Holly's Made/maid......Finally

Chapter 5

By Monday I felt much better and Holly removed the bandages long enough for me to see what had been done. The scar was gone, as far as I could tell, but then there was lots of bruising.

"It will go away soon enough and you'll look good as new," she smiled. Just wait and see."

"I can understand my face hurting. but why does my chest hurt?" I asked.

"That's a surprise for later," she smiled.

I called Grace and told her about the operation to my face and took some time off. She was very happy for me and said she hoped it all turned out well. It took another four weeks for all the bruising to go away and while I waited I poured myself into taking care of Holly in every way. I kept her hair and nails done, fixed her breakfast every morning, I even laid out her clothes for the next day each night after she had gone to bed. The scar was gone from my face and in a way I felt like I owed her my life, such as it was.

I had signed all the papers Holly had asked me to, but never read them. I had no reason not to trust her or her judgment. My self-esteem was getting better and Holly often scolded me for hiding every time she had company. "My face looks a lot better, but the mind hasn't caught on just yet," I told her."Maybe soon, when the other operations are done."

"Well, you're due back at the clinic this Friday so check in early like before and be prepared to be a new person when you get out this time."

Right I told myself, like you can undo 18 years of hiding in one weekend. I checked in early just like she told me to and was almost asleep when she got there. I expected to wake up on Saturday like before, but that was not to be. Saturday came and went and I know because Holly came to check on me. I could hear everything that was going on. I just couldn't wake up. "Not much hair", somebody said to Holly. "I should be finished by Monday."

"No rush," Holly replied, "just make sure you get it all."

I wasn't in pain and I couldn't feel anything that I would say was different, but this person seemed to think I was very pretty. I kinda lost track of time after the first couple of days so Holly is probably the only person that really knew how long I was there. Some time later Holly woke me up and at first I was in no small amount of pain. As soon as I started to come around, Holly gave me some pain med's so it was down to a dull roar pretty quick.

"Ready to go home?" she smiled, as she helped me out of bed.

"The sooner the better." I tried to smile, as she got me dressed.

I don't remember much save the ride home and waking up in my bedroom the next day. Holly was sitting by my bed when I came around and she put a robe on me as soon as I got up.

"How about some breakfast?" she smiled?

"You should be at work." I looked at the clock. "I'll fix it for you quick as I can so you can go."

"Not today, it's Sunday," she smiled. "And I'm cooking for you this time, besides it's time to got you up and moving."

I followed her to the kitchen where she poured most of a pot of coffee down me and I was starting to feel like I was back in the real world after that. She fixed us some bacon with eggs and toast and I ate like I hadn't in a long time. She smiled each time she looked at me and I finally had to ask if she saw something funny.

"Not at all," she smiled. "I see something beautiful."

"Right....." I sputtered.

She led me down the hall to the bathroom and pushed me in front of the full mirror. With one motion she pulled the robe away and for a second I was stunned. When I looked in the mirror, I saw my face first and the healing was done. It looked softer with my forehead smaller and my slightly upturned nose seemed smaller. My eyebrows were thin and arched high to the edge. The tuft of chest hair I once had was gone and I could see the impression of budding breasts. My eyes continued down and it was plain to see all my body hair was gone. Between my legs my eyes stopped, as I saw what looked like a perfect vagina.

"You're one of us now," Holly spoke quickly.

"I see," I smiled, "and my breasts?" I questioned.

"Whatever size you want," she grinned from ear to ear.

For the first time in my life I could look in the mirror and not see any scars. My body wasn't completely healed, of course, and Holly kept me home for another two weeks, just taking things rather easy till I felt like I was back to normal. I started back slowly taking care of the place and did the easy stuff at first.

