What a Christmas!

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If you think you're having a tough Holiday, check out Brian's!

Another BigCloset TopShelf story.


Hello!, this is my third story and is much longer than the previous ones. By kind permission of Bill Hart and Maggie Finson, characters from SRU and Heaven and Hell respectively make appearances. There are elementals of the supernatural, Trans-gender, and violence portrayed in the following. If any of these would offend you please stop here! My usual warnings about being an novice writer still applies! Many, many thanks to Angel for angelic details, and Karen the grammar goddess for taking a barely understandable story and polishing it up into a good one! Thank you so much Ladies! Please enjoy and comments are always welcomed!

What a Christmas!

What a Christmas this was turning out to be Brian thought sourly as he shuffled along with his hands shoved deep into his pockets. He narrowly avoided collisions with busy shoppers burdened with packages and bags as he walked on the second level of Columbia Mall. The Muzak droned out a Christmas melody murdered so often it was nearly unrecognizable. He was an athletic sixteen-year-old teenager, but a bit small for his age. The Christmas decorations hanging from the overhead skylights looked worn and cheap, which suited Brian just fine. He looked down at the center court on the ground level that had the same hokie Santa’s Village that had been there every Christmas for as long as he could remember.

He hated being small because no matter how hard he worked out it did not matter. His older brother Matt was eighteen, a solid six foot six, on the first string football team, and on his way to play college football next year when he graduated. Brian morbidly reflected that even his 8-year-old sister Denise was almost as tall as he was. Okay, he reluctantly admitted she was tall for her age.

It just sucked that here was the Holiday break starting tomorrow, and his best friend Tim had moved suddenly and all the rest of his buddies were going to be out of town. Brian groused, moving aside at the last moment to miss a large woman dragging a screaming brat after her. It just wasn’t fair. Tim hadn’t even told him before he moved and hadn’t even called! What put the crap in the litter box was instead of getting to spend the last evening with his other friends before they left for whatever dried-up old grandparents they were to visit, he had to go shopping for a gift for his brother and sister!

It was one of those Holiday Traditions, with a capital T, which his Mom was always going on about. Gifts for family had to be in the house the weekend before Christmas Eve because that let their Mom and Dad take inventory and check to see if anyone had been left out. Then they still had the chance to go shopping to make up the difference, which was the real reason. The stated reason was for the wrapping party where everyone wrapped the intended’s gift while the gift-receiver had to find the dumb Christmas elves.

The elves were often repainted and chipped pottery figures, which Mom and Dad hid somewhere in the house. They would give you clues and when you found your elf, you could enter the kitchen turned wrapping center. Therefore, you would rush to find it and run back to the kitchen before everyone had finished wrapping so you could see what you were getting. On Christmas Eve, you could then redeem your elf for one present. When Brian was younger, it had been fun. Everyone wrapped their gifts for the elf-hunter as quickly as they could. They did this to keep their gifts a secret from the elf-hunter while the hunter rushed back as fast as they could to try and see what their gift was. Well, the hot cocoa and fresh cookies their Mom always had ready never hurt either.

Never mind, it was his own fault for having waited so long Brian couldn’t deny. He’d heard from a new student that a magic shop had moved into the mall. Tina was a transfer student that would officially start classes in the New Year, but he had run into her earlier today on her orientation tour. It was a little weird how they hit it off because he was usually shy with girls. Tina had told him with a wink about the magic shop. Brian still wasn’t sure what the wink was all about, but it sure made her look cute!

He looked at the business card that she had given him, embossed in a color shifting gothic font was Spells-R-Us 10% off any one spell item or curse. Looking up, Brian saw it just ahead on the other side of the escalators. Matt was crazy about that magician guy on TV David Blaine, and this magic shop with it’s curious old style shop front looked just the place to find something for him. Maybe he could find something for Denise here as well so he could get back to his buddies before supper.

Brian was so startled suddenly by a blast of music that came from behind him that a pair of young women that was oblivious to his presence ran into him and nearly sent him sprawling. The music sounded a little like Mannheim Steamroller’s dark and ominous Christmas stuff. It was coming from a slick looking shop that was all edges and sleek surfaces. The Purple neon sign done in that twisted barbed wire style he’d seen as tattoos on some of the older guys at school that read The Magic Emporium. Brian thought now that looked like a cool store, and went in.

Dannie was helping a customer when the boss came out of the backroom and went to the window. This really got her curiosity up because the Boss always knew what was going on, in, and around the shop. She rang up the sale and wished her customers a Merry Christmas as she bagged it up. Watching the couple leave she knew that they would be getting more of a holiday surprise than they suspected!

Dannie walked up to the window next to the Boss and asked him. “Weren’t you expecting a customer about now?”

The Wizard motioned her quiet as he absent-mindedly filled and lit his pipe as he concentrated looking out the storefront.

Dannie puzzled, turned to look out the window herself to see what sort of apocalyptic event was happening outside. When she figured out what she was watching, Dannie exclaimed, “Oh, Shit!”

Nonplused, the Wizard replied. “Indeed, my dear,” puffing on his pipe.

Brian strolled into the Emporium and was wondering why the place wasn’t bustling like the rest of the mall. It was almost as if the place had suddenly appeared and he was the only one to notice it. Wow, there was some great stuff in here. Costumes, knives, jewels, and all sort of strangely shaped bottles filled of different things. Peering at one, he saw something inside the bottle it looked just like a miniature mermaid. What was disturbing was her beating on the bottle as if begging him for help. Backing away, Brian saw a glimmer that drew his eye. It was a black velvet lined box, with a crystal bust of a woman nude from the top up inside. Like all teenage males, the sight of anything hinting of eroticism caused a pleasant tightening in his jeans. Looking at the glittering crystal with his full attention, Brian saw that it was really two busts a woman and a man’s joined at the waist. One was upright and the other upside down. He reached down and touched the female’s crystal tits and instead of the expected coolness, it was warm instead. It was when the small crystal face arched backwards in pleasure; Brian jerked back not believing his eyes. He leaned a little closer to look at the exquisite face trying to convince him-self that it was just a trick of the lights and cut crystal.

“You have excellent taste Brian that is such an interesting piece” a smooth voice near him said.

Brian whirled around with his heart beating faster than it should and was thinking that this place wasn’t cool at all and he‘d better leave. The man who had scared him yeah Brian decided scared was the right word all right was dressed in a severe black suit giving him an edgy sinister look. Brian sidestepped away and muttered. “Just looking” as he tried to head for the door.

The smooth voice stopped him from moving another step when it said. “It really is magic you know.”

Brian stammered out, “Magic?”

“I am the proprietor of the Magic Emporium and yes real magic. Real magic that can help you, which is why you’re here.” That hypnotic voice said.

“Help me, how?” Brian said despite his better senses telling him to run.

“I know how you despise being the smallest boy in your class and this very special item can help. Your brother is so tall and strong that he could afford to share don’t you think? This Crystal will let you do that.” The man in black said while gently stoking the miniature sculpture.

Brian was envious of his brother’s height although they were close it couldn’t prevent him from asking. “How would it do that?”

Sensing a helpless prey the man in black gave a shark’s grin and said. “To SHARE from a male press the woman’s mouth to his skin and she will take a bite. Only a small bite I assure you and the man’s side will fill. Breathe your breath into the man’s face and he will transfer it to you. You see nothing more than a simple sharing.” He slickly continued.

Brian had a bad feeling about this, but if there was any chance this could help him be taller he couldn’t turn away he just couldn’t! “How much is it?” he found himself asking.

“Just $19.99, will that be cash or charge?” Mr. Black said as he clicked the top of the jewelry box closed and placed it in a black bag.

Brian uncertainly handed Mr. Black the credit card that their Mom let them use for shopping.

Mr. Black took the card, ran it though his machine, and said. “Here are some last important tips on the crystal’s use. It increases the effectiveness if you take any womanly traits from yourself first by using the Man‘s bite on yourself. The longer you wait to partake of it once the essence is in the crystal the more distilled it will become. It can only hold so much so if you fill it with female essence you‘ll have to empty it before you can place more male in it. You can have male and female essence in the crystal at the same time, but until you have some essence in the crystal. Be careful for it is fragile.”

While Brian was listening to this, his eyes caught Mr. Black’s reflection in the black and silver reflective top of the display. The eerie distortion of the reflections of the pale-bluish skinned horned creature didn’t look the least bit human. A part of him was wondering; what this male/female essence stuff was all about, but his hindbrains was whispering that here was something to either fight or flee!

Brian grabbed his card and package and bolted for the door. The crowds of shoppers didn’t seem as annoying as they once were as he took comfort in the press of humanity. Turning around, Brian froze dumbfounded for the Magic Emporium was gone as if it had never been as he looked into what was now a shoe store.

“Dannie, gather these items and bag them for me please,” said her Boss, as he took a ratty notebook out of his tattered robes pocket and produced a feathered quill from another. Dannie took the list and started to fill it.

“Let’s see here,” she said to herself; one silvered back mirror, one puzzle box, and what? Hey, Boss we don’t have this autographed poster!”

The Wizard, while still chuckling said, “You’ll find it in the second row, last shelf, and the first drawer on the right.” He still loved showing up the help sometimes, but there was a serious matter to resolve.

Dannie, following the Boss’s direction found the poster and muttered softly, “I hate it when he does that.” She bagged it up and hurried back to the Boss.

Then to her absolute amazement, he took the bag and went out into the mall.

Brian was still staring at the Foot Locker ® where only a minute before there’d been something else.

“Congratulations my boy you have the winning card for our gift give-away!”

Brian numbly turned around half-afraid of who or what was speaking to him now and found an old man in a worse for wear robe carrying a shopping bag. Winning card, what was that old man talking about?

The old man kindly pointed at the Spells-R-Us business card that was still in Brian’s hand and held out his hand for it.

Brian still in shock gave the card to the old man and took the bag as it was handed to him.

“Thank you Brian,” said the Wizard and turned back to his store.

Brian, louder than he wanted to cried. “How did you know my name? How did that thing, know me?”

The old man whirled around back to him and said sharply. “Brian, the reason I know your name is that I’m a wizard. What is done is done and you can‘t go back and change it. Can you throw it away? The wizard asked gesturing at the black bag.

Brian could only shake his head no.

The Wizard gave him a piecing look, and said. “Look for what’s inside yourself and you’ll know what to do when the time comes.” The old man then went back into his old-fashioned shop. Brian hurried after him, but small herds of shoppers slowed him, and by the time he’d gotten passed them, Spells-R-Us had vanished just as The Magic Emporium had.

Chapter 2

When Brian got home, he found his Mom putting the final touches on supper. She was still slim after three kids and eighteen years of marriage. He mumbled out the expected “I’m home Mom.” and returned the family shopping card and receipt to her.

“You get your shopping finished dear?” She asked him placing the card and receipt in an apron pocket as she was stirring a pot. Glancing at the bags in his hands, she said. “You only spent $20 for all of that?”

Knowing that not much got by her, he never saw her actually look at that receipt. Brian said, “Yeah Mom.”

Amused, she asked again, “Was that a yeah, that your shopping’s done, or a yeah, that’s the only receipt?”

Brian knew she expected to be answered in complete sentences, “Yes, Mom, I got everything and I got just the one receipt, can I put these up now?” holding up the shopping bags.

She gestured at the two different bags, making an inquiring arch of her eyebrows.

“Oh, Mom, I won a contest and got the purchases for free,” Brian quickly improvised.

Feeling the heat rising, Brian looked in the Spell-R-Us bag and found a card that said congratulations on winning the SRU Door prize. Relieved, that he didn’t have try to explain the events at the mall, Brian showed her the card.

