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Chapter 7 - The Scoobies Christmas Celebration
Chapter 7
At school the next day Alex and Eddie both had difficulty. Since the only major difference was clothing, Eddie couldn't look at Alex without seeing Lexi. Several times he had to consciously look away and think of football stats.
It was Alex who had come to school, but the first time he looked into Eddie's eyes, only Lexi in male drag remained. Lexi felt flushed and at times had trouble breathing.
At lunch, the girls Alex sat with were all over him wanting to know what had happened between the two of them.
"All right, girlfriend," Faith Fuhl said. "We know you and Eddie have the hots for each other. What happened last night?"
Lexi blushed and lowered her eyes. She knew the girls were not teasing. They were genuinely curious. "Nothing happened," Lexi answered softly.
"Oh yeah, we can believe that... NOT! Come on girl, give us the scoop," chided Liv Goode.
It was only then that Lexi realized that for the first time, the girls were actually calling her GIRL! She looked at their anxious faces and realized they were her friends. Tears filled her eyes... she'd never really had any friends.
The girls' could tell the tears were tears of happiness. Skye Wright, who was seated beside Alex, slipped her arm around him as they waited for Alex to pull himself back together.
"You really are my friends," Lexi whispered as she sniffed and smiled. "I've never really had friends before."
"Well, you have them now," Faith Fuhl reassured Alex. "Now tell us what's going on."
"First you have to promise to keep what I'm going to tell you a secret," Lexi said quite seriously as one by one she looked each girl in the eye.
"Pinky swear," Liv Goode said to the others.
The three girls extended their right hands to the center of the table with their pinky extended. Lexi smiled and put her right hand out and the four hooked pinkies.
"We swear to keep your secret," the three solemnly declared.
Lexi shivered with excitement, she had real friends! "This goes back to when I tried to kill myself," Lexi whispered. "You know how I was back then. I absolutely hated myself but I didn't know why. That's why I was always so angry. When I was in the hospital, they had me strapped down so I wouldn't hurt myself and I refused to even talk to anybody. I just wanted to die."
Lexi had to pause to once more collect herself. The expressions of concern on the faces of the girls showed their compassion as they patiently waited.
"What saved me was a bunch of sixth graders from Hickstown Elementary," Lexi continued. "They call themselves the Scoobies."
"They're the ones who made the news taking candy to the hospital," Faith Fuhl declared.
"Yeah, they were dressed up as the NCIS team," Liv Goode added.
"Yeah, I saw them on the news," Skye Wright smiled. "The one dressed as Abby was really cute. I almost wet myself when she made Bert the Hippo fart!"
Faith looked a bit perplexed. "How did they save you?"
"It was the one who played Abby," Lexi smiled. "I was trying to be as nasty and sullen as I could when they came into my room. But then she made Bert fart. I almost laughed but held it in. Then she said Bert never fails to get a smile so she made him fart again and I had to smile. Then I got angry she made me smile."
"She made everyone leave the room and confronted me," Lexi continued softly. "She saw right through me and hit my problem right on the head. She made me admit what I'd been hiding from all my life. She made me see what I really am and freed me."
"Don't stop now, girl, tell us," Faith demanded.
"You already know," Lexi sighed.
The looks on the faces of the three girls was one of total befuddlement.
"I am a girl," Lexi explained. "I just have the wrong plumbing. I'm transsexual and my name is Lexi."
The three girls were gobsmacked. As they sat silently thinking they realized that what Alex told them had to be true. His behavior since he returned from school was girlish. That's why they'd accepted him into their group. They had been calling him girlfriend all through lunch.
Faith broke their silence. "So, like, you're shrink says you're a girl?
"Yeah, but it'll take a while until she can officially say so," Lexi replied.
"Okay, so that's why Def and Eddie have been so protective of you," Liv declared as things fell into place.
"Yeah," Lexi answered. "I'm starting to live as a girl at home but have to wait a bit before I can come to school as Lexi."
“Okay,” Liv said. “So what happened between you and Eddie last night?”
“Yeah,” Skye piped up. “Did you, like, make out while you were dressed as a girl?”
“No,” Lexi gasped. “It’s just that he saw me completely dressed as Lexi for the first time when we went out for pizza.”
“You went out on a date,” Faith squealed. “You rock, girl!”
“NO,” Lexi gasped. “It wasn’t a date! Our families went out for pizza. If you’ll let me finish I’ll explain!”
