The above is from a sketch from Montey Python. A man wants to change to go swimming on the beach, but every time he starts to get undressed, someone exposes him and he is forced to cover up again. Finally he goes into what looks like a dark room and starts to undress, only to find he is on a stage and stripper music is playing. So he just gives in and goes for it. I kinda feel my transition is like this. I keep wanting to have privacy to make my changes, but i fear i am going to have to "strip" my male self away in public, risking humiliation and abuse. Ah, well.
Public transition
I transitioned at the same company I'd worked for years. Everyone was supportive and it made it easier. There were women at work I could ask things about that if I'd done a stealth transition would not have been possible.
I have the same...
I have thhe same good experience. I had just told my working friends what was going to happen. For me the anti testosterone would make me really bitchy for a couple of days. When I felt that coming I put up a picture of a bitchy woman on my door, and many came and opened the door carefully, and asking : So it is time now?. To make things easier for all I had collected some nice information material and placed that close to the copying mashine, where all would pass at least once over the two weeks before I started my medical change. It had a frontpage telling a possible reader to bring it home overnight and to come to me when there were questions that had not been answered. And I would not know who had used the binder or not. But it was gone many evenings when I as last person locked the door. And I know that you will find ways to change not only clothes but your gender as well. The urge/need is stronger than anything else. If you need, drop me a line.
I'm with the other posters
You never know. I accidentally ran into a technician who used to work for me just as I was preparing to move to another state to transition. He was a very nice guy and I am fond of him to this day. Anyway, I was in a supermarket and just as I was about to go to checkout, there he was.
Funny thing, he did not even act surprised. And we just said some pleasantries and I just confirmed that I was transitioning. Then again, I had been on hormones for about 3 years, though without much breast development due to genetics, oh well, so I was able to hide my transition pretty well until I was ready for RLT. My electrolysis was done ( finally. ) I was ready to rock and roll.
He wound up helping to coordinate the move of my belongings out of state to my new home as I had to be down there getting my new life setup and had no time to be two places at one time. I couldn't have done it without him, really. You never know who will give you help. It matters how you treat people around you, even if you are the boss. I pays to know good people, period.
What goes around comes around, for good or bad. I have been fortunate that it has been mostly good.
public vs private
I liken transition as two rivers running side by side with a sandbar that is narrow in some points and wide in others.
In order to transition you need to cross that sandbar and walk along the shore until you are pulled into the other river.
Very few of us are capable of jumping directly from one stream to the other... they exist and the rest of us are jealous but really most of us must crawl...
My trip started one day when I finally gave up on trying to find 'the right time'. I went to my boss and told him when I came back from christmas holidays my name would be changed and I would be transitioning to me. He said and I quote "Yeah whatever. Show your paperwork to the accountant."
I transitioned at work and for a while thought I'd just march across and jump in with a delightfull rebel yell. Alas the 2nd river threw me out... I was forced to walk on the shore for a time... then one day... I was walking into the men's restroom and they all to a man cowered and shouted "WRONG ROOM LADY!"
I realised at that moment... I'd been pushed back into the 2nd river.
I've never looked back.
ps. a journey of many painful miles begins with the first step.