Virginia knew she had a good kid, but his size bothered him a lot and losing his friend, Tim had really put him into a funk. Brian and Tim had been close as brothers despite Tim being a year ahead of him in school and older. Puberty wasn’t easy to get through, and she and their father had discussed growth hormone treatment for Brian, but he was only a little below average height for his age. The potential health problems when he was older were just not worth the risk. It didn’t help matters that everyone else in the family was way above average height. She was 6’ and her husband Dan was 6’4”.

Today she‘d gone over to Tim‘s parents house to try and find out what had happened to him. His mother Beth said that he had gone to a military academy and hadn‘t gotten in touch because the academy was very strict. While there, she got to meet Tina a cousin of Tim’s whose parents had died in an accident and had moved into his old room. Tina was the same age as Brian and would be starting classes soon. “I heard some news about Tim,” she told him.

Brian slammed his door shut, threw the bags on his bed, and fell into his computer desk chair. A military academy, Tim? He couldn’t think of place less likely for Tim to be! On top of that they’ve already gave his room away to a GIRL? So much for friends forever no matter what! The problem was he couldn’t resent Tina, because he rather liked her. His mind made up some wild stories that Tim’s parents had killed him and buried Tim in the backyard or that Tina really was Tim, changed like some of those stories that Tim was always sneaking off to read. Brian gave it up. Despite his bizarre experience at the mall this afternoon, that stuff wasn’t real.

Remembering his mall trip, he opened up the bag from the Wizard. Brian found an antique appearing silver mirror, and an intricate puzzle box, but the real prize was the poster of David Blaine with an autograph even. He looked at the bag curiously; for there was just no way, the poster could have fitted in there. It all worked out he guessed. Matt would get the poster, and Denise the mirror. She was a girl and they like stuff like that. He would just keep the puzzle box for now.

Without him willing it, his eyes fell on the black bag. Brian took out the jewelry box and opened it, more than a little wanting to find it empty. The crystal figure was nestled in the box and he hesitantly stroked the woman’s tit again, and found himself forgetting to breathe when it arched again like before. Brian couldn’t bring himself to touch the male half. Now, what do I do? He asked himself. Brian was none to sure about this sharing thing that Mr. Black, had talked about, or this male and female essence stuff. He cared about his brother, and that reflection he’d half-seen of Mr. Black could only be called evil. Brian didn’t want to do anything to harm Matt, and he was cool for an older brother.

Wait a minute, he thought, Mr. Black had said that you could draw out the female whatcha-call-it out of yourself. Girls were smaller than guys were, so maybe just using it on himself would be enough to make a difference. That old man had suggested that throwing the crystal away was a good thing. Brian considered for a moment throwing it ALL away, both of the bags. Thinking more about it, the stuff from Spells-R-Us seemed harmless, he’d just use the crystal on himself, and he’d throw it away on the way to school far from home.

Running over the instructions in his head, to get the female use the male, and pressed his finger against the male’s face. “Ouch!” Brian cried as it bit him as promised. He looked at the small hole in his finger and the blood welling up from it. A small bite my ass! Brian picked up the box and saw a smear of blood on the male’s face and amazingly a trickle of something that looked like blood flowing further into the crystal. Whoa, Brian mouthed, it was like watching that movie about the invisible man when he ate something and you could see the food moving inside him. Only this was flowing down to the female end of the figure and it was turning PINK! Now, that something was inside it, he could see a shared cavity inside the crystal and it was about half full when all of the pale fluid had settled.

Brian went to his height chart and it still read 5’6”. Disappointed he went to the bathroom to wash off the blood and for a bandage. He’d finished his first aid when Matt knocked and said, “Supper’s ready hurry up! Dad’s going to New York tonight and Mom wants us to send him off.”

Brian made a disgusted sound, well so much about spending anytime at all with his remaining friends, before the holiday. Brian hurried downstairs, his experiment with the crystal forgotten.

The next morning Brian hurried downstairs, meaning to toss the jewelry box into a dumpster on the way to school.

“Stop right there young man,” his Mom got him at the door. “You know that you need to shave now.”

Confused, Brian checked himself in the hallway mirror, and to his surprise, he had whiskers. He’d been shaving once every week for about couple months, but he shouldn’t need it yet. Brian wondered if the crystal did this, but he didn’t have time to worry about that right now. “Mom, it’s only a half-day today,” Brian tried to keep from whining.

Virginia gave in, but told him sternly, “Alright, this time, but you will shave tonight.”

“Thanks Mom,” said Brian and gave her a quick hug on his way out.

Brian hurriedly tossed the box into the dumpster and hurried off to school. Unseen in its box the crystal’s Pink contents glowed brightly and the entire box vanished.

Homeroom was boisterous with everyone excited with this being only a half-day. Several teens were absent, because of leaving for various trips early like his friends had. One that was here and one he wished weren’t. Ron was the class bully, and a huge jock. He took after his Dad who was a giant at six foot eight and had played football in college. Brian’s parents were always telling him that he really wasn’t that small, it’s just that everyone else here was much taller than usual. That fact didn’t seem to bother Ron, since everyone was smaller than he was. He pushed everybody around, although after a scuffle last year, Ron mostly left him alone. Ron’s Mom had died last year in one of those stupid accidents that happens around the house, and he had become an unholy terror. Brian’s Mom had been friends with Ron’s back in school, and he had heard from her that Ron’s Dad was very demanding that his son excel in everything. Brian fervently wished that Ron wouldn’t take out his frustrations on everyone else.

The bell rang and everyone filed out for the Holiday assembly in the gym. Brian rushed to get in first, so he could check the scales there to see if he had grown in height, as well as hair. He’d grown almost an inch!

Taking a seat in the gym, he didn’t have any problems staying awake, because Ron kept throwing spitballs at him. 'How is it, teachers never catch this, Brian thought angrily.

Finally, the assembly of hell ended, and everyone was on their way back to their homerooms. Brian shoved his hands into his pockets, fuming and irritated. Now what, he thought, as he felt something in his pocket that shouldn’t be there. Brian taking the offending object out, and thinking nasty thoughts about maybe someone had planted something on him. His blood froze as he recognized the jewelry box that he’d thrown away this morning. Hastily, he hid it back in his pocket. Now what was he going to do?

In front of him, Ron had elbowed someone and down they went. With his hand on the box and watching Ron tower over anyone else in the hallway, an evil thought came to him. It was about time for some payback. Taking the crystal from the box, Brian caught up with the gloating Ron. Thankfully, it was in the 70’s today in Carolina and most everyone was in short-sleeves. Brian pressed the crystal‘s female mouth against the back of Ron’s elbow. Ron jumped and cursed violently as Brian palmed the crystal back into his pocket hoping that even if someone saw him they wouldn’t care because Ron had gotten some of what he’d been dishing out.

Ron was belligerently looking around while holding his elbow and saw him. It was too bad that Ron wasn’t as stupid as he was large because, he added two and two together and got Brian. At least there’s some advantage to being small as Brian weaved in and out of the busy hallway keeping well away from the irate football player. He’d made it back to homeroom with plenty of leeway. Ron stormed in looking for him. Thank God, Mr. Henderson the homeroom teacher saw him and said. ”Ron do you have a problem?”

Brian could see the gears moving in Ron’s head and held his breath. “No sir,” said Ron “I don’t have a problem.”

Mr. Henderson gave Ron a stern look and said, “See that it stays that way.”

Brian couldn’t help laughing inside, and thinking, hello, Shorty, at the soon to be small Ron. The final bell of the year rang and he did some fancy footwork to avoid Ron. Being in track, it wasn’t too hard to out distance Ron. His only real worry was Ron’s dad had gotten him a Dodge Charger for making the team. Cutting cross-country, he managed to get to a place no car could go, a place where he and Tim had hung out near the creek, behind their houses.

Taking the crystal from his pocket, Brian found that it was full now. Half of it somehow a brighter pink stuff and a pale blue liquid. Feeling half-excited and half-terrified at the same time, he breathed into the crystal’s male face. The tiny mouth opened, and Brian nearly choked as a torrent poured into his mouth. It was salty, sour, bitter, and sweet all at once, and he fell to the ground gagging. With tears streaming down his cheeks, Brian managed to begin breathing again.

“Are you all right” a soft voice asked him? Blinking, he saw it was Tina. Oh, great I find a girl I like, and she finds me like this, Brian thought to himself.

“I saw you running though the woods, and I came to see what was wrong,” she said kneeling next to him.

“It’s okay, I’m just out of breath from running, I had a little trouble with a jerk at school,” Brian said as he slipped the crystal into a pocket.

“Do you mind if I ask you who it was,” she asked.

“No, you’ll find out about him yourself when you start,” he answered, but thought to himself, not if the crystal works. If it kept Ron from bullying this girl, it was worth it, feeling an unfamiliar warm glow inside. “There’s one of the jocks, named Ron, who likes pushing everybody around and I got into a little scuffle with him,” Brian confessed.

“Ron, Oh my God, are you out of your mind?” He’s twice your size with an attitude to match,” Tina exclaimed.

“You know him?” Brian replied, confused as to how.

“Hmm, Tim told me before he left about him. He’s big and likes to throw his weight around, that’s what Tim said,” Tina replied. “Do you think he’ll still be after you?” she asked.

Brian thought a moment and shook his head, no. “His Dad went with mine to a meeting in New York, so he’s home alone, and he has a nearly new car. I’m sure he’s found other things to do by now.” He hesitated and asked, “Can I walk you home? Safety in numbers,” Brian quickly added.

She looked thoughtful, and said, “As long as I’m causing trouble for jerks, its fine.” and giggled. “Oh, did you get to that magic shop I told you about?” Tina asked casually.

He blushed, finding he liked the sound of her laugh. “No, I didn’t get to go inside. It’d already moved, before I could, Brian said. It was the truth sort of, because he never did get inside and it did move.

She seemed a little disappointed somehow, but Brian got up and offered his hand to her. He helped her up and together they walked towards their homes, with worries of bullies and jerks lost on a sunny fall day.

Chapter 3

Brian had just taken the puzzle box out of the shopping bag, looking for the mirror when Denise breathlessly rushed into the kitchen nearly screaming, “I’ve got it! I’ve got my ELF!”

He was a little disgusted, but was in such a good mood that even getting caught with his gift to her unwrapped couldn’t spoil it. He’d shaved last night, and had to do it again this morning. It wasn’t his favorite activity, but it did prove that the crystal was WORKING. On top of that, he’d grown another half inch last night. It wasn’t all good, as the having to shave more part proved, because now his jeans were uncomfortably snug.

If that wasn’t good enough, he and Tina had a date. Okay maybe it wasn’t a date, but she said, she wanted to hang out with him, if that was Okay. Okay? It was great! If he hadn’t been daydreaming maybe he would’ve gotten Denise’s gift wrapped, but all he’d gotten her anyways was the mirror, so everything was cool.

He was rudely shaken from his thoughts, when Denise, hugged him. “How did you know I wanted one on those?” she asked him in disbelief, looking at the puzzle box.

Brian didn’t know what to say, but it didn’t matter if she got the box or the mirror. He gave a grin and said, “A wizard told me.” Thinking about it, he could give the mirror to Tina!

Denise gave him a playful shove and reached for the box. Only to be stopped when their Mom banished her dough covered mixing spoon like a weapon. “Not till Christmas Eve young lady, that’s if that’s what you want to use your elf for,” she admonished her daughter.

Denise backed away with her hands up, giggling, “Alright Mom!” She then took a more serious voice when she asked, “Mom, Dad is going to be home on Christmas Eve, right?”

