The Vendetta: Chapter 4

The Vendetta Chapter 4

By Princess

Events conspire against a successful young woman with a dark painful past. She is forced to confront her frightening past that she has been running away from her whole adult life.

Susan whispered something softly to Kerri before she stood to cross examine Susan's sister. Kerri stood and asked the judge, "Your Honor, may we have a short recess to confer with the defense counsel?

"Granted. The court will have a one hour recess."

They all left the room after the judge walked out. Kerri wheeled around and confronted Kathy's Attorney and asked, "What is this that you are doing?"

Kathy interrupted, "What, you have a problem with anything I said, Such as coming clean about everything that happened to you? Helping your case by confirming to the court that your accusations are true? That is what I have decided to do so do you have a problem with it?"

"Um, not really. IF that is what you are doing, but I suspect that there's some kind of plan you are trying to set up. I don't know what you are trying to do, but it wont work. You are screwing yourself, but I don't care. Your confession will be used against you."

Her attorney spoke up, "Susan, Kerri. My client did this in the hope that you would have some leniency on her. We all know it wasn't her that did it. She just set the stage, but it was her mother that did the majority of the damage. It was finally her responsibility, you know this, I know this. She was just a child. My client wants to testify for you and help put down your mother, Susan. "

Susan was angry. She glared at Kathy and her attorney and spat out with a voice dripping with hostility, "Compromise or cooperation is not possible! Your client is going down and there's NOTHING! NOTHING AT ALL THAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! I'LL DESTROY KATHY AND ANYONE THAT TRIES TO HELP HER!" She turned to walk away.

Her attorney then tried to sway Kathy, but she simply responded to her, "No. Whether she decides to be merciful or not, It doesn't matter. Susan has every right to be angry. I will pay what I must to make this right. But I really am sorry for hurting you, Susan, and I will help you, anyway. What our mother did was just horrible. I want to help you put her away. I will testify against her."

Susan looked stunned with her jaw hanging slightly as Kathy walked away. Her deposition had taken forty minutes. Now that the entire plan had changed, they needed to figure out a new way to handle it.

Five minutes later, in a small diner a block away, Susan and Kerri were sitting in the corner with empty plates in front of them. They'd eaten very light as they hadn't any appetite, and were pondering the revelation from her sister.

Susan let out a sigh of fury, then Kerri asked, "How do you want to handle Susan's testimony?"

"The game plan has not changed, Kerri. You know how damaged I am and how often I wake up screaming in terror over what she did during my childhood. I am sorry, but I simply can not forgive her. She is still a defendant, and that wont change. Go after her with everything we can. If she wants to help put herself, and our mother away, that is just better for us. Use it, " Susan told her in a voice dripping with menace and hostility. It scared Kerri to listen to that.

Not that Kerri could blame her lover. She knew what all happened. She listened to the audio tamps and the video VHS tapes those perverts made of her. She had also listened to the secret audio tapes that Susan made of Kathy and her mother that incriminated them and made it very clear that Kathy caused the entire damn horrible thing. They would still use them. Susan was entitled to go after the bitch. They weren't talking about a few stolen dollars or a simple prank. They were talking about eight years of horrible sexual abuse and a forced identity change that destroyed a boys life. Susan was entitled to vengeance.

Kerri into her lovers fierce eyes and simply nodded, "Yes, I understand. The plan has changed but we wont lighten up on Kathy. She needs to pay with everything she has. How do you want me to handle the cross examination?"

"Well, now that she has said she is admitting everything freely, ask her about some of the specific instances she talked about. Ask her how she feels. Go after her from that angle. by her admitting to the crime, she has just made it far easer for us."

Kerri nodded in understanding. Susan then asked, "Call Kathy's defense counsel and lets have a meeting about this. I want to let her fully know that there wont be any deals, but I want to know if she will let me call her to testify for us."

"OK. " Kerri picked up her cell phone and called Kathy.


