Delayed Justice

Delayed Justice

Julie O

Edited By Robert Arnold

Features Characters from The Julieverse


Chapter 1
October 2003- The Beginning

     “Sam, how did your parents take it when you told them about your costume?” asked seventeen-year-old Sharon Brightman as she picked up her order at the front counter.

     “Mom didn’t mind,” replied her classmate as he walked next to her with his food. “She thought it was pretty funny.”

     “What about your dad?”

     “Who?” replied Sam with sarcasm.

     Sharon set her tray down at an open table and playfully punched him in the arm. They were eating at a fast-food restaurant in a local strip mall.

     Sam Gibson’s mother had remarried the previous year and while he didn’t begrudge his mother’s happiness, he wasn’t about to accept Victor Mays as his father.

     Sam’s father Martin had been killed in a car crash eight years ago.

     “Are things that bad?” asked Sharon as she sat down and unwrapped her burger.

     “They’ve gotten worse…since Mom got pregnant,” replied Sam.

     Sharon nodded. She had seen the way that Victor treated Sam. It wasn’t exactly mistreatment; rather Victor barely acknowledged Sam’s existence. He took no interest in Sam’s life or his academic accomplishments.

     Sam Gibson was one of the smartest kids in their class, but that didn’t matter to Victor, who put athletic achievement above everything. He had been the town’s star quarterback when he had attended the same high school. He had gone on to play college football. Unfortunately, he had been injured in his first game and never played another down.

     On the other hand, Sam was far from athletic. It wasn’t that Sam hated sports; rather it was his physical size. Sam was barely five-eight and was very thin. Still, with a few exceptions, Sam was very popular among his classmates.

     “Sorry to hear that,” replied Sharon.

     Sam nodded as he ate a French fry.

     “I’m used to it,” he replied. “He’s still pissed that I refused to change my name. I mean, he just married Mom last year, he barely knows I exist and he wants me to be Sam Mays?”

     Sharon leaned forward so that no one else could hear them speak.

     “Aren’t you worried that he’ll be upset…or worse?” she whispered.

     Sam shook his head. “Not really. I mean Halloween is the only chance I get to dress in women’s clothes in public without anyone suspecting the truth.”

     Sharon nodded. The two of them had been best friends for years. Their friendship was so strong that they had both confessed their deepest secrets to each other. She had told Sam two summers ago that she was a lesbian and he had told her that he was transgendered.

     Neither had told anyone else…or had acted on their feelings. When you grew up in a highly conservative town you learned quickly to try and blend in.

     Sharon was a very attractive brunette and Sam pretended to play her boyfriend. The charade helped both of them avoid undue attention.

     “I still think it’s risky,” she continued.

     Sam shrugged his shoulders. “Look, it’s our senior year and soon we’ll both be out of here. What’s the harm? I mean, last year there were at least a dozen guys dressed as girls.”

     Sharon picked up her drink. “Yes, but remember that it’s a costume. You don’t want people to suspect the truth.”

     Sam cocked his head and looked back at her.

     “You know what I mean,” she replied with a grin.

     Sharon had dressed him up several times in her clothes and she was amazed by how feminine…and attractive he had turned out. In fact, she found herself attracted to Sam when he was dressed as a woman.

     “Jealous?” he asked with a smile.

     She stuck out her tongue at him. “In a way, yes.”

     They were going to the party dressed as Bonnie and Clyde.

     “It’s not fair; you get to do out as a girl. I just wish that we had picked different costumes so we could go as a couple of women,” she continued.

     Sam laughed. “So the truth comes out!”

     They both started laughing.

     “I’m going to miss you, Sam,” she replied. “I think you’re the only thing that I’m going to miss about this place.”

     “I’m going to miss you too,” he replied.

     Sam was going to college in California. He had picked a school that would not just give him a full scholarship, but was also as far away from the town he currently lived. He also wanted a school that was located in a more liberal part of the country.

     Sharon was planning on going to a state college. And even though it was 1999, her parents felt that college was wasted on girls.

     “Maybe you can transfer out to San Diego?” he suggested.

     Sharon smiled back. “I’d like that…they do have beautiful women out there!”

     “Besides me? Seriously, are you going to transfer?” he asked.

     “I’d like to, but money is an issue. My parents are paying for my tuition and they want me to stay close,” she replied with a sigh. “Too bad I’m not a brainiac like you.”

     “Have you heard back from those other scholarships?”

     “Nothing yet,” she replied.

     Sam nodded as he ate another fry.

     “Well, who knows? Maybe something will happen,” she said. She then looked at her watch. “Well, we’d better finish up here and pick up our costumes before the store closes.”


Chapter 2

     Sam was really pleased when he saw himself in his costume. It was a short dress, with a matching jacket. It was more of a cartoonish version of a female gangster outfit than what the real Bonnie Parker would have worn, but it was a Halloween costume. It was gray with pinstripes. In addition to the blonde wig, he also wore an exaggerated matching fedora.

     Sharon’s outfit was a matching gangster suit and fedora.

     The woman at the store was very pleased with the outfits. She was a short thin woman with long brunette hair.

     “It’s so enjoyable to see young people having fun with Halloween and not sticking to the traditional roles,” she stated as she handed them some toy machine guns.

     “Thanks,” replied Sharon as she looked at herself in the mirror.

     “Well, I’ll go change first,” said Sam. He would have preferred to stay in his costume, but he knew he had to play the game and act disinterested.

     When Sam was in the dressing room the woman turned to Sharon and smiled.

     “Your friend makes a very pretty girl,” she stated.

     Sharon nodded. “He’s a good sport about this.”

     The woman smiled knowingly. “I suspect there’s more to it. Oh, don’t worry dear, I won’t tell anyone…many of my clients are transgendered. I just want to let you know that if he ever wants to go for a more passable look, let him know about me. I would be happy to assist him…or should I say her.”

     Sharon smiled back. “Was he that obvious?”

     The woman shrugged her shoulders as she handed Sharon one of her business cards. “I have a sixth sense about these sorts of things. I’m very careful with my client’s privacy…so he wouldn’t have to worry about being outted.”

     “Thanks,” replied Sharon as she looked at the card. The name read Emma Clark.


Chapter 3

     Sharon told Sam about what Emma said as they drove home.

     “Did she say what tipped her off?” asked Sam There was a touch of concern in voice.

     Sharon shook her head.

     “She said that she has a lot of transgendered clients and that she just can tell.”

     Sam rubbed his chin. “There are others like me…around here?”

     “I suppose…I mean, I know there are other lesbians…the community college has a club,” she replied.

     Sam nodded. “I suppose that makes sense. I just can’t imagine anyone dressing around here. I mean, what would happen if I was caught?”

     “I know what you mean,” replied Sharon. “I can’t wait to get out of here. It sucks not being able to be myself.”

     “Well, we’ve only got a few months left. Hey, I have an idea…why don’t you come out to San Diego with me when I move out there? I have an aunt out there and she’s offered to let me stay with her until I find a place.”

     “I didn’t know you had family out there,” said Sharon.

     “She’s my real dad’s sister. I’ve only met her twice…she doesn’t like coming out here,” said Sam.

     “She sounds smart, I like her already,” replied Sharon. “Tell me more about her.”

     “Let’s see, Olivia runs an art gallery out there and she lives near the ocean,” replied Sam.

     “You don’t call her Aunt Olivia?”

     Sam shook his head. “No, she hates titles like that.”

     “And do you think she’d mind if I came out with you?”

     “I doubt it…I’ll write her and ask,” replied Sam.

     “Cool,” replied Sharon as she made the turn onto Sam’s street.

     “Are you coming in?” asked Sam.

     Sharon shook her head. “Can’t…family obligations.”

     Sam smiled back. “Family obligations” was the code word for going to the local church meeting. Sharon’s parents were very religious.

     Sharon pulled her car into Sam’s driveway and put it in park.

     “Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at school,” replied Sam.

     Before he got out her leaned over and gave her a kiss. Part of it was the charade they were playing and part was due to the fact that he really liked her.


Chapter 4

     “Sam, what are you going as to the party this Friday?” asked Steve Cooper.

     Steve was almost six-three and weighed over two hundred pounds. Steve and Sam had been friends for years. He was currently on the football team as the starting middle linebacker. His grades weren’t the best, but he got by thanks to tutoring by Sam.

     “It’s a surprise, Sharon and I have a theme,” replied Sam as he sat down next to his chemistry lab partner. “Do you have a costume?”

     Steve nodded. “Anna and I are going as Batman and Robin.”

     Anna was his girlfriend.

     “I hope you’re going to be Batman,” replied Sam with a smile.

     Steve gave him a dirty look. “If I didn’t need you to help me pass this damn class, I’d kick your scrawny butt.”

     “Hey I do my part to help the team,” replied Sam as he looked at the week’s assignment. In addition to helping Steve Sam tutored several of the players.

     “Man, I wouldn’t be on the team if it wasn’t for you…I really appreciate all your help,” replied Steve.

     The football team was currently undefeated and heading for a championship.

     “Hey, I’m glad you’re my friend…you’ve kept me from getting the crap beaten out of me,” replied Sam.

     “Well, Dave and his gang don’t have a sense of humor.”

     Dave Lowe was the team’s star quarterback.

     “Dave barely has an IQ,” replied Sam. “I’m surprised that he can remember the plays to call.”

     Steve rolled his eyes. “Comments like that’ll get you in trouble…but you’re right, compared to Dave, I’m a genius.”

     “He’s lucky he has an arm that allows him to throw the ball so far, otherwise he’d still be in the sixth grade,” continued Sam. “You don’t need a group of thugs to back you up either.”

     Dave had always been the star of the team and this allowed him to get away with all kinds of things, both in school and out in the community. There were rumors that teachers always cut him slack so he could keep his athletic eligibility. He also had a group of hangers-on that seemed to go everywhere with him. Like Dave, they were all stars on the team and could do no wrong. They also were the ones who beat up people who offended Dave. Steve was one of the few people in school that Dave was afraid of.

     “Okay, class, less talk, and more work,” announced Mr. Jackson, the chemistry teacher.

     He was one of the younger teachers at the school and he was Sam’s favorite. Mr. Jackson was tall and thin, and had earned a basketball scholarship. But he turned it down so he could study science.

     “So what are we trying to do?” asked Steve as he looked with confusion at the lab instructions.

     “Resurrect the dead,” replied Sam with a deadpan delivery. “Oh, wait, that’s next week’s assignment.”


Chapter 5

     Later that evening Sam was working on his homework. It was much easier to get things done now that he had his own computer. Victor couldn’t understand why it was important, but thankfully Sam’s mom was able to convince him that it was necessary.

     Victor stuck his head into Sam’s room.

     “Dinner will be ready soon,” he stated.

     Sam turned around and nodded. “Thanks, Victor.”

     Victor didn’t reply. Even though he didn’t like the kid, it bugged him that that Sam called him by his first name. It wasn’t worth arguing about as the kid would be going to college soon.

     Sam logged off and headed down to the kitchen. His mom insisted that they eat at least one dinner a week together. She also asked Sam to be cordial with Victor and out of respect for his mom; Sam did his best to obey.

     Dinner was fried chicken and mashed potatoes, which was one of Victor’s favorites.

     “How was work today, dear?” she asked.

     “We started work on that new development over on the east side of town,” replied Victor. “It should keep us busy until spring. I tell you Mary, this is the beginning of a period of growth here.”

     Victor was a plumbing contractor and he owned a small business in town.

     “That’s good to hear,” she replied.

     “How many houses are they building there?” asked Sam.

     “Twenty-five,” he replied, slightly surprised that Sam was interested in his work. “Why?”

     “Just curious,” replied Sam as he reached for the potatoes.

     “Well?” asked Victor.

     “Well what?” asked Sam.

     “Aren’t you going to make some comment about why would anyone want to move here/” asked Victor.

     “No…not tonight. I’m happy that you got the job,” replied Sam.

     “Changing the subject, Sam, did you pick up your costume yet?” asked Mary.

     He nodded. “We’ll probably win first prize.”

     Victor rolled his eyes in disgust. “I can’t believe that you’re actually going to go to your school party dressed like a fairy.”

     “I’m not… I’m going as Bonnie Parker,” replied Sam with a straight face. “She was a bank robber not a fairy.”

     “You’re asking for trouble if you ask me,” stated Victor with disgust.

     “It’s no big deal…it is Halloween,” countered Sam. “Besides, Sharon looks really hot in her costume.”

     Victor mumbled something that sounded like this sort of thing wouldn’t have happened when he went to school.

     “Well, I’m looking forward to seeing both of you,” interjected Mary. 


Chapter 6

     “So did you tell your parents about the costumes?” asked Sam.

     Sharon nodded as she ate her lunch. They were sitting together in the school cafeteria.


     “They think it’s weird…but they’re just happy that I’m going with a boy,” she replied.

     Sam couldn’t help but snicker.

     “Sorry, but I can’t help it…I can’t wait to get out of this place,” he replied.

     “I know what you mean…I hate living a lie,” she added.

     They watched a group of football players walk by. It was Friday and they were all wearing their jerseys. Dave Lowe was with them.

     Sharon shook her head in disgust.

     “I can’t believe the crap that idiot gets away with,” she stated.

     “What did our star quarterback do now?” asked Sam.

     Sharon looked around to see if anyone was within earshot of them.

     “I heard that he had someone else take his SATs,” she replied.

     “How did he pull that one off?” asked Sam.

     “I don’t know,” replied Sharon. “But there’s no way he could pass them on his own…but I guess when you’re up for a full scholarship the school will do what it can to help you. Can you imagine that moron in college?”

     “He’s going to State…they’re not exactly known for their academic standards…especially for star athletes. I remember watching a game last year and half the starting team seemed to have undeclared majors.”

     Sharon nodded. “It just pisses me off that Dave knows he can do whatever he wants…and that he’ll get away with it.”

     “I know what you mean…Victor had two of the team on his payroll last summer. I don’t think they did one minute of work. He said that he’s just doing his part to help the team.”

     “By teaching them to cheat?”

     Sam shrugged his shoulders. 

     “Don’t forget that he used to play for this team…he reminds me about it all the time,” said Sam. He then lowered his voice. “Did I ever tell you about the time that I scored five touchdowns in the homecoming game?”

     Sharon laughed. “You’re getting better at that…last time it was three touchdowns.”

     Sam smiled back. “Oh, I checked the school’s achieves; it was two touchdowns.”

     “Really? Have you pointed this out to him?” asked Sharon.

     Sam shook his head. “I annoy him enough as it is…even when I try to be nice he thinks I’m being a smartass.”

     “I think he’s intimidated by the fact that you’re so smart,” she said.

     “I don’t know…he does run his own business and …he’s rather successful. I just think he dislikes me because I’m a constant reminder that he wasn’t Mom’s first love. I think that’s why he was so adamant about having a baby with her…it’s like that nature show we were watching the other night…the one about the lions.”

     “Yes, but at least he hasn’t tried to kill you like the male lion did to the cubs…ugh, that was so sick.”

     Sam nodded as he looked at his watch.

     “So what time do you want me to pick you up for the game tonight?”

     “I guess the usual time,” she replied. “I mean I hope the team wins, but I could care less about going to the game.”

     “I know, but it’s all part of the performance,” stated Sam. “I mean, we’re supposed to be dating.”

     “Some day I would love to go out with you when you’re dressed,” she whispered.

     Sam cocked his head and smiled. “Really?”

     She smiled back. “Of course, I told you that I find you pretty hot as a chick.”

     Sam looked around to make sure no one was listening. “Maybe when we go to San Diego.”

     Sharon smiled back. “I’d like that.”

     Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the bell going off announcing the end of their lunch period.

     Sam got up and then leaned down and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

     “Catch you later,” he said as he headed off to class. 



Chapter 7

     The game was a total blowout. Dave had three touchdown passes in the first half. Steve even scored a touchdown on a fumble recovery in the end zone.

     During halftime the conversation turned to the Halloween party the following night.

     “So no hint at all what you two are coming as?” asked Roger Kennedy.

     Sam shook his head. “No, we want to keep it a secret.”

     He was standing in the bleachers with his arm around Sharon’s waist.

     “I hear that they’re going to have some great prizes this year,” said Grace who was Roger’s girlfriend.

     “Well, we’re willing to tell you all what we’re wearing,” interjected Brittney. She was standing next to her boyfriend Marshall. “He’s going to be Dracula and I’m going to be his victim.”

     “What did you tell your parents?” asked Roger.

     Marshall’s father was a minister.

     “We told him we’re going as characters from the movie Titanic,” she replied. “I borrowed the outfits from the theater department…I have this really cool dress and Marshall has a dinner tux, we’re going to add the makeup when we leave the house.”

     “He really hates this time of year,” added Marshall.

     “If it makes you feel any better, my step-father really hates my costume,” said Sam.

     “And why would he hate it?’ asked Roger.

     “You’ll see tomorrow,” replied Sam with a grin.


Chapter 8

     “You look fantastic, Sam…or should I say Bonnie,” stated Sharon as she inspected her work.

     She had just spent the last hour doing Sam’s makeup and styling his wig.

     Sam stood speechless as he looked at himself in the mirror.

     “Hello…earth to Sam!”

     He turned and smiled at Sharon.

     “Sorry, I just…well, you know what I mean,” he replied. “Shit…why couldn’t I have born the right gender.”

     “Hey, there’s no time for that tonight…we’re going to have a great time!” stated Sharon.

     He nodded. “By the way, you look great too.”

     Sharon smiled back. She had pinned her hair back and in addition to her costume she had attached a fake mustache. 

     “I know the mustache isn’t accurate, but it goes well with the costume,” she replied.

     “Well, I guess we’re ready,” said Sam as he picked up his fedora and put it on.

     To Sam’s surprise, Sharon’s parents seemed genuinely pleased with the costumes.

     “Honey, I’ll be shocked if you two don’t win first prize,” said Sharon’s mom.

     Her father nodded.

     “I have to admit that you both look great. Do you want us to take a photo of you?”

     “That would be great, Dad,” said Sharon as she moved next to Sam.

     They posed for several shots and hammed it up for several of them.

     “Sam, are you stopping off at your house to show your parents?” asked Sharon’s mom.

     He shook his head.

     “Mom is okay with it…but…well Vic…I mean my step-father isn’t happy about it,” he replied, correcting himself as he knew Sharon’s parents didn’t like it when he called Victor by his first name.

     Sharon’s father shook his head. “Victor has always been a stick in the mud…I mean it is Halloween!”

     Sam was surprised by this reaction, but Sharon told him that while her parents were religious, they were also realists and understood that kids like to have fun.


Chapter 9

     The party was held at the school’s gym.

     Sharon pulled her car into a parking spot and then turned to Sam.

     “Well, are you ready?”

     He nodded.

     “Remember, it’s a costume…don’t act too feminine or else someone might suspect something,” she continued.

     “Okay…I won’t use the girls room tonight,” replied Sam with a grin.

     Sharon leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

     “That’s for good luck.”

     They walked into the gym together. The first couple they ran into was Steve and Anna. It took Steve a moment to realize who the attractive blonde was.

     “Holy crap…is that you Sam?” he exclaimed.

     “Tonight it’s Bonnie Parker,” Sam replied as he pointed his toy machine gun at Steve.

     “Wow, you two look great,” stated Anna.

     “I like your outfits too,” replied Sharon.

     “I might have known you’d pull something like this tonight…Bonnie,” said Steve. “I thought we’d have the best couple costume…but I think you two have it locked up.”

     “Thanks,” replied Sam.

     The rest of their class was equally impressed with Sam and Sharon’s costumes.

     Sharon was relived that everyone seemed to accept the way Sam was dressed as a costume. Thankfully, Sam played it up just right with right amount of camp.

     Her only concern was when she saw Dave and his friends walk by. They were all dressed a ninjas. Dave did a double take when he saw Sam. Much to Sharon’s relief, he just kept walking by.

     To no one’s surprise, Sam and Sharon won the top prize for the best couple. They won a gift certificate to a local restaurant.

     Sam leaned close to Sharon and whispered in her ear.

     “Thanks…this was the best night I’ve ever had here.”

     She kissed him back.

     “I’m having a great time too.”


Chapter 10

     The party was winding down when Sam headed to the bathroom. He passed Steve in the hallway who jokingly reminded Sam to use the men’s room. Sam playfully shot his friend the bird.

     Sam went did his business and after washing his hands he started out of the men’s room. Dave and four of his friends passed him as he exited. To his surprise, Dave didn’t make any comments.

     Sam let out a sigh of relief as he walked back to the gym. Suddenly he was grabbed from behind and was dragged into one of the locker rooms. He tried to shout, but a hand quickly clamped over his mouth.

     Sam’s arms were pulled behind his back and he felt them being bound with tape. He was then thrown to the ground. He looked up to see Dave and his friends standing around him.

     “You know…you’re a better looking girl than a guy,” sneered Dave.

     Dave’s buddies laughed at the insult.

     “I think you like dressing like a chick,” continued Dave.

     “It’s just a costume,” replied Sam.

     “Maybe…but then again you might be one of those guys who wants to be a girl,” countered Dave.

     “There’s one way to find out,” interjected Rod Gregory. He was one Dave’s closest friends. “So, Samantha, do you like boys?”

     The other boys laughed.

     “No, I don’t like boys,” snapped Sam. “Look, this has gone far enough…let me go.”

     Sam started to stand up, but he was quickly pushed down by Dave and the others.

     Dave stood over Sam and grinned. “You know, Samantha, you wouldn’t be the first bitch we’ve gangbanged in this locker room…and they’ve all loved it.”

     Sam noticed that Rod had walked over to the door and was locking it.

     “Dave, this is fucking crazy,” said Sam.

     “Who wants to go first?” asked Dave, ignoring Sam.

     “I’ll do her,” stated Paul Morton as he stepped close to Sam. He pulled down his pants, exposing his erect cock.

     Dave motioned to John Pierce and Mike Harrison who were standing behind Sam. They grabbed Sam by the shoulders and held him down on his knees.

     “Take it all bitch,” ordered Paul as he pressed his cock against Sam’s lips.


Chapter 11

     Sharon looked around the gym for Sam. She had been talking to one of the teachers who was acting as a chaperone. Sharon motioned to Steve, who walked over with his girlfriend on his arm.

     “Have you seen, Sam?” she asked.

     “I saw him half an hour ago…he was heading to the bathroom,” he replied.

     “Can you go see if he’s okay?” asked Sharon nervously.

     Steve nodded. “I’ll be back shortly.”

     Sam headed to the bathroom. He walked down the hallway when he saw Mr. Jackson step out of the boy’s locker room. What really got his attention was worried look on his chemistry teacher’s face.

     “Steve, go get Mr. Abbott…immediately!” ordered Mr. Jackson, referring to the vice-principal.

     Steve was about to ask why, but instead he ran back to the gym.

     Mr. Abbott had been at the high school for twenty years. He was a large man who was starting to put on some extra pounds. He was also the defensive coordinator for the football team.

     Steve told him what Mr. Jackson said.

     A concerned look immediately appeared on his face.

     “Stay here, Steve,” he said as he walked quickly out of the gym.

     Sharon and Anna walked over to where Steve was standing.

     “What’s going on?” asked Sharon.

     Steve shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, but Mr. Jackson looked really upset.”

     “Did you find Sam?” asked Sharon as a feeling a dread swept through her.

     “No,” replied Steve.

     Mr. Jackson walked into the gym and talked to the other teachers.

     “I’m sorry, but the party is over…I need everyone to go home,” announced Mr. Jackson.

     There was some murmuring by the remaining students.

     “There was…an act of vandalism and the police will be here shortly,” continued Mr. Jackson. “Please go home.”

     “He’s lying,” stated Sharon.

     Steve nodded. “But what can we do?”

     Sharon walked right up to Mr. Jackson.

     “Did something happen to Sam?” she demanded.

     Mr. Jackson looked around and then leaned close to Sharon.

     “I can’t talk right now…stick with me,” he whispered.

     “Is Sam okay?” she insisted.

     “They’re taking him to the hospital right now,” replied Mr. Jackson.

     Sharon gasped. “What happened?”

     Mr. Abbott walked into the gym. “Mr. Jackson, I have to take care of…some business, make sure that all the students leave immediately, the custodial staff will take care of the clean-up.”

     Mr. Jackson nodded.

     Mr. Abbott then noticed Sharon.

     “I’m afraid you’ll have to leave too, Miss. Brightman,” he stated.

     “No way…what happened to Sam,” she demanded.

     Mr. Abbott glared at Mr. Jackson, who shook his head.

     “I didn’t tell her anything,” said Mr. Jackson.

     “Sam…had an accident. We didn’t want to cause a panic,” said Mr. Abbott.

     Sharon knew he was lying. “Where is he?”

     “On the way to the hospital…I need to go call his parents,” continued Mr. Abbott.

     Sharon turned around and ran towards the exit.

     Mr. Jackson turned to Mr. Abbott. “What do you want me to do, Travis?”

     “Let her go…by the time she gets to the hospital everything will be taken care of,” replied Travis Abbott.


Chapter 12

     Sharon stood outside the hospital, frustrated that they wouldn’t let her inside. When she saw Mr. Abbott arrive she ran over to him.

     “What’s going on? Why won’t anyone tell me what happened to Sam?” she demanded.

     “Miss Brightman, please go home and let us handle this,” replied Mr. Abbott.

     Sharon was about to complain when she heard her father calling for her.

     “I took the liberty of calling your parents…now go home…everything will be okay,” continued Mr. Abbott. “I don’t have to remind you that you are a minor and we do have a curfew.”

     Sharon didn’t reply as she walked back to the parking lot.