In the meantime, I had gotten some of the information that I had filed for. I came to find out that my dad was a very wealthy man. The Dolan family actually had an estate that was being held till the surviving relatives could be found to claim it. I checked and double-checked to make sure that the Dolan family in question was actually my dad. There wasn't an actual dollar amount given as to the value of the estate, but I surmised it was a good amount. As nearly as I could tell, I had to be twenty-one to claim it and some uptown lawyer was holding it all in trust. My original birth certificate would prove I was the rightful heir at the right time, but for now I just put the papers away and kept what I knew to myself. And....yes, I did have my birth certificate.

Holly had made me into a girl and so I started to try and look like one. I grew my nails out and started to keep them polished. I had a handful of dresses and skirts that I had kept from an earlier time along with a few other things. I started to wear makeup every day and tried to think of myself as one of the girls. I started to wear my corset every day and watch my weight. About three months later Holly finally noticed or at least got around to letting me know she noticed.

As we were eating dinner one night she asked me if I had talked to Grace. I told her I had and she knew I was recovering from the operation but I hadn't told her I was a girl now.

"Well, that's pretty obvious now," Holly smiled.

"All but the breasts," I smiled back.

"Are you ready for that?" she asked.

"It would complete the picture," I smiled, "and I would actually like to get out of the house now and then." That night I showed Holly the fake breasts I had worn for almost two years some time back.

"A full C cup," she smiled. "That's quite large for your overall body," she smiled.

"Sometimes less is better, but in this case, I don't think that rule applies," I joked a bit.

"Come to my room," Holly asked, as she took my hand.

From her little black bag, and I think all doctors have one, she took a bottle of saline and filled a hypo. She felt around my navel, as I lay on the bed, then stuck the hypo in and started to push as my right breast grew. She filled the left one likewise and asked if they were tight or hurt at all. I told her no and she filled the hypo and started again to fill them even more.

"That's not enough for a full C cup, but let's stop there for now," she smiled. Once you're accustomed to them at that size, we can add some more."

"Fair enough," I smiled, as I sat up and felt the weight of them on the my chest.

A month later I went back to work for Grace. It was the first time anybody had seen me dressed as a female in a long time and I was a bit nervous, at first. Grace took the new me in stride telling me I looked really great. And with my voice being naturally a little higher than most men she assured me nobody would question my appearance as a female.

The more I got out and about and allowed myself to be seen in public the less aware I became that I wasn't pretending to be a female. I was a female and all the stuff I had been taught began to come back to me. Holly added the extra saline to my breast to make them a full C cup and I decided it was time to reward her for all she had done.

I listened intently as she got a message about the girls coming over on Friday night. So far none of them knew who it was that Holly had working for her or the fact that I had once been a man. On that Thursday morning, I started cleaning the house top to bottom. I reminded Holly that night about the girls coming over and offered to give her a full make over like before. She agreed and told me she was taking half the day off on Friday, as she had some other business to take care of, but she would be home in plenty of time for the girl's get together.

I decided it was time for Holly's maid to make an appearance. I went through all the old stuff I had and found the upstair's maid outfit I had used all those years ago. When Holly came home, I gave her the works. I did her hair and nails first, then did her makeup and helped her pick out a really nice dress.

"I don't suspect we'll see much of you tonight," she said, as I zipped her dress.

"You never know," I shot back. "Your maid might make an appearance later tonight. You're ready," I announced, "and now it's time for me to get cleaned up."

"Thank you very much," Holly spoke softly, as I headed downstairs.

I took a quick shower having already done my hair earlier in the day. And I figured I had a good two hours before the girls showed up. I put on the nail tips and filled them so they looked natural and painted them along with my toenails. Makeup was next and I used a little more than I normally would have for that glamour affect. I slipped on the off black pantyhose first, then laced myself into the smallest corset I had. It did look a bit odd, but it would all come together. I put on my best half cup bra that pulled my breast together giving me some rather nice cleavage. The black french cut leotard was next and I always hated the zipper in the back, but I finally got it up. To that I added the small oval shaped apron that just covered my crotch area, along with a white hair band to hold my hair in the high bun. White wrist cuffs finished the uniform and all in all it looked pretty good.

