For all of you kindly folk who have been supportive. I posted Rememberance of My Birth as my way of acknowledging the day but also to remember that Andrea would likely not exist at all but for the love of my sister and how I believe God used the devotion of a little boy to protect his best friend. We survived brutality and pain, and grew up, maybe marred and damaged, but never alone and never without love. That continues today as I face the implications and aftermath of that pain, but not without hope and certainly not without friends like yourself. Thanks to everyone here for allowing me the privilege of writing and reading. My mother and father didn't name me Andrea, but that's who I've become, partly from circumstance, but maybe due in no small part to a loving sister who many here have reminded me would approve of whom I've become. Thank you all.
Drea, Let Me Be The First
Guy here to say that it matters not your birth gender, what matters is your soul gender. You have a woman's soul, so I see you as a woman.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I'm with Stanman
'Andrea,you are a gentle ,loving person and I can only think of you as Andrea.My love to you as always,ALISON.
Let me be the first...
...woman here is say that regardless of your birth gender, your soul gender is that of a woman. Now I'm sure that your day has been made and you've gotten that warm fuzzy feeling upon hearing MY pronouncement. I bet you never knew how you could live without hearing it!
On a more realistic note, it is not uncommon for siblings to dress as the other. My brother and I quite frequently swapped clothing and personas. In fact...we still do! The closeness of brothers and sisters can be very special.
BTW...where did you make your icon? I must have one! Immediately if not sooner!
Hugs to you. I love your stories. I think I'm a fan.