Virginia gave her children a reassuring smile, “Yes, he is. He has a dinner on the 23rd, but is leaving on a late flight back that night. He might be tired, but he will be here.” She looked at each of them to make sure they understood and looked at her daughter, “What is this about puzzle boxes? This is the first I’ve heard of it.”

Denise leaned over to whisper secretly into her mother’s ear, “My friend Lisa has one and she keeps her DIARY in it to keep her brothers from reading it.”

Virginia looked sternly at Denise, “You know your brothers wouldn’t do that.” She looked at her sons with death in her eyes, “Because they’d know better, don’t they?”

Both boys nodded solemnly, yes, while looking as innocent as they could.

Denise gave them a distrustful, glance, and plaintively said, “But Mom, they’re BOYS!

Matt and Brian looked at each other, in surprise, “We are?”, and an exaggerated show of looking at their chests to check.

Denise started giggling and soon the boys joined in. Virginia gave them the “parent doesn’t agree” look, but was very happy that Brian had come out of his funk although he’d seemed to be growing again. Oh well, more shopping. Their father Dan wasn’t going to enjoy getting the bills, Growing boys!

The week seemed to have flown by Brian was musing. Tomorrow was Christmas. He and Tina had spent a lot of time together and he was still growing about a half-inch a day. He was now 5’10” and even though he was had to shave everyday now, he was very happy. Even after that shopping trip with his Mom, who was starting to be suspicious of his sudden and quick growth. He’d some growing pains from it all, but was set on getting though it.

It’s said that in Carolina if you didn’t like the weather, wait and it’ll change. Last week he and Tina had been in shorts and short sleeves, and today was a bleak, cold, and drizzly, a typical Southern wintry day, but no frozen stuff here this time of year, Brian thought looking out at the low gray clouds. If we get sleet or snow at all, it’ll be in late January and early February and not much even then. No White Christmases for them, but dreary, overcast, and chilly days. No closed airports either, so their Dad would be home tonight.

Tina was coming over for dinner, and he had to shave again, so he would look good for her. His Mom had reminded him of the house rules regarding visitors of the opposite sex. No closed bedroom doors, and if she or their Dad wasn’t home, no visitors at all. He resented the rules a bit, but Matt had lived with them, so Brian knew he could too. They would be having Christmas Eve Dinner without their Dad, because, of a delay in New York, he and Ron’s Dad would be arriving in Columbia later on this evening.

The doorbell rang while Matt was watching TV in the living room, and Denise fiddled with her puzzle box that she‘d redeemed her elf for that morning. As one, they turned and ginned at each other as Brian yelled out, “I’ve got it,” as he dove down the stairs in a controlled crash. Denise mouthed silently, “Brian’s got a girlfriend.” Matt made a shushing motion with his finger, “Not yet, wait till dinner and he has a mouth full of food!” He counseled. They both laughed, at the planned prank.

Brian opened the door and there was a girl, but it wasn’t Tina. She was a bit tall for a girl, and had that slender supermodel look even with the bulky ill-fitting clothes and was quite attractive. She’d been crying, he could see, because of her eyes.

“Brian? Is that you? You’re taller now. I guess that makes sense because of what happened to me,” she was almost in tears again.

He was confused, because he hadn’t a notion of who she was, or what she was doing here. Brian asked her, “Who are you? Are you lost?”

She gave him an almost smile, “You don’t recognize me do you? I know you had something to do with this,” as she waved her hand at herself.

Brian stepped outside, and shut the door. “I don’t think this is funny and no, I don’t know you!” he said getting a little angry.

“It’s so weird looking you in the eye. It’s me, Ron. You know the GUY you injected with something on the last day of school last week,” she said.

Stunned, Brian backed away. Looking past her, he could see Ron’s Dodge Charger parked by the curb, and Ron didn’t let ANYONE drive it, especially not a girl.

Frightened, she said, “Please don’t run! I just didn’t know whom else to go too. MY Dad comes back tonight and if he sees me like this, he’ll KILL me,” she said with the tears starting again. “You did this to me! Please help me!”

Brian never expected anything like this! He’d thought that Ron would just end up as short as he’d been, not this. Part of him wanted to run inside and slam the door, but he just couldn’t. Ron, no, someone, a person was hurting, and it was his fault. Awkwardly, he touched her shoulder, and told her, “I won’t run. I’ll help you if I can.”

Ron threw herself around him sobbing and Brian not really knowing what else to do caught and held her.

Tina was so happy, she felt as if she was going to fly away. She carefully put up her special hairbrush, and checked out her hair in the silver mirror, Brian had given her, giddy with excitement. His family had this tradition of being able to choose one present Christmas Eve morning to open, and even if they were a little subdued, because their Dad had missed his flight due to some sort of business stuff, they were good people to hang with. Tina was surprised when Mrs. Deacon invited her over, and even more surprised when she found that Brian had gotten her a gift. The antique mirror was perfect, and she had been invited back over for supper. Tina checked her appearance one last time and hurried out.

Tina’s Mom watched her daughter hurry out of their house with a happy skip to her step and couldn’t help smiling. The whole thing had been trying, and she didn’t know if her husband ever would get use to it, but seeing Tina so happy and at peace was a priceless gift. Looking at the gray drizzly sky, she decided that a roaring fire in the family room would be a good idea.

Tina shivered in the light jacket she had on as the nearly freezing rain fell. It seemed that she felt the cold more intensely now, than before her change. It wasn’t easy sometimes, but it was the right choice for her. Tina thought that maybe Brian had gotten to Spells-R-Us, but for some reason told her he hadn’t. She’d seen his change in height, and enjoyed being held by him. Willing to forgive him his untruth, she was just too happy to hold it against him.

She looked up from her rain-hood, and saw two people hugging at the door to Brian’s house. The teenage girl was tall, but had on the worse fitting and ill-matched clothes. An icy cold pierced her heart when she saw the young man was Brian. Who the girl was, Tina didn’t know and didn’t care. Turning away, fighting tears and the tightness in her throat, Tina ran home with her happiness washed away with the rain.

Brian held the sobbing Ron, helplessly as they stood on the porch shielded from the cold. He told her how he went to the mall and of Mr. Black. Brian took the crystal that now was at least two thirds full of a very hot pink fluid out of his pocket and explained how it worked. He then placed it behind him and told her to watch. A moment later, the crystal was gone. Showing her his hands, Brian reached into his pocket and took out the crystal that’d reappeared in his pocket. He told her that he couldn’t get rid of it, that it always came back. Hesitantly, Brian said, “The only way I know to change you back would to have it bite me, but that would leave me like you are now or worse, since the pink stuff is from me,” as he shook the crystal.

Ron sniffled, stopping her sobs, “No, it’s better this way.” giving a wane smile at his perplexed look. She said, “All of my life my Father has never let me be me. I had to be the best at everything. Anything I wanted wasn’t important, and only what he wanted was.” Averting tears again, “After what he did to Mom, I just want out! I don’t want to be a girl, but if that lets me be free, then okay.”

Brian was shocked, “What happened to your Mom wasn’t an accident?” He’d gotten Ron completely wrong, and was feeling even worse as each new secret came into the light.

Ron shook her head no, sobbing once more.

“Why were you always beating up on everyone? I mean …” Brian tried to say.

“I was always so angry, and it was so unfair, that Father was always pushing me and Mom around. I couldn’t help myself. It was wrong, but Father was telling me that I couldn’t be weak,” Ron sobbed out.

“We have to tell my Mom,” Brian said to Ron, swallowing his fear of how disappointed his Mom would be in him.

Ron looked up alarmed, “We can’t…”

“Ron, even if I use this to change you back, you’ll still be with your Dad. What he’s done is wrong, and we’re way over our heads. If I don’t, I’ve put YOUR life in danger, because of what I did,” Brian told her. “I don’t want to tell anyone either, but I’ve got to make this right if I can. The lump in his throat got heavier. He opened the door and led her to the kitchen.

“I was wondering how long you two would stand out there in the cold,” said Brian’s Mom as they entered the warm room. Virginia expecting Tina stopped when she saw the unknown, but strangely familiar girl. He’d such a look on his face that she knew that bad news was on the way.

Brian cleared his throat nervously, and started, “Mom I’ve got something to tell you and it’s a little hard to believe, but I swear it’s the truth.”

Ron wiped her red eyes, “I guess you can call me Veronica, and it’s all true.”

Virginia passed over a box of tissue to Veronica, ready to tear big bloody chunks out of her son if this was what she thought it was.

Brian saw the red glint in his Mom’s eye and had trouble swallowing. “It’s NOT like that. It’s bad, but not that.” He told his Mom what he’d already told Ron watching her eyebrows raise. When he finished, he showed her the crystal, and how it kept coming back. Ron then told her part, but stopped when she reached her Mom’s death.

Brian softly told Ron, “Please, you have to if you want help.”

Virginia watched the exchange not really knowing what to think at this point.

Ron sobbing told the real story of what happened the night her Mom died. “They were fighting and Father got so mad, he hit her and she fell and didn’t move. He made me help him carry her up the stairs and let her fall.” Ron stopped and was crying uncontrollably.

Controlling her anger, Virginia hugged the crying girl, who was in such misery. She knew now why Veronica looked so familiar. Ron’s Mom looked just like her. It was if all of the things, from Ron’s father was gone leaving only that of her friend. “Was she already dead? Virginia asked as gently as she could.

Veronica choked out, “I think so.”

“Honey, why haven’t you told anyone? Virginia asked, wiping the girl’s face.

“He said that because I helped him carry her up the stairs, I would go to jail too. When I got mad, and told him I didn’t care, Father threatened to kill me too. Last year he got a concealed carry license and has a gun now,” the teenager said frightened. “He’s coming home tonight, and I don’t know what to do. I’m wearing some of Mom’s old clothes, but I’ve been afraid to go anywhere.”

Virginia gave her son a stony look, “What do you have to say for yourself young man?” She didn’t want to believe their story, but nothing else made sense.

“You believe us Mom?” Brian asked. At her curt nod, he said, “I hurt someone Mom, and I’ve got to make right if I can. I should’ve thrown this thing away, and now I can’t. It just keeps coming back, liked I showed you.

“You say the only way to change Ron back would be to drink that,” his Mom said pointing at the Pink stuff and have it bite you, and Ron drink what came from you?”

“No, please don’t,” Veronica said,” its better I stay this way.” Virginia gave her a startled look as she continued, “I told Brian this way I can get a new start. At school, no one liked me. Feared me, yes, but I didn’t have any real friends. I wished that I could start over, and if this isn’t exactly what I wanted, it is the chance I’ve waited for.”

“Are you sure dear?” asked Virginia wondering at how her friend Liz would’ve thought of this had she not died because of that SOB, Virginia thought savagely. This kid had been though a piece of hell, and she deserved a second chance, but a part of her mourned her friend. Oh, why didn’t you tell ME Liz?

Virginia closed her eyes thinking hard, when Veronica nodded yes. They didn’t know what the crystal would do if they tried to use it again, everyone seemed to be able to live what had already been done. It was best to break it if they could, so no one else could be hurt by this.

She turned off the stove and led them into the garage workshop. For once Virginia was happy about her husband’s welding hobby. He had this thing about rebuilding the most rusted-out cars, he could find, welding and cutting sheet metal was a part it. It was noisy and dirty, and she was the one who got to clean the clothes from his hobby. It was time to finally put it to a good use. She had Brian fasten that thing in a heavy vise, and put on a heavy leather apron and gloves. Veronica found safety glasses for all of them and they put them on.

Brian picked up the heavy hammer, and looked at his Mom as she nodded. Pulling down the welding face shield, holding his breath, he raised the hammer and brought it down hard striking the troublesome crystal in the vise. A crash of thunder shook the house and all the lights went out.