     Mr. Abbott smiled as he walked into the hospital. He headed up to the waiting room where he was directed to a conference room by a police officer.

     He walked into the room and found that Sam’s parents were already there. However, they were not alone; the school’s principal, police chief and mayor were all there too.

     Travis smiled to himself as it looked like his plan was going to work.

     “Your son will be okay,” stated the principal, Frank Owens. “His physical injuries are minor.”

     “Yes, but…but what about the rest?” asked Mary.

     “That’s why we’re trying to keep a lid on it,” interjected the police chief, Tom Baum. “I mean, if something like this gets out…imagine how harsh life will be for your son.”

     Victor nodded.

     “But…what about the boys who did this to him?” asked Mary.

     Tom looked at Frank, Travis, and Neil Wilson, the police chief.

     “They will be punished….but again, it’s complicated. Victor, you know what a championship would mean to the community….if we punish those boys now…well, the team will be lucky to win another game,” stated Frank.

     “So what will you do to them?” asked Victor.

     “They will be assigned community service…we’ll do it in a low key way so it won’t look like punishment…but they will be worked hard,” said Tom. “They’ll know they did a bad thing.”

     “Of course, your family will be…compensated…for this inconvenience,” interjected the mayor, Robert Carter.

     Victor’s eyes lit up when he heard this remark.

     “What do you mean?” he asked.

     “All of Sam’s medical treatments will be paid for,” said Robert. “Also, as you know, our town is undergoing a period of growth…I know that we would want your company to be a part of this.”

     Victor smiled broadly.

     “Of course, we will need your cooperation to keep this…unfortunate incident quiet,” continued Robert.

     Victor looked at Mary and then back at the others.

     “Of course,” he replied.

     “But…how will you explain…this?” asked Mary.

     “We’re working on that,” said Frank. “There will be a press release that a student was injured at the Halloween party…a faulty bleacher collapsed.”

     “That should work,” said Travis. “Assuming your son cooperates.”

     Victor nodded. “Sam…Sam is hardheaded at times.”

     “It might be best….for everyone involved….if Sam didn’t return to school,” said Travis. “I’m not suggesting that he be punished…rather…rewarded. He is one of our top students and we can say…”

     “We can see that Sam will be granted early graduation so he can start college early….he does have a full scholarship in California…and I believe he does have family there,” interjected Frank.

     Mary nodded. “An aunt…his father’s sister.”

     “This could work out for everyone,” continued Frank. “I believe we can even throw some…compensation in the pot to sweeten the deal.”

     “Like what?” asked Victor.

     “We will provide Sam with a…a stipend…to cover his living expenses with his aunt. Also, I think there will soon be an opening on the city council, right Robert?” asked Frank.

     Robert nodded. “I know you’ll be busy with all the new construction, Victor, but what about you Mary? Do you want to help your community?”

     “Me…on city council?” she stammered.

     “You’re very active in the community now…why not take it up a level?” suggested Frank.

     Mary nodded, she did have a lot of ideas on how to improve the community.

     “So do you think that you can convince Sam to go along with this plan?”

     Victor immediately nodded. “He’ll do it.”


Chapter 13

     “Do you think we’re doing the right thing?” asked Mary.

     Victor nodded.

     They were standing in Sam’s hospital room. Sam was currently sedated.

     “Even if we prosecute the boys…imagine what Sam would have to go through….his life would be awful…no it’s best if we handle it this way,” said Victor.

     He was also worried about his own life and business if there was a police investigation. The last thing he wanted was to be associated with someone who hurt the football team…his business would suffer…his reputation…all over a kid that wasn’t even his! Besides, the kid brought it on himself…dressing like a girl!

     “I hope you’re right…I just don’t know if Sam will go along with it,” said Mary.

     “He’ll understand…it’s the best way to handle this…problem…for everyone involved,” said Victor.


     “Well, do you think this will work?” asked Frank as he poured the others a glass of bourbon.

     “I know the parents will comply…but Victor’s right…Sam is hardheaded…just like his father,” said Travis as he picked up his glass. “But I think he’ll come around…we also need to talk to Sam’s friends…and his girlfriend.”

     “Maybe we can sweeten this deal to include her family,” stated Frank.

     Robert nodded. “Lewis Brightman is a smart man…I think that we can come up with something that will help us keep his daughter inline.”

     “So what do you want to me to do to those fucking idiots?” asked Tom as he refilled his glass.

     “Nothing until after the season…we’ll talk to them all tomorrow…we’ll have to keep it low key…but I want them to know that they fucked up and that they’re not getting away with this…and more importantly that this is the last time we cover up for them! Christ! What if they had sexually assaulted a real girl! There’s no way we could have covered that up!” exclaimed Robert. “Frank, you talk to your brother and make sure that team of his doesn’t do anything else stupid this year. We have a big business deal going down and we’re selling our community as a great place to raise a family…not a place where the football stars gang rape your children.”

     “Gang rape…isn’t that a bit harsh?” asked Frank.

     “What would you call it?”

     “They did this to another guy…I don’t think that’s rape,” said Frank.

     “Technically, it is,” interjected Tom as he sipped his drink.

     “I don’t want any rape here…real or technical!” exclaimed Robert. “I want it made clear to those little shits that they’re going to pay for this…indiscretion. The last thing I want is for them to think they got away with this.”

     Tom smiled. “I have an uncle who has a hog farm…he can always use help cleaning out the pens.”

     “Good, I want them shoveling pig shit as soon as the season’s over,” said Robert.

     Frank turned to Travis. “Who is Sam’s favorite teacher?”

     “Mark Jackson, his chemistry teacher…he’s also the one who…discovered the…incident,” replied Frank.

     “Have him convince Sam that this is the only way to handle this,” explained Frank.

     “Okay,” replied Travis.

     “Also, let Mark know that if he plays along with this he’ll be granted full tenure…and I suspect he’ll be the next head of the science department,” continued Frank.

     Travis nodded.

     Robert poured another round and held up his glass.

     “To the end of a horrible night,” he stated.

     The rest of the men followed his lead.

     Chapter 14

     When Sam woke up the next morning he groaned in pain, his whole body ached. It took him a moment to realize where he was and then it hit him what had happened the previous night…it hadn’t been an awful nightmare…he had been sexually assaulted and then beat up.

     The physical injuries weren’t as bad as the shame he felt over what had been done to him by Dave and his friends. They had used him both orally and in the rear…he could barely contemplate what they had done.

     Sam looked around the room and saw the buzzer to call for the nurse. He had remembered the one that had been in his father’s hospital room…the room that his dad had died in.

     Sam pressed the button and a short time later a nurse walked into his room.

     “How’re you feeling, dear?’ she asked.

     “Can I have something to drink?” he asked. “Oh, and is my Mom here?”

     “Your parents are out in the waiting room, I’ll go get them,” said the nurse.

     Sam didn’t bother telling her that Victor wasn’t his father.

     Mary and Victor arrived a short time later. Mary gently hugged him and Victor sat down in one of the chairs.

     “How do you feel?” she asked.

     “Angry…humiliated,” replied Sam. “They told you what happened right?”

     “Yes, we were told last night,” replied Mary.

     “When are the police coming here? I want to tell them everything,” said Sam as he sipped water through a straw.

     Mary looked nervously at Victor, who stood up.

     “Everything has been taken care of,” said Victor.

     Sam looked at his mom and then back at Victor. “What do you mean by that?”

     Victor then told Sam what was going to be done. 

     Sam didn’t say a word as Victor talked. He was too shocked to interrupt.

     “So you can see that everything has been taken care of,” concluded Victor as he sat down.

     “No…no I don’t…I was assaulted…everyone knows who did it…and nothing is going to happen to them? This is bullshit!” exclaimed Sam.

     “Watch your mouth,” snapped Victor.

     “Go to hell!” snapped Sam with anger. “You’re really going to allow them to get away with this?”

     “Do you want to go to trial? Do you want everyone to know you were…raped?” countered Victor.

     “If it means that the bastards who did it are locked up…sure. Trust me, everyone will know what happened to me either way,” stated Sam. “Don’t I have a say in this?”

     “You’re a minor….no, no you don’t have a say in this. We’re doing what is right for everyone involved.”

     “Of course…it’s more important what happens to other people!” stated Sam.

     “This is bigger than you. There’s the school to think about; the team and what about this community? Oh, that’s right you hate everything here,” shouted Victor.

     “I don’t hate everything about this place,” countered Sam.

     “Think about how this will affect your family,” added Victor.

     “I have,” said Sam. “What about justice? What about punishing people who violate the law?”

     “They will be punished,” said Mary.

     “Will they go to jail? No. Will they lose their college scholarships? No. They will walk around town knowing they beat the system again,” countered Sam.

     “Well…you have yourself to blame,” stated Victor.

     Sam’s jaw dropped. “You really can’t believe that? Do you hate me that much? What if I had been a real girl and they had raped me…would you have been so quick to accept this deal?”

     “That’s totally different and you know it,” snapped Victor.

     “Is it? Do you want me to tell you…in every detail what those….bastards did to me?” asked Sam. “Because I can…I can close my eyes and picture everything they did.”

     Victor shook his head in disgust. “There’s no need for that…you need to think about your future.”

     Sam sat back in his bed. “What…being exiled…being snuck out of town….will it happen in the middle of the night? Will I get to say good bye to my friends…to Sharon?”

     “We called Aunt Olivia and she’s flying out here to pick you up,” said Mary.

     “So when do I leave?”

     “As soon as the doctor says you are well enough to travel,” said Victor.

     “And how will you explain all this?” asked Sam. “I mean, it seems rather unbelievable that I would get hurt…in accident that no one saw….and as a reward I am granted early graduation and immediately leave town? It’s like the plot from a bad story.”

     “No one asked your opinion…this plan has already been implemented…it may not be perfect…but it’s the plan we’re using,” said Victor.

     Sam looked at his Mom, who dropped her head in silence.      

     Sam then wiped away the tears that were rolling down his face. “So that’s it. I get… raped then kicked out of town…and the bastards who did it to me will be treated like heroes….it’s not fair…I didn’t do anything wrong.”

     “Oh quit crying and grow up,” grumbled Victor.

     Sam heard him and sat up in his bed. “Get the fuck out of here…you’re not my father and you never will be…you’re just the man who my Mom married!”

     Rage appeared in Victor’s face and Mary had to step between him and Sam.

     “What are you going to do…beat me up?” asked Sam. “Go ahead…you can say that the bleachers fell on me again!”

     “If you hadn’t dressed up like a girl none of this would have happened!” shouted Sam.

     The door to Sam’s room opened and in walked Mr. Jackson.

     Victor glared at the teacher and stormed out of the room.

     “I better go check on him…I’ll be back later….I’m so sorry dear,” said Mary.

     She left before Sam could reply.

     Sam stared back in disbelief.

     “Do you want me to come back later?” asked Mr. Jackson.

     Sam shook his head.

     “No…so do you know about the deal?”

     Mr. Jackson nodded as he sat down.

     “And what do you think?” asked Sam. “Please be honest.”

     “It’s awful…but I’m not surprised,” said Mr. Jackson. “They offered me tenure and a department head position if I played along.”

     “Congratulations…it seems a lot of people will benefit from my …misfortune,” said Sam.

     “Sam, I have no intention of taking it…in fact, I’ll be dropping off my letter of resignation Monday,” replied Mr. Jackson.

     “Really?” asked Sam. “What are you going to do?”

     “I’m going back to the university and finish up my graduate degree,” replied Mr. Jackson. “There’s no way I could continue to teach here.”

     “Wow…I’m sorry that I…accused you of…”

     Mr. Jackson smiled at Sam. “It’s understandable…I would have done the same thing.”

     “Will you get in trouble?” asked Sam.

     “No, what can they do to me? Besides, I’ve been thinking of doing this for a while…I’ve even talked about it with the other faculty so it won’t be that big of a surprise.”

     “So you know that I’m being run out of town,” said Sam.

     He nodded. “Look Sam, you have every right to be angry…but don’t let it ruin you…take this as an opportunity to show these…small-minded people that you’re better than they are. You’re the brightest student I’ve had the privilege of teaching here…don’t throw it all away.”

     Sam was too choked up to reply.

     “Look, I won’t kid you…they ordered me to talk you into accepting this deal…as bad as it is….go out to San Diego and excel.”

     “I will,” replied Sam. “Thank you.”

     Mr. Jackson nodded.

     “Also…take some time to heal…both physically and mentally. You’ve undergone a horrific experience…don’t downplay it. I suspect that your aunt will be able to locate a good therapist out there.”

     Sam nodded.

     “I was the one who found you….I will never forget it…don’t think that you should do this alone,” continued Mr. Jackson.

     Mr. Jackson had seen Dave and the others running out of the locker room. When he went inside to investigate he found Sam lying on the floor, half undressed and his arms taped behind his back. At first he thought that Sam had just been beaten up…but then it became clear that Dave and the others had done much more to Sam.

     “I will,” said Sam. “Thank you.”

     Mr. Jackson smiled back. “You’re welcome.”

     “Oh, can you do me a favor?” asked Sam.

     “Sure, what is it?”

     “When you get a chance, tell Sharon what happened….the truth…and tell her that I’m sorry that I didn’t get a chance to tell her this in person,” said Sam.

     Mr. Jackson nodded.

     “I’ll get in touch with her when I get out to San Diego.”

     Okay,” said Mr. Jackson. He then handed Sam a business card. “This has my email address on it. If you need anything just let me know…even if it’s just to talk.”

     Sam nodded. “Thank you.”


Chapter 15

     Olivia Gibson drove into town in her rental car. She was stunned by what Mary had told her…and even more stunned with the deal. She couldn’t believe that her nephew had been sexually assaulted and that there would be no charges filed against the Neanderthals that did it.

     Mary had explained that the case was considered closed and that no evidence had been collected. Olivia knew what this meant; even if Sam wanted to press charges it would be his word against everyone else.

     She had never understood why her younger brother had settled in this backwards place in the first place. He had met Mary when he was in the service and had fallen deeply in love. She didn’t have a problem with that…Mary was nice…not the brightest person in the world…but nice. She also loved her nephew, Sam…he reminded her so much of her brother. Still, why had he moved to this dung heap of a town? She wasn’t totally surprised that the town’s leadership was interested in covering up the crime…still she was nauseated by it all.

     Olivia was a pleasant looking woman with short brunette hair. She was in her early forties and she owned an art gallery in San Diego.

     Before she left California, she had called her lawyer about gaining legal custody of Sam as she didn’t trust Victor.

     Actually, she loathed Victor. She couldn’t understand why Mary had married him.

     Olivia had refused Mary’s offer to stay at their home and she had booked a room in the local motel. It wasn’t much, but at least it was clean and it had A/C.

     After she checked in and unpacked, she called Mary and let her know she was in town.

     “Did you have a good trip?” asked Mary.

     “It was fine,” replied Olivia. “How’s Sam?”

     “The doctor’s say he can be released tomorrow,” replied Mary. “When will you be flying back?”

     “I’m not,” replied Olivia. “I figure that Sam will need a more relaxing trip and I’m going to drive back to San Diego.”

     “Really?” asked Mary.

     “Sure,” replied Olivia. “It will be as cheap as flying…of course the bill will be picked up by your town.”

     “Yes,” replied Mary softly. “I know you must think that we’re awful for doing this…”

     “Yes, I do,” interrupted Olivia. “I will look after Sam to the best of my ability.”

     “I know you will…”

     “Mary, I’m tired and want to get some sleep. I’ll call you in the morning,” said Olivia.


Chapter 16

     Olivia drove straight to the hospital and she met Mary and Victor there.

     “Thank you again for being so generous,” said Mary.

     Victor rolled his eyes. “She’ll be compensated.”

     “I would do this even if I wasn’t,” snapped Olivia.

     Victor made a face at Mary as if to say Sam’s behavior obviously runs in the family. Olivia saw the look but decided not to agitate Victor further.

     When they walked in the hospital room, Sam was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.

     He greeted his Mom and Olivia, but he ignored Victor, who didn’t seem all that upset by Sam’s reaction.

     “Are you cleared to leave?” asked Olivia.

     Sam nodded. “They gave me some prescriptions and there are some instructions for you.”

     He handed her the papers.

     “There’s also a phone number you’ll need to call in a week,” said Sam. “It’s for the tests they ran on me for STDs and HIV.”

     “Was that necessary?” asked Victor with disgust.

     “The doctor said that it’s standard procedure in bleacher accidents,” said Sam.

     Olivia couldn’t help but snicker.

     Victor glared at Sam and then walked out of the room.

     “So when are we leaving?” asked Sam. “Do we go now…or do we wait for the cover of night?”

     “That’s up to you,” said Olivia with a smile.

     “Victor says that they want Sam out as soon as possible,” said Mary, missing the joke.

     Sam sighed. “Well, let’s go back to the house and we’ll pack.”

     “We’re driving back…I rented a SUV so don’t worry about keeping it to 2 bags,” said Olivia.

     Sam smiled. “We’re driving? Cool. I’ve always wanted to drive cross country.”

     “Well, let’s get this trip on the road,” said Olivia sensing that Sam was anxious to get away.


Chapter 17

     Sam didn’t say much the first hour after they left town. Olivia decided to let him be.

     When they crossed the Stateline from Florida into Mississippi Sam let out a big sigh.

     “You okay?” she asked.

     “I guess so…I didn’t think that this would really happen…but now I can see that I’ve truly been banished,” he said.

     “It’s their loss,” she replied.

     Sam looked over at her and smiled. “Thanks.”

     “You’re welcome,” she replied.

     “I don’t know what they would have done with me if you hadn’t agreed to take me,” he said.

     “I can’t believe that they did this to you,” she said.

     “Victor said that it was all my fault,” he said.

     “Victor’s an idiot,” she replied.

     Sam smiled at her. “You know that I was dressed as a girl, right?”

     Olivia nodded. “It was a Halloween party right?”

     Sam nodded. “I went with a friend…we went as Bonnie and Clyde.”

     “Was she your girl friend?”

     “Not really…we dated…but it was complicated,” said Sam.

     “Complicated?” she asked.

     Sam nodded. “Um…how open-minded are you?”

     “You can trust me, Sam,” she replied.

     Sam looked out the window. “Sharon’s my best friend…we’ve shared some secrets…we dated so no one would suspect anything…um, can we talk about this later?”

     “Sure,” she replied. She could sense that Sam wanted to talk about it, but he wasn’t quite ready.


Chapter 18

     They stopped in Baton Rouge for the night. After dinner they went back to their hotel.

     “That was a great dinner,” said Sam. “I’ve always liked Cajun food.”

     “It was good, wasn’t it,” she replied.

     “Um, thanks for letting me stay in the same room with you…I don’t like being alone right now.”

     “That’s understandable…considering what you’ve gone through. By the way, how do you feel?” she asked.

     “Okay, I guess…my butt is still sore…the doctors say that I may experience some bleeding for a while,” he replied as he sat down on his bed.

     “Do you want to talk about it?” she asked as she sat down next to him.

     Sam nodded.

     “There were five of them…they all…um used me orally. I thought that it was over when Dave…he’s the one who is their leader then suggested that they…well…use me in the rear.”

     Olivia put her arm around Sam.

     “Only two of them used me….Dave and his best friend Rod. They said that fucking a faggot didn’t make them gay.”

     “You’re not a faggot and what they did to you doesn’t make them gay…just rapists,” said Olivia.

     Sam wiped away a tear.

     “Maybe I am…”

     “Honey, you were a victim in this…rape is a criminal act…it’s not sexual…it’s about violence and control. I doubt you were the first victim that what’s his name, Dave, has violated.”

     Sam nodded.

     “Still, if I hadn’t been so bullheaded about dressing as a girl…”

     “Sam, it’s Halloween…you were wearing a costume,” she said.

     Sam let out a sigh. “There’s more to it…I can’t keep this secret any more…the reason Sharon and I dated was that she’s a lesbian…and I’m transgendered.”

     Olivia smiled softly back at him.

     “It’s okay, dear…it doesn’t matter if you are transgendered… those scumbags had no right to hurt you,” she said as she hugged him. “Thank you for trusting me with your secrets.”

     Sam began to sob as she held him tightly against her.


Chapter 19

     “Do you feel better?” she asked.

     Sam was washing his face.

     “Yes, thanks,” he replied.

     “So besides, Sharon, have you told anyone else about this?”

     Sam dried off his face.

     “No…you’re the only other person that I’ve told,” he said.

     “I appreciate that you trust me, Sam…so tell me about it,” she said.

     Sam walked out of the bathroom and sat down on the bed next to Olivia.

     “I’ve always known that I was different and I’ve also known that I needed to keep it secret,” he said. “Sharon and I had a special friendship and, well, we shared our secrets.”

     “And you didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to her,” said Olivia.

     Sam nodded.

     “Why don’t you call her?”

     “Now?” asked Sam.

     Olivia nodded.

     “Thanks,” he replied as he picked up the phone.

     “Do you want me to go take a walk?” she asked.

     Sam shook his head. “It’s okay.”

 Chapter 20

     “My god Sam, where are you?” asked Sharon. “I’ve been so worried about you.”

     He told her what had happened.

     “That’s horrible!” she exclaimed. 

     “I know,” he replied. “Do me a favor and don’t tell anyone the truth…it will be better that way.”

     “It’s not right…they should have locked up Dave and this gang.”

     “It’s not going to happen,” said Sam.

     He then told her about Olivia and that she knew about his secret.

     “That’s wonderful that she’s so understanding,” said Sharon.

     “I haven’t brought it up….but I don’t think she’ll mind if you come out to California to see me.”

     Olivia looked at Sam, nodded, and gave him the thumb’s up sign.

     “Okay, make that she’s totally cool about it,” said Sam.

     “I’d like that,” said Sharon.

     “Look, I want to stay in touch with you,” said Sam.

     “I’d like that too. I’ll keep you informed about what’s going on here.”

     “Cool. Well, I better cut this short…I’ll stay in touch….I promise.”

     “You better!” stated Sharon. “I’m so sorry about what happened.”

     “This isn’t over,” he said. “Good bye, Sharon.”

     Olivia looked at Sam after he hung up the phone.

     “What did you mean by that?” she asked with a concerned look on her face.

     “Just what I said…I can’t let this go….I don’t know how, but I will get my revenge. Don’t worry, I won’t do anything illegal or anything like that…and I don’t plan on living in the past…but I can let them get away with this…it’s not right.”

     “Okay, but I want you to talk to me before you do anything,” she said.

     “I will…I really don’t have any plans right now…I’m just tired and hurt.”

     “Well, that’s to be understood….Sam, I’ve had several friends who have been sexually assaulted…and it takes a long time to overcome.”

     Sam nodded.

     “Additionally, I want you to see a therapist when we get out to San Diego.”

     “Thank you for caring about me,” said Sam as his voice began to crack.

     Olivia put her arms around him and gave him a hug as he began to cry.

     “Let it out, Sam,” she said softly.

     “I….I did nothing wrong….they….they kicked me out of town….it’s not fair,” he stammered as he sobbed.

     Olivia gently stroked his head as she held him. A week ago she hadn’t expected to suddenly have a seventeen-year-old to take care of; but now she knew that this was something she had to do. She also realized that this was just the sort of thing that was missing from her life. Sam was a great kid and he needed guidance and love…and she was just the person to give it to him.


Chapter 21

     “So when will we get to San Diego?” asked Sam as they ate breakfast.

     “Well, I sort of figured that we could take our time. My staff can run the gallery until we get back,” she said.

     “How big is your gallery?” asked Sam as he picked up his glass of orange juice.

     “I have five fulltime employees and several part-time ones depending on what I’m showing,” she replied.

     “Wow, that’s great,” replied Sam.

     “I’m also part-owner in several restaurants in the area,” she continued.

     “I had no idea you were so successful,” said Sam.

     “It’s been a struggle, but it’s paying off now,” she replied. “You know, I think I know the first step you should take in your revenge.”

     Sam cocked his head. “Let me guess…succeed in school?”

     Olivia smiled back. “Seriously, they can’t take your degree away from you once you get it. Now, you have a full scholarship, right?”

     Sam nodded.

     “Okay, and there’s supposed to be some monetary compensation coming from your old town?”

     Sam nodded.

     “Let’s put that away so you can jump right into your graduate degree.”

     “Okay, that makes sense,” he replied.

     “We can also put some away for other things…like a new wardrobe.”

     Sam’s eyes lit up. “Um, are you talking about what I think you are?”

     Olivia nodded. “Why not? I have a big home and very cool neighbors. You can dress in my home and then we can take the next steps…if you want. It will be up to you.”

     “You really don’t mind?”

     Olivia shook her head as she sipped her coffee. “Honey, I have a lot of LGBT friends…who am I to tell you not to try and be the person you were meant to be.”

     “But won’t my Mom and…well won’t she object?” asked Sam.

     “I’m working on becoming your legal guardian. My lawyer is working on the paperwork as we speak. I’ll send it to your Mom as soon as we get out to San Diego.”

     “What if they do object?”

     “I think I can persuade them,” she said with a smile.

     “Wow,” said Sam as he leaned back in his chair. “Part of me is angry that they are casting me off…but it could also mean that I get to be…well, me.”

     “Also, just so you know, the university has an excellent reputation when it comes to assisting LGBT students. So, if you decide that you want to transition, you will have support.”

     Sam nodded.

     “Well, let’s get going,” she said as motioned for the waitress.

     As they drove across Texas, Olivia questioned Sam about his life.

     “So, what sort of music do you like?” she asked.

     “Mainly rock, but I like all kinds,” he replied.

     “Do you like classical?”

     He nodded.

     “Have you ever seen a real orchestra play?” she asked.