Last, but not least, I put on the open toed five inch high heels. I had so hated to wear them years ago and my feet always seemed to ache after just a few hours wearing them. Tonight I wanted Holly's friends, the snobs, as she called them, to be more than a little impressed. So I was going out of my way to look really good, at the last minute making sure I looked good before I left. I went around the back way to the kitchen. Holly almost hit the floor when I came in the back way to the kitchen.

"WOW........, you look really great."

"Thank you, Miss," I curtsied. "You can be seated in the livingroom. I'll be serving you ladies tonight." Holly wanted to say something and I could tell she was holding back. Instead, she just turned and went to the livingroom. Cathy was the first to arrive and was totally shocked when I answered the door. I took her coat and directed her to the livingroom.

Chapter 6

Cathy was speechless till she made it to the livingroom and then she started talking wide open. I tried not to listen, but Cathy's voice could be heard in the next county so it was hard not to.

"Now, that's a maid," she told Holly, "and what a uniform," she added. "I hope you don't mind sharing."

"I do mind, Holly spoke bluntly, "but you could ask her."

I went and got the silver tray I had polished earlier that day and placed the snacks on it and got the bottle of champagne placed in the ice bucket ready to go. Holly had started calling me Julie since the operation and I had, in fact, legally changed my name, so that was correct.

"When will you ever tell me which salon your going to these days?" Cathy chimed in, again.

"Why go to a salon?" Holly boasted, "when you have a maid like mine."

"She did all this?" Cathy sounded stunned.

"Well,........yes," Holly spoke in a casual tone. "She's very good at what she does," she added, as I came into the room with the tray and champagne.

"Will that be all?" I curtsied again to Holly.

"I'm expecting three more guests tonight. Once they arrive, you're done for the night," she added.

"I doubt that," Cathy spoke up. "Can I ask if you have references?" she spoke to me.

"I do, but I work full-time for Holly," I spoke quickly.

Holly smiled as I left the room to answer the door. Amanda and Rita came together so there was one left to go. I returned to the living room to fill everybody's champagne glass and ignored Cathy's barrage of questions as the other girls took their seats. I curtsied to Holly as she gave me a dismissive nod. I had almost made it back to the kitchen when the bell rang again. Sally was last to arrive and seemed rather stunned when I answered the door.

I took her coat and gloves and pointed her to the living room telling her the other guests were there. I poured another round of champagne and told Holly there was another bottle already chilled in the ice bucket on the kitchen counter. Cathy started with the questions as Holly dismissed me and I curtsied again and left.

I sat in the kitchen and listened as the girls talked about nothing for hours on end. The conversation eventually came back around to me, Cathy saw to that.

"Does she have a sister or brother?" Cathy asked Holly about me.

"Not to my knowledge," Holly spoke softly.

"I've never seen a maid so well groomed and with such manners," Amanda added.

Rita agreed and told Holly she just simply had to learn how to share. Sally took her turn saying any maid that could keep a house this big clean, single-handed and make Holly look like a million bucks had to be worth whatever price. A sure ploy to get Holly to tell them how much she was paying me.

"Look,........Holly spoke loudly bringing the room to silence. "My maid is just that.....Mine. Now, if Julie wants to work elsewhere, that is up to her, but I suspect you will have a hard time getting her to quit me. Cathy spoke first saying, "most maids weren't paid that well and she felt sure she could pay Julie better than Holly was."

"Make her an offer," Holly spoke with some confidence.

"I might do just that," she chimed in sounding rather snobbish at the time.

As the night wore on, the girls began to get tired and were saying their goodbye's as I went to the door to pass out the coats and gloves. Cathy was the last to leave and I had already started to clean up before she made it to the door.

"How much is Holly paying you?" she asked me straight out.

