The Artifact

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------
Indian brides once used the strange oils to prepare themselves for their wedding nights….
The Artifact
By Anon Allsop

Admin Note: Originally published on BigCloset TopShelf on Friday 12-08-2006 at 5:42 am, this retro classic was pulled out of the closet, and re-presented for our newer readers.

A note of consequence, while I do personally have a lot of Anon's works, some way better than even The Artifact, I am not allowed to post them without the author's permission. I have tried before to locate Anon Alsop - but without success. Several more stories of Anon's are located at Fictionmania if anyone is interested in this author's terrific writing style. ~Sephrena
The Artifact by: Anon Allsop

It was a cool sunny October morning as I began to work the digger along a predetermined path. I slowly drove forward as the blades from the digger cut deep into the earth, my breath escaping in a vaporous cloud as I watched the dirt pile alongside the eight inch swath that I was cutting.

For three hundred feet I guided my tractor along that recently harvested bean field, now covered with a white dusting of frost. I had been hired to repair a drainage line that had collapsed sometime during the last few years. I had already found each end where the line was still complete… but in the middle, where I was currently digging, the old red clay tiles had disintegrated into a fine red powder. I could see the high water markings where the summer rain storm had puddled. Smiling, I knew that the new perforated tile that I would be laying later today should prevent this from happening for a long, long time.

Slowly I rolled along until I met with the hole at the other end of my trek. Pulling the lever on the tractor, I raised the digger until it cleared the ground. Swinging it to the side, I finished by getting the tractor out of the way.

The tractor chugged to a stop where I dropped to the ground and walked back to the hole that would begin the job at hand. I lowered myself down, and began to clear away the loose earth so my new perforated drain tile would lay flat against the ground the way it needed to be.

Finally, after a few minutes work, I flipped the shovel over the edge of the trench and pulled myself back onto the crisp field covered with frost. Bending down, I brushed the dirt from my jeans and picked up the small shovel. Throwing it over my shoulder, I started walking back to the huge machine that held the massive roll of field tile.

About halfway between the two points, I noticed a deer standing in the middle of the field and paused to watch it, I wasn't sure who was watching whom at that moment.

It finally bounded across the field and with one great leap, disappeared into the yellow and dried corn that stood as a silent sentinel in the field next to this one. I smiled and was walking on when my eyes caught something gleaming in the soft earth at the edge of the ditch I had just opened.

As I approached the item, I smiled to myself and bent down to pick it up. It was a very old turtle shell that had been buried for quite a long time. I slowly rolled it over in my hands, it wasn't small… but it wasn't real large either. It looked to be about the size of an old Baby Moon hubcap.

The poor turtle almost looked mummified. Its leathery head protruded from out one end, while each foot had been perfectly preserved and was extended as it had been in motion when it had been trapped. I glanced down into the ditch that I had just finished carving into the field, it was completely amazing that I had unearthed it without much damage.

I turned it back over to the top side, only two minor scratches were caused by my equipment pulling it towards daylight. I hefted it in my hands to feel the weight of it, moderately heavy but not too much… I'd hazard a guess that it weighed around 10 pounds.

I slowly raised the turtle up to face me and was surprised that it had stones imbedded in the eye sockets. This could be quite a find, because it told me that a human hand had been at work here. Maybe it was an earlier pioneer's attempt at taxidermy or it could even have some Indian origin. I looked back into the ditch to see if there was anything else, I could see only dirt and rocks. "How and why did the turtle get buried so deep in the earth?" I wondered aloud. It was quite a puzzle to me, because apparently somebody put it in the ground for a reason.

It was as I held the object, turning it to inspect it closely, that I noticed a hinged edge between the legs on the right side of the turtle. I looked closer at the hinge, it had been made with tiny bones pushed deeply into the hardened surface of the shell. Quickly I spun my treasure around and looked at the opposite side, looking for some type of clip or lock.

I found nothing, I continued walking until I got to the other hole where the old tile met the drain. Straight past that I walked until I got to the bed of my truck, I laid the turtle down on the tailgate so I could locate something to pry with.

My efforts were rewarded with a thin piece of flat steel that I worked along the opposite side where there wasn't a hinge. I continued to scrape away the crusted dirt until I finally found a slight gap between the two halves. All the while I was hoping that it would contain something that would make me rich beyond my wildest dreams.

I knew that this mummified turtle would be worth something to a collector of artifacts, but quite possibly the contents it contained would be worth much, much more. Slowly, the crack widened as I blew the dust away, until I finally was able to insert the steel between the halves and pry slightly up.

After only a bit more effort, it finally gave way and allowed me to carefully raise the top half. I softly drew a breath as I pushed back the lid to reveal something wrapped in what looked like an ancient rabbit fur. Slowly, I pulled the fur from the turtle and set it down inside the truck. I began to open the fur on the tailgate, one side at a time.

As I opened up the fur, I was surprised by the items that I found. I noticed four distinct items as I pulled the last flap of fur aside, a large mass of beads, two smaller strings of beads woven into a strip about three inches wide, and lastly, a small vial of something, with the stopper still securing the contents from spilling.

