A few months ago I remember responding to someone who asked would people be willing to post a photo. Nothing Salacious, just a sort of "Hey, this is me!"
Well, at the time, I didn't have any photos of myself, but I did state my willingness to post one, so here it is. Now whoever asked has to look at my face every time I comment on something. Serves ya right!
That was when my sis visited at the end of Novemeber '09. Great visit, horrible picture. Now let the making fun commence!
That is why I use the picture below.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
Go on then...
...I can laugh at myself. I had to get a new driving license photocard last month (you have to update the photo every 10 years), and new rules mean you're not allowed to grin, frown, or have anything other than a "neutral" facial expression.
Oh dear...
While I don't normally wear a "permagrin", I can assure you I don't normally look as serious / morbid as that!
A few marginally better (and significantly worse) photos of me have been taken for various purposes - for the purposes of general amusement (and bewilderment?), any ID photos and occasional selected others have also been uploaded... take a look and have a chuckle... if you dare...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Non surgical help to "Pass".
One of the things I have discovered over these last 5 years and meeting a lot of other girls out to run the gauntlet is you can do a lot just with your expression.
I also use "Olay Total Effects 7" as a base under any make up I use.
I use makeup minimally; a little cover up on my chin, above my lips, and on my nose.
Maybe a bit o lippy. Just a couple touches and then spread it with my lips.
I generally don't bother with mascara and all that stuff.
Practice raising your eyebrows; keep your eyes open and no squinting!
Smile like you just got away with something big ! :) Practice that "Cat wut ate the conary" look. So much is in attitude!
If yer full time, get someone to do your eyebrows for gosh sakes! Even if your not, I doubt that anyone will ever notice.
If you can, grow your hair out enough so you can throw the wig away. I always use a Hijab because I am Muslim and that helps. One aspect of that Hijab is that people are distracted by it and perhaps don't see the tranny under it?
I got a plastic surgeon to take a strip of skin out below my nose so it raised my upper lip to bare my teeth. It was cheap and helped. I try to practice making my lower lip pout. Still workin on that one.
Oh, and learn how to use shampoo and conditioner and grooming oil for your hair like a woman does. Men's hair can look good if your not a lazy slob. :)
Many Blessings
Nice tips and all...
But a few things about that pic. I suppose the first one would be: Hey, that is my hair, dammit! That pic was taken in a poorly lit kitchen with a cellphone at the end of a very long day spent out with my sis and her family(including an 11 year old).
I wasn't trying to pass or anything that day, in fact I butched it up a bit for the sake of the kids, including not shaving. Yeah, I know with the eyebrows. That's been taken care of anyway.
Somehow that photo makes my chin look positively Leno-like. Anyway, all of that isn't really relevant because with the HRT, my beard is a lot finer and slower-growing. Not a result I was expecting but certainly one I'm happy about. Adding in the loss of about 20 pounds, I look different somehow, not in a way I can point to, but better anyway.
Theide, Love The Attitude, :)
But I shan't make fun. I am glad that you've posted your pic.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
But I shall not make fun. I
But I shall not make fun. I am glad that you've posted your pic. You actually look like a really nice person with a healthy sense of humor. It's nice that I can now place a face with a name. :)
Mea the Magnificent
You Look Like
All the good parts of John Travolta. That's not a bad thing at all.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
John Revolta! I do not either have saturday night rash!
Actually I think Travolta makes an excellent villain, perfect role for him!
Oh, BTW...
This is the pic that was cropped from. That's hubby beside me.

Separated at birth?
I saw this pic and and it just seemed too similar not to mention LOL. Not that you have any homicidal tendencies.
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