Kathy and her attorney came within ten minutes and were sitting across from them. Kerri started the talk. She knew that she could be more understanding and reasonable. Susan was very hurt and simmering with rage.

Kerri started, "We thank you for your offer, but I am sorry to say that Susan is still very hurt by what you did. She is unable to forgive you or see past what you did. There wont be any deals to be made. I am sorry but, I understand her position. As a survivor of sexual abuse, I can say that I totally understand her feelings. And what I survived was no where near what you did to her. But, if you are willing to go along and help her with her mother, we would be grateful. What do you intend?"

The two whispered together for a few seconds, then her attorney came forward and said formally, "Against my counsel, she is still willing to aid you. She still says that she feels horrible for what she did, and its her version of repentance, if you will. She will help you in her case against your mother. She has confessed openly in court, and she will continue to do so. You may call her as a witness."

"Thank you Kathy," Kerri said. "We will."

Kathy suddenly stated, "I know that I am screwed either way, Susan. I am sorry for what I said last week. Ms Gladstone told me to and I have for so long just followed her lead. I wont anymore. I have a lot to answer for. I know about your recordings. I know your Kerri had them all tested by a FBI lab. They were all declared authentic. I knew that trying to deny anything with just put my ass further on the line. That is part of the reason why I have chosen to come clean."

She left the room with tears in her eyes. It all hit Susan like a hammer. My god, her sister was fucking serious. She was really for real. She felt bad for what she had done. Susan still could not forgive Kathy. She was hurt too much to ever forgive what was done.


Take the Chair Kathy," The judge ordered and Kathy walked up to the front of the room.

The bailiff approached her and said, "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"

"I do," Kathy stated.

Kerri approached her menacingly, "You are Kathy Smith, Susan Smiths older sister?"

"I am."

"And you have stated freely that it was you that set up your innocent brother Benjamin. You put him up to invading a house and stealing, did you not?"

"Yes," Kathy said. "I freely admit that I was the one that put him up to it. "

"Knowing that you are under oath, Kathy. If it was not for you putting him up to sneaking into a house to commit a theft, he would never had done it and he would not have went though the horror that he went though?"

"To that, I can not say for certain, but the odds are no, he would not have. I tricked him into doing it."

Kerri faced the court and said, "The Plaintiff wishes to introduce into evidence, exhibit A for the record."

"So ordered," The judge said gravely.

She faced Kathy and played a audio tape.

Kathy's voice filled the room. "We did it Ms Gladstone. I tricked my brother into doing that foolish robbery and now you have him trapped in it and you will make him my sissy sister. Your plan worked out great."

There was a short pause and Ms Gladstones cruel voice filled the room, "I know. My plans always work. I am glad you have him so terrified about going into juvenile prison. That talk and e-mail worked like a charm. Now, I have to maintain control over him, and that should be easy."

Kerri clicked off the tape and faced Kathy. "Was that your voice, Kathy?"

She whimpered, because she knew it was, "Yes. That was my private conversation with Ms Gladstone after I sent the false e-mail that posed as a officer in the prison."

"What was the contents of the e-mail?" Kerri asked.

"I said it was from a officer in the Juvenile prison. It was to my brothers yahoo account, saying we couldn't wait to get the sissy stealing women's panties. There were many horny men waiting for him."

"Is that how you got him in terror to accept a few short weeks in prison as apposed to ten years of forced feminization, and rape, anyway?"

"Yes that is part if it, but you know the other part, too."

"I wish to enter into evidence, exhibit B for the record." Kerri went to get another tape and Played it for the court.

Kathy's cruel voice filled the room again. "Mother, I am sorry that you had to find out your son is a sissy."

"I don't have a son anymore," Her mothers cruel voice filled the room.

Kathy's voice answered, "I think we should make the sissy start going on dates with guys. Don't you think a sissy should learn what to do with males?"

"Yes, I like that idea."

Kerri shut it up and gave Kathy a most hateful glare. "Was that your voice too?"

