The Unofficial Incident Report Of Site Y

Captain Ricker is given a second chance for valor after The Battle Of Ricker’s Fields, where higher echelon meddling created a near disaster, to prove himself.

This story started out as an outline for a Ideal and quickly turned into what you are now reading. it’s a little slow with the bulk of the TG starting about a third of the way into the story. Its about people, and not about midnight rendezvous

By C-Monster

And Graciously Edit by Commotion22

"The question of what constitutes a human being remains unanswered. But one critical characteristic’s human multi-purpose adaptability."*
Colin Kapp

After the court of inquiry (the inquisition) Majors Fitzwarren and Rickworth were now on a short list to retirement after it looked like they were to be the fall guys for this disaster. It was time to quit and move on. Capt. Stark, in support of his commander, made the political mistake of crossing swords with the Inner board in which Admiral King was their fair haired boy. Captain Stark was now transferred to a more or less planetary security unit, known as the Rhine Watch. For some, such a transfer was to do light duty before retirement. For others, it was used as a reserve pool. But for others, like Capt. Stark, it was the fleet's version of Siberia; a career ending move.

General Monty Willis did not know what to make of Capt. Stark and, fearing he might be political poison, gave him a bit of a cool and formal greeting and assigned him as the Assents Supply Officer. As time went by for Captain Stark, it got better and better in a sarcastic way as rumors began circulate about how Majors Fitzwarren and Rickworth almost pulled the fleet into a planetary war. How now Full Admiral King had saved the day, and how Capt. Stark and others tried to undermine King.

Weeks went by as Captain Stark recounted the inventory and shuffled the same paper work. Stark asked to take the day off and went for a run. While running, he had a chance meeting with Sgt. Al Carter, who he first met on arrival at the base. After asking permission to run with the squad, Stark discovered that the men he was running with had been getting letters from friends and relatives about the Battle of Riker’s Field, and how King's account didn’t jibe with other known facts.

About a week later, Stark received a summons to General Willis' office, and to his surprise he was handed a glass of whiskey. After downing the first glass and a very hearty handshake, General Willis explained that a few days back he got a letter from his good friend, Major Marus Fitzwarren!

Not trusting anyone he didn’t know, Major Fitzwarren had a close and trusted friend deliver the letter to General Willis. Fitzwarren knew that the Inner Board could operate like Feudal warlords of old Earth. After a few more rounds, Stark offered his side of the story of the Battle of Riker’s Fields. Upon completion, General Willis told Stark to stand down the rest of the day and if needed, tomorrow as well. With his head swimming Stark agreed. In the words of General Wills: “I am going to give you command of security team you have been running with. Oh by the way, tomorrow, when you head clears a little, meet me for dinner and we will go over the details."

The day after the dinner Stark made a mental note to go easy with the "cleaning fluid" General Willis calls whiskey. After informing Sgt. Carter that he was now commanding the security squad, Carter saluted the captain, shook his hand, and said “Welcome aboard Sir!” There was such sincerity in that handshake; Captain Stark was at a loss for words.

Why didn’t you tell me I was running with a security platoon? I think I could have gotten you in a lot of trouble!

Not a problem sir, we would just shake the doors! After that, the captain sat down and listened to what the sergeant had to say. He might be in overall command, but the sergeant knew all the ins and outs of the unit and what needed to be done. He also needed to learn about the men under his command.

To the good captain's horror, he had inherited the two colorful technicians, Specialists Fred Davis and Specialists Tom Hall, who had managed to foul up the secondary communication net off Halos 3 for two days by jamming the net with old Earth-type rock n roll.

Sir, the 322nd Communications Company kept bragging about how their system was unbreakable. We couldn't let a challenge like that go unanswered. That was how we landed on this rock, Said Davis.

Private Jorge Beckman, a young man in early twenties, was from some little off-world farming colony and didn’t plan to make farming his whole life. Stark don’t know why, maybe it was living on a one horse farm or perhaps just for the fun of it, but Pvt. Beckman knew most of the older monster movies in the Earth data base. He knew by chapter and verse almost all the monster movies of the 30’s 40’s and 50’s. Beckman had always thought they were some of the best movies made.

Private Marty Roberts had a story like Stark's. Born into a middle class family, wanted to travel, and then go to medical school. It seemed joining the military would do both for him. He didn't seem to quite grasp the fact that in the military would have to shoot a lot of people before he could help them.

Corporal Ron Muller was one of those young men who were not sure what he wanted. Just out of high school, he was sweet-talked into joining the military 'to see the worlds,' as he put it. And he was hungry to “tangle with the bad guys." If he had been at the Battle of Ricker’s Fields, he might not be so eager to a hero. Too many like Muller were left there.
Private Dan Denning was destined to run his father's company. His weakness for the fairer sex had left him staring down a shotgun wedding after making one promise too many. His father thought it would be best if he joined the military and waited until things cooled down a bit.

Private Brandon Welch was a quiet and well read person. He too was recruitment bait. He did well in all that was asked of him. If he was to apply himself, he would be a good officer someday, with a little help.

A short while later Captain Stark was again called to the General's office and was told that the security patrol to site Y was be a little different. It seemed that home council feared that there was something afoot at the old site and wanted the security team do more than the normal high altitude sweep. The patrol might also need to stay overnight just to see that the area was secure. “Plan to stay the night, check in at regular intervals and the mess will send you with something extra," the General instructed.

After talking with the General, Stark headed back to his room with the patrol briefing about site Y and planned to meet Sergeant Carter to go over the mission in the morning.

The next day, at approximately 10 hundred hours, the platoon loaded aboard the transport and headed out to site Y. The question that ran through Stark's mind was: “I am ready for this? Could what happened at Riker’s Fields happen here?"

About then the Sergeant said: We're about 20 minutes out, sir. We should gear-up!

Very well Sergeant. Let's saddle up! When we get to site Y, should we do a combat landing or a standard landing? asked Stark.

Standard, sir, replied Sgt. Carter. Nothing special here. If all goes well, we should have a nice dinner, play some cards and some music, with your permission, and tomorrow head back to base where a ton of paper work is waiting for you, sir.

Thanks for reminder, Sergeant! Anyway, it should be interesting to see the guts of this thing.

We will be the first in a long time to see the whole thing, sir. It's normally just an elevator ride down to the power room; change anything that needs changing, check the locks and head for home. This will be the first time we have done an official walkthrough to see that everything is secure, sir, said Carter.

Just about then, the pilot called out: "Five minutes to touchdown!” With that, everyone began checking their gear once more. With a gentle tap on the ground, the platoon had arrived. For the first time Captain Stark got a good look at site Y. With only a tower rising about sixty feet in the air and the remains of few buildings, there is very little see on the Windswept plain of Crazwulf.

We'll unload and go inside, sir, Carter said. Should we make a security sweep of the perimeter, sir?

Better to be safe than sorry, Sergeant, replied Stark. After you do that, we will break into two teams. I'll start the sweep at the top and meet you and the technicians at the power room and then break for lunch.

Yes, sir!

With the equipment off-loaded and seeing the transport off with a wave, Captain Stark suddenly felt very alone.

As technicians opened the main door, it seemed anticlimactic to Stark as there was only a set of simple elevator doors beyond. The captain and the team stepped into the elevator and started down. The first impression that Stark had was the simplicity of the hallway. Nothing strange or unexpected jumped out at him, just a straight corridor painted in a light color with doors off to either side. Using the electronic key given to him at the beginning of the mission, he opens the first door. Again, to his disappointment, there was nothing that you might not find on other planets, or on earth. It was hard to believe this facility made war products. ”This must be the officer's quarters,” he said to himself.

Coming down a second hallway, Captain Stark came to the main sleeping areas. While the upper brass had fairly comfortable quarters with a reasonable amount of privacy, the general sleeping area had bunks lining the walls with some tables and chairs in the center. Clearly there would be little comfort in wartime.

Sergeant Carter reported in. There is something about the building that seems odd. There are pips and walls and other things that seem different; out of place, so to speak. It's kind of a "check-to-see-if-your-gun-is-loaded" type of feeling.

Well keep your eyes open and report anything unusual," ordered Stark.

After checking with SPC Hall and Davis to see if they were done, the Sergeant decided it was a good time for lunch and talk to the Captain about his suspicions that someone had been at the site recently. I'll meet you at the dining hall on the map, Sergeant, Stark told Carter.

While taking in lunch, the good captain asked his squad: Did anybody see or feel that something is odd? Almost immediately SPC Hall and SPC Davis said they noticed piping and router boxes that weren’t on the schematics and some of the conduits seemed to be shinier than the others. After taking notice of what the men had observed, Captain Stark made contacted the base to report their findings and his plans to investigate further. After getting confirmation, Captain Stark outlined to the squad their course of action until dinner: “Check for signs of recent habitation of the area."

After lunch, the two teams began to search the building. It was planned that one team would start at the top while the other would start at the bottom and would pass through each other in the search pattern. After several hours of searching, little of anything was found. Only some odd and ends and an empty food tin. In the machine room, though, fresh scraps of metal and metal shavings were found.

Shortly before dinner, Captain Stark organized the photos and other evidence found during the search. When that was done, Stark began to put his thoughts on disk. When he had finished, Carter told him dinner was ready. Beef Stroganoff was the main meal with bread and a light salad with a measured glass of wine. After dinner, the team began to settle in, swapping lies and playing cards. Stark and Carter set up security arrangements and where the men would bunk for the night.

