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Gently pulling Deirdre forward a bit more, so she now stood to the front, the king went on. “In recognition of dangers endured, and defeated, along with valued service to the crown, this Lady, my heir’s betrothed, will now hold Lindsay as part of her personal holdings. She will therefore now be known officially as The Lady Deirdre, Duchess of Lindsay, and that title will fall to her heirs, in perpetuity.” Maiden By Decree
Or: Okay it Was a Little Messy, But We Got Here... Right?
Copyright © 2009 by Maggie Finson
Pictures purchased and licensed royalty-free from www.istockphoto.com .
Bridgette stirred briefly, feeling the weight of the single chain holding her to the wall of the chamber she was being held in. She ached in more places than she cared to think about, but the greatest pain was the one that didn’t show physically.
“I would have been Queen by now if not for that meddlesome little bitch.” She said to herself in a quiet voice still filled with venom. Deirdre would pay for her meddling, in time, though Bridgette wasn’t entirely certain of how that would come about given her present circumstances and rather bleak and probably short future. An execution for treason would be merciful given the visions of the vengeance that raven haired little bitch Deirdre was likely to visit on her.
“If you are quite finished with spewing bile into an empty room,” a half amused voice interrupted her cursing the woman who had been her downfall, “perhaps you would consider the merits of leaving this place before things settle down enough for the victors to get around to meting out the justice they believe you so richly deserve.”
She turned to see a figure clad, literally, in shadows emerge from behind a tapestry then move gently take the wrist confined by the padded manacle and work on the restraint for a moment. The manacle fell off, freeing her, and she gave the person a puzzled look. “A rescue? For a failed agent? Why?”
“Unlike your former conspirator,” the man responded, “you still have value to our mutual employers. They feel that you will still be able to contribute to the cause, but not if you are swinging at the end of a rope. Therefore, I was sent to expedite your — umm — release.”
“I won’t argue with you on that point.” Bridgette nodded, then questioned. “Roric?”
“No loss, I barely managed to keep the fool from idiocies that went far beyond kidnapping the betrothed of a future king.” She shrugged. “Now, about that ‘release’ you mentioned?”
“Put these on.” The still unidentified man reached into a bag he was carrying and pulled out a collection of ragged servant’s garments then tossed them towards her.
“With you watching?” She grimaced then stopped what would probably have been an acid response with a wave of her hand. “Just don’t enjoy the view, too much while I change.”
If he did enjoy the view, he didn’t comment as she changed into the rough clothing. “So how are you going to get me out of here?”
Mussing her hair, and rubbing ashes from the fireplace into it while putting some into her hand, he answered. “Rub that into your face, then we’ll simply walk out.”
Deirdre, bathed, seen to by a healer, and dressed in a gown that didn’t quite fit, but was much better than the rags of a nightgown she had still had, or the blood spattered guard’s uniform she’d been wearing, emerged from behind the screen where a very attentive maid had been assisting her.
Garret, who had been lounging in a chair in front of a warming fire, shot up, grimaced as the move sent bolts of pain through his still tender head, but moved to embrace his beloved. “I was so afraid for you, love. But given thought, and seeing how you’d managed to pretty well turn this place upside down and shake it,” he went on, while drinking in the warmth and sensation of contentment holding her gave him, “another few days and you would probably have opened the gates and welcomed me and my army in.” “Oh, I doubt that.” Deirdre sighed while enjoying the feeling of completeness and safety being in his arms gave her then grinned. “It would have taken me another week at least.” |
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“That I doubt.” He answered then winced as she moved her hand across the back of his head. “Damn it, I still have a headache. Just my luck.”
“Let momma make it better.” She whispered as she pulled his head down to meet her waiting lips.”
“Who’s going to tell her?” Savar questioned the small group gathered at the door of the chambers given to Deirdre.
“We could dice for it.” Hemish offered, not wishing to be the bearer of this bad news any more than his long time companion.
“Oh, for the god’s sake!” Mina shook her head and favored both with a glare that held more than a little fondness in addition to her pique. “You two have been with or around her since Garret chose her at the tournament, and you still dance around her temper like a pair of frightened little girls instead of big strong guardsmen. But, that’s all right. I suppose I’ll tell her if you two don’t have the balls to do it.”
“It isn’t balls I lack, it’s what she might do to them when she finds out." Savar opined. “You know how she gets.”
