…or a nightgown. A Tesco branch in Wales won't allow any customers to shop if they are wearing night attire–or barefoot or wearing bedroom slippers.

see: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/8484116.stm
Have any BC/TS-ers ever been tempted to shop in pyjamas?
do lounge pants and a tshirt and slippers count as i do that very often either early morning or late at night at walmart
I think I would certainly shock ...
... other shoppers if I went into a Tesco in the nightwear I've worn for the last 50 years or so :) Put it this way - it doesn't get any cheaper of lighter. I got it free. I suppose it would shock me too when I recall how embarrassed I feel when I occasionally dream of venturing forth in my birthday suit.
Truly, I find it incredible that anyone would even think of shopping in pyjamas or night dresses. It wouldn't bother me much but I find it odd. Bare feet is different; it seems quite common in New Zealand, at least in Summer in Queenstown.
in nz, barefoot is called maori feet or maori shoes... yes, I know it is probably considered racist nowadays, but thats how I grew up
I go maori feet all the time...have to remember to throw on a pair of flopflops/airwalks whenever I go out
I Have Seen It On Occasion
I have seen it on occasion here, but I think it shows a degree of laziness on the part of people if they don't want to take the time to put a pair of jeans and a regular top on to go to a store. In our house, we have a rule that says the women of the house will wear robes over their nightgown because there is one male in the house ( my sister's husband). There is no way I would ever go out of the house unless it was an emergency such as a fire. It would be a bit cold in just my nightgown here this time of year anyway.
One night (c. 1130pm) a few years ago I was woken up by a BBC cameraman knocking on my door. I'd submitted a story to the local BBC station but they felt it appropriate to run it as a national story.
I was in my usual cotton nighty when they knocked. From memory I wore jeans and a sweatshirt over my nightwear. I put on a pair of sandals and then did a live interview.
I did two other interviews the following day, one of which was live on the BBC (and still available on their website). I wasn't in my nighty then.
Mostly Harmless
When I drop my son at
When I drop my son at school, he is 14 and a freshman in high school, I am amazed at how many of the teens are wearing pj bottoms to school these days. Mostly the girls, but you do see boys as well. My son would in a heartbeat if we would let him. We are such mean parents don't you know.
Good nighty!
I've never noticed customers in the local Tesco in night attire.
However, a few customers where I work have appeared wearing sleep outfits, from young and upwards in age. So far no-one has embarrassed me. Though I do wonder why they didn't think about shopping before changing earlier.
Somebody MUST Have !
'Cos othwerwise why would they have had the sign made and put up there like that? :)