Sergeant, do you want me to take the first watch or the last watch? asked Stark.

I hadn’t planned to have you stand watch tonight, sir, Carter responded. I will take the first watch myself, if you don’t mind?

No that'll be fine, Sergeant.


Meanwhile in the auxiliary control room the Altarian scientists are in a bind. With the structure being search there was no way they could get the Altarian volunteers into the site.

The Altarian scientists need to step up there timetable before now have been discover and need to find out if there plan will work before the Garric, Ferengi and the Zurco official along with member of ranking member of the United Nation start asking questions and shut the operation down.

The Altarian scientists might be in a bad spot but they do as a bit of humor about the whole thing. Being the Altarian are calling the project “Operation Coney Inland” after hearing it in one of there intelligent gathering.

Is the security system on line?

Standing by and ready to go.

Are you sure that they won’t be harm by the gas?

Yes, we have been scanning from the time they have arrived and from are other sources that have been tracking them for the last year. There are a near match for are own species, there DNA is quite close to are DNA.

Remember the studies back in the university? Were the theory is that all advance species are very close in many ways.

We will use four to start with and just do some basic setting for now to see how they react and basic change of gender can be included.

How do you think they will react?

I hope with a since of there humor or other wise I don’t want to think what will happen

May be we should abandon the project?

No we have come this far and we can’t undo what has been done “I want to see it as something for peace and amusement, not for making war.”

As the Altarian in there heart and minds that doing for the good of all, they begin to do the final set up and power up the core and set up the security screen to control what come in and out the lab. Now comes the tricky part, flooding the sleeping quarters with the insurrection gas at the right time, then scan them, get them load into a game room make the finial adjustment and hope they have a good time.


After checking with the Sergeant, Captain Stark after cleaning his teeth and taking off what he felt was safe of his clothing to be comfortable he tuck in pistol under the pillow, the good captain drifted towards dream land.

After placing Pvt. Denning and Cpl. Muller and instructing them they would be relived in a few hours the sergeant grab a chair and rest a bit not knowing that tomorrow would be a life changing advent.

Mean while in the Altarian control room one of the Altarian open up the control panel and set up the controls to release a light colorless gas. As he watch the screen, he notice the two guards beginning to slump towards the floor. Anytime now he thought and all of them would be a sleep, and ready for the test.

As the men of the recon team, sleep and deep and drug induce sleep the Altarian unlock the door and came in and one by one loaded four of the sleeping men on to the gurneys that they had brought with them and that begin to wheeled down the hall to the preparation room. After placing the unconsciousness men on the horizontal chairs, the scientists step out side to the control room and started the scanning process. Soon after with a loud ping the computers were done with the plenary scanning process and now it’s was time to use the gaming room.


Captain Stark slowly came out of a dream like state and slowly shook his head as if he had to much to drink that night. Realizing something was not right, the good captain hurried to get dress, grab is weapon and open up the hatch and start to look with caution, into the hallway. The first thing Captain Stark saw was Pvt. Denning slumped against the wall, The captain now knew something was wrong horribly wrong and with that begin to shake Pvt Denning awake.

Denning, Denning are you awake, are you all right?

Yes captain Denning said in a groggily voice, I was standing there look up and down the hall and the next thing you were looking over me.

Turning around Caption Striker went back in the sleeping quarters to see if any one was still there. After checking all the bunks the only found ones still asleep was Pvt. Robert and Pvt. Welch. After getting the privets awake, Captain Stark begin question them.

Did you here any nose?

No sir.

Did you see anything?

No sir.

Sir I did have a strange dream that a bunch of monks came with there long board on wheels and loaded something on to them. Said Robert.

That’s all?

I am sorry sir that I can remember.

With that Captain Stark told Pvt. Denning to wake up Cpl. Muller get him in here ASAP, I will check if the weapons are O.K. next gets something to eat, recon the maps and start a search of the building.

Welch get on the horn and inform the base of what is going and on and find out when they can send reinforcements.

Something is going on I don’t understand and we need some big time help, do you understand?

Yes Sir I am on it.

A short time later Captain Stark Pvt. Denning Cpl Muller Pvt. Welch and Pvt Roberts were sitting one of the tables finishing off breakfast and looking over the map of the building.

I think are best bet is to start here said Captain Stark and work down to this level first pointing his finger to the map.

Welch, any more luck with the radio?

No sir something is over riding the signal and I can’t get through, its like before when I try it.

O.K. well have to do it on are own, sooner or later that will send someone to find out why we haven’t contact them this morning, At least we have are weapons plenty of food and water and if need be we will dig in and wait for the Calvary.

Like Custer sir? Ask Roberts.

After that laughter died down even the captain had to smile at that gallows humor.

No Roberts like Major Reno. Now let get this police up, mover the supplies to a different location and saddle up and find are people.

Aye, Aye sir, and with that a plan had be put into motion.


Deep in bowels of the complex, the computers completed the scan of Sergeant Carter billons and billons molecules scanned, sorted and stored by most advance quantum program ever invented. The sacrifices and the self-sacrifices, a life time of dream and hopes were about to realize with the first test subject and this grand experiment maybe, just maybe this which was intended for war could find a peaceful use among the different race on different worlds. With a loud ping and flash of light, the first phase was done.

Sergeant Carter was the first wake up almost at once he knew something was wrong. The first thing he saw was a room with wall paper and he was in a bed not a bunk. Holding his hands up to the light he notice how different they were.

Why were my hand so small he thought and “Why did I have breast?” he wondered. And “why in the hell am I wearing a woman skives!!”

About 10 minutes or so when Sergeant Carter came out his shock, its then he realize “Toto were no longer in Kansas any more.” After the good sergeant got is bearing and finding out why it take woman longer to dress then men, he went out side.

The second shock of the day came to him. Out the font door almost as far as the eye can see were apple trees! Roll’s and roll’s of trees with ready to pick apples. Off to the left was the old barn badly in need of paint. As he/she look over to the right was a shed that has seen better days. After walking out of the house and reaching the shed, he/she pick up and apple and tried a bit.

For some reason it had no taste to it which seem strange to him. The Altarian scientists were in a panic. It’s seems all the years of hard works would come crashing down on there heads before the project, could even get started.

Maybe we should stop and tell them what we are doing, one of the Altarian scientist said to the others scientists.

No we must keep going on.

But with out any taste or smell the project has failed.

WAIT---WAIT, one scientists shouted, I know what we did wrong, In are excitement, we forgot to down load the auxiliary program.

With that the Altarian Scientist went over to a small control panel and punch in the code, a few seconds later the machine gave a warm chirping sound. Almost at the same instance Sergeant Carter could taste the apple!


Pvt Jorge Beckman was next. The senior Altarian scientist smiled when he saw Pvt. Beckman, for he new him and had many long conversation with him at his bar. Many years before the scientist had decided to say on this plant and gotten is citizenship papers and open up a bar and when the opportunely to reactivate the project he could hardly say no.

Over the course of time the scientist had many opportunely to talk to the troops as they came to “wet there whistle” As they were fond of saying. Being a learned man he also likes to talk to the different person who came into his bar, he might not agree on some views, but learned to have a certain degree of respect for them.

When he gazed in to Beckman sleeping face, he know what he had planed for him, being on the conversation that he had with him on the subject of the Terrans term of horror movies (shock movies as know on his home world) and with the detail of old movies Beckman posses made him a natural even without the mind probe.

At this point this would be the crá¨me de la crá¨me of the project.

First was to place Beckman into the molecular translator and then to check the program in the primary and secondary computers to make sure that they would cross check and verified the program before starting the translation of Beckman in to the final product. The scientists sure that everything was in place entered the starting code and then inserted the key into the computer and with this the computer started to analogize the raw data and begin to talk to the secondary computer. Slowly at first and faster and faster as both machines began to coordinate the billions and billion of streams of information. Finally after what seem an eternally the computer screen flash “ready for phase two” After saying a short prayer he place in the second key and loaded up the command code to start phase two. Again the computers begin there crosstalk chatter and shortly after the translator over Beckman glow fist a soft red and soon grew brighter and brighter as the translator molded Beckman body into the new persona. After checking the life support monitor, usually a quite and reserve person couldn’t help but to give out a shriek of happiness and therefore startle his comrades of many years.

The scientist motion what his hands that every thing was going as planed, and then he said “the subject is ready to be inserted into the environment” the other scientists took a quick look a way from the monitor they were watching and give a quick smile of success before going back to watching the first subject.


After waking up it was Pvt. Beckman tuned to be surprise of what was going on.

After looking at the parts of his body that he could see, the first thing that came to his mind, "why I have this shiny blue skin?" "Why do I have what looks like breast?" And "why do I sound like Minnie Mouse?"

Just then a person in some sort of uniform, came into the room were Pvt. Beckman was sitting and stated “your highness there are Terrans in strange uniforms approaching from the west”.

Then and there for some reason he felt he was not watching “The Moon Queen of Zore” he was part of it.

Getting his wits around him, he quickly said Bring them to me.

Yes my queen, the guard answered and turned and went out the way he came.


The senior Altarian scientist is ecstatic with his success; the program had gone beyond his wildest dreams, to finish the last project before there work would be discovered and force to shut it down. With a little joy and a little sadness the team of Altarian scientists start up the started up the molecular translators in both chambers. Are you sure you want to try this, the senior Altarian scientist said as the Terran would say “it’s a piece of cake”. As one of the Altarian scientist look at him ask "where do you learn this strange language? The senior Altarian scientist with a shy smile he said “talking with Terrans at my bar of course, you can’t talk to other races with out picking some of the language yourself”.