"Yes. We know it was. I hated my brother Ben, but it was nothing but sibling rivalry for my mothers affection. I am sorry for it. There is no defense, but I was fifteen. We do a lot of stupid mistakes as teenagers."


"Yes, it was stupid," Kathy answered.

"We aren't just talking about a fight or something. We are talking about rape, years of violation, stripping a young boy of his very identity and self worth. Years of the most horrible sexual abuse. Making him, forcing him to be a girl and drugging him. And now all of that is wiped away and just considered a stupid mistake?" Kerri asked with scorn.

"Well, not like that but, I did make a mistake," Kathy said.

"I would consider it a complete horror. You deserve to pay. I rest my case, Your Honor." Kerri sat down.

"It is your turn, Susan Smith," The Judge ordered.

Susan took the chair in the front, and she was sworn in.

Kerri approached her, "Can you state your name for the record."

"I am Susan Smith."

"Why are you bringing this suit against your sister, Kathy Smith?" Kerri asked.

"Because of the harm on me brought on by the defendant, Kathy Smith."

"Can you describe in your own words the abuse you endured by Kathy, and what she caused."

"It is a long story. It started when I was only twelve. I was tricked by my sister into breaking into a woman's house. I wasn't a very popular kid, and unfortunately, I wanted to fit in with the neighborhood toughs. Back then, I wanted be known as a tough kid. So they dared me to break into a woman's house and take something. To prove that I really did it, my sister dared me to take a pair of a woman's panties. So I did it and I got caught. I found out later that my sister had set me up and called the authorities that night. They caught me with the woman's lacy delicate panties in my hand standing in her bedroom. They arrested me, read me my rights and handcuffed me. And the police teased me all the way to the station and kept teasing me when I was in the cell waiting for my mother to pick me up."

"What happened, then?"

"She stood by me. She defended me. We went to talk to the DA about what we could do, but the neighbor, Ms Johnson wanted me to get the maximum penalty for home invasion and robbery. She actually wanted the DA to bump it to a class four felony. I was really afraid. I didn't know my sister was behind the whole thing and she, Ms Johnson and Ms Gladstone set the entire damn thing up."

"Did she influence your attitude about prison?"

"Yes, my sister had me totally in terror of prison. She made jokes about how the men would take turns gang raping me, How I would become a bitch for countless men. I even got a horrible e-mail from what the title said, was one of the prisons correctional officers. It was really from my sister, but I didn't know that till months later when she confessed to me, just to hurt me."

"What did you do then?"

"Ms Johnson made damn sure that the DA wouldn't make any pleas, or bargains with me. The District Attorney told us that I would have to go though a trial and I had to serve prison time and they were even thinking about bumping it up to an adult crime to make it a felony. But when I talked to the woman I stole from, she let it slip that she would have sympathy on me if I wanted them for myself instead of just breaking in like a hood."

"My sister talked to me and pretended to care, and said I really could pretend I wanted to wear panties. That would be a lot easer than serving in a adult correctional facility. I didn't know there was no way they could put a thirteen year old in a adult correctional facility. My sister told me that I would. And she showed me some videos she downloaded about how small guys are treated, she showed me graphic homosexual rape videos. Like in a prison setting. After that talk, I was in total terror and I pressured my mother into letting me take that deal. She made the call reluctantly and the deal was made. I thought that I was free, but no way."

"When did you find that out?"

"We had to go meet her and I had to sign a few legal documents. My mother had to sign too, and she tried to talk me out of it but to her credit, I was really afraid and put a lot of pressure on her to sign. She didn't want too, but I sort of made her. She could have flat out refused, she should have but in my state of terror, I made it very hard on her. I was too young to have a clue what it was we were signing. but they were an official court affidavit, detailing under oath, that I was an effeminate sissy; the admissions of criminal liability in the event that the affidavit was found to be untrue. It gave Ms. Johnson the right to "examine" me at her discretion, affidavit was truthful or not. They locked me into their program where I agreed to do what ever Ms Johnson and Ms Gladstone wanted. I left that day only be returned that night in shock that it wasn't all over. That was how it all started."

