Well, I found a place to be dorothy. After my 2nd class in career planning, I went to my local pride center. I was only hoped to find a list of TG friendly businesses that I could leave a resume with, but I also found out they have a weekly meeting Sunday night, and TG are invited, so I am going as dorothy. Then, to cellebrate, I went to my local mall, and visited a middle-to-high end department store, looking for a new skirt. I was proud of myself for telling the saleslady the skirt was for me, but when I asked to try it on, she directed me to the MALE changerooms at the other end of the store. Unwilling to buy it without knowing if it would fit, and not comfortable with comming out the male changeroom in a skirt to see how it fit, I left. I came home, and took a picture of me in my dress with my cellphone, and now its on my computer.
Profiles in Courage???
Don't forget you need to see the back and front as well. :D Well done and BRAVA. What an enormous leap of faith and show of courage.
Mea the Magnificent
Excellent news...
The first steps out are often the most challenging, well done you.
- Jayne xx
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => http://jaym.angelblogs.co.uk/
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => http://jaynemorose.wordpress.com/ <= note new address