Doing the rounds (and even got a mention on The News Quiz)...
Look at this item on Amazon:
Now look at "Customers who bought this item also bought..."
Communion cups - logical enough
Communion wafers - no surprises here
Communion bread - or here
Astroglide personal lubricant - hmm... interesting...
"Bless me Father for I have sinned."
"Go ahead Father."
"I succumbed to temptation when ordering the communion wafers..."
(OK, so it's more likely to be priests from the Anglican/Protestant sections of the church making a side order, but the joke works better on a Catholic priest)
[EDIT] The Astroglide mysteriously disappeared from the related items listing later that day. Hmmm....
Well that didn't appear when I checked the link. What I did find interesting was the part at the top: 11 new from $12.42 6 used from $12.42.
Used communion wafers are disgusting enough, but you'd think you would at least get a break on the price!
I cried for her.
I cried for me.
I cried for a world that wouldn’t let her be.
-- from Luna by Julie Anne Peters
The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.
-- Tom Clancy (Currently broken)
Twitter: @genomorph
Amazon may have pulled the Astroglide...
...but a quick scan through the customer reviews reveals that it was once linked to from that page!
Then again, if you're after dodgy products, look no further than here:
Yes, a laptop steering wheel desk. OK, towards the end of the description they do state "For safety reasons, never use this product while driving." But that hasn't stopped reviewers having fun at the product's expense :)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Now let's now get all prejudicial here
Hey they might have a legitimate need for lubricant I mean it does help make things slide in and out eas... OOOPs I mean when a motor gets revving you HAVE to oil the pist... Oh My well maybe I should just leave this topic alone.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Maybe his rosary was stiff
and needed a quick rub?
Why am I suddenly hearing part of Joe's Garage part 1,2 & 3 ...
in my head?
particulary Catholic Girls and Baldheaded John? Um, it's a double album by Frank Zappa for those wondering.
The Astroglide is to help souls slip smoothly into Heaven? Spiritually speaking?
John in Wauwatosa who likely needs to say several "Hail Marys" and soon and I'm not even Catholic!
John in Wauwatosa