     Sam laughed. “In my old town?”

     “Okay, but you had several large cities close by,” she said.

     “Victor’s not into culture and Mom…well she does whatever he says,” replied Sam.

     “Okay, so I take it you’ve never seen a play,” she said.

     “Just the ones done at my old high school,” he replied.

     Olivia nodded.

     “Why do you want to know?” he asked.

     “San Diego has a pretty vibrant arts community and LA isn’t that far away. I figure that in addition to your college education…and your gender education, I can expose you to the arts too,” she said.

     Sam smiled. “I’d like that.”

     “Good,” she replied.

     “So what about my gender education?” he asked.

     “You will have much to learn and I will help you…there’s clothes, makeup, demeanor…all sorts of things that you’ll need to learn. I don’t think you’ll have trouble passing as you have a very neutral physique,” she commented.

     “Passing?” he asked.

     “Meaning when you go out no one will know your actual gender. If you decide that you want to live fulltime it will be one less thing for you to worry about.”

     “What about hormones?” he asked.

     “Well, you’ll need to get them through a doctor. I know that you’ll first need to get the approval of a therapist and then you can see a specialist who will prescribe them for you…they’re really powerful drugs and the last thing you want to do is mess around without a doctor’s supervision. Like I told you, I know people in the community and I pick up on info. When we get out to San Diego, we can do more research online.”

     Sam nodded.

     “Do you have a feminine name?”

     Sam scratched his head. “No…I though about Samantha…but that’s a little obvious.”

     “I don’t know…it’s a nice name…and it would make your transition easier…I mean if someone called you Sam it wouldn’t be that big a deal would it?”

     Sam nodded his head. “I hadn’t thought of that.”

     “It would also be very appropriate,” she continued.

     “Why’s that?”

     “You mean your dad never told you why you were named Sam and not Samuel?”

     He shook his head.

     Olivia laughed. “Did your dad ever tell you about our Aunt Samantha?”

     “No…who was she?”

     “When your dad and I were kids she stayed with us…our father was deployed with the navy and mom was sick. She really wasn’t our aunt, just a good friend of the family.”

     “Was that when grandma had cancer?” asked Sam.

     Olivia nodded. “She was in the hospital for three months…thankfully she had a full recovery…but it was touch and go then. Samantha stayed with us while Mom was recovering and well… she was a trip and she kept our minds off the fact that Mom was so sick. Your dad told me that he wanted to name one of his kids after her.”

     “I wonder why he never told me,” said Sam.

     “I suspect he would have…,” she said her voice tailing off.

     “Um, do you still miss him?” asked Sam.

     Olivia nodded. “Of course…he was my big brother and my best friend when we were growing up. We moved a lot as kids…as you know.”

     “Is that how you ended up in San Diego?”

     Olivia nodded again. “Of all the places we lived, it was my favorite …it has the ocean…perfect weather…and great people.”

     “What happened to Samantha?” asked Sam.

     “She lives in Julian….which is up in the mountains…less than an hour from San Diego. She owns a bakery up there…they make a killer apple pie.”

     “I’d like to meet her some time,” said Sam.

     “I know she’d like that,” said Olivia.

     “Um, since my family back…there….doesn’t care about me…how do you think your side of the family will react?”

     “Your grandmother won’t be a problem…she adores you and your gender won’t be an issue to her. The rest of the family will be fine…we have our share of people who walk to the beat of a different drummer. In fact, your father was probably the most normal one in the bunch.”

     “Does that include you?” asked Sam.

     “Especially me!” she replied with a laugh.

     Sam smiled back. “Well?”

     “You mean you don’t know?” she asked.

     Sam looked confused.

     “I thought that’s why they called me. Sam, I’ve been out of the closet since I was in college…I’m a lesbian. Both your parents knew it.”

     “Really?” he asked.

     She nodded. “I thought you knew.”

     “No, but it makes sense now…I mean why Mom wasn’t happy that I was going to college in San Diego…I doubt she told Victor…he would have freaked.”

     “I guess I shouldn’t been too surprised… don’t get me wrong, I like your Mom…but she’s not exactly open-minded.”

     “I know what you mean…,” he said, his voice fading off.

     “Give her time…she might come about,” said Olivia.

     Sam shook his head. “No, she went along with my ‘exile’ without complaint. I can’t imagine a parent acting that way. I don’t count Victor…he’s nothing to me…but I can’t believe she dumped me like this. I mean, how would she have reacted if she knew I was transgendered?”

     “I don’t know,” she replied honestly.

     Sam nodded. “Yeah, I have the same sort of feeling. Olivia, how do you think my dad would react?”

     “I think he’d be cool with it. Your father loved you…I also know that he wouldn’t have allowed the town to act as it did. He would have fought them.”

     “Thanks,” replied Sam. “That makes me feel better.”


Chapter 22

     They drove to San Antonio and decided to spend a day there. After an early dinner, Olivia left Sam alone so he could call Sharon.

     “We went to the Alamo today and then dinner along the Riverwalk,” he told her.

     “That’s nice. So, how’re you doing?” asked Sharon.

     “My emotions are…loose. I keep replaying what happened in my head,” he said.

     He then told her of Olivia’s plans to have him see a therapist.

     “Good idea,” she replied.

     “So how’re things there?” asked Sam.

     There was a long pause.

     “Sharon…you there?” he asked.

     “Yeah…do you really want to know?”

     “Sure,” he replied.

     “Dave and his friends have been strutting around school like they own the place…even more than usual. Steve told me that he’s been even more of a jerk in the locker room. He says that Dave have been telling anyone that he can do whatever he wants now.”

     “Gee, why doesn’t that surprise me,” said Sam.

     “Oh, Mr. Jackson told the class that he was leaving…just like you said he would,” she said.

     “It’s too bad…he was the best teacher there. Oh, has my name come up?” asked Sam.

     “They made an announcement that you got a special scholarship. They also said that you were recovering from your injuries in the accident,” she said.

     “Any rumors about the truth?” he asked.

     “No…the school has been quick to crush anything like that…I was called in with my parents and we had a conversation with Mr. Abbott. It was explained how important it was that the ‘unfortunate incident’ needed to be kept secret. It was also recommended that I stop talking to you.”


     “The interesting thing is that when we got home my parents and I had a long talk. They told me that they thought the school and the town was wrong and that they had no problem with me being your friend. They also said that if I wanted to fly out and see you they would pay the airfare.”

     “That’s really cool,” he said.

     “I know…they also said that they don’t like the direction the town is going…and that they might look into moving,” she said.

     “Wow,” he said.

     “I guess I underestimated them,” she said. “I mean, this doesn’t mean that I’m ready to tell them everything…but it gives me hope.”

     “I’m happy for you,” he said.

     “Thanks…I hope things work out for you,” she said. “I’ll keep you informed of what’s going on here.”

     “Thanks,” he replied.

     “Also…whatever you’re planning…I want to be a part of it, I want to help you get back at these people,” she said.

     “It may take some time,” he said.

     “Hey, we’re young…look, I want to help you really nail at these people. I suspect that your plan doesn’t just include Dave and his friends.”

     “No…I want to take down all the people who came up with this cover-up. I doubt it’s the first time that they’ve done something like this.”

     “I agree,” said Sharon.

     “Olivia feels I should focus on my degree,” he said.

     “What are you going to study?”

     “Criminal justice,” he replied.

     “Good idea,” she replied.


Chapter 23

     “Did you have a nice chat with Sharon?” asked Olivia.

     Sam nodded. He then told her what was happening back in his old town.

     “Do you think they’ll really punish them?” he asked.

     “I doubt it,” she said. “If the team wins the championship then it will be even harder…I imagine their parents would protest any sort of punishment…even if it was symbolic.”

     “That’s what I thought,” said Sam.

     “So, tell me some more about you and Sharon,” said Olivia.

     “What do you want to know?”

     “Well, who gave up their secret first?”

     Sam smiled. “She did. She was getting hassled for not dating. We were talking about it and well, it just came out. I told her my secret the same day.”

     “How did she take it?”

     “She said that she wasn’t surprised….that she always thought I was different,” replied Sam.

     “And did she help you dress?”

     Sam nodded. “We did it the first time a few weeks later. Her parents were out of town and I was over at her house. She had a whole outfit picked out for me…blouse, skirt, bra, panties, pantyhose, and shoes. She used her curling iron to style my hair…and then she made me up. I couldn’t believe it was happening.”

     “Did you dress before that?”

     Sam shook his head. “I couldn’t risk it…can you imagine what Victor would have done to me?”

     “So when Sharon dressed you up, that was the first time you were in girl’s clothing?”

     Sam nodded again.

     “How old were you?”

     “Thirteen,” he replied.

     “And you fought off these feelings all those years….it must have been awful,” said Olivia.

     “It wasn’t fun…I knew that I had to keep it secret,” he replied.

     “So, how often did she dress you?”

     “We did it a couple times a month,” he said.

     “And did you ever go out?”

     Sam laughed. “You must be kidding!”

     Olivia smiled back at him. “Okay, dumb question. So, the first time you ever went out dressed was at Halloween.”

     Sam nodded. “I put off dressing as a girl until my senior year…I didn’t want anything bad to happen…”

     “There was no way you could have known that Dave would attack you.”

     “I know,” he replied.

     “Can I ask you something personal?” she asked.

     Sam nodded.

     “What do you consider yourself sexually?”

     “I like girls…I never even thought about having sex with a guy,” he replied. “I guess that’s weird, huh?”

     Olivia shook her head. “Why would it be? Gender is separate from sexuality.”

     “I guess that’s true,” he replied.

     “One more question, do you really want to be a woman?”

     Sam nodded. “More than ever. Why?”

     Olivia put up one finger and left the hotel room. She returned a few minutes later with several shopping bags.

     “I’m pretty good at estimating sizes,” she said as she set the bags down.

     Sam smiled slightly.

     “Do you want to see what I bought you?”

     Sam nodded and watched as Olivia unpacked the bags. There were several pairs of jeans, two skirts, several tops, a couple of sweaters, a jacket, two pairs of shoes, along with bras, breast pads, panties, and a pair of pjs.

     “The other bag has your makeup and toiletries in it,” she said. “Now, if you want, you can spend the rest of this trip as Samantha…and then we’ll take it from there. It’s up to you.”

     “You mean it?” he asked.

     “Of course. I can also cut your hair…I’m pretty good too,” she said. “When we get to San Diego I’ll take you to my friend’s salon and they give you the full treatment.”

     “When do we start?” asked Sam.

     “Tonight, I’ll style your hair, you can shave your legs and then come morning I’ll do your makeup,” she said, She then reached over and touched his face. “Good, you don’t have much of a beard…neither did your dad.”

     Sam smiled. “Thank you, Olivia.”

     “Okay, let’s get started.”


Chapter 24

     Sam looked at herself in the mirror and couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She couldn’t take her eyes off the young woman that was looking back at her.

     She was dressed in jeans and a pink long sleeve top. She marveled at the way the breast pads felt as if they were part of her. She kept waiting to wake up from this wonderful dream.

     She ran her fingers through her now feminine hair style and broke out in a huge grin.

     Olivia stood behind her and beamed. She couldn’t believe how happy Sam looked.

     Sam turned around and hugged her. “Thank you…thank you so much!”

     “You’re welcome dear. Now, I saw a nail salon nearby. Your nails don’t look too bad, but we might as well go for broke,” said Olivia.

     “Will you get your nails done too?” asked Sam.

     Olivia nodded. “Of course.”

     “Cool,” replied Sam.

     They checked out of the hotel and headed right to the salon. The women in the salon couldn’t be nicer. Olivia couldn’t help but smile as she watched Sam, who was having the time of her life.

     Sam got French tips with a light pink polish. As far as Olivia could tell, the women in the salon never suspected Sam’s true gender, and if they did, they never said a thing.

     “Okay, we need to do one more thing before we leave,” said Olivia.

     “What’s that?’ asked Sam.

     “We need to get your ears pierced,” she replied.


     Olivia nodded. “Of course…you can’t wear clip-ons the rest of your life.”

     “Okay, I’d like that,” said Sam.

     The women in the salon gave Olivia directions to a store where they could get Sam’s ears pierced. It was within walking distance.

     Olivia leaned close to Sam and whispered.

     “You’re doing great, dear…don’t worry if anyone looks at you…especially guys…they’re just checking out a very pretty young woman.”

     Sam turned and broke out in a huge smile.


Chapter 25

     “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be,” said Sam as they left the store.

     “I told you it was no big deal…however, you need to keep them clean…the last thing you need is an infection,” replied Olivia.

     “Can we do one more thing before we leave?” asked Sam.

     “What is it?”

     She leaned close and whispered into Olivia’s ear.

     “I think that’s a wonderful idea,” replied Olivia.

     Ten minutes later they were standing in front of the Alamo. Olivia was able to find someone to take their photo as they stood in front of the historical structure.

     Olivia also took several photos of Sam by herself.

     “I want one to send back to Sharon,” she replied.

     “Just tell her ahead of time so she doesn’t open the letter up in front of her parents,” said Olivia as they walked back to their car.

     “I will…and thank you again…I feel…I feel like the way I should have always been,” replied Sam.

     “I’m happy to hear that,” replied Olivia.

     Olivia knew she had done the right thing as she could see how happy Sam was. She knew that Sam had many obstacles to overcome, and anything that could be done to make her feel more at ease was worth it.


Chapter 26

     Olivia was amazed how quickly Sam adjusted to her new feminine life. She kept watching Sam, ready to correct any behavior that might give the transgendered teen away, but there was no need. The only time that Sam showed her male side was when they were alone, either in the car or in their hotel room.

     “So, would you like to see the Grand Canyon?” asked Olivia as she reviewed the map that night in their hotel room.

     “I’d love to see it,” replied Sam eagerly, who was sitting on her bed. She was dressed in her pjs.

     “Well, it’s not that far out of our way. I’ll need to call my studio tomorrow and let them know we’ll be taking an extra day. I also need to call your doctor tomorrow…they should have the test results back.”

     Sam nodded nervously.

     “Honey, this is precautionary, you can’t be too careful these days,” said Olivia.

     Sam nodded again. “I know…but if those bastards gave me anything I may head right back there and kill them.”

     “I’ll drive you,” replied Olivia.

     “I’m not kidding,” said Sam.

     “Neither am I,” replied Olivia. “Now, let’s get some sleep, okay?”

     Sam nodded. “Hopefully no nightmares tonight.”

     The previous night Sam had woke up twice as the sexual assault showed up in her dreams.

     “Just remember, if it does happen, I’m here for you,” said Olivia.

     “Do they ever go away?” asked Sam as she pulled back the covers.

     “I’ve been told so…but that’s why we’re going to get you a therapist. I put out some feelers with my lawyer to see if she can find one that you can see for both issues.”

     “That would make it easier,” said Sam. “Good night Olivia and thank you for the best day of my life.”

     “So far,” replied Olivia. “Good night, Sam.”


Chapter 27

     Two days later they were unpacking their things at a hotel near the Grand Canyon.

     Olivia placed a couple of phone calls after they settled in.

     The first one was to the hospital back in Sam’s old town. The good news was that all the tests were negative, although the doctor recommended that Sam get retested every few months when they got out to California. Olivia asked if they had done tests on the boys. The doctor said no, that the parents refused to allow them.

     The next call was to her lawyer.

     “Good news, Olivia, I found the perfect therapist for your niece,” said Rebecca Hanratty.

     “Really, who is it?” asked Olivia.

     “Her name is Karen Johnston and she is highly recommended by both the LGBT Center and several women’s groups,” said Rebecca. “She also runs a transgendered teen support group at the Center.”

     “That’s good to hear,” said Olivia.

     “Do you want me to contact her for you?”

     “Yes, but don’t make any appointments yet. Oh, how does it look for me to become Sam’s guardian?”

     “I contacted Sam’s Mom and she seems willing. The stepfather is a real piece of work…he said send the papers and they would be signed. In the mean time, they agreed to give you temporary guardianship. I explained that it would be necessary for Sam to get any medical treatment.”

     “He’s a piece of something,” replied Olivia.

     Rebecca laughed. “Okay, I’ll have the documents ready for your review. I can’t wait to meet your niece.”

     “She’s special,” replied Olivia. “I never had a desire to be a mother…I don’t deal well with babies, but maybe this is the way for me…start with them when they’re teens.”


Chapter 28

     Over lunch Olivia updated Sam on the phone calls.

     Sam took the medical information in stride.

     “I kinda expected that,” she said. “What about the therapist?”

     “My lawyer seems to think she’s perfect for you…Rebecca is very active in the San Diego LGBT community and she knows everyone. What we’ll do is set up a meeting with Dr. Johnson and see how you two get along.”

     Sam nodded as she read the menu. “Makes sense.”

     “Even if you decide to go back to being the other Sam, you will need to see a therapist for the assault.”

     Sam looked up from the menu and smiled.

     “I have no intention of going back to being…the other Sam. You don’t know how happy I’ve been these last few days.”

     “I think I do,” replied Olivia.

     The waitress took their order and left.

     “So, when did you…um, come out?” asked Sam.

     Olivia nodded. “I told your dad when I was in high school and the rest of the family when I was a freshman in college. Your dad was very cool about it. He became even more protective of me than he had been before.”

     “How did the rest of them take it?”

     “Mom was fine…she didn’t seem all that surprised. My Dad, your grandfather, was a little shocked….stunned would be a better word. He wasn’t upset or anything like that…just very, very confused. Still, he came around and he even allowed me to bring some of my girlfriends home.”


     Olivia nodded. “He just wanted me to be happy.”

     “Did you always know?”

     Olivia nodded.”Even before I knew what it was, I knew I was different. Was that how it was with you?”

     Sam nodded. “I remember wanting to be a girl as far back as I can remember…I also knew that I had to keep quiet about it.”

     “Well, times are changing,” said Olivia.

     Sam smiled back. “That’s right!”


Chapter 29

     They spent two days at the Grand Canyon before heading to San Diego.

     “Sam, besides verbal abuse, did Victor ever hit you?” asked Olivia as they drove through Arizona.

     “No, but he threatened to a few times. He usually just balled up a fist and acted as if he was going to hit me. The last time was in the hospital,” replied Sam.

     “What? You mean he was going to hit you when you were in the hospital?” asked Olivia.

     Sam told her what had happened.

     “I guess I provoked him,” replied Sam.

     “You did nothing wrong…he’s a bully. Does he threaten your mom?”

     “I’ve never seen him do it. I really thinks he loves her…I think he hated me because I was a reminder that he wasn’t her first love…I imagine he’s very happy that I’m out of the way,” replied Sam as she looked out the window.

     “I wish I knew what to say,” replied Olivia.

     Sam turned and looked over at her. “You’ve done so much for me so far…I don’t know how I can ever find a way to thank you.”

     “You can do as well as possible when you enter college,” Olivia replied.

     Sam smiled back. “Um, do you think that they’ll mind that I’m transgendered?”

     “It shouldn’t matter,” replied Olivia.

     “Good…because, I don’t want to go back to being a guy. In a way, I feel like I’ve been reborn,” she replied.

     “Okay, but you still need to see a therapist,” replied Olivia who wasn’t surprised by Sam’s decision. She had noticed how much more at ease Sam was as a female.

     Sam looked out the window again.

     “How much longer until we get home?” she asked.

     Olivia smiled when she heard Sam say home.

     “A few more hours,” she replied.

     Sam just nodded as she looked out the window.


Chapter 30

     A few days later Sam and Olivia walked into the converted Craftsman house that served as the office of Dr. Johnston. It was located in the Hillcrest neighborhood near Balboa Park.

     Dr. Johnston greeted them when they arrived. She was in her early fifties and lived in San Diego for almost twenty years.

     She was pleasantly surprised to see how feminine Sam looked.

     Sam was dressed in a denim skirt and gray sweater. She was carrying a jacket over her arm.

     “Good afternoon, I’m Dr. Johnston,” she said as she extended her hand.

     “Pleased to meet you,” replied Sam. “I’m Samantha Gibson.”

     “I’m Olivia, we talked on the phone,” greeted Olivia.

     “I’m very pleased to meet both of you,” replied Dr. Johnston. “Please sit down.”

     The reception area was set up like a living room. In addition to the chairs and couch, there was a stereo, a fish tank, and a several plants. There was also a table set up with a both a pitcher of water and an electric tea kettle.

     Dr. Johnston pointed to the table. “Please help yourself.”

     Sam shook her head.

     “No thank you,” she replied.

     “Well, if you change your mind, feel free to help yourself,” replied Dr, Johnston. “Now, being this is our first meeting, I propose that we just chat a little and go over what will happen.”

     Sam nodded and smiled nervously at Olivia.

     “Normally, our meetings will take place in my office. Olivia you are more than welcome to accompany Samantha, but I would prefer that you wait out here.”

     “That’s fine,” replied Olivia. “It will give me a chance to catch up on my reading.”

     Dr. Johnston smiled. “Samantha, our sessions will last fifty minutes and I would like to have them every week for now, is that acceptable?”

     “Of course,” replied Sam. “What will we talk about first?”

     “There’s no rules to it…I would like to get to know you and at the same time help you with both your transition and the trauma from the sexual assault…including the way you ended up out here.”

     “Do you think once a week will be enough?” asked Samantha who laughed nervously.

     “That’s up to you. I’m not going to downplay the fact that you have some serious issues to deal with. Most people have a hard enough time dealing with just one at time.”

     “Well, as far as I’m concerned, the transition to being a woman is a done deal. I’ve never been happier,” replied Sam. 

     Dr. Johnson just nodded.

     “As for the assault….it…it keeps coming back…I have nightmares about it and also about the way I was forced out of my old town. There are so many people that I’m angry at…the bastards who used me….Victor….the principal….the police chief….and well…my mom….actually I don’t know if I’m angry at her…or just deeply hurt and disappointed that she abandoned me.”

     “I see that getting you to talk about this won’t be a problem,” said Dr. Johnston with a comforting smile.

     Sam smiled back.

     “Now, the first thing I need to know is…what do you want me to call you?” asked Dr. Johnston.

     Sam glanced over at Olivia and then back at Dr. Johnston.

     “You can call me Sam,” she replied. “I like Samantha, but it’s a bit long.”

     “Okay, Sam…and if prefer you can call me Karen.”

     Sam smiled. “Thank you Karen.”

     “You’re welcome Sam. Now you know that Olivia and I talked yesterday about your situation…I must admit that you seem very much at ease with your gender considering that you just recently transitioned.”

     Sam nodded.

     “Do you have any regrets?”

     “No…no, that’s not true, I wished I could have done this sooner,” replied Sam.

     “Honest answer,” replied Dr. Johnston. “Now, why don’t you tell me about the nightmares?”


Chapter 31

     “I really like her,” said Sam as she helped Olivia prepare dinner.

     “So do I,” replied Olivia.

     Olivia had decided that Sam should learn to cook. She wasn’t exactly surprised when Sam told her that she didn’t know how.

     She still smiled when she thought about Sam’s answer.

     “Victor said cooking was a woman’s job…so I guess it’s okay now.”

     Tonight they were preparing chicken and rice. It was a simple recipe and a good one to break Sam in on.

     “I’m happy that Dr. Johnston has accepted me as a client,” said Sam as she read the recipe for the chicken.

     “I like her too,” said Olivia.

     “She said that eventually she would like me to attend a support group for transgendered teens,” said Sam.

     “I know. I was there. So how do you feel about that?”

     “I’m not sure, but it would be nice to meet another person like me,” replied Sam.

     Olivia nodded.

     “What do you think?” asked Sam.

     “I agree that it would be good for you to meet others,” said Olivia. “It won’t be easy for you at college…not everyone who goes there is open minded. You’re going to have some rough days.”

     “I know,” replied Sam. “But it can’t be worse than what I’ve experienced.”

     The buzzer went off for the oven telling them that the correct temperature had been reached.

     “Okay, put the chicken in,” said Olivia.

     Sam did as she was told. She then looked at Olivia.

     “Do you think I’m jumping into this too quickly?”

     “Maybe, but I also think that you need to do this…and there’s no sense in waiting. No matter when you transition it will be difficult. You’ll have some tough decisions to make…like when you’ll tell your Mom.”

     “Do I have to tell her? I mean, does it matter?” replied Sam.

     “Regardless of what has happened…she’s still your mother,” said Olivia.

     Sam nodded. “But does she still feel the same way?”

     “What do you have to lose? I mean, if she rejects your decision, are you any worse off? And there’s always the possibility that she’ll support you,” said Olivia.

     “True…but I want to wait until you get full custody of me…I don’t want to risk her trying to stop me.”

     “That’s fair,” replied Olivia. “Okay, let’s get to the rest of dinner.”


Chapter 32

     Three weeks later Olivia was in her office at the gallery when Rebecca called her.

     “I was hoping you’d be in,” said Rebecca.

     “What’s up?” asked Olivia.

     “I just received the paperwork regarding your guardianship for Sam,” she replied. “They’re giving you full custody.”

     “That’s wonderful,” replied Olivia.

     “There’s more,” said Rebecca.

     “Um, judging by the tone of your voice, it’s not good news. What is it?”

     Rebecca told her.

     “You’ve got to be kidding; is that even legal?”

     “Barely,” replied Rebecca. “I’d like to come by and explain this to Sam in person if you don’t mind.”

     “Sure, when do you want to come over?” asked Olivia.

     “Well, bad news doesn’t get better with time; I’d like it to be as soon as possible.”

     Olivia looked at the antique clock on the wall of her office.

     “How about in two hours? That will give me time to give Dr. Johnston a head’s up.”

     “Sounds good,” replied Rebecca. “I’m sorry about this Olivia…I had no idea they would pull something like this. I really like Sam, she’s a sweet kid and deserves better than this.”