The three girls looked abashed and simultaneously said “Sorry,” which made all four giggle.
“The sixth grade girl who narked me at the hospital is Eddie’s sister,” Lexi explained.
“But Eddie doesn’t have a sister,” Faith said. “His brother, Gabe, is in sixth grade and he... OMG... he’s been hooked on Abby from NCIS for two years!”
“No way,” exclaimed Liv. “The Abby I saw on the news was as cute as the real Abbey!”
“That was Gabi,” an exasperated Lexi sighed. “Now please let me finish! Eddie’s brother Gabe is a girl like me, she’s Gabi. That’s how she knew what was wrong with me. She said it takes one to know one. Eddie is cool with her and with me. I’m going to the same shrink as Gabi and our families are getting together every other Wednesday night for pizza to discuss our issues. That’s where Eddie saw me dressed as Lexi.”
“Oh wow,” Faith said. “This is so cool! Obviously you and Eddie really like each other.”
“We’re friends,” Lexi said while blushing deeply. “Neither of us are ready to be a couple, especially since I still have to come to school as Alex.”
“You’ll make a cute couple,” Faith said. “Has your shrink said how long it’ll be until you can be Lexi here?”
“She doesn’t know,” Lexi answered. “She said every patient is unique and progresses at their own pace. Since being on the news, Gabi has been going to school as a girl. She was seeing the shrink for about 2 months.”
“So maybe you could come to school after Christmas,” “Liv exclaimed. “That would be so cool!”
Lexi smiled and nodded. “Just remember, everything I’ve told you is a secret.”
The girls nodded as the bell rang to end lunch.
In the weeks following Operation Scoobies Treats, the website the Scoobies had established received hundreds of hits. Letters of thanks from the patients, families, and staff of the Children's Ward of Good Shepard hospital filled their comment pages.
By mid November, their success prompted the Scoobies to discuss what they could do for the Children's ward patients for Christmas. They decided to create a unique seasonally appropriate celebration on Saturday, December 24 by incorporating at least tiny aspects of Ramadan, Kwansaa, the winter solstice, and Hanukkah, along with Christmas. Their goal was to celebrate life, family, community, sharing, giving, creativity, self-sacrifice, hope, honor and respect no matter what a person’s particular belief may be. They called their plan A Scoobies Christmas Celebration.
They set to work with the innocent determination of youth to make this complicated melding pure and simple. Their hearts and minds had not yet been darkened by the often harsh realities of life. They set about researching and studying the five seemingly divergent targets, looking for similarities and downplaying differences. Their inquisitive unsullied minds were opened to possibilities about which adults are often blinded. What they discovered surprised them. Once they peeled away the layers of tradition and religion, they found much common ground. In their own way all celebrated family, community, responsibility both for the individual and others, and our individual place in society and creation.
They once more solicited gifts or donations from area businesses, including several national retail chains from the suburban areas. The project quickly mushroomed with offers of toys and cash that far exceeded the needs of the children in the hospital. Knowing there were other children as well as families in need, they began looking to expand their celebration to include other locations.
With the help of Pastor Palm Beech, the Scoobies easily found several appropriate venues to share their goodwill, a homeless shelter for families sponsored by the local division of the Salvation Army, The US Marine Reserves Toys for Tots program, a soup kitchen sponsored by the local Council of Churches, and at the County Home, a county run retirement and nursing home. Their main criteria in selecting a venue was that the organization assisted needy families. After discussing the possibilities, the Scoobies met with their families to plot a strategy.
Pastor Palmer Beech and Virginia Beech would contact the Council Of Churches. Moms and Pops would contact the Salvation Army. Reserve Captain Lyle Bull would contact the Marine Reserves about their Toys for Tots campaign to see what assistance the Scoobies could provide. Brenda Bangs, who ran a secondary hair salon at The County Retirement Home, would make arrangements there. They also got permission to hang popcorn, seed, and suet strings for the birds and squirrels to eat on the trees outside the facilities.
The Scoobies went before the School Board to request permission to set up a district wide donation campaign to collect food, clothing, toys, and money. The board, anxious to improve their public image, granted permission providing the Scoobies maintained appropriate separation of church and state in their collection campaign. They also requested the church board of Trinity UCC Church to launch a similar collection campaign which was overwhelmingly approved. Toys, food, clothing, cash and flowed in. A few people from each venue volunteered to assist in the collections and staging. The Scoobies took a major role in coordinating the dispersal of the incoming assets to the appropriate programs.