"You should ask Miss Parker that question," I replied, as I handed her, her coat. She looked at Holly for an answer, but Holly just opened the door and told her goodnight.

"You're the best," Holly looked at me, as Cathy bounced down the stairs and out to her car.

"Maybe so," I struck a pose, "but you made me," I quipped.

"No, I just made you better. She put her arm around me as we walked toward the kitchen.

"Where on earth did you get that darling outfit?" she asked.

"I have had it for years. I'm a bit of a pack rat, if you know what I mean."

"Well, it looks great on you," she added.

"I'll just clean up here and call it a night," I smiled as I looked around the kitchen.

"I'm off this weekend and so are you," she shot back. "Okay. Well, I'm going to bed," she spoke sounding exhausted.

"Good night," I replied. "I'll be quiet as I can."

I decided that since Holly really seemed to like my uniform that I should get some more. That night before I went to sleep I went on the internet and ordered seven more outfits just like the one I had. I ordered three pairs of shoes to match the ones I had on. I figured that was more than enough to last me all week without washing every day.

As my nineteenth birthday passed, I got a good lawyer and filed several more freedom of information act papers and found out even more about who I really was. My father's parents were dead and he was an only child. Their estate would also fall to me at age twenty-one. My mom's folks had been dead for a long time even before I had been born. Mom had a huge life insurance policy that had never been paid out. According to my lawyer, all this stuff was mine once I was old enough to claim it legally. I still didn't have a dollar figure, but mom's insurance policy was over a million dollars all by itself.

I didn't have the heart to tell Holly that in just a few months I would be more wealthy than she was, my twenty-first birthday being just ten months away. I continued to be her maid, butler, and groundskeeper just as I had before. I spent most of my days in the uniform she loved so much and the corset was ever present, along with the five-inch heels that seemed not to bother quite as much these days.

Cathy, Amanda, Rita, and Sally all made me offers to try and steal me away from Holly. I just said no, as none of them even came close to what Holly was paying me. And none of them could have done what Holly did for me and for free even more. My service to Holly was little in the way of repayment for all she had done and I wanted to do even more. In time I would have that chance and I would show my gratitude in my own way.

In the weeks just before I turned twenty-one, my lawyer took me to see the estate that would soon be mine. There was this grand old house on eighty plus acres, two smaller homes for servant's quarters and a barn, should I decide to have a horse or some other livestock.

Having been broke most of my life, I knew it took money to keep a place like this. Lots of money and I had very little. My lawyer was being tight lipped as to just how much I was worth and I finally had to ask him point blank.

"Well,"...........Hank scratched his chin. "I haven't really added it all up. The life insurance on Thomas and June is worth about twenty million alone. Then Thomas's parents left him their estate, along with the insurance, and that's another twenty million give or take a bit with interest. Their house is worth around a half million and this place is worth about two million, plus, with all the land included. So rounded off, you're worth about forty-three maybe forty-four million at the going price. Of course, there are stocks and bonds that haven't been tallied up, as of yet. And there's another house in the Florida Keys that needs to be figured in, as well.

All in all," he smiled, "I would say you're a rather wealthy young woman. Oh, and your father's jet is still in storage at the airport."

I fought hard to hold back the tears as I listened to this man pronounce me a millionaire several times over. You would have to have lived on the poverty level for most of twenty years to really understand why, but it was almost like a dream. My estate, that sounded odd for me to say, was just ten miles from where I lived now with Holly.

I did my best not to shirk my duties to Holly as I planned an all out bash for my twenty-first birthday. I came to find out I even had a limo, so all I needed was the driver. I cleaned mom and dad's old house from top to bottom the same as I would have Holly's. I hired a maid, a real one, imagine that. And a butler and got a driver for the limo. Bought enough food to stock the house and have one hell of a party. Then sent out invitations to all my real friends, including the doctors at the clinic. Grace. of course, and all the guys from the car wash. I wanted everybody to know I was going to be okay, maybe even better than okay.