One of his team members ask “I sort of understand change the sex of the test subjects and to test the machine and are theories, do think its wise to change there sex and to make them look mirror images at the same time? “If we are careful and cross check everything like did with the moon queen it should go according to plan”.

With that again he loaded in the command code and waited for the machine’s reply. Next he place in his command key and turned to the left. Shortly after the computer begin there crosstalk chatter and shortly after the translators started there work in both chambers at the same time. Watch the monitors if any thing and I mean any thing that looks wrong, inform me and we put in a hold mode and make sure we are in correct parameter.


With a familiar sound from the computers, the senor Altarian scientist knew the difficult part was done.

Inserting the second keys in both of the computers, he loaded the command code and with that both computer start the moving sequence with both SPC Tom Hall SPC Fred Davis into the gaming room.


In a fog and a soft gray light dance on the close eye lids, the first one, Davis could feel the beat of a techno disco base and now could make out the words to and old very old Terran disco song.

Oh, do a little dance, make a little love,
get down tonight, get down tonight,
do a little dance, make a little love,
get down tonight, get down tonight
baby, babe it's meet you same place,
same time, where we can, oh, get together and
ease up our mind

As Davis and then Hall came out of it, more and more they both make out more words.

Oh, do a little dance, make a little love
get down tonight, get down tonight
do a little dance, make a little love, get
down tonight, get down tonight, baby
do a little dance, make a little love
get down tonight, get down tonight
do a little dance, make a little love
get down tonight, get down tonight
get down, get down, get down, get down
get down tonight baby*

AS SPC Davis looked over at SPC Hall and as SPC Hall looked over at SPC Davis, almost at the same instant they both thought “Wow what a hot babe, how do talk to her and better how do I get into her panties?"


Captain Ricker, with his few remaining men begins to search for his lost comrades.

After relocating his equipment to a more protected area, (he hopes) start out on his self defined mission. Starting down the main living quarter’s hall, he begins to go through living quarters by living quarters. In some he found the room in disarray from the time when the base cease operations and in others he found nothing. Then he begin to check the different cafeterias with two men going inside and two staying out to guard them as they went inside.

The senior Altarian scientist organized the others into two groups, one to watch the monitors and the others to keep and eye on the “loose canons” as he called them.

What should we do when we find them ask one of the scientists.

We will use the projection pods in the lower halls we installed to move the games into a larger area and set creatures to keep them busy. Set the projections in a transmuted status so they won’t hurt are guest, but give them something to do until the experiment is over.


SPC Davis looked over at SPC Hall and as Hall looked over at Davis once again trying to figure out something to say to that hot looking babe and the same time Davis was thinking the same thing both were so over focused on each other that neither knew there were the hot babe’s. Finely Davis got up the nerve to speak.

I am a little lost and I am not sure wear I am said Davis.

Hall was a little taken back by the forwardness of this beautiful lady.

No I am not sure my self answer Hall.

Realize that both was at an impasse, at about the same time both causally look down at the table out of not sure what to do next, both notices they were both out of uniform, way out of uniform. After looking down at new appendix for a while, its click slowly on both, that they look like the hot babe’s they want to go out with.

Wide eyed Davis ask "is that you Hall?”

Yes is that you Davis?

It finely soaks through there little Techie brain some was defiantly out of the ordinary.

After while, Hall finely screwed up the nerve to ask a strange question.

Do think its some dream machine I have been reading some were some is working on one, we might be some lab hook up to one of them. Maybe someone is getting even for fouling up the secondary communication net off of Halos 3? I mean listen to what there are playing!

O.K. then how do we wake up?

Not sure All I know we can’t sit here and do nothing.

With that Hall and Davis begin to figure some way to get out of this.


Sgt Carter sat with a calico cat nosily purring away in his/her lap. He/she was weighting what was now going on. He had been a good soldier most of his life ever since leaving school. Part of him said this is wrong and I should be trying to find Captain Ricker. The other part the part that has seen many campaigns on different planets some were chasing warlords and rebels, doing humanitarian mission, seeing the aftermath of thermonuclear global exchange by warring nations and all its grand illusions. He was tired of training young men with hope, dreams and promises, only to be cut down in the flower of there youth. He/she couldn’t help to look down at the sleeping cat and ask “what should I do.” Right now he knew he was being insubordination by not resisting what was happing now and stopping who ever was doing this to him. After all a gilded cage no matter how conformable it is, it’s still a gilded cage.


The base watch officer began to start to worry about Captain Ricker. The captain had be a simple “shake the doors patrol" is about twelve hours overdue, even those the base as been getting regular reports back from site Y.

The watch officer after thinking it over went to the intelligent officer and both with to the security officer. After talking it over, the watch officers made a called to General Willis and brief the General on the situation on Captain Riker being over do.

Major I understand you concerned about the wear about of Captain Ricker, but haven’t we got regular reports coming from him?

Yes we have, in a strange way. Even its sound like his voice it seems to be flat almost mechanical sounding voice.

Then we had it ran through voice analyzer, and it come up negative

So: what the problem.

Sir the problem is its too perfect, it just doesn’t have the warmth or the coldness of a human voice.

I see, so how long have been over do?

At this point about fifteen hours sir.

Ok organize a rescue party I get on the horn with the council and get permission to send a search and rescue party, it might take some time know how sensitive that area to all party involve, that one of the reason we are here.

Aye: Aye sir.


Queen Zore has he/she was now called watch as two earth looking men came in his/her thrown room. Both were wearing earth type garb from it look like the mid fifty‘s.

Almost in a hush tone he/she ask “Are you Captain Ricker?”

No! Queen Zore I am George Wallace* and this William Bakewell* and we came from earth to stop your evil plants.

Great! Beckman thought, I got two want to be heroes that going to save the world in the second reel.

Take them to a cell Beckman said.

Yes my queen.

Now all we need is the impossible escape scene, a knock down drag out fight scene, and a just in time leave the planted scene with a big sloppy kiss scene of the girl he just rescued.

Be sure to come back to this theater next week to see the exciding adventure of The Moon Queen of Zore, just ducky moan Beckman.


Captain Ricker started one more of the endless halls in this God forsaken place. It seems to him to be a lost cause, regardless of that he and his men press on. As he came around one the lower echelon hallway, something very large was standing in the middle of the hallway. "Stop go not further said the large monstrousness shape."

Where are my men and who are what are you. The Captain ask.

I am the guardian of the hallway, the creature answered. Your people are safe.

Now go!!

Not taking this threat lightly and feeling like it was the “Battle of Riker’s Field’s" once more was he needed to do a command life or death decision, he said one word.


With that Ricker and men open up with all they had. With that the creature stumbles back and disappeared.


I don’t know but we need to keep going forward, it seem we must begetting close.

Keep your eye open I don’t this is the last one.


Now what, ask one of the Altarian scientist “we just keep misdirecting them and keep them busy for a few more hours” said the senior Altarian scientist. As they say on Terra, "were almost home."


As the twins as begin to think of themselves, started to look for a flaw in the cage one that they could use to escape this dream or nightmare.

Alarmed by what there were seeing on the monitor, one of the Altarian scientists raze the question “could they find a flaw in are program?' I don’t know say another".

What I understand, said the senior Altarian scientist “these two terrans were able to disrupt a very securer and sophisticated communication site.“

With the type of music we are playing, one added.

Should we terminate there program and put them into a holding cell until the test are over?

Another scientist spoke up. I have an ideal. In a subroutine we could induce some terran companions to keep them busy, drinking, dancing and if need be some cardinal knowledge so to speak.

Yes this is possible.

Senor Altarian scientist thinking for a moment and realizing time was getting short said again from what I understand both have lead a very technical and quiet sexual lives, this might help them both out their shells.

A little taken back, one of the Altarian scientists ask “Is it ethical for us to do or do such a thing? To suggest to are unsuspecting guess to do this?” “Would it not violate are morality or are guest morality to even suggest such a thing with out there full understanding or permission?”

Its to hold a shiny bobble before them and see if its what they want and desire, to see what they willing trade or not to trade, it will before them to decide.

Only with a clear chose, otherwise this might consume part of there soles along with a part of are soles, after all we are not dictators, but merely unseen host.

"Enough” shouted the senior Altarian scientist said "time is short and the end justified the means.” With a short pause the senior Altarian scientist said to his friends and coworkers “I apologize my friends, it’s been a long day and I am very tired, there is too much to loose if we hastate now.”

The less we say now, the better it is “said one of the colleague” to which they all agreed. With that a new command code was introduce in to the program running for the twins.

SPC Davis and then SPC Hall by this time had explored most of the promising areas in the club. With techno music pounding in the back round, Hall asks Davis “do we have a chance?” “Only if we try” said Davis.

Just then when started investigate were sound system was, A person in tuxedo came over and said “Ladies there area is for the staff only”. To which replied “Sorry we were just look around to see were that funky music was coming from.”

See ware that funky music was coming from. Hall said with making a motion with his mouth.

Come over to the bar and I will buy you two ladies a drink said the manager. And with that they start to party.

Being both of them had a social life of a slug, which was there bond in life, and only partake in a glass of wine or champagne when the occasion command it, in short they weren’t use to drinking.

