Well, I had a couple of experiances that left me wondering if I will ever belong anywhere. The first happened Sunday morning. I was looking for a accepting church, so a quick search led me to one close, and I went. Now I am not the most conservitive Christian ever, but a church which has a hymn to Gaia just didnt seem like a good fit for me. Then Sunday night, I got into a heated discussion with the other members of the group at Pride, and I left wondering if I can ever belong there either. Ah, well.
Funny, that...
Well it isn't like I share your viewpoint but in a way I do. Even the local Unitarians aren't quite up to atheist snuff in my book. Sort of different sides of the same book.
I hope you can find a spiritual community that fills your needs.
Way harder for our kind of people than it is for most.
My religous epiphany
I am sorry that you are having bad experiences. I had been a fundamentalistic christian but when I came out, they could not eject me fast enough. Then I tried a MCC, and to me they were all focused on being gay or what ever. In my mind, if your in a place that cares then saying your gay or what ever is like saying I am a heterosexual. Shit in real life, no one gives a damn, so why talk of it, so I left. Then I got hooked up with a Welca church but they were so busy fighting over the art work, that I gave that up. Well the Sunni Muslims made me walk into traffic on a busy freeway, but no one would hit me, damn. So then my own daughter outed me on face book and then the Shia masjid I go to found out and I thought I was gonna be left in the gutter again, but it eventually settled out for now.
I wonder if the best approach on all this is to be the best woman you can and if anyone asks you questions, just tell them "this is not open for discussion" and let it go. I did that with a person once and they never said another word about it, so I wonder if it is that we who do not set the boundaries, and that is what causes us the pain. I did have a period which I will call, "Self Destructive Self Disclosure", but that has caused me enough pain that I really try not to do it any more.
There ain't nuthin' special about us, 'cept we gots a plumin' problem, ay?
Much Peace
Dear Dorothy,
If you do not find a "God's house" for meeting the Christan good that you want to meet. Try to find a place out in the glorious Nature where you will find your God. That is what I did until I found that the Church of Sweden was accepting us even had a name-changing ritual.
Sometimes we can also visit an empty church or when there is no mass/Service taking place there.
I wish that you will fine your best place.
Have to Agree, Ginnie
Love the church -- it's the people in it I can't stand.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
It is a Tough Spot to be in
Try being a transgendered Republican who believes Attila the Hun was a piker. Now there's an oxymoron if ever there was one.
Fortunately, I am not alone.
Nancy Cole
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
Sorry to hear that.
Without knowing the denomination I can't really comment, but I will anyway [grin]. I can say that Unitarian Universalist isn't the same as Unitarian (lots of boring politics), although you can't always tell by the name which is which. Many UU congregations, especially rural ones, have a Christian Fellowship tucked away somewhere (mine doesn't, but it's an urban congregation, about a third neo-pagan or similar). I don't want to give too much away for where I am, but one of the male board members comes to services wearing a skirt. Looks good, but I expect he's gay rather than TG. I've never talked to him about it since I intend to stay in the closet a while longer.
The other thing I can say is that congregations vary. A lot. Look around a bit. Since you're self-identifying as Christian, I'll just comment that a prayer for guidance might get a lot if you keep your eyes open for what pops up.