When Holly got around to asking me what I had planned for my birthday, I wasn't sure what to say.

"We normally celebrate together," she added.

"If you have other plans, that's okay," I smiled.

"Well, I did get this invitation to a party and while I don't really know who it is, I was thinking we both might go.

"I'm not much on costume parties, but I don't get gold gilded invitations very often either."

"Am I invited?" I asked seeming not to know a thing about it.

"Well, according to the invitation, I can bring one guest."

"I'm game," I spoke softly.

"I'll get the costumes. What time is the party?" I asked.

"8:00 p.m.," she answered, "but it says we'll be picked up at 7:30."

"Sounds like somebody is throwing a bash," I smiled.

"You never know," she quipped. It might even be somebody important."

"Could be," I replied. "Might even be somebody that can advance your career."

"Think you can handle the crowd?" She looked at me. "You still seem to keep to yourself quite a bit."

"I'm your maid. I'm not supposed to be seen," I replied.

"You're my housekeeper and my best friend, but you'll never be anybody's maid." She looked me in the eye.

Holly wasn't very free with compliments so I took what she said in just that light. I had already decided what our costumes would be after seeing them on the computer. They were school girl uniforms, but rather sexy if you fixed them up a bit. I had ordered them two weeks ago and they were already here just waiting for the big night.

Around 9:00 on the morning of my birthday, I signed all the papers making me the sole owner of all my parents' and grandparents' worldly goods. By then the lawyers had a dollar figure and if I sold off everything and paid all the taxes, I would still be worth about eighty million, give or take a bit. Of course, I had no intention of doing any such thing. The stocks and bonds were paying enough each month to keep me well off for years to come. All that seemed rather small as the insurance people and others there to witness the event cleared the room.

That day I also signed the last of the papers that legally made me a female. I had passed the real life test and now even my birth certificate said I was a female. I spent most of the rest of the day at my estate putting the final touches on the place for the party. After the party tonight, my life would truly start over, in a sense.

Chapter 7

I gave Holly the works that day and fixed myself up as best I could. Holly thought the school girl uniforms were a bit skimpy, but I assured her she looked great. She pondered a good bit about who it was that was throwing such a party. And I let on like I had no clue.

The limo arrived right on time and the driver almost gave me away. Holly and I, of course, were the first to arrive and my maid and butler made us feel right at home. Charles gave us the tour of the place and Holly was astounded at the size of the place. She asked Charles who the owner was, but I gave him that don't tell look and he didn't. Sandra, my maid, caught up to us and gave us a flute of champagne as Charles finished the tour. The other guests had started to arrive by the time we were done and Sandra had put on the music.

William, the limo driver, gave me the head count and told me all the guests were here. I slipped away from Holly, while she was talking to her doctor friends, and made my way to the staircase. I walked up about five steps and gave Sandra the cue to stop the music. The room slowly got silent and all eyes were on me.

"I would like to thank you all for coming."

I raised my voice above the murmur of the crowd. Holly's eyes went wide for just a second, realizing it was me. "To each and every one of you I owe a great debt. Some of you for just being a friend when I needed one and others for giving me the chance for a wonderful life." To the six guys I worked at the car wash with I gave five-thousand each. And I watched as they all but fell out looking at the checks. To Dr. Kline and Dr. Peters, I gave a check paying them both in full and they thanked me and gave me a hug. I saved Holly for last and asked her to come stand with me.

"Some of you know me only as Holly's maid," I was talking to Rita, Cathy and Sally. Amanda chimed in from across the room.

"I need a maid, as well, and you're a damn good one."

"Thank you," I replied to Amanda.

"While I will continue on as Holly's maid, I owe her a debt I can't ever repay.

"Had it not been for a chance meeting one day, Holly's real compassion for helping people might have never seen the light of day, yet here I stand.

