The Case Of The Haunted Scrotum

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Okay, here's an odd thing. I found a reference to this in Andrew Sullivan's blog today, but his link didn't work. I poked around a bit and found the original article referenced. It's a .pdf of a scanned page from a medical journal, a bit over 250K, including what appears to be a scary picture of an illusory face inside a scrotum. (At least this is the first illusory face I've seen in a while that wasn't claimed to be Jesus!)

Not recommended for the squeamish. Looks like something from a horror film. Important to keep in mind: it's not really there, just a happenstance artifact of light and shadow, wrinkles and whatnot when viewed from that exact angle. Obviously, the radiologist who did the CT scan thought it was funny enough to put it in a journal. From Wales, of course. (sorry - had to throw that in! :)

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