Below the large yellow and blue beaded item, were two matching strips with more of the same intricate beadwork. I moved those beads around with my hands and realized that they were identical to each another, making a pair of colorful strands. My first guess was that these were some type of bracelet. I put them aside and lifted out the larger mass of beads.

I carefully found the edges of the beads and began to unfold it and move it around on the fur until I could see its complete shape. Slowly, I arranged the gleaming strands into their natural pattern, until I finally could see what I had. I'd seen this item before in the movies but never one this fine and delicate in person, never this beautiful. The craftsmanship was exquisite, it was an intricate beaded breastplate with a light pattern in the middle, that I was having trouble making out.

I instantly knew that this would have had to be Indian beadwork, probably adorning someone very important long, long ago. The design that was worked into the larger breastplate, was delicate and beautifully crafted. It looked as if the creator had intended this for a child or possibly a young teenager.

I picked up the small vial and gently shook its contents, I could distinctly hear some type of liquid sloshing inside. I assumed it was must be some type of ritual oil or perfume.

I carefully folded it back up and placed it into this ancient Indian jewelry box, carrying it back around to the cab of my truck where I set it down on the seat. With only a backwards glance, I headed toward the job at hand and began to pull the black tile into the trench.


As I drove my way home that evening, I couldn't help but wonder about the mystery surrounding the turtle box and its contents. I knew that the value of bead work like this depended on how skilled the artisan was, but I was pretty sure I had something of great value sitting next to me. How did it wind up so deep underground? Who put it there? These were just some of the questions that rolled around in my head. They puzzled me throughout my drive home and were still spinning through my brain when I pulled into the driveway of my mobile home.

I climbed out of the truck and placed the turtle under my arm, unlocked my door and flipped on the kitchen light. I put it down on the counter and again opened it up to give the beautiful beads another look. Under the artificial light I could make out the image of a hummingbird, its long beak inserted into a pastel colored flower.

Smiling at my newfound treasure, I carried the entire collection back into my bedroom and placed it on the dresser. Kicking off my shoes, I left the bedroom and entered the bathroom. Reaching through the curtain, I turn on the taps I liked. I went to my linen closet and pulled out a large towel. Then I went back to the shower and tested the temperature with my outstretched hand. It seemed hot enough, so I was looking forward to it as stepped in. I let the warm steamy water wash over me.

My customary shower was twenty minutes, and I used every minute as I washed my hair and body before turning off the water. I stepped back into the room and began to towel myself dry, relishing the clean feeling that the shower had given me. I wiped the condensation from the mirror and quickly combed my wet hair. Once done with that, I shaved and left the room.

I began to wonder about the items I'd taken; how much money could I expect from them? I threw my towel over my shoulder and headed back into the bedroom naked, pulling down the turtle, I sat it on the bed. Slowly I removed each item from inside, a beaded breastplate, the vial of liquid, and both bracelets. I picked up the breastplate and held it in the air, it was longer in the middle and each side had a slight curve. It reminded me of a stylized heart, only elongated, causing the center beads to hang down as a tapering fringe. The fringe would probably have stopped around the wearer's crotch, assuming the wearer was of normal height.

I stood up and faced my mirror, holding the breastplate out in front of me, I slowly worked my hands to the end of the string and smiled. I quickly reached back and tied it behind my neck, the feeling of the cool beads caused me to shiver. I looked back to the bed and picked up one of the bracelets. With a bit of effort, I managed to tie it on using only one hand. Quickly, I worked on the other one using the same proven method. With each movement I made, the beads rattled and struck against one another making me sound like some beaded doorway in an old 60's or 70's movie.

I sat back on the bed and inspected the long fringe of beads that fell between my legs. The cool feeling was quite exciting and stimulating. I sat there and leaned back trying to imagine what the person who'd worn the beads looked like, my hand coming into contact with the small vial.

I slowly raised it closer, looking at it carefully. It looked as if it were made from some type of wood or ancient gourd. I shook it again but as soon as the beads started rattling, I gave up; I would never figure out what it was by shaking it, and I could hardly hear the contents slosh with the beads on. I pushed at the stopper with my thumb and was rewarded by a slight movement.

Redoubling my effort, I pried around the stopper and watched as it slowly slid from the top. I smiled as it finally came out, allowing me to hold the stopper in one had and the bottle in the other. I put the cap on my leg, balanced a little precariously, and slowly pulled the opened vial toward my nose.

I inhaled deeply, trying to detect any scent that it might have. As I held it under my nostril, sniffing deeply, I became felt it touch my nose and became aware that some of the liquid had rubbed off on the underside of my nose. I touched it with my hand and fingers in an attempt to wipe it off and, as I pulled my hand away, realized that I had only smeared it around…. Now I had it on my fingers and the back of my right hand.