     “She likes you too,” replied Olivia. “I’ll see you at my place in two hours.”


Chapter 33

     Sam was in her room surfing the net when Olivia arrived home.

     “You’re home early,” said Sam as she got up from her desk.

     Olivia nodded. “Rebecca’s coming over and she has some news for us.”

     “What is it?” asked Sam.

     “I’d prefer her to tell you,” said Olivia as she sat down on the edge of Sam’s bed.

     “It’s Victor…isn’t it?” asked Sam.

     Olivia nodded. “Come on downstairs, Rebecca will be here shortly.”


     A short time later, Sam and Olivia were sitting next to each other on the couch with Rebecca sitting across from them.

     “The good news is that Olivia is now your legal guardian,” said Rebecca.

     Sam reached over and took Olivia’s hand into her own.

     “And the rest of it?” asked Sam nervously.

     “There’s no easy way to say this…you’ve been disowned,” stated Rebecca.

     Sam stared back in shocked silence.

     “They have filed paperwork that will legally separate you from them,” said Rebecca.

     “Is that legal? I mean, I’m not eighteen yet,” said Sam.

     “I’m sure we could fight it…but it would be ugly. They have a stack of ‘evidence’ that they would release,” continued Rebecca.

     “Evidence of what?” asked Sam.

     “That you cheated on your SATs and that you dealt drugs…and some other offenses. I know it’s nonsense, but they have signed documents from other students, faculty, and from two of the town’s police officers,” continued Rebecca as she handed them copies of the documents.

     “This is extortion,” stated Olivia.

     “They’ve also filed a restraining order against you,” continued Rebecca.

     “Wow, they really went all out didn’t they,” said Sam softly as she scanned the papers.

     “Their lawyer states that they will not make any trouble for you if you accept these terms and stay away from them,” continued Rebecca.

     “Do you want to fight this, Sam?” asked Rebecca.

     “What are our chances of winning? I mean, we would have to take them to court back there, right?” asked Sam as she looked up from the documents.

     “Unfortunately that’s correct…it would be…difficult. The lawyer who is handing this is a real big shot back there. I suspect that he was hired by the town officials to keep what happened to you quiet.”

     “This is a lot of effort to keep the assault on Sam quiet,” said Olivia. “What else is going on?”

     “From what I understand the town officials are about to complete a big business deal that would bring in a large electronics firm. It would mean lots of jobs and money for the town,” replied Rebecca. “Having the town football hero and his friends arrested for a sexual assault doesn’t put the community in a very good light.”

     “Fuck it…it’s not worth it,” said Sam.

     “Are you sure?” asked Olivia.

     “Even if I won…what would I gain…they don’t want me…my mom doesn’t want me. If I fought this battle, even if I won… I would lose…I’d probably lose my scholarship and they might take me away from you. I doubt they would see me in a sympathetic light now anyway…in fact they would probably say that I did it willingly.”

     “Are you afraid of how the courts would treat you now that you’re out as transgendered?” asked Rebecca.

     Sam nodded as she wiped away a tear.

     “That’s understandable…I have to admit that I’ve done some research and the courts back there aren’t exactly known for being tolerant,” said Rebecca. “I’m sorry.”

     “Thanks….but this isn’t over…it just means that I have more ammunition for getting back at them,” stated Sam. “I don’t know when or how…but I will get back at them.”

     “I have a question Rebecca,” said Olivia.

     “Shoot,” replied Rebecca.

     “Can I adopt Sam?” she asked.

     Rebecca rubbed her chin. “That’s a possibility…they’ve already given you legal guardianship…and since they’ve made it clear that they don’t want Sam coming back…I doubt they would contest it…in fact they might even feel that this means they won. What do you think Sam?”

     “You mean it…you would adopt me?” asked Sam as smile appeared on her face.

     Olivia nodded. “Of course…we’re already related…why not make it legal?”

     Sam leaned over and hugged her.

     “I’ll get started on the paperwork,” said Rebecca.


Chapter 34

     It was early January when Sam attended her first college class. Considering everything she had been through in the past few months, it was almost anticlimactic.

     The university had no problems with Sam’s gender thanks to the letters written by Dr. Johnston. In fact, Sam found that there were several other transgendered students on campus. The documents submitted by Rebecca eased any legal concerns. Her adoption was also in the final stages of approval.

     Legally she was still male, but the school’s admission office made the appropriate changes in her paperwork. The fact that she still went by Sam made things easier.

     She had started hormones the previous week. Naturally there were no changes yet, but Sam felt different. She was now on the road to becoming the person she felt she had to be.

     Sam nervously stepped into the classroom for her first course. She scanned the room for an open seat and then she sat down in the third row. She looked around at the others students and smiled to herself, so this is college.

     A girl with long red hair sat down next to her.

     “Is this Poly-Sci 101?” she asked.

     Sam turned and looked at her and smiled. “I hope so.”

     The girl smiled back. “I’m Kelly.”

     She was a little shorter than Sam, but what she lacked in height she made up in curves.

     “I’m Sam.”

     “Cool, nice to meet you,” replied Kelly. “So what’s your major?”

     “Criminal justice,” replied Sam.

     “Wow, me too! Funny, I haven’t seen you in any of the other classes,” she stated.

     “This is my first semester,” replied Sam. “And my first class.”

     Kelly smiled back. “Nervous?”

     “Just a little…actually I’m petrified,” replied Sam.

     They both looked up as the professor walked into the room.

     Kelly laughed. “You’ll do fine…we’ll talk more after class.”


Chapter 35

     After class, Kelly walked out of the room with Sam.

     “When’s your next class?” asked Kelly.

     Sam looked at her schedule. “Not for two hours.”

     “Great, let me show you around,” said Kelly.

     Sam nodded back.

     “We’ll start with showing you where all your classes are. Too bad you didn’t start in the fall as you would have had orientation.”

     “I couldn’t…I was still in high school,” replied Sam.

     “Really? I thought you looked young, but I never suspected that you graduated early,” said Kelly. “You must be really smart.”

     Sam shook her head. “No, I was a victim of circumstances.”

     Kelly cast a surprised glance at Sam.

     “What do you mean by that?”

     “I was thrown out of my town,” she replied.

     “What did you do?”

     “Nothing…can I trust you?”

     Kelly nodded. “Sure…what happened.”

     “I was gang raped by several of the football players…and they were the town heroes…it was easier to graduate me early and get me out of there.”

     “Oh my god, that’s horrible. I’m so sorry Sam. Where was this?”

     “It’s a nothing little place back east…I doubt you would have heard of it.”

     “Was it south of the Mason-Dixon Line?” asked Kelly.

     Sam smiled. “Yes, but don’t judge the whole area by them.”

     “What happened to the guys that hurt you?”

     “Nothing,” replied Sam. “Two just got full athletic scholarships and the others walked away without a thing being done to them. It’s complicated, but the community didn’t want any negative spotlights on it. By removing me, they solved the problem…at least that’s what they think.”

     “And is that why you’re a criminal justice major?”

     Sam nodded.

     “Do you plan on getting back at them?”

     Sam nodded again.

     “Good for you…I think we’ve going to be great friends,” said Kelly.

     “Really?” asked Sam.

     Kelly nodded. “Yep, I have a talent for finding interesting friends. I want to help you.”

     “I don’t even know what I’m going to do yet,” said Sam.

     “That’s okay, maybe I can help you come up with some appropriate forms of revenge.”

     Sam laughed.

     “Seriously Sam, I have a group of friends with interesting skills, we can help you.”

     “What sorts of skills?” asked Sam.

     “How computer literate are you?”

     “I’m pretty good why?”

     Kelly looked around and then leaned close to Sam. “I’m a hacker.”

     Sam cocked her head. “Really?”

     “Yep, I’m still a novice compared to my friends, but they’ve taught me so much. Oh, I don’t do anything all that illegal…I just use my skills to get information. I want to be a PI when I leave college and I figure that knowing my way around computer security systems will be a useful tool.”

     “Can you teach me?” asked Sam.

     Kelly nodded.

     Sam suddenly realized that her secret wasn’t safe. Kelly could easily find out Sam’s real gender.

     “Um, is there someone private we can go and talk?” asked Sam.

     Kelly nodded. “Sure follow me.”


Chapter 36

     They were sitting on a park bench under a grove of eucalyptus trees.

     “I hate to ask you this as we’ve just met…but how open-minded are you?” asked Sam.

     Kelly nodded knowingly. “You mean do I care that you’re transgendered?”

     Sam’s jaw dropped.

     “It’s okay Sam, you pass fine…it’s just that I’m a bit of expert in these sorts of things…my sister is transgendered,” she replied.

     “When did you know?”

     “I suspected when I first saw you…but when you told me about what your town did to you it confirmed it.”

     Sam then told her the whole story about the night of the rape.

     “You mean, that no one back there knows the truth?” asked Kelly.

     “That’s right…can you imagine what they would have done to me if they had!”

     Kelly leaned over and gave Sam a hug.

     “Okay, now I’m even more determined to help you…and your secret is safe with me,” said Kelly.

     “Thanks,” replied Sam. “Wow, it’s really lucky we met.”

     “Not luck, karma,” replied Kelly. “Now, let’s continue with that tour.”


Chapter 37

     A few days later Sam called Sharon.

     “I was curious how you’re doing in college,” she said.

     “I’m doing okay,” replied Sam. She then told Sharon about Kelly.

     “That’s pretty cool,” said Sharon. “I’m glad you’ve made some friends out there.”

     “How’re you doing?” said Sam.

     “Okay…school is barely tolerable,” she replied.

     “What’s going on?”

     “Dave is even a bigger asshole now than he was before,” she said. “I didn’t think that it was possible but he proved me wrong.”

     “Has he bothered you?” asked Sam cautiously.

     “No, Steve has seen to that,” she replied.

     “What happened?”

     “I was at a party and Dave started bugging me…asking me if I wanted the same treatment that he gave you,” she explained. “Steve overheard it and stepped in.”

     “What did Steve do?”

     “He told Dave that if he touched me that it would be the last thing he would ever do…Dave must have believed him as he avoids me now,” said Sharon.

     “I’m sorry,” replied Sam.

     “It’s not your fault Sam. Even though they’ve tried to keep it a secret, a lot of people know that you didn’t leave on your own. My parents are furious about the way your Mom and Victor treated you. I don’t know if it’s related, but they’ve become easier to talk to.”

     “That’s good to hear. So will they let you come out here to visit?”

     “Yes, they think it’s a great idea,” she said. “I can’t wait to see what you look like in person…I like the pics you sent me…and just so you know, you’re a pretty cute chick.”

     Sam laughed. “Thanks.”

     “Seriously, while I’m not happy about what happened to you, I’m pleased that you’re getting the chance to be the person you were meant to be.”

     “Thanks,” replied Sam.

     “And while I think it’s great that you don’t want others to get hurt…do you think it’s smart to dedicating your life to revenge?”

     “I’m not doing that…yes I want to get back at them…but I’m not obsessed with it…I have a general plan on what I want to do...and it will have to wait. I don’t know enough yet to get back at them.”

     “What do you mean by that?”

     “I’m not sure…but if I can take them down I want it all to be legal…not the crap they pulled on me. I’m not going to do it for money or anything like that…I want the law to punish them. I figure that they’re doing some illegal things…or why else go through the effort to kick me out of town. It will take some digging, but it will be worth it.”

     “Aren’t you worried that they’ll try and get back at you?”

     “That’s part of it…I’m just going to be the one who uncovers the dirt...I don’t want credit…taking them down will be satisfying enough for me.”

     “So this girl Kelly is willing to help you?”

     “Yep,” replied Sam.

     “I want in too,” she said.

     “Are you sure?”

     “Now that I know generally what you’re going to do…yes,” she replied.

     “Okay, but for now I plan on getting my degree,” said Sam.

     “Sounds good, Sam,” she said. “So changing the subject, have you noticed any changes yet?”

     “Nothing physical…I feel a sense of peace…but I suspect that’s a placebo effect.”

     “Don’t be so sure…hormones are very powerful drugs and the sense of peace you talk about might be more real than you suspect.”

     “Thank you doctor,” replied Sam.

     “Funny. Seriously I can’t wait to see the changes,” she said.

     “Me too. Olivia bought me a nice set of breast pads, but it will be nice to have my own,” explained Sam.

     “Are you going to tell your Mom?” asked Sharon.

     “I’m not allowed to have contact with her,” she replied. “Have you seen her lately?”

     “She’s on the city council now…she’s been in the paper a few times. For the most part she’s done a good job,” replied Sharon.

     “How’s the pregnancy going along?”

     “Okay I guess…I saw her at church last week and she looked fine,” replied Sharon.

     “That’s good,” replied Sam.

     “You still care about her, don’t you?”

     “I know I shouldn’t…considering what was done to me…I didn’t even get a Christmas card from her…but she is my Mom,” said Sam. “I’m a little worried about her…she’s over forty and from what I’ve read online…women her age can have problems giving birth.”

     “I’ll let you know if there are any problems, Sam,” said Sharon.


     “Well, I better hang up…don’t want to run up your phone bill too much…I miss you Sam,” she said.      

     “I miss you too,” replied Sam. “It’s always great talking to you.”


Chapter 38

     A few weeks later, Sam was examining her body in the bathroom. She ran her hands across her breasts and smiled. There was definite swelling.

     Over breakfast she told Olivia the good news.

     “That’s wonderful,” replied Olivia. “Make sure you tell Dr. Johnston when you see here this afternoon.”

     “I will,” replied Sam.

     “By the way, I love the sweater you’re wearing today. It’s a lovely green,” said Olivia.

     “Thanks,” replied Sam.

     “How’re your classes going?”

     “I have a paper due in my communications class next week…it’s almost done; can I get you to proof it for me?”

     “I’d be happy to…just don’t take any criticism personally.”

     “I won’t,” replied Sam. “I just know that the worst person to proof a document is the person who wrote it.”

     Olivia nodded.

     “How have you been sleeping?”

     “No nightmares for three weeks…maybe I’m finally putting it behind me,” replied Sam.

     “Maybe, but don’t be shocked if they come back,” said Olivia.

     Sam nodded as she sipped her tea.

     “Dr. Johnston told me that,” said Sam as she set her mug down. “I wonder if those bastards know the pain they have caused me.”

     “I doubt it,” replied Olivia as she looked at her watch. “I’ve got to get going early this morning; we’re setting up a new exhibit today. Can you take care of the dishes?”

     Sam nodded. “Sure thing, my first class isn’t until ten.”

     “Will you have trouble finding parking?”

     Sam shook her head. “Kelly has shown me all the secret parking locations.”

     Olivia nodded and then leaned down and kissed Sam good-bye.

     “I’ll see you this evening,” said Olivia.


Chapter 39

     “What time to have to be at your therapist?” asked Kelly.

     “Not until four,” replied Sam.

     “Cool, I have something to show you, let’s head over to my place,” she said.

     Kelly had a small apartment a few miles from campus. Her roommate was a small orange cat named Spartacus.

     When Sam had asked her about the name, Kelly replied that when she found the cat it was being chased by a large dog. Suddenly the cat turned and attacked; the dog was too stunned to fight back and ran away. That night when she brought the cat home, the classic movie channel was showing Spartacus and the name stuck.

     When they walked inside the apartment Spartacus ran up to greet them. Kelly leaned down and scooped him up in her arms.

     “Such a fierce beastie!” cooed Kelly as she cuddled with her cat.

     Spartacus purred loudly.

     She then handed him to Sam.

     Sam rubbed his chin which was one of his favorite spots.

     “He doesn’t warm up to everyone,” said Kelly as she turned on her computer. “He trusts you.”

     “He’s such a sweet cat,” said Sam as she continued to pet him.

     “Best roommate I’ve ever had. Sure he doesn’t pay any bills but neither did my last roommate,” said Kelly. “Here, this is what I wanted to show you.”

     Sam sat down next to Kelly and looked at the monitor. Spartacus settled into Sam’s lap.

     “What is that?” asked Sam

     “A friend of mine got into the mayor’s personal email…apparently he doesn’t know about security systems,” said Kelly.

     “You had someone hack into the mayor’s email?”

     Kelly laughed. “It wasn’t really hacking; a five-year-old could have gotten in. Anyway, he sent me these emails. They’re all related to you. My friend downloaded every one going back to right after it happened.”


     Kelly nodded.

     “Did you read them?”

     Kelly nodded again.

     “Give me a summary please.”

     “You were right; they were worried that the news of a gang-rape by the football team on a male student would ruin the business deal. The mayor ordered the police department to cover it up and for the hospital staff not to report it. It also goes into the plan to get you out of town.”

     “Is Victor mentioned?”

     “Yep. There are several emails discussing the bribes. Victor would get a major part of the construction jobs and your mom would be appointed to city council, just like you suspected.”

     “Anything else?”

     “Yes, the mayor contacted the families of the guys who attacked you and demanded money. He said that it would be used to keep you quiet…of course he kept it for himself.”

     Sam stared at the screen.

     “I’ll burn you a copy of these,” said Kelly.

     “Thanks,” replied Sam.

     “I told you I could help you,” she said.

     “Just be careful, I don’t want anyone else to get hurt,” stated Sam.

     “Don’t worry, there’s no way can trace us. Besides, it’s pretty obvious that they don’t think anyone…especially you are a threat.”

     Sam nodded.

     “The problem with hacked info is that it can’t be used in a court…oh, it can cause problems for the guilty but it becomes a he-said- she-said thing,” continued Kelly.

     “I know,” replied Sam. “But if a reporter had this info they could use it to track down real…legal evidence.”

     “That’s true,” said Kelly. “So do have anyone in mind?”

     Sam shook her head. “Not yet…I’ll still working on the plan. I appreciate this, Kelly.”
     “Hey you’re welcome. I like to use my skills for good.”

     Sam laughed. “Well, I gotta run…thank you so much. Here, take the beast, he’s sound asleep and I hate to wake him.”

     Kelly gently picked up Spartacus and set him down on her lap. He woke up for a moment before snuggling into a comfortable position and falling back to sleep.

     “See you tomorrow,” said Kelly.

     Sam nodded and left.


Chapter 40

     When Sam arrived at Dr. Johnston’s office she was surprised to see Dr. Johnston waiting standing in the doorway.

     Sam instinctively looked at her watch.

     “No Sam, you’re not late,” greeted Dr. Johnston.

     “What’s up?” asked Sam as she stepped inside.

     “Why don’t you have a seat,” suggested Dr. Johnston.

     Sam immediately sensed that something was wrong.

     “What happened?” she asked nervously as she sat down.

     “Olivia just called me…there’s no easy way to say this…I’m sorry, but your mother passed away,” said Dr. Johnston softly.

     Sam felt as if all the energy in her body drained away.

     “How…what happened?” she stammered.

     Dr. Johnston slipped her arm around Sam.

     “Olivia said that she went into labor and there were complications,” said Dr. Johnston.

     “She wasn’t due for two more months,” said Sam. “What…what about the baby?”

     Dr. Johnston shook her head.

     Sam bit her lip and began to tremble slightly.

     “Olivia is on her way here…but she felt it was best that you heard as soon as possible,” said Dr. Johnston.

     “I appreciate that,” said Sam as she wiped away tears with both hands.

     Dr. Johnston gently hugged Sam who accepted the hug and wrapped her arms around Dr. Johnson. She then began to sob.

     After a few minutes, Sam regained her composure.

     Dr. Johnston handed her a box of tissues.

     “Thanks,” replied Sam as she took the box. “I’m sorry.”

     “For what?” asked Dr. Johnston softly. “There’s nothing wrong with showing grief.”

     “Yes, but after what was done to me…should I feel this bad?”

     Dr. Johnston smiled back. “Yes, it means you have a good heart. I’ve only known you a short time and I would have been stunned if you had acted differently.”

     “I tried to hate her…but I couldn’t…” said Sam as she began to cry again.

     “It’s okay, dear, let it out,” comforted Dr. Johnston.

     Olivia arrived a short time later and walked inside the waiting room.

     Sam looked up and tried to smile as she wiped away her tears.

     “Hi,” said Sam.

     Olivia sat down next to Sam and hugged her.

     “How did you find out?” asked Sam.

     “Your friend Sharon called me at work,” said Olivia. “Apparently your mom was at city hall and she passed out. The EMTs arrived, but she died before they reached the hospital.”

     “So she didn’t suffer…that’s good,” replied Sam.

     Sam’s father was in the hospital for two weeks in the ICU before he died.

     “What do you want to do Sam?” asked Olivia. “Do you want to go home or stay here for a while?”

     “Let’s go home. Thank you Dr. Johnston…I really appreciate what you did for me today.”

     “Call me if you need anything Sam,” replied Dr. Johnston.

     Sam nodded.


Chapter 41

     When they got home there were several messages concerning the death of Sam’s mother; none were from Victor.

     “Do you think they’ll let me attend the funeral?” asked Sam. “I mean, I’ll dress up like a boy and all that.”

     “I’ll call and find out,” she replied.

     On the outside, she was calm and supportive of Sam, but inside she was furious that Victor hadn’t contacted them.

     “I’ll call Rebecca to see what she thinks,” said Olivia.

     Sam nodded.

     “Do you feel like eating?” asked Olivia.

     “Not really, but I suppose I should eat something…I feel so empty,” said Sam.

     “I know what you mean,” replied Olivia.

     The next day Olivia, after not hearing anything from Victor, called the house.

     Victor answered and to her surprise, he was actually cordial.

     “First let me say how sorry I am for your losses,” said Olivia.

     “Thank you,” he replied. “The good thing was that she didn’t suffer.”

     “Will there be a service?” asked Olivia.

     “Yes, but it will be a private one,” replied Victor.

     Olivia hesitated for a moment before speaking. “What about Sam?”

     “No,” replied Victor coldly.

     “Why not? She was his mother,” stated Olivia.

     “I thought we made it clear that he’s not welcome here,” said Sam.

     “He didn’t do anything wrong,” countered Olivia.

     “Look, this isn’t the time or place for this sort of conversation. I just lost my wife and son…I think that it’s very rude to bring this up,” said Victor barely holding back his anger.

     Olivia fought back her own temper. “Okay.”

     “What no argument?” asked Victor with sarcasm.

     “No, out of respect to Mary I will keep quiet.”

     “Good,” replied Victor. “Oh, and tell the boy not to try something stupid and show up…I’ll have him arrested.”

     “Can he at least send flowers or is that illegal?” asked Olivia.

     Victor just hung up the phone.

     Olivia sighed as she hung up the phone. She called Rebecca.

     “Is this legal?” she asked.

     “Legal? Barely. Ethical and moral…no,” replied Rebecca. “Have you told Sam yet?”

     “No, I wanted to check with you first,” replied Olivia. “The bastard threatened to have Sam arrested at the funeral!”

     “I know you’ve told me your concerns about Sam’s plans for revenge…but the more I hear about this piece of work the more I want to help her.”

     “I know what you mean. Can you stop over this evening for dinner?”

     “Sure…if you’re making lasagna,” replied Rebecca.

     “Deal, thanks,” replied Olivia.


Chapter 42

     “He really said that he would have me arrested?” asked Sam.

     Olivia nodded as she checked on the lasagna in the oven.

     “Can I at least send flowers or will he have them arrested too?” asked Sam.

     Olivia smiled back.

     “I don’t see any harm in sending flowers,” said Olivia.

     “I could show up…I doubt he would recognize me now,” said Sam as she set the table. “I could say I was a distant relative.”

     “I’m sorry, Sam.”

     “So is this why Rebecca is coming by?”

     “That’s right. It was either cook lasagna or pay her,” replied Olivia.

     Sam laughed slightly at the joke.

     Rebecca arrived a short time later. She brought a loaf of fresh Italian bread with her.

     Over dinner they discussed their options.

     “Victor lied to you, Olivia…they’re having a big memorial service,” said Rebecca. “I talked to the editor of the local newspaper. He also faxed me a copy of the obituary.”

     “Really, can I see it?” asked Sam.

     “I don’t know if you want to,” replied Rebecca.

     “Why, what did they do now?” asked Sam.

     Rebecca reached into bag and handed the obituary to Olivia and Sam.

     Sam read it and rolled her eyes.

     “Wow,” she replied.

     There was no mention that Mary had any children.

     “They must really fear me,” said Sam.

     “I’m sorry Sam” said Rebecca.

     Olivia stared at the paper and then set it down.

     “I can’t believe Victor,” said Olivia.

     “A great man once said ‘he may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don’t let that fool you. He really is an idiot’,” said Rebecca.

     Sam and Olivia laughed.

     “Who was the great man that said that?” asked Sam.

     “Groucho Marx,” replied Rebecca.

     “Well, he’s right. I have proof that the mayor is behind all this,” said Sam.

     “What do you mean?” asked Olivia.

     “I’ll be right back,” said Sam as she got up from the table.

     She returned with a stack of papers and she told them what they were.

     “I know that they can’t be used as evidence, but at least we know who is behind all this,” said Sam as she passed Olivia and Sam the papers.

     Rebecca shook her head as she read them. “Talk about a smoking gun.”

     “Yes, but we can’t use it,” said Sam.

     “No, but this is like trying to solve a puzzle when you know the answer,” she replied. “A good investigator can use this to focus their search.”

     “Well, it’s just the start,” said Sam. “I’m going to find out the rest.”

     Rebecca looked at Sam and then Olivia.

     “What do you think?”

     Olivia rubbed her chin. “I don’t know…obviously this can’t go on…who knows how many other people have been hurt.”

     “I agree,” said Rebecca. “Okay, Sam, I have a proposition for you…with Olivia’s permission of course.”