Went to a party the other night
All the ladies were treating me right
Moving my feet to the disco beat
How in the world could I keep my seat

All of a sudden I began to change
I was on the dance floor acting strange
Flapping my arms I began to cluck
Look at me..
I'm the disco duck*

After three or so apiece, of this pinkish drinks, both SPC Dave and SPC Hall were should we say “smash” and having the time of there life’s, and a little on the suggestive side of themselves. For the two who whole life was anything electronics and with a non decrypt social life, this was “Green Grass and High Times” and in there alcohol induce haze, they planed to make the most of it. As they a half dance and a half stumble with several dance partners.

About that time, when there dancing partners whisper in there ears and said “ let party back to my hotel room" Both being high on the music and high on the booze, thought why not.

As the Altarian scientist sat and watch in all and amazement what was going on with the program, as the girls and there escorts were transmuted to the next program.

Well I left home just a week before
And I'd never ever kissed a woman before
But Lola smiled and took me by the hand
And said dear boy I'm gonna make you a man

Well I'm not the world's most masculine man
But I know what I am and I'm glad I'm a man
And so is Lola
La-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola
Lola la-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola*


As: time went by.

Sweet wonderful you,
You make me happy with the things you do,
Oh, can it be so,
This feeling follows me wherever I go.
I never did believe in miracles,
But I've a feeling it's time to try.
I never did believe in the ways of magic,
But I'm beginning to wonder why.
Don't, don't break the spell,
It would be different and you know it will,
You, you make loving fun,
And I don't have to tell you you're the only one.
You make loving fun.
You make loving fun.*

For the first time in there semi-shelter lives did they had any strong, passionate sex. With the warm glow of self satisfaction even those it’s wasn’t quite how that had invasion it, still all and all it’s was fun, even those in the game of “hide the salami, that they should have the salami." Part of them wanted to have a rematch or two. And the other part knew had a mission to finish, to join up with the captain. As far as captains goes, he was one of the better ones to server under. As long as they did there assignment on time up to standards and not screw up the captain performance record, he cut them a fair amount of slack.

Now it was time to pay back for all that he had done for them and for the friends in the platoon, as Davis tip towed over to Hall who had one of those the cat who ate the canary smiles on his/her face.

Time to wake up, princess.

In a grogginess voice SPC Hall said “Mom give me ten more minutes and I will get up and ready for school.”

Then SPC Davis put his lips next to Hall ear and deeply and he/she could muster said “HALL YOU WILL HULL YOUR SORRY CARCASS OF YOURS, OUT OF THAT RACK AND GET SQUARD AWAY FOR INSPECTECTION, DO YOU HERE ME HALL!”

Aye, Aye SIR as SPC Hall fell out of bed and came to attention.

Looking down at his/her naked body and then at Davis, Hall said “I guess were still in that crazy dream."

Yes we are said Davis. “We need to get squared away, find away out and do a escape and evasion and hook up with the captain..

With that both Davis and Hall got dress and quietly walk to the door and in a slight flash of light were back in the club.

Just about then the Altarian scientist who was taking a light nap woke up in a moment of panic as the boundary alarm went off.

As he turned to monitor he could see the twins heading towards to music power panel. It now became a race to see who was going the get there first. The faux manage or the twins?

The twins won by a few seconds. As Davis franticly starting to rip away at the wires, while Hall was doing a wresting match with the imaginary manager.

What ever you are doing to do I suggest you hurry I don’t think I can hold much longer.

I am almost there, as Davis was ripping off the insulation of the wire.

Before the Altarian scientist could do anything short of a panic “scram” of the program, Davis won the race.

With the shriek of alarms the computer put the game room went into a safety protocol. After shutting down the program in a save mode, it open the escape hatches into the quarantine room. When Davis and Hall saw this without asking any question ran to the first hatch.

After stepping into the quarantine room and shutting the hatch behind them, they went to the next hatch, gave the unlatching wheel a couple of good spends.


They might have been out of there simulated scenario, there were quick to realizes one thing, they still look like the hot babes at the night club.

What now.

One we get are bearing, said Davis, two we find or make some weapons, three we find Captain Ricker.

Sound like a plan, said Hall.

With that SPC Davis and SPC Hall still wearing there night club clothes and heels started to look for the rest of the platoon.


You fool!, how could you let happen, the senior Altarian scientist said barely containing his rage.

I have no excuse said the Altarian scientist with is eyes cast down.

Do you know what this means? It’s the rune of everything. We must find them and put them on Ice!

Won’t that be cold? One of the Altarian scientists asks?

With a smile and then a laugh, the senior Altarian scientist said “No it’s just another Terran term to mean to safe guard them.”

Then in low almost sad voice “we must prime the failsafe device."

Is it that bad?

Yes. If they can get to their commander before we can explain the situation, they might consider it an act of torture and an act of war in that case, they might try to capture our device and turn it into a weapon, this could even set off an interplanetary war! I had planned to build in a series of security protocols to prevent this from being turned into a weapon and to design a countermeasure if anyone tried, but it will take some time to complete. This is why we need to test it before telling the planetary authorities about the project, if we manage to come out of this alive, I planned to offer the two Terrans, Davis and Hall, a position on the research team to help us prevent the abuse of this technology.

Then he place his hand on his friend's shoulder and said: “Its not altogether your fault. We are all getting tired and when we get tired, we make mistakes."


Capt. Stark knew that the longer it took for help to arrive, the smaller their chances were of surviving this mission. It had been thirty hours now since he had seen his four missing men. Besides being near exhaustion, it had some time since the search team had eaten and the stress was starting to tell on Stark. As they turned down one of the many halls that seemed to come out of nowhere, there was still another adversary to fight. “Conserve your ammo!” said Stark as they took aim at their targets. The endless ballet of firefights seemed to just keep going on and on. Stark became more and more concerned with only one question: How's your ammo holding out?

We're all pretty low, Captain, answered Muller and the rest of the team.

At this point, the captain had to make one of those "make-or-break" command decisions. Muller, you and Denning go back and get the reserve ammo. We will fall back to the elevator and form a defensive perimeter and wait for you to come down.

But sir! Splitting our forces?

It can’t be helped. I don’t want to give back these corridors to whoever is out there and have to retake them all again, understand?

Yes sir! We will be back ASAP!

I'm counting on you, Muller. Don’t go John Wayne on me!

Understood; sir.

With that, the party fell back to the elevator shaft and started to implement their plan.


Running as fast as they could in high heels--it was either that or run barefoot, not a good idea--Davis and Hall stayed as close to the wall in the main corridor as possible incase there were any security cameras. Finding a small door with a wheel lock, Davis gave it a spin. The door opened to a semi-lighted room where, when their eyes adjusted to the light, there was a ladder at the end of the shaft. Damned if we do and damned if we don’t! as they both thought as they looked at each other.

After closing the hatch behind them, Davis and Hall started up the ladder to the next floor. Working there way thorough the labyrinth of tunnels and access tubes, they stopped at a small workshop and salvaged what they could. Continuing on, the twins finally arrived at the sleeping quarters where they had been abducted so many hours before. With a little bit of work, they managed to bypass the lock and enter. To Davis' and Hall's surprise, it was empty! No personnel! No supplies! No nothing! At the end of her rope, Davis did the only thing she could think off at a time like this. She cried.

"They're gone!" Davis sobbed. "It's 'game over!' What are we going to do now?"

SPC Hall, after thinking about their immediate situation for a few minutes, said: I am going to find some water and get cleaned up. Then I am going to look for some food. There might be some left from when we last ate.

And: after that? Davis asked.

Then we try to get to the surface said Hall. Sooner or later the base will send another recon team to look for us.

Davis started out the door.


It was just about then that Cpl. Muller and Pvt Denning were coming down the corridor to recover the supplies they had stash earlier. At that same moment, SPC Hall and Davis came walking out of the room. Seeing two good looking babes in dirty and tater dresses, and not knowing who or what they were, Muller did what he was trained to do--he shouted: "HALT!"

Hall, who was tired and dirty and hungry; jumped, turned and gave a little scream as she raised her hands into the air. But a moment later, Hall saw who it was and said: Muller, you Idiot, it's us Hall and Davis!

Not looking in the slightest like the two missing technicians, Muller replied: Freeze or you are dead!

Knock off the John Wayne bit! It's us, Davis and Hall! We have been through things you wouldn't believe! And I know what I'm talking about because I don't believe it either!

It's really you and Davis?

Yeah, it's really us! Is the Captain still alive? We think we know what this place really is and, as far has we can tell, it's not hostile.

NOT HOSTILE? Hey buddy, let me tell you about all the firefights we've been in lately! We came back here because we are running out of ammunition!

Anyone get killed? Anyone been injured?

Exactly my point, It's some sort of giant carnival funhouse that we've stumble into. We need to get to Captain Stark report the situation. With that, they all went off to get rearmed and supplied before joining up with Stark at the elevator shaft a few stories below them.


After basking in the warmth of the day for quite some time and petting the cat, Sgt. Carter got up, stretched, yawned and went to see what the day would bring. Although Carter had been in this new form all day, she needed something to do. About then, a group of men came by and said: “Good morning, ma’am. We're here to pick the apples.” The men who had come to harvest the apples looked like the came out of one of those dust bowl movies of the 30‘s that were on the base liberty computer, like “Grapes of Wrath.” For Carter, it had been a surreal day. First waking up in this new form, then seeing the orchard almost as he would have envisioned it, and now having people step straight out of central casting to help the pick apples. Could it getting any stranger that this?