Hemish added his agreement to that with a vigorous nod then a wince as he imagined crockery, chamber pots, and anything else not securely fastened down flying through the air. And towards his own head.
“Wimps.” Mina chuckled while patting each man on the shoulder. “Fine, I’ll tell her, and I’ll bet you a month’s pay, she won’t start throwing things when she gets the news.”
“You’re on!” Both chorused, thinking she had just taken a sucker bet and gleefully thinking of what they would do with the extra money.
“Since you two have known the lady from the time she was a reluctant damsel,” Mina grinned, “and have been with her through her rather tumultuous acceptance of what she is and what she is destined to be I doubt that she would throw anything damaging at either one of you.”
“With her temper, you never know.” Savar shrugged. “I recall the night she discovered that she really was a woman…”
Hemish nodded in agreement. “And she really has a hate on for Bridgette.”
“Cowards.” Mina regarded both of them with a slow smile before her expression turned deadly serious. “But we have to tell her before the news reaches her from some other source, probably in public.
You can stand behind me if you like.” She smirked again before knocking on the door.
“How?” Deirdre questioned with dangerous mildness when she heard that Bridgette had escaped.
“No one is all that sure, Lady.” Savar answered carefully. “The chamber she had been imprisoned in was open, her clothing was scattered on the floor, and there were no traces that could be followed.”
“I could find nothing.” Mina added with a frown. “Neither could anyone else.”
“Which means magic was used to get her out.” Deirdre nodded. “With that bitch on the loose, I’ll never feel completely safe. Damn her! And the ones who got her out!”
The gathering, Garrett included, watched with no little trepidation as the petite hellion picked up a vase from a nearby table and glared at the nearby wall while her voice rose in building anger as her arm drew back in preparation for a good throw.
Savar and Hemish both winced and started looking for convenient places for cover while grinning like fools at one another.
But to everyone’s surprise, the tirade stopped in mid-sentence as, with immense effort of will, Deirdre lowered the inoffensive vase while thinking, Smashing the vase would achieve nothing - well, alright, I'd probably feel a bit better, but other than that, it would achieve nothing at all other than making a needless mess.
Her audience stood in silent shock as she returned the vase to the table it had been on. The sharp click as it made slightly more forceful contact than needed and the silence that followed that action was far more worrisome than seeing it shatter into shards of glass against a wall.
“The gods decree, and we mortals deal with whatever they decide. My nemisis is still free to do whatever mischief she is able to manage. All I — we — can do is be prepared for whatever she, or her masters try.” Deirdre said tiredly then sighed and shook her head. “Tantrums would be worse than counter-productive right now with the situation we are facing here.”
“Besides,” she added with a wry little grin. “Even if it would make me feel marginally better, I don’t really think breaking things would give a very good impression to a staff of servants who have already spent far too much time dealing with abusive masters and mistresses.”
“I’m sure they would understand one little vase, Lady…” Savar hopefully offered, then withered under the glare Mina gave him before she rubbed two fingers together with a grin and raised eyebrow that had him finishing quietly. “But I suppose you are right on that.
You have grown, Lady.” Savar spoke into the silence that followed her comment then reddened as he realized he had stepped well beyond the bounds a man-at-arms was allowed in most cases but carried on in spite of that. “I for one am very proud of you and to have the privilege of being one of your personal guardsmen.”
Deirdre regarded him for a few moments before moving forward to hug him tightly. “Thank you for that observation, my friend. I will always treasure the memory of you telling me this.”
“I am — nothing more than a simple soldier, Lady.” Savar protested.
“Oh, no.” Deirdre hugged him tighter and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. “You dare be a friend when all convention says that should not be. Thank you, my friend, my good and trusted friend.
Thanks to all of you.” She continued once she’d released a terribly embarrassed Savar. “You have all put up with my strangeness, my tempers, my intransigence, without giving up on me. I will always think of each one of you when circumstances seem to be more overwhelming than I can cope with and pray that I might emulate the way you have all been with me. I love each of you without reservation.”
“We found Luc.” Cedric gave a heavy sigh as he informed the gathering of that unhappy discovery. “I’m afraid it isn’t good news, though.”