The liquid was colorless and silky smooth in feel, almost like a light tanning oil. I realized that the cap had fallen over on my leg and some of the liquid had spilled onto my thigh. I stood up and got a tissue from the bathroom and began to dab at the oil. It seemed that the more I tried to wipe it, the thinner it spread along my thigh and knee. By the time I felt satisfied with the wiping, I had spread it almost halfway down my shin.

It gave my thigh a slight shine, almost as if I'd spread baby oil on my leg. I put the cap tightly on and put it down inside the turtle, not wanting to spill any more of the substance on myself. I quickly untied the beads from about my neck and lowered them back into the turtle, one by one the bracelets followed.

I searched around my bedroom for a hiding place where I could put the turtle, and after a moment I pushed it into the back corner of my closet. I began to dress as I wanted to head off to the library and see what I could find out about this treasure of mine.

Once dressed, I headed to the library. Maybe if I were lucky I could find a book which would give me an idea of what the turtle and its contents were worth.

I quickly headed out and locked the door, so only a moment later I was in my truck and speeding down the road. Within fifteen minutes, I was walking into the local library which was still open, late on a Friday evening. The lady behind the desk led me to the large books on Indian artifacts where I began to search out my treasure.

After what seemed like forever, I found a book on ritual breastplates and their meanings. Slowly I began to search each page, looking for a picture or description that would give me clue, studying their drawings and photographs. In almost the very last chapter I found what looked like a drawing of the beaded breastplate that I had. Slowly turning the pages revealed another drawing of it being worn by an Indian. I suddenly felt warm with embarrassment, the drawing showed it being worn by a female. "Sure am glad I didn't say anything about wearing it before seeing this!" I sighed.

Back to the front of the chapter I began to read, apparently it was worn by a young female Indian when she announces to her tribe that she is available for the first time. The wrist bands are a symbol of her womanly submissiveness, while the beaded breastplate is shaped the way it is to accentuate her femininity. I looked over my shoulder, just to make sure that no one I knew was watching me.

I read on, the liquid was created from various natural oils from plants that would have grown around her tribe's lands and would have been collected by the elder females. The book said that the women would pray and chant over the concoction in an attempt to purify the user into becoming the ideal of feminine perfection. The oil was intended to enhance her beauty, making her skin soft and silky, and to remove any and all hair it came into contact with.

I looked at the back of my hand where I had wiped it from my nose. Since I never really had much hair there, it didn't look any different. I turned the page and continued reading, apparently, the young girl wore the beaded costume or outfit to her bed on the first full moon. Once this done, she would lose her virginity to the man of her dreams, become pregnant and take her place within the ranks of the tribal society.

I looked at the drawing, I bet she would have been quite a turn on wearing only the beads. I know that if I were an Indian, it would make me hot. I flipped the page and continued to read, most of it was about the tribe and such, so I skimmed over it until I came to the very bottom of the page and found an asterisk with an author's note.

I read it softly, "Some of the older Indians I had spoken with mentioned that these oils had a profound effect on the young Indian maiden. Once even a tiny portion entered her system, she would become erotically aroused by the slightest touch or glance." I laughed nervously and kept reading, "The maiden would begin to desire a specific male within her tribe and he would react sexually to her beauty, so they would become one.

This lasting effect came about as the older women sought to expand their tribal numbers. One way or another a young family would emerge, sometimes against the will of the young Indian female."

I chuckled softly to myself, closed the book and placed it back on the shelf with the others. "Too bad that stuff didn't work like they said, I'd love to try it on some girls I know," I thought.

I still hadn't figured out how much the artifacts were worth, but at least I knew what they were supposed to be. I began to walk out of the library when I noticed the restroom. Pushing the door open, I walked up to a stall. As I drug out my tool, I began to pee into the urinal. I felt like I could pee a gallon right at that moment.

Suddenly my tool began to stiffen and rise up, I was shocked at just how massively hard I was becoming. It almost became so painful as it strained upward, I could feel myself suddenly wanting to shoot a load right there in the urinal. I stood there facing the urinal, contemplating what I should do when I noticed that the back of my hand had a softer look to it than it had earlier. It almost looked as if it were a bit darker, but of course, that was my imagination… wasn't it?

Quickly I zipped up my pants and raced uncomfortably out of the library. Jumping into my truck, I headed quickly back home. The whole situation had me strangely puzzled. Was it caused by what I had found? The chapter I'd read in the book made me tremble with fear.

Once back into my house I tossed my keys on the counter and turned on the TV. While that was playing, I walked back into the bedroom and undressed for bed, wearing only my slippers and my boxers.

I walked back into the living room and plopped down at the couch, kicking my feet up. That's when I noticed that the entire front of my right leg was entirely devoid of hair. I leaned back and turned on the light, it was true. I had no hair in the area where I'd spread the oil.

I slowly ran my hand down my leg but it felt wrong; my right hand was moving slowly by itself and almost seductively trying to arouse me into stroking my member. I reached over with my left hand and pushed my right from my thigh, but my right hand kept returning toward my supple leg.