Susan took a few deep breaths as Kathy looked on in fear. it was dawning on Kathy what Susan was doing. Susan was trying to destroy her entire life. There was little she could do against it short of perjuring herself. Kathy didn't know that during her childhood of abusing Susan, that she was carefully recording her incriminating conversations with her mother or Ms Gladstone. She didn't know that Susan was keeping a careful log of the abuse. For the first time in her life, she began feeling the icy cold feeling of real fear running though her veins. It felt like liquid nitrogen running though her body and she started shivering and her breath quickened.

"Can you describe for the court, the events that happened after that to make you into a woman? And the part that your sister played in making you into Susan?"

"Yes. I signed the contract and my mother signed it too, for me. It required hers too, since I was a minor. Then, it all snowballed. I thought the affair was over, but we got a call again and Ms. Johnson wanted me to come over. She told me that I had to go see her, and I was shocked. I had no idea that what I signed required me to go see her again. Mom said, 'For some reason, she finds girly boys ‘entertaining.' And just so you know, one of the forms you insisted that I sign yesterday gives her the right to spend as much time with you as she wants to, to confirm that you're a sissy. If Ms. Johnson wants you to visit then I'm afraid you will have to visit her.'"

"Tell the court how you felt after hearing what your mother told you."

"I was totally shocked and I tried to protest, but all mom said to me was, 'Well, like I tried to tell you yesterday, if Ms. Johnson determines that you were lying about being a sissy and taking her panties for your own use, you waive your right to trial and agree to be incarcerated until you're twenty-one.'"

"I started crying as mom drove me over to her place. We made it to Ms. Johnson's place and I noticed it was something big. There was Ms. Johnson as I expected. But there was Ms. Gladstone with her and few other women I didn't know. Mom told me to be good and she just left. Ms. Johnson spent the first few minutes threatening me. I was told to sit down in a chair beside Ms Gladstone as she looked at me weird. Ms. Johnson told me about what I signed. I knew part of it but she explained it all to me. She said my mother and I had signed consent forms to be enrolled in Ms. Gladstones Forever Femme program to determine if I really wanted to live a feminine life. I had signed another contract allowing Ms Johnson to observe me as much as she wanted, and I had to follow her and Ms Gladstones directions. At any time if I failed, I would be immediately incarcerated. She threatened me if I ever let her down or if I was lying about wanting to be feminine, that she would make sure the DA charged me with a felony and I would serve around seven to ten years in a state correctional facility for adults."

"And you did not know any different?"

"I didn't know they were bluffing, there, but I was only thirteen. Then, I was ordered to take all my clothes off and they picked out the most lacy sexy feminine undergarments to wear and I was forced to put them on in front of the observing arrogant women. I was dressed in some sort of silky nightie and stockings. The women made me up totally. Makeup, eyebrows waxed, legs waged, I even got a bikini wax at thirteen. My nails were painted pink with sparkles. I got some kind of manicure and by the time Mom returned four hours later. I was humiliated, I could pass as a girl and I was trying not to cry. I was taken home and my sister had fun laughing at me."

"What happened then?"

"That was not the end of it. I was tightly controlled, I was put on some hormone regimentation, I was put on some diet to loose weight. I was sick for a week drinking some kind of potent shake that made me vomit for a night. By the time I felt better, I was very weak. My arms that were very strong before then, I could lift around a hundred lbs at thirteen, were pencil thin like a girls. My body had lost a lot of muscle mass. Over the next few weeks, I had grown a lot weaker and my shape started to change. I was also made into some kind of maid servant for my sister and my mother. My entire wardrobe change. What mom or sis didn't know was at the salon Ms Gladstone did her training forever femme program, they were also feeding me potent estrogen pills and I had to keep telling mom I loved it or I would be charged with a felony. It was scary and totally horrible. Because of my sister, my life was turned into a nightmare. I hope she is happy."