A healer moved forward at the king’s wave and somberly regarded the worthies he was facing for a moment. “Lord Luc is not as he was, nor will he ever be again. He is quite mad, and from all evidence and information given by the servants here, has been so for quite some time, even before Roric began to rule here. The healers and physicians managed to mitigate the sickness for years, but it finally grew too strong and the Duke had to be confined for his, and other’s safety. He has been well cared for, and is physically in as good a shape as would be expected for someone in his condition. Roric chose to quietly have his father cared for instead of making him a public spectacle, and even then was beginning to show signs of the same madness his father suffered.”
“I’m afraid that still does not justify what he has done.” Garret answered quietly. “He should have stepped down himself when it was certain my uncle’s illness was taking him as well.”
“Would the Lady Bridgette have come on the scene around that time?” Deirdre questioned then added. “With his father confined, and the news that he suffered the same malady, Roric would have been ripe for an understanding ear, a woman willing to stay by him, support him, and simply be a source of comfort, I think.”
“Indeed she did, m’lady.” The healer answered.
“I’m not going to say Roric was blameless in all this.” Deirdre said thoughtfully. “But Bridgette’s appearance at just that time was — very convenient, don’t you think? Far too convenient for my liking.”
“You think she was sent here to take advantage of the situation?” Vertigan asked.
“It would seem to fit with everything else we’ve discovered here, wouldn’t it?” The raven haired beauty nodded. “It was fairly common gossip that Bridgette was the true ruler here, and Roric merely followed her lead in most things.”
The chief of Jhalmar’s spies nodded in agreement. “That is the conclusion we have reached as well, Lady. The one paramount question in all this, which will remain unanswered now with her escape, is who is her real master? The person, or people behind all this are still shrouded in shadow, I fear.”
“Then we will need to be on guard all the time.” Garret said with a grim expression on his face mirrored by everyone present. “It would seem someone is working very hard to destablilze Jhalmar. Though this particular plan failed they will not stop until they are rooted out and neutralized.”
“Agreed.” Cedric nodded. “Vertigan, do you have any leads at all on this, even if what you have is tenuous at best?”
“None at the moment.” The spymaster sighed in frustration. “Although several of my agents have found tantalizing traces of a trail that will eventually lead us to something concrete. Unfortunately, all that is going to take time no matter how much any of us wish to finish this all up quickly and cleanly.”
“Understood.” Cedric nodded, knowing from experience that pushing his spymaster to push his agents would produce nothing but confusion, ill will, and no progress beyond what had already been promised. “I’ll leave this in your capable hands, and those of your agents, old friend. Your organization has proven itself more times than I can count already.”
With that, the meeting was finished. All present were aware the one danger was past, but there would be more challenges in the future that they could do nothing about but be prepared for the trouble to come. Then to hopefully stop whatever may come with the same alacrity this last attempt had been met with.
“Ughh!” Deirdre grimaced as she tossed the vellum sheets listing the potential guest list for her upcoming wedding. “Do we have to invite all these people?”
“Yes, dear.” Jessica chuckled while gathering the sheets and making a neat stack of them on the table before her future sister-in-law. “A royal wedding requires at least every lord, lady, and knight in the kingdom as attendees, along with diplomats, influential merchants, and…”
“Never mind.” The dark haired hellion waved off any more recitation with a glower that would have stopped a charging war horse in mid stride. “I’ve heard it already, but it isn’t really going to be a royal wedding, you know. Garret isn’t the prince or anything.”
“Oh, I’m afraid you’re wrong there.” Jessica smirked at her friend’s discomfiture. His Majesty Cedric is going to publicly confirm Garret as his legal heir later today, along with rearranging some of the nobility so Leslie will have a competent lord. Personally, I think the king is getting more than a bit tired of riding herd on all these rowdy lesser nobles jockeying for the spot and just wants to settle the matter and go home. So that will definitely make Garret Prince of the realm, which makes you…”
“The princess designate, I know, I know.” Deirdre grumped then quietly added. “I think I’ll talk Garret into going to a shrine with me, or a small temple, kidnap a priest or priestess, and have whoever that may be just marry us so it will be over with.”
The blonde haired mage gave her friend an amused, if wary look. “You wouldn’t really do that, would you?”
Propping her chin on one dainty hand, the bride-to-be blew an errant strand of midnight hair out of her face in irritation. “Oh, probably not. Garret would never go along with the idea, even if I think it’s a good one.”
“I seem to recall you also thinking that learning to fire one of those new cannon was a good idea, too. Until you managed to wheedle the arms master into letting you try. We had to burn your clothes, but I do have to admit that with all that gunpowder worked into them, they made a fine fireworks display.” Jessica chuckled.