As she helped load the last basket of apples into back of an old-fashioned, flatbed truck that seem to just appear out of nowhere, she noticed how strangely nice it had been. No chain of command to worry about. No dressing-down some chowderhead for screwing up a drill that they had done a hundred time before.

Just loading a truck with baskets of fruit from the land all this having been brought into being by something or someone who was called by many names on many different planets across the universe, and who seemed to help make this day possible.

Something that in our own special way we give thanks to.

Like all good things, this day came to an end with the appearance of a strange gray door on the side of the shed. It seemed to be a sign that the moment had come and with a heavy heart, she knew it was time to say good-bye and step back into the real world. Most of all, Sergeant Carter thought that she would miss that calico cat who, after chasing different insects and exploring different places, had found a new place to nap and was now nosily purring away.


Pvt. Beckman was trying to sort things out. First he, now a she, was on a fictional planet out of an old B-movie. Second he didn’t know where Captain Stark and the team are how to get in touch with them. Third, he didn’t know who was behind this elaborate charade. This he needed to find out. At that point, he got up.

Wherever this was, it was quite amazing in scope and size. It seemed to be a very realistic version of the movie. He didn't know it then, but the Altarian had tapped into the open connection of the base liberty and had downloaded the information they needed to build the program for the test runs. They would then substitute something different when they had volunteers from their home world.

Beckman was in the role of the evil queen. And by now she was starting to grasp the fact that she had the raw power of life and death over her subjects and an army at her beck and call. Beckman smiled inwardly and thought: If I do it right, this might be fun.

Just about then, a person in robes came walking up. Beckman guessed he was some sort of mentor. “Good evening your highness. What would you like us to do with the two Terrans?"

There was that wrong word again--"Terrans."

I shall see them later, said Beckman.

With that, the mentor turned on his heels and left.

Strange he would use "Terrans" instead of “Earthman.” At least that was always the term used in the old B-movies.

The moon queen then headed off to see more of her kingdom. Beckman was almost overwhelmed by what she saw. It seemed that everywhere she went; groups of her subjects would stop and give homage to her as she moved from chamber to chamber. At times, she had to remind herself that this was all an allusion and Captain Stark would not treat this lightly if she went overboard with this play acting.

I wouldn’t want to survive all of this only to face a court-martial, she mused.

As she walked along the corridor, different persons of importance would come up to her and ask advice on this or that matter. Beckman gave the best answer she could, passing off as many of the questions as she could to her official consultant when he finally caught up with her. Just then, as she was expecting, an urgent message arrived.

You’re Highness! The two Terrans have escaped!, There that phrase again.

She replied in the only way this scene ever played out: Quick, to the moon cannons! We mustn't let them escape and warn earth of our plans!

They immediately ran to the cannons and, on her command, began to fire at the fleeting spaceship. As the spaceship struggled to gain altitude, one of the shots hit. They watched the flames and smoke billowing out the side of the ship just before it crashed behind the mountains. “We will see them in the second reel,” the Moon Queen thought.

And then, suddenly, a hatch appeared in the side of the wall.


Well, has the Council made some sort of decision?

Yes, they have.

Well then, what is it?

They've decided on lunch! the watch officer said with disgust.

That tears it! General Monty said. With or without the Council's permission, we are departing in four hours.

But sir! Won’t that be a breach of protocol?

This is now about saving our people, politeness no longer matters!

I will get on it, sir!


When the twins caused the game room to malfunction, the master computer, which checked all the different levels and protocols of the other computers to make sure everything was safe, realized that there was a power overload in Game Room Three. Without consulting with the scientists, as it was programmed to do, it began an automatic “SCRAM” sequence of that one room. It then checked the other rooms to make sure they were running according to their own programming and to “mark” the escape hatches just incase there was a malfunction it might have missed.

A split second later, a Altarian scientist spotted the command sequence on his monitor as a Claxton sounded and a voice warning announced what was happening, according to the protocol. "Override that command!" shouted the senior Altarian scientist.

I'm trying! one of them shouted back, But it will take time!

I know, I know! But we must not let the others escape!


After dodging through the secondary hatchway and then immediately opening the primary hatch, Sgt. Carter stepped out into the main hallway. After looking up and down the corridor, she realized that according to the map that she once had, these were the testing rooms for new products. Not sure which way to go, Carter turned to the left.

About the same time, two of the Altarian technicians, came to secure the quarantine room coming off the gaming room and to see if any of the other “guests” had escaped. Almost at the same instant the two Altarian technicians spotted Sgt. Carter and shouted “Halt!” Carter saw Altarian and, not knowing who they were nor their intentions, turned and ran the other way. As the Altarian technicians gave chase, one of the quarantine room hatches swung open and out stepped a person in some sort of blue uniform; or so they thought. Deciding they needed to stop the blue person first, the technicians started towards the Moon Queen. There was a sudden commotion behind her and Sgt. Carter turned just in time to see the two Altarian technicians slide to the floor unconscious.


Sergeant Carter looked at the woman in the blue suit as the Moon Queen looked at Carter. Not quite sure what to do, Carter asked: Who are you?

My name is Pvt. Beckman and I am here with a U.N. inspection team.

Carter gaped in disbelief. “Beckman, it's me! Sergeant Carter!” Now was Beckman's turn to look the Sergeant in astonishment.

Sergeant Carter? Is that really you?

Yes, Beckman! It's really me!

With a mixture of amazement and relief, Beckman came over and gave Carter a very careful hug.

It's good to see you, Sergeant.

It's good it see you, Beckman.

They then turned their attention to figuring out how to find the rest of the platoon.


Sir I have just decoded a message from the human's base command, said one of the Altarian technicians.

Go on.

It states that they have launched a rescue mission.

Thank you, said the senior Altarian scientist. He turned with a heavy heart. So close, so close, he mumbled as he shook his head in despair. Addressing the room, he said: "Gentlemen, it's time to join me in a toast to our near success." He then produced a bottle their home world wine that he had been saving for a more hoped for special occasion and poured everyone a glass.

He said very simply: "We have done all that honor has required of us." It's time for those who wish to do so to leave. Those wish to may stay with me and see the beyond. With that, they all drank their final toast as friends and comrades. Then the Altarian put down their glasses and turned back to their consoles. The senior scientist turned his face around so the others wouldn’t see the tears he was shedding. He knew they were loyal friends and comrades to the bitter end.

As the other scientists gathered around their monitors and the technicians made sure everything was in order, the senior Altarian scientist stepped into a small hatch and down a Jeffries tube to the next level. Once there he quietly stepped into a room where there were the auxiliary rooms that held all the information on the facility, the records of the project and, much to his regret, He went to one of the auxiliary rooms, stepped over to the lock and inserted the key. When the door to opened, the senior Altarian scientist went over to a nondescript box and unlocked the container. It was something that he had hoped he would never again see nor would ever use. It was and old fashioned thermonuclear bomb that they bought from a black market arms supplier. “Guaranteed to vaporize whatever you want or your money back!” chuckle the arms merchant.

Some joke, thought the senior Altarian scientist as he opened the lid and primed the arming sequence. Then he turned the key.

After the bomb checked and verified the firing codes, a mechanical female voice announced throughout the complex:



Captain Stark waited nervously for the return of Muller and Denning with the supplies. Stark and the rest of his men took shelter in a small room across from the elevator door, stacking anything that would give more cover. With the hum of the elevator machinery, the Captain breathed a sigh of relief knowing he would have his men back and most of the ammunition. When the elevator doors opened, out stepped Muller and Denning carrying one of the many boxes piled in the elevator. Following the two men out of the elevator, to the astonishment of Stark and the others, were two very beautiful woman wearing dresses that had seen better days, trying there best to also carry one of the containers between them.

Stark stepped over to where the men are standing and asked: Who are those two and why they are here? When Cpl. Muller and Pvt. Denning finished putting down the container, Muller said with a half grin said: Captain, meet the new and improved SPC Davis and Hall.

Davis and Hall simply saluted and said: Reporting for duty, sir!

The Captain was simply speechless.


It took a few minutes for Hall to explain what he and Davis thought might be going on. Sir, I think this is some kind of amusement park like the Disneyland’s of Earth. Either that, or someone is doing a strange dynamics experiment, something like a mouse in the maze type of thing.

That makes sense, said Captain Stark. Sooner or later, we will get to the bottom of this!

Just then, a Claxton started to sound off. All right gentlemen--and, uh, ladies, Stark said with a slightly humorous tone. We need to find the control room and disable whatever demolition device they have before its goes off! Is that clear?

Crystal! The men answered back.

Good! Then we will proceed on the double!” They set off to finish the mission.


The Altarian scientists and technicians, dishearten by their situation, did the only thing they could think of. That was to secure the gaming rooms and to set up diversions to safeguard there position. Even those who had resigned themselves to their fate could at least face it with dignity. The last of the electronic 'sand-traps' are in place, said the technician. With a shrug of the shoulders, the other technicians went about checking the decoys for the last time.


At this point, Stark and his men were approaching one of the decoys in a form of a wall that would lead them to a perimeter tunnel and then back to where they started. As the team were about to start the turn, SPC Hall held up his hand to signal a halt.

What's wrong? asked the Captain.

There's something wrong with this wall, sir. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but it seems somehow out of place.

What makes you think so?

