Well, its been a frustrating week. I have been trying to get a letter from my doctor regarding my physical health so i could qualify for the assitance to go back to school, but no luck. Then today, I tried to get it from the local medi-center, and instead they sent me for an x-ray, and i have to go back monday. I am starting to fear that I could end up not being able to get it, and the whole dream of going back to school and maybe transitioning is going up in smoke. sigh.
Hang in there
I didn't think I ever would but I did. So, keep up the hope.
You can do this
you just got to keep the faith. I'm wondering was it they said no or that they're just being stupid. You can get another opinion too if you need to. You might have to find a sympathetic Dr. I work with these people all the time and a PHD doesn't keep their heads out of their butts. Plus there could be problems with the staff if they don't agree with your choice. If there is a No ask why and get it from the Dr.
But enough negativity.
I still believe you can get through this and make it work.
Bailey Summers