As I sat there, I realized that the area where the oil had been rubbed into the skin was a bit darker than my other one, silky smooth and toned a bit differently. I became afraid of what that oil could be doing to me, so I quickly ran back into the bedroom, dug deep into the closet and threw open the lid of the turtle.

I tossed aside the beaded items and pulled the bottle from the inside, rushed to the bathroom and pulled out the stopper, intending to dump its contents down the drain. I'd pulled the lid off with my left hand and just as I was about to pour, my hand hesitated on its own and quickly pulled itself back from the water. I grabbed my hand by the wrist with my other hand and tried to force it to pour out the bottle, but in doing so, I ended up splashing myself with more of the liquid.

In horror, I found myself lowering the little vial and stepping back away from the edge of the toilet. I found the cork and quickly stopped it up, and placed it back into the turtle. While in my bedroom I could see the tiny glistening droplets all across my face, neck, chest and hand. Even across my left shoulder and arm.

I picked up a towel and began to wipe it off, but the towel only seemed to spread it around as it glistened on the surface of my skin. I then realized that what I had splashed on my face earlier had somehow removed the hair from my entire upper lip, and almost made my lip look as though I was punched. As I leaned into the mirror, I began to wipe at the little droplets across my face and eyes.

I tried not to spread it around, but that's all it seemed to be doing, so I was working the droplets deeply into my skin. I wiped the cloth down my arm and chest, as the towel passed, it seemed to spread out the oil, eventually covering my entire left arm, then the oil I'd had in my left hand somehow transferred transferred itself into my skin on the right side of my body.

I felt like I was slowly losing control of myself as I watched in horror as my hands roamed across my body, spreading the oil as they moved. Both hands were now smoothing it from my neck to my face. Then the hands lowered to my chest and slowly and seductively massaged it into my chest and arms. Soon, my entire upper body was glistening with the ancient Indian oil. I began to try and fight my way for control, slowly I turned and moved toward the bed where the turtle was resting, I began fighting in earnest as I watched my hand straining to reach the oil.

I almost screamed as I let three drops fall into my palm and slowly rubbed my hands together and applied it to my face until its silky smoothness was spread over every square inch, including my ears.

In shock I looked down at my hands, as I let another three drops fall into one palm. Slowly and almost erotically, I rubbed the silky mixture into each palm and began to smooth it across my belly and lower waist. As before, I let three more drops of oil fall into my hand, then rubbed them together, and spread the oil down each leg, from thigh to toe.

For a brief moment, I could sense the heat and flicker of firelight along the wall of a darkened room somewhere. From outside I could swear swore I heard the chanting of a chorus of women, their song strange and yet… familiar. I could see shadows of a dancing fire being reflected against the wall, as I slid to the edge of my bed. Suddenly, it was gone and I was again aware of my surroundings.

With a trembling hand, I placed the stopper firmly into the little vial. I realized then that I had regained control of my actions. I tossed the vial into the turtle and quickly ran into the bathroom, where I stepped back into the shower. Under the powerful jets of water I began to wash thoroughly the ritualistic oil from my skin. I only hoped that I could cleanse myself before it had a chance to kill off all my body hair.

After about twenty minutes, I stepped out of the shower and began to towel myself off. Throwing on a T-shirt and boxers, I walked back toward the living room where I sat down to mull over the strangeness that had just happened to me. I slowly flipped through the channels in a vain attempt to occupy my mind but, since nothing was on, I threw the remote down on my coffee table.

I became aware of my body tingling slightly and frowned, I knew the oil was at work on me. I quickly stood up and turned on a lamp, I wanted to see what effect it might be having on my body. Other than a very slight reddening of my skin, I didn't seem to look any different.

I walked back into my kitchen and reached up to pull a coffee cup down from my cupboard, slowly filling my cup with the hot liquid I took a sip. The bitter mixture soothed my throat as I swallowed. I leaned against the counter and felt a slight tickle on my leg, thinking it was a fly I made a swipe at it and rubbed my hand along my shin.

The tickle had moved to my foot and caused me to look down, I had a tiny dusting of hair on the top of my foot. I stepped toward the table and placed a foot on top of a seat, there I shuddered as I saw thousands of tiny detached hairs laying on the surface of my skin. I brushed them away and winced as more fell to take their place.

I quickly placed that foot firmly on the floor and raised the other to the seat, the hair on that leg looked perfectly fine. I laughed to myself as I realized that it was only my mind playing tricks on me. I let my hand brush down my shin from my knee to my ankle as I began to raise up, but that single motion left left a smooth path of bare skin, the portion of leg that I'd touched was now entirely hairless and silky.

I gasped and shook from horror, "What's happening to me?" I wondered. I took my hand and brushed it along my upper thigh; suddenly it too was hairless and silky to my touch. I ran my hand along my arm and was met with the same result, all the hair slowly fell to the floor as snow would on a winter's day.