The texture, It's a little different from the other walls. And have you noticed? Up high on the walls, it looks like some sort of conduit that hooks up to some type of boxes with a small light. But they seem too disappeared into the wall without any holes to go through.

So what is your point?

My point, sir, is that this not a real wall. Permission to fire two rounds at the wall, sir?

Everyone step to the sides!

After Stark and the men were clear, Hall fired two rounds at the wall. For a split second there was a slight shimmer and then the wall stabilized. Stark looked on in amazement at what he had just seen. Hall then placed a few well aimed shots at where the conduit went trough the wall and was rewarded with first a shimmer, then a red glow, and then nothing. The team was left looking down a hall where the wall had been.

Stark stood up from the crouch he had dropped into and flashed Hall a don’t-ever-do-that-again look. Hall gave the Captain an oops-sorry-sir look, and the team set off down the corridor.


The Altarian scientists and technicians watched the monitors in disbelief. The Terrans had found a weakness in their defense. Knowing the soldiers could no longer be fooled, the Altarian decided to throw everything they had into the loading room and try to hold them there until the bomb detonated. With a only few small hand weapons, they were no match for the highly-trained men with heavy weapons which were coming their way.

Woke up this morning, started to sneeze
I had a cup of tea
I looked in the mirror what did I see
A nine stone weakling with knobbly knees

I did my knees bend press ups touch my toes
I had another sneeze and I blew my nose
I looked in the mirror at my pigeon chest
I had to put on my clothes because it made me depressed
Surely there must be a way
For me to change the shape I'm in
Dissatisfied is what I am
I want to be a better man

Superman Superman wish I could fly like Superman
Superman Superman I want to be like Superman
I want to be like Superman
Superman Superman wish I could fly like Superman*

As Captain Stark and the team started down the hall, he could not help but to think of a line of an old earth play: “Once More into The Breach.” The thought that weighed heavily on his mind was: “Should we bypass the side doors or should we stop and check each and every room?”

Speed; with God speed we must stop the countdown. And with that the team picks up the pace going down the hallway.


Is everything ready? asked the senior Altarian scientist.

Everything is ready. answered one of the Altarian technicians.

I just hope this will hold them to the end, said the senior Altarian scientist. If only we could have met face to face and come to some sort of compromise. But there is too much fear and hate out there and never enough time or will to seek a peaceful solution for all those involved. For those from a different planet, I am truly sorry.

The Claxton sounded again.

This was it, the last obstacle, the loading dock. It was the last major area before getting to the gaming rooms. After that was the objective: the control room. At least that was where Captain Stark thought the device was. The loading dock was the main hub for moving goods in and out of the complex and held a tunnel leading off to a hidden landing site. It was about two stories tall with other tunnels leading to other locations in the complex. The Captain didn’t know it at the time, but this was going to be the last stand for the Altarian.

When the team reached the access to the loading dock, Stark had SPC Hall run a bypass. No need to sir, said Hall and he hit the open button.


As the doors opened, Stark was surprise by the size of the room. The two stories encompassed a good 5000 square feet with two doorways at both end and set of stars coming from the level below. Stark motioned for Muller and Denning to work their way to the far door and secure it and then he would have the rest of the platoon move over by two’s. But before the men started off, boiling up the stairway from below: came short grotesque shapes on a mass of legs. Something but what?


Not the small, garden variety that try to invade your backyard picnic, but one about the size of medium dog.

Captain Stark shouted: “Pick your targets and fire at will! Conserve your ammo and make every shot count!" With that, the ball commenced. Stark was justifiably proud as he witnessed some of the best marksmanship his platoon has ever displayed.

But the ants just keep coming!

Who's got a satchel charge? shouted Stark

"I do!" sang out Pvt.Roberts.

Can you get close enough to throw it down the stairs?

I think so!

Then do it! NOW!

Roberts paused a moment for a break as the ants exploded and disappeared before trying to get close to the stairway. His aim true as the satchel sailed through the air and down the stairway shaft. There was a satisfying roar as the ground shook and the ants ceased to appear.

The Altarians were at a loss as to what to try next. Digging into computer files in a final act of desperation, the Altarian scientists uploaded a program, activated the commands and set it into motion.

Now that ant attack was over, it was time to get the men moving. The Claxton alarms were becoming more and more frequent. Just as they set off across the loading dock, Stark stopped in shock when, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted something out of fairytale story.

A dragon!

At this point, Stark was not sure if it was real, or a product of his imagination brought on by exhaustion. It seemed to be there a minute or two, and then it was gone. He was glad of this, because the team was down to their last few ammo clips.

The next thing he saw was a couple of wild African cats!

As he and his men started to draw a bead on them, they also disappeared. If this was a stalling tactic, it was a strange one. Then the door to right opened and Captain Stark and the team could hear the drumming sound of foot steps heading toward them. At this point, the Captain held his breath as he watched columns of humanoid robots march through the door. Stark ordered his men make each shot count and planned to turn the very sophisticated and expensive pieces of hardware into clubs before the bitter end. Only now could Stark fully appreciate what Wellington had said when he saw the French Old Guard coming toward him at Waterloo: “Give me Blucher or give me night."

The team wheeled around in combat formation to face the new enemy. Then they began taking out their targets.


As Pvt. Beckman and Sgt Carter came running down the corridor away from the gaming rooms and towards the loading dock, there was suddenly a map in Beckman's mind. She was aware it was the map of the segment of the complex they were in. "Follow me!" cried Beckman, and Carter followed as he turned, opened a hatch and started up a Jeffery’s tube.

What neither Beckman nor the Altarian realized was that when Beckman and Carter left the gaming room, the master computer assumed they were being moved to a larger gaming field and waited for command for Carter's new reality. But still being linked to Beckman as the Moon Queen, it thought her actions to control the subject of the gaming scenario was part of the program matrix and allowed her to control the holograms in the loading area as well.

Following the map in Beckman's head, they both worked their way to the upper scaffolding above where Captain Stark was batting it out with robo-soldiers. As they were looking down, Beckman heard a noise and turned to see from where it had come. There, behind them, were three robo-soldiers aiming weapons at them. With no weapons of their own: Beckman took the only course of action she could think of at the time.

Halt! I am you Queen!

To which the three soldiers came to an attention.

That was easy, thought Beckman. So she called down to the remaining robo-soldiers to stop fighting and fall into formation.

They did.

Captain Stark and his team were caught off guard by the action of the robo-soldiers and were not quite sure what had happened nor what to do next. Their ammo was nearly exhausted. From high above, the team could hear a voice calling as they looked up.

Above them were a beautiful woman and a blue tin man!

Don’t shoot. Captain! It's us! Sergeant Carter and Pvt. Beckman!

With weapons trained on the pair, the Captain called out: “Come down where we can see you!" Carter and Beckman started down the ladder. When the two reached the floor, Stark quizzed them to make sure they were who they claimed to be. After several minutes of questioning, he was satisfied and finally believed who they were. Stark was beginning to wonder if the situation could get any stranger than this.

Just then the Claxton went off again.

The team began to pick up the pace and moved past the gaming rooms. The next room, as was projected into the moon queen's head, was the command and control room for the project. The twins set about performing their technical magic.


SPC Davis had managed to run a bypass of the door lock. With a slight hissing sound, the doors opened. Two Altarian technicians were staring at the weapons in their hands and considering if they should use them or not. Before they had a chance to decide if they should go out in a blaze of glory, four Terran males, three Terran females and a blue robot stormed into the room. As the team rushed the control consoles, the Altarian took the only action they could think of at a time like this: DUCK!

Spotting the technicians, the team also dove for cover. Captain Stark was in no mood to screw around with a couple of armed unknowns. Instead he planned to toss a grenade, and those who surrender; lived, those that didn’t; died. It was as simple as that. But before Stark could pull the pin on the grenade, Sergeant Carter caught the Captain's attention. Sir, before you throw that grenade, may I try something? he asked.

Stark thought about for a moment and answered: Go ahead.

KING TO BISHOP FOUR, Carter called out. The silence in the room was deafening.

After what seemed like an hour in the tense atmosphere, a reply was heard from the other side of the room: “Queen to Bishop four.... Is that you Sergeant Carter?"

Yes, is me. Sergeant Carter answered in high sweet voice. "We need to talk!"

The senior Altarian scientist stepped forward from his hiding place with his hands in the air. He motioned for the two techs to stand up and slide their weapons towards Captain Stark and his team. As the tension ebbed away, both Stark's men and the rest of the Altarian scientists and technicians stood facing one another. Captain Stark and the senior Altarian scientist stood there for a moment and sized each other up.

Stark broke the silence first with as much restrain and diplomacy as he could muster. What the HELL is going on here? He said in a stern tone.

Welcome to Coney Inland, said the senior Altarian scientist, with a twinkle in his eye.


Captain let me introduce myself. My name is Gwynedd and I am the chief scientist here. Welcome to our experiment.

"You’re What???"

Gwynedd took a deep breath and began to explain:

Before the last war ended, we had developed a weapon so dangerous we were afraid it would keep the war going for decades to come. We here in this room decided to hide all knowledge of it from our government until the war was over and we could adapt it for peaceful purposes. We also needed time to develop countermeasures to ensure it would be useless to anyone trying to use it for military ends and move it to another planet.

But what was all this Hocus Pocus?

This Hocus Pocus, as you call it, was the final test of the project to see if it could be used in the name of peace and harmony before we revealed its existence all the various governments. Your unexpected arrival put the project into something of a crisis as we believed we would be discovered before we could get volunteers here for the last phase of testing.

