Japanese are weird, pt. 23c:
The following is a trailer for a Japanese tv show called approximately "The Ancient Dogoo Girl." What qualifies it to be here is a brief sequence in which a guy gets zapped and appears to sprout breasts. Other than that (well, even including that), it's just plain weird.
Any fans of Japanese graphic culture who are familiar with this genre of entertainment, feel free to fill us in on the background and such!
Japanese Culture.
In the mid 90's, the state of Oregon did certain tax and law concessions for the Japanese in an effort to attract their manufacturing plants to come here. I worked for them for about 6 months and in that time saw certain attitudes that were more shocking to me than my adjustment to Middle Eastern Islamic society.
They are very good at what they do, but human rights seem greatly relegated to the back of the bus. They totally could not accomodate a visual learner like me, and while I could do the work for them as a technician, their way of relating to me felt like an episode of the television series "V". Managers were consumate slave drivers and several times I caught them refering to Americans as stupid and lazy. Industrial safety regulations were largely ignored and if a worker got injured, it was chalked up to his own carelessness rather than a machine defect.
I think your little cartoon really was indicative of certain attitudes within their society. When Japanese Exectutives from overseas visited, there was much bowing and many "Hi"s stated in a militaristic fashion.
What I found the most disturbing to me was the fact that each Japanese visitor had a default 'uniform'. For the men it was a certain type business suit, and for the women it was a powder blue, skirt suit. The skirts were all mid to upper thigh in length, with aproximately 3" heels. Those must have been murder on such tiny feet. The Jackets were all very shaped and moderately tight. The Women accompanied their bosses everywhere, including the after hours, though I do not know if sleeping with them was part of the deal, but I have my own suspicions. The women were always subservient and seemed absolutely obedient. Maybe the reason it all sticks in my mind is that I was jealous that they got to be women, and that they were allowed to be subbies. :)
Much Peace
Japanese Work Culture
Some years ago a work colleague went on attachment to Japan. He was given special dispensation to take all his vacation to allow him to see something of the country; apparently it was considered bad form for the Japanese employees to take all their allocated days off. When he got back he told us that there were group activities each morning everyone did - exercises etc. It was certainly different. I've been retired 15 years so this would have been longer ago than that.
However I haven't heard that the local Toyota factory is anything other than normal and I'm sure all H&S regulations are strictly adhered to. In fact I think it's a popular place to work. Stereotyping national characteristics can be dangerous.
Looked like a bad acid trip
Really bad LOL