The local Marine Corp Toys For Tots program ended up with double the toys they’d ever had and they were able to give every needy child on their lists a gift with the extras passed on to other Marine Corps Toys For Tots Drives.
With assistance from The Metamorphosis School of the arts and their teachers, the Scoobies with Lexi, put together a 45 minute entertainment program of singing, dancing and short inspirational stories. Pops, with assistance from Eddie and Def made the portable props. Their stage crew consisted of Sonny Summers, utilizing The Crateful Bread step-van, Ike Kahn, and Lyle Bull. With the assistance of Eddie and Def they would need about a half hour for a leisurely set up for the show and another half hour to leisurely pack up. They could easily make the rounds of the children’s ward and facilities that were providing for the needy in one day.
For their show props they decided to use folding screens 7' high by 4' wide made of 3/16 inch luann plywood nailed onto a 2x3 frame, hinging a pair together, open to a 135 degree angle for use in the show and closed for transport.
Two sets of screens were painted with a background of night time Judean hills with a foreground of simple palm thatched open sided shelter. Plywood cut-outs of the Peanuts gang dressed as they were in the Nativity scene from A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS were made and painted. The tallest figure was three feet high and included three sheep with Snoopy as their shepherd. This would be set up to one side of their staging area as a static display.
One set of screens was painted a light green. Upper left corner had a golden Menorah with the word HANUKKAH written in Hebrew forming an arc above the flames and in English below the Menorah. The upper center had an enlarged painting of the 1997 Kwanzaa stamp issued by the U.S. Postal Service. The upper right corner featured a crescent moon and star on a black background with the word RAMADAN written in Arabic above it and in English below it. The lower right corner had a globe painted on it with the words MOTHER EARTH encircling it. A burning yule log and mistletoe flanked the word MID-WINTER SOLSTICE. The lower left corner featured a straw filled manager with a baby lying in it. PEACE ON EARTH was written above this and GOOD WILL TO MEN written above it. Starting in the center bottom extending nearly to the Kwanzaa image was a large decorated Christmas Tree. This would be set up on the other side of their staging area as a static display. Mrs. Claus would sit in a rocker by these screens knitting while three elves sat nearby on the floor.
Two sets of screens were made double sided. One side was painted with winter snow scenes similar to the exterior background of A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS. The other side was painted to resemble the parlor of a posh mid-nineteenth century Victorian style house at Christmas to be used as a backdrop for a number from the NUTCRACKER SUITE BALLET.
Eddie, and Def agreed to assist in moving props during the show and handing out goodies and presents. They balked a bit when they found out they would be expected to dress as elves in green tunics and tights until Lexi pointed out that in the movie ELF, Will Farrell and Bob Newhart wore elf tunics and tights. To help them feel less conspicuous, Lexi agreed to be an elf too. Her tunic fit snugly showing off her girlish curves before flaring out into a cute perky skirt. While Def and Eddie did the heavy work, Lexi would smile and dance about while directing the guys in their duties. Eddie had a hard time concentrating on his duties as Lexi coquettishly kept his attention.
On December 24th they started the four planned celebrations. The first presentation was at the soup kitchen run by the local Council of Churches at noon. The people enthusiastically applauded and the children were delighted with the gifts of fruit, toys, clothing and cash. They moved on to the Salvation Army’s homeless shelter for a 2:30 performance. Again the audience was delighted with the performance and the gifts of fruit, toys, clothing, and cash. The Children's ward at Sacred Heart Hospital was at 5:00 and was well received by the delighted children, families, and staff. The last show at the County Home began at 7:30. The elderly residents and staff were enthralled with the perky youths.
As they were hugging the residents and accepting their gratitude, Gabi and Lexi headed saw that Dr. Lee was standing at the back of the room. The duo skipped over to find out what she thought of their production. Since Thanksgiving, Lexi had been lobbying to be allowed to return to school after Christmas break, finally relegating Alex to her past. Dr. Lee had been leaning to approving the request but had concerns the matter was being rushed. While Gabi had only been under her care for two months before Gabe was retired, Gabe had a two year documented prior history that supported her transsexual diagnosis. Dr. Lee had decided to attend the last show at the County Home to observe Lexi in a public setting after an active strenuous day. The performing and stress would reveal possible behavioral discrepancies if she wasn't a true transsexual. Dr. Lee was quite impressed by the professionalism of all the players and thought the show was wonderful. By the end of the show, Dr. Lee felt she had no choice but to release Lexi from her double life.