“Took me two days to get all the powder out of my hair.” The other said quietly then grimaced. “That bag of gunpowder could have burst on anyone using it, but would it? Oh, nooo, it just had to be the one I picked on my first try. Now Garret will never let me try firing one of those things again.”
Mina, who had been observing the conversation with vast amusement joined it. “But you were kind of cute flouncing around in a snit with your pretty face all blackened with gunpowder. Good thing you didn’t flounce into a lighted torch, though.”
“When I need your help in this I’ll ask for it.” Deirdre grumbled, then lost her petulant expression and started to quietly laugh. “But I was sight, wasn’t I?”
“Oh, yes. That you were.” Jessica agreed then joined in her friend’s laughter.
Soon all three of them were cackling like lunatics while the maids, timidly hovering at a relatively safe distance from the uncharacteristically ill tempered bride-to-be gave each other quick glances tinged with relief.
Cedric, every inch a king even without his court regalia, coolly observed the gathering in Castle Lindsay’s throne room. With a decisive nod he gestured both Garret and Deirdre forward to join him on the dais.
“My lords, My Ladies, and commoners alike, I would normally make an announcement of this magnitude in Jhalmar. Given the unsettled circumstances in the kingdom, especially this Duchy it was decided that I would do it here first, then again once I return to Jhalmar. But make no mistake here, my pronouncement this day is official, and you all would do well to heed it.
Following much soul searching, I and my queen have finally designated an heir to the throne due to the sad lack of our own children.” Cedric set his hand on Garret’s shoulder and held out the other for Deirdre to take. “By this proclamation, Garret Mindovan of Chalmnessa is now my designated heir and officially a Prince of the Realm, entitled to all prerogatives, honors, and duties of that office. Ignore this at your peril, as you have all seen here, treason is dealt with swiftly and decisively.”
There was a soft murmuring in the crowd, but no dissent. Instead, in unison and without hesitation the gathering bowed deeply to Garret in a show of respect.
Gently pulling Deirdre forward a bit more, so she now stood to the front, the king went on. “In recognition of dangers endured, and defeated, along with valued service to the crown, this Lady, my heir’s betrothed, will now hold Lindsay as part of her personal holdings. She will therefore now be known officially as The Lady Deirdre, Duchess of Lindsay, and that title will fall to her heirs, in perpetuity.”
Deirdre swayed slightly, giving Cedric the look a deer gives the hunter when well cornered. Giving her a smile and a sly wink that the gathering couldn’t see, Cedric went on. “Which now settles the lordship of this Duchy. The Lady, however is going to be rather busy with wedding preparations, then being a Princess of the Realm and eventually your Queen. In view of that, I shall appoint a steward to hold and administer this Duchy in her stead.
The gathered nobles gave the midnight haired hellion the same respect they had shown Garret, and many wore hopeful expressions at the news that a steward would be appointed to run the Duchy for her.
Cedric watched the reactions with a thin smile for a few moments as he passed a flabbergasted Deirdre back to Garret. “Lord Chance Mul, come forward.”
The name was unfamiliar to most in the chamber, and everyone was darting glances in all directions to see just who this unknown lord was. Riddler moved easily through the crowd, gave his daughter a ‘What can you do’ look, and mounted the dais. With a sigh, he regarded Cedric, bowed deeply then quietly said. “I always knew you had it in for me, Your Majesty. You still haven’t forgiven me for that privy prank, have you?”
“Actually, I recall that one rather fondly.” Cedric chuckled before returning to his stern, ruling demeanor. “Lord Mul will take over administration of Lindsay with all rights, privileges, and duties of a ruling Duke — with Her Grace, Deirdre’s agreement. Your Grace?”
It took Deirdre a few moments to realize she was being addressed she’d been staring so intently at Riddler. Shaking off the second shock of the day, she smiled, nodded, and held out her hand to Riddler. “Oh, I quite happily accept your choice, Your Majesty. I know you will take good care of my Duchy, Lord Mul. “
“I will be sure to do my humble best, your Grace.” Riddler answered formally then whispered. “But I liked being an anonymous ne’er do well.”
“If I have to be a princess, you can damned well be a Duke, daddy.” Deirdre answered through a rather forced smile that was more a gritting of teeth. “We’ll talk later, my lord. In depth and at great length, I’m sure.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt that at all, dear daughter.” He said with a heavy sigh. “Not at all.”