Columbia Metropolitan Airport
The senior meteorologist on duty at the local national weather center office noted the very abrupt temperature drop. It shouldn’t have happened, but it was as if a cold pocket came out of nowhere. He didn’t waste anytime because with the temperature only a few degrees over freezing and falling fast, plus with the ground so saturated with rain and the current conditions, they were going to have icing conditions all over the state. Placing the alerts on the system, he answered the call from the airport control tower. “Yeah, I see it too. I don’t know what happened, but we’re going to be iced in here in less than an hour at this rate. You better start diverting flights. I know it’s tough on Christmas Eve, but no choice. I’m calling the state emergency response team now, got to go. It was going to be a busy night. What a Christmas!

Somewhere over Maryland, on a Flight to Columbia.

Dan Deacon was woken up from his nap by a flight attendant. “Sir the Captain is about to make an important announcement, can you wake up your friend?” Dan groggily gestured yes. He pushed Jeff awake, who still smelt of liquor. Friend my ass, if Jeff hadn’t got into that drunken brawl, I would’ve already been home with my family. Jeff was a decent engineer, but since Liz, his wife had died, the drinking was getting out of hand. No arrests yet, but the company was small and really needed this contact. One of their chief engineers being arrested was not part of the strategy for landing said contact.

“May I have your attention please,” announced the Captain. “Because of unexpected worsening winter weather conditions in Columbia, we’re being diverted to Charlotte International. We apologize for the delay and representatives will meet you at the gate to assist you with making other arrangements. The conditions in Columbia presently is developing freezing rain turning to sleet with expected accumulations of up to 2 or 3” Thank you and have a Happy Holiday”

The packed cabin of holiday travelers moaned at the bad news. Dan was unhappy with Jeff. After spending most of the day waiting for a flight in New York, and now looking like he might miss spending Christmas with his family, Dan wasn’t feeling very charitable towards Jeff. Dan along with everyone else signaled the attendants for the use of an in-flight cell phone. Jeff just grunted and closed his eyes.

Dan asked Jeff, “Aren’t you going to call Ron and let him know you’re going to be late?”

Jeff just grunted again and ignored him.

That was about the final straw for Dan. Maybe it was time to talk to the other partners about easing Jeff out of the firm. Business was business, but you don’t treat family that way. He didn’t know what to do about Ron, since according to his son Brian; he was something of a bully. Liz and Virginia had been close; maybe she’d have an idea. Dan settled back to wait for his turn at the phones, and relaxed now that a decision had been reached.

Chapter 4

“Is it time for dinner yet,” asked Denise.
“Not yet, sis,” looks like they’re having one of Mom’s talks,” replied Matt.

“I hope they hurry, I’m hungry!” she growled.

“That’s my line!” her big brother teased Denise.

They both jumped when the very foundation shook from the deafening peal of thunder, then the house went dark. Laughing nervously at their outburst, Matt was jumpy at the sudden quiet and Denise whispered, “What was that?”

“Must have been a lightning strike on a transformer, the power should come back on soon,” answered Matt.

No, that sound,” said the still whispering Denise.

Now hearing the rattling, he carefully crossed the dark room; Matt was amazed to see it sleeting outside. Denise looked out with him and asked, “Is it snow?”

“Not snow, sleet and ice it looks like,” Matt said to her watching the disappointment fill her face. The last time it had done any real snowing here, she’d only been three, and she‘d never been in it personally. He could see all of the lights were out as far as he could see, and he knew that this wasn’t a good thing at all. Normally it was warm enough that no one really worried about the cold weather much, but after seeing Brian’s gift of David Blaine’s poster of Frozen In Time, he’d done a little research on cold survival and if the power didn’t come back on soon it could be a dangerously real problem. There were homeless shelters, but not enough of them, and Columbia just didn’t have enough equipment to deal with a lot of frozen stuff, besides everyone being home on Christmas Eve. Everyone would have to fight their way to their equipment and offices, first just to start. They should be safe here, but if the power didn’t come back on it was going to be a very uncomfortable Christmas Eve night.

“I’m going to the back porch to watch,” Denise said which made sense because it was more protected than the front.

“Okay, but be careful and get a heavy jacket, and only for a minute. Mom will kill me if you get sick over the holiday. It will be very slick and if you fall and hurt yourself we’ll have try and drive in this stuff to get you to a doctor, so stay on the porch,” Matt told his eight year old sister. It was easy to forget how young she was since she was so tall and acted mature, well mostly! In the faint light from the window, Matt saw that as she had possessively kept her puzzle box close, to keep the BOYS from having a chance to open it.

Matt decided, that checking the fuse box would be a good place to start, grabbing a handy flashlight kept by the door for emergencies and headed for the garage. When he got there, he saw Mom and Tina kneeling next to Brian. Matt saw his Dad’s welding helmet’s face shield cracked lying beside Brian and the heavy leather apron actually had rips in it.

Shining the flashlight on them, he saw that the girl wasn’t Tina, but someone else he didn’t know. Brian looked okay, a few scratches, and still holding the handle of a hammer. Scanning around, Matt saw metal pieces and fragments, with something shiny in the vise. For all the world, it looked if the head of the hammer had exploded.

He went and fished out a portable shop light, and handed his flashlight to his Mom. She looked up at him, “Are you and Denise okay?”

“Yes, Mom, it looks like lightning hit a transformer or something. All of the lights as far as I can see are out,” Matt reported. “Is he okay? He didn’t get struck by the lightning did he?”

She said what sounded like, “Or something. He seems to be okay.”

While, Matt went to the back of the house to check out the fuse box, Virginia helped Brian to his feet, still a bit dazed. Veronica helped with the other arm and got the tattered apron off. Virginia shined the flashlight on the crystal that was completely untouched, and then at the remains of the hammer. Okay, that wasn’t such a great idea; thank God, that no one was hurt.

Virginia jerked her head around, at the pounding from the front door. Now what, she breathed with exasperation. She passed Brian and the flashlight to Veronica, and made her way to the kitchen to find the emergency candles. The pounding on the door continued, and she yelled out, “I’m on the way. Hold on!”

Able to see better with the candle, she wondered where Denise was. She could hear Brian and Veronica following behind her. Virginia could hear the sleet striking the house now, as she got to the door, and was getting irritated at whoever was still POUNDING on it.

The frigid blast that came in when Virginia opened the door was placing her on edge. There standing on the porch was a tall slender man dressed from head to toe in black, despite the falling sleet. It either didn’t land on him or melted on contact. Something about him made her hackles stand up.

“Good Evening Mrs. Deacon, may I come in from the weather?” said the man in black.

Brian was still feeling a little dazed. He hadn’t expected the hammer to blow up! He and Veronica were following his Mom to the door, when he felt the crystal return to his pocket. Now that it’d happened a few times, he could tell when it found him again.

When he and Veronica with her help, turned the corner, Brian’s heart almost stopped, when he saw whom it was. Oh my God, it’s Mr. Black, from The Magic Emporium! Brian was sweating in the heat stealing air from outside trying to think of some way of telling his Mom who this REALLY was. His eye caught the hallway mirror that was just near enough to the door.

Veronica looked at him questionably with the unasked, what’s going on. Brian gestured toward the mirror, and when her eyes saw the terrible reflection of Mr. Black, they flew open in shock. She blinked in shock at the horned scaled inhuman face in the mirror that made her feel like wetting herself.

“Mom,” Brian said, “You better look at the MIRROR.”

Virginia Deacon normally was as an unflappable woman as they come. Discovering that your best friend had been murdered, said best friend’s son has been turned into a girl by your son, and that son has been buying cursed porn figures from demons in the mall was enough to give anyone a short fuse. Like all good parents, she knew that being a good actress went a long ways. Her tough Mom act showed her children what she expected of them and of the consequences of not following the rules. By the time, they knew enough to guess it was an act they would understand why.

Right now, it wasn’t an act, and she turned around to snap at Brian. Until she saw the true image of Mr. Black in the mirror and only her anger kept her running away in horror.

Mr. Black at the door gave a grim smile, “You may call me Mr. Black, for that is what my old friend, Brian calls me, isn’t it Brian?”

Brian trying not to meet those eyes, “You’re no friend of mine. You lied! You said that it would make me taller not do, do,” Brian squeezed Veronica’s helping hand, “this to someone!”

“I told you only the truth, NOT the entire truth,” said the ominous shadow on the porch. “You heard what you wanted to hear.” Looking at Brian’s scratches, “Not a good idea at all to try and break your little toy. Souls can be burned, tortured and warped, but not broken by something as simple as a hammer.” At their startled faces, he grinned a raptors smile, “That is a part of YOUR soul in there. Why else would it keep coming back to you? Of course, as I told you that it would be distilled into a more potent female element of yourself. Taking it back now could very well make you quiet unable to welcome your friend into womanhood.” He said nodding at Veronica, “Of course along with her stolen masculinity you would look freakish, you could use it and give it back to her, and then you would lose your masculinity and become, what, a eunuch or maybe a sexless child. You could take your soul back but you would be a very girly girl. On the other hand, you can take my offer. Just return the Crystal to me and regard that part of your soul as a business loss,” He smugly added.

Virginia had enough. They had declined growth hormones for Brian because of potential future health problems and there was no way that this thing, she shuddered, would get any part of his soul or anything else! “No! YOU are not welcome here you may not come in my house, get off of my property and don’t return, you demon from HELL!”

Brian had seen his Mom angry before, but never spitting-fire MAD as she shouted at Mr. Black.

The Man in Black said with chilling politeness, “I expected nothing else, but the reasonable course had to be attempted.” The sleet seemed to swirl around him like a living thing, did you know that the cold could burn and harm just as much as the fire? No? Let me demonstrate.” The wind and ice and howled as a maelstrom of brutal sleet and freezing rain slammed into them standing in the doorway.

With the ice striking machine gun like, his face and hands, Brian clutched Veronica’s hand, as it pushed them from still open door. He reached to steady his Mom as she stumbled blind from the stinging ice. Somehow, together, they fought their way back and tried to fasten the door closed, but the storm was too much for them.

Matt was wondering what in the world was going on. Nothing was wrong with the breaker box, so he went back into the house. He found a blizzard! His Mom, Brian, and that girl Veronica were fighting to shut the door. Matt rushed in like the fullback he was, throwing in his weight with theirs and together they succeeded.

A voice from outside eerily spoke, “Think about my offer, and why don’t you try to stay warm.” The house moaned as it was pounded by the winter winds.

Matt wiping the sleet from his face asked, “Would someone tell me what’s going on here?”

Denise shivered in the cold, but was excited by the white stuff even if it was just ice. She’d seen snow on TV, but this was as close as she had come. Maybe it would change to snow and they could have a White Christmas tomorrow!

She’d told Matt, that she would stay on the porch, but couldn’t resist going out in it just a little. Sliding a bit it was like roller-blading and she giggled enjoying herself. The sleet started coming down harder and that wind was so cold, so Denise tried to go back to the backdoor. The wind started blowing harder pushing her further away. She gave a cry when she fell, spinning around in a slow circle. It was becoming harder to even see the house and it was so cold.

Denise on her hands and knees crawled toward where she thought her house was, but cried out again when she started to slide sideways. She must be near the slope down to the creek and tried to stop. Denise tried to stop herself, but couldn’t and feared falling into the water any moment.

She had her breathe knocked from her as she hit something and stopped. Looking up she could only see a dark figure with strangely blue glowing eyes.
“Tsk, tsk, my dear you should learn to listen to your elders,” the unseen man told her dryly. You could’ve fallen into the water and frozen to death. That wouldn’t suit my purposes at all, yet.”