I pulled out the neckline on my T-shirt and looked at my chest. From the constant rubbing of the shirt against my naked chest all the hair was either gone or rapidly leaving. I reeled with the shock of seeing the dark hair gone from my chest. I headed back into the living room and threw myself into my chair and contemplated what I should do. Should I contact a hospital? Maybe I have just poisoned myself? Am I dying? Will I die?

I let my head fall forward into my hands, "This has to be just affecting my mind. What I think I'm seeing can't possibly be happening." I sighed, not really believing my own words.

Slowly I drew my hand back through the hair on my head, "Oh, my god! What if I lose all the hair on my head!" I shuddered to think of myself being entirely hairless. But, no, I still possessed a healthy head of hair. If anything, I could probably stand a haircut, "Maybe there's a way to attach what I cut off back onto myself so no one would notice." I suggested, then laughed at myself for even contemplating such a stupid thought.

I had to regain my composure. I had to calm myself down. I leaned back into the chair and looked up at the ceiling, "How the heck am I going to explain the hair loss on my body to my friends?" I propped my feet onto the coffee table again, "Maybe there might be a positive for all of this. I could tell everyone that I tested a hair removal oil on myself and this was the result." I smiled to myself, "Maybe I could get the chemical breakdown for the oil, recreate it and make millions selling it to women and really hairy men."

I looked down toward my feet and sadly shook my head. From the slight light being given off from the TV, my legs looked like some girl's legs. No hair at all, and now because of that missing hair and the oil, I had a luminescent sheen to the surface of my skin. "I look like a freaking girl now." Those words escaped my mouth like a whisper before the wind.

I let my eyes travel upward toward my boxers, my legs looking so feminine without my normal manly pelt. Even my thighs had taken on the appearance of femininity as they peeped out from under the boxers, I only hoped that the hair could grow back soon.

I stood up and picked up the remote, shutting off the TV before I tossed it back onto the coffee table, and headed back toward my bedroom. As I walked, a soft smell wafted toward my nose that I couldn't place. It reminded me of my childhood when we would gather in my parents woods to have a weenie roast. That burning wood smell tugged faintly in my mind, but where was it coming from.

I began to move from room to room, drinking deeply the scent of the wood smoke. After I made one round through my house I decided it was outside, slowly I headed toward the door. I wanted to make sure. I turned the handle and let it swing open, shuddering against the blast of frosty air that hit me I poked my head out and took a deep sniff.

I could smell nothing that was burning, I just knew that I was cold standing there on my porch wearing a T-shirt and boxers. I stepped back into the house and closed the door, savoring the warmth of my home. I took two steps and passed by the mirror in the hallway, there I had a sudden urge to stop and view my reflection. As I did, I became aware of two things, and each of them were very prominently pushing against my shirt.

I looked down suddenly, "What the hell…?" I slowly touched the point of one, "But how? This is impossible!" Seeing it with my own eyes made it very real, though. I began to lift my shirt and examine my chest, each nipple had become swollen and appeared inflamed as they were around the size of a quarter. But the most astonishing thing was that each little point extended stiffly out for almost a half inch, well beyond its normal size.

I tugged the shirt back down, "Damned oil, now I'm having some type of allergic reaction." I hoped that was the case, and not the words from the book coming to haunt me.

I walked back over to the door and locked it for the night, I decided that maybe I just needed to rest. Sleep would definitely do me some good. Moving from room to room and shutting off the lights, I noticed that I couldn't smell the smoke any more. Finally I walked back into the bedroom and threw myself into bed, but the strange silkiness I felt from my hairless legs prevented me from falling to sleep quickly.

The erotic feel of my hairless body kept my tool erect for the entire night, only when I finally slept had my mind been able to ignore the arousing feelings away. Even my dreams were about the so called treasure I found, as soft chanting could be heard and again I thought I could smell the wood smoke as a soft breeze carried it to my nostrils.

I remember sitting cross-legged in my dream, waiting for something to happen and yet, not knowing just what I was waiting for. Those damned beads that I had tried on while I was awake, were now dangling from my wrists and hanging from my neck, rattling with each movement I made. I looked around me and became aware that I was sitting on some type of large fur that, along with others, stretched across almost the entire floor to the outside of the room I was in.

Before me was a small fire, in which I took a stick and slowly dropped it down into the flame, watching the faint hint of thin smoke spiral up from its dancing surface.

I leaned forward to push a burning twig into the flame and I felt the large cool beaded breastplate drag across my leg. I looked down at my… breasts, as large and gentle hands began to caress my shoulder. With a scream I shot up in bed and quickly looked around.

Shaking, I threw back the covers and hopped from my bed. Early morning light was filtering through my window as the sun was just beginning to rise on this new day. I glanced toward my legs and saw their silky smoothness, "Damn, I had hoped it was just a dream." I slowly shuffled toward the kitchen where I readied the coffee pot for a morning cup. As soon as I poured the water into the mouth of the pot and watched the thin trickle begin to stream into the waiting carafe below, I headed outside to retrieve the morning paper.