There was a time when most of you would have never seen me. My body was a wreck as much as my state of mind. Holly changed all that. With her help I am heathy now both body and soul. That's not something you can put a price on. So that being the case, I have done the best I knew how. Here is the mortgage to your home, paid for in full. The title to the Jag, paid in full. And all your college debt is paid off, as well. You have a clean slate to make whatever life you want," I looked at her, as the tears welled up in her eyes. "I do hope you all enjoy the party and stay as long as you will."

The music came up and they all began to talk again and generally enjoy the party. The guys from the car wash were the first to try and give the money back. They had me cornered so I told them straight up. "Keep the money guys. I own this, all of this," I added. "And I'm worth a heck of a lot more so I'll be fine. Please keep it and enjoy it." They seemed not to believe me till William asked me if he was done for the night. I told him, yes, and he tipped his head and left.

Dr. Kline and Dr. Peters came up to me next and told me how thankful they were, but they had offered their services for free and I owed them no debt. "Yes. I was ever so thankful at the time being broke as I was. When I turned twenty-one, I found out I wasn't so broke as I thought. This house, the land, and much more are all mine," I added. "While I am thankful for what you did to help when I was broke, take the money as a thank you, and donate your services to someone else for me. I'm sure there are others out there like me that really need the help of people like you, but for now I'm fine. Consider it a gift to me when you donate your services next time."

Holly kept her distance for the rest of the night and I was about to think I had done something wrong. The party began to break up and the guests all said they had a great time. Soon it was just me and Holly. Sandra, the maid, had cleaned up as she went so by the time everybody was gone I gave her the rest of the night off. I took a seat on the bottom of the stairs and watched as Holly looked out the window as the last car left. She was still crying as she came to the steps and sat down.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked, as I wiped away her tears.

"No...... honey, you did it just right. I'm the one who did something wrong," she sputtered.

"Like what?" I tried to sound stunned.

"Simply put," she tried to smile, "you don't just look like a girl, you are a girl."

"Of course I am. You made me this way."

"You don't understand," she started again. "You really are a girl. You have ovaries, tubes, a uterus, I made you a real girl. You could have a period and maybe even become pregnant."

"So.....," I tried to sound as casual as I could. "Most girls or women do have a period and, who knows, I might want somebody to give all this to one day."

"You're not mad at me?" she smiled.

"Not at all," I replied in one breath.

"Guess I'll need a new maid now," she changed the subject.

"Not really. I have already taken care of that. Sandra, William and Charles are all at your disposal." Her eyes lit up, as I explained. "Sandra will be your maid, as well as mine. William will drive you anywhere you want to go, even to work, if you want. And he's an excellent groundskeeper. And Charles will be your butler, that is, if you still want one."

"And what about you?" she asked. "What will you do now?" she asked.

"Ask me that in a different way," I smiled.

"What?" her eyes went wide.

"How about what will we do?" I rephrased the question for her.

"We," she sputtered.

"I have a plane at the airport ready to take us to the Key Islands in Florida. I took the liberty of packing for you, and you're not expected at the clinic or the hospital till the first of next month."

"That's over three weeks off," she exclaimed.

"Yes, three weeks to soak up some sun and not worry about anything," I added.

"Sandra and Charles are coming with us and I assure you, we'll have a great time."

Holly was stunned when I took her up the stairs to the master bedroom and put her to bed for the night. The next morning Sandra and Charles served us breakfast in bed and Holly just couldn't find the words she wanted to say. Around noon the next day the pilot called me from the airport and said the plane had been checked out and the flight plans approved. William arrived right on time and took us to the airport. Our luggage was checked and cleared then loaded onto the plane. Holly realized right off this was a private jet and with her usual questioned tone asked if this was mine, as well. "Well, it belonged to my father and, since I am the sole heir to my parents' worldly goods, yes, it is mine," I replied.

I had never seen Holly so relaxed as she was once the plane took off. It was as if the reality of it all set in and the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders. After Charles served us a drink, Holly looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"You realize, in a way far bigger than I have done for you, you have saved my life."