Is that why you used my people for your experiment?

Yes, exactly. said the Gwynedd.

Why didn't you ask first? ask Stark.

We weren’t sure it you would agree. Time was short is the only justification I can offer. I am truly sorry for what we have put you through--and how it must end.

Just then, another Claxton sounded off with the time remaining.

It is too late to stop it anyway, said Gwynedd with a bit of remorse

I won’t let this project fall into evil hands said Gwynedd. Captain Stark spent the next few seconds debating with whether he should just put a bullet into Gwynedd’s head, or beat the scientist for the information he needed; Before he could resolve the debate in his mind, and did something he might later regret, Sergeant Carter approached Stark.

Permission to try something, Captain?

Permission granted, Sergeant. Stark replied impatiently.

Carter walk over to his friend Gwynedd, put his now smaller, softer hand into the scientist's larger hand, gave him a warm smile, turned and stood up on her toes and proceeded to place her tongue deeply into his ear! Later, she said, she did it for the Captain and the unit in order to them home safety. “For King and County” was running through her head at the time. The senior Altarian scientist was in a slight state of shock by what had just transpired. Carter then turned to Gwynedd and said: I have been soldier for a long time. The afternoon I spent at the apple farm was one of the most pleasurable experiences I have had in ages. It would be a tragedy if others are denied the opportunity to enjoy the experience as well.

The twins then came forward, smiling broadly. Both I and Davis have led somewhat sheltered lives and this was the most contact outside of our circle of tech friends we've ever had; the drinking, the dancing, and the sex! However, we would like to try it back on the other side, if you'll let us.

The moon queen was next. Sir, I love the old movies and at one time wanted to be an actor, I think it goes through everybody's mind at some point in their lives. Living out in the colonies, there wasn’t much of a chance of ever pursuing that dream. But when I understood what maybe going on, I started to have a ball. Next time, though, I wouldn’t mind being the hero instead of the villain.

Then the rest of the team chimed in. Sir, its' not fair that they had a chance at your playland and we didn’t.

In all fairness, we would like to let our imaginations run wild too, sir!

At this point the senior Altarian scientist wasn’t quit sure how to respond.

Just then the Claxton announced the remaining time.

Gywnedd was in a dilemma as his eyes shifted from one man to the next with there hopes, dreams and promises. Finally, he made up his mind. With a sigh of resignation, he put his trust, his future, and his very life into the hands of the Terrans standing before him. He prayed to the deity of his home world that he had made the right choice.

Follow me,” he said.

Both the Altarian and the team followed on the heels of the senior Altarian scientist and filed down the Jeffery’s Tube.


Captain Stark kept pace with Gwynedd as they ran down a narrow corridor, passing doors on either side as warning lights flashing and the Claxton tracked the countdown to detonation. Near the end of the hall, the senior Altarian scientist came to one door and started to work the combination on the key pad. A few seconds later, both groups were in a room with two chambers. One room was empty, the other had a nondescript box sitting in the center of the room.

Gywnedd reached into his pocket. An expression of utter shock spread across his face. In his haste to reach the bomb, he had somehow lost the two keys; one for the chamber lock, the other for the casing that held the bomb. A third key, the one to disengage the bomb was still on a chain around his neck.

Two--minutes--to detonation. droned the computer voice in an unhurried and unexcited tone.

At that moment, Gwynedd's will collapse as a creeping sense of failure took hold of the senior Altarian scientist's psyche. All hope was lost!

Instantly assessing the problem, Captain Stark turned to the mixed group of Terrans and Altarian around him and shouted out: “Look for something to force this door open!”

Everybody fanned out in search of something, anything, to open the doors. Davis suddenly remembered the tools she and Hall had scrounged earlier. Running over to Denning, she shouted: “Give me the pack!” and half grabbed it off of Denning.

Davis shouted over to Hall: I have some things that we might use to bypass the pad!

How do we open the pad access box?, Hall ask.

60--seconds--to detonation. chimed the computer.

Just then the moon queen, Pvt. Beckman, over heard the conversation, ran over to the chamber and, using firm pressure with her blue hand, gently opened the pad access. In seconds, Davis and Hall were poking at the door controls and, with a few touches of the right circuits, the door hissed open. Beckman led the way into the chamber and started to examine the box to see how to pry the panel open. With all the strength in her blue body, she started to pull open the box. Slowly at first with almost no discernable movement, the lock began to yield. Ever so slowly, with protesting sounds of fatiguing metal, it finally gave way. The lid was open.

10--seconds--to detonation. Intoned the unflappable computer.

With no time to lose, Gywnedd stepped over to the timing pad, inserted his key, punched the command codes, and then turned the key.

But the countdown continued!

That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, an aeroplane -
Lenny Bruce is not afraid. Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn -
world serves its own needs, don't misserve your own needs. Feed it up a knock,
speed, grunt no, strength no. Ladder structure clatter with fear of height,
down height. Wire in a fire, represent the seven games in a government for
hire and a combat site. Left her, wasn't coming in a hurry with the furies
breathing down your neck. Team by team reporters baffled, trump, tethered
crop. Look at that low plane! Fine then. Uh oh, overflow, population,
common group, but it'll do. Save yourself, serve yourself. World serves its
own needs, listen to your heart bleed. Tell me with the rapture and the
reverent in the right - right. You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright
light, feeling pretty psyched.

It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.*


Three--! Two--! One…. Both the team and the Altarian waited and waited in what seemed to be an eternity for a blinding white light and the great beyond. Instead…nothing!

Captain Stark, the team and the Altarian looked at each other in dumb disbelief that nothing had happened and that somehow they were all still alive. While the Altarian were good scientists, they were apparently poor horse traders when came to buying weapons of mass destruction. The shady weapons dealer back on the home planet had sold them a fake shell filled with old pinball machine parts and salted with just enough radiation to make it seem real.

Stark looked at Gwynedd and senior Altarian scientist looked back at Stark. Now please explain to me what exactly the Hell is going on here! Stark demanded in nervous relief. Now that worst was over, Gwynedd began to explain to the Captain and the members of his team, from beginning to end, the whole story of what had happen to him and his men.

It doesn’t matter any more, Gwynedd sadly shook his head. Soon, so very soon, your relief party will be here and they will discover the secrets of project for peace. Even if we could destroy the bulk of our work, sooner or later they would figure out the theories and build an unstoppable weapon. If we just had more time….

Stark began to reply when Sergeant Carter's new higher voice interrupted.

Permission to speak freely sir?

Go ahead, Sergeant.

Trying to make him appear as sincere as possible in his new and slight persona, the good sergeant continued: Captain, I have been in the service for many years, before some of you were born. I saw plenty killing for all sorts of reasons. I believe they are on the level with this. At any time, they could have simply squashed us like flies if they had wanted to, Sir.

Stark stopped to consider all of this. On the one hand, he was honor bound to perform his duty. On the other hand, he had a moral duty to prevent the outbreak of more wars.

Sir, I've got base rescue on the horn. They should be here within the hour. Denning interjected.

Stark felt as if a heavy weight had just fallen on his shoulders. This is one of those pivotal points where history is made. The repercussions of the decisions made here and now could and would affect the health and prosperity of billions and billions inhabitants on different planet for the foreseeable future. The Altarian scientists as a whole began to plead with Captain Stark. Please give us a chance to destroy as much of the program as possible and escape. As you just saw, we were willing to sacrifice our lives to prevent the knowledge from falling into the wrong hands.

Carter, Beckman, Hall and Davis then chimed in, rearguing their earlier points before the bomb was suppose to go off. Sir, other than the temporary changes you see, we had one of the most unique experiences of are lives.

I had time to rest and to reflect, said Carter.

I able to do a bit of acting, said Beckman.

"We had a chance to have social contact," said Hall.

And chance for some meaningful sex, Davis added with a sly grin. The Altarian's had to look down at the floor to hide the amused look on their faces.

All we ask of you is to grant us some time, pleaded Gwynedd. And I ask for a small firearm and a quite place. I cannot go back.

To everyone's amazement, as they watched, Captain Stark's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

I have an idea," he stated with a mischievous grin


The Rescue ships approached Site Y in combat formation. The puddle jumpers came first, followed by a command and control ship. Fighters and heavy bombers flew in a combat loop above the site, ready to blast the site into rubble if called for. As the different squads and platoons deployed into assigned positions along with their heavy support weapons, the commander on the ground finalized his plans. The first order of business was having the demolition specialists open the door using whatever force was necessary. That should make the council happy, damaging there precious little toy, General Willis thought.

Suddenly, the sound of whirling hydraulics could be heard as the door creaked open. The platoons aimed everything they had at the opening door, not knowing what was about to come out. From out of the shadows and into the light stepped Captain Stark, Cpl. Muller and Pvt. Roberts. Pvt. Denning, Pvt. Welch, and to the utter disbelief of the rescue team, followed by three of the hottest babes this side of Sun Mountain and a blue tin man!

Stand down! barked General Willis, followed by the platoon leaders.

When the rescue team's weapons were secured, Stark and his team walked up to the General. “Captain Stark reporting, sir,” Stark saluted.

It's good to see you, Captain, said General Willis Where are the rest of you men?

Sir, I need to speak to you face to face on a need to know basis; without any eyes or ears around.

Alright, let’s take a walk, Captain. Major Moore, you are in command until get back.