“I trust.” Cedric addressed the gathering. “That all of you will be considerate enough to hold your requests for consultations with either the Prince or Her Grace for several days no matter how urgent you may feel it is. Both need a little time to take care of personal matters and Her Grace is enveloped in wedding details on top of that. To those of you who don’t know her, trust me on this. Don’t get on her bad side. You’ll greatly regret that, for a long time to come if you are that foolish.
“This audience is ended.” He announced then gave Garret and his still gob-smacked bride-to-be a wicked little grin. “That went well, don’t you think?”
Neither one of the pair could come up with an immediate answer beyond nods, probably fortunate in Deirdre’s case since what she was thinking was not something one said to a reigning king and expect to live out the day.
“Dammit, Garret!” Deidre fumed when they were alone in her chambers. “What have you gotten me into? A year ago I was a simple waif running the streets, and a boy at that! Now, now, I’m a woman, a Duchess, and soon to be a princess! It’s all your fault! I’m not ready for all this, you know.”
“I’m sure you’ll handle all that with the same charm and aplomb you’ve managed to bring to everything else, my love.” Garret answered with a smirk. “You’ll do not just fine, you’ll be wonderful in all those capacities, and make a great Queen on top of that.”
“You,” she frowned, “are treading very thin ice here, my Prince. I may end up being executed for killing the designated heir of the realm if you can’t do better than that.”
“Heavens and gods forbid.” He answered then gathered her into a gentle hug that pressed her up against him and wouldn’t let her go. “That I would be fool enough to anger the next Queen of Jhalmar enough to brain me with a chamber pot. Again.
I love you more than I can say, more than life, more than Chalmnessa, more than Jhalmar.” He quietly said into her ear as he nuzzled her hair. “If I had to give everything up to be with you for the rest of my life, I would joyfully be a homeless beggar on the streets simply to do that. I’m holding a hellion in my arms, fierce in defense of what she loves, deadly at need, hard as diamond when that is called for.
But you are also, loving, caring, and you actually give a damn for the common people and their difficulties, but most of all,” he kissed her neck, running his tongue up and down that slender, ivory column for a moment before whispering, “and most of all, you give all of yourself when you give at all. That is more precious than the finest gems or any amount of gold. When you say something will be done, it gets done and woe to anyone who balks you. Last, and most importantly, I love you, will support you, and know you will be not only a good queen, but a great and much loved one. Stop worrying and just do what you usually do. Make it up as you go along until you get the feel for your new station and duties and never doubt that I will be beside you through all of it.”
“I bet you say that to all the girls, my prince.” Deirdre breathed with a very uncharacteristic giggle. “Now, would the kingdom be scandalized if I dragged you into my bed to have my evil way with you?”
“Well, I don’t have a headache any longer.” He gasped as her small, agile fingers began working his clothing loose. “And anyone who doesn’t like it will have to deal with you. I’ll just mop up what’s left.”
“You really know what to say to a girl, my prince.” She said with a smirk as she shrugged out of her gown, taking his wrists to guide his hands to her breasts while telling him. “Now back all that up if you would. I’ve been a virgin too long as it is. Teach me what it really is to be a woman in love with a man.”
“My pleasure, your grace.” He answered as he lowered her to the bed and began working her undergarments loose.
Riddler entered the room and bowed. “Your Grace.”
“Lord Chance Mul.” Deirdre greeted him with a bit of ice in her voice. “Exactly when had you planned on telling me you were a lord, Daddy dear?”
“Umm, never if I could have gotten away with it.” He admitted slowly. “My lordship is in name only, my family’s fortune and lands were lost by my father and grandfather’s ill advised investments and gambling. I was a pauper, with nowhere to call home, no prospects for doing better or much in the way of hope for some time. Until His Majesty Cedric, and Vertigan approached me to work for the spymaster. It wasn’t much at the time, but it did give me something productive to do instead of wandering into pure thievery and other less savory occupations.”
“You made a very convincing thief, my lord.” She said with chilly emphasis still on the title. “Another thing, now that you have a confirmed title again AND a place to call home… What do you plan to do about mother, if you’ve thought of that at all.”
“I plan to bring her here, marry her, and give her as much of a comfortable life as I’m able — if she will have me. I love your mother very much, Deirdre, and greatly regretted having nothing to offer or give her other than you and your sister. That you can believe as if the gods themselves had told you. She refused to marry me following her first husband’s death, knowing what I was doing for a real living, and how attachments could prove detrimental to both of us and our children.
