Changing taste

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I have noticed that my taste in stories has changed. When I first started reading TG fiction, I mostly read "forced fem" stories. That fit in with my own fears, a need to have someone else make the choices for me. But, now, I find I really enjoy sweet stories, with volintary transistions and happy endings. That suits my decision to take responcabilty for my own desires, and my own wish for a "happy ending". I wonder if others have experianced changes like that?

I look at forced fem in two ways.

The first is that it sometimes seems to be a way for a person to
manage a guilt over their desires. It's not my fault, they made me.

The other part of it is a little harder for me to understand. I've
spoken with authors and readers who find a satisfaction in the forced/
humiliations/abuse genera that are seemingly unrelated to any sense of
guilt. It's something I recognize, but I don't think I'll ever really
understand it.

The point being, that I've know both kinds of people who made the same
transition you have. I think the first TG stories I ever found were a
group of very well written forced fem stories. Vicky Renee's page, I
think it was.

When I started writing, however, it was with the conscious desire to do
something a little different, and for me, a little better.

I've know many others who've transitioned to not needing this kind of
fictional outlet. Two who transitioned, and several others who just
lost their appreciation. Been there, done that.

Don't worry. I think it just makes you a person who changes and grows.

Sarah Lynn Morgan

Interesting Question...

I use to read forced femme as well, however I think it was mostly because there were no other options available. I had only found these stories by reading "true" stories from The Site mostly catered to TG people of a Cross Dressing nature. After a while I found new sites, doing searches to try and locate more information on Cross Dressing, the first being Sapphire's Place, which is a little more adult content oriented than this site. Than I stumbled on to BigCloset after searching for the sequels to The Eerie Saloon.

I think one of the amazing things about this site is how it caters to almost every single taste in TG literature. Because there were more "sweet" stories available here than on any other site I didn't have to settle for series and genres that didn't completely appeal but were essentially the only ones available. Although, I can certainly understand what you're talking about and I think that it's entirely possible for other people's tastes to have changed based on their psychological needs at the time. It would be similar, I think, to how a person's mood is reflective of their choice in clothing, music, and movies.

Hopefully this doesn't get derailed in to bashing Forced Femme, which is usually does, or it'll get closed. I'd also be interested to see if anyone else has experienced such a dramatic change in reading tastes and why.


Transitions come in many forms. When I was in deep denial my tastes were somewhat like yours, as you transition your taste in fiction may transition as well.
Or maybe... your taste in fiction transitions first... no, thats too scary

I am happy for you

I am so excited to hear your perception of who are are is changing as you change. To me that is the true measurement of who and what we are ... who do we hang out with, what type of language do we use, how do we treat others ... let alone ourselves ... all of this and so much more defines the who we are and where we are going.

For myself, forced bondage ... let alone more violent acts of people makes my stomach sick. I can barely deal with it in real life, I cannot in movies, stories, plays .... What amazes my therapist and family practitioner is I survived with dignity 20 years in the military, Intelligence no less. I was able to meet my mission perimeters and yet only twice violate my code of honor (not anyone elses, let alone a law). I can still remember that nauseating, feeling dirty, down into my pores, hating my smell feeling after my second time ... I finished what I had to do, wrote my reports, and turned in my paperwork the next day to change jobs. After that things got a little better, and I worked with the Navy and did force protection operations. Much better. I worked with the locals and ensured that no one was left behind when we left a country. I loved that job. I met so many wonderful people.

Wow, memory lane today.

I seem to remember a nice school teacher

Andrea Lena's picture

...who ended up entirely happy!

She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena