If you believe in yourself then you will have confidence,
If you have confidence then you can do anything.
If you believe in yourself then you will be strong,
If you are strong then you can beat anything.
If you believe in yourself then you are beautiful,
If you are beautiful then you can achieve.
If you believe you are all of this then people will believe in you,
If people believe in you then you can become anything.
Believe in yourself as god and I believe in you!
The opperative words in this is "IF" and "THEN" that makes it..
Reminds me of other operative words like, could have, should have and would have.
I sure don't have the guts to link my belief in someone with God or even a god!
How about this one though?
The night was cold and dim. It hadn’t stopped raining for two days now and the roads were soaked. He had grabbed his raincoat, gumboots and umbrella and closed the door fast behind him. He never cared much for sunny weather but he couldn’t help wishing that the sun would come out.
As he made his way down the street he saw a young girl playing in a shallow puddle in the middle of the street. She looked up at him and smiled. He heard a loud hooting and suddenly saw a large truck skidding toward them.
“Move kid!†he shouted, but all she did was smile and wave. The truck was moving at quite a speed now and the man knew that it wouldn’t be able to stop in time. As the truck hit the girl, he could do nothing but look away. Once the truck had gone down the street he looked toward where the little girl was supposed to be lying, but there was nothing.
No body, no blood.
Nothing at all.
“Hello, my name’s Katy-May. What’s yours?â€
He looked down at the voice and saw the little girl holding his hand.
“Charles Dunkin Craigs.†He wasn’t sure who this girl was or how she survived the accident.
“I didn’t,†she answered his silent question, “and neither did you.â€
Suddenly he had a flashback of what had really happened.
He had run into the road to save the girl and when she vanished he never had time to move himself.
“Welcome to the land of the dead.†She looked at him with large brown eyes.
“Thank you.†He replied and together they walked down the street hand in hand.
What if indeed?
Huggles All
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"