I posted a story/song earlier in the day which I erroneously attributed to another author. It was not my intention to publish this in any manner other than that which would reflect my source. In my haste, I published it believing I had permission to use the author's name, which I did not. It was a misunderstanding entirely due to my own error in judgment. I apologize to her and to those readers who had already commented on the piece. I have removed it of my own accord rather than leave it to stand as written. Once again, I am sorry for my haste and inaccuracy. Andrea
We all make mistakes...
Hope you repost it though, as I missed it...
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => http://jaym.angelblogs.co.uk/
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => http://jaynemorose.wordpress.com/ <= note new address