"The show was wonderful," Dr. Lee enthused. "You were both delightful. Gabi, you made a wonderful ballerina. Lexi, I really think you're an elf at heart. Gabi, your behavior tonight confirms I made the right decision to let you be a girl full time. Lexi, I’m going to give you a special Christmas gift. Your behavior has convinced me to allow you to try being a full time girl. Between now and New years day, I want you to be 100% Lexi. I'll see you bright and early on January 2nd. If being Lexi full time has created no major issues, I'll approve letting you go to school as Lexi."
Lexi and Gabi squealed with delight and jumped up and down while joyously hugging. This drew the attention of their parents and siblings who unanimously approved of the doctor’s decision. Eddie smiled, knowing he'd like going to school with Lexi.
Cindy Caishun and her crew also caught up with the Scoobies and company at the County Home. Once more she was blown away by the bubbling youths and filmed the entire performance. Once again the Scoobies made the national news, this time on Christmas day. Naturally Cindy Caishun interviewed the entire crew for the news, and while her crew wrapped up, she approached Dr. Lee, Lyle, Faye, Ike, and Bea and asked for a few moments of their time.
"I've maintained the privacy of the children," Cindy began. “My admiration for Gabi and Lexi has grown with everything I've learned. I've been discreet since I learned that Gabi is transgendered. I found out shortly after Halloween. From my coverage of the abuse scandal at Hickstown Junior High I learned that Alex's attempted suicide had been responsible for blowing the lid on the cover-up. I was stunned but not really surprised when I learned that Gabi had been the one to snap Alex out of his suicidal funk during Operation Scoobies Treats. My research shows that Gabi had discovered that Alex was transgendered, which is what led to the abuse exposition. Now having seen Gabi as a dainty ballerina and Lexi as a sassy elf, I have great difficulty believing either of these feminine girls are even genetically male."
Cindy paused and took a deep breath. "I will abide by your wishes, but I'd like to do an in-depth Documentary on Gabi and Lexi. My intent is to show how they have blossomed since facing their gender issues. I'd present a background summary, go through the diagnostic process, interview the girls about how they feel, and get the opinions of their friends and classmates. Naturally, you would have full censorship on the final results. I'm asking you because I don't think it will be too long until they draw more media attention, and there are some reporters who would drag them through the mud to sensationalize them for ratings. What I'm proposing would be a proactive presentation with your cooperation and consent. I feel what I'm proposing would short-circuit the possibility of notoriety."
"We've discussed the possibility of some ratings happy newshound muckraking the girls," Lyle Bull stated after exchanging meaningful glances with the others. "We hadn't considered the possibility of doing something proactive but it does make a lot of sense. Of course we'll need to discuss your offer but I can tell you now if we allow this, we'd insist on having our censorship rights in writing. If you give me your business card, we'll discuss this and let you know our decision Thursday morning. Miss Caishun, We do appreciate your discretion and professionalism in this matter."
Cindy left them smiling, sure she would hear positive news about her offer.
Even though everyone was tired, Pastor Palmer Beech asked the Scoobies, friends, stage crew families if they felt up to one more show. “I think your show would be the best Midnight Candle light Christmas Eve service we ever had at Trinity UCC.”
Everyone had been planning to attend the midnight service at Trinity UCC anyway, and with the adrenalin rush of the shows, Dr. Lee’s news for Lexi, and Cindy Caishun’s request, they readily agreed. The Scoobies understood how wonderful the gift of Jesus that God gave to mankind on Christmas the best gift ever. They realized their efforts at giving paled in comparison. The entire group set off for the church.
As the service began at 11:00 pm, the church was packed to capacity. No one suspected what awaited them.
"I had what I thought was an appropriate Christmas Eve Program prepared," Pastor Beech began after the prelude was finished. "But after what happened today, I put it aside. I had the distinct pleasure of seeing members of our congregation living their faith. They freely gave of themselves in the same spirit that God gave us Jesus. Everyone is aware of what the Scoobies did for the children at Good Shepard Hospital with Operation Scoobies Treats. They topped themselves today."
