When I was being used and abused, you were there to help
When I was lonely, you were there to keep me company
When I needed a laugh, you were there to tell me a joke
When I needed to cry, you were there with a shoulder to lend
When I was feeling depressed, you were there to cheer me up
When I needed a hug, you were there with your arms open wide
When I was suicidal, you were there to keep me alive
And while I’m all of this, you are always there
You are....
...blessed in a very special way with someone who cares. May it always be so...for all of us!!!
Lil' Kelly
Thanks that would be lovely wouldn't it ^^
<3 Jessi
<3 http://princessmizuki.freehostia.com/blogs
<3 Jessi
<3 http://princessmizuki.freehostia.com
Maybe The Author
is talking about her own strength.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Sorry, its about someone very special to me, I hope someday we can get together and date again, but he has been there for me every step of the day since I met him, even after I broke up with him and dated someone else, he is something special and dear to me and holds a special place in my heart.
<3 Jessi
<3 http://princessmizuki.freehostia.com/blogs
<3 Jessi
<3 http://princessmizuki.freehostia.com
actually you right and
actually you right and wrong, I was thinking about someone else when I wrote it but I was also talking about my own strength
<3 Jessi
<3 http://princessmizuki.freehostia.com/blogs
<3 Jessi
<3 http://princessmizuki.freehostia.com