every murder in this town over the last few years.

Still, I was the new guy on the force and with a very few friends. Cops never trust anybody and other cops.....no way. I did have a buddy from school that was working vise so I had him ask around about this Daisy. After that, I pretty much forgot all about it. That was, till about a week later, Frank, my buddy, tells me there is a Daisy working at some gay club downtown.

Sure. I told him. The top lady in town working a gay club.

Hey, it's as good as any other lead we have had over the years.

I'll check it out, I said with somber face. Believe it or not we hit the jackpot, my friends. Daisy was not a woman at all, she was a female impersonator with a rap sheet a mile long. She or he, as the case really was, was a computer geek. And it took all of three seconds, once I flashed my badge, for him to come clean.

He owned the building and the club and it was located in one of the tallest buildings in town. He had done his time and was clean now, as far as the law was concerned. But what he showed me in the room at the top of his building boggled my mind. One computer after another stacked in rows of four lined the outside wall. He had every camera in the city tied to one set of computers, while yet, another set monitored every call, cell phone or land line that went in and out of the city.

"It is not illegal to listen, you just can't use what you hear for profit or some other illegal activity."

"So this is like a hobby now?" I asked.

"In a way, this and the club. It keeps me out of harm's way," he added.

"Okay. Let's see if you're as smart as everyone makes you out to be. Danny Chow? Found dead in the west river, killed by his parole officer over a drug deal gone bad."

"And how do you know that?" I replied.

"Want to see the tape he shot back?"

"Hell, yes. I want to see it, that's murder." "Okay, but it won't solve your case," he replied.

He popped in the cd, actually, and hit the play button. When he zoomed in, it was clear as day how it had happened and who had done it.

"Well done," I said. "Mystery solved," I added, as I popped the cd out and put it in my pocket.

"Cops." He shook his head and said, "You guys are so stupid."

"Okay, wise guy. What's the problem?

"You really think some two bit parole officer can front Danny with 10 key's of dope?"

"Hell, no," I spat, "but once he's faced with a murder charge, I bet he will talk."

"Never happen and you will be working a beat before sun-up if you turn over that cd."

"Sure, I'm about to hand the D.A. a slam dunk and for that I get my chops busted. I kinda doubt it."

"Well, just leave me out of it, if you will ...please?"

"Sure thing, Daisy."

I watched the cd at home about three times and decided it was plenty good enough to turn over to the D.A. As soon as the courthouse opened that morning, I passed him the cd and told him to give it a look. By noon I was in the chief's office getting the third degree from him and the D.A. Some expert said the cd was a fake and the DA was pushing the chief to bust me back to walking a beat. Monday morning I would learn my fate, but, in the meantime, I needed to pay Daisy a visit. I all but took the door off at Daisy's place before he just unlocked it and let me in.

"You set me up." I stood and huffed just inches from his face.

"No, you did that all by yourself. The D.A. said the disk was a fake. Right?"

"How did you know that?" I asked, catching my breath, as I did.

"Well, he is just one of many our local crime boss owns."

"Do what?" My eyes went wide.

"Oh, yes. Overall I would say he owns at least half of this town, the D.A., two judges, that I know of."

"And who the hell is he?" I asked.

"Still not sure on that one, but this is his goon squad."

The picture that popped on the screen were men well known to me. Carmine, Joey, Raymond Valdez. "Those three do anything they want, nobody touches them," I said.

"Cause they're connected to this guy, never have seen the face, but he runs things."

"Okay. So, if you already know all this, why are you just sitting on the information?"

"Because of what just happened to you. Nobody is willing to believe this man is so well connected and I haven't found a cop willing to do what has to be done."

"And just what do you mean by that?" I replied.

"Our top man here only goes out at night. He likes his personal company to be call girls or transsexuals, although, they are usually call girls, in a way, as well. I have given at least 20 female cops a chance to clean house, none of them were willing to do it. Monday you will be busted back to vise. They have put out the word that you can't be trusted. So don't expect to make a call for help and actually get any. You did pretty well as a call girl busting johns, and word is you're back to it."

"And you know this, how?" I asked.

"Well, before you sat with the chief he got a call from an unlisted number. The caller said he wanted you humiliated, not fired discretely. In fact, the caller suggested a long term gig undercover as a hooker. I can play you the call, if you want."

"No. I knew there was something up when they didn't fire me right off. And, if I quit, then I am as good as admitting the cd was fake. And this guy here, you say he's the one pulling all the strings."

"No doubt in my mind", Daisy added. "I want his ass and I want it now," I huffed.

"Then I have three questions for you."

"Shoot," I replied. "Are you a cop that really wants to clean this town up?"

"Yes", I replied.

"Are you also willing to bend the law to be successful at it?"

"You know I am," I spat.

"And last, but not least, are you willing to be a girl or woman 24/7 till the job is done?"


"If I help you, once you go undercover, you stay undercover for however long it takes."

"I'll get back to you on that one. Make me a copy of the call to the chief. I just want it for leverage."

Daisy was right and I got busted back to vise the next Monday. Tuesday night I was out walking the street, as a hooker, and my calls for help went ignored. Three weeks running now I had all but gotten my brains beat in and no help at all. As I sat in the cafe, I began to think that Daisy's offer was sounding better and better all the time.

Chapter 2

I'm not your typical over grown male cop. If anything, and the truth be told, I am the smallest guy on the force right now. Hence, the reason I got the assignment I have now and, likewise, the first time I got it. Well, that and the other stuff you already know. It was time for this to change and I was the only one that could really do that or at least the way I wanted it to change.

The chief almost didn't know it was me when I walked in his office.

"Something I can do for you?"

"Yes, Chief, it's time for change and you're going to help me."

"I am," he replied with his head turned up high.

I placed the mini cassette player on his desk and ran the recording of the call. "Now, I know you're dirty and you know that I know."

"That will never stand in court," He said.

"I know your D.A. friend will have some supposed expert testify that it is a fake, but I know it's true. I am doing just as you were told on the tape. Am I not?"

"I see your point," he replied.

"I know you were a good cop once, and I know your son was killed to get you to play ball. You're not getting rich so you're not playing willingly. You do what I ask and when this all falls apart, I will have the evidence to prove that. You will never do a day in jail. You help me now, I help you later, that simple. In or out?" I asked.

"In," he replied.

"Okay. From now on my checks go to this numbered account. My house sold yesterday and I am moving. You don't need to know where. This is an e-mail address. All my paperwork will come to you from that address. Tomorrow I will be killed in a very public manner and the force will bury me with honors. You will be my only contact. So if anybody catches on, I know who spilled the beans."

"The police won't pay a dead man," he said.

"They will if you tell them it is an undercover operation and the death is a ruse. I am taking two weeks off. I'll be in touch, sir. Oh, and make sure I get my vacation pay, too."

He wasn't happy, but for the moment I had some control over the what happened next. Late that night I made my way over to Daisy's place and we had a long talk. I asked him why he wore the fake breasts all the time.

"Because they're not fake. They're implants and I don't want to deal with pain to take them out."

"Well, I got two weeks to get my act together and I was really hoping your offer was still open."

"It is, but once we start, if you bail out, I will kill you myself rather than be exposed and lose what little I have."

"Fair enough," I replied.

Daisy made some calls and about an or so hour later an ambulance came and got me.

"Do what you're told, when you're told, and you'll be back here in a week."

It was a quiet ride, no lights or siren for me. I wasn't sure what Daisy had set me up for, but I was sure he or she, as it were, knew what she was doing. I was taken from the ambulance in an underground parking lot. The men rolled me into what looked like an operation room and a doctor and with a couple of nurses was next to make the scene.

"Daisy sent me," I said.

"Look, if I do this, are you going to get the goons out of my clinic?"

The anger on her face was evident and for a second I wasn't sure what to say. "Those goons are the very reason I am here. Nobody wants them gone more than I. And, yes, I intend to see that they are all gone and soon."

"Do it," she looked at one of the nurses.

A mask was placed over my nose and mouth and, in what seemed like just a few seconds, I was out cold. When I came to, my chest and face hurt as if they had been on fire. I didn't feel all that great in the crotch area either, but I was still alive, so that was a plus. And it told me the doctor could be trusted. I was so heavily bandaged around my face and neck it was all but impossible to talk. But I could use the call button for the nurse and did.

The doctor, along with the nurse, came in. I got a shot for the pain and was thankful to get it. The nurse helped as the doctor started to remove the bandages. They weren't talking and I guessed there was a reason.

"You can go now, Jill. I can take it from here.

Don't talk," the doctor said, as soon as she was gone. "You will be moved tonight, but you will still be in my care. Don't even try to talk. You could tear the stitches and I worked very hard to make you very pretty," she grinned.

I got another shot around noon time and it kept the pain down to a dull roar. I wasn't happy, as it was obvious I had undergone at least more than one surgery. About the time I should have gotten dinner, the same guys with the same ambulance came and got me. It was dark and I had no clue where I was being taken or why for that matter. I fell asleep and when I awoke, again, I was in an ordinary bed in someone's house. As soon as I flipped back the covers, the lights came on and as I sat on the edge of the bed, in came the doctor.

"How's the pain," she asked?

I just looked at her for a second.

"You can talk now," she smiled. "You're pretty well healed."

"The pain's not so bad, but I could eat and right now almost anything sounds good, if it's food." She helped me get the hospital gown on and tied and then we walked to the kitchen.

"What day is it?" I asked.

"Friday. Another day or two and you can start cleaning this town up," she smiled.

"Yes, well, I am officially off till next Monday and the way I feel right now....I think I'll need it."