     “What is it?” asked Sam.

     “I work with a private investigator as part of my job. He owes me a few favors and I can see if he’ll take you on as a research assistant. You might as well learn the legal way to gather evidence since you seem to have already learned some illegal methods.”

     Sam’s eyes lit up. “Really?”

     “It’s up to Olivia,” said Rebecca.

     “I’d like to meet him first,” said Olivia. “And there will be conditions…like your school work comes first.”

     “Deal!” replied Sam.

     “I’ll call him tomorrow,” said Rebecca.


Chapter 43

     “Have you met him yet?” asked Kelly.

     Sam shook her head. “No not yet. According to Rebecca he’s currently working a case and will unavailable for a few weeks. But the good news is that he’s interested in meeting me.”

     “That’s great,” said Kelly.

     Sam nodded as she stroked Spartacus’s chin.

     “How’re you doing with what happened to your mom?” asked Kelly.

     “I’m still in shock. I can’t believe she’s gone…and I’m still pissed that I wasn’t allowed to go to her funeral.”

     “I asked my friends to do some digging on Victor,” confessed Kelly.

     “Really? What did you find out?”

     “He’s definitely benefiting from the growth in your old community…his company has been given several large contracts,” said Kelly.

     “He must be stretched to his limits,” said Sam. “He only had three fulltime employees.”

     “He must have hired several more because he’s doing a lot of business.”

     “I can’t imagine where he would have got them,” replied Sam.

     “Do you want us to see if we can find out?” asked Kelly.

     “Would you still do it if I said no?” asked Sam with a grin.

     “Maybe,” replied Kelly. “Victor’s the type of asshole that I really would love to bring down even if he wasn’t part of what was done to you..”

     Sam smiled.

     “But if you say no, I’ll pull back,” said Kelly.

     Sam thought about it and then nodded.

     “You can keep looking, but don’t spook him…I don’t want him to know that he’s being watched.”

     Kelly chuckled. “Please! There’s no way he will know!”

     “Still, just be careful,” replied Sam.

     “I will,” replied Kelly. “How’s everything else going?”

     “Fine,” replied Sam. “I continue to see changes.”

     “Cool,” replied Kelly. “I remember when my sister began to show changes…it was so fascinating.”

     “Tell me about her,” said Sam.

     “Sure, but let me make some tea first.”

     Chapter 44

     They moved to the couch and Spartacus hopped onto Kelly’s lap.

     “My sister Rachel is four years older than me and she came out in high school,” said Kelly. “Of course her name was Robert then.”

     “She transitioned in high school?” asked Sam.

     Kelly nodded. “She’s very strong willed and she had always insisted that she was really a girl…as far back as I could remember. Finally my parents took her to a therapist who said that she was transgendered.”

     “What grade was she in?”

     “Tenth,” replied Kelly.

     “And how did her classmates take it?”

     “Some were buttholes about it…but most were very cool. We grew up in a small town up the coast and well it was a bit of a throw back to the sixties. My parents were hippies and proud of it. Anyway, at the start of tenth grade, Rachel went to school dressed as a girl. She told everyone that she was now a girl and she didn’t care if they approved or not.”

     “Wow…I can’t imagine doing that,” said Sam. “I mean I waited until my senior year and I did it for Halloween. When did she start hormones?”

     “The doctors wouldn’t allow her to do it until she lived a year as a girl…kinda stupid if you ask me, if they had just talked to her they would have known that she was a girl…so Mom did some research and found some herbal formulas. Rachel started them in tenth grade and shifted to the prescription ones a year later. She used to show me the changes in her body…especially her breasts…it was pretty cool.”

     “How long did it take?” asked Sam.

     “You mean until she had noticeable breasts? A few months…and then she had a few growth spurts,” replied Kelly.

     “So where is she now?”

     “She lives up in the Bay area…she has a girlfriend up there.”

     “That’s pretty cool. I would love to meet her some day,” said Sam.

     “I know she would feel the same,” replied Kelly. “So what sort of changes have you seen?”

     “I have some growth,” replied Sam. “My nipples are tenderer and are bigger.”

     “Um, can I see?” asked Kelly.

     “Really?” asked Sam.

     Kelly nodded. “When I was going through puberty my girlfriends and I used to compare each other all the time…so, think of it another phase of growing up that you missed out on. Come with me and you can show me in my bedroom.”

     Sam followed Kelly into the bedroom. She sat down on the edge of the bed and slipped off her top, removed her breast pads and then took off her bra.

     Kelly nodded knowingly as she inspected Sam’s chest.

     “You definitely are changing, I’m so happy for you,” she replied.

     “My doctor says that I shouldn’t be disappointed if they don’t get real big,” replied Sam.

     “Do the women in your family have large breasts?” asked Kelly.

     Sam shook her head.

     “Actually you’re lucky, big breasts can be a pain,” replied Kelly.

     “I just want them big enough so I don’t have to wear the pads,” replied Sam.

     “Have you thought about implants?”

     Sam shook her head. “I’d prefer not to do that.”

     “That’s understandable,” replied Kelly. “Thank you for sharing this with me.”

     Sam nodded as she started to put her bra back on. 

     “Please don’t…” said Kelly as she reached over and gently ran her hand over Sam’s budding breasts.

     Sam let her top slip back off.

     “I know we’re friends…but I hope we could become more than that,” continued Kelly as she began to rub Sam’s nipples. “Do you like me?”

     Sam nodded.

     Kelly licked her lips and then leaned over and began to kiss Sam softly on the lips.

     “There’s no need to rush…let’s take our time and savor this,” said Kelly as she pulled Sam close to her.

     Chapter 45

     Sam and Kelly cuddled up next to each other in bed.

     “So how was that?” asked Kelly.

     “Better than I ever could have imagined,” replied Sam.

     “Not including what those thugs did to you…was this the first time?” asked Kelly.

     Sam nodded.

     “I’m glad that I was your first,” said Kelly. “Even though the hormones will affect your body, you will still have a sex drive…my sister said that she enjoyed sex more when she couldn’t get hard.”

     “Did she get surgery?” asked Sam.

     Kelly nodded. “Two years ago…she couldn’t be happier. Do you want to get it?”

     Sam nodded.

     “That’s great,” replied Kelly. “Okay, another question, do you have a vibrator?”

     Sam shook her head.

     “We’ll have to get you one…you’ll love it,” replied Kelly.

     “I don’t know…,” replied Sam.

     “Honey, don’t think of what was done to you as sex…that was an assault,” she said.

     “But I’m not into guys,” replied Sam.

     “How do you know?” countered Kelly. “You’re going through a huge change in your life…you might like it. I mostly like girls, but I have had some great sex with men too.”

     “Really?” asked Sam.

     Kelly nodded. “I keep an open mind.”

     “I’m afraid of what to tell them…I mean, do I say that I’m transgendered?”

     “It would be a good idea until you have your surgery…but you’d be surprised how many men…and quite a few women like girls like you,” said Kelly.

     “Yes, but how do you see me?”

     “As a pretty and sexy girl,” replied Kelly as she leaned over and kissed Sam.

     Chapter 46

     As Sam dressed she turned to Kelly.

     “Back to when I asked you how you saw me…what I’m worried about is meeting someone who sees me…and desires me as a girl with a cock…I don’t want to be wanted for being in between…does that make sense?”

     Kelly nodded. “Of course…and there are plenty out there who like the in between mode you referred to. I mean, we had sex…several times, but it wasn’t intercourse.”

     “It was great,” replied Sam. “Thank you.”

     Kelly leaned over and kissed Sam again.

     “So what happens now?” asked Sam. “I mean, between us?”

     “Are you asking me what I want?” asked Kelly.

     Sam nodded.

     “I value our friendship…but I would love for you to be my girl. But I want to make something clear…if we do this then we are out about it…are you able to do that?”

     “You mean, we’d be out as a couple?”

     Kelly nodded. “I’m secure in my own sexuality…but I know that you’re going through a lot of changes. Are you willing to be out as my girl…in a lesbian relationship?”

     Sam nodded. “I’m not sure… but I see what you mean.”

     “Look, there’s no rush…but I don’t want a secret relationship.”

     “Um, I’ve told you about my friend, Sharon, right?”

     “Sure, and I understand that she means a lot to you…but remember this, she’s not here…and she may never be with you…I’m here and I want to be with you.”

     Sam scratched her head. “I see what you mean.”

     “Just think about it, okay?” asked Kelly.

     “I will,” she replied.


Chapter 47

     That night, Sam talked to Olivia about Kelly. When Sam was done, she asked Olivia her thoughts.

     “Well, I’m not that surprised,” said Olivia. “I mean, college is where a lot of people experiment sexually. You’re also a young adult and you now have a chance to be the real you.”

     “Okay, but do you think that I should get involved with her?”

     “That’s not up to me. Do you like her?” asked Olivia.

     Sam nodded.

     “And how did you feel before today?”

     “Do you mean if I’ve thought of her as more than a friend? The answer is yes. I know I’ve only known her a short time…but she’s special. I’m glad she feels the same way,” replied Sam.

     “Honest answer,” replied Olivia. “Look, honey, I don’t know all the answers, but sometimes you have to listen to your heart…it isn’t always right, but you can learn a lot from mistakes too.”

     Sam laughed. “Thanks…I wish I could have talked to Mom like this.”

     Sam then let out a sigh. “I can’t believe she’s gone.”

     “I know, dear,” replied Olivia.

     “I got an email from Sharon…she said that the flowers arrived…so at least Victor didn’t stop them.”

     She then told Olivia about Victor’s business.

     “Couldn’t he just hire more workers from the area?” asked Olivia.

     “I suppose he could, but that would be expensive,” replied Sam. “Victor was always bitching about how much his employees cost.”

     “Sounds like something to research. If he’s in with the local government then he could bend the rules and not worry about being punished.”

     “Yeah, but how would he do that?” asked Sam.

     “If he was around here he could always hire illegal immigrants,” said Olivia. “But I don’t know if that’s possible back in your old town.”

     “I’ll tell Kelly to have her friends look into it,” said Sam.

     “Well, soon you will be able to do it yourself. I got a call from Rob McCarthy,” said Olivia.

     “The PI?” asked Sam anxiously.

     Olivia nodded. “He’s willing to meet with you. I invited him over for dinner tomorrow, if that works for you?”

     Sam hugged her aunt.

     “I’ll take that as a yes,” replied Olivia.


Chapter 48

     Robert Gavin McCarthy was intrigued by what Rebecca had told him about Sam. He got lots of requests from friends and colleagues to take on an apprentice, but he always politely declined, but he had a feeling about this one.

     First, was the fact that the request was coming from Rebecca, a woman who he greatly admired and trusted. He had been working with her for years and he knew that she wouldn’t recommend anyone to him just to be polite.

     Then there was the story that she told him. He hated bullies and injustice, it was one of the reasons he had become a PI. The fact that the girl wanted to get back at the people who abused her wasn’t surprising, it was the method that caught his attention. She was willing to build up a case against her tormentors and then let the authorities take over. This wasn’t revenge; it was justice that the girl was seeking, even if it would take time.

     He didn’t care that she was different. In his twenty-six years as both a police detective and as a PI he had worked with many LGBT people. He admired that she was willing to live her life the way she wanted. It would have been easy for her to fall back into a shell after what was done.

     The last thing that impressed him was her academic record. He had also graduated high school early, and he even thought this had been forced on Sam; she was taking it all in stride and jumping right into college. Still he wouldn’t make up his mind until he met her in person.

     He pulled his ten-year-old Honda Accord into the driveway and stepped out. He could afford a better car, but he liked the way the Honda blended in. It was very nondescript, perfect for his line of work. He always laughed at the TV detectives who drove flashy sports cars.

     Rob was anything but flashy. In fact, he prided himself in being very ordinary looking. He kept his graying hair styled short and he refused to grow facial hair. He dressed ordinary, usually in Dockers or jeans and a short sleeve shirt. He had no tattoos, or anything other distinguishing marks. Even his sunglasses were over the counter models.

     Still looks could be deceiving. He was an expert shot, although he had only drawn his handgun once in the past three years. He was also in excellent physical shape. He was trained in martial arts and had once been taught boxing at the police academy.

     He thought about the girl as he walked up to the front door of the house. If she was as smart as Rebecca said, then he might take her on as a research assistant. More and more of his job involved the internet. He wasn’t bad at it, but like all forms of investigation, there was an art to it, and if the girl had these abilities, he could train her.


Chapter 49

     The doorbell rang and Sam answered the door. She was dressed in a gray skirt, charcoal colored sweater and black boots.

     “Hi, I’m Rob McCarthy,” he said.

     “Pleased to meet you, I’m Sam,” she replied.

     “Don’t you want to see my ID?” he asked with a smile.

     Sam shook her head as she opened the door. “Nope, Rebecca described you perfectly. She said that you looked a little like Mark Knopfler.”

     Rob laughed. “Did she now?”

     Sam nodded. “She also described your car.”

     “Hmm, some detective I am,” he said with a grin.

     Olivia walked into the living room from the kitchen. Sam introduced her to Rob.

     “Dinner will ready in twenty minutes, why don’t you two talk,” said Olivia. “Can I get you something to drink?”

     Rob nodded. “Beer would be nice.”

     “Do you like Steinlager?” asked Olivia.

     Rob nodded. “Perfect, thank you.”

     “I’ll bring it out,” said Olivia.

     Sam and Mac sat down across from each other.

     “Rebecca, described you perfectly too, Sam,” said Robert with a grin.

     She nodded.

     “She also told me your background, I’m sorry about all the problems you’ve experienced.”

     “Thank you,” she replied. “So she also told you want I want to do?”

     He nodded.

     Olivia walked out and handed him the beer.

     “Thanks,” he replied. “Yes, she did. I admire that you want to do this the right way.”

     “I have some friends who are doing some less than legal computer research for me,” confessed Sam.

     Rob smiled back. “Rebecca told me that too.”

     “I know that there are some bad things going on back there…and I want them to get punished for it. I know that they’ll never get prosecuted for what happened to me…for all practical purposes the sexual assault never happened…I was injured in a bleacher accident. I want the mayor, the police chief, the principal, and Victor to pay.”

     “What about the boys who assaulted you?” asked Rob as he sipped his beer.

     “If I can find out any dirt on them then all the better. Don’t get me wrong, I hate them for what they did to me…and for the fact that they got away with it…and they know they got away with it, but they didn’t run me out of town…or keep me away from my mother’s funeral,” explained Sam.

     Rob noted the calm manner how Sam explained herself.

     “Anything I can compile on them will be given to the proper authorities…or to the press. I’m not interested in getting credit for this,” she explained.

     “And what then? As a great man once said ‘there’s not a lot of money in revenge.’ So what do you want?” he asked.

     “I want to help others; I don’t want to see others hurt like I was. I would like to be an investigator,” she said.

     He nodded. He liked her drive.

     “Oh, and what great man said that quote about revenge?” she asked.

     “Inigo Montoya,” he replied with a straight face.

     Sam smiled back. “I thought it was familiar; I loved The Princess Bride.”

     “It seems we have a lot in common,” replied Rob.

     “So does that mean that I can work for you?” she asked.

     “If your aunt Okays it,” he replied.

     Sam broke out in a huge smile. “Thank you, Rob!”


Chapter 50

     Over dinner the details of Sam’s apprenticeship with Rob were worked out. She would work only in his office and it wouldn’t interfere with her school work.

     Sam was a little disappointed that she wouldn’t be allowed to work out of the office until Rob told her that it was nothing like the movies.

     “Trust me Sam; it’s a lot of driving around and waiting. I do more and more of my job on my computer these days,” he stated.

     “Okay, but I think you’re lying to me…I doubt you would stay in the job if it was as boring as you described,” she replied.

     Rob couldn’t help but smile. Rebecca was right, the girl was sharp.

     “If I work out for you…is there a possibility that you will hire me?” asked Sam.

     Sam glanced at Olivia first before answering.

     “Maybe. I’ve never had a fulltime employee, but I work with many people. I’ve been looking for a semi-permanent research assistant for sometime time. So the possibility of a position, on a contract basis, exists,” he replied. “However, the important thing is that you get your degree first. I want to see your grades and if they slack off then you’re fired.”

     Sam beamed. “You won’t have to worry about that!”

     “Really? Well, I’m going to hold you to that,” said Rob.

     “I won’t. I’ve been looking at the requirements to be a private investigator and I figure that I can knock most of it out while I’m working on my degree,” she continued.

     “And why would you want to be a PI?” he asked.

     “I’ve been thinking that it will be give me more credibility when I’m dealing with the authorities. They will take me seriously if I have some sort of license or credential,” she explained.

     Rob nodded. “Makes sense. What do you think Olivia?”

     “Can she do it?” asked Olivia.

     He nodded again. “I can help her with the hours and paperwork. It will be up to her to get the degree.”

     “Will her gender status be an issue?” asked Olivia.

     “No, not really. In fact it could open many doors for her in the LGBT community. There are several major detective firms that cater to cases involving LGBT clients,” he replied.

     “Please, Olivia!” begged Sam.

     “I’ll think about it. But just so you know, my decision will be heavily based on your grades and reports from Rob.”

     Sam leaned back in her chair and broke out in a huge smile.


Chapter 51

     “So when do you start?” asked Kelly.

     “Next week,” Sam replied.

     They were leaving the library after working on a class project. 

     “What’s he like?” asked Kelly.

     “Very friendly, great sense of humor,” she replied.

     “This is so cool,” said Kelly.

     “I know,” replied Sam.

     “Oh, I found some interesting information on Victor for you,” said Kelly.

     “What is it?” asked Sam.

     “It looks like he’s hiring illegal immigrants,” replied Kelly.

     “How did you find that out?”

     “A friend uncovered an email between Victor and the police chief. It contained references to ‘political contributions’ in exchange for the chief looking the other way regarding the new employees.”

     “So Victor is bribing the officials to turn a blind eye to his new employees?”

     “That what it looks like. Of course, computer information only goes so far. To confirm it someone would have to see it in person…but being that you’re a PI in training you would know that.”

     Sam playfully punched Kelly in the arm.

     “I can’t go, but I still have friends back there. They could go by the construction site and tell me what they see,” said Sam.

     “You really do have a mind for this,” said Kelly.

     “I don’t know about that…but I do want to take him down,” she said.

     “And what about the guys who hurt you?”

     “They’re still on my list,” replied Sam. “But I look at this as natural selection…you know weed out the easy targets first. Dave won’t always have people protecting him; in fact I’m counting on him being his charming self and pissing off others. He likes shortcuts and gets by through connections. He’ll screw up and I’ll find out what it is and take him down.”

     “Okay, but what about the other guys?”

     “Rod Gregory, Paul Morton, John Pierce and Mike Harrison….no, I haven’t forgotten about them,” she replied coldly. “Rod is going to the same college as Dave. Both are on football scholarships. Paul is joining the marines, John has been accepted at the local community college and Mike will be working for his father.”

     “Wow, how do you know all that?”

     “Sharon has been sending me regular emails,” replied Sam.

     Kelly nodded. “So do your friends know about you?”

     “If you’re referring to the assault, a few know the truth, but the school did a good job of covering it up. As for my gender status, only Sharon knows.”

     “Sharon sounds like a great friend,” said Kelly.

     “You’re right, she is….and you’re right about something else…she’s going to college back east. She talked her parents into letting her attend a small liberal arts school in Ohio…she got a scholarship there.”

     Kelly didn’t reply.

     “We talked the other night, she likes me a lot…but as a close friend and she wants to keep it that way. And I agree with her, she’s the type the friend that I would like to have my whole life,” continued Sam.

     Kelly just nodded.

     “This doesn’t mean that you are my second choice….Sharon’s my best friend…but I’m in love with you,” continued Sam as she looked over at Kelly.

     Kelly smiled and without a word slipped her arm around Sam’s waist.


Chapter 52

     Sam drove up to Rob’s office for her first day at work. His office was located on the second floor of a building located in the Banker’s Hill neighborhood to the west of Balboa Park.

     She came dressed professionally in a skirt, blouse and jacket. Rob seemed impressed although he didn’t say anything.

     He spent the first couple of hours showing her some of the main internet sites he used and how to use them. He was pleased that she wasn’t just a fast learner, but that she asked questions when she didn’t understand something.

     “Okay, that’s enough for one day,” he said.

     “Why? We just started,” replied Sam.

     Rob smiled back. “It’s been four hours.”

     Sam seemed surprised. “That went fast.”

     He nodded. “Okay, do you anything on your case that you want to ask me about?”

     “Yes, it appears that Victor is using illegal immigrants on his work crews. A friend drove by one of the sites and confirmed it.”

     “So?” asked Rob.

     “Isn’t that illegal?”

     “If we called the INS on him, his workers would be deported and he might be fined. More likely he would claim that he didn’t know they were illegals,” replied Rob as he leaned back in his chair.

     “Crap, I thought we had him,” said Sam glumly.

     Rob sat up. “Don’t give up so quickly, Grasshopper.”

     Sam cocked her head. “Grasshopper?”

     Rob nodded. “Apparently you are lacking in your cultural education too. I will have to educate you on the TV show Kung Fu.”

     He then gave her a short summary of the show.

     Sam smiled when she realized the significance of nickname.

     “So what am I missing?” she asked.

     “I suspect that if Victor is using illegal immigrants then he is probably doing some other ‘less than honest’ business practices. So we start looking at his finances.”

     “Okay, and then what?”

     “If he’s doing some creative accounting then he’s probably not paying all his taxes,” continued Rob. “I have an associate who specializes in these sorts of things; I’ll contact him and see if he’ll take a look at Victor’s finances.”

     “How will your friend get into Victor’s records? I don’t want Victor to be tipped off.”

     “There are ways Grasshopper, there are ways. Now, you need to get going, I’ll walk you to your car,” said Rob as he stood up.

     “Okay, thanks. I learned a lot today,” replied Sam.


Chapter 53

     Sam was almost home when she noticed a familiar car parked just before the house, it was Victor’s. Sam kept driving and turned up the next street. She watched her rearview mirror and saw that he wasn’t following her.

     She had seen him sitting in the car and she wondered why he was out here. She pulled out her cell phone and called Olivia.

     “Are you sure?” asked Olivia.

     “Yep, it has Florida plates, and the same stupid bumper stickers,” replied Sam. Victor was sitting in the car and he was watching the house. But if he had seen me, I doubt he would have recognized me.”

     “Okay, I’m heading over there,” said Olivia.

     “What do you want me to do?” asked Sam.

     “Stay where you are. I’m calling Rebecca and she’ll meet you.”

     “Okay,” replied Sam.

     A short time later Olivia arrived home. She parked in the driveway and headed up to the front door. She was about to open the door when she heard Victor call out her name.

     She turned and saw him walking towards her.

     “What do you want?” she asked without making any effort to hide her disdain for him.

     “There’s a problem we need to take care of. I need your signature and that of the kid,” he said.

     “You could have sent it,” replied Olivia.

     “No, I wanted to talk to you in person,” he said as he handed her a large legal envelope. “Just get it signed and I’ll be on my way.”

     “I’m not signing anything until after I read it…and after my lawyer reads it,” replied Olivia. “And that goes the same for Sam.”

     “It’s just a release form. Sign it and you’ll never see me again,” he replied.

     “What sort of release form?”

     “It’s a formality regarding my wife’s estate…just sign it,” he said.

     Olivia shook her head. “I’ll call you after I read it. Where are you staying?”

     “I can wait here,” he said.

     Olivia shook her head as she held the envelope out to him. “Suit yourself.”

     “You’re not even going to look at it?” he asked.

     “Not if you’re hovering out here.”

     “Fine! I’m at the Motel Six in Hotel Circle,” he replied.

     “Good, go back there and I’ll call you,” she said.

     Victor looked angry, but he didn’t say anything. He just turned and stomped back to his car. He got in, slammed the door shut and pulled out sharply, squealing rubber.

     After he drove off, Olivia called Sam and Rebecca.


Chapter 54

     When Rebecca was finished reading the document she looked up at Sam and Olivia and smiled.

     “What is it?” asked Sam.

     “Apparently, your father left you a sizable estate, Sam,” said Rebecca.


     Rebecca nodded. “Your mother never changed her will after she married Victor. So you are the sole beneficiary of your parent’s estate.”

     “But I was disowned,” said Sam.

     “It doesn’t matter; this is from your father. I imagine that Victor was shocked when he was told that he couldn’t have this money,” said Rebecca.

     “So he was trying to have us give up all claims to it?”

     Rebecca nodded. “Pretty sloppy legal work if you ask me. Apparently Victor’s not using the same lawyer as before as this looks like it was put together by a law school dropout.”

     “How much are we talking about?” asked Olivia.

     “Two hundred…thousand, but that’s just an estimate,” replied Rebecca.”Some of it is in securities and long term investments.”

     “I had no idea,” replied Sam.

     “So what should we do?” asked Olivia.

     “I’ll file the necessary paperwork for Sam and I can call Victor too if you want,” said Rebecca.

     “No, I will call that weasel,” she replied as she picked up the Yellow Pages.

     A few minutes later she reached Victor.

     “Well?” asked Victor nervously.

     “On the advice of my lawyer we’re not signing,” she said.

     “Damnit Olivia, that’s my money and you know it!” exclaimed Victor. “I need that money for my business; I have a great opportunity to expand…”

     “No, it’s Sam’s money. You were sloppy Victor and from what my lawyer says you don’t stand a chance of getting one cent of this money,” interrupted Olivia.

     “I’ll sue,” he threatened.

     “Go ahead, Sam will make money, and my lawyer will make money, and your lawyer will make money and you’ll lose,” replied Olivia.