Understood, sir!

As they walked away from prying eyes, the Captain explained to the General what had transpired in the last thirty five hours. After several minutes, Stark motioned for Cater, Beckman, Davis and Hall to come over to where he was standing. General Willis, I would like to introduce you to Sergeant Carter, Private Beckman, and Specialists Davis and Hall. When Captain Stark was done with his introductions, the four stood smartly at attention and saluted.

General Willis was a bit overwhelmed by the sight of the four; especially Beckman, who looked more like something out of “The Wizard of OZ” than a solider. "You say this was done in there?" Willis asked skeptically

Yes Sir, General Willis.

The Altarian would like us to provide a select delegation to see the operations and come to some sort of an understanding.

What sort of guarantee do we have that they won’t do to us what they've done to your men? asked General Willis.

Sir, they could have just as easily done this to me and the others if they had wanted to, replied Stark. But I also need to warn you that they have a bomb down there. If we don’t return with someone to negotiate with, they have threatened to set it off and destroy the site, along with many of the men topside. However, they have offered to provide hostages to guarantee the safe return of our delegation. I think, sir, that once you see what can be done down there in the name of peace, you will understand why it's important to do it this way.

Having worked out the terms of the truce, the General and some members of the council who had arrived on the scene set off into the facility with Captain Stark, Sergeant Carter, Private Beckman, Specialists Davis and Hall. It seemed strange to Stark that only hours before, he and his men had to fight their way down these corridors and that he was now escorting some very prominent men to a “kick in the head.” adult toy.

When the elevator reached the bottom of the shaft, the doors opened, and there in front of the General and the rest of dignitaries were the Altarian scientists. As the General and the dignitaries stepped out of the elevator, the senior Altarian scientist introduced himself. My name is Gwynedd. Allow me to humbly welcome you to our project.

As they walked down the hallway, the senior Altarian scientist explained as best he could the scope and goals of the experimental device. As they walked, Gwynedd remembered what Captain Stark had told him of an ancient Terran saying: “One pictures is worth 10,000 words.” As the party approached the doors to one of the gaming rooms, he also recalled an old saying from his home planet: “Its show time”.

With a bit of showmanship, he opens the doors.

General Willis was the first to recognize the scene that confronted them. Almost wide-eyed in wonder, it was something out of his boyhood dreams. It was an old-fashioned Earth-type carnival! There were the barkers and the colored balloon and the rides and the tents! He now understood why Captain Stark wanted only a small group down here. If they could replicate all this, he could only imagine the kind of weapon a system like this could become.

It made the General shudder.

As he stood there in awe, Gwynedd handed him something. After a moment or two, the General couldn‘t believe his eyes. There, in his hand, was a bag of popcorn. Should he try it? His curiosity overwhelmed his caution and he popped a kernel into his mouth.

It tasted like the popcorn of Earth! If he didn’t know he was light years from his home planet, and he was beginning to have his doubts about that, he could have sworn he back on Earth in an old-fashioned carnival.


SPC Hall reached over and put her arm around the General and asked with a warm smile: “Having a good time?” and quickly remember to add a “Sir.”

The delegation had seen such festivals on many occasions, but nothing like this. As they walked among the sideshows, Gwynedd was making a sales pitch, trying to remember everything the Terran Captain had coached him on. However, he didn't have to rely solely on his own hastily composed speech. While he was on one side, SPC Davis was on the other, helping him with his lines and looking very desirable while hanging on the different arms of the delegates as the scientist talked. Even Sergeant Carter was chipping in with a warm smile and a comment or two. After all, if they could pull this off, he might become a tour guide after retiring from the service. Pvt. Beckman was in his element demonstrating just how far the Altarian could push the boundary of technology while keeping a moral safeguard for their creation.


A very tired Captain Stark watched as council members busily hashed out the details of what to do with Site Y. Some wanted to destroy it. Some wanted to expand it. Some just didn’t know what to do with it. All the while, Sergeant Carter, SPC Davis and SPC Hall worked the crowd and acting sensually around some of the more reluctance members. Stark was pretty sure those three would go to bed with the members of the council if need be, that was how much they believed in the project themselves. As Stark looked on, he came to the conclusion that some of the members of the council were dead between the legs. He began to long for a cold shower himself.

Finally, however, it was done. A small miracle had happen on this day, on this rock, that should be remembered for a long period of time. The council had actually made a decision of some importance. They were to keep the project alive. As General Willis told the Altarian scientists what was to be done with the project, they wept openly for joy at the news. When the General approached, Stark struggled against fatigue to get to his feet. The General motioned him to remain seated. The General sat down in a fatherly way and spoke to Captain Stark with a smile. The council has agreed, with some reluctance, to keep and fund the project, to keep it safe, and to add more moral protocols. They also want to give the scientists the time to develop countermeasures to prevent it from becoming a weapon.

Understood, Sir.

As of this moment, you are to be reassigned, MAJOR!

1. You will be in charge of site security and report directly to me and to me only. Understand?

Did he say Major, Stark thought?

2. You will bivouac here for security reasons. We will supply you with whatever you need.

3. You, along with a select group of volunteers, will help with further testing.

4. Spec’s Hall and Davis are hereby assigned to the project and employ their technical skills to further its' development..

5. The Altarian scientists have agreed to remain and continue developing the project. They have all sworn an oath to stay as politically neutral as possible and will not align with any planet or group.

6. This new technology will stay on this planet. The Altarian home world and the U.N. will each get a share that will go into a trust fund. You should have heard some of the council members scream over that one.

7. The cover that will be passed around that because of a malfunction, you and your men were trapped here with a delegation to assess the feasibility of re-opening the facility. Do you think they will buy that?"


Well, the best we can hope for is that it will become just another myth of this planet.

Permission to speak freely, Sir?

Go ahead, Major.

I will need to talk it over with the men, Sir. After all they have been through I want to be sure they on board. This is somewhat beyond the mission statement and we might be in violation of military law and protocol.

I understand your concern," said General Willis. “Just remember, a great deal of the outcome here rests on you shoulders, Major.

Understood, General, but I don’t see any problems. I know Carter, Davis, Hall and Beckman are on board. It is primarily the rest I need to talk to and to make clear to them the importance of this. I don't think that will be a problem, either. Who would give up their place in history with an event like this? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity no one would willingly give up, Sir. And I like the sound of "Major.

The newly minted Major went off to talk to his men.


While sitting around the Greco-Roman style pool, Captain Stark finally had a chance to get something to eat rest and reflect on the events of the last 45 hours. He was not exactly sure what he was going to put into his report. Looking over at Carter, Davis, Hall and Beckman, the scene still had a sense of the surreal. Davis and Hall were in bikinis as did Carter. Beckman was hamming it up playing the “Moon Queen of Zore." Yes this would definitely be one for the books. Davis and Hall sat in the pool talking to Muller, Denning, Welch and Roberts. Muller was looking at Davis and Hall in a very unprofessional manner. Stark would have given a months pay to know what was going through their minds, but he could probably make some very good guesses.

Sergeant Carter had found a quite spot. A calico cat had appeared from somewhere and was noisily purring away in her lap. Why were the men not looking at Sergeant Carter the same way? Maybe the reason was that when the Sergeant returned to his original form, he would find new and creative ways to make their lives miserable and make them wish they were dead.

Beckman was the first to ask: “How long are we going to have to remain this way?”

"From what I understand, the Altarian technicians need to check over the software and hardware to make sure nothing was damaged during the escape attempt and firefights," Stark said.

"That's cool, Sir. It'll give me a chance to practice being the evil "Moon Queen of Zore."

Amused at Beckman's attitude, the Captain thought: “It’s like the old saying goes: 'It's one of those days'.” He decided to let it go at that. "Here is the best part," Stark said. “When the Altarian perfect the project a little more and hash out the details with all those involved, they are going the give us the first shot at using it to explore our fantasies."

Hey, Muller, Hall called after seeing how Muller was eyeing him and Davis. When it's our turn to use the game room, how would you like two hot babes show you a good time--on and off the dance floor?

Everyone stopped what they were doing to hear Muller's reply. But Muller's only response was to turn a bright, beet red.

With that the team broke out in a good, hardy laugh.

The End ?
Well it's all right, riding around in the breeze
Well it's all right, if you live the life you please
Well it's all right, doing the best you can
Well it's all right, as long as you lend a hand

You can sit around and wait for the phone to ring (End of the Line)
Waiting for someone to tell you everything (End of the Line)
Sit around and wonder what tomorrow will bring (End of the Line)
Maybe a diamond ring

Well it's all right, even if they say you're wrong
Well it's all right, sometimes you gotta be strong
Well it's all right, As long as you got somewhere to lay
Well it's all right, everyday is Judgment Day

Maybe somewhere down the road always (End of the Line)
You'll think of me, wonder where I am these days (End of the Line)
Maybe somewhere down the road when somebody plays (End of the Line)*


*Get down tonight KC and the Sunshine Band
*Disco Duck Rick Dees
* Lola The Kinks
*You Make Loving Fun Fleetwood Mac
*(Wish I Could Fly Like) Superman (modified)
*It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) R.E.M.
*End Of The Line The Traveling Wilburays
*Gottlos By Colin Kapp Analog Science Fiction Science Fact November 1969
*George Wallace, William Bakewell. from Radar Men From The Moon
And Moonshine the cat.

Written by C-Monster

And Graciously Edit by Commotion22

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