Taxonomy upgrade extras:
Earlier this week, I decided that I'd like bigger boobs. I saw a friend of mine's DDs floating around in the neck line of her T shirt and got a bit green around the gills. So, as I was changing my patch, I put two on instead of one, and forgot about it. Well later, the next day or something, I was feeling slightly nausiated and felt quite emotional, and after a while realized what was causing it. Sadly I took one patch off.
Very early in my transition, I was taking Estrodial 2mg orally, and one day, I decided it would be nice to take 3 pills instead. Not long afterward, I had been picked up by the police from my apartment because I was crying my eyes out and they thought I was suicidal. The stay in the hospital was about 4 days.
Another time, the same thing happened to me, but this time they kept me for 5 days, I think. After the second time, I have not done that since till this week. The first two times, part of my excuse was that I was going through an unwanted divorce, and lost my job and all sorts of things that tend to make us feel quite whiny.
This time there was no excuse. Yet, I wonder why I did it anyway knowing that I could be dancing around the flame.
All this makes me think of another T girl I know, who frequents this site who is or has been taking a great deal of Estrogen. I hope that you take heed at what I am telling you, so you do not risk the humiliation of being hauled off to the um "Pink Room".
I missed the trip this time, but now that I am feeling OK again, I worry about what could have happened.
Least of your worries
Surplus estrogen can lead to overly high prolactin levels, not good for the pituitary gland-possible pituitary tumors, increased risk of thrombosis, it's harder on your liver, etc.
When I was going through transition, my electrologist had a patient who took an incredible amount of estradiol, pills and injections. Granted this TS was an extreme case as she had an injection once a week and took like 10 or 12 mgs of estrogen a day and I think she was only about 5'8" or so and weighed maybe 140.
Weird part of it is that she kept her head shaved. I do not believed she lived long.
A person's body can only use only so much estrogen, the remainder is basically an extra load on your liver and body.
As one who will be starting hormones soon, Thank You Thank You THANK YOU!!
Once again my dear you have saved me from myself. Some things are SO tempting. Like starting things too soon, and now taking too much. Again I thank you for your experience.
With gratitude,
I Know Girls Like That
I know girls who are in a rush to go from A to Z at warp speed. I tell them that GG's don't just go to sleep one night flat chested and wake up the next morning with a set of D cups. It normally takes 4 years to develop naturally, but I do know that quite a few buy themselves a pair at the Plastic Surgeon's office too. One T-Girl I know, bought her 'mones from Canada because her Endocrinologist refused to prescribe any due to other high risk Medical conditions she has. I told her that it was a very bad idea and she would later complain about pain she was having in her chest. What finally made it sink in to her was a shipment she received in the mail from the Canadian pharmacy. The U.S Drug Enforcement Administration intercepted it at the border and had put a strong letter of warning inside the box. It scared her away from ever trying that again. I have been on HRT under the care of a doctor for almost 6 years and I can honestly say that going through the process at a natural pace has allowed me to enjoy the journey through a puberty that I wasn't fortunate to do from birth. I savored each development and I found I could relate better to my GG friends because we shared a common experience.
I know I can't win this argument ...
When my divorce first happened, I had enough money to have gone to Thailand in the winter of 2004-5 and gotten it all done. I'd have come home with B implants, complete hair removal, a vaggie, and enough facial surgery that no one would ever recognize me. I was just over 150lbs and had been told a lot how hot I was.
But no, I fiddled around for over 2 years till I could convince the shrinks. I tell myself that I should have done it sooner, but inside I know that I was far too unstable at the time.
Sometimes, I think the girls...
have minds of their own regarding when to grow, and when not to. MY elder daughter went from AA to C in six months. She went on the pill to reduce excessive menstrual bleeding and went to D. Changed pills a year later, and poof DD. She changed again last year, and is now an F. This is on a 5' 4" 125 lb young lady. She'd LOVE to give away much of her "front bumpers" as she calls them, but won't consider surgery for a few years, at least (until she knows whether she'll have kids or not)...
I know others that have gained cup sizes (yes plural) in their 40s. I know of several TGirls that gained a cup size following GCS despite being on HRT for five or more years (& stable size wise) for years.
On a separate point... I've seen the prices on hormones/sprio (okay, I paid them, too) and what I'm paying now on supervised HRT (I use injections. My doc won't prescribe pills to TGirls over 40.) My estrogen, syringes & needles have cost less than $120 a year. That's WAY less expensive than the internet hormones. Spiro - that's $5/month on my health plan (guess what, the estrogen is NOT covered.)
This tells me that if we can convince our shrinks that we should go on HRT, it's actually less expensive to stay in the US with it, than order over the internet. Was I surprised at this? Yes, very. I expected very expensive hormones, based on stories I'd read here and elsewhere.
Get all the needed blood tests! In my case, there HAVE been several side effects of going on HRT (Besides the planned). I've been lucky. I was borderline osteopenia and on a calcium supplement before - the supplement is no longer needed. I had only partially controlled High Blood Pressure before (with strong meds). I'm now off BP meds. Looks like my Cholesterol numbers are better now (Last two labs, the good number was FINALLY up in the desired range, without increases in total). I'd like to believe it was the HRT that did this, but I suspect a more important factor is that I'm out to my family, and accepted. Net, I'm on less meds (even after adding the Estrogen & Spiro) than I was before going on HRT.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that HRT WITH good and careful monitoring by doctors IS important. (There are times I think I'm single handedly keeping half the doctors in my area in business. LOL... GP, Nephrologist, Hematologist, Pulminologist, Endocrinologist, Psychiatrist, Dermatologist and Ophthalmologist now, and in the past: Urologist, Cardiologist & surgeons, etc...)
Following your doctor's regimen where medication (& HRT IS medication) is concerned is kinda important, if you want to achieve the desired goal and NOT excessive negative side effects.
HRT Injections?
I was on the pills for a year or so, but the very sypathetic Doc said they were too hard on my liver and kidneys, so she put me on the Vivelle patches. After that my breasts went from --A to C in just a few months. Shit, they even pass the um girl test. GAD !
I would take injections if I had to but right now I am too frightened to even think of it. Some of the people in the industry call Transgender Breasts, Tranny breasts when they first start and happily mine aren't like that any more.
I was however looking at Pituitary Tumors last night as a result of what AA has been writing and surprisingly have many of the symptoms. I have to think about it for a while, I don't have the courage to bring it up to my doc.
I have sat on top of 125 foot trees I have topped, and faced down criminals with a loaded gun in my work, and now I am afraid of a 5'4" female doctor? Can the 'moans really do that much? giggle.
Unnecessary overdose
As stated above the body cannot be regulated more than to a sertain level by chemicals.
I did have an increased dosage for about six months prior to the op and just a month after the op, and then reduced to the equivalent to your prescribed dosis. The breast meassurment is then guided by the genetic setup that you have. To enhance the size you will need some kind of implantation.
One group of medicines called prgesterones have sometimes been used as an increasing remedy. It seemes however that that only make the grewth somewhat faster but not really increacing the endresult.
There is a warning that I would like to forward. It comes from WPATH (Ex HBIGDA) in their work to produce a new Standard of Care (version 7) they put forward a strong warning for using progesterones and smoking. Anyone using progesterones are sincerely adviced to stop smoking as fast as possible or contact the prescriber to check the safety of the medicine while contiuing smoking.