I just posted the real third chapter to Boys Will Be Boys (with "The Real Story" added to the title to help clarify things). I added "The April Fools Edition" to the name of the previous version so it should be clear enough which one is the real one and which one the joke. Hopefully no one's too upset with me for my little April Fools joke! It's the first time I've done any kind of April Fools joke, anywhere, so I'll blame inexperience if I went too far with it or offended anyone. ;)
I feel like this one is a bit rough; hopefully that's just my insecurity speaking but please let me know if you spot any errors or anything!
It put me off completely. I've never seen the humour in the whole April's Fool schtick myself and I tend to react negatively to it. I got about three or four paragraphs into it (the originally posted Pt 3) and quit in disgust; it is going to take me awhile to become comfortable with your writing again. To me, part of the suspension of disbelief requires my trusting the author, and that has taken a bit of a beating from several different directions lately.
Maybe later I can get back into it.
PS, I promise not to take offense if you have this comment deleted. I wouldn't have said anything as a story comment, but I figure a blog is a bit different. And you did bring it up.
They know they can survive