That impediment is no longer a factor.” He said with a long sigh. “I know I’ll never be able to make up for my absence when you and Ilene were growing up, but I’ll do everything in my power to be a father to both of you now. If you’ll let me.”
“That is Ilene’s decision regarding you.” Deirdre answered quietly then burst into tears. “But I’ll take you as you are father, and would have done so if you had been nothing but a common thief.”
“I love you, too, daughter.” Riddler, or Lord Mul as he was now to be known, found himself with both arms full of a happily sobbing girl and hugged her to him. “If nothing else works out, we have that, don’t we?”
“Yes, daddy.” She quietly answered against his chest as he held her.
“This Duchess thing is going to take some getting used to, you know.” Deirdre grumbled while going through a list of petitions for her attention from varied sources in Lindsay.
“You’ll get the hang of it soon enough, I’m sure.” Jessica told her with a grin. “As you have with everything else that has happened to you over the past year or so. “Just don’t bite a petitioner’s head off unless what they’re asking is totally ridiculous and you’ll do fine. Plus, you could send them all to your father since he is the official administrator of the Duchy now.”
“Ahh, revenge, and another suffering soul to keep me company.” Running a hand through her hair, Dierdre muttered. “This is worse than the wedding stuff. But I should at least see a few of these, just to show that I’m interested and care about their concerns.”
“So choose a few and let your father handle the others.” The blonde mage shrugged.
“That’s easier said than done with all this, you know.” Deirdre let out a frustrated sigh while still going through the petitions.
Jessica grinned, sure that her friend and future sister-in-law would make the right choices — for her and the petitioners — and see that justice was done in each case.
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“Your Grace, I don’t really understand your attitude on all this.” Her appointments secretary, a too unctuous courtier and something she was still getting used to having protested. “There are wealthy merchants and lords asking for your attention and you insist on seeing common people to hear their concerns?
“This nation is built on the work and sweat of these common people as you so disparagingly call them.” She shot back with a mildness that boded ill for the man. “Do not ever disparage the hard working, common folk to me again or you might just find yourself among them. And I could do that without shedding a tear, do you understand me?” “Yes your Grace.” He answered unhappily. “It will be as you command.” “Good.” She answered sweetly. “Announce and escort the first ones in, would you?” |
Lethalis bowed and left her thinking that his job was going to be a hard one to handle, if interesting. The little firebrand who had been confirmed as his Duchess was going to turn more than a few things upside down, shake them, and see what fell out, he was certain. It might actually be fun to watch that he thought with a small smile of anticipation playing with his mouth. It would surely be educational.
“That was kind of wearing.” Deirdre sat back in the Ducal throne once the last of the petitioners she had chosen to see had gone.
“You did very well, your Grace.” Garret told her with a grin. “Both sides in each dispute can live with your solutions and left feeling as if they came out ahead.”
“You quite obviously have a talent for this kind of thing, your Grace.” Lethalis added with something like admiration in his voice. “I can see that working for you is going to be more than entertaining, with apologies for the presumption.”
“Just learn her quirks and you’ll do fine.” Garret advised the man. “Though that might take some time and you’re allowed a few mistakes as you learn.”
“Plain speaking is what I want from you, Lethalis.” She told him. “Try leading me around any bushes or down any garden paths and you’ll soon see my rather ‘famous’ temper. Be honest with me, even if you disagree with what I’m doing and we’ll get along fine. Most of the time.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, your Grace.” Linthalis answered without expression.
“Good man.” Garret clapped him on the shoulder. “I think you’ll do well.”
“I do hope so, my Lord.” Linthalis responded with a wry grin. “I would much rather be on her good side.”
“You’ve learned the first rule of Living with Deirdre and surviving the experience.” Garret laughed.
“Mother.” Deirdre smiled and actually rushed forward to hug her mom. “I’m so glad to see you again.”
“You’ve been doing things that aren’t all that acceptable for a young lady, young lady.” Leila told her then hugged her daughter tightly. “But you’ve taken the heart of this kingdom and hold it in your hand. So I suppose you’ve done more than just well. I would just ask that you think about things before charging off on your next little adventure. There are many people besides me who would be devastated about losing you.”