     There was a long pause.

     “I’m coming over right now and talk to you in person,” he said. “Maybe you’ll listen to… reason in person.”

     “No, no you’re not. If you show up here, I’m calling the police… and unlike the corrupt cops you have back there, our police know and obey the law. I will have you arrested for trespassing,” she said. “Oh, that’s not a threat…it’s a promise.”

     “Bitch,” he muttered.

     “Coming from you, that’s a compliment,” she countered. 

     “Look, can’t we work out a deal…I lost my wife…”

     “And Sam lost a mother,” she countered. “Now, I suggest you get a good night’s sleep and then get back on the road. You’re not welcome here.”

     “Fuckin’ Bitch!”

     Victor then slammed the phone down.

     Sam and Rebecca applauded and Olivia took a bow.

     “Seriously, do you really think he’ll leave?” asked Sam.

     “There’s one way to find out, I’ll call Rob and have him check it out,” said Rebecca.

     “Ask him if I can watch!” asked Sam.

     “Not a chance,” stated Olivia.


Chapter 55

     Rob called two hours later.

     “He just checked out of the hotel and headed east on I-8. Apparently he’s not even interested in spending the night here. Anyway, I followed him as far as El Cajon. The last I saw him he was still heading east,” replied Rob. “I doubt he’ll be back, but if he does show up, call me.”

     “Thanks Rob,” replied Olivia. “I owe you.”

     “No problem, maybe you can help me pick out something for my house. I have a few bare walls and I understand you have a nice gallery.”

     “It’s a deal,” she replied. “Thank you again.”

     “You’re welcome, and tell Grasshopper good night.”

     After she hung up, Sam explained the nickname.

     “I like it,” replied Olivia. “Well, that was exciting.”

     “I’ll contact the lawyer who’s handing the estate and make the arrangements,” said Rebecca as she looked over the document again. “If he gives me any trouble, I’ll contact the State Bar Association. He should have known better than to put something like this together, it’s a piece of crap.”

     Sam was putting the dishes in the dishwasher.

     “I can’t believe that he tried to steal the money…how much lower do you think he’ll go? Um, do you think he knew about it before Mom died?” asked Sam.

     “I doubt it,” replied Rebecca. “If he had, he would have had the will changed. Her death was so unexpected that he never could have foreseen this. So what are you going to do with the money?”

     Sam shook her head. “I don’t need it for college; my scholarship is for four years.”

     “I know what we can use some of it for your surgery,” said Olivia.

     Sam looked up and nodded. “Of course!”

     “The investments your father selected are pretty solid, I recommend we leave them where they are,” suggested Rebecca.

     “I want to give some to Olivia,” said Sam.

     Olivia shook her head. “I’m not taking a dime. No arguments. If you want to pay me back, graduate and enjoy life.”

     Sam walked over and gave her a hug. “Deal!”


Chapter 56

     Later that week, Sam walked into Rob’s office and he immediately handed her some papers.

     “What’s this?” she asked as she began to read them.

     “Well, Victor showing up here and trying that stunt made me think, I did some research, he’s hurting financially,” said Rob.

     “But he’s doing more work than ever,” said Sam as she continued to look at the papers.

     “Here, let me show you,” he replied.

     Rob laid out several of the pages out on his desk and showed Sam that Victor had taken out several high interest loans. He explained that Victor was overextended financially. He desperately needed capital.

     “The key to being a good investigator is to be able to learn about a variety of topics. When you’re selecting your electives in college, try and pick topic that could help you in the future, like economics,” he explained. “You have to be able to pick out the important clues in such mundane things as bank and credit card statements. Those sorts of things are the real smoking guns.”

     Sam nodded.

     “But would expanding his business so quickly cause all this?” asked Sam.

     Rob smiled. “You’re quick. No, I suspect he’s got other problems. We know from your friends that he has making bribes to the police…I wonder if he’s cutting other corners…say in building codes?”

     “What about his taxes?”

     “That’s being looked at,” said Rob. “Now, the next step is to expand the investigation to include the town officials. If Victor is bribing them, I imagine that others in the town are doing the same thing.”

     “But why hasn’t anyone noticed this?” asked Sam.

     “It’s not a big community, and they can be overlooked by the law and the press…especially if no one is complaining. From what you’ve told me, the police are corrupt…but they keep the peace right?”

     Sam nodded.

     “So people accept the corruption as part of life,” continued Rob.

     “But they just got a big factory to move in…wouldn’t the executives complain?”

     “Not if they aren’t honest. From what I’ve found out about your old town, I can’t imagine why anyone would invest in it. It doesn’t have the infrastructure or population to support a lot of growth,” he said.

     Rob then listed all the deficiencies of the area.

     “Yes, there’s open land, but a lot of places have that,” said Rob.

     “So you think that the company is hiding something?”

     “Or that they know that they can do things less than legal there. It’s an electronics firm right?”

     Sam nodded.

     “Okay, they might figure that they can get around those pesky environmental laws. Also they can pay the workers less.”

     “I’m way over my head in this aren’t I?” asked Sam.

     “If you were trying to do this by yourself, yes, but now you’ve got friends. What I recommend is that we build up the case on Victor and sit on it. That way we don’t tip off the town officials. If there’s corruption there, we’ll find it and that will take down the officials.”

     “This will hurt the town,” said Sam.

     “The town is being hurt now…it will only get worse,” said Rob.

     “Okay…that makes sense. So what about the others?”

     “You mean the school officials and the punks who hurt you?”

     Sam nodded.

     “I doubt they’re connected to this…so when we expose the mayor, the police, and the incredibly charming Victor, I doubt they’ll suspect that they’re being targeted. We can focus on them next.”

     “Makes sense,” said Sam. “But there’s a limit on what we can do here.”

     “Exactly,” said Rob. “What I propose is that once we get more evidence, we turn this over to a friend of mine. He’s an old college buddy and he’s now an investigative reporter in Tallahassee. This is just the sort of case that he loves. Once he takes over he will create enough problems for the guilty to last a lifetime. Do you mind if he gets the credit?”

     “No, not at all. I just want justice,” said Sam.

     “The good thing is that you’ll make a great friend by doing this. Joe Robinson is a great person to be friends with and an awful one to have as an enemy. I suspect he may be able to help us with the others.”

     “Sounds like a plan,” said Sam.

     “Now, let’s get to work,” said Rob. “I have some things for you to research for me.”


Chapter 57

     Two weeks later, Sam was over at Kelly’s apartment.

     “Rob’s turned the info over to his reporter friend who has started an investigation. Rob says it could take weeks or even months until he uncovers something.”

     “Well, it sounds like the part of the plan is taken care of,” said Kelly as she put the kettle on the stove.

     “I know…I just have to wait to see what Joe Robinson turns up.”

     “So, what’s next?” asked Kelly with a glint in her eye.

     “Let’s go after the principal…Frank Owens,” said Sam.

     “Okay, sounds like a plan,” she replied as she set out the tea. “We can hack into his computer and see what turns up.”

     “You mean now?” asked Sam.

     Kelly nodded. “Sure, why not?”

     “Aren’t you afraid of getting traced?”

     Kelly laughed. “Please! Seriously, I’m very careful about covering my tracks.”

     “When do we start?” asked Sam.

     “Right after the tea is ready,” she replied.


Chapter 58

     Kelly started with Frank’s office email account. While she had no trouble accessing it, there was nothing incriminating there.

     “So what now?” asked Sam.

     “We shift to his home computer,” she replied. “I wonder if he’s dumb enough to use the same password.”

     “Real smart to use the school’s mascot as a password,” said Sam.

     “I’ve seen worse,” replied Kelly.

     Twenty minutes later they accessed his home computer.

     “Everything looks pretty ordinary,” said Kelly as she scanned his files.

     “Too bad, I was hoping that he had some deep dark secret,” said Sam who leaned back in her chair.

     “Whoa, what’s this?” asked Kelly.

     Sam sat up and looked at the screen.

     “What do you have?”

     “It’s an encrypted file…it seems out of place with everything else here. I mean, nothing else is important here,” she said.

     “Can you access it?”

     Kelly shook her head. “No, it’s beyond my abilities…but I know someone who can. Do you want to continue?”

     Sam nodded. “Yes, I want to know what’s so important that he has an encrypted file.”

     “That makes two of us,” she replied. “I need to call a friend.”

     “Who’s that?” asked Sam.

     “He calls himself Jax…I don’t know his real name. But he’s one of the best hackers I’ve ever known.”

     Ten minutes later Sam hung up the phone.

     “How long does he think it will take to get in?” asked Sam.

     “Jax doesn’t give estimates…but he won’t quit until he gets in,” replied Kelly. “Don’t worry, he sees something like this as a challenge.”

     “So what do we do in the meantime?” asked Sam.

     Kelly smiled and leaned over and kissed Sam, took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom.


Chapter 59

     The file proved to be quite difficult to access, which only drove Jax to break into it. It took him nearly three hours to get in and he immediately discovered that it was worth the effort.

     He immediately called Kelly.

     “I’m in,” he announced.

     “Is it anything good?” asked Kelly.

     “Oh yeah,” he replied.

     “What is it? My friend thinks he stealing school funds and I think it’s something worse,” said Kelly.

     “It’s something worse…far worse,” replied Jax.

     “Well?” asked Kelly.

     “The guy is a major league perv. He must have cameras hidden in the locker rooms as the file is filled with photos of nude students,” replied Jax.

     “That’s sick,” replied Kelly. “I bet the parents of those girls won’t be happy.”

     Jax laughed. “All of the photos are of male students.”

     “Ewwww,” replied Kelly. She turned and told Sam what Jax uncovered.

     “Do any of the photos show my assault?” asked Sam.

     Kelly relayed the question.

     “No, they all look like they’re around the shower,” replied Jax. “Wait, there’s a second file…oh my god, this one’s worse. It’s loaded with pictures of nude kids. It looks like he’s into kiddie porn. What do you want me to do with this stuff?”

     “I’ll call you back…I owe you for this one,” replied Kelly.

     “No charge for this one,” he replied. “It’ll be a pleasure taking this perv down. I’ll be waiting for your call.”

     Kelly hung up the phone. “So what do you want to do?”

     “Turn the bastard in…but how?”

     “Beats me, why don’t you call your detective friend…he should have a good idea.”


Chapter 60

     “What is it Grasshopper?” asked Rob.

     He was driving back from doing surveillance for a divorce case. It was pretty routine stuff as he had just spent the last three hours watching a hotel room. Thankfully he got the incriminating photos of the husband and his “date” as they left the hotel.

     “Sorry to bother you, but I need your advice,” said Sam.

     “What is it?” he asked.

     Sam told him what they found.

     “Can I see the evidence?” he asked.

     “Yes, we downloaded some of it onto a CD,” she replied.

     “Okay, that will be a good start,” he replied. “I’m heading to my office, can you meet me there?”

     “Sure,” replied Sam. “Can I bring my friend Kelly along…she was the one who helped me get the info.”

     “No problem,” he replied.

     Twenty minutes later Rob was viewing a sample of the photos downloaded from Frank Owen’s computer.

     “Sam, do you recognize any of these boys?” he asked.

     “Yes, these guys were all in my class…I think these are from the senior class when I was a freshman,” she said.

     “So he’s obviously being doing this for a while,” said Rob.

     “As for the other photos…none of those look familiar,” continued Sam.

     “They all look so young,” said Kelly.

     Rob nodded. “I imagine he got these from a child pornography site.”

     “So what do we do?” asked Sam.

     Rob ejected the CD from his computer and put it into its jewel case.

     “How old do to you think that the ones taken of your class are?” he asked.

     “They look like they were taken this fall. All of those guys are on the football team,” she replied.

     “I think I know why he was so anxious to get you out of the picture,” said Rob.

     “What do you mean?” asked Sam.

     “Was this the same locker room that you were assaulted in?” asked Rob.

     Sam nodded.

     “The camera was probably still there…I imagine he nearly panicked when he heard that there was an incident in the locker room. The last thing he would have wanted was to have the police poking around,” said Rob.

     “So you think the camera has been removed?” asked Kelly.

     “Most likely,” replied Rob. “He probably won’t put it back until next year.”

     “And being we got this by hacking into his computer…we can’t exactly give it to the police, right?” asked Sam.

     Rob nodded.

     “So what can we do?” asked Sam.

     “Let me place some phone calls,” he said. “Don’t worry; I’ll keep you in the loop, Sam.”

     She nodded. “Still, I feel guilty, I’m supposed to be working for you…and instead I’m giving you more to do.”

     “Hey, it’s my pleasure. Guys like him deserve exactly what they’ll get when the law catches up with them. Now, do me a favor and don’t go back into his computer, okay?”

     Both girls nodded.

     “I don’t want him to suspect that we’re on to him,” continued Rob.

     “Okay,” said Sam.

     “But before you go, tell me everything else you saw on his computers,” said Rob.

     “We can better than that; we have printouts of his emails for the past six months,” said Sam. 


Chapter 61

     As they prepared dinner, Sam told Olivia what had happened and what they had discovered.

     “Okay, that’s really gross,” said Olivia.

     “Rob was also interested in a trip that Mr. Owens has scheduled out here.”

     “San Diego, why is he coming here?” asked Olivia.

     “Something about a convention in July,” said Sam.

     “Did Rob say why that was so interesting?”

     Sam shook her head. “He said that he wanted to talk to some other people before he told us his theory. Do you have any idea what he might be thinking?”

     “No…not really,” she replied.

     “I really like working with Rob,” remarked Sam as she checked on the rice.

     “I’m glad to hear that,” replied Olivia.

     “I’ve learned so much from him,” continued Sam.

     “So do you think you would like to do this for a career?” asked Olivia as she prepared the salad.

     Sam nodded. “I really love the logic and research that goes into it. Rob is great for explaining to me why he does things.”

     “Your dad loved detective stories,” she said.

     “I know, Mom kept boxes of his books…I used to love sorting through them and picking one out to read,” she said.

     “So who are you favorite writers?” asked Olivia.

     “Robert Parker, Tony Hillerman, and Faith Collins,” she replied.

     “Those are good ones…I have a few writers you might like,” replied Olivia.

     “Cool,” replied Sam. “I’ll set the table.”


Chapter 62

     Rob’s phone rang and he when he saw the number on caller ID he immediately answered it.

     “Thanks for returning my call,” he greeted.

     “My pleasure,” replied the woman.

     “I need your help,” he said.

     “Go on,” she said.

     Rob spent the next twenty minutes talking to her. The woman listed without interrupting.

     “Okay, what do you think?”

     “I wish I could say I was shocked, but the things I see these days…” she replied her voice tailing off.

     “I can imagine,” said Rob.

     “I agree that there’s not much you can do from there. I will see what my teams can do,” she said.

     “Good. Oh, do you know anything about a company called Diamond Custom Tours?” he asked.

     There was a long pause on the other end.

     “You still there?” asked Rob.

     “Yes…how do you know about them?” she asked.

     “It was in his email. It coincides with his trip out here in the spring, but I can’t find anything on them.”

     “They run sexual vacations,” she said. “They escort the client across the border and take them to a safe location…and then fulfill the client’s sexual tastes. They specialize in sexual slavery and child sex rings. We’ve been trying to catch them in the act for years. I know the Mexicans would love to get them too.”

     “Well if Owens comes out here…” said Rob.

     “Then we use him to track them down,” said the woman.

     “My thoughts exactly,” replied Rob.

     “I’ll put on of my agents in touch with you,” she said.

     “Thanks…and it’s good to work with you again,” he replied. “I’m really proud of you and I’m glad you’re recovering from that assault. I was shocked when I read heard about it.”

     “Thanks Rob. As much as I love my job there are days when I wish I had followed your path.”

     “I doubt that…you’ve always been too talented to follow my path,” he said.

     The woman laughed.

     “You’ve done well and I suspect that you’ll do even more,” he said.

     “Flattery will get you nowhere,” she replied with a laugh.

     “I mean it,” he said. “So, what do you want me to do with the info the girls turned up?”

     “Nothing for now…we can’t use it…unfortunately but at least we’ve got a solid lead now. I’ll have my agents see what they can turn up,” she replied.

     “Sounds good. Thanks for returning my call, Ally,” he said.

     “Always willing to help out an old friend,” replied Special Agent Alley Burns.


Chapter 63

     While Sam was pleased that there were investigations underway against some of the people that had run her out of town, she wasn’t content.

     She had to admit that her life was going pretty good in San Diego. She was able to live her life as woman, college was going great and she loved working with Rob. Then there was Kelly. Deep down she knew that it might not last, but in the mean time she was deeply in love.

     The only problem was knowing that the guys who had raped her were walking around free. She communicated regularly with Sharon who told her that Dave and the others hadn’t been punished.

     Sam knew that it was unlikely that she would find something to use against Dave and the others. It was very unlikely that he would attack another student and risk losing his scholarship. She had heard that he cheated on his SATs, but she lacked any evidence. She also knew that no one would come forward with proof.

     There was always the hope that he would slip up at college; but even if he did it was unlikely that anything would be done. His college had a reputation for covering up for the bad behavior of star athletes.

     It galled her that he was already being predicted to be a major star. She read an article that talked about what a fine upstanding young man he was. By the time she was done reading it she wanted to scream.

     She talked to Dr. Johnston about this rage towards Dave and how it was so unfair that he was getting away with it. While it felt good to talk about it; it didn’t change the fact that she was no closer to getting justice then she had been when she was run out of town.


Chapter 64

     Sam walked into Rob’s office on a warm late spring afternoon. She was carrying two coffees from the shop down the street.

     “Here you go, black, with two sugars,” she said as she handed him the cup.

     “Excellent, thank you very much,” he replied as he looked up from his computer screen.

     “What’re you working on?” she asked.

     “Something that will interest you,” he replied with a grin.

     Sam sat down next to him and looked at the document on the monitor.

     “It’s the initial draft for the article about the corruption in your old town,” said Sam.

     “Really?” asked Sam as she began to read what was on the screen.

     “We were right…and it goes even deeper than we thought,” said Rob.

     “What do you mean?”

     “Joe has uncovered all sorts of problems with the factory deal including kickbacks to state building inspectors,” replied Sam. “He has also confirmed the things we discovered.”

     “So when does the article come out?” asked Sam.

     “Not for a little while longer,” replied Rob. “He’s working with several law enforcement agencies. He will have the article come out when they’re ready to file charges.”

     “And when will that be?” asked Sam.

     “A few more weeks,” replied Rob.

     Sam nodded. “Good. Do you think it will tip off Owens?”

     Rob shook his head. “They appear to be unrelated. If Owens is involved then the authorities will check his computers and they’ll find the files…so we win either way.”

     “I never liked him…but I didn’t think he was a pervert,” said Sam. She then took an envelope out of her purse and handed it to Rob.

     “What’s this?” he asked.

     “I got it yesterday,” she replied.

     Rob saw that it was addressed to Sam Gibson and there was no return address, however the postmark was from Sam’s old town. The address was printed the envelope.

     Inside the envelope there were several newspaper clippings of Dave Lowe and the football team.

     “Any idea who sent them to you?” asked Rob.

     “I think it’s Victor,” she replied.

     “What about Dave?”

     Sam shook her head. “He’s not smart enough to figure out where I am.”

     “Maybe Victor gave him the address?” suggested Rob.

     “Maybe,” replied Sam. She reached over to the stack of articles and pulled one out. “Look at this one.”

     Rob looked at it with disbelief.

     “You’ve got to be kidding,” he said.

     The article stated that Dave and four other players from the football team had been given an award for saving the life of a fellow student following a bleacher accident at the school gym back in Oct. The award was presented by Frank Owens and Travis Abbott.

     “These are all the boys who raped you?”

     Sam nodded. “So instead of being punished they’re being honored as heroes. I can’t believe this!”

     “It’s pretty sick,” replied Rob.

     “It’s beyond sick…it’s obscene. I want to help you nail Owens when he comes here,” stated Sam.

     Rob shook his head.

     “Seriously, I want to help. Even if it just means riding with you as you tail him. He wouldn’t recognize me now…I mean I don’t look anything like I did when he last saw me…and I definitely know what he looks like,” stated Sam.

     “Olivia would kill me,” said Rob.

     “What if I get her permission?” asked Sam.

     Rob rubbed his chin as he thought about it.

     “I would want to hear her tell me in person,” he replied

     “Don’t you trust me?” asked Sam with a sly smile.

     “No…I’ve taught you too much, Grasshopper” he replied with a grin.

     “Okay, it’s a deal,” stated Sam.


Chapter 65

     Sam spent nearly an hour presenting her case to Olivia.

     Rob was sitting across from them in their kitchen. He was impressed with Sam’s argument and even more impressed with the fact that Olivia was willing to listen.

     “Are you done?” asked Olivia.

     Sam nodded.

     “Very convincing argument…maybe you should consider being a lawyer,” stated Olivia.

     “No thanks, I would rather be an investigator,” replied Sam.

     Olivia smiled slightly as she turned and looked at Rob.

     “What do you think?” she asked.

     “From what I’ve learned from my contacts Owens will probably meet his contact in a public place. They’ll meet as if they’re old friends and then they’ll proceed to a car which will take them to the border. The contact would be watching to see if Owens was being tailed and even though I’m pretty good at this…there’s a good chance he would spot me. On the other hand I doubt he would suspect a young woman,” said Rob.

     “And what would happen when Owens and his contact get into the car?” asked Olivia.

     “Sam would describe the vehicle to me on her cell phone,” replied Rob. “A young female tourist walking around the Gas Lamp yapping on her phone wouldn’t look out of place.”

     “And where would you be?” asked Olivia.

     “Close by. I would have some friends assisting me so that we could tail them without being noticed. Once Owens gets in the car then Sam’s job is done,” he replied.

     “And you don’t think that he would recognize her?” asked Olivia.

     “It would be very unlikely, but we could further disguise her…give her a different hair color for example,” said Sam. “However, Owens isn’t going to be the problem here, it will be his contact. These guys stay in business by being careful…any sign of danger and they pull out.”

     “And do you think that Sam’s ready for this sort of thing?” asked Olivia.

     Rob nodded. “She’s smart…and a fast learner. I will work with her on how to act.”

     “Is there any danger?” asked Olivia.

     “No guarantees, but if she does as I tell her I doubt it. From what we’ve learned the hook up usually happens in the middle of the day. The contact’s job is to pick up the client and bring them to the border…not to get into any trouble.”

     “And will you trail Owens once he crosses over the border?” asked Olivia.

     Rob nodded. “Once we see where he goes I’ll talk to my Mexican contact and they’ll make the arrest.”

     “And what will happen if they don’t cross the border? I’ve done a little research on my own about these groups and I read that sometimes there’s a house on this side of the border,” stated Olivia.

     “That’s right. If that happens then I’ll call the feds and they’ll make the bust,” he replied.

     Olivia nodded. “It sounds like you’re thought of everything.”

     Rob shook his head. “No, not everything…there’s always the unexpected. But my side of this is strictly surveillance.”

     “And will it bother you that someone else will get the credit?” asked Olivia.

     Rob shook his head. “I don’t want the publicity. However, I will get paid if this goes down…so it all works out.”

     Olivia rubbed her chin as she thought about her answer.

     “Okay…I agree,” she stated.

     Sam broke out in a big smile and hugged her.

     “Thank you!” squealed Sam.

     “You’re welcome…just be careful, dear,” replied Olivia.

     Chapter 66

     Kelly and Sam walked across campus holding hands on their way to the parking lot. Over the past months they had become even closer.

     While Kelly seemed oblivious to the occasional stares they got, Sam still noticed them. The thing that amazed Sam was that for the most part people were both polite and many even smiled back at them.

     “People here are cool,” stated Kelly when Sam brought it up as they drove away from campus.

     “It’s amazing, back in my old town we would get the crap beat out of us for doing this,” replied Sam.

     “That doesn’t that surprise me! Have you got any other letters?”

     “I got one two days ago…same sort of garbage,” she replied

     “It amazes me that they’re still harassing you,” said Kelly.

     “I’m pretty sure that it’s Victor’s way of getting back at me for not giving him my inheritance,” replied Sam. “In fact, Rob is showing me ways of studying the letters to see if they are coming from the same person.”

     “And what have you found out?”

     “The envelopes are the same type and so are the stamps. The same printer was used for the stickers as it has a small mistake on the lower case m,” said Sam.

     “Wow, you’re really becoming a good investigator.”

     “I wouldn’t say that, but I am learning so much from Rob,” replied Sam.

     “Have you compared the letters to anything that Victor might have printed out?” asked Kelly.

     “Yep, but it doesn’t match the printer at the house. He might be using a printer in his office,” replied Sam. “I’m looking through my stuff and seeing if I can find something from his company.”

     “Good luck,” replied Kelly.

     “Oh, I’m going to need your help with something,” said Sam.

     “What is that?”

     “I need a disguise…I have to look like a tourist so I can blend in down in the Gas Lamp,” she replied.

     “Cool, I’d be glad to!”

     “Thanks. Olivia thinks I should go blonde for my disguise,” said Sam.

     “You mean a wig?”

     Sam shook her head. “No, wigs are too risky.”

     “Cool, I can’t wait to see you as a blonde,” said Kelly. “Not that you’re not cute now.”

     Sam giggled. “You’re so bad.”

     “You have no idea my love.”


Chapter 67

     “Your breasts are growing nicely,” noted Kelly as she ran her fingers across Sam’s nipples.

     “Thanks…I can’t believe that they’re growing so quickly,” said Sam. “I mean, I know they’re still small…but I can actually feel them when I walk around without my pads.”

     “You have cute nipples too…so pert…,” continued Kelly as she leaned down and kissed them. “So kissable!”