Denise tried use the stranger to pull herself up, but he just stepped back so she sprawled again. She was growing afraid, and this man was the only one who knew where she was. The white around her was no longer full of wonder as it had been just a few minutes ago. “Please help me get home!” Denise pleaded.

“Oh, I will, but let’s see if your family is ready to be reasonable now, shall we. Don’t go anywhere, we wouldn’t want you to fall in and freeze for nothing would we?” said that cold cultured voice, and it left.

Denise cried out in tears, “Don’t leave me here! Please! Don’t leave me!” she cried in the sleet surrounded by nothing but the cold and ice.

It was so cold and the ice bit where it hit. Denise felt something hard digging into her side. Searching in the dark she found it, she was sitting on the puzzle box Brian had gotten her for Christmas. Denise had wedged it in one of her jacket’s oversized pockets. Taking it out, she flung it at the ground in frustration. Chips of ice flew when the sharp corner of the box dug into the slick sleet and ice covered creek bank. Blinking, Denise reached out and dragged the box back to herself. Experimentally, she took the box in both hands, held it with one of the corners pointing down, and brought it down as hard as she could. Satisfied she could see the chips fly in the defused light. Carefully she determined where the slope was, for after all she spent all of last summer here on or near this creek.

Digging the corner of the box into the ice, Denise pulled herself up the slope. She saw that she wasn’t moving very far, but she wasn’t going to wait for that jerk to return. Using the box, Denise pulled herself slowly up the grade.

Huddled by the door covered with ice and breathing hard in the cold. Virginia saw everyone but her daughter. She grabbed her eldest and asked, “Where is Denise?”

Matt befuddled at what was going on answered, “She’s on the back porch watching the sleet.” He covered his head as everyone rushed past him. Blizzards in South Carolina and creepy voices in the night just didn’t happen! “Will someone PLEASE, tell me what’s happening?” he asked their receding backs.

Brian’s heart skipped a beat! Track or not his Mom beat all of them to the back porch. A cold chill that had nothing to do with the sleet coming down so hard that it was nothing more than a white blur, when he saw Denise wasn’t on the porch. He and Mom began shouting her name, “Denise! Denise!” Tears began to form despite the icy storm. He was vaguely aware of Veronica yelling, above the shattering blasts of the storm, an explanation at Matt.

Matt didn’t know how to judge what he was being told, but he did know that his little sister was in that hurricane of ice. He started forward off the porch, when his Mom grabbed his arm and shook her head.

Virginia held her son’s arm, “No, one child is enough. He wants that crystal. He’ll come to us.”

Matt loved his parents and knew that in the raffle for them, he and his siblings had come out ahead. He’d never seen her like this before. He’d seen so many things in those eyes as he’d grown up. Concern, love, laughter, stern warnings, and anger, but never this stone-like hardness, he relented and felt a growing despair growing in all of them as the minutes past. Matt leaned over and tried to yell above the wind, “I’ve got to try something.”

Her reply was the same, “No” with tears freezing on her cheeks and her eyes even colder.

“You should listen to your mother, she is very perceptive,” that same creepy voice that’d been out front said. A dark slim shadow walked into the dim light seemly untouched by the whirling ice. “Are you ready to be reasonable and give me what I want?” the man’s voice carried over the hiss of the falling sleet.

Matt was going to hurt this man who was threatening his sister. His Dad had taught him, that being so much larger than everyone else, you had to use restraint. He’d loved football; it was one activity that he could really cut loose and one he was good at. He could see the man’s blue eyes glinting like glass and he saw how those eyes was watching him so carefully. His Mom’s hand still held his arm like steel, but the instant that it released; he was going to hurt those eyes.

Chapter 5

Tina had never hurt inside so much in her life. All the way home, hot tears joined the icy rain running down her cheeks. Her Mom and Dad were building a fire in the family room, so it was easy to avoid them. Tina fled up the stairs trying to keep her sobs silent. She shut her door and flung herself onto her bed, covering her head with a pillow crying uncontrollably.

Tina reached for the tissue near her bed to wipe dry her face, when she saw that silver mirror that had brought her so much joy. She picked it up to dash it on the floor when a violent roar of thunder and lighting flashed and the lights went out. The only light in the room was a violet flashing reflected off of the mirror’s silvered surface. Looking behind her to see what was reflecting, she was surprised to see it snowing or something outside, but no flashing.

Puzzled, she held up the mirror again trying to find out what it was she had seen. With it pointed towards the window, the flashings started again, looking like some sort of wild lightning. One-step at a time, she backed to the window, looking at the mirrors image which showed something like out of a Sci-Fi movie with madly swirling dark purple clouds while arcs of violet lightning struck the ground. Amazed she looked out of the window with her own eyes and saw nothing but the fuzzy white stuff falling, hard.

Still sniffling from her earlier crying, Tina found in her bed-stand the flashlight that frequent thunderstorms in the summer made a necessity. Examining the mirror carefully, Tina’s mouth fell open in shock, it couldn‘t be. There was one way to be sure, as she found her hairbrush that she’d brought from Spells-R-Us and held it next to the mirror. Tina sat down heavily on her bed holding them in her hands trembling. There was no doubt that it and the mirror was a matched set

Tina used the mirror again and saw that the storm was centered over Brian’s house. Who’s car is that, she wondered when she saw it ice covered in front of his house, maybe to that boyfriend thief. Tina tried shifting the mirror around to get a better look and jumped when it magically zoomed in on the car. She squeaked, she didn’t know from the sudden zooming or seeing Ron’s car in front of Brian’s house. Thinking back about the girl that she’d seen Brian hug, remembering the ill-matched and fitting clothes, and her own recent experiences.

“Old Smelly Fecal Matter that was Ron!” Tina swore. Ron had been male just a week ago and Brian had been with her nearly every waking hour since. Therefore, what ever was going on, Brian didn’t have another girlfriend. It did mean that someone had a gender-changing whatsit and HER BOY-friend was right in the middle of it. Tina grabbed her heaviest coat and hurried into the storm.

Denise shivered again, but kept her foot wedged in the small hole she carved with the puzzle box as she inched forward up the gentle slope from the creek. She was worried that the box’s wood corner would dull or break on the ice, but it hadn’t yet.

There. She was now at the top, but she still couldn’t see her house. Inching her way further away from the bank, because she didn’t want to slide back down again, she used the box help her to stand up. Denise picked herself up, and the box it rattled. “Oh Drat,” she muttered, “I must’ve broke something inside.” Stuffing the present back into a pocket, she made her way into the gloom.

Denise held herself tight, where was she? She knew her backyard wasn’t this big! She should’ve run into the house by now. It was so hard to tell where she was with the bad light and all that flying ice. She must be going in circles somehow. Remembering something, Matt had done in his Boy Scout days; if she could draw in the ice, she would be able to correct herself if she wandered. Denise took the box back out and tried to draw her line, but the ice was just too hard. She could chip holes, but she was so cold! The box rattled again, and Denise gave a small sigh, it was already broken. Maybe she could take the box apart and lay out the pieces and then she would have her straight line to follow.

The best way would be to open the box and then it would be easier to break. Denise hadn’t any luck, opening it in the full light much less in this dim light and with frozen fingers. With her breathing shuddering, she had to try. Sliding that part and then this one and then she did it, the top slid open and there was a light inside!

Matt listened as Mr. Black spoke, “Your daughter is fine, for now. I want that crystal, and I won’t leave without it. You can be reasonable or she will suffer.”

Matt felt none of the cold. His entire attention was on that voice. Some might blame Brian for all of this, but he was still a kid. This man had stalked him and made an offer that Brian couldn’t turn down. Demon or not, no one had failed to go down after he tackled them, and this man in black was next on his list.

Tina felt so silly walking backwards but using the mirror was the only way she could see outside at all. It wasn’t too hard to sneak back outside, but it was COLD! Rarely did the temperature dip into the teens here, but it sure felt like it had now.

Denise with her teeth chattering looked into the puzzle box, a slip of paper that in the light from the box read “The Answer to Your Puzzle.” She unfolded the card with frozen fingers. Her reading was good, and it said, “Turn two steps and walk forward 5 paces.” Freezing, Denise knew she had to do something, so she followed the instructions. Walking into the side of the garden shed, Denise gave cry of relief. Looking at the note, it had changed, it now read, “WAIT.”

The ice and wind was whipping around so hard that, just walking was cruel work. The weird lightning and clouds was still dancing madly about Brian’s house. She’d passed Ron’s car and it was completely iced over. Tina was trying to find the best path to the front door when the mirror suddenly showed a light moving from behind a garden shed in the backyard. The drive and sidewalk just looked to slick to risk, but Brian’s Dad had built a small ornamental bridge to access the mailbox over a drainage ditch that was now crusted over with ice. She would have to hazard it to make for the backyard. Tina gingerly made her way across and walked backwards towards the light.

Walking backwards she almost stumbled right over Denise; she was covered in ice, and was shivering severely. “Denise! Are you all right? Tina hugged the freezing girl.

“Tina?” cried Denise in relief, “We have to get inside there’s a stranger out here somewhere, and I think he wants to hurt me!”

She held the crying girl, and went towards the back porch where she could see someone, probably looking for Denise. Awkwardly supporting her and using the mirror to see they were moving slowly fighting the sleet, falling so hard it was hissing like a snake. Tina kept whispering to Denise, “Hang on, almost there, almost there.”

It was as if the ice and wind was trying to stop them, as she and Denise struggled towards the house. Just a few more steps, and the wind died away, and Tina blinked her eyes seeing Brian, Matt, Mrs. Deacon, and Ron? Tina was trying to figure out who the man in black was when he spun around and came at her!

Matt saw two sleet covered girls stagger out of the icy maelstrom, from behind Mr. Black. His Mom released his arm and with a glance at Brian, flung himself at the man in black.

Mr. Black with a snarl, spun around menacingly at the girls just as Matt slammed into him from behind. Brian rushed by him and scooped both girls up. Matt scrambled to his feet but to his amazement, Mr. Black hadn’t fallen.

Brian using strength he didn’t know he had, practically threw the two girls to his Mom and Veronica on the porch. He’d just grabbed the railing, when a burning pain ran down his leg. Falling to the steps, he saw Mr. Black with his fingers dripping blood holding the crystal.

It wasn’t possible, but Mr. Black was still on his feet. Matt saw the cultured guise fall away, as the man in black effortlessly bounded over him and swiped at his brother Brian just as he’d reached the porch. Blood flew in an arc as if somehow the man in black had razors on his fingers like Freddy Kruger. In anger and slipping on the ice, Matt threw himself at Mr. Black again.

Virginia gathered the girls to her, in relief as her son threw them to her. She pushed them towards the door, but her heart stopped when she saw the blood fly from Brian. She and Veronica each grabbed an arm and pulled him onto the porch. Virginia cried, “No!” the Demon spun towards her eldest son as he launched himself at the demon again.

Mr. Black disdainfully met Matt’s charge slapping him down to the cold ground, and then picked him up by the throat, one handed with ease. With an evil smile he said, “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. If your brother had used this on you, I wouldn’t have to go to all of this bother.”

At Matt’s widened eyes, the Demon-thing gloated, “That’s right; you were to be my prey all along. How does it feel to be special? Now I think I owe you something special,” and brought the female face of the bloody crystal to Matt’s mouth.

Matt fought for his life, and knew that he’d been a fool. He tore at the man in black’s eyes, boxed his ears, and kicked him between his legs, and none of it made any difference. Anything human would’ve been on the ground in pain, but this Demon-thing wasn’t human.

Virginia looked hopelessly for a weapon, knowing that there just wasn’t time to get one from the house. She grabbed the first thing to hand and brought it down on Mr. Black’s head as hard as she could. Frozen water and soil exploded as the terracotta planter impacted his head.