"A couple of days, moving around, getting the muscles back working, you'll be fine." She smiled as she poured us some coffee.

"I'm glad you think so. Right now my chest feels like it weighs a ton and the rash between my legs must look awful, if it looks half as bad as it feels."

"Well, the weight on your chest comes from the D cup breast I gave you. As for the rash, well, it looks very much like you have a vagina like a woman should, but you still have your male parts there just well hidden for the time being."

"Is that so?" I replied.

"Yes, it is," came Daisy's voice from somewhere behind me.

The doctor hugged Daisy as she said, "good to see you, Thomas."

"Nobody calls me that now Sherry, you know that."

"You two know each other, I assume?"

"She's my sister," Daisy said.

"The doc here is your sister?" I pointed.

"Yes," he replied.

"And you or at least once you're all healed up, now fit the bill to get to the top man."

"By appearance, both a transsexual and a hooker," I said flatly.

"Well, yes," Daisy replied.

"Oh, and I have something you need to see. Thanks for the body, sis."

"Not a problem," she smiled.

He put a disk in the machine and hit play. The news tonight is not good for Officer Mark Clay. Metro police announced around lunch time today his body was found severely beaten and shot once in the head by a small caliber hand gun. The funeral will be held tomorrow at Friendship Chapel.

"You're now known as Mary Jo Wright. You were born here and have lived here all your life. You're a secretary for another company that I own and that is actually a real job. Although, I doubt you have a lot of time to work there. You have an apartment in the building next to mine and here's the key to my lab upstairs. Use it anytime you need to. My sister, Sherry, is now your personal doctor and she is known for making women beautiful".

"Or beautiful women," she grinned.

"Let me know as soon as she is well enough to work, sis. I got to run."

"Okay. I will call you soon," she added.

"I take it I'm not the first man you have worked your magic on," I said to Sherry. She almost fell over laughing.

"No, not by far the first," she smiled as she fixed us some breakfast.

The food was great and the more I moved around the less I really felt the pain.

"Ready to see my handiwork?" She smiled ear to ear.

"As ready as I will get, I guess."

The last of the bandages were taken from my face first and she pointed out all the things she did to make me look cute, as she called it. It took a while to get all the bandages off my chest and I had huge breasts for my small body size. I know they seem really big, but it's more to the fact that your frame is so small. Any size implants were going to look big. When my crotch was free of the bandages, she was right. It did kinda look like a vagina. I wasn't happy and she knew I wasn't, but I didn't say anything to hurt her feelings. She was very proud of her work.

I spent the next week doing girl 101 classes. Sherry and Donna, a nurse from her clinic, pounded me with everything girl 24/7 and I was catching on, but it was slow. Sherry and Donna also fixed up my apartment so by the time I moved in it was more girlish than I was. I spent a ton of money as I needed two wardrobes. One to fit the secretary look and one for the hooker look, as well. Even with all the help I had gotten from Daisy, Sherry and Donna, I wasn't so sure I could pull off this 24/7 girl thing. It was a lot to do and even more to remember. I had the voice and the makeup pretty well down pat, but the clothes and the corset Sherry insisted that I wear 23 hours a day. Well, that was taking some getting accustomed to.

There wasn't a single pair of pants in my whole wardrobe. Sherry and Donna insisted that it would be far too easy to fall back into my male habits if I wore pants. So stockings attached to my corset and heels of some kind became the everyday for me. Granted, I loved the feel of the stocking on my legs and some of the other clothes felt really good, too. But all my dresses and skirts were at least above the knee. And the smallest heel on any of my shoes was about three inches. Save one pair of flat house shoes. Think sex kitten look 24 hours a day and you'll be pretty close to how I felt.

I got in touch with my old friend Frank. Of course, I couldn't tell him who I really was and set myself up as an informant. Thankfully, with my new and youthful looking face, Frank never once thought I was his old friend Mark. With that done, I hit the street and started in earnest to find out just who it was at the top of things in this town.

In less than a week, Frank had busted more John's and would be drug dealers than any active officer on the force. The chief knew how it really happened, but that was because he got all my reports. Two weeks later Frank's partner got murdered and Frank got a death threat on his own life. Before Frank had just been doing his job. But now he was mad and that was never a good thing. He became more obsessed with cleaning out the town than I did.

One month back on the streets and things changed a bit for me. I had one ear piece with Frank in that ear and one with Daisy on the other. I was like a stereo with two different channels playing at the same time. That was not an easy thing to do, but so far every bust had stuck and Frank was very happy for the help.

Then I walked in on the Valdez boys making a protection pick up at a local market where I shopped. Daisy told me to walk across the street and stand where they were sure to see me when they walked out. I did as I was told and, of course, Frank had no idea what was coming. As I stood on the corner waiting for the men to come out of the store, I felt sure this was about to turn ugly.

"Look them straight in the eye when they come out," Daisy told me.

"You mean, if they come out," I replied. Carmine came out first and stopped for a moment to look me over.

Chapter 3

As soon as he turned his head to walk down the street, a bullet ripped his head open. There was no sound at all and everything seemed to move in slow motion. Frank moved his car fast into position to protect Joey. But Joey never came out of the building. He called for back-up and an ambulance and since I was undercover, I started walking away.

Two blocks from the scene my phone chirped and I had a message from the chief. He wanted me in his office right now. I suggested a private meeting at the clinic, as I was undercover, and not ready to surface just yet. When the chief arrived at the clinic, I was waiting in the underground parking area. It was about the only place in the city we were sure not to be seen.

"Did you kill him?" the chief asked as he looked down the v-neck of my halter top?

"Like you even need to ask me that question," I stated, as I turned so he could see my bare back. "I have a rifle up my skirt and the silencer is up my ass."

"Don't play smart with me," he huffed. "Did you set this up?"

"Hell, no," I spat.

"Well, keep up the good work. That was the bastard that killed my son."

With that said, he turned and got in his car and drove away.

The void left by Carmine's death was quickly filled by the youngest of the Valdez brothers, Timmy. For now, of all the players known to the public, Frank and I were about the only ones that hadn't gotten our picture in the paper. We moved our operation to the east side of town. The Valdez brothers didn't like the area, but there were still a few big fish there to bust. Frank and I started to meet every Saturday at the clinic. That was where we did all our planning and information exchanges. I saw Sherry once a month, anyway, and I killed two birds with one stone that way.

It was almost amazing to me that Frank had no clue who I really was. And even more so as my body began to feel soft and my hair got longer and longer and softer, as well. Between Donna and Sherry they almost never allowed me out of the corset and with it on I measured 34-D, 20-33. Without, my waist was only 22 inches.

Thankfully, Daisy knew a good tailor so getting my clothes to fit wasn't a real problem. And since I had no pants in my wardrobe, as of yet, I always had on stockings and high heels of some kind. It was so different from the male clothes I had worn for the first 25 + years of my life and it wasn't as if I could just up and return to what I had known as normal all those years.

Once Frank and I started working the East side of town, it didn't take long for the criminal element to pack up and move. Not before we got several of the Valdez brothers bigger dealers and heaven knows how many John's I got busted. One night Frank had to call it a little early, so I was alone for the last 40 minutes of the shift. Nobody knew I was a cop, even Frank. So, as I headed home looking like a hooker, of course, a car stopped at the corner.

I stopped and got close enough to the passenger side window to tell the idiot I was done for the night. He offered me good money to do one last trick, but I, of course, said no. He got out of the car and came around the front towards me and I knew then this was about to get physical. He opened the door to the car and tried to push me in and in the struggle he kneed me in the groin. Thankfully, it didn't hurt so much as it might would have, but suddenly I noticed how weak I was. I returned the favor and, when he doubled over, I slammed his head against the roof of the car. While he was stunned, I asked if I should call 911 and he said, no, and got in his car and left.

As I walked the rest of the way home, I realized that was much harder for me than it should have been. And the knee between my legs should have doubled me over, but I just barely even felt it. I wondered then if the corset, which I knew kept from breathing as deep as I could, was not such a good thing, or at least while I was working. Or, if maybe I was becoming too much of a girl, that would explain the loss of strength, softer skin and hair. I pushed it from my mind, let myself in the apartment and went to sleep.

The next morning I had blood stained panties and several of the stitches Sherry had hid the sausage with were broken. I called in and took a sick leave day and later made my way to the clinic. Sherry was pleased to see me.

It wasn't a simple fix. The skin was torn so patching me and setting back out on the street wasn't part of her plan. She took some of my blood and put me in a private room. She said she would be back in a few minutes and we could make a plan as to what to do. She had taken the remaining stitches out. Now, I could see my penis was very small and pink and my balls were quite a bit smaller than I recalled them to be. Sherry was pretty good at fixing things. It wasn't the first time she had patched me up and doubted it would be the last.

When she came back, she asked me a lot of questions like most any doctor would.

"When was the last time you knew you had an erection?"

"Since before the first time you operated on me," I replied.

"Have you been pulling at the stitches in any other way?" she asked.

"No, nothing more than the normal activities I would do."

"Any related aches or pains I should know about?"

"No, till the fight last night I was feeling great," I added.

"Good," she replied.

"So here is what I want to do. The way the skin is torn I can't just sew you back up, as it were. The pressure now that the damage has done would just tear it all loose again. But here is what I can do. I can relocate your balls and fix them in place so they are not trying to hang down and out and do the same for your penis. You will look even more like a girl than before and after some time with a stint to hold your penis up inside your body, I could take all the stitches out and you can live a normal female's life."

"And you can fix it all back once this operation with the police is done?"