“I have to be me, mother, you should know that by now.” The midnight haired beauty answered carefully then hesitantly questioned. “I’m sorry I can’t be the son you had for fifteen years, mother. I neither planned for all this, or wanted it…”
“Hush, daughter.” Leila answered softly. “You are what you are. You’re still my child and I still love you unconditionally. Even if you seem to have a temperament that isn’t quite befitting a lady or your station.”
“I love you so much, mother.” Deirdre answered back.
“I know that dearest.” Leila said into her daughter’s ear. When you were chosen at that tournament, I was shocked, yes, but knew it was your destiny.
And you seem to have done much, much better as a young woman than you ever would have managed as an under developed boy. I’m so happy you’ve found love, and man worthy of you.”
“And what about you and my father?” Deirdre questioned.
“Chance has asked me to marry him.” Leila answered with a little smirk. “I intend to accept, but want him to sweat a bit first.”
“That’s wonderful, mother!” Deirdre hugged her mom tighter then gave her a look filled with mischief. “Now I know where I got my intransigent streak.”
“Like mother, like daughter.” Leila laughed then turned serious again. “What does Ilene think of all this?”
“Oh, she’s busy with her squire at the moment.” Leila chuckled. “She has the same ability you do for charming men. As for knowing who her real father is, she’s known for some time now, and after a bit of shock accepts the fact. She is, in fact, anxious to meet Chance.”
“Probably so she can yell at him for a while.” Deirdre chuckled.
“Oh probably.” Leila laughed. “But then she’ll want daddy’s hug.”
“It’s worth the wait.” Deirdre told her mother.
“I know my dear.” Leila smirked. “Trust me on that one and don’t ask questions.”
“I do hope he’s making up for all those years you went without someone.”
“Oh trust me, he is.” Leila laughed happily.
“You know,” Ilene told Deirdre with a sigh. “I never really have had the chance to get to know you as my sister.”
“I know.” The little beauty who had been a boy told her sister with a hesitant smile. “So how do you feel about having a sister instead of a brother?”
“Derek or Deirdre.” Ilene grinned. “I love you either way
Although.” Ilene added with a grin, “Deirdre is way more interesting than Derek ever thought of being. So don’t worry, I still love you and won’t stop doing that.”
“Just stay well clear when I get mad at someone.” Deirdre chuckled while hugging her sister.
“Yes, I have heard about that.” Ilene laughed. “You are one little girl that no one sane wants to mess with.”
“What can I say?” Jhalmar’s famous, or infamous ,hellion asked. “I have a temper and the girl hormones just make that worse at times.”
“All part of being a woman, dear sister.” Ilene smirked as she said that. “Now you truly understand why mom and I got so nasty at certain times of the month.”
“Oh yeah.” Deirdre had to laugh with her sister. “Garret steps lightly around me when it’s that time of the month. Come to think of it, so does everyone else.”
“Mom and I know things that can help with that.” Ilene told her. “I’m sure we’ll be sharing them with you.”
“Damn, I’m still learning this girl stuff.”
“We all learn as we go, sister.” Ilene laughed.
“Don’t I know about that .” Shoving a shoal of hair so dark one expected to see stars in it away from her face, Deirdre sighed. “I’m still trying to learn all this stuff.”
“Don’t feel all alone there, sis.” Ilene laughed. “All us girls learn as we go.”
Leila was revitalized. Her face was unlined and radiant, her hair shone even if the gray in it hadn't disappeared, it was still beautiful. Her bridal gown was simple, an off white sheath that showed off her still lovely figure and complemented her complexion.
“Nervous, sis?” Ilene questioned as they watched their mother being escorted up the aisle by none other than Cedric.
“Yes.” Deirdre whispered back. “I’ve never been a bride’s attendant before and never thought I’d be one.”
“Just stand her looking lovely and feminine — which isn’t hard for you, by the way — recite the lines, and it will go fine, sis.” Ilene advised then added. “Isn’t mother beautiful?”
“Yes she is.” Deirdre answered without reservation. “I’m so happy for her, and for our dad.”
“We all are, sis.” Ilene grinned. “While most of us are thinking it’s about time!”
“You have that right.” Deirdre whispered then added. “So when should I expect to do this for you?”
“After your own wedding.” Ilene chuckled. “Elgil and I have been planning our wedding for months, but we won’t upstage yours.”
“Remind me to knight him for service to the crown.”
“Oh, I will, dearest sister.”
End of Part 26
To Be Continued...
