Healing A Princess

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I have been trying to encourage the Author of "Healing A Princess" to seek out a publicist and make an effort to get the work in stores, making her some money. In my opinion, the story measures up favorably with any other work I have bought off the counters in Book Stores. We all know that AA has struggled financially because she has said so in this forum. I am hoping that with sufficent encouragement, you will at least give it a shot. There is of course Baen Books, Tor Books, and a host of other publishing houses. I am not talking self publishing here, I am talking about main stream fiction.

I would appreciate it if those who have read HAP, and AA's other work on BCTS, could offer her some encouragement. It would be criminal if she did not go ahead out of lack of confidence.

Many Blessings

Khadijah Gwen


closer to finished

Gwen, I assure you that when I get closer to finishing HaP that I will be seeking out publishers. I have been working on this for 5 years now. I have had aproximately 2 years of writers block while working on it. I don't need to get another episode of writers block when I have a dead line. I will finish, then I WILL publish this. but of course everyone here will have already read it in it's rough form and know how much work and how much is edited out in its finished form.

Thank you for your support, and encouragement. I love these characters and this story. I hope You'll love it as much when you see what suprises are in store in the second half.



No one can be that one deminsional !

I must say that the lack of response to this blog leaves me wondering?

Just because I am Post op TG, does not make me obsessed with just a single thing in life. Sure, I read T stories, but I also read Sci Fi, Fantasy, The National Geographic, monitor earthquake activity, Astronomy, go target practicing with my pistol, ride my bicycle, go camping in the woods, and tonight I am going to go see Avatar, after doing a bit of shopping; I want to find a new dress to go with silk pants.

I just can not fathom that an Author who can attract some of the highest vote counts with one story, will have another story completely ignored.

What am I doing here?


You're doing fine, Gwen


You're not doing anything wrong, and neither is anyone else here. It's just that many of us are busy this time of year, and many of us have different desires/objectives/responsibilities to yourself, which means that we're not necessarily paying attention to the same things.

We do value what you write. In my opinion, you can bring a healthy dose of reality to a group of people who sometimes deal with what the world considers unreal.

Please don't stop writing. BCTS would be poorer without your valued input.