"Many of you participated in the toy, food and cash collections the Scoobies sponsored not only through our church but through practically every business in town," Pastor Beech continued. "I have here a certificate of appreciation from The United States Marine Corps for the Scoobies. In recognition of your outstanding effort to assist the Toys For Tots campaign, the United States Marine Corp is presenting you with this special commendation. Your efforts allowed the 2613th Marine Reserve Battalion program for the first time to fill every request for toys for the needy. Your efforts produced such an abundance of toys, the Marine Corps was able to fill the requests for two neighboring Toys For Tots campaigns. This certificate recognizes your contribution to this worthwhile cause. Thanks to you we have answered the prayers of thousands of needy children."
"The certificate is signed by the Commandant of United States Marine Corps," Pastor Beech smiled. "We're all proud of the Scoobies and those who helped them. But assisting the Toys For Tots program was not the only way these young members of our congregation shared their faith. Today they presented a show and gave out gifts of food, toys, and cash to the needy at the local Council of Churches’ soup kitchen, the Salvation Army’s homeless shelter, the children at Good Shepard Hospital and for the elderly at the County Retirement Home. At each of the shows, the audience was overwhelmed not only by the spirit of the show, but also by the wonderful gifts distributed. Even though they performed the show four times since noon, after their last show, I asked if they were up to doing it one more time for you. They eagerly accepted. Let's sing hymn 192, "Oh Come All Yee Faithful" while the Scoobies and crew set up their props."
As the organ began playing, the crew began to carry in the the screens and props and placed them in the raised sanctuary at the front of the church where everyone would be able to see the program. By the end of the hymn, everything was in place.
"We are Christians," Gabi, wearing a white robe, spoke as she stepped forward. "But we respect everyone's beliefs. If they are Jewish celebrating Hannukah, or Moslem celebrating Ramadan, African American celebrating Kwansaa or Wiccan celebrating the winter soltice, we honestly feel it makes no difference to God as long as they love one and other. God created everything, and everything includes humanity. The basic tenants of all beliefs preach love of our fellow man. God is big enough for all of us."
"Now, I'd like to present A Scoobies Christmas Celebration," Gabi smiled and stepped to the side.
The show began with a recording of Bing Crosby and crew singing White Christmas. As the song ended, using the parlor scene screens as a backdrop, Buffy, Freddy, and Rocky dressed respectively as Clara Stahlbaum, the Nutcracker, and the Mouse King emerged to center stage. As a recording of the appropriate music began, the trio danced an energetic five minute version of the dramatic battle scene from the NUTCRACKER SUITE. When they finished, the trio bowed to tremendous applause, then left the stage area.
During the interlude, Sandy Beech emerged from behind the screens to flit about the congregation. Dressed like an Angel with a magic wand, she wielded a wand Pops had skillfully built to dispense individually holiday wrapped Hershey Kisses through a tiny trigger activated trap door in the center of the star.
While Sandy filled time, elf Lexi peeked out from another screen, giggled, and scampered out, waving to others to come out. Elf Eddie carried a large wooden box out and set it in the middle of the parlor screens. Elf Def, with his arms snugly wrapped about her waist, carried a stiff, mannequin-like Gabi dressed as a dainty ballerina from behind the screen and stood her on the box. The elves scampered off stage as Sandy returned to her spot behind her screen. When they were off stage the melodic tune of the song “Music Box Dancer” began, causing Gabi to come to life. At first she mechanically did some basic ballet moves as she twirled slowly on the box like a real music box ballerina. Then she seemed to come to life as she leapt off the box to perform a graceful energetic ballet style dance. As the music slowed down near the end, Gabi leapt back on the box, lost her humanity to mechanically pirouette three times before bending over and stopping as if she’d wound down. The congregation burst into energetic applause.
Again angel Sandy flitted about while elf Lexi popped back out to direct elves Def and Eddie to come back out. Elf Def simply put his shoulder at Gabi’s bent tummy and draped her over his shoulder to carry her off stage. Elf Eddie picked up the box to carry it off stage.
As this was the fifth time he’d done this, Def found himself drawn to the cute younger girl much like Eddie was attracted to Lexi. Def felt quite unsettled, more by the fact that Gabi was a younger girl rather than the fact she wasn't a genetic girl since he knew she was a real girl.