     Sam let out a moan of delight.

     “You’re definitely doing the right thing Sam…you’re so much a girl…I can’t wait until you have a vagina so I can make love to you,” cooed Kelly.

     Sam stretched out and let Kelly explore her body.

     “Hmm, I’d love to make love to you now…if you’re ready,” continued Kelly.

     Kelly had recently purchased a strap-on dildo and had shown it to Sam. She had picked out one that would be gentle on Sam.

     “This will be different…this will be love making…not an attack,” continued Kelly.

     They had talked several times and Sam had expressed her feelings concerning the Halloween attack.

     Sam knew that Kelly would be gentle…but she still had apprehension.

     “We can stop if you feel uncomfortable, Sam,” said Kelly.

     “It’s okay…let’s do it,” said Sam.

     “You sure?”

     Sam nodded. “I want to be yours…I can’t live in the past…please make love to me.”

     Kelly slid up in the bed and kissed Sam. “I promise to be gentle.”

     “I know,” replied Sam as she returned the kiss.


Chapter 68

     The two lovers cuddled together in bed.

     “That was really nice,” sighed Sam.

     “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” replied Kelly.

     “What about you?” asked Sam.

     “It was fantastic,” replied Kelly. “You’re really my girl now.”

     Sam nodded as she snuggled in closer to Kelly.

     “It must have been hell for you to live as a boy,” said Kelly as she caressed Sam.

     “I got by,” replied Sam.

     “That’s what I mean…life isn’t about just getting by. I’m so happy that you have a chance to be the woman that you were meant to be.”

     “It is nice,” said Sam. “In many ways I’ve been reborn…since that night.”

     “And you still want revenge?”

     Sam shook her head. “Not revenge…justice.”


Chapter 69

     Sam sat at her computer in Rob’s office doing research for him on a case. She was amazed by the trails of information that people left behind them.

     The husband who had hired Rob was sure that his wife was sleeping around on him and he wanted proof.

     Sam was able to trace the wife’s movements around San Diego. She had stayed in several hotels in the past few weeks. Sam was also able to trace the identity of the man she was seeing; thanks to the training she had received from Rob. She didn’t use the hacking skills that Kelly and the others had taught her as she wanted evidence that could be entered in a divorce court.

     Rob watched Sam at work and smiled to himself. She was a fast learner and rarely repeated a mistake. In fact she was becoming the best researcher that he had ever hired.

     “Rob, look at this,” she said without looking up from her computer.

     “What’ja got?” he asked as he got up.

     “You said that you can find out if someone got a traffic ticket, right?” she asked.

     “Yes,” he replied.

     “Well, it looks our wayward wife may have picked one up. When you tracked her to that hotel in Point Loma, she parked on the street, right?”

     Rob nodded and broke out in a smile. “I know where you’re going with this…she was in the hotel for three hours and it’s a two hour parking area. The meter maids patrol that area pretty frequently. Good job, Grasshopper,” he said as he picked up his phone.

     Sam smiled back. She had grown to love the nickname that Rob had given her; especially after he had loaned her some of his copies of Kung Fu.

     Rob hung up the phone ten minutes later. “Bingo, she got a ticket. We’ll get a court order to get a copy.”

     “So what else do we need?” asked Sam.

     “That will be up to the client. “I have more than enough evidence to show him that she’s seeing someone. Of course, if he wants me to catch her in the act that will be extra.”

     “Do you actually do that?” asked Sam.

     “Only a few times…most of the time the photographs, receipts, and other evidence is enough…but in some cases the client wants photos of the spouse in the act.”

     “Why?” asked Sam. “I mean, if the rest of the evidence is sufficient for the courts.”

     “For some justice isn’t enough….sometimes they want to rub the other person’s nose in it. I only do it if the supporting evidence isn’t enough.”

     Sam nodded. “There’s a fine line between justice and revenge, isn’t there?”

     Rob nodded. “Don’t worry Sam, you haven’t crossed that line yet.”

     “Thanks,” she replied. “Um, Rob, I have a question…and if you don’t want to answer it that’s cool.”

     Rob sat down on the edge of his desk. “What is it, Grasshopper?”

     Sam smiled back. “I’m just a bit curious why you’ve given me this opportunity…I mean I do have a lot of baggage.”

     “It’s not out of charity…you’ve earned your position here. However, I suppose it was because that I hate seeing someone being bullied…and I liked the fact that you wanted to fight back. It would have been easy enough for you to shrink away and let those people who hurt you get away with it. I also like that you want to do this the right way…even though you’re a hacker.”

     Sam smiled. “I only use the hacking to find information to confirm that I’m on the right path.”

     “Did you use your skills on this one?”

     Sam shook her head. “Not needed, this woman is so sloppy with leaving a trail of evidence; I’m surprised the husband needed a detective.”

     Rob laughed. “He didn’t…but he was afraid that if he caught her in the act he might do something stupid.”

     “Cool. Oh, I have my costume ready…all I need to do is have my hair bleached.”

     “You sure you want to be a blonde?”

     “If it means catching Owens in the act I would even shave my head.”

     Rob stuck out his tongue. “Sorry, I don’t want Sinead O’Connor as a partner.”

     “Who?” asked Sam.

     Rob shook his head as he walked over to his CD player. He opened the cabinet underneath it and sorted through his CDs.

     “Once again it‘s up to me to educate you, Grasshopper,” said Rob.


Chapter 70

     That night, Sam got a phone call from Sharon.

     “I’m so happy you called,” said Sam.

     “Sam, I need to tell you something…I think you might be in danger,” she interrupted.

     “What are you talking about?” replied Sam in a concerned tone.

     “Steve overheard John Pierce, Paul Morton and Mike Harrison talking in the locker room. They obviously thought they were alone as they were talking about the job they had just got,” said Sharon.

     “Go on,” said Sam as a sickening feeling began to grow in her stomach.

     “Steve heard them say that Victor had hired them to go out to California and convince you to give up the inheritance.”

     “That’s not going to happen,” replied Sam.

     “I’m not done….Steve said Mike joked about the fact that this time they were going to get paid for raping you,” said Sharon. 

     Sam didn’t say a thing.

     “Sam…you still there?”

     “Yes,” replied Sam.

     “Look, you know the police here won’t do anything…they wouldn’t believe us,” she said.

     “I know…thanks for telling me this,” replied Sam.

     “They plan on leaving right after graduation…that’s next week,” said Sharon.

     “I know,” replied Sam softly.

     “What’re you going to do?”

     “I’ll talk to Olivia and of course Rob,” she replied.

     “I’m sorry, Sam,” replied Sharon.

     “It’ll all work out,” replied Sam. “At least I’ll be ready for them this time.”

     “Yes, but they’re still bigger than you,” stated Sharon.

     “I’ve been taking some self defense classes with Kelly. They have them at the LGBT Center. Rob has also shown me a few tricks,” replied Sam. “Also, I’ll have surprise on my side. They don’t know what I look like now.”

     “That might not be enough if it’s all three of them,” said Sharon.

     “I know…but this time I’m not going down without a fight,” said Sam barely holding in her anger.

     “You almost sound like you want this to happen,” said Sharon.

     “No…but if they do attack me again…this time they won’t walk away,” said Sam.

     “Look, I’m coming out there,” said Sharon.

     “I’m glad to hear that…but don’t take this the wrong way…what can you do? I mean, I’d love to have you come out here to visit... I want you to see me…and meet my friends,” said Sam. “But I don’t want you to get hurt.”

     “I already have my tickets…I’ll be out there after graduation,” said Sharon.

     Sam sighed. “When will you get here?”

     When Sharon told her, Sam realized that if the three guys drove straight out they would get there two days before Sharon.

     “Okay…I’m looking forward to your visit,” replied Sam.


Chapter 71

     “Do you think they’ll do it?” asked Olivia.

     She was sitting at the kitchen table with Sam, Kelly, Rebecca, and Rob.

     “Yes,” replied Sam. “Kelly and I hacked into Victor’s computer and he has already written them a check to pay for their way out here.”

     Kelly nodded in agreement.

     “What do you think, Rob?” asked Olivia.

     “Well, not that I don’t think that Sam is capable…I can provide protection,” he replied.

     “That’s not necessary,” interjected Sam.

     “Yes it is, Grasshopper. Three on one is lousy odds. I know you’ve worked hard in your classes, but they’re all big guys,” he said. “I won’t let them hurt you… and if we catch them in the act then we can use this against Victor.”

     “How?” asked Olivia.

     “They’re punks….at least one of them will talk to save his ass,” replied Sam. “I’ll stop by and talk to a detective I know with SDPD and let him know what’s going on. Oh, Sam, do you have any photos of them?”

     Sam nodded. “I can also get you descriptions of their cars along with their license plates.”

     Rob smiled. “You’re learning, Grasshopper.”

     “Can’t we just arrest them as soon as they get here?” asked Olivia.

     “They haven’t done anything…yet,” replied Rob.

     Olivia sighed. “I don’t like it…but I don’t know of any other way.”

     “If it helps, this is a really stupid move by Victor,” said Rebecca. “He has no legal ties to Sam anymore.”

     “I suspect all he wants is revenge now,” said Rob.

     “So he just wants to see Sam hurt?” asked Olivia.

     “That’s what I think. I can also improve Sam’s odds,” said Rob.

     “What do you mean?” asked Sam.

     “I’ll show you tomorrow,” he said.


Chapter 72

     The following week, Sam got up and looked at her watch. If the guys had left right after graduation then they would be well on their way out here. Part of her hoped that they had delayed their trip to party after graduation, but she suspected that the allure of Victor’s money would be too much.

     She called Sharon that morning, who confirmed that the guys had left town.

     “Steve swung by Mike’s house and his mom said that he was out of town,” said Sharon. 

     “Thanks. I can’t wait to see you later this week,” said Sam.

     “I’m getting there too late, aren’t I?”

     “Yes,” replied Sam.

     “And you knew that, right?”

     “I had a hunch they’d leave right away,” replied Sam.

     “You’re becoming quite the detective,” she answered.

     “Look, we have a plan in place and should it work we’ll nail three of the rapists and Victor.”

     “Yes, but you’re the bait,” said Sharon.

     “No, I’m the huntress this time,” she replied.


Chapter 73

     Sam tried to spot Rob as she drove around town, but he was too good. Still she didn’t need to see him to know that he was always nearby.

     It was around eight in the evening as she walked up the driveway to her home. Olivia was working late at the gallery.

     As Sam walked up towards the house she sensed something wrong. She then heard the sound of footsteps on the sidewalk approaching her. She turned and saw Mike, Paul, and John walking in her direction. She didn’t hear them any car doors open or close so they must have been hiding in the bushes.

     “Excuse me, does Sam Gibson live here?” asked Mike.

     Sam realized that none of them recognized her.

     Sam nodded and answered. “Yes, he’s my cousin. Who are you?”

     “We’re old friends from his old school. We came out here to see him and talk… about old times,” said Paul as he fought off a laugh.

     “What time will he get home?” asked Mike.

     Sam smiled innocently. “I’m not sure…he’s been spending a lot of time on campus. Do you want me to call him?”

     “That won’t be necessary…besides we want to surprise him…can we wait inside?” asked John.

     Sam shook her head as the three guys walked closer to her.

     “I’m sorry…my Mom wouldn’t like that. You can wait on the porch…or I’ll have Sam call you when he gets home,” she replied sweetly as she watched as they began to surround her.

     “That’s not very polite, we drove all the way out here and you want us to wait on the porch?” stated Paul as he ran his eyes over her. “You’re pretty cute…I didn’t know that Sam had such a sexy cousin.”

     “Yeah, why don’t you let us wait inside…maybe you can show us a good time while we wait for Sam to show up,” said John as he grabbed her by the arm.

     “Let me go,” said Sam as she pulled away.

     John laughed as he grabbed her harder this time.

     “No, I don’t think so…why don’t we head into the house. Don’t do anything stupid like scream or try to get away,” threatened John as he led her towards the front door. “There are three of us and you’re just a defenseless little girl.”

     Sam glanced around and didn’t see anyone else outside.

     “We’re going to party until Sam gets here,” added Mike.

     “I wonder if you can suck cock better than your faggot cousin,” said Paul with a laugh.

     “For the last time…let me go,” said Sam.

     “And what will you do if we say no?” asked Mike in a sarcastic tone. “A little whore like you isn’t going to hurt us. Maybe when Sam sees how we have used you he’ll be even easier to take care of.”

     “Open the door, slut, and we’ll take it easy on you,” ordered John as he twisted her arm.

     Sam dropped her head in defeat and reached into her bag. As she hoped, John eased his grip on her. Instead of pulling out her keys, she grabbed the pepper spray canister that Rob had bought her, flicked off the safety and as soon as pulled it out of her bag she immediately shot John right in the eyes.

     He instantaneously let go of her then clutched his face screaming in agony.

     Sam was wearing her new boots that Kelly had picked out for her. They were a bit warm for June, but she wasn’t wearing them for comfort. She wore them for the steel toes and the reinforced heels. Sam slammed her right foot down on Mike’s foot several times. She wasn’t sure, but she suspected that she broke several bones as she slammed her heel into his toes.

     He howled in pain and pulled away. She pointed the pepper spray at his face and gave him a good shot. Like John, he let out a scream as he fell down to his knees clutching his face.

     Sam then swiftly turned her attention to Paul. He had been stunned by her attack on his friends and was standing there in shock. Sam didn’t give him the chance to react; she kicked him hard several times in the shins. She then gave him the pepper spray treatment. 

     From the ground, Mike reached out and tried to grab Sam by the leg. Without thinking, she kicked out at him and landed a solid shot with her pointed steel-toed boot in the groin. He bellowed in pain as he coiled up in a fetal position.

     While the three thugs had been caught completely off guard by Sam’s initial attack, she didn’t take any chances. She remembered Rob’s advice and stepped quickly back from them so that she was out of their reach. She kept the pepper spray can ready in her hands and pointed at them, just in case they recovered enough to try and attack her again. She wasn’t about to underestimate them a second time.

     John stood up slowly and through tear filled eyes he squinted at Sam with pure hate. “You’re going to pay for this… bitch!”

     Sam was about to give him a second dose when she head Rob’s voice. 

     “Freeze!” shouted Rob.

     Sam broke out in a huge smile as she saw Rob standing a few feet away. He was pointing his semi-automatic Glock at Mike and the others.

     “I saw everything from up the street and have called the police; they’ll be here in a few minutes,” stated Rob as he approached. “Now, get down on the ground and don’t do anything else stupid.”

     He then looked at Sam.

     “You okay, Grasshopper?”

     Sam nodded. “Yes, they didn’t hurt me.” 

     “We’re the ones who are hurt! The crazy bitch attacked us!” cried Paul.

     “My eyes feel like they’re on fire,” moaned John.

     Mike didn’t say anything, he just lay there clutching his groin.

     Rob looked at Sam and winked. “Go get some water for them.”

     Sam nodded. “I’ll be right back.”

     “Hurry! It hurts so bad!” moaned John.

     “Quit rubbing your eyes, it only makes it worse you moron. Just lie there in pain and I won’t have to shoot you,” said Rob.

     Mike looked up at Rob and began to cry.

     A siren announced the arrival of the San Diego Police Department.


Chapter 74

     John, Paul, and Mike sat in separate interrogation rooms at the main police station.

     Rob walked up to a large detective and shook his hands.

     “How long do you think this will take, Matt?” asked Rob.

     Detective Matt Walsh sipped some coffee. “Not long. Like you said, they’re punks. They never thought they’d be caught and now they’re terrified about what’s going to happen to them. The officers who brought them in thought they were going to soil themselves. I imagine the first one I talk to will rat out the others…including the person who paid them to come out here. Do you have any preferences?”

     Sam shook her head as she looked at the large detective. She immediately liked him…maybe it was because he sort of looked like Tom Selleck. He also had a very pleasant smile.

     “Okay, I’ll start with the Harrison kid,” said Matt. “Oh, we conducted a search of their car and we found rope, handcuffs, duct tape, a large hunting knife and a shovel in their car. Not exactly the sort of things people bring on vacation. Combined with the attempted kidnapping and assault…I’m pretty sure they’ll break easily.”

     “Good,” stated Sam.

     Matt then looked at Sam and smiled. “You did quite a number on them…I can use that against them. I imagine they’ve never had a young woman beat them up…it will hurt their egos.”

     “I had a good teacher. Have they requested lawyers yet?” asked Sam.

     Matt nodded. “They should be here shortly.” 

     “Will that be a problem?” asked Sam.

     Matt shook his head. “No, considering we have a pretty solid case against them. The assistant DA has been informed and is heading down here. He has a great track record for these sorts of cases.”

     “Good,” replied Sam. “I don’t want them to get away with it a second time.” 

     Matt nodded; he knew the entire story from Rob.

     “Rob, do you think your young protégée would like to watch a real detective at work?” asked Matt.

     “Sure… but I thought you said that you were doing the interrogation,” replied Rob with a smile.

     Matt laughed. “Okay, I set myself up for that one. I’ll have someone escort you to behind the mirror.”

     Just as Matt said, Mike immediately began to cry and beg for a deal. When pressed, he quickly gave up Victor and told Matt that they had been paid one thousand dollars each to come out and hurt Sam. The others immediately confessed on the advice of their court appointed attorneys.


Chapter 75

     “So what happens now?” asked Olivia as they drove home several hours later.

     “It’s a done deal. They all pleaded guilty as part of the deal to turn on Victor. Matt says they’ll get hefty sentences even with the deal,” said Rob.

     “And what about Victor?” asked Sam.

     “They’re writing up a warrant as we speak,” said Rob. “Combined with the dirt that Joe Robinson is about to publish, Victor’s going to be going away for a long time. In fact, this increases the chances that he’ll go to prison for many years. They might even consider tossing the key away on this one.”

     “Good,” replied Sam.

     “Um, why is that?” asked Olivia.

     “Victor is a small fish in the fraud going on back in Florida. The state might have offered him a deal to turn on the others. But now with this, he’ll definitely be going away for a long time.”

     “Um, do you think that this will scare off Owens?” asked Sam.

     “I doubt it. He has no connection to Victor’s business dealings…and he just might think that the spotlight will be on the others now. We’ll know in a few weeks,” said Rob. “But people like him can’t stay away from their feelings. If we don’t get him now, we’ll get him another time.”

     Sam nodded in silence.

     “What’s wrong?” asked Olivia.

     “I just wish that Dave and Rod had come out here with the other three,” she replied. “But I guess I should be happy that at least three of them will be behind bars.”

     Olivia nodded. “Actually there’s more than three…as the mayor and police chief will be exposed.”

     “That’s right,” replied Sam.

     “Oh, Rob, it just hit me…how did those three act when they were told about Sam?” asked Olivia. “I mean, they must have been shocked when they were told who Sam was.”

     “They don’t know…Matt said that it has nothing to do with the charges,” said Rob.

     “So leaves Owens, Dave, and Rod,” said Sam.

     “Patience Grasshopper, patience,” said Rob.


Chapter 76

     Sharon arrived a few days later and Sam drove out to Lindbergh Field to pick her up.

     When Sharon saw Sam standing in the baggage area she couldn’t believe her eyes. While she had seen photos of her friend, she was still caught off guard by how feminine Sam looked.

     Sam and Sharon hugged for almost a minute before either spoke.

     “Sam, you look…incredible!” complimented Sharon. “The pics you sent me didn’t do you justice.”

     “Thanks,” replied Sam.

     “You also look very happy,” she continued.

     “Things are going well,” replied Sam. “I’ll get you caught up as we head out to the house.”


     After Sam updated Sharon on the arrests of Mike, Paul, and John she asked what was the town’s reaction to the story.

     “It’s crazy,” she replied. “My parents weren’t that surprised by the indictments of the mayor and the police chief. I guess it’s been the town’s dirty little secret all these years. A lot of people knew that there were some illegal things happening but not many suspected the extent of the corruption. The good news is that the factory still plans on opening. Their headquarters denied any involvement in the bribes and other illegal activities.”

     “That’s good to hear. I may hate what was done to me…but I never wanted to see everyone back there hurt,” replied Sam. “I’m glad Victor is in jail.”

     “I’m sure you are,” replied Sharon. “So is it over?”

     Sam shook her head. “No…there are still a few that I need to get even with. I can’t let this slide…I will do it legally, and I’m moving on with my life, but I can’t let them get away with what they did to me.”

     “I understand. I’ve been doing a little detective work myself…when you told me that Dave said that he and the others had raped others…well I talked to at least two other girls who confirmed this.”

     Sam sighed.

     “They were also pressured not to talk about it,” said Sharon.

     “I’m not surprised,” replied Sam.

     “Sam, I have an idea…I checked online and the university where Dave and Rod are going has quite an active women’s rights organization. I think you should contact this group and have them keep an eye on Dave and Rod.”

     Sam nodded. “That’s a great idea, thanks.”

     “You’re welcome. Now, when do I get to meet Kelly?” asked Sharon. “You’ve told me so much about her, I almost feel like I know her.”

     “She’ll be coming over for dinner tonight,” said Sam.

     “Good. I also would like to meet Rob. I think it’s so cool that you’re working for a real detective,” she continued.

     “He’s pretty cool. He reminds me a lot of my dad,” said Sam.


Chapter 77

     Olivia took the girls out to dinner that night down in Old Town. They wanted to treat Sharon to a good Mexican dinner. Rebecca agreed to join them.

     “The place we’re going to is called Casa Guadalajara,” said Sam. “It’s a bit touristy, but it has great food. Olivia and Rebecca know the owner. Tomorrow we’ll show you around the city.”

     “I can’t wait,” said Sharon. “I know I’ve only been out here a few hours, but I can see why you love it out here.”

     Kelly arrived around the same time as Rebecca. Sam made the introductions.

     “Why isn’t Rob joining us?” asked Sharon.

     “He said he didn’t want to ruin a girl’s night out. I’ll introduce you to him tomorrow. He wants to take us to lunch at his favorite fish taco place,” replied Sam.

     Sharon got a strange look on her face. “Fish tacos?”

     Sam laughed. “They’re actually very good…I know you’ll love them.”

     “I’ll take your word on that one,” replied Sharon.


Chapter 78

     The Casa Guadalajara was just as Sam described it… a bit touristy, but it also had a great menu. Sharon thoroughly enjoyed herself. Over dessert and coffee the conversation shifted to more serious topics.

     “This is the first time that I have had a chance to be open about who I am,” she said.

     “Do you plan on telling your parents?” asked Olivia.

     Sharon sighed. “That’s not so easy…I’m not sure how they’ll react.”

     “It’s never an easy thing to do,” said Olivia.

     “I’m glad that Sam has so much support here,” said Sharon.

     “I know!’ stated Sam as she broke out in a big smile.

     “How has the rest of your family reacted?” asked Sharon.

     “The ones we’ve told have been really supportive,” replied Sam. “My grandmother is coming down next month. And I’m still waiting to meet the original Sam.”

     Sharon looked confused. “What do you mean by that?”

     Olivia told her about the woman who Sam was named after.

     “She owns a house up in the mountains in Julian, which is only a little over an hour from here. The trouble is that Samantha has been out of the country for the past eight months. She’s been on an extended trip around the world. The last email I got from her said that she was working at a school in South Africa,” explained Olivia.

     Sharon turned to Sam. “Does she know about you?”

     Sam nodded. “I’ve sent her some emails and photos. She’s been very supportive.”

     “I’m glad to hear that,” said Sharon.

     “So, how’s your town reacting to the problems?” asked Rebecca.

     “As I told Sam, many weren’t that surprised. My dad said that every now and then you have to smoke out the roaches.”

     The rest of the group laughed.

     “Now it’s my turn for a question, what did the police say about the assault? I mean, I’m sure they’re a bit curious how you knew that something was going to happen,” asked Sharon.

     “Rob told them about Victor’s earlier trip out here and that I was exiled out here,” said Sam.

     “Um, did he tell them everything?” asked Sharon.

     Sam shook her head. “He left out some details…like the unreported rape back in October.”

     Sharon nodded. “But how did he explain the pepper spray and the fact that he arrived on scene immediately?”

     “He told the police that he had given me the spray for protection, which is true by the way. He also said that he wanted to drop off some study materials for me that evening…which isn’t exactly true. He had the books in his car for several days. Rob told me that a good PI doesn’t lie…but they occasional leave out details,” said Sam.

     Sharon smiled. “How does that differ from lying?”

     “They didn’t ask and he didn’t give up the info. Actually Rob explained that since the Police virtually caught them in the act…and that they confessed, there wasn’t much of a reason to press for other details.”

     “So the police consider the case closed and can move onto other ones,” said Sharon.

     Sam nodded.

     “Very interesting,” she replied.

     “Changing topics, Sam says you’re going to college in Ohio,” said Kelly.

     Sharon nodded. “It’s a small liberal arts school called Oberlin. I applied and was awarded a full scholarship.”

     “Congratulations. By the way, it’s a great school,” said Rebecca.

     “I can’t wait until I get there,” said Sharon.

     “Um, do your parents know it’s one of the top LGBT friendly colleges in the country?” asked Olivia.

     “I haven’t told them…but Oberlin doesn’t exactly hide this fact,” answered Sharon.

     “And your parents don’t have a problem with you going there?” asked Olivia.

     “No, they were very happy that I was awarded the scholarship,” she replied. “Come to think of it they were pleased that I wasn’t going to State.”

     Olivia gave Rebecca a knowing smile.

     “What?’ asked Sharon.

     “I think your parents might be more accepting than you are giving them credit. If they did research on Oberlin then they would obviously know the school’s views. I’m not saying that you should immediately out yourself…but I think they might suspect the truth.”