"What was the final humiliation that turned your mother against you?"

"In the following months, the program that changed my life. Finally, my mother was invited to see for herself how much I had changed, and how obedient I was. I was forced to perform some kind of fellatio on a dildo. Ms Gladstone forced me to perform a sex act on a dildo, and I couldn't resist. I was a weakened thirteen year old boy that had been drugged to be even weaker. There were two adult women forcing the thing in my mouth, and I had been threatened with prison if I didn't do it, anyway. And, they kept threatening me with prison.

I was at the Salon with Ms Gladstone, Ms Johnson and Clare. My mother came in. I heard her gasp when she saw what I looked like. Ms Gladstone gave her a grin. My face had drained of color, and she saw that I was struggling to keep my composure. My mother shouted; "This is too much! You can't be serious!"

Clair came over and consoled my mother. "Oh, you poor dear. I know what a shock this must be for you–your son with feminine, womanly breasts Ms Gladstone assured me that sissy boys like Sissy Susan here, find this extremely satisfying. Just think. He will need to wear a bra!"

Ms Gladstone took a dispenser from Clair , and said soothingly, "Please, allow me. I want to give him his dose of the Estrogen Formula."

Ms Gladstone took the device and glared at me, enjoying the fear and despair in my eyes. "I think it would be best, dear, if you kneel.' I was like in a trance, I complied submissively, afraid to disobey the powerful intimidating woman as she put her hand on my shoulder and forced me to my knees. She then placed her hand on the back of my head and pulled my head toward the device she held in her other hand. I tried to turn my head and resist her, but I was no match for adult woman, I was only thirteen. "That's a good girl; open up!" she laughed. "Wrap your lips around it. To get the device to release the formula, you have use your lips and your tongue."

I struggled as Ms Gladstone pushed the horrid thing against my lips, while she gripped the hair on the back of my head to keep me from moving. Finally, I was left with no choice but to close my eyes and take the realistic penis looking thing in my mouth.

I thought I would die of humiliation as I moved my lips up and down the dildo, fighting the urge to gag. I looked up and saw the circle of women staring down at me when I opened my eyes. Clair wore a huge smile, thoroughly entertained at the show that she thought I was enjoying. Ms Gladstone and another woman openly glared hatefully at me, and waiting expectantly for me to object. The look on my mother's face was the most frightening; how her face was knitted angrily and her disgust with me was obvious. I faltered and withered under her disappointed glare. Instinctively, I knew that my relationship with my mom had forever changed. I shut my eyes rather than face her condemning stare.

When my mother realized that I wasn't going to admit my lie, The other woman spoke up impatiently, looking at her watch; "Susan, perhaps you could give your sissy daughter a few... pointers."

My mothers face burned red-hot; she knew that Ms Gladstone and her friends were
relishing in humiliating me. I heard her cursed her me for putting her through this. Then she shouted at me, "Ben–Susan sissy! You have to suck it faster princess. And take more of it in your throat. Use your tongue to lick it!"

I wanted to die with humiliation. Nonetheless, I tried to follow my mother's angry instructions, and I felt the device begin to pulse. At almost the same time I felt a thick fluid splash against the back of my throat.

Ms Gladstone smiled triumphantly. "Very good, Sissy Susan. Swallow every last drop! If you don't, we'll have to do it again. It's important that you get a full dose of the estrogen formula."

I could tell that my mother was mortified as Ms Gladstone pulled the glistening thing out of my mouth. Clair was mesmerized. "Susan, darling. You do that as well as any real girl! I can't wait until you have a boyfriend!"

My mother couldn't stand it anymore. She left the place, explaining that she had errands to run. I knew that the truth was that she couldn't stand to watch my debasement anymore.