"Sure, it can be reversed, but the results might not be as good as the original. For all the world to know, the real you is dead anyway. So with this operation you can legally qualify as a female."

An orderly came in with dinner and Sherry was quiet till he left the room.

"Is this like really painful, this operation you want to do?"

"You'll be down for a few days, maybe a week. Depends on how much you really try to get into the idea of being a girl, as it were. I wont skimp on the pain killers for you, if that is a real issue."

I signed the papers she had put in front of me and told her I didn't want to know about it. "I might change my mind, just knock me out and do it."

How little did I know that Sherry had just basically told she was going to do the sex change operation on me. This was something I knew very little and nothing about so it was easy for her to slip the wool over my eyes, as it were. I would thank her for it later, but that would be a while down the road.

After I ate that night, I had little trouble falling asleep. How little did I know even then she had given the drugs to make me sleep. That was Thursday night and I didn't wake up till Monday morning. And hurt. I hurt in places I didn't know I had and then some. Sherry got to me early on in her rounds and now that I was awake she gave me a big shot of pain killers. But now she wanted to torture me or so I thought. She had an orderly come and get me and made me walk up and down the hall for several minutes.

Before she went home that day, she stopped by my room again.

"I already removed the packing and you have the largest stint already in place. A few more days of walking around and I will take the stitches out and, as soon as you can pee on your own, you can go home."

Frank came by and Sherry and I had a ready story for him. A John had tried to rape me and beat me up pretty bad. The rape wasn't successful, but I still needed a few days to recover.

Three days later and a lot of walking up and down the halls at the clinic and Sherry sent me home. Sherry gave the once over before she let me go.

"I'm going to take the stint out and clean it, then I will put it back. You will feel some pain, but I want you to notice that it will feel like I am putting a plastic cap over your penis."

It did hurt, but not so bad as I imagined. "And so long as I have it in or at least till I'm healed, the hot dog, as you call, will stay up inside me?" I asked.

"Yes, that is the idea. The longer you can keep it in place the better you will heal and not hurt later on," she added.

"It seems rather long," I said.

"Almost 9 inches. Your penis, to be more precise, was very long. So that's a good thing," she smiled.

"And this healing thing, how long do you figure that will take?"

"What you can see will heal quickly and in a month or two the bruising will go away, as well. But you will need to keep the stint in for quite some time." "You will still be seeing me each month just like before so I can make sure the healing process is progressing. I will let you know when you can be free of the stint."

I went home that night and since I had plenty of sick days saved up, I used another week of them. I was very careful with the stint and tried to never touch the rest of the doctor's work. As she said, an infection was the last thing I wanted. I had been sitting to pee for some time now, but now the water seemed to flow from a different point. I was super clean about all the area around the operation as I wanted to make sure no damage was done. After all, that 9 inch bone was still there and it had plenty of fun when I used it.

By the end of the next week I was walking normal again, if you can really call it that, but the loss between my legs made that a much easier thing to do now. Walking like a female, that is. The feel of the stint up inside me was mixed. Sometimes it felt good, while at other times it was a big distraction for me. I knew it was there all the time. I hadn't had sex in four months now and any feeling my penis got was enough to take my mind from my work.

At one of our normal planning meetings Frank and I decided it was time to move further west and get into the heart of the criminal element, as it were. Had I known then I was a real girl, I might have been at least a little afraid. But not me. I was ready to get this done and the sooner the better I told Frank.

Frank had never questioned me as why I was so willing to help the cops, as it were. Real call girls and hookers hated the cops and since I seemed to be the latter it was an obvious question to ask. Frank had never known me to sleep with a John and I wasn't about to. I just turned them in and let him to do all the paperwork. So long as the reports I sent the chief matched to his then the chief knew I was doing my job and to me that was all that really counted.

As we started to work the downtown area, I began to feel as if I was being watched. No real hooker turns down every John. And to say I was sexually frustrated would be an understatement of the facts. My first checkup with Sherry was good and she was pleased that I had the stint in place almost around the clock.

Chapter 4

She was even more pleased at my second checkup when I told her I was wet enough most of the time to not use the lube to insert the stint. There was a hard knot in my lower stomach area and I took off my corset so Sherry could feel it for herself. She explained it away as a balloon stint she had placed inside to work the same as the one I was using. "I'll take it out when you come for your next visit," she said with a smile. "You should be fully healed by then."

That night I held a small mirror between my legs and by any terms of the word it looked like a real vagina. I even had a somewhat hard bump at the top that would pass for a clit. I had to look around a bit to find the hole where my pee was coming from now, but I did eventually find it. Pulling the stint in and out of the opening always felt like I was rubbing the shaft of my penis, so no matter how it looked to me, I still had my penis.

Frank and I worked right on just as before only now, we or should I say he, started to sit on some of the John's for information. Even people with no ties to organized crime can sometimes put you on the right track, and that was just how it happened.

A big time accountant came on to me one night and when Frank drug him in, he found out he was married and had three kids. Frank pressed him for any information he could give him and promised to make the current arrest disappear. After several hours, he finally gave Frank the name of the Valdez brothers' accountant. He was known to like women like me, as well, or so he told Frank.

The chief sent me the file in my e-mail and I was surprised when the man said some not so nice things about me. Frank stood up for me real quick and was about to slap the man before he apologized for the remark. According to him, I needed a bigger rack or a smaller waist. I was working for the good guys and Frank set him straight right quick. He didn't tolerate talk like that about women, no matter if she was or wasn't a police officer.

Frank had probably been protective over me from the start. For him I was the goose that had laid the golden egg. I did all the real work and he got all the glory.

After that it was much more apparent to me when he would stay a little closer than normal. Especially, after all the local bars had closed up shop and the drunks were making their way home. He cautioned me more about getting in harm's way and offered to pay for it if I would take a self-defense course. I thanked him and told him no. I flashed my badge, but not so he could see it well enough to get the number or city and state info.

"You're a cop," he sputtered.

"I was. Doing time now for things I didn't really do."

"Well, it's better than being dead," he replied.

I lost a good friend just a few months back."

"How so?" I asked, trying to sound as stupid as I could.

"Car accident, but we all know it was staged, but dead is dead."

"Why stage a car accident?" I asked.

"Well, most think he got too close to busting someone in IA. They cover for their own just like we do, they're just better at it."

"I see," I replied. "It took a while, but I got the whole story from the cd forward."

It was amazing how once the criminal element was pushed out of one area the good people would return and open up shop again. And the people at the local tv station had missed it for sure. The east side was slowly but surely growing again and more and more businesses were opening up almost by the week. The six block radius Frank and I had been working in the heart of downtown was coming back to life, as well. And the city made an extra effort to clean it up in general.

It was time for my next checkup and Sherry smiled as she removed the stint that had been inside me for most of 90 days now. As she did her work, she rubbed the bump I had deemed a clit more than a few times. I had the oddest sensation when she did it the last time and it almost felt like an orgasm. But my whole body shook and I felt the muscles in my crotch tighten like before, but in a different way, as well.

A lot of nerves in that one spot. "Sorry," she smiled, as she knew full well what had just happened.

Needless to say, my frustration went down a notch or two after that. However, suddenly, if you would, my bras all became too small and I added a set of hips. My hips didn't arrive as quick as my breasts, but I was now a full double D cup. And my hips were just an inch larger than my chest, so it just made me look more like the girl I was supposed to be to begin with. Summer gave way to fall and while I still dressed the part of a hooker I did opt for some warmer clothes when I could.

Frank and I moved six blocks north of downtown and continued the operation as we had been. This was away from my prime targets, but then I couldn't very well tell Frank that. We would get to them and soon enough the town would be pretty much organized crime free. The local shopkeepers caught on much faster than the hoods. It got to the point that Frank and I thought our money was no good. The shopkeepers gave Frank and I almost everything we asked for,"on the house".

One such shopkeeper gave me several of her best formal gowns and even tailored them to fit me. I had no use for them, but I wasn't looking a gift horse in the mouth. And had I declined they might have made me as a cop, too. Daisy and I were talking one night and she reminded me of our ultimate goal.

"You notice when the cops do their job, the good people do their's, as well," he said.

"Oh, yes." I replied.

It was amazing to see all the legit businesses in the east side now.

"The north side of town is growing even faster, too," Daisy pointed out.

I watched on the tv as the mayor congratulated the chief of the dragnet he had used to clean up the town, as it were. He added that he hoped the public would not give in so easy next time to the criminal element. The chief accepted the award the mayor gave him, but was tight lipped as to the who and how of this dragnet was all about. A special prosecutor had been key in getting it done and the chief did recognize him for his work. How little did they know it was Daisy that got us that special prosecutor.

Another two months passed and we made a general sweep of the area as we headed south of downtown. We felt sure that would discourage the hoods from starting up again. You see nobody paid any attention to a hooker in this town. So it was all too easy to get information from some John and the go take pictures of the bad guys in the act. My choker, along with my watch, both doubles as cameras. My purse had a video camera in it and it would even film in the dark, as it were.

Since nobody paid any attention to me, they cared less if I saw their dirty deeds. All too soon the heat had gotten to the Valdez brothers. They knew someone was taking their organization apart little by little, but the night we busted Joey, well, that was a sign of things to come. That left Timmy and Raymond and the head man, of course. Our man in the D.A.'s office put Joey on ice for a long time. 20 years to be exact and took everything he owned since it was a drug related crime.