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I was hoping for this.
I just love Deirdre, the fire ball. This story is so entertaining. The fight with Bridget was just so right.
I was surprise that Deirdre's dad is nobility. I love that her parents finally got married. The interplay between the characters was superb. Thanks for the treat. I hope the next installment comes sooner not later.
By having Bridget escape, I have no doubt there will be plenty happening.
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Wonderful to see this
Deirdre is learning some self-control and that is good. However she now has a "reputation" which will undoubtedly make those who might be inclined to test her think twice. Too bad the b**** got away, I was looking forward to the chapter where they stretched her neck.
Hmmm, I do wonder how pregnancy is going to suit her? I suspect that when casting the spell(s) that brought all this about they didn't overlook a little detail like being extremely fertile. :-) Better get that wedding rolling.
One thing: "uncharacteristically ill tempered bride-to-be"?. I've known a few brides-to-be and while the term "bridezilla" may be a recent coinage, the attitude is not. For whatever reason, brides can be a handful to deal with. At least Garret has an army to defend him. If they can.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Yay! Deirdre Is Back!
Long-awaited, but worth it!
Welcome back!
Well, we all know that with
Well, we all know that with Bridget out and about, nothing is going to be real peaceful in the land. Interesting to find out that Deirdre was in reality minor royalty already via her Daddy. It would be a fun thing to see her and Seren meet each other one time; but they probably live in different times and worlds apart. Jan
Just a minor nit. With her
Just a minor nit. With her father being "Lord Chance Mul", that would make her a member of the nobility, probably the minor nobility.
There really isn't a distinction in heraldry for 'minor royalty'. You either are or aren't.
With his title being 'Lord', that makes him lower nobility, just a step above a knighthood. If the crown (in England) were to ennoble a family, that's how they would do it -just 'lord' such and such. If he owned lands, or there were lands available, he might be created 'landed' nobility, which means that he would be granted a property somewhere.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Glad to see Maiden moving
Glad to see Maiden moving right along. I've enjoyed it all along, but winding up plot threads is always one of the best parts.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Unexpected Mommy - Part 20
Has proven to be most worthy of her Title, just as her father will as well. But who freed Bridgett? And was Roric and his dad really mentally disturbed, or was it magical? \
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Can you see peace and quiet reigning supreme in Deirdre-land? I can't, thank goodness.
Great to see further adventures in this engaging tale.
As for Deirdre already being minor royalty; wife of the heir to the throne beats all but a queen. Mind you, I don't play cards so what do I know?
Hit the spot...
Well worth the wait. Too bad that Bridgette's escape wasn't anticipated, a tracer on her would have been useful.


Maggie & Deirdre Ride Again
Glad to see the muse move you. Another delightful chapter which sets the scene for yet more intrigue and cat fights. Daddy dearest is a noble and marrying mom what more can you want.
The next chapter?
Thank you for a wonderful Christmas present.
As always,
As always,
Maiden and Maggie
Welcome back to both Deirdre and Maggie. I've missed you both.
I would've liked it if Bridgette put up more of a fuss about rubbing ashes all over her face and in her hair, but I guess she saw it was her only option. She's smart even if she is a meanie.
Lord Mul? That was a surprise, but a good one. It's nice to see the family and the story coming together.
Even though this chapter was relatively slowly, I enjoyed it. I love this story.
Thanks and please keep up the good work. May your state of health continue to improve and may your muse be chatty.
- Terry (sneaking in a last comment before getting ready to leave for England!)
Twenty six chapters of fun!
I just decided to pick up this story and read it from beginning to end. Or rather, up to this chapter. I can tell you I'll be closely monitoring BC for any updates.
I'm in love with Deirdre, she's well deserving of the title of "Firebrand". I feel for poor Garret, he's going to have to thread carefully for the rest of his life, which will never be boring ever again.
I'm glad she's come to terms with what she is now, and I'm sure she'll take care of her new responsibilities just fine. Better than fine, actually. The Kingdom will prosper with her as Queen.
Thank you for the wonderful tale, it's been very enjoyable, even though it seems that the happy ending is right around the corner. Or is it? ~_^
"Fun-loving geek-chick looking for someone who doesn't give a damn about her past"
"Fun-loving geek-chick who's addicted to sunlight!"
It amazes me
I don't know how you do it. I've tried writing and just can't do it. I sure am glad you can and that you let me and others read your work. Thank you.