The Demon-thing’s hand jerked and instead of Matt breathing on it, the crystal female’s face kissed his forehead. Matt shouted when it gave its unwanted bite, and twisted loose as he was showered in the bizarrely steaming mud as the black clothed man was knocked forward. Flailing he grasped the railing, and began pulling himself up the ice onto the porch. Matt felt something by his leg and he kicked out. A steel grip fastened around his foot and pulled him from the railing.

Virginia launched another planter at the man attacking her son, but he smashed it from the air. She saw Veronica join her in throwing things at the black clad man as a spade bounced off of his shoulder. Sparing a glance, Tina had gotten Brian and Denise into the house.

Matt hadn’t been treated like this since he was a child. Together with the fear what the crystal had done to him, he fought for all he was worth. He looked wildly for something to even the odds, and his eyes found the garden spade. Grasping it with both hands, he twisted looking for a way to do the most harm to his tormentor.

Virginia yelled at Veronica to keep throwing things and that she would be back. She ran into Dan’s study. Virginia flung the desk drawer open grabbing the lockbox and pulling out her key. Dan had made her practice with his handgun, concerned about him being away so often. Fumbling the lock open, she pulled out the Ruger GP 357 Magnum, and slipped a speed-loader into on her mad dash back to rescue her son.

Tina saw Ron struggling with another oversized planter and watched the unequal battle between Matt and that man in black. She didn’t want to leave Brian, but his cuts weren’t bleeding too badly.

He looked her in the eye, “I’ll be okay, go. Denise can help me, go!”

Tina grasped his hand tightly, and then ran to help Ron lift the heavy pot. Together they heaved it, right at the man in black just as he was pulling Matt upside down into the air by his leg.

Matt felt himself come free off the ground and then swung the spade up right between Mr. Black’s legs. Mr. Black blocked Matt’s clumsy blow, but never saw the planter aimed right at him.

The other planter had hurt this Damn Demon, and Matt watched as this much larger one did the same as it struck Mr. Black dead on. Matt covered his ears as the Demon gave a scream of pain like breaking glass, and he threw Matt from him and grasped his head, still holding the crystal. Matt sailed across his icy yard, landed and slid perilously close to the ice-crusted, rain-filled ditch.

Covering their ears as well, the girls watched as the blood colored lips of the crystal bit the Demon’s mud covered head and another howl of pain came from it, as a dark pink fluid tickled into the crystal.

The hideous creature’s disguise now tattered and covered in boiling mud, gave them a look of hatred. It took the crystal and drank the male essence within. It said, “I was to leave you alive, drained of your strength to let your pity for yourself poison you, but now I think it will be more satisfying to just kill you!”

Matt had just regained his feet, and wiped the drop of blood from the crystal’s bite from his forehead. He’d seen the Demon-thing move before, and he was as ready for it as he could be. Matt watched as it raised its arms and a tidal wave of sleet and ice erupted from behind it and rushed towards him.

Tina looked at the mud bubbling on the steaming head of the Demon, and yelled to Ron, “It’s some kind of elemental. Hit it with anything made of earth. They grabbed another large pot of dirt, and moved in for the attack.

Matt couldn’t even cry as the wall of ice smashed him backwards, and he fell though the thinly crusted ice of the rain-swollen ditch. The cold water shocked him nearly senseless, and he weakly pulled himself out. His legs were numb and his feet weren’t working right.

Tina could hear Ron give a mutter that this would’ve been a lot easier when she was still a boy. Tina grunted back, “I know what you mean,” while struggling under the planter’s weight. Glancing up, Tina saw the Demon thing was chanting as if it was casting a spell or something like from one of the Role-Playing-Games she had played. She couldn’t even see Matt anymore for the swirling mass of ice. On Ron’s count of three, she heaved the planter with all her strength, but it fell short caught by a fierce gust of wind.

Virginia ran out to the porch with her heart filled with concern for her son. Matt wasn’t anywhere in sight, but the author of tonight’s horrors was still there doing some kind of macabre dance. With the strength of purpose only a mother protecting her young could bring, she aimed and fired center mass into him.

The thing in black barely jerked, when the heavy .357Mag round struck him. He stopped his dance and laughed, laughing at her pain. Virginia had never hated anything as much as at moment and the hot pink glowing crystal that had the souls of her children inside it mocked her. The immortal, unbreakable souls of her children, a calm cold voice told her as she brought the handgun up again to fire.

Tina deafened by the large handgun, stared as the man in black continued to laugh, as Brian’s Mom fired shot after shot and missed! Four shots fired and as the fifth and last one hurled at the man in black she saw the crystal erupt into a blinding torrent of fire and lightning, as the heavy wad-cutter bullet smashed into it.

Virginia stood there with stony satisfaction looking at the still moving charred Demon. Then her heart plummeted as her searching eyes found her son. He had straggled out of the ditch, but his legs looked wrong somehow, and he was fighting his way back to her.
Tina watched in amazement as the blackened and burnt Demon-thing came to its feet. Wondering what was happening here, she and Ron leaned on the icicled rail, out of things to throw and out of breath.

Ron rasped to her, “So you too?”

Tina nodded her head yes and asked, “Where did tall, dark, and ugly come from?”

Ron gestured at Brian lying in the doorway, “It sold Brian a cursed thing, and when we tried to destroy it, he came and demanded it back.” Searching her face, Ron puzzled, asked, “WHO were you?”

Tina sighed and put her hand over Ron’s, and firmly said, “Tina, now and forever.”

To her surprise, Ron said after a pause, “Well, I guess that makes me Veronica. Shit!”

Virginia started down the steps when Mr. Black’s mangled form addressed her, “You’ve lost your son! Already the crystal is transforming her, and with my spell to complete it, what is left will freeze into a statue of beauty. She’ll go just fine with a music box I have back at my shop. You won’t even have a body to morn!

Matt’s feet refused to work right as the ice impossibly began growing up his legs, but remembering David Blaine’s Frozen in Time poster, knew he had very little time. He had to keep his focus! With his strangely arched frozen feet, he slid more than walked. He saw his Mom confront that Thing, and making a difficult decision, he focused on going to the front. He had to trust her to take care of the kids back there, while he had all he could do, just to save himself.

Tina was blinded by the roar of ice and sleet as a blizzard descended upon them. She and Veronica grasped hands and retreated inside the house.

Virginia wanted more than anything to go after Matt, but she had to think of the other kids. The Demon’s ice forced her inside and with everyone’s help, they shut the door.

Chapter 6

Caught in the wind, Matt started spinning like some mad top sliding and slipping. His breath caught in his throat as he saw a reflection of himself in the darkened window of his home. His legs were an obscene parody of a ballerina‘s! His toes were pointed and his jeans were being transformed into some type of tutu from the waist down. His maddening spins made sense now, as he saw that the Thing was toying with him. Like a music box figure spinning trapped in a dance of ice.

Virginia ran from window to window, looking for Matt praying that he could make it back. She yelled at Brian and the girls to get her some more ammunition in her mad dash.

Brian felt the crystal return, but now it felt different in some way after it‘d bitten Mr. Black. Hearing his Moms cry for ammunition, he struggled up. His wound was burning, but wasn’t bleeding too badly. Pointing into the study, he said, “Bullets are in the desk drawer.” Denise grabbed an arm and together hobbled after their Mom.

Matt found he could control himself somewhat by using his arms to alter the spinning that wouldn’t stop. The ice had advanced to his waist and a part wondered if he was a he anymore. Forcing the voice away, the struggle to live was more powerful. Matt worked his way near to the house and reached for the shrubs and branches there, but his twirl ripped them from his hands.

She flung the window up just in time to see Matt’s hands get ripped from the branches leaving nothing, but a few falling leaves in the icy wind. Virginia’s heart hammered at the brief view of her son’s transformation. She slammed the window closed, and leaped to the next, hoping to catch him.

Brian saw his Mom’s path and being unable to keep up he guided Denise to the next one after. Using his weight to shove the table out of the way, while Denise opened the window, Brian didn’t know what to expect, when he saw his brother. Guilt surged though him, as Matt danced into sight. That was his brother being stripped of his very identity. The brother he loved and respected, helplessly being murdered in front of him.

He felt the ice ripping into his chest, and his breathing stabbing like no pain he’d ever experienced before. Matt saw the window come open, and in desperation reached out for those waiting arms.

Virginia set herself, to catch her son, and make everything okay again, even as her heart ached at the pain on his face. She heard the girls come up behind her, and without turning, she said tensely, “Get ready to grab us, when I pull him in.” His hands clutched hers and together they pulled for safety. “Help me,” Virginia grasped as it was pulling her out the window. The girls had her legs and she could see freezing tears on Matt’s face as the Demonic agency sought to rip him from her.

Brian felt a sob build in his chest as he watched their battle. He couldn’t get there in time, but if they failed, he had to succeed. “Denise we have to have something we can grab him with,” said Brian as he searched the room for something to help.

Matt despaired as inch by inch his grip slid from his Mom’s hands. The crazed sleet laden winds that had him wouldn’t relent and was tirelessly overcoming him. A cry of “NO!” echoed from him and his family as the icy winds ripped him from them

Virginia was thrown backwards when she lost Matt, and she and the girls fell in a sprawl. Tears were trying to run down her cheeks, as she pulled herself up. Then hope flickered dimly as she heard Brian yell urgently, “Hurry Mom, Please!”

Denise tapped him on the shoulder, and pointed at the drapes. Wincing at the pain, he jumped up, and snagged the curtain rod. Brian pushed the rod out of the window, knowing that this might be their last chance the next window was blocked by the Christmas tree and gifts with no way to get to the window. He yelled for his Mom and told Denise to hold on tight to the drapes end.

He was losing all feeling now, and the pain was everywhere. Fear was there in his freezing heart, but he heard a voice saying, “Fear is the Mind Killer.” Matt saw his brother with the rod, and made a last effort to overcome his icy assassin.

Virginia and the girls ran up freezing and breathing hard, and she saw what Brian had in mind. She reached and grabbed the drapes. Catching Brian’s eye she said, “Bring your brother in.” and he nodded solemnly.

There was a tremendous yank on the drapes as Matt grabbed it. Brian had his good leg braced on the window when the wind fought them for their brother’s life. The spin began to wrap him in the drapes, slowly dragging Matt back to them. Brian could feel the blood trickling down his leg at the effort, but he could see that Matt was almost at his end.

Virginia and the girls fought the cold tug-of-war with her son’s life at stake. She could see both of Brian’s feet were now on the windowsill and the drops of blood striking the floor. The sound of wet sneakers scrambling on the hardwood floor and yells of effort filled the house.

It was ironic it was the transformation that saved him. Matt’s waist, transformed into a much slimmer form, allowed the drapes to wrap around him several times and held him as his strength failed. Then suddenly he flew into the window as they all fell shivering on to the floor.

Virginia pulled herself to Matt’s side. She could see his legs weren’t encased in ice they were glass! His lips were blue, and his breath released frost as if somehow it was colder inside him than the outside. The transformation had reached nearly to his chest, and was now an icy parody of a ballerina below that. She didn’t know what to do. How do you do first aid for this?

Brian took out the full Pink glowing crystal, and looked at it intently. The darker pink, that he guessed came from Mr. Black was almost all gone now overcome by the hotter pink of what he supposed was his female essence or whatever. If he was right, the thing that was killing his brother, was part of the female essence-thing, if he could stop that, the ice might stop too.