Joey's house went up for auction about a month later and Frank said I should bid on it. Nobody that lives in this town will bid on it. They don't know the money will go to the state. It was more like a mansion than a house and I had to solidify my female persona before I went to the bank. I had to do some name dropping, but once I told him I wanted to bid on the house, he was all too eager to help me out. I'm sure he thought there was no way a hooker could make the payments. He would foreclose and sell the house for big bucks.

The Monday of Christmas week I got the house at auction for about 1/3 of its appraised value. At that price I used the money I had from selling my old place and paid cash for it. I moved in that week and there was little in the way of publicity about the whole thing. A blurb in the paper that the house had been sold and that was about it. Joey's girl took her clothes and her jewelry and other than that it was a furnished house, you might say.

I now lived uptown, as it were, and far from the criminal element Frank and I had worked to push out of town. Frank and I met at my place now and nobody was ever the wiser. The chief was happy for me, or at least that I got the house. He wasn't so thrilled when Timmy and Raymond killed two off duty cops and got away with it. He pushed me and Frank to get back on the streets and finish what we had started.

I dressed up one night and went to a bar that the D.A., who we all knew was part of the family and dirty, was at. I knew the family had really turned up the heat on him to get Raymond and Timmy off. I sat behind him, but just enough to his side to catch him talking about how he had fixed the jury and paid off the judge.

It wasn't good enough to get him jail time, but it was enough to force him into an early retirement. He not only had to leave town, he had to sever all ties with the family. Now, as if from nowhere, IA was back again and now watching Frank really hard. He had to stay away from me in the personal sense, but we still kept busting the bad guys every night.

New Year's was just a blip on the radar as Frank and I had to keep our distance. Valentine's Day I got a huge box of candy and a sweet card from Frank, but that was it. That was all IA needed to park in front of my house and they did. The gap between Frank and I became a canyon and made it even harder for us to do what we did best. Still, as we worked our way west and right to the door of the family in question, IA was just a step behind us.

We eventually got Raymond and Timmy almost the same night selling drugs and it was enough to put them away for a long time. Daisy was thrilled and so was Sherry when I called then to share the news. Daisy had a packed house most every night now. And business at the clinic was keeping Sherry so busy she had taken on two more doctors as staff. She wasn't happy that I had dodged my last few appointments with her. I told her we were really close to getting the top man now and as soon as we did I would beat feet over to see her.

The top man was all that was left for organized crime in this town. Frank wanted him just as bad as I did. Still we had no clue as to who he really was and nobody but nobody was seeing him out these days, not even Daisy with her camera's around.

I asked the chief to see who the top dog at IA was. He all but hated them as much as the rank and file did, but he said he would check. I told Frank I had a hunch that the top man was hooked with IA somehow. He said no way, since IA was known to be a bunch of hard nose goody two shoes.

"The last place anybody would ever look," I replied.

"True," he shot back.

"What say we put the shoe on the other foot for a while?"

"What? You and me watch the IA unit?"

"Sure. It's the only way to really know", I said.

Chapter 5

Frank and I took a breather. He went to his office every day and I went to mine. I still had what was a legit secretary's job. Till we could identify the head man at IA and get them off our butt, Frank and I both had to walk a thin line. It only took a few days of working at Daisy's Hobby Shop for me to realize that this was how she really got all the good stuff she had so freely loaned or given to me. Practically every private investigator in town ordered their stuff through his store.

I checked my e-mail every day and the chief still didn't have a name for me. Frank came to the store one day and acted like a customer, even though he was there to see me. I was stunned when he asked me out on a date.

"You mean like a dinner and movie type date?" I asked.

"Heaven knows you have earned it and then some. Besides, if IA thinks you're a love interest, that might tone down the heat."

"Am I?" I said.

"We'll see," he grinned, as I accepted his offer.

"Friday, it is," I replied, as he left the store.

Wednesday we found out that Alex Cord was the head man at IA and much to our dismay he was also the mayor's brother. There was no Ms. Cord for the mayor or his brother and Frank and I both thought that was a bit odd. Frank and I swapped e- mail most of the week and Friday we met at the Big 12 Theater complex. I wore a black skirt, with a scooped-neck, white top, silver and pearl jewelry with my white 4-inch heels. And for the first time in most of a year, I ditched the corset.

Frank had seen me wearing much less and the look in his eye when he first saw me said he approved. Frank had on a suit with a loose tie and black wing tips for shoes. In my heels we looked about as tall one as the other. I was stunned though when he gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek as soon as I got close.

The movie wasn't so good and the theater wasn't busy either considering it was a Friday night. So Frank and I talked shop through most of the movie. I figured then the hug and the kiss out in the lobby was just for public display, assuming that IA was watching.

After the movie, Frank and I went to one of the better restaurants in town. We both had the house special, which was steak and shrimp. I hadn't looked at that much food in a long time and only ate maybe half of mine before I was full. After some small talk about me watching my figure since I had picked at the food, we decided he would watch the mayor and I would get the task of watching Alex. To Frank I wasn't a cop or at least not an active one so it would be no big deal for me to watch him.

After dinner Frank gave a hug and kiss on the cheek same as before and we headed home. I knew right off that I had an IA car tailing me and I was sure they were watching Frank, as well. 14 months had passed and the chief was the only one that knew who the real me was, save Daisy and Sherry, of course. I could see this turning very ugly if what I thought was true.

Frank never said so and I didn't either, but we both suspected Alex as the man at the top. Working in IA he would know every cop that was dirty and just how to push his or her buttons. That's a lot of power for one man. And he had access to everybody's file, if they were on the force, including mine and Frank's. Thankfully, no one had proved my death was staged and the Chief had closed the case pretty quick.

No matter what I looked like, I still had Mark's fingerprints. And if I was ever arrested or printed for any reason, the cat was out of the bag. After all the work I had done to make my current i.d. real, the last thing I wanted was to be exposed over a two bit hood. Just the thought of it made my blood run cold.

The fist night back on the job Frank and I realized that Alex and the mayor lived just 2 blocks from each other on the same street. It was the street entrance to the only golf course in town and none of the homes there were under the 150 thousand range. Far more than Alex could afford working for the police. Tuesday, Frank had the special prosecutor look into Alex's financial records. It was funny if you thought about. 4 cars parked on the same block all cops and all looking for the same thing.

The prosecutor hit a dead end. As far as he could find out, Alex was in debt up to his ears and struggling just to pay his bills. Not what you would expect from a drug lord or crime boss, as it were. He did have some stocks and bonds. And he found an off-shore account, but there was no dollar figure attached to it. I told Frank I had a source that could find out what we needed to know and he just smiled. I don't want to know who or how, but I bet you can find out if you really want to.

That night, when Alex and mayor went to bed, I took off for Daisy's. I used the entrance at the bar so as not to tip the boys from IA. It was 1:00 a.m. when I got there and Daisy was sound asleep. It took him a few minutes to get his wits about him and then I asked him to run a check on Alex.

"Took you long enough," he smiled.

"What?", I asked. "Alex is a rogue cop, fired or forced out of five other departments before he landed her with his brother for mayor."

You knew it was him all along," I huffed.

"I suspected," he replied, "but I suspected you have more than a suspicion."

"Follow the money," I replied.

It took only a few seconds for it to become rather clear that Alex was the man on top. He had six accounts off-shore and over 10 million dollars spread out in the stock market. I asked Daisy for a full print out on all the accounts he and the mayor had. When he ran the mayor through the computer, it got even worse. The mayor was the one that had all the money and it was a 50/50 guess as to just which one of them was the top man.

I sat on what I knew till Friday and then asked the chief and Frank to meet me at the clinic. I reminded the chief that he had to act as if he didn't know me and this was the first time we had ever met. Frank and the chief arrived before I did and were in the parking garage just as I had asked. I introduced myself to them both as if it was a first time meeting and then we walked into the dining hall at the clinic. I laid out the printed financial reports on both the mayor and Alex and watched as they read them and put two and two together on their own.

"You know we can't use this as evidence in court and their lawyers will have a field day with us if we have no hard evidence," the chief said.

"There is no way we can get them even if what we know is true," Frank added.

"Legally, no," I replied. "But if you two will turn a blind eye to it, I can force them out."

"Blackmail?" the chief questioned.

"In a way," I replied. "The pen is mightier than the sword sometimes," I added.

"So you plan to threaten them with exposure unless they pack up and leave town?" "The mayor's term is up in another 4 months. He hasn't announced a run for re- election. As for Alex, well, his history speaks for itself. He's been running for a long time now and I bet he will this time.

"You realize they could put a hit out on you?" Frank spoke up.

"I do, but then they don't know how many copies of this I have or who I might have given them to, including you and Chief here."

"I don't want to know anything about it. The chief spoke first.

Frank was quiet but then said, likewise, in a somber tone. Daisy got word to the mayor and Alex that I wanted to meet with them.

The place was an upscale restaurant in the downtown area where they were both known very well. A place neither of them would start any trouble in a public manner. Daisy knew what the next step was and I wore a wire just in case it didn't work as I had planned. I had Daisy doctor some pictures of the Valdez brothers adding the mayor and Alex, in what looked like a clandestine meeting. Monday night would be the tale of the tell.

Daisy told Sherry what I was about to do and that set the wheels in motion for the weekend. Sherry came to my house early Saturday morning and she and I spent the whole day at the local spa. We got the works, manicure, a pedicure, facial, massage, you name it and we got it.

At times I was almost too nervous to enjoy it as I was afraid being all but naked my manhood might make the scene. The stint had kept it well hidden so far, but I was still very cautious. My long hair was now cut and re-styled into a mass of big flowing curls. I even got a full body wax, so by the time we left there I was smooth and sweet smelling as any female on the planet. Needless to say, with the new nails and all the paint and polish, I did look pretty, as well.