I unlocked the door and stepped onto my porch, stooped down and picked up the rolled paper. Frosty breath floated about my face as I turned and headed back inside. Again as I passed the mirror I was struck by the image of my chest, both nipples standing erect from the sudden cold they had just been thrust into.

If it were possible, they each looked a bit rounder and fuller then they had last night. I pulled my shirt up and hazarded a glance, each one was now over two inches in diameter and approximately one-half to three quarters long. It almost looked as if I had a young girls breasts. I slowly rose a hand to touch them and was shocked when I realized that my hand was darker than I remembered it being.

I looked down at my chest, it too was darker and looked almost like I had tanned overnight. My legs were the same way, "What the heck is going on?" I raised my foot and looked at the bottom, it was lighter and almost seemed a shade different than my entire body. My palms and feet were the only parts of my body that seemed to retain my normal color.

"That makes no sense at all. How could my hands not be affected? Didn't I use them to smooth out the oil as well?" I asked myself, knowing that I couldn't explain away my feet. This was ridiculous!

I stumbled in shock back to the kitchen, where I quickly poured myself a cup of coffee. Moving to the table I sat down, unexplainably pulling my legs under me in an Indian style of sitting. I closed my eyes and savored the hot liquid, but as I opened them up I was met with a vision from the dream I'd had last night.

My slim hands surrounded a clay cup filled with a steaming liquid. As I raised the cup to my lips I could hear the chanting of women outside of the room that I was in. The bitter taste of the drink caused me to hesitate before I swallowed. As I did, I again felt the gentle hands caress my back and slowly travel down my side.

Suddenly, I forced my eyes open. My own tool was straining against my boxers, as the coffee cup slipped from my hands, sloshing its liquid across the table and then slowly spun to a stop.

I pushed my chair back and gathered a towel from the counter, "What the hell is happening to me?" I softly gasped as I began to wipe up my mess.

I flipped the coffee cup back over and filled it again, slowly I carried it into the living room where I sat on the end of the couch. Again, taking a quick sip I sat the cup down only to be suddenly back into the room of my dream.

The unseen hands gently drifted across my bare back and slowly moved down my sides, I could feel my hands grasping the small clay cup, warmth radiating from its red surface. It was strange, I was somehow both players in my erotic dream. I knew the woman holding the cup was me, and yet I could feel her straddled between my warm thighs, eagerly leaning against my chiseled muscles.

I held out the small ritualistic cup as the hands began to work their way toward my thighs. A slow gasp escaped from my mouth as they came ever so close to the folds where my leg meets my hip. Then, as they began to rise back up, I felt disappointment… almost as if I wanted it to continue.

The warm long fur of the animal skin that we were sitting on touched my smooth knees as I rose up and stretched out the cup with extended arms. The wide colorful bracelets adorned my supple wrists and slowly the invisible hands began their trek back up along my sides, I trembled from the sensations I was feeling.

Slowly the unseen hands glided down my arms and out toward the cup, where they gently took it from these womanly hands that I was occupying. Drawing it back toward me, I was inclined to drink deep from the bitter black mixture. After a while, it was removed from my mouth and I could feel an invisible body lean in and drink from the cup. With my peripheral vision, I could see a very handsome man slowly lower the cup from his lips.

With one hand he lowered the empty cup to the floor while the other slid down my outstretched arms and again down along my side where it slowly encircled my smooth waist. The hand that had been holding the cup drifted toward my shoulder where my inky black hair was gently drawn aside, hair that I could tell was down as far as my waist.

Slowly, he rained hot kisses along my shoulder and gradually moved his lips toward my neck. I could feel my breath becoming deeper and deeper as he seduced me. As he began to kiss me in this erotic way, his hands had traveled across my flat stomach and under the beads toward my pert young breasts.

I pressed back against him, unwilling or unable to break from this dream I found myself in. The warmth of his hands against the underside of my exposed breasts, caused a sudden chill that made each youthful nipple engorge with erotic pleasure.

I felt my willing body rise up higher on my knees as his hands began to pull me toward him, my breathing becoming raspy and labored. His hot kisses were slowly working down the center of my back, each one pressing harder and harder until I fell forward onto my hands and knees. His kisses continued as his hands caressed the supple skin on my hips. Slowly he drew me into him until I felt the hardness of his manhood touch me lightly on the inside of my thigh.

"What the shit?" I shouted as I bolted from the couch, knocking my coffee to the floor. "Christ, what the hell was that?" I ran my hand through my hair, "That was way, way, too real for it to be a dream!"

I could still feel the touch, his touch on my arms and waist as I nervously stood up and leaned against the couch. Across the room was a mirror that rose from floor to ceiling, in front of it was a tall plant. My eye locked on to the image reflected back, something was different about that image…. I stepped closer.

If it were possible, I was a bit darker than earlier… and my hair was… longer. I slowly lifted a lock where it brushed delicately across my shoulders. It was darker now, a very dark brown. I watched myself as I neared the mirror, the curve of my hips was troubling… and sexy.