I was physically and emotionally exhausted as Ms Gladstone finally announced
the end of my Forever Femme class. I desperately wanted to get to the safety of my own home, recover myself, and have a break from the constant and humiliating demands of Gladstone and her horrible staff of women. Clair had never left the store she really enjoyed watching me humiliate myself, and Ms Gladstone and the other women only escalated their cruelty.

Thinking of my mother worried me. When she stormed out of the store, he had never seen her so upset. My mother was more cruel than ever when she came back. She started helping the women make me a sissy. My mother began adjusting my bra; straightening the skirt and nylon stockings. She said, "He does look more like a sissy, Gladstone. You and Donna have done a wonderful job. My Real children and I are so thrilled that Ben's coming out."

They taught my family about the electrical device they implanted in my body.

To my dismay, My mother said, "How delightful. I assume I'll get one to use at home?"

"Of course," Ms Gladstone grinned, giving her an identical unit for her.

I couldn't believe his eyes as my mother took the controller from Ms Gladstone, adjusted it and pushed it enthusiastically, sending spasms of pain through my already tortured groin. As I whimpered in pain, My mother said in a fearsome voice, "I heard your brother told you to give us a girly little twirl don't ignore him."

"Mom was silent as we got home. A terrifying silence. Then Mom gave me that frightening speech that you heard from my sister in her deposition. That's exactly what she said. I was forced to respond like a sissy to my horrible domineering sister or mom would send a shock to me. My mom said things while she smirked. "Now dry those pretty eyes and tell your sister and me how much you love your pretty outfit. Or do you need a reminder?"

"I remember one time when I had to undress in front of my mother, that was six months after it all started. I removed his dress and stood before my mother in slutty high heels, stockings, black panty girdle, and a sexy padded bra. My head spun as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My mother teased me by saying 'Aren't you just so pretty!" she taunted. "Is that a panty girdle? It looks so tight. That must be very uncomfortable. It sure is pretty, though, with all those bows and lace." My mother watched fascinated as I wriggled out of the lacy little girdle, a smile crossing her face without her even realizing it. She cooled," And look at that darling bra! Those cups are so big! That breast formula sure works fast!"

"The next morning when I came down out of my bedroom, my sister busted out laughing uncontrollably. I knew what how I must have looked to her. My mother had put me in a frilly night cap, applied a thick night mask, a black peignoir that looked like it was straight from a 1940s movie. My pleading had only made my mother angrier. Then I knew what the second level of the controller felt like; it dropped me to my knees instantly. My mother had been in no mood for apologies. I knew that I had no choice but to act like I loved it. She expected me to act like I enjoyed being such a sissy and I had no other choice.

"The next couple of weeks were the worst of my life, up to that point, but it got a lot worse as the years passed. My mom never apologized, but she will apologize to me with everything she has. But its not enough. I wish I could kill her. At home, I became the house wife, responsible for all of the cleaning and cooking for my family. They had enslaved me. One year after I has signed those documents, Ms Gladstone had declared that I has passed her course and Ms Johnson has signed something saying she was satisfied and I was free. Well, I was free from her, but my mother has said she enjoyed having a sissy. She continued to force me to be a sissy. She kept me dressed. She liked how my breasts had grown. I was kept as a slave, and my sister brought various boys from school and made me date them. I didn't know that the boys were in fact paying her. She was pimping me out. I lived in humiliation until I was seventeen."

"One of my worst early memories, this was before I had taken the estrogen to give me womanly breasts. I remember my sister even forcing me to model my own mothers clothes in front of my family. I Came home one night and My sister said, "Mom, I have a good idea. Make the sissy model all of your clothes, and accessories, and lets take pictures of him and send them to Ms. Gladstone and Ms Johnson. I will send them to all my friends at school. Wont that be great.

"A real sissy fashion show. How fun," giggled my mother.