It was the first time that I recall looking at myself in the mirror and seeing myself as a woman. It was strange and I felt very much like a woman, as well, which was even more strange. I laughed at Sherry when she told me I should embrace the woman I had become, as she didn't see me becoming a man, again, any time soon.

"How so?" I replied. She didn't answer, she just smiled.

At home later that day I had a parcel package sitting on my front porch. There was no return address and I hadn't ordered anything so I just ignored it and went inside to settle in for the evening. Frank had sent me an e-mail expressing his concerns over what I had planned for Monday night, adding that he would be parked outside just in case it didn't go as planned. I watched the local news and then turned in for the night.

Sunday, just before lunch time, Sherry arrived at my house again.

"Not another day at the spa," I said, as she came in the door.

"No, but I did want to see if you had decided what you would wear tomorrow night," she asked.

"What's that little smile about?" I asked.

"I have just never seen you look so womanly."

"Yes, well, I have never felt so womanly as I did yesterday."

"But it was good. Right?" she questioned.

"You know it was, Sherry, but I did feel a bit out of place."

"Well, I assure you nobody knew a thing," she added.

I had brought the package in from the porch earlier as it was supposed to rain today and it had already started to sprinkle. Sherry noticed it and asked why I hadn't opened it yet.

"Not sure it's even mine," I replied.

"Well, the address label is right and so is the name. "Let's open it," she smiled.

"Okay," I said, as she helped me tear off the paper. Inside a cardboard box was what looked a bit like a foot rest, but it was not really that either. The center part swayed or rocked back and forth in a straight line.

"You know what this is?" she smiled, as she held up the lifelike dildo she found in the bottom of the box.

"Yes," I replied, as I rolled my eyes.

Sherry's eyes got really wide as if she had put two and two together and then she smiled at me.

"Someone must really love you," she said.

"How so?" I asked.

"You know what this really is," she smiled.

"No, I don't," I replied flatly. She screwed the dildo onto a rod that pushed up through the base of the rest or, as it now seemed, the seat. I had on my housecoat and nothing else so Sherry asked if I had the stint in place.

"Always," I replied.

"Take it out," she smiled, "and take off your housecoat."

Sherry had seen me nude more than once or twice so I did as she asked. I was sure afraid my penis would work its way out though.

Chapter 6

The stint was soaking wet and Sherry said that was a good thing. But I clamped my thighs together afraid of what might happen just the same. Sherry had me straddle the footstool and guided the dildo right up and inside me just as if it were a stint. It was a tight fit and I spread my legs just a little to make it go easier. With my butt resting fully on the thing, the dildo was just a few inches inside me. Then Sherry moved behind me and started rocking me.

Each time I rocked back and forth the dildo went further and further up inside me. I spread my legs even more and Sherry started to rock me with longer strokes. Now, each rock forward the balls of the fake dildo pushed against my crotch. To me it felt like I was getting a hand job from the inside and not having had sex for quite some time I decided to enjoy it. Sherry guided my hand down to the bump that I had decided looked like a clit and almost as soon as my hand touched it I went off into a beautiful orgasm. My muscles clinched the dildo for all it was worth and my nipples got so hard they all but hurt. I didn't realize that Sherry was no longer rocking me or not till the orgasm passed.

When I opened my eyes, Sherry was sitting on the chair facing me. She had the biggest smile I had ever seen, while I felt almost embarrassed. She saw the blood come to my face and smiled even bigger.

"You have no idea how much I needed that." I smiled and dropped my head.

"Sure I do. Who do think bought that for you?"

"You?" I questioned in a single word.

"I did," she smiled.

"But how did you know I started?"

"Well, in a manner of speaking, I created you, if you recall."

"But you said I could still be a man again if I wanted."

"And you can, but would you really want to after the experience you just had?"

"I'll have to get back to you on that one," I smiled.

I stood up and reached for the stint, but Sherry stopped me.

"Leave it out. You're in no danger now. You're as healed at this point as you ever will be."

It felt so good to hear her say that, and even better to walk around as I pleased without the stint up inside me. We spent the rest of the day going through my closet and decided that a formal gown was right for the occasion, as she headed for the door later that day.

She told me she would come by and help me get ready Monday night after work. And in the meantime I could play with my new toy all I wanted. "You have most of a year to catch up," she smiled, as she closed the door. I really was a woman now. Sherry hadn't said it flat out, but I was pretty good at reading between the lines. And she was right. I had a year to catch up on.

I moved my new toy so I could see the tv and turned it on. Then I sat down and with the dildo just inside me began to rock once again. I probably stayed there most of the day and had I not gotten hungry might have stayed there even longer than I did. The pent up frustration I had been feeling for quite some time was gone now and all in all I felt great. Maybe even better than I had before all this happened. And my orgasms, as a female, were much stronger than any I had ever known as a man. I rode the dildo one last time before I went to bed and slept so sound that I don't recall even turning over in the night, as I often did.

Frank spent Monday at the office and sent me a half-dozen e-mails trying to get me to back out of my plan. Yesterday something in my mind had changed and now I saw things in a much different light. I was a woman now and could, if I chose to be, one the rest of my life. Frank's concern for my well being just jumped off screen now, where as before I questioned it. I was all but sure he had some feeling for me as the woman he knew, but I had never really expressed my feeling towards him, as it were.

Frank was from a Latin family and had the looks and charm to go with it. He was known around the department as quite the lady's man. I had gone to college with him and I knew he was just that and more. But until yesterday I saw me as being a female, but not really, it was short term as it were and more the point it was just a cover for the real me. The real me was dead now and I could if I chose to, stay as the female I had become, indefinitely. Money would be an issue and I knew my body would be high maintenance now. So my plan changed a bit.

I had just stepped out of the shower when Sherry knocked on the front door. I had my clothes all laid out on the bed and Sherry looked them over quietly.

"You don't need this anymore," she said, as she put the corset aside.

Then she turned and looked at me.

"Where's the stint," she asked?

"Where should it be?" I replied.

"Give." She held out her hand.

"But what if"... "Not going to happen," she smiled, as she tossed it in the trash.

"But"... "But nothing. I told you it's over now," she smiled.

From a sack by the bed she placed a beautiful satin garter belt around my waist. It was pink with lace trim and then she helped me roll the stockings up my legs. It was if a bolt of electricity followed them as they rolled up my legs. It was a much different feel than before and I had worn stockings for quite some time now. She gave me a bra that matched my garter belt and it was so thin it was like paper, but smooth as fine silk.

"You'll hardly know you have it on," she added, as she closed the clasp.

She held the dress over my head and let the smooth sheath just flow over and down my body. Then she picked the highest pink heels I had from the closet and placed them at my feet.

Together we sat at the vanity table and started on my makeup. I had gotten pretty good at it over time, but I was no match for the skill Sherry showed me that night. Pink chandelier earrings, matching necklace and bracelet were added, a slim pink sash style belt at the waist and I was pronounced ready for my big night. The purse Daisy had fitted with camera and voice recorder was the last thing I took as I headed for the door. I was halfway through the livingroom before I realized that I had totally forgotten to put on the panties I had laid out. When I stopped and told Sherry why, she all but pushed me out the door.

A warm spring breeze found its way up my dress as soon as I was out the door. Sherry said not wearing panties was a simple reminder that I was one of the fairer sex now. It was the first time she had admitted it as such, as I headed for town with my purse and oversized bag with the evidence I had in it.

I smiled at the idea that Frank might really like me as the opposite sex, as it were. I wondered, too, if the chief had clued him in as he had been very cautious with me so far. That was not the Frank I knew in any way. If he wanted a particular female he went for it, balls out, as it were.

When I pulled up to the curb in front of the restaurant, the valet opened my door and took the keys to park my car. I smiled even thought it wasn't the first time someone had opened a door for me. Frank had done it so many times, but I hadn't paid attention to it. The slit up the front of my gown showed the young man plenty of leg, as I turned to get out, and he all but blushed, it was rather cute in a way.

The hostess greeted me with a big smile and complimented me on my dress right off. I thanked her and told her the mayor and Alex were expecting me.

"You might want to wait till the press leaves the table," she pointed. "I think they're after a scoop on his run for re-election."

"Thank you," I smiled back. "I believe I will."

The mayor wasn't shy and told the press core he had no comment at this time. They asked several other questions before they left, but refused to answer any of them.

I gave the press plenty of time to leave the building and watched to make sure they did. The last thing I wanted was to be photographed sitting with the goon squad. I walked up and introduced myself as Mary Jo. The men stood and then offered me a seat at the table.

"You picked a very public place to meet, young lady, and with a friend, as well," connected Daisy. "I suspect this is not a social call.

"A glass of white wine and a refill for the gentleman," I said, as the waiter passed.

The men just nodded their heads and he left.

"You're correct. This is not a social call," I replied, as I handed them both a copy of their own spread sheets.

"So you know we have a few dollars in our pocket," Alex spoke next.

And then I handed them each matching photographs of the Valdez brothers in which their faces were circled.

"Is there more the mayor asked?"

"Yes," I replied, "but for now I will keep it to myself."

"For a price, Alex added.

They were both very nervous and agitated and it was all too easy to see.

"Go on," the Mayor spoke.

I flipped open a book that looked like a diary as I knew this would make them even more nervous. "Mr. Mayor, you are going to resign your office to whoever the people elect since you will not run for another term. Your house will be signed over to Frank Mills and 100 thousand dollars will be placed in an account that I will give to you for Frank."