Sandy was still scampering about the congregation as Elf Lexi directed elves Def and Eddie to turn the screens from the parlor scenes to the snowy Christmas scene for the next vignette. This scene featured local tradition. Being in the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch country, the Scoobies had decided to throw in a touch of local Dutch Christmas tradition, the Belshnickel. The Scoobies had little trouble talking Pops into the portrayal of the fur-clad mythical man who visited children at Christmas time. The Belshnickel is a scary creature not well loved except by parents wanting to keep their children in line. If the kids had not been good, they would find coal and/or switches in their stockings.
With a loud jingling of dozens of bells tied to the fringes of his animal skin coat, the Belshnickel, looking like a wizened mountain man carrying a big filled gunny sack over one shoulder and a handful of switches in his free hand entered from the back of the church. The menacing man loudly stomped up to the center of the snow drift scenery, casting piercing gazes at the children in the congregation. Sandy hastily flittered away at his approach and the elves likewise scurried to hide. Upon reaching the staging area, the Belshnickel looked at the congregation with a frown and near snarl on his face. Mrs. Claus (Moms) came forward to greet him.
"What brings you out, you old scoundrel," she asked with a hearty laugh.
"Vell, hiem yust doin my yob," he growled as he placed the big bag beside him. "Afta all, I ham de Belshnickel! I haf ta see who's been naughty or nice." Then he pulled a switch out and slapped it against his buckskin clad (well padded) thigh producing a loud crack. "I cum here hopin' ta find sum naughty young-uns soes I can shpank dem! I likes nottin' betta than svitchin' a bad heiny!" With that he cracked his switch onto his thigh again.
Naturally, the children in the congregation cowered in apprehension.
"Now you just put that switch away," Mrs. Claus scolded. "There are no bad children here, so be on your way."
With a glare he slowly surveyed the audience. "Bah, dere all good uns. I'm goin' ta leaf ta find sumun I can svitch!" With that he stormed down the center aisle leaving the bag behind.
Mrs. Claus looked out at the congregation and smiled. "He's really just a kind hearted old coot," she explained. "But he does like switching a bad child's butt. He brought gifts for everyone but is too grouchy to admit it."
At that point the Elves Lexi, Eddie, and Def scampered from their hiding spots and with elvish curiosity opened the bag. With huge smiles, they pulled net bags of large fresh oranges and began to distribute fresh oranges to the children and adults in the congregation.
For a finale, the Scoobies and friends gathered together to sing. Virginia Beech played a small synthesizer. They started off with “Light One Candle”, a Hunakkah song; “The Holly And The Ivy”, a Wiccan song; then went on to “The Christmas Song” better known as “Chestnuts Roasting On The Open Fire” before switching over to the humorous “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer”. This was followed by a raucous version of “Jingle Bells”. While their earlier shows had ended with “Silent Night”, this presentation didn’t... at least yet. The Scoobies bowed as the congregation rose to their feet cheering and applauding.
"Tonight we've witnessed the true meaning of Christmas," Pastor Beech intoned once the congregation settled down. "God gave us Jesus Christ who then sacrificed himself to forgive our sins. In that same spirit of giving, these youngsters have shared themselves without any expectation of getting anything back except the sheer joy of giving. I can think of no better Christams gift than to give yourself to others."
"Let's close tonight's service with the lighting of our personal candles," Pastor Beech continued. "Please remember, once your candle is lit, do not tip the candle. The person lighting their candle should tip their candle into the flame. Once everyone's candle is lit, we'll turn out all the lights and sing "Silent Night". Also, since we changed the service and neglected to collect the offering,” here he paused dramatically as the congregation chuckled. “The Scoobies will be waiting by the doors with the offering plates to collect your donations as you leave."
Pastor Beech lit a twelve inch taper candle from the Christ Candle on the altar, then walked to the railing separating the sanctuary from the seating area. Six ushers waited with twelve inch taper candles and carefully lit their candle from Pastor Beech's candle. Then the ushers turned to the center aisle and split up. The first two heading to the back, one to climb to the balcony and one to the seating beneath the balcony. The next pair stopped half way down the aisle, one on each side of the aisle and the last two began with the front pew. The ushers held their candles next to the parishioner closest to the aisle who lit their candle. They then passed the flame candle to candle accross the pew as the ushers moved onto the next row. The parishioners had four inch high candles one half inch in diameter that was seated in a plastic drip protector that looked like a wine glass without the base. Any child old enough to hold a candle upright had a candle.