"I thought that evenings humiliation would never end. I was wearing my mother's dresses, skirts, and blouses and I thought that was bad enough. But my mother was doing her best to humiliate me as much as possible in the process. After insisting that I wear one of my bras in addition to 'my panties' my mother gave me some DD cup breastforms to give me a womanly bustline and to make her clothes fit better. Slutty looking fishnet stockings and a lacy white slip were also added to my ensemble I was going to wear. When my mother started pulling dresses and skirts out of her closet, I shuttered; there were so many! That was a long evening.

My mother and Kathy and my brother Mark sat on the living room couch; Mom said," Mark made sure the digital camera was ready to go. "Look, Mark. Doesn't your brother look just lovely in my yellow sheath? He'll have a boyfriend in no time. With those legs, A boy will love to have him. Smile for the camera, Sissy."

I thought I would scream. My family cruelly laughed more and more at every outfit I was forced to wear for them. "That dress always made me feel sexy. How about you, Susan Sissy. Feeling sexy? get some extra pictures of your bother in that satin black skirt. He looks so pretty. We'll enlarge the picture."

" Show your pretty nails for the camera, hon. A girl always shows off
her manicure."

My brother laughingly took picture after picture, thrilled at his older brother's humiliation. I became more and more upset, Mark tentatively ordered me to start posing like a fashion model. I thought I was going to go crazy with anger, until my mother gave me a firm slap on the cheek and told me to do as my brother tells me or else. my brother assured that he had his mother's approval, he became more and more demanding, relishing in ordering me into one humiliating pose after another.

Kerri knew everything. It had all been prepared but it was still hard to hear without a tear. Susan was having trouble keeping her tears back too.

"OK, Susan. Calm down. Tell us how you got away from your slavery to your sister and Mother."

"Well, my sister was in college and she was making me help gather some of her things. She was moving to a apartment closer to the university she was attending, with the money she made from me for her tuition. So I was gathering some of her things and I drove a car to her apartment and dropped them off. It hit me while driving back. 'I had the car. Why in hell am I going back?' I turned on one of the freeways and just drove off out of state. I drove several states away. I had several hundred dollars in my purse, I looked like any woman around eighteen so I got a small apartment in Tucson. A few days later, I made a call to my mother on a pay phone. She answered and when she heard my voice she was royally pissed. She said she was scared, and she had the police looking for me. Yeah, right she was scared. I told her that I was all right and If she didn't want me going to the news, police or anyone that would listen, that she had better settle for the fact that I was gone and never coming back. She was even more pissed and started yelling and threatening. But in the end, mom isnt stupid and knew she didn't want to be defending herself to the general public and police so she laid off.

"In the following weeks, I got myself a job and I got a larger apartment. I put myself though school and eventually got a masters in science. I started in the aerospace field and worked slowly up from there to where I am now owning a multi-national corporation competing with Boeing and Airbus and Northrop. That is how things are."

"And How is your life now, Susan?" Kerri asked. "How are you coping with your past?"

"Not well. I can not sleep more than four or five hours. I have traumatic nightmares several times a week. Weird things happen that trigger horrible vivid flashbacks where I feel I am really being attacked when nothing is hurting me. I will often scream in terror at nothing. Doctors had diagnosed me as having some stress disorder. I can never be a male again. I was examined months after I escaped and they did a full battery of tests that determined that the estrogen used on me was so extremely potent and dangerous, My body would resist any type of testosterone and that my body was dangerously allergic to it. I would have to be a woman and that was how it is."

"Its your turn counselor, " Kerri told Kathy's attorney. She didn't know what to say, so she said, "The defense rests."

"We will have opening statements tomorrow at eight," The judge said. "The court is in recess."

As Kerri and Susan was walking out of the courthouse that night, Susan was crying and exhausted from all the testimony. Kerri finally said, "You never told me about your brother, why didn't you mention him?

"Nothing really, I am sorry but I am so angry with him for betraying me, I have my own plans for him. I know a few Russians that owe me a favor. They will handle it for me"

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