"The chief of police, James Wilson, will get a million dollars from each of you, as I know you two had his son murdered. Alex will sell his house and add to it however much is needed to make a one million dollar donation to the 5th street clinic and he can do it in his own name, if he chooses. And once the new mayor is elected, you will both leave this town never to return, unless you favor going to jail."

"And for your silence?" Alex asked.

"Well, that will cost you both big time. Between you, you two have about twenty million in stocks and bonds all rather legit, as near as I can tell. Both of you will sign over your portfolio's to me, and at that point I will give you all the evidence I have free and clear. Now, just in case you boys doubt me, I know you are both gay and have the pictures to prove it, as well, public scandal is far worse than a private settlement.

"Don't you agree?"

"Yes," the Mayor spoke quickly.

I handed him a card with a pay as you go phone number on it. It wasn't registered to me or anyone that knew me or Frank or the Chief, for that matter. A hooker I had befriended some time back had bought it new and gave it to me just before she left town. Us working girls have to stick together and I had saved her from an ugly bust that would have cost her, her kids. Daisy had gotten her a legit job in another town and she was doing well so far as we knew.

Alex put his house up for sale the next day and resigned the day after it sold. He stayed with his brother till the election was over and the mayor passed the torch, as it were, to the new mayor. Alex, Frank, the ex-mayor and chief had a meeting the next Monday in the same restaurant where I had. I sat alone across the aisle and watched as the men all but turned over all their worldly goods to two of my best friends.

Sherry had already gotten the money from Alex and was starting to rework the clinic even now. My back was turned to the men and Frank and chief were stunned to say the least. The chief did say a few choice words before he left and the cam in purse caught it all.

After Frank and the chief left, I made my way over to their table. They were none too happy to see me, but they both signed the papers and passed their portfolio's.

"Now, one last thing gentleman, do either of you recall officer"... I paused.

Chapter 7

I was about to set the final hook and I wanted to make sure they were listening.

"Mark Clay."

"Yes." Alex's face went flush. "You want more ‘cause we killed him, too."

"No. I want you to know you didn't kill him." Now, both the ex-mayor and Alex looked as if all the blood was gone from their face. "He is alive and quite well, and should either of you be planning to double cross me I will simply start flashing this around, see how long it takes for the big boys to find you and put you under the jail somewhere. After all, you just admitted to killing him." My badge rested firmly in my hand.

The next morning both men caught a flight for who knows where. The chief never had to work again unless he just wanted to. And Frank, if he handled it right, would be set for a long time, as well. I resigned the same day and gave the chief my badge and gun.

"What about Frank?" he asked. "You two made a right good pair for cleaning up this town.

"An inside source told me you're calling it quits, too." "You get to pick the man that will take your place, so pick Frank. He deserves it and he is true blue. He would never break the law the way I did. I think he can keep this town on the straight and narrow now, all by himself."

I went downtown and cashed in one million in stocks and bonds and had it divided up into several different banks and bank accounts. I still had more than enough in the market to last me for years to come. I sent Frank a "Dear John" e-mail, if you would, but I never told him who I really was or why I had helped him. I figured if he wanted to find me, he would. It wasn't like he didn't know where I lived. Frank was promoted, as it were, to chief-of-police when James Wilson vacated the office or so said the papers. I wondered if he knew how it was that he got that position.

I asked Daisy to house sit for me while I took a little vacation out of town. It was no vacation, as I had booked myself into a boarding school of sorts that boasted they could make a lady out of any woman. In this town I was a hooker and known for it and I had the act down pat maybe even better than some that really were. I wanted to shed that persona, but this would really be work and I knew it.

I spent two months having all the ways of a proper lady drilled into me. And before it was all over I could even dance as a lady would with a man. I doubted I would ever have the grace and charm of a real woman, but I put all my heart into learning it. By the time I got home the town hardly seemed the same.

Our new mayor, along with Frank and few other influential people, had really started to clean up the aftermath of years past. The streets were neat and clean. The graffiti from the gangs that roamed the streets back when was gone. It was almost refreshing to see the town had come full circle. Daisy almost didn't recognize me dressed as conservatively as I was when I got home. I still had my figure and it shouted girl for all the world to see. But I didn't flaunt it openly as I once did.

Thomas, that is, Daisy, went home that night and I was sure he was proud to be there as much as I was. I took all the clothes I had worn as a hooker and put them in boxes in the attic that day. I promised myself never to wear such things again and hoped I never had to. I bought a whole new wardrobe. All the classic stuff a girl should have and I enjoyed it every bit. I hired a maid and a cook and did my best to start to mingle with the right crowd, as it were.

There were many questions I had to avoid or just not answer. And my social circle was getting much bigger than it ever had been. My past would always be a mystery to my new friends. Frank had sent me a few e-mails in the days just before I left for boarding school. Since I didn't answer them, I guess he decided our time together was over. He made the papers often and one female reporter often lamented that such a handsome man was still single and then she would laugh a bit.

I didn't run with the same old crowd like Frank did and so we never ran into each other. Then some six months later, as I sat at my computer, an e-mail from Frank came in. Frank was trying to help one of our local judges get re-elected. He was a good man and had worked very hard with Frank and I back when I was on the streets. There was a party this Friday night at the city hall, and he was to give a speech. It was a fund-raiser of course and so far as Frank knew I had no money to contribute. It will be a very boring night, but I do wish you would come, Frank wrote.

The P.S. at the end brought a tear to my eyes. Since you have been gone...no longer a part of my life, I feel so very lost. I know what I should do and how to do it, but there is no good reason for the why I should. I love you with all my heart and I did all that I could to protect you in every way I could. I don't care that the people of this town know you're a hooker. And I care even less what they might say about me if we were seen together or what it might do to my career. I do care that a part of my life is missing and will never be the same without you. Love, Frank.

That day I went to another town and bought a limousine and the day after I hired a driver that had a license to carry a side arm. William was three times my size and recommended by one of the best agencies around as a personal body guard. I had a week to prepare for the party and I made out a check for 10 thousand dollars to give to the judge. I called Sherry and told her I would pick her up on Thursday before the party on Friday. She was curious as to why, but I didn't tell her.

She was stunned when William pulled the limo up to the drive at her house and went to get her. We spent the whole day at the spa again and this time it was my treat. I gave William the most of the day off and a free pass for the local gym. He was back by 6:00 and picked us up right on time. At times Sherry acted as if she didn't know me and I assured her I was exactly who she thought I was. We went to my place and as soon as were there dinner was served. My having a maid was just another thing that set Sherry into a tail spin. I cautioned her about speaking in front of the help.

I asked Lana, the maid, to bring us both a white wine to my bedroom as we had some private matters to discuss. As soon as the bedroom door was closed, I told Sherry that none of them knew I was once a hooker or at least that was what I was known as. They believe what they see. I curtsied, then held my head high, again.

"Well, I never would have," she spat. "So I take it there is a reason for all this," she added.

I opened Frank's e-mail and let her read it for herself.

"You're afraid you will wreck his career if you see him now?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied, holding back the tears.

"Does he even know who you really are?"

"No," I replied, choking back even more tears.

"So you plan to present yourself at the party, as it were."

"With some help from you," I said.

"The last thing you need now is my help," she replied.

"But I do. Something is wrong, bad wrong," I added.

"Are you sick or hurt?" she asked.

"No, but I'm bleeding and sometimes very bad."

"Where?" she asked.

I held up my dress as I knew she would get the answer. She smiled so big I thought she would hurt herself, but I wasn't smiling.

"This has been going on all week now," I said in a hushed, but urgent tone.

"What? You never heard of a period, girl?

"I didn't think girls like me had those," I said with some relief.

"Guess that makes you as special as Frank thinks you are. It will stop and you will be fine, but I want to see you next week in my office."

William took Sherry home and I bet she laughed all the way there. I was so afraid I had torn my insides and somehow would bleed to death a little at the time of course. Then it hit me, if I could have a period, then there was a chance I could also become pregnant. But then till I knew I couldn't tell Frank any such. Yes, I had decided to see if his feelings for me were real and then to tell him the truth about who I really was. If he really loved me it wouldn't matter, and, if it did, I would question his love. It was that simple.

That Friday William drove me to the party. I wore the same gown I had worn the night I blackmailed Alex and the ex-mayor. I was showing a lot of skin and it registered on William right away. His eyes were big as saucers when I got in the car and he saw my legs clean up to hip, almost. When we arrived, we sat in line for several minutes before we got close to the door.

"I'll be in as soon as I park the car. Miss, you'll sure want me close tonight," he said.

"Very well," I replied. He had no clue that Frank was the chief-of-police and I smiled a little inside.

Frank stood by the door with the judge on his left side greeting the guests as they came in. As soon as William opened the door and I stepped out, Frank's eyes locked on me like a vise. Far too many pictures were taken by the press. And I accepted the hand shake from both Frank and the judge. He almost fell over when I gave him the check and so far as he was concerned the party was over. I had probably given him more that the whole lot here combined.

I sat just a few feet from Frank and he, as well as William, standing at the door, never took their eyes off me. Thankfully, my name or the rather large donation I made were never mentioned. Frank praised the judge for being part of the cleanup that had taken place in this town over the last year and some few odd months. He was an honest and moral man and our town needed men like him, Frank added, just as he closed his speech. The judge had spoken first and spoke again at the last thanking us all for our time and effort to help him.

A small three piece band started to play and many of the people began to drink and dance as the night was getting late. Frank and the judge were all but mobbed by the reporters and I thought he would never make his way over to talk to me. Finally, just as I had told William to bring the car around, Frank made it over to me. You have to be the most beautiful and elegant lady here. He took my hand and kissed it.