As the candles were being lit, the choir began to sing "Silent Night" in the original German accompanied by David (Walt) Winters, Buffy’s ex-hippie grandfather, on a worn acoustical guitar, like the original presentation of the song. Those in the congregation that knew the German lyrics sang along.
"Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht, Alles schlá¤ft; einsam wacht Nur das traute hochheilige Paar. Holder Knabe im lockigen Haar, Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh! Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh!" "Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht, Hirten erst kundgemacht Durch der Engel Halleluja, Tá¶nt es laut von fern und nah: Christ, der Retter ist da! Christ, der Retter ist da!" "Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht, Gottes Sohn, o wie lacht Lieb' aus deinem gá¶ttlichen Mund, Da uns schlá¤gt die rettende Stund'. Christ, in deiner Geburt! Christ, in deiner Geburt!" |
By the time they finished the German version, all the candles were lit. The electric lights in the church were extinguished, casting the vast room into semi-darkness yet each person was in a circle of light cast by their candle. It was an awe-inspiring setting. Then Walt began playing the song again on his acoustical guitar and everyone sang with heart-felt gusto.
"Silent night, holy night All is calm all is bright 'Round yon virgin Mother and Child Holy infant so tender and mild Sleep in heavenly peace Sleep in heavenly peace." "Silent night, holy night, Shepherds quake at the sight. Glories stream from heaven afar, Heav'nly hosts sing Alleluia; Christ the Savior is born Christ the Savior is born." "Silent night, holy night, Son of God, love's pure light. Radiant beams from Thy holy face, With the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth." |
As the last strains of the song faded, everyone blew out their candle. After about fifteen seconds of total darkness, the lights came back on. It was midnight. Everyone yelled MERRY CHRISTMAS! The service was over.
Many parishioners sniffed back the tears of joy, hope and happiness that threatened to tumble from their eyes. Although the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service had for years ended with the candle lighting and singing of Silent Night, this year The Scoobies Christmas Celebration had made the experience especially moving. Few would forget this service and none would lose the message of hope that Christ's birth gives to mankind.
As the parishioners began to leave, they all dug a bit deeper into their pockets and filled the offering plates the Scoobies held. The exodus from the church was the slowest in the history of Christmas Eve Services as each person praised the Scoobies and thanked them for their efforts. The Scoobies smiled and blushed bright red. For the fifth time on this long, tiring day they humbly accepted the many accolades heaped upon them by the grateful people they'd helped.
Even though the Scoobies were exhausted, they felt elated. The Scoobies Christmas Celebration had far surpassed their high expectations. They fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows.
Everyone spent Christmas day with their families. Of course, this didn't mean the Scoobies and friends didn't talk, especially when Cindy Caishun’s report with clips of The Scoobies Christmas Celebration aired on national TV. The Scoobies decided to meet Monday morning at the Dog House. They discussed the show, checked the website to read the many notes of praise that flooded in, and to discuss expanding the group.
To Be Continued...
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Very positive and interesting!
This is a very fun story and has a lot of good feeling in it. I am enjoying it immensely. Thanks for sharing.
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Scoobies really show us the christmas spirit on this day with their work for childrens.And what Gabi said about God creating all of us, and about respecting others beliefs(because God love all of us no matter the differences)is something i fully agree with.Now if only more people on this planet would understand it...
Great chapter.
This is a tear jerker if ever there was one.
I had tears in my eyes as read the unselfish things the Scoobies-Do did, and even though this is fiction, it is a tender chapter with feelings of peace on earth and goodwill to men, boys, girls, women, and even the transgendered. People the next time you read a chapter of this story have at least 3 boxes of tissues handy, because you will need them. This is such a wonderfully awesome chapter. Thank you for sharing these Christmas wishes.
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
Maybe I am a scrooge but....
..sorry - this was the dullest and preachiest chapter yet - I don't mind what your beliefs are and I certainly respect the message of universal love and tolerance but this was all just one long sermon - and it was so dull!
I was bored and it was a strain to read to the end.
I enjoy reading about Gabi and the Scoobies, I love the sweet and uplifting nature of this story but nothing happened and we had fairly heavy messages coshed about our heads - not my favourite episode - sorry
The nature of Monkey is - Irrepressible!!!
The nature of Monkey is - Irrepressible!!!
Very nice!..and timely.
Very nice!..and timely.