I slowly rolled the plant to the side and looked closely at myself in the mirror. My face looked thinner. My lips were a bit more full and… seductive. "What's happening?" I braced myself against the mirror's surface and leaned in, resting my head, deep in thought.

Suddenly I felt a hand slowly kneading my breast, but what astonished me the most is the way I backed into his rising tool. He towered over me as he drew me against his rapidly rising manhood, only I wasn't trying to get away. I closed my eyes as he raised my face into his, deeply kissing my eager mouth. I felt his muscular thigh with my small hand, he took his free hand and placed mine upon his thick member.

As my diminutive hand closed around his hardened muscle I began to work it within my hand slowly, I wanted to prolong what I was doing for as long as I could. I felt him slowly turn me around so I was facing him, he gently began to lower me to the floor. His kisses fell hot against my stomach and breasts, my nipples swelling in his hot passionate mouth as he suckled from them.

I felt him part my legs and slowly push his way inside of me, a small gasp escaped from my lips as he began to rock my world with the rhythm of seduction and passion. My eyes rolled back, as his weight on me pressed my knees toward the floor.

Using one of his hands, he removed my legs from under him and indicated that he wanted me to wrap them around his glorious waist. All the while he continued to gently caress my womanhood, until I felt myself begin to slip back out of the dream.

Suddenly I bolted upright and shouted "No!" I opened my eyes and looked around, I was laying on the floor before the large mirror. Both knees high in the air, as if I was the receiver of someone's love making. I stood up and glanced into the mirror, there on the front of my boxers was the evidence of my dream. I walked into the kitchen and ripped off a paper towel from the roll and wiped the front of my shorts down.

Embarrassed, I walked back into the bedroom to change. As I pulled them down, I couldn't but help to notice how my hips looked a bit large for my body. With the entirely smooth and hairless surface of my skin, I looked every bit like a woman. I pulled the T-shirt from my upper body and tossed it into the hamper.

As I looked down, I could see a gentle swell on my chest that looked more and more like breasts than anything. I moved toward the mirror and looked at my face, "Oh … my … god!" My eyelashes had lengthened and darkened. Each hair seemed fuller and more curved than I had ever seen before. Even the lower lashes were fuller and darker, almost as if someone had used makeup on me.

I brought my hand to my face and ran a finger along the lashes. It was then that I noticed my fingers seemed to have longer oval nails at their ends. The nails weren't very long, but they were very feminine. If I had to describe them, I would say they were like a working class girl, short but well taken care of, and very feminine.

I shot a glance toward the closet; everything had been normal until I got that damned oil on me. Slowly I slid the door aside and pulled out the turtle, even though it may be worth a great deal… It was worth more than that to me just to get rid of it.

I sat it down on the bed and slowly started to open its lid, "What is it about this thing that's creating all of these changes in me? Is it the oil?" I shook the little bottle and tossed it on the bed. "Or the beads?" I placed them alongside the vial, on the bed.

"Or is it you?" I slowly turned the turtle over in my hands, and deposited it onto the bed as well.

"Perhaps it could be all three?" said a voice from behind me, causing me to spin and face the speaker.

"Who are you?" I asked, backing away from the stranger, then realizing that I had seen that face somewhere before… in a dream.

Suddenly the entire room was both familiar, and different. Gone were the painted walls and furniture, surrounding me were walls made from sticks, leaves, and animal skins.

Directly in the center of the room was a crackling fire banked high with dirt to keep it contained. I watched as a thin spire of smoke curled its way toward a small hole in the roof. Again, I looked back toward the man as the fire cast shadows across his beautiful bronzed skin, "Why did you bring me here?" I asked, thinking that this was just another part of my elaborate dream.

"You were wearing the beads of love, were you not?" He pointed to my chest, causing me to look down. "You have bathed in the sacred oil, did you not?"

A vision passed across my mind's eye of me spreading the oil across my body with the towel. "Well, yeah… but it was done unintentionally… I didn't know that it was meant for females!" I stamped my small foot and suddenly I was back in my room again.

I looked back down and I still had nothing on, the beads were laying on the bed where I dropped them. Laying beside them was the small vial of oil and the turtle.

"It has to be the oil!" I said, picking up the vial. "It has to be having some kind of hallucinogenic effect on me!" After saying that I looked back down toward my body. "Only problem with that… is how the hell is it doing this to me?"

My eyes opened wide as I drank in my own form, "What the heck?" I looked at my foot, it had become small and delicate. My eyes slowly traveled upwards toward my crotch. "Smaller? It's turning me into a freaking girl!" I grabbed onto the dresser in an effort to steady myself. "This can't be possible!" I cried.

I ran into the living room to look into that large wall mirror, "I look just like a girl… an Indian girl." It was true, my hair was now past my shoulders, resting against my coppery skin.

I brought a dainty hand up toward the fleshy orbs that graced my chest, "This can't be happening!" I looked at my nipple as it swelled from my touch, "I have… breasts… like some teenage Indian girl!"