"Why, thank you, Mr. Mills," I replied.

"The voice sounds as if I should know you," he said.

"I'm sure you do," I replied, "but I would prefer to talk about that in private," I added.

"Well, let me excuse myself from the party," he said, as he turned to walk away.

"My car will be out front," I replied, letting a little of my street accent show.

It was enough and Frank looked me hard in the eyes again. William stepped up and escorted me out of the building. Just as I sat down, Frank arrived and I told William he should let Frank in the other side. William looked very concerned and pulled back the edge of his jacket so Frank knew he was armed. Undaunted, Frank flipped his badge and the two men just smiled at each other for a second.

As we headed back to my place, the "I don't know what to say was look" was glued to Frank's face. And whatever he wanted to say he wasn't about to say it front of William, for sure. Frank knew the house and, therefore, he had to know now it was me. He still wasn't talking as the maid opened the door and let us in.

"A beer for the gentleman and I will have a glass of white wine," I told her before she left us.

"So where is that tough, wise cracking little street girl I knew?" he asked.

"Still around, I'm sure, just no longer needed and, hopefully, soon to be forgotten."

Chapter 8

"Oh, no, you don't," he shot back. "I happen to love that girl, very much."

"Well, it's not like she is dead, but I do think she would be better forgotten."

"I'm not so sure I understand," he smiled. "You look a bit like her, and tonight at the party, for a moment you sounded a bit like her, as well. I guess I was mistaken," he sighed.

"No. You are very correct, but it might not look so good if the chief was keeping with company with a call girl."

"She wasn't really a call girl and I know that. She was a cop and a damn good one, as far as I am concerned."

"And more to the point she was once your best friend and drinking buddy in college." There, I had said it and now I waited to see if how quick he would put two and two together.

"Mark. You're talking about Mark," he said.

"Yes," I replied and waited as he scratched his head.

"You're telling me the girl I was working with was Mark Clay.

"Yes, she was," I replied.

"Well, that's not possible. I saw the body and I know he's dead."

I cleared my throat and lowered my voice as much as I could these days. "No, I'm not," I replied, as I showed him a picture of me and him in our college days. I was still waiting for the lights to come on. I had spoken in the first person.

Lana just stood and waited for me to take the drinks and then I gave Frank the beer and took the wine.

"It's okay, Lana. You can call it a night now. Officer Mills and I will be fine." She smiled and left while Frank was still scratching his head. William stopped in and ask if he needed to take the gentleman home tonight and Frank said no, he had a ride home. I told William to park the car inside tonight and call it good. I was in safe hands.

"Look, Miss.....I'm a cop and well trained in recognizing people no matter how much they try to change the way they look. You're not Mary Jo, and there's no way she was my friend, Mark Clay."

"Well, to tell the truth I am both and I can prove it if I have to. Mark had a cherry red patch of skin behind his left ear, a birth mark, if you would. Did you ever see it or did he show it to you," I asked?

"Yes. When his hair was short, a great many people saw it, just as I did."

I pulled the hair away from my left ear and turned so Frank could see it. He all but dropped in the chair behind him and I spent the rest of the night answering far too many questions. In the end he knew it all, but I never gave him Daisy or Sherry's real name. As the sun started up, he looked me square in the eye and asked me what I thought would be his last question.

"So why, after all this time, did you decide to tell me the truth? And more to the point, why did you work with me all that time and not tell me?"

"It wasn't till I decided to blackmail our ex-mayor and Alex that I ever broke the law. And by then I knew all to well I could trust you, but there were others around that I didn't trust and still don't. And it was right about then that I realized how much you really cared about me. You trusted me back then and I kept your secrets just as you kept mine. I'm trusting you now. I'm the same girl you e-mailed last week and told her how much you loved her. You can walk out the door now and I will always be your friend and still I will keep your secrets. But I couldn't let you go on thinking that you had let Mark down or played any part in his death."

"I know you think that night you sent him to find Daisy was the beginning of the end, but was really just a beginning. But now you know the truth, who I really am. And if you still love me and want me in your life, that will be fine, but the street-walker you knew is gone. If not, the name of your old friend Mark will never pass my lips again and you can go on with your life, as will I."

Frank just looked at me devastated, like I had torn his whole world to shreds. I sat down and waited for his answer. He was hurt and I knew it, but I was not about to build a relationship on a lie.

"Can I answer your question after having some time to think on it?" he asked.

"Sure," I replied, as I offered him the spare room for a nap before he left for home.

"Yes, and thank you," he replied, as he laid down on the bed fully dressed.

I went to the kitchen and made some coffee, as the staff had the day off. I never made them work on Saturday. I hated it when I was working for a living and I was pretty sure they did. I fell asleep sitting at the kitchen table and when I awoke, Frank was gone. I guess I had my answer, he couldn't handle the truth.

Nothing lasts forever and about six months later a storekeeper got word to Daisy that a whole new group of working girls were running off his business. Thomas, of course, passed that information on to me, thinking I would tell Frank and end of story. Right? I told Daisy I had no influence with our new chief now. He knew the truth and it was too much for him to take. Daisy said she was real sorry to hear that, and that was about all that was said.

It took me a week to get the courage to go up in the attic and get the boxes I had placed there. Frank might not want anything to do with me I told myself, but I spent far too much time cleaning up this town to see it go to hell all over again.

Around 10:00 that night I laid out my clothes and it looked more like a day at the beach than work clothes. I used a wide tube top for a skirt and it just did cover the cheeks of my butt. I hadn't worn thong panties in so long I had almost forgot what it is like and my halter top left very little to the imagination. I had given my staff the week off and I figured it would take far less than that to send a few call girls packing.

Later that night I started up my old car, which had sat in the garage all this time, and headed for the east side of town. The taste of chewing gum, never mind the fruity smell, seemed almost foreign to me, but it was part of the act. So I had to do it. I parked the car about a block away from the street that I had been told about and started walking. I hadn't seen a patrol car all night and I was hoping there wasn't one close either. I had fresh batteries in the cam hidden in my purse and I placed on the newspaper box when I saw all the girls standing around.

I motioned for the girls down on the corner to come up close to where I was. When they were all in ear shot, I flipped out my badge and started laying down the law. This is my city, my block, and my street and I would bet none of you ladies have a permit to be here. So you can pack your bags and leave town ‘cause it's the right thing to do or I can call my friends and you take a ride downtown. One girl said she was just trying to make a buck. I know, honey, but go make it in some other town on some other street corner.

I took out my hand held radio and waited to see how many of them would try their luck. The battery was dead, as far as I knew, and I doubt there was anybody listening as Frank and I were the only two that ever used the channel they were set on.
"Which will it be, ladies?" I asked, as I tapped my foot to seem impatient.

They all left and pretty quick like after that. And one of the store owners that I had know from long ago came out and thanked me.

"The mill workers," he said, "they're the cream of my business and ever since that bunch started hanging around they stopped coming in.

Thank you Officer," he paused as if he was waiting for me to say my name.

"Mary." I shook his hand.

"I always knew you were one of the good guys," he said. "I remember you from before. I'm glad to know you're still around," he added.

I sat and downloaded the tape and sent it to the chief, just in case any of the girls had stuck around. Daisy had watched it live and called me as soon as I was home.

"I thought you had given up the old life", he said.

"Well, you know what they say. Once a cop.....". "Yes, I know," he smiled as he told about yet another such report from the west side of town.

"I'll check it out tomorrow night," I told him.

"Don't you think you should actually have some backup next time?"

"No. The girls are easy enough to handle. It was the John's I always hated."

"Okay," he said, as he hung up the phone.

I gave a command performance three nights running and e-mailed each one to the chief. He never replied, but I watched the news that weekend and even after being warned the vice squad still caught some 15 girls working that weekend. The judge did a mass hearing and they all got 90 days in county. And, yes, it was the same judge Frank had helped get elected.

You know, the Judge said before the women were taken from the courtroom, "a very beautiful women warned you. And in pretty plain terms, I might add. But you still didn't listen and I want you all to know that if I could give you a longer sentence I would, if for that reason alone."

Nobody could see me in any of the tapes. I had stood on purpose so I wasn't in the frame. Someone had tipped off the judge and now I was really mad at Frank.

"She's not real," one of the women said.

"Nobody that pretty is going to be walking the streets, not for what they pay a cop," another one added.

"Depends on the lady," the chief stood up and spoke from the back of the courtroom.
"Is there at least one of you that is willing to tell us now what she looked like?"

"No way," another girl spoke up. "I would rather do my time in county than mess with her."

Frank just hung his head and walked out of the court.

I thanked Daisy for showing me the tape. Like I said before there was nothing he couldn't see if he wanted to. For a few days it was pretty quiet, but I still got out and walked the streets and talked to a few of the shopkeepers. They all knew me on sight now and once again my money was no good in their shops. I was half a block from my car on a Friday morning when a car pulled up close to the curb. I watched as the window went down and knew the proposition was coming. I didn't even look to see who it was. I just flashed my badge and told him to go home to his wife or he would go to jail.

"I don't think so," the voice form the car spoke loud and clear.

It was Frank and in a way I was glad it was. I was tired and wanted to go home.

"Get in. I'll take you home. One of the boys will bring your car in later."

I fell asleep in the car and Frank carried me in the house and put me in bed. He had slept all night and stayed with me till I awoke about mid-afternoon.

"Nice of you to stick around this time," I said, as I flipped back the cover, got a smoke and headed for the bathroom.