"I did no such," I replied. "I just fixed it so you don't have to work 24/7 just to pay your bills. If there is something more I can do, tell me and I will gladly do it."

"My parents," she smiled. They gave up so much to help me get where I am. And then out the blue you come along.

"I already thought about them," I replied. "Whatever you want I will do it," I replied.

"I couldn't ask you to," she replied.

"Well, whenever you feel comfortable asking me, I am ready to do whatever you ask."

Holly hadn't seen her parents in over ten years and she had no clue that I had sent them the tickets to fly to Florida and be with us.

When we landed, Bob and Darlene Parker stood in the hanger ready to see their daughter. It was a happy reunion that I was content to stand back and watch unfold. It was probably the happiest I had ever seen Holly in all the time I had known her. Her parents were still young, but the years of work and worry showed on all their faces. I had made arrangements for Bob and Darlene to have one of the smaller houses on the estate so they would be only a few minutes from seeing their daughter anytime they wanted. Their home was paid off by me, as well, and I had moved some of my own assets over into their name so they never had to work again unless they just wanted to. I waited till we were ready to go home before I told Holly what I had done.

"You can't just give away everything. Stop this," she scolded me.

"Is there anyone on this planet I owe more to than you?" I replied. "I owe you my life how many times over, Holly? Where would I be now had it not been for your compassion and the care you and the other doctors at the clinic gave me. You can have it all, if you want. I'll go back to being your maid, if that is what you want. I just want to see you happy and to have a life that is unhurried. To be able to enjoy time with your parents, and most of all, for you to find time for love, to give what you gave to me to someone who can give it back in full measure.

Tears of joy streamed down her face, when we all got on the plane to go home. Her parents finished my list of things I could do for Holly. The life she made for herself now was entirely up to her. But she would never have to worry about her parents and she had a clean slate, as far as her bills was concerned. She could work as much or as little as she wanted. She could see her parents anytime she chose to. And she knew I would always be there if there was anything I could do.

The news was out now, as it were. And when we got back and settled in, Holly wanted to have a party at her house. I told her I would set it up and she could invite all the snobs she wanted. She laughed when I told her that.

"I will miss you so much," she said, as I got in the car and William drove me home.

That next Friday was the day of the party and I had William take her parents over a little early, along with Sandra, just to make sure the place was clean and ready. I had Sandra dress in the upstairs maid costume the same as I had worn. I told them that I would be along shortly.

As soon as they were gone I got dressed in my maid's outfit and drove myself over to Holly's place. I still had the garage door opener and I had William park all the other cars so that Holly couldn't get in once I had parked my car. Most all the invited guests were there when Holly got home and she almost fainted when I opened the door for her still dressed as her maid. I greeted her as Ms. Parker and welcomed her home, then curtsied before I left to get her a drink.

"What are you doing?" she all but shouted, as she followed me just a step behind.

"My job," I replied. "You never fired me, and I never quit. So I'm still your maid," I replied.

Chapter 8

Holly stopped me dead in my tracks and hugged me as if I was family. Like she would a sister or even a brother and that was something the snobs would have never done. And everyone saw it when it happened. The party was a big hit, and everyone had a great time. Amanda was the last to leave and that was about normal for her. She paused at the door and asked Holly just how it was that she got a millionaire to be her maid.

"Your question is somewhat backward, Ma'am," I injected. "The real question is how Holly made a maid into a millionaire." Holly didn't reply and Amanda didn't stay to get an answer.

Holly understood now that had it not been for her, I might have never found out my real heritage. The papers I had signed for her to do the operation, that had made me into a female. They opened doors that before then had been closed and gave me access to information that I no idea about. I had thought all along she knew, but I saw the reality of it set in as she closed the door. Most of all, she knew I loved her with all my heart and always would. And there was no price you could put on that, not even being her maid.

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