My trembling hands flew to the items laying on the bed, I had to get rid of them. I was pretty sure that one of them was causing these changes in me…, but which one? I frowned as I picked up each item, the thought of tossing out a treasure like this bothered me. "I'm going to be losing a whole bunch of freaking money if I throw it all away!" I looked around, trying to figure what would be the best thing to do.

When I looked back down, I was holding the beads in my hand but standing back inside the Indian lodge facing the man. "You have returned to me." He said smiling.

"No, not really…!" I replied. "Somehow I keep getting caught up in this dream!"

He began to slowly walk around the fire and take a position in front of me.

"I'm not afraid of you!" I responded, fearing his nearness.

"I don't want you to be…." He smiled as he gently stroked my arm with the back of his hand. "I can see by the way you react…. You want this."

I found the words harder to say, but still I tried, "I don't want…."

He stepped in and kissed me deeply, his tongue slowly pushing its way inside my mouth.

"I can't…." I pleaded with him as his kisses fell softly upon my neck, "This isn't right…." His kisses were beginning to have their effect on my body, it was becoming so hard to resist him.

"You will be my woman…. The Gods have said so." I felt my knees weaken as he began to kiss each breast. I could feel him working at my slender wrist as he began to tie the beaded bracelet's on. "You must wear the beads of love if you are to be my wife." I felt my hands holding the back of his hair in an attempt to pull him in as he drew on one of my nipples.

Slowly he raised up, holding the large mass of beads, he leaned in and I felt it being slowly drawn up my chest. Each pass of the tiny bead across my nipples caused a short gasp to escape from my mouth. He gently pulled aside my long black hair and tied it behind my long graceful neck.

I looked up into his deep brown eyes and handsome face, "Why?" I asked.

He smiled at me and kissed my soft, moist lips tenderly. He slowly opened his mouth to speak… but suddenly I was standing back in my home in Indiana.

"Noooo!" I shouted and dropped to the floor, laying there where I fell…. I began to cry. "Just when he was about to answer me…."

I slowly raised myself up, beads dragging on the floor. It suddenly dawned on me that in the past, when I had been caught up in the dream, I had always been dressed as I had been before I'd fallen asleep. Using the back of my hand I wiped the tears away and rose to my feet. The image that reflected back from the mirror was quite beautiful, and quite female.

My hair was now very long and shiny black, on the right side was a thin braided lock of hair adorned with beads just like the ones on the bracelets and breastplate. At the very bottom on the braid was a single tiny feather, green like the Hummingbird that was worked into the beaded breastplate resting on my chest.

I ran back into the bedroom and found the Turtle box and vial where I left them, but the beads were gone, somehow I had put them on me. "I don't remember…." My voice… what has happened to my voice! I sound like a woman…"

In stunned silence I stood there and looked around, the room seemed bigger to me now…, and strange. Gone was the familiar fire dancing in the center of the room, the loving man that I had given my life to. "I feel I am caught between two worlds… The world of the man I was and the world of the woman I am becoming."

I listened to the beads rattle as I bent down to gather up the vial and turtle, "I am no longer from this place… I must go back… to him." I pushed the cap from the vial and raised it to my lips, I knew that this is what I must do… It was now clear to me. Gradually, the end was raised as the last few drops that had been inside the small vial slowly dripped onto my tongue.

The room suddenly changed and I was standing alone with the handsome man, "Welcome back my love. Are you here to stay?" He took the vial and turtle from me and sat them down, "Come. Let us began our lives as one." He slowly took my hand and drew me into him, lowering me to the floor.


I have been with him for many moons… We are one, he and I.

The early morning is dawning as the sun begins to stretch lazily in the sky, I begin to slowly stroke his handsome cheek and know real love for the first time. He smiles and I kiss him tenderly, we know that our deep love is strong, extending across the ages.

I smiled and drew back the big buffalo hide.

"Hey…, where you going?" he asked.

"I have something I must do. I'll only be gone a few minutes." I smiled and kissed his bronzed cheek. Slowly I drew myself up and threw on my moccasins and covered myself against the morning chill.

I stepped across the room to a small bundle of fur and placed it under my arm, quickly exiting the lodge as I began to head for the little meadow where I liked to sit and watch the animals.

I sought out the big tree and headed northwest away from it, there in the ground was what I was looking for. I knelt down and removed the large hide from around the object I had been carrying. I laid the hide aside, and picked up the old mummified turtle…. Inside were the beads and a full vial of oil, wrapped nicely in a white rabbit fur.

I smiled as I closed the shell of the turtle, still scratched deeply on the surface was the marks that I had put on when it was unearthed. I lovingly ran my fingers along its smooth surface and smiled, it had given me so much. I slowly ran my hand along my belly, just beginning to swell with the child growing within me. "You have given me a life that I could never have realized before I found you in the field. I now give you back to Mother Earth."

I lowered it into the great hole and let it go, slowly I stood up and brushed the soil from the hide that I had wrapped myself in. With a smile I turned back toward my village, and the husband that would love and protect me.




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