A part of him was screaming No! But he couldn’t ask the girls or his Mom to empty the pink side so he could give Matt his Maleness, besides, he would be just a child or eunuch. Brian remembered what the wizard had said that he had to look inside himself to find his answer of what to do. When he touched the crystal, the pink arced like a plasma lamp at his touch. Tina was looking over his shoulder, he asked her to touch it only on the center, and nothing happened just when he touched it. It was part of him and it wanted to come home.

He held Tina’s hand and said softly, “I’m sorry Tina.”

She looked at him and the crystal, then back at him. No! She shook her head and sent tears flying.

“I have to make this right and he’s dying. I can’t think of anything else to do. I wish….,” Brian turned away unable to say more and went to his brother’s side. “Mom, I think I can help.” As she looked up at him, he said, “If I take this back inside of me,” He said while holding up the crystal. “And give Matt the male, it might save him, but this is a part of Ron too. If we give it to Matt, Ron can never get it back.

Veronica looked at them looking at her and said, “I have said before that I’m Veronica” With a small tear in her eyes, she continued looking at Tina, “Now and forever”

Virginia didn’t want anything else to do with that damned crystal, but Matt was dying! She unwillingly gave Brian a small nod and held both of her son’s hands.

Brian breathed on the female’s face and the brilliant tide of pink rushed into him. He recoiled backwards as the sweet-tart-sour-bitter taste consumed him.

Virginia and the girls watched as the crystal emptied the hot pink fluid into Brian and his features softened, his hair grew shinier and fuller, until he looked more like a female body builder than anything else.

He took the crystal and doing one the hardest things he’d every done. Brian pressed it to his leg figuring that it hurting so much he wouldn’t be able to feel it anyways, and let it bite him. His and Ron’s masculinity flowed blue into it. Brian could feel his, well, HER body changing as well, but did her best to ignore it as she pressed the crystal to her brother’s lips, his faltering breath frosting the glass.

Everyone was holding their breath, when Matt convulsed as if hit by an enormous electrical shock. A blue arc of lightning jumped to Matt as the last of it left the crystal.

Brian grasped her hand, as the arc snatched the crystal from her hand and it flew across the room and smashed into the floor, where it shattered into a fine powder.

Outside a burnt angry form clothed in black tatters, shuddered as its spell failed and backlashed sending it and its malevolent riot of ice back to the hell from which it came. The wind grew quiet and the hard ice and sleet softened into a gentle snow.

Chapter 7

Virginia cried as she saw Matt, whole and healthy lying in a puddle of cold water, unconscious, but alive.

Brian hugged her brother and said, “I love you bro.”

She saw that there would be no slow changes this time, Brian’s clothes hung on her now, but ironically, she was taller. In the change, Brian’s wounds had been healed and she could see that her road wouldn’t be easy for the signs of a great beauty were there under the dirt and sodden overlarge clothes. Virginia hugged her new daughter, telling her what a brave thing she’d done through both of their tears.

Brian took a breath as his Mom released him to tend to Matt. She looked at her now slender hands, when Denise tapped her on the shoulder, and gave her hug. Veronica touched her face and smiled and nodded, giving her approval. Brian felt inside that she’d done the right thing, but knew it wasn’t going to be easy.

Tina went to Brian, as she tried to turn away from her. Firmly she hugged the taller girl saying, “No matter what, you will always be loved by me!” She looked Brian in the eye, “Always, do you hear me, now and forever, no matter what,” she cried.

Then it seemed everyone was crying. That all changed to a weeping laughter, when Matt woke up and croaked, “Will someone shut the window its cold in here.”

Virginia’s eye caught Veronica sitting quietly stroking Matt’s hair, and she recalled that Veronica had kept close to Brian when he had Ron’s masculinity. Virginia wondered if it was because of sharing that essence was what brought that closeness. It would bear keeping a close eye on them, because they both had a lot to work though but she owed her old friend’s offspring the chance to make right.

The power flickered and come back on revealing the mess, their unwanted Christmas guest had brought with him. Everyone was exhausted, but she found robes and towels to get everyone dry. No one wanted to do anything, because of the ordeal, but things had to be straightened up. She paired up Tina and Brian to pick up and throw down towels on the puddles, Matt, Veronica, and Denise to shut windows and to help in the picking up.

After the moans had ended, she went to the kitchen to revive dinner and fix something hot to drink for everyone while they still had power. Virginia put up the handgun and retrieved the ammo from the kids; with so many changes that had happened to them she didn’t want the gun anywhere near them.

Brian and Tina didn’t say much to each other, as they did their chores. Brian was heartbroken that he’d lost everything that he’d thought he wanted. She was no longer even a he, but things had been put as right as she could get them. Tina was lost to Brian now too, and could only be a friend.

After dinner, Virginia got Veronica and Brian dressed in a combination of hers and Denise things since all of their old stuff wouldn’t fit or was wet. Tina and Denise, she was proud to see were helping the new initiates into girlhood, but guessed, that when womanhood came with their first periods it would be traumatic.

It was as bad as Brian had feared when she really saw herself for the first time. She was so slim that her breasts and hips that seemed much larger than they were. She already knew that she was moving awkwardly now that her legs were so much longer. What sucked was she had to become a girl to be taller; she was 5’11” and was wearing her Mom’s things, it all felt so wrong!

Tina watched Brian carefully and whenever she could see her getting overwhelmed, was there holding a hand with a smile. Tina knew how hard this was, and she’d wanted it more than anything in the world! She wasn’t sure how she felt about all of this. A part thought that this was so UNFAIR, but another was committed to helping her Love through this.

Virginia could see how Brian and Veronica were making such an effort not to whine or complain, but the thought that physical and mental exhaustion might have something to do with that. It made her smile to see them try to out macho the other by not saying anything if the other didn’t. Wrestling them into underwear hadn’t been too hard, but the sleepwear was a bit more difficult

When Denise suggested having a pajama’s party in the family room with the large foldout bed, she knew it was a very good idea not to have one of her changelings alone, where they could think too much. She was just too tired to think what to do about Ron’s dad. It would have to wait, but she vowed that he would get what was coming to him.

Tina called her parents to ask them since the weather was so bad if she could join Denise’s impromptu PJ party. She assured them that it would be all girls and sighed as she put up the phone. As they were getting ready for bed, Tina found Veronica and asked her, “Please don’t tell anyone else I’m like you.”

Veronica gave her a measuring look, and said, “Not even Brian?”

“Especially not Brian,” Tina said emphatically.

“As long as no one’s being hurt, okay,” Veronica said, and chewing on her lip, “Are we friends?”

“After what we’ve been though, we’re all friends! Friends now and forever!” said Tina and warmly hugged her new friend.

At long last, everyone was asleep and Denise’s PJ party wasn’t as bad as Brian had feared. It was a lot like boy scouts camping, but instead of stories they traded what was good about being a girl. Anyone who couldn’t think of something good had to do something silly like stand on one foot and hop or something more absurd. They were all so tired that this didn’t last long, but helped the new girls understand that it wasn’t all that bad. Just thinking about periods was enough to make Brian shudder though.

Every sensation from her too sensitive skin to the breasts, Brian was really trying hard not to think about, made her aware of what had happened to her. She supposed that she would have to change her name like Veronica did, and she wasn’t looking forward to that either. Taking a deep breath, Brian let it out slowly. She had chosen to do this because it was the right thing to do, and now she had to live with it. It’d been sometime since she had prayed before going to bed, but now she did asking for the serenity to accept what she couldn’t change. Soon her discomfort faded into sleep.

Brian awoke slowly and saw that someone was sitting beside her on the sofa bed.

“Shush, Brian, I am here to help,” the woman said gently.

Alarmed Brian sat up, but couldn’t do anything but sit there with her mouth gaping open at the Angel beside her!

The Angel giggled and reached out to gently close Brian’s mouth; “Young ladies shouldn’t do that!” she said in her silvery voice soft and gentle.

Brian couldn’t take her eyes off of the Angel’s beautiful form, but those eyes! It was the selfless love in those sparkling sapphire blue eyes, which warmed her heart and soul. She had large wings that were white, but every color of the rainbow at the same time shimmered in them somehow.

Amused, the Angel smiled, “You’ve had a Demon at your door tonight, and now you’re surprised by an Angel sitting on your bed? You deserve it Dear One for what you’ve done on this night,” she said, as she smoothed Brian’s hair.

Finding her voice, “I can’t change back, can I?” fearing the answer Brian asked.

Turning serious, those caring eyes showed compassion, “No, Dear One. Your brother’s male essence was devoured by that evil one, and you gave yours to replace his. No magic can change that. Because of sharing that part of yourselves, you two will always be close. Yes, to answer your question, Veronica and Matt share a closeness as well, and it may well lead to something special. Is that what you wanted to know?”

“Yeah, but can you me tell if Tina was Tim?” asked Brian.

“You figured it out?” She folded her wings about them.

“Not till just now,” said Brian. “Tina told me she would always love me no matter what, and Tim told me in the same way that we would always be friends no matter what. Why?” Brian asked as tears began to fall from her eyes.

“Because Tim loved you and believed in his heart that he should have been a girl all along, in a way that is what started this entire thing.”

Brian blinked at her, “Tim, hmmm, Tina caused all of this?”

She stroked Brian’s hair with a smile, “In a way. The two of you were meant to be together, and when Tina found a way to become true to her inner self, the possibilities of what you two could do together soared. That along with Matt’s future was too much temptation for them to resist meddling. Yes Matt, he’s going to become quiet a famous ball player and even a more important role model.

“They sent in a nasty character to corrupt you both, to kill two birds with one stone, and that’s why I’m here,” she said.

Brian was blinking hard now, Him, and Tina together, and Matt as a big sports star?

“Mr. Black as you called him, was one of the original fallen. Not a highly placed demon, but a nasty one.”

“You mean like a Demonic Goon?” asked Brian.

Smiling the Angel said, “Yes, definitely a goon. You ruined all of their plans, and Mr. Black isn’t going to enjoy his boss’s displeasure.” Turning serious, she said, “When you bravely took that part of his essence into yourself, you also took possession of a small spark of divinity.”

“Does that mean I’m going to become evil?” Brian asked becoming alarmed.

“No, Dear One, it does mean that your life will be anything but ordinary. It will change your life in ways even I cannot say, but remember even the fallen were all part of heaven’s host before the betrayal. It does mean that you‘ll get a little help for all you‘ve done, and to help manage your new gift.”

The Angel reached up with one slim finger to her own eye and drew down a single tear. With another finger, she caught one of Brian’s and carefully added them together. Shimmering the two drops merged into one, and she lightly blew on it. Gleaming with a soft light, the tear glowed till it was pearly white. Smiling the Angel plucked a hair and strung the now pearly drop on to it.

She motioned for Brian to lower her head, and Brian thought that well, it was an Angel, and she fastened the pearl around her neck.

“What is it? Brian wanted to know. She hadn’t much luck with strange objects of late.

“It’s an Angel’s tear of course,” laughed the Angel. When you are feeling overwhelmed, and can’t find anything good about being a girl rub it and it’ll help you get passed the bad feelings. It will also serve as some protection if any like Mr. Black comes back.

“So it’s like Prozac on a string?” Brian asked.

Giggling the Angel answered, “No, it doesn’t make the hurt go away, but helps YOU make the hurt go away. I also have a special task for you. You have to be Veronica’s friend and help her. This isn’t going to be easy for her and the loss of her Mother hurt her more than anyone knows. I know that you, Tina, and Matt will help, but it is going to be difficult for all of you.”

Getting up she said, “I have to go now. Sleep and Merry Christmas Brian”

“Wait!” Brian said, “I’ve thought of something. Why couldn’t Mr. Black come in? I thought that only Vampires had to ask to enter a house?”