"I'm sorry I ran out on you. I know you were being honest with me but I had to find it out on my own, too. I took your wine glass and ran your prints. They came back to Mark Clay," he lowered his head.

"And now you know what I knew all along, but I never told anybody," I all but shouted.

"And I didn't either, but I don't expect you to believe that now."

"Does anyone know you ran my prints or who they came back to?"

"No. I did it on my office computer and nobody was there but me."

"Well, somebody tipped off the judge," I spat.

"Would you calm down?" he asked.

"Would you, if your best friend sold you down the river? Would you?" I yelled even louder.

Chapter 9

"No, and it's far worse than that," he said.

"Now what?" I asked. "The judge wants me to come to court and testify, too?"

"No. He and the mayor asked to see the tapes you sent. You know I couldn't say no to them."

"Oh, GREAT! Why didn't you just take out an ad in the paper, Mark Clay back from the dead?"

"Please Mary, the judge and the mayor they have all your old tapes, too. I think James gave them the access codes to them."

"That's just great." I threw my suitcase on the bed and flipped it open.

"What? You're going to run now?" he asked.

"If I stay, I wreck your career and my whole life becomes some tabloid's cheap scandal of the day. I'm not sticking around for that, my friend."

"And if you leave the city you love and the people that love you, will loose a good deal more than a good cop."

I cupped his chin as softly as I could. "You don't love me any more than this town does. You love the idea of me and the town, well, they just know some woman that dresses like a hooker can shoot off her mouth and send all the other hookers packing."

"They see a hooker and no matter if I am a cop or not they will always see a hooker." I started to cry, but I had to say what I felt while I had the time. "And you, well you just see your old friend Mark in a dress and high heels. Don't worry about me, I have more than enough money to get by on my own. And nobody knows where I got it, not even you or James.

"Don't make me arrest you, just to keep you here", he smiled.

"For what?" I replied. "Hoping that I could have a little bit of a normal life?" I cried.

"Then go," he said. "I'll tell the mayor that you refused his gift of the keys to the city." And the judge will be just as upset I'm sure since he and the mayor gave the whole city staff the day off tomorrow for a parade in your honor."

"I can't just"... "Just what?" he stopped me. "Look, wear that old wig you used back when we first started. I'll make sure the press stays a safe distance from you and after the dinner I will get you out of the building before anyone has the chance to question you."

"You'll do that just for me?" I replied.

"If it makes the mayor and judge happy along with most of the town." "Just to see to it that you know how much they really appreciate your hard work then yes, if that is what it takes, yes."

"And what will I wear? I can't very well sit with the mayor and our top judge looking like a hooker now, can I?"

"No, but you can look like a cop and I have a woman's uniform in the car. It might fit a little loose, but I think it will work."

"Okay, Frank, I'll do it, but after tomorrow I am gone and you can stop covering for me and get on with your life. Okay?"

"We'll talk about that later," he said, as he dropped the uniform on my bed.

"I'll pick you up at 8:00 tomorrow morning. And be ready, please. The parade starts at 8:30."

"I'll be ready," I replied.

Parade, hell, I thought to myself as I packed. It might just as well be my funeral. Once they all know who I am, it's just a matter of time. But there wasn't much else to do now. They would know sooner or later and the sooner might be the better. Maybe I can get killed in the line of duty this time, I said to myself.

Frank was right on time and the uniform was almost too small as opposed to, too big. It was skin tight and no way was I going to get the buttons on top closed. Frank laughed at my attempts at modesty and reminded me he had seen me showing far more that hint of boobs. When we got to the front of the line, Frank put the top down on the car and told me to sit on the back with my feet in the seat.

"Up high," he added, "so the people can see you."

Every store in town must have been closed that day. And I found out later on that indeed they all were and the only mill in town took the day off, as well. I had never in all my life seen so many people out on the sidewalks and sitting in the windows, as Frank drove me through town. It was all Frank could do to drive for all the flowers the men were throwing to me.

The mayor gave a short speech and then handed me the keys to the city. The roar of the crowd was deafening and I held the keys high till the cameras quit flashing. As soon as I stepped up to the microphone, a hush fell on the city such as I had never known. I would like to thank you one and all for making this one of the truly great cities we live in. We have the best mayor and finest police chief.

And Judge Murphy, after all, he's the one that puts the bad guys away. They all clapped and cheered for the men and I stepped down so the Judge could have his turn. According to the Judge, not a single officer on the force had done more than I or given more than I to clean up the town. How right he was and how little did he know. I was given a commendation and a Medal of Valor Award and form there we went inside to eat.

Frank rushed me off stage and quickly the mayor, along with the judge, Frank and myself, headed for a back entrance to the city hall. Once inside, the judge looked at me and my blood ran cold, as he was grinding his jaw. The mayor was looking me just as hard and I had no clue what had changed the mood so quickly.

"For years now this town," the judge spoke first, "has known there was a lady that knew all and saw all, but nobody saw her or knew who she was. Are you Daisy?" he asked in a stern tone.

"No, sir," I replied, "but I do know the person you're asking about. And let me assure you he's no lady."

"Well, from what I am told you're not either," the mayor spoke up.

So Frank had kept my secret after all, I thought to myself.

"If you can spare me a minute, Mr. Mayor, I believe I can clarify that issue for you rather quickly." I spread my legs just a touch and then raised my skirt till it was above my waist. I had on a garter belt and stocking, but no panties.

"Now, I am sure that wasn't very lady like, but as you have seen with your own eyes, I am surely not a man now, am I?"

"I guess not," the mayor said with some disgust in his voice. Frank was all but busting a gut to laugh and the mayor and the judge, as well.

"I guess she laid that issue to rest," the judge spoke softly.

The dinner, as it were, lasted well into the evening and I was glad when Frank told them it was time to get back to work. He had things to do, as well, and crime never takes a day off, he added. Frank was quiet again as he drove me home and true to his word I never had to deal with a single reporter. As soon as I was in the house, Frank said his goodbye.

I knew I could stay now and with the mayor and the judge well convinced that I was a female. The rumor mill would be laid to rest pretty quick like. Frank had seen, as well, with his own eyes, too. And I don't recall if I had told him that I was really a woman before. He might have thought I was still really a man. Either way I was well known to the public as a cop now and that was all there was to it.

There was a gift wrapped box on my bed and the house was locked when we got there. I wondered how it got there even more than what was in it. It smelled pretty, but with a hint of leather and that was a smell I knew well. I had worn it plenty over the last few months. I opened the box and inside I found a badge and a gun. Engraved on the gun it said, to my best friend and partner, Mary Jo. And the city name, as well as the state, along with mine, were on the badge. And on the back it read, with love, from Frank.

The mayor and judge called me later that evening and apologized for believing the rumor that I was a man. Never mind the infamous Daisy the police had been looking for, for quite some time now. I guess they had missed the part when I said I knew who Daisy was. Well, I owed Thomas more than either of them so his secret was safe with me.

Just before bedtime Frank called and I asked what was up with the gun and the badge.

"Am I back on the force?" I asked.

"Well, you're not on the payroll or at least not right now. But the next time you flash your badge or call for help nobody will question it at least."

"Oh, so I work for free now," I shot back. "Well, you do have the keys to the city so I guess you could plead your case to the mayor," he laughed.

"After today, I am the last person he wants to see I assure you," I laughed with him.

"Well, that was quite a show you put on today."

"Well, I am what I am and that's all I'm going to say."

"Well, why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

"Why didn't you try to find out on your own?" I replied.

"I did try to tell you." "I know. I know," he butted in. "Sleep well," he said, "and I am sure we will talk again soon."

"Sleep well," I replied and hung up the phone.

For now or at least I hoped the roller coaster ride I had been on had stopped. And if all went well, we could all get back to our normal lives. If any of this even seems like normal any more.

I figured sooner or later Frank would come back around and this time I was actually hoping it was pleasure not business he had on his mind. On the other hand, with Frank's Latin blood it was an even money bet if I would ever see or hear from him again. All in all Frank knew the truth and some people don't handle the truth well. Still I figured at some point the scale would tip in my favor.

In the meantime, I worked at the hobby shop any time Daisy wanted or needed the help. Mark Clay's name was added to the fallen officer's plaque in the downtown square and I suspected it was Frank that got that for me. A way of showing his old college buddy they were still friends.

As for the city, well, once word gets out that the cops don't put up with trash in their town, the criminal element seems to just dry up and the new ones pass you by. The city was in good hands with Frank and nobody questioned his visit's to the hobby shop to see a one time hooker and ex-cop. And, no, I never was put back on the payroll. And, yes, the clothes I had worn as a hooker found their way back to the attic to stay.

It was almost a year after the parade and almost to the day when Frank came knocking at my door. Lana let him in, of course, and brought him to the study where I was reviewing my stock portfolio's. He gave me a friendly hug and a kiss on the cheek much as he had the last few times I had seen him.

"So how are things with the city?" I asked.

"All seems well," he said, but with a forced smile that wasn't normal at all.

"So what are you not telling me?" I asked.

"Nothing really, just a girl," he sighed.

"What? She dumped you for a change?" I asked.

"No," his head went down. "She just kinda went away and I have never felt like that for anybody."

"Well, it's not like you're helpless here. You have the whole police force at your disposal. You can find her if you really want," I smiled.

"This is true," he forced a smile, "but I'm not so sure she wants to be found," he added.

"Frank, you're a handsome and wonderful man. No woman worth her salt would say no to you."

"Well, Mary Jo did, and I really miss that street wise little cop."

"I never said no, Frank. I just choose not to be known as hooker anymore."

The End.

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