“Sleep now, Brian,” she said softly.

“You’re not going to tell me, are you?” she asked. Brian sighed as the Angel shook her head no and blew her a kiss that had Brian soon asleep.

The next morning, Brian was awaken by the aroma of bacon cooking, confused why he was sleeping downstairs in the family room when he saw all of the girls around him, her memory returned. The horrible events of yesterday were real. Sneaking a peak down the front of her pajamas and those slender hands made it clear that “SHE” was the correct pronoun. Brian’s breath did catch when she found the pearl on its golden thread. THAT had been real too! During the embarrassing visit to the bathroom, Brian rubbed the pearl, and the thought came that at least she didn’t have to worry about getting hit in the testicles. She couldn’t help looking Heavenward and saying dryly, “Gee thanks.”

In a daze, Brian drifted though breakfast, but cringed when Mom said that Dad would be home around Noon. Dad had gotten a rent-a-car in Charlotte, but the two-hour trip would take more like four with the winter driving conditions. They were to go ahead and open the presents and save Dad’s for later.

Despite Tina staying over a little longer, and everyone else being nice to her, Brian couldn’t help moping as they all trooped into the living room. Most of HIS presents were going to have to be returned now.

Matt as the “acting-man-of-the-house” was handing out presents out from under the tree. Brian and Veronica had turned a shade of red, when Denise commented that Matt was the only man in the house, although Mom shushed her quiet.

It was an unusual Christmas morning, with everyone going quite whenever a gift for Brian would come up, and Matt would look to Mom. She would then shake her head yes or no. If no, it went into the growing pile of gifts of clothes and such that would have to be returned. The yes gifts were the ones that Brian got to open. They were nice, and she’d gotten an IPOD plus some video games, but the no pile was definitely the larger of the two.

Feeling sorry for herself and a little guilty at spoiling everyone’s Christmas, Brian noticed how Veronica had pulled herself up into a knot and the sadness on her face. Brian recalled that Angel had said Veronica was really missing her Mom, and this would be Veronica’s first Christmas without her.

Recalling the experiment from this morning in the bathroom, she softly rubbed the pearl. Sure, there was a lot of stuff to go back, but even the unused stuff bought during HIS growing spurt would have to go back as well. There would be a shopping trip with Mom, more than likely with Veronica and Denise included too. While she’d been worrying about herself, her Mom had come perilously close to losing two children. She knew her Mom enjoyed shopping; for all that, she was frugal. It would be a chance for them to be together and do something her Mom liked. Christmas was after all wasn’t about presents, but about gifts from the heart.

Opening eyes she hadn’t known she’d closed, Brian looked over at her “YES” pile and found a Sony PSP that she got from an Aunt, although she already had gotten one from the same absent-minded Aunt for her birthday. “Veronica,” Brian said, “I didn’t have time to get you anything, but I already have one of these. Do you mind a re-gift?” and handed it to her.

Brian thought she was going to refuse, as she saw anger flash across Veronica’s face, but then Tina touched Veronica’s shoulder saying, “Friends now and forever remember.” The anger vanished and a quiet smile took its place, “Thank you,” she said a little huskily.

Brian saw her Mom silently, mouth thank you at her.

After that, everyone found something to re-gift to Veronica. Every time it happened, Denise would laugh out “RE-GIFT!” and everyone would join in. Slowly Brian saw Veronica unknot herself and relax a little. She saw that Matt was touching Veronica’s hand, and she was smiling back.

Which brought up the uncomfortable thought, would she start to like boys now? shudder! This time she didn’t need the pearl, as Tina nudged her, and the warm feelings she had always felt with her friend was still there. Brian didn’t know how to interpret them, but she knew that Tina would always be there for her.

All of the gifts, but for ones to or from Brian’s Dad, and Brian’s boy pile as Denise called it. She seemed to think Brian’s change as an improvement. Matt was going though the last ones when, he found another one.

Matt said, “Hold on there’s a couple more in the back.” He pulled out a large box, looked at the card, and looked puzzled.

“Well, who is it for?” asked their Mom.

“It says it’s for Veronica,” Matt said, looking around trying to figure out who put it there. Everyone else was doing the same. He passed the large clothing box to her and she found a card on top. Expectantly the house was quiet except for her sudden indrawn breath. “You better look at this Mrs. Deacon,” said Veronica and she passed it to Mom.
Opening the box, it was packed full of girl’s underwear and other clothes and as she started removing clothes from the box it became clear that they couldn’t have all fit inside. Brian didn’t recognize any of the labels, but it was clear that Denise and Mom did from their reactions.

With her curiosity burning, “What does it say Mom,” Brian asked.

“It’s a birth certificate, social security card and driver license for Veronica Smith and a letter giving me guardian-ship if anything should happen to Liz Smith her mother, with tears running down her cheeks. There is also a statement saying, she was doing this because of her husband’s abuse and that she fears for herself and her DAUGHTER’S life,” Virginia answered.

Veronica had worked the gift tag that said, “Veronica” on it loose, and when she read, the other side tears flowed, as she couldn’t read it aloud. Matt who was sitting closest took it gently from her and read. “To my beautiful Daughter Veronica from Liz Smith, Mom.”

Everyone turned and looked at Brian! “I didn’t do anything really. I didn’t buy anything or invite anyone in honest!” said Brian. Thinking that, well, she did have that dream, and did have the necklace, should she tell someone?

Matt went back to checking underneath the tree, and said plaintively, “Mom, there’s another one back here.

Giving, Brian a hard look, she said, “Well let’s see who it’s for.”

Matt choking down laughter, said, “For the young lady formerly known as Brian,” and handed it to her.

It was a large clothing box like Veronica’s had been. The tag on top did read as Matt had said, but it also read, “From: Angel” and Brian blushed thinking about her dream. She felt her Mom’s eyes on her and said, “Mom can I talk to you?” Seeing how everyone else including Veronica, was watching her intently. “In private, please?”

Taking the card that came with the gift, together they rose, and went into the kitchen. “Okay young Maaa…Lady Give.” Mom said.

Last night when I was asleep, I had a dream. I thought it was a dream. An Angel visited me, and we talked.” Watching her Mom’s eyebrows rise again, Brian continued, “She said that Matt, Tina, and I were going to do some great things, and that was why Mr. Black came after us. When I swallowed that “Pink Stuff” I also got some special stuff that I’ll need some help with. She gave me this pearl, and said it would help when I feel real bad about what happened, and help protect me if something like Mr. Black came back. I didn’t make any promises, or take anything but the pearl. She was an Angel, it was okay wasn’t it?”

Virginia sighed, “May I see it?”

When Brian showed her, it looked liked an imitation pearl, attached to a plastic string. When Virginia touched it, she knew that Brian had told her the truth for the shimmering perfection of the pearl and the sleekness of the wire holding it was the finest she’d ever touched; the pearl seemed to pulse with life even if her eyes told her something different, this was a very special gift indeed.

Opening the envelope with the card, on parchment no less, told Virginia how she had a special child and asked forgiveness for renaming her, Brianna. Also included like with Veronica’s were a birth certificate, Social Security card, and a Driver’s License.

“Is it okay Mom?” asked Brian not knowing what to think. Too much had happened.

“Well at least you have an Angel looking after you. It’s okay as long as you can live with the name Brianna. I wouldn’t know how to change all of this, and I hope it’s all real and not forgeries.”

Brianna answered, “I knew that I’d have to have another name, but I guess Angel couldn’t wait. It’s close to Brian so it should help me get use to it.”

“Well let’s see what else is in that box, Brianna?” Virginia asked her newly named daughter.

Taking her Mom’s hand before they went back to the others, “Mom, I love you.” and had the pleasure of seeing tears in her Mom’s eyes. Together they went back with shining eyes, Mother and Daughter.

It’d been one hell of a trip, but the journey’s end was in sight. Dan had dropped off Jeff at his house, and had to listen to his complaints about where was that son of his, because his car wasn’t in the drive. That was about the final nail in Jeff’s coffin as far as Dan was concerned. Four and half hours with him driving the whole way and Jeff did nothing but sleep off his hangover in the backseat. If it hadn’t been for their fellow cast-a-away, he would’ve gone crazy or wrecked.

Turning the final turn onto his street, Dan was amazed at the amount of ice and broken tree limbs around his home. It looked if the storm was worse here than anywhere else. He could see broken planters out back and was that a curtain rod sticking up out of that snow bank? Why was Ron’s car parked in front? What had happened here? Virginia only said that she had a strange story for him when he got home.

Well, he had a story too. He and Jeff were ready to leave in the rental car, when a young woman asked him if they were heading this way. She was trying to get home too, and he had the last rental car. She said her name was Angel, and she wanted to share expenses in exchange for a ride. She had this incredible calming influence about her, that despite the stress of the driving passed the wrecks, blockages, and stranded motorists let him keep them safe.

When he dropped her off, she insisted on giving him this strand of pearls that she said was part of a package deal that she didn’t want or need and wanted him to have them for his generous ride home. They were some of the most amazing pearls he’d ever seen. She’d even had written quick note for Virginia, “For a remarkable woman with a wonderful family, Love Angel.” Dan gathered up his bags and made his way to the front door thinking, that whatever had happen here couldn’t beat what happened to him. Dan went inside to his family glad to be home. What a Christmas!

The End

Merry Christmas!

Epilogue part 1

Dannie stuck her head into the backroom, “Boss you won’t believe who just came in…” and stopped as she saw the wizards face. “ Or maybe you would.” she’d seen a lot of strange and unusual customers since starting work here but, an ANGEL?

The wizard walked up to the elegantly dressed woman that smiled warmly at him. “Can I interest you in something, maybe a box of chocolates?” He asked her.

“You know that I’m here to thank you, you old fraud,” she smilingly scolded him. “It would’ve been easy to do nothing, and just let things take their own course. You do have a nice touch with knowing just what to GIVE.” and seeing the frown on his face, “Oh excuse me, SELL people to get what you want.”

The Wizard stuck his hands into his raggedy robe and harrumphed, “It was just business. Couldn’t have someone stealing a customer from me could I? That would be bad for business.”

Crossing her arms, Angel inquired, “It was just business where he just happened to return to hell at?”

Smiling slightly, “I’m sure I know nothing about that, whatever it is,” the Wizard said. “Now about those chocolates?”

Smiling back, “I’ll pass this time” and gave the Wizard a kiss on the cheek. She turned and walked out leaving the old man to mutter about spoiling his reputation.

Turning he saw Dannie watching him and the Wizard glared at her, “Don’t you have something to do?”

Dannie jumped to find something, anything to leave the Boss be.

When she was out of sight, the old man couldn’t help himself, but grinned as he thought about what happened to Mr. Black. It had been business, but no one said you couldn’t enjoy it!

Epilogue part 2

The Demon known as Mr. Black grimaced as he was roughly yanked back to Hell by the explosive spell failure. Ice and sleet swirled around him, as he dropped to his knees in the agony from the backlash and soul-fire. Baal wouldn’t be happy, with him, but he’d his failures before. The Demon knew, he should be at one the main portals and would have some time before Baal was notified.

What he wasn’t expecting was that awful screaming and shrieking! Where in Hell was he? Forcing his eyes open, he saw what only could be described as the cutest blue hoofs. Confused, he wondered what SHE was doing here, when he looked around and saw that he was surrounded by a sea of similar cloven hoofs from wet with icy rain, pissed and angry succubi. The succubus and incubus, he had imprisoned in the crystal were still lying in shock from being released. As the blue tinted succubus angrily flicked her cold, dripping wet tail, Mr. Black found that even in Hell there’s no fury like that of women done wrong and sometimes justice can be found in the strangest places.
The End, End, End

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year


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