     “Really?” asked Sharon.

     Olivia and Rebecca both nodded.

     “I hope you’re right, I hate lying to them,” replied Sharon. She then turned and looked at Sam. “Correction, I hate leaving out the details to them.”

     Sam and the others began to laugh.


Chapter 79

     “I had a great time tonight,” said Sharon as she sat down on Sam’s bed.

     Sam was sitting crossed legs on the bed.

     “I know, it was fun. I’m glad to see you again.”

     “I’ve missed you too,” said Sharon. “You really seem happy…which is amazing considering everything that happened to you.”

     “I see a therapist every two weeks,” said Sam.

     “I’m glad to hear that,” said Sharon. “How’re you doing with… well… everything?”

     “My gender shift is going fine. Rebecca plans on filing the paperwork to have my gender legally changed later this year.”

     “That’s great to hear. Has it been a problem at college?”

     “No, the school has a great support program. It doesn’t hurt that I still use Sam as my name,” she answered. “Kelly has also helped a lot. She’s introduced me to so many people.”

     Sharon nodded. “You and Kelly make a nice couple.”

     “Thanks,” replied Sam quietly.

     “It’s okay, I’m totally happy for you, Sam. I mean, we have something strong between us that goes deeper than dating.”

     “Thanks, Sharon.”

     “One more question before I go to bed…how did you feel when you fought back against Mike and the others?”

     A sly smile appeared on Sam’s face. “I know it may be wrong, but I really enjoyed it…I exercised a few demons with that.”

     “Honest answer…I would have felt the same way,” said Sharon.

     “I think seeking justice against them has helped me get by,” said Sam. “If I had just sat back and done nothing it would have eaten me up. It also has given me purpose in my life…and a career.”

     Sharon nodded. “I feel better hearing that from you.”

     The two friends hugged goodnight.


Chapter 80

     The next morning Sam gave Sharon a quick tour around San Diego.

     “So is there anything you want to see while you’re out here?” asked Sam.

     “You mean besides you?”

     Sam laughed. “Yes, besides me.”

     “Well, I’d love to go to the beach and I’d like to see the zoo too.”

     Sam nodded.

     “Do you have a bathing suit?” Sharon asked Sam.

     “Yes, but I haven’t used it yet,” replied Sam.


     “Hey, I’ve been busy…between college and fighting crime,” answered Sam with a smile.

     “Well then it’s time that you broke it in. I’m not going back home and tell them that I never went to the beach,” said Sharon.

     “How about tomorrow?” asked Sam.

     Sharon looked out the window of the car. “Okay, but it looks like it’s going to rain.”

     Sam shook her head. “Nope, that’s just the marine layer…it will be bright and sunny by noon…trust me.”

     “Okay, California girl,” said Sharon.

     They stopped for breakfast at a place near Rob’s office.

     “Hash House A-Gogo?” asked Sharon as they walked up to the restaurant.

     “Yep and I hope you’re hungry,” replied Sam. “This place serves huge portions.”

     Sam ordered the Hash House Quesadilla that was stuffed with potatoes, jalapenos, eggs, tomatoes and served with a chili cream. Sharon went with their Hash House Famous Meatloaf Hash. It was made with roasted red peppers, fresh spinach and smoked mozzarella. It also came with two eggs, fruit and biscuits.

     “This is wonderful,” said Sharon.

     “I thought you’d like it,” replied Sam.

     “I just don’t know if I will be hungry again for a few days,” continued Sharon.

     “We can walk it off in Balboa Park,” said Sam.

     Sharon nodded. “Sam, I know you said that this…quest, for the lack of a better term, for justice has kept you sane through all this…but what will you do when it’s over?”

     “I will continue to fight injustice,” replied Sam with a smile.

     “Oh, so you plan on being a super hero now?”

     “You mean super heroine, right?” asked Sam with a grin.

     Sharon rolled her eyes in mock disgust.

     “Seriously, I plan on helping people. I should have my PI license as soon as I graduate college…, which I plan to do early. The trouble is that I will lack experience…and not many people will want to hire a PI in their early twenties.”

     “So what’s the plan?” asked Sharon. “I know you have one.”

     Sam nodded. “Rob has friends who run an organization that helps LGBT teens and young people in trouble. He feels that they might hire me. It’s not the type of job that will make a lot of money, but it will give me some great experience.”

     “Sounds interesting,” replied Sharon.

     “Rebecca also knows a lawyer who works for them. She says that the group has an excellent reputation.”

     Sharon nodded as she ate some of her hash.

     “What about you and Kelly?”

     “We’re not making any real plan…we’re just taking as it happens…if that makes sense,” said Sam.

     “It does. I’m happy you have someone in your life.”

     “Thanks,” replied Sam.

     “I hope that whatever happens with you two that you stay friends,” continued Sharon.

     “Like we will,” added Sam.

     Sharon nodded. “Exactly.”

     “I’m serious…in fact I’d love to come out and see you when you get settled at Oberlin.”

     “I’d like that. One more question,” said Sharon.

     “Okay, what is it?” asked Sam.

     “From what you told me, Mike and the others think that they attacked Sam’s cousin. Why didn’t you tell them the truth?”

     “I plan on telling them…but not until after I’ve caught them all.”

     “Back to the super hero…I mean super heroine thing, right?”

     Sam nodded. “Something like that. Right now, they don’t know that I’m hunting them. Victor, the mayor, and the rest of those corrupt bastards think that they were caught by an investigative reporter. Mike, Paul, and John think that they were caught due to bad luck. Dave and Rod won’t suspect that I’ll be watching them.”

     “And when you’ve got them all?”

     Sam smiled. “I haven’t planned that out yet…maybe I’ll write a book.”


Chapter 81

     Sam and Sharon walked around Balboa Park for a couple of hours before heading over to Rob’s office.

     He greeted her as if she was an old friend.

     “I feel like I know you from everything that Grasshopper has told me,” he said.

     Sharon broke out in a smile and looked over at Sam, who was now blushing.


     “It’s a long story…which I’m sure Rob will tell you over lunch,” said Sam. “Oh, Rob, she can’t wait to try a fish taco.”

     “Excellent,” he replied. “Let’s go.”

     They went down to a small seafood restaurant out on Shelter Island.

     “The food here is pretty good, but the view is better,” he said.

     Sharon looked out across San Diego Bay to the large naval air station on Coronado.

     “It’s so beautiful here,” she said.

     A short time later they were eating lunch. Sharon had to admit that fish tacos were quite tasty and nothing like she had imagined.

     Sharon could also see that Rob was everything that Sam has said and more. She also could see that he thought highly of Sam.

     “How long will you be out here?” he asked.

     “A week. When I fly back I’m heading right up to Oberlin,” said Sharon. She then listed the things that Sam was going to show her.

     “For someone who has only lived here for less than a year, she knows her way around here,” said Rob.

     “I had good teachers,” said Sam.

     “Well, enjoy your vacation Grasshopper. I’ll have a lot of work for you to do when you’re done playing tour guide,” he stated with a grin.

     “Good,” she replied. “Anything juicy?”

     Rob smiled and then he took a bite of his last taco.


Chapter 82

     Sharon and Sam spent the next few days hanging out.

     “I have to admit that I’m relieved that you are doing so well…all things considered,” said Sharon as they walked along the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean.

     “Thanks…that means a lot coming from you,” replied Sam. “Um, promise me that we’ll keep in touch, okay?”

     “You have my word on it…in fact when you go for your surgery I want to go there with you…whenever it happens,” replied Sharon.

     “You mean that?” asked Sam as she stopped walking.

     “Of course,” replied Sharon.


     “No problem…also I want you to keep me informed on this whole quest for justice you’re on.”

     Sam laughed. “You got my word.”

     “Um, I have a question for you…have you made any plans for what you’ll do if they find out that you’re hunting them?”

     Sam started walking again. “Yes, we’ve talked about it.”


     “I’m pretty safe here…and I have my friends and family here. If they come after me they would have to come out on my turf. The police here aren’t corrupt like back there.”

     “Yes, but what if they come after you without warning?”

     Sam shook her head. “Unlikely…thanks to Kelly and her friends we know a lot about them.”

     Sharon nodded. “Not exactly legal.”

     “Neither is what was done to me,” replied Sam. “What we get off their computers is confirmed through legal investigation. However, I was the victim once…and that will not happen again.”

     “Of course…but don’t become as bad as they are.”

     “Won’t happen. Rob is a great teacher. Also, Olivia and Rebecca help keep me on the right track.”

     “I’m glad to hear that,” she replied. She stopped and ran her eyes over her friend. “You know, you don’t look half bad in a bathing suit…next time you should try a bikini.”

     Sam shook her head. “Not until I fill out some more; my one piece holds my breast pads better.”

     “I think you’d look great,” said Sharon.

     “I’ll get one the next time you come out here,” replied Sam.


Chapter 83

     Sam drove Sharon out to the airport a few days later and then went right to Rob’s office.

     “Okay, I’m ready to get back to work,” she stated as she entered his office.

     Rob looked up from his desk. “I’m glad to hear it. I want to discuss something with you first, have a seat.”

     Sam sat down across from him.

     “What’s up?”

     “I’ve been thinking about the assault by those three ex-classmates of yours,” he stated. “Do you know why you were able to subdue them?”

     Sam nodded. “They underestimated me.”

     “Exactly. They took you at face value and saw a young petite woman. You also had the advantage of knowing an attack would be coming.”

     Sam nodded again.

     “While being a PI isn’t like the movies or TV there is more risk involved than a normal desk job. We uncover things that people don’t want to be known, tempers get heated and sometimes it gets dangerous,” he continued.

     “So what do you suggest? I want to do this job.”

     “I know you’ve taken some self defense courses at college, but I think you should take it up a notch,” he continued.

     “What do you mean?” she asked.

     “Martial arts,” he replied.

     Sam just nodded.

     “Eventually I want you to take firearms training so you can get a license, but a gun should only be used in extreme circumstances. When I pulled my gun on those three it was to defuse the situation. However, I was fully ready to shoot them if the situation changed.”

     Sam stared back. “Okay…I’ll do it.”

     “Good,” he replied.

     “I have a question, why did you bring this up right now? Are you worried about Owens?” she asked.

     Rob shook his head. “Owens will be strictly surveillance for you. If those three guys didn’t recognize you, I seriously doubt that he will. But, there is a problem.”

     “What is it?” she asked as she shifted to the edge of her chair.

     “The Feds made a deal with Victor to testify against the others…in exchange for his testimony they are having the local DA drop charges against him.”

     “What! How can they do that?” exclaimed Sam angrily.

     “Possession is nine-tenths of the law. They have Victor and the local DA doesn’t. He can still press for extradition, but it won’t happen.”

     “Why not?” asked Sam.

     “The DA needs to stay on the good side of the Feds.”

     Sam stood up and crossed her arms. “He tried to have me killed!”

     “He told the Feds that he only wanted the guys to scare you. We both know this is pure unadulterated bullshit and so does the DA, but when the Feds get involved there’s not a lot that can be done.”

     “So he walks away a free man?” asked Sam.

     Rob shook his head. “Not exactly; he’ll lose his business and home…as the Feds have tied these to his illegal business actions. Should he do anything else illegal the old charges will be refiled and he’ll be prosecuted.”

     “Is he going into the witness protection program?” she asked.

     Rob shook his head. “No, so we’ll be able to track his whereabouts.”

     “Be thankful for small favors,” Sam muttered.

     “It’s not fair, Sam, I know that,” he stated.

     “What if he comes after me?” she asked.

     “I doubt that will happen…he’ll have enough worries of his own,” he said. “I’ve talked to the DA and they are filing a restraining order against him so that he has to stay away from you.”

     “Like that guarantees my safety.” Sam let out a sigh. “I suppose that’s a small victory.”

     “I know it’s harsh, but if you stay in this line of work you’ll see that justice isn’t always served.”

     Sam walked over and stared out the window behind his desk. She didn’t reply for almost a minute.

     “Is that why you left the police to become a PI?” she asked without turning around.

     “One of the reasons,” he replied.

     She turned around and wiped away the tears that were rolling down her cheeks.

     “Thanks, Rob. So, what do you want me to do today?”

     Rob stood up and gently hugged her.


Chapter 84

     “That was fun,” stated Kelly as she unlocked the front door of her apartment.

     Sam nodded.

     They had just spent the evening with some of Kelly’s hacker friends.

     They met occasionally to go over new tricks and to trade notes. What Sam found interesting was that no one used their real name. In fact, Kelly admitted that she didn’t know the real names of any of the members of the group. When they met, Kelly went by Boudica, the warrior queen of ancient Britain. Sam went by Grasshopper.

     “I understand the need for security and all that, but if we only use codenames, how do we know if someone isn’t a cop?’ asked Sam.

     “Jax does all the background checks on everyone,” replied Kelly. “He’s very careful.”

     Sam nodded. She also knew that Jax insisted that certain things were off limits to the group. This included hacking into law enforcement sites or stealing money.

     “Do you think that everyone obeys Jax’s rules?” asked Sam as she sat down on the couch.

     Kelly nodded as she sat down next to Sam. Spartacus immediately jumped into her lap.

     “Oh yeah. You don’t want to piss him off,” said Kelly. “He can play havoc on your personal life if he wants to.”

     “That wouldn’t be hard in my case,” said Sam.

     “I wouldn’t worry about that, Jax likes you. He thinks it’s cool that you’re going through the change,” said Kelly. “He’s also a bit of a romantic and he sees what you’re doing as a noble quest…that’s why he’s been helping us.”

     “Cool,” said Sam as she reached over and scratched Spartacus’s chin.

     “What time to you have to be home?” asked Kelly.

     Sam looked at her watch. “I have a few hours.”

     “Good,” said Kelly as she leaned over to kiss Sam.


Chapter 85

     “Your breasts are so cute,” said Kelly as she ran her fingers over Sam’s nipples.

     “They’re still small,” said Sam.

     “Good things come in small packages,” stated Kelly.

     “But great things come in larger packages,” she countered.

     “Patience,” said Kelly. “They’re getting bigger…I imagine you’ll be up to a B-cup in a few weeks.”

     “I just want them to be big enough so that I can get rid of the breast pads.”

     Kelly laughed. “I’m not laughing at you…I remember what it was like for my own breasts to grow…now I wish they were a bit smaller.”

     “I like them just the way they are,” said Sam.

     Kelly leaned over and kissed her.

     Sam then ran her fingers on one of Kelly’s tattoos. It was a small smiling Cheshire cat that was located on her hip.

     “When did you get this one?” asked Sam.

     “That was back in high school,” she replied. “My first was the moon on my ankle…and the Celtic symbol on my back…I got that one last year…a few months before we met.”

     “Do they hurt?”

     “Not too bad…why? You thinking of getting one?”

     Sam nodded.

     “Cool! What do you want?”

     “I was thinking of getting a small green grasshopper on my ankle,” she replied.

     “That would be so cool…do you have a picture of what you want?”

     Sam shook her head.

     “I know a great tattoo artist. She works out of a shop down in Ocean Beach. She does a lot of custom stuff,” stated Kelly. “I’ve been thinking of getting one of Spartacus on my back. I took a few photos of the hairball down there to show her and she’s working on a sketch. I’m sure she could come out with a cool looking grasshopper for you.”

     “Really? I’d like that,” said Sam.

     “Great, we’ll go there tomorrow.”


Chapter 86

     Kelly led Sam into the tattoo shop which was located just a few blocks from the Pacific Ocean.

     “Is Jill in today?” she asked the heavily tattooed man who was sitting on a stool behind the front counter.

     He nodded. “Hey Jill, you have a couple of customers.”

     A short woman with spiked blonde hair stepped out of the back office and broke out into a big smile.

     Jill was dressed in a sleeveless black top. Both of her arms were heavily tattooed.

     “Hey Kelly how’re you doing? I should have the sketches of your cat done by next week,” she said.

     “Cool. The reason I stopped in was that my friend Sam needs some help,” replied Kelly.

     Jill walked over and shook Sam’s hand.

     “Any friend of Kelly is a friend of mine,” stated Jill.

     “Pleased to meet you,” replied Sam.

     Jill pointed to a couch that was located against the left wall.

     “Have a seat and we’ll talk about what you want,” said Jill.

     After they sat down, Sam stated what she wanted.

     “A grasshopper…okay, do you want realism or more of a cartoon like character?” asked Jill.

     “I’m not sure…but I don’t want Jiminy Cricket or anything like that,” replied Sam. She then told Jill why she wanted a grasshopper.

     “That’s way cool, I’ve never met anyone who was going to be a detective…well not that I knew about,” replied Jill with a smile. “How big do you want it?”

     “Nothing huge, just a small one on my ankle,” answered Sam.

     Jill nodded. “I can work out a few ideas for you…are you in a hurry?”

     Sam shook her head.

     “Good, I work better without a deadline. I will sketch out a few ideas and get back to you. Can you give me your cell phone number?” asked Jill.

     Sam pulled out a business card from her purse and handed it to Jill.

     “Cool, you even have your own card!”

     “My boss says it’s a good habit to get into.”

     “You have a smart boss. I’ll call you in a few weeks, maybe sooner,” said Jill.

     “Great,” replied Sam.

     “And I should have something for you, Kelly, next week. I have one design that I’m still playing with,” replied Jill.

     “I’m looking forward to seeing them,” replied Kelly.

     Sam and Kelly said good bye to Jill and headed out of the store.

     “She’s the best,” said Kelly. “I think it’s so cool you are getting some ink.”

     “In a way I’m getting it to honor Rob,” replied Sam.


Chapter 87

     The next week, Rob called Sam and told her that it looked like Owens was coming to the convention.

     “I have a friend who works at the Convention Center and she accessed the database of the convention attendees and Owens was on the list,” stated Rob.

     “Do we know when he’ll get here?” asked Sam.

     “Not yet, he could arrive early or stay late,” replied Rob. “I’m trying to find out by checking hotels.”

     “Do you mind if I…um help?” asked Sam.

     “No, but remember anything you find out through your sources we’ll need to confirm through legal means,” he replied.

     “Okay,” she stated. “So what can do legally around here today?”

     Rob laughed. “I need you to do some research for me for an adultery case I’m working on. There’s a photo of the accused by the computer and a list of dating sites; see if you can find him.”

     Sam nodded and sat down at the computer.

     Three hours later she had found what she was looking for and she called Rob over to see.

     “Great job…print this out for me,” he replied.

     “So what happens next?” asked Sam as she read the man’s dating profile. “Do we set up a date?”

     “You don’t…I’ll take care of that…,” he replied.

     “Party-pooper,” she answered.

     “Seriously, you did a great job today. A good part of this job is tedious research.”

     Sam nodded. “When do I get to do some face-to-face research?”

     “Soon…I just got a call concerning a runaway. The parents think that the girl is hanging out down in Ocean Beach.”

     Sam’s eyes lit up. “Really?”

     Rob nodded. “I may have you be my eyes down there…if I was walking around there looking for a fifteen-year-old girl; I might get arrested for being a perv.”

     “So what do you have on the girl?” asked Sam as she laughed.

     “I should have the file in a few days.”

     “Cool, I won’t let you down,” she replied.

     Rob smiled back. “I know that Grasshopper. Now, remember, all I need you to do is to keep your eyes open and let me know if you see anything. You’re not licensed to do anything else.”

     “I know,” replied Sam.


Chapter 88

     A few days later Sam and Kelly were walking around Ocean Beach. They appeared to be just two college students hanging out in the beach community on a sunny day. However, Sam was looking around trying to spot the runaway.

     The girl’s name was Alyssa Claiborne and she was from a suburb of Chicago. She had left home three weeks earlier. After searching her computer, her parents believed that Alyssa was in Ocean Beach. They found email from an eighteen-year-old boy named Tyler, who claimed to live there.

     Rob’s instructions were very specific; Sam was strictly to see if she could find the girl and that if she did she was to immediately call him. He warned her that Tyler could easily be a forty-five year old man.

     After two hours Sam and Kelly retreated to a coffee house to rest their weary feet.

     “Are you sure we didn’t see her? I mean, I must have seen half a dozen busty young girls with short blonde hair and blue eyes,” stated Kelly as she sipped her espresso. “Some of them were pretty cute too…not as cute as you of course.”

     Sam shook her head. “None of them had a butterfly tattooed on their leg. Alyssa has one on her left calf.”

     “She has a tattoo?” said Kelly.

     “Yep, it’s in her file. Hey, I’m a semi-trained detective…I notice things like that,” replied Sam as she took a long drink from her latte. “When we’re done here, let’s go down to the pier and watch the surfers, she might be down there.”

     “Okay, but let’s get some sunscreen first…I don’t want to burn.”

     The pier surveillance didn’t turn up any leads.

     “So what do we do now?” asked Kelly.

     “Go home, we can come back later tonight,” replied Sam.

     “Oh, let’s stop at the tattoo shop first; Jill has a few ideas for my tattoo,” said Kelly.

     Sam nodded. “Sound good.”


Chapter 89

     “I have three ideas for your cat tattoo,” said Jill as she showed Kelly her sketches.

     One had a small orange cat wearing a Roman helmet. Kelly thought it was good, but she settled on the one of Spartacus coiled up asleep.

     “I figure that I should immortalize him the way I see him most of the time. He looks so content when he’s asleep,” said Kelly. “So when can you slip me in?”

     Jill pulled out her PDA and checked. “Tomorrow at two?”

     Kelly nodded. “Sounds great.”

     “Where do you want it?”

     “I was originally going to get it on my shoulder; but I want to be able to look at it without using a mirror; how about my right ankle?”

     Jill nodded and then she turned and looked at Sam. “I’m still working the drawing for your grasshopper.”

     “Thanks…oh, can I ask you a question?”

     “Sure,” replied Jill.

     Sam pulled out the printout of the photos of Alyssa. “Have you seen this girl?”

     Jill studied the printout and paid particular attention to the butterfly tattoo.

     Sam told her why she was looking for the girl.

     “No, I haven’t seen her, but I’ll keep an eye open for her,” replied Jill. She pointed to the tattoo. “Whoever did this did good work. It’s rather unique. What do you want me to do if you see her?”

     “Just call me,” said Sam as she handed Jill one of her cards.

     “I’ve always wanted to help a detective…maybe I can be one of your regular helpers!”

     Sam laughed. “That would be great.”


Chapter 90

     Sam spent the next morning reading the file on the missing girl. Nothing in it really stood out concerning why Alyssa would run away, but then as Sam thought about her own life she realized that the file might not be complete.

     “Rob, I have a few questions,” she stated without looking up from the file.

     “Shoot,” he replied.

     “How do you know when a client is telling the truth?” she asked.

     “Oh good, an easy question!” he answered.

     Sam looked over at him. “I’m serious.”

     “I know you are. You take the info the client gives you and then you gather additional data. The hardest part of this job is to keep your emotions out of it. You can’t let your feelings contaminate the evidence,” he explained.

     “That doesn’t sound easy,” she replied.

     “It isn’t. Here’s an example, a woman comes in and states that she knows her husband is having an affair with his coworker. She breaks down and starts crying as she tells you her suspicions. However the investigation doesn’t come up with any evidence to support her feelings. When the husband says he’s working late, he’s actually working late,” he explained. “When you tell the client this she gets angry and accuses you of either being incompetent or covering up for the husband.”

     “What would do you do?” she asked.

     “Nothing,” he replied. “I don’t lie and I don’t make up evidence.”

     “Do you investigate the wife?” asked Sam.

     He shook his head. “Not unless the husband hires me. Now, if the husband turns up dead with a couple of bullets in him….then I talk to the police.”

     “Has that ever happened?”

     “Yes…now my turn; what’s on your mind?”

     Sam smiled back. “It’s this case. According to the file Alyssa comes from a great family and has no problems. Why would she run away if everything was great? I mean, look at what I was going through. To the outside observer I had a perfect life back there.”

     “It’s good to look for missing information Sam, but don’t insert things that aren’t there. Sometimes good kids do stupid things; maybe Alyssa had everything and wasn’t satisfied…then again maybe her home life was awful. We don’t know; what we do know is that a fifteen year-old girl has run away from home. Our job is to find her.”

     “What do we do if we find out she was abused?”

     “Then we get the authorities involved,” he replied.

     Sam nodded.

     “Sam, the most difficult part of this job is to separate your emotions from the cases…but that doesn’t mean you separate your intellect.”

     “But can’t the evidence lie?”

     Rob smiled back. “Evidence doesn’t lie…even false or faked evidence can tell you something. The thing is to keep an open mind and take in everything…then you have to sort through it all.”

     Sam nodded. “Thanks.”


Chapter 91

     Sam sat in the waiting area of the tattoo shop reading the latest book by Kim Harrison as Kelly got her tattoo of Spartacus. Kelly had turned her on to the series and Sam had become instantly hooked.

     As Sam read, she still kept an eye on people as they walked past the shop. The waiting area was next to a large window that gave her a clear view of the pedestrian traffic.

     Mike, the large tattooed man, who co-owned the shop with Jill was talking to a couple of men and showing them a book of his work. Sam’s instinct told her that the guys weren’t serious about getting tattoos.

     Ten minutes later the guys left and Mike looked over at her and smiled.

     “Will they be back?” she asked.

     He shook his head. “Nope…dammed frat boys.”

     Sam laughed. 

     “I can usually tell the second someone walks in here if they’re serious,” he continued.

     “Was it that way with me?” she asked.

     Mike nodded. “Oh yeah. You had that look in your eyes.”

     Sam smiled and returned to her book.

     A few more people walked into the shop. A bald headed man was interested in adding to an existing tattoo on his arm. Mike spent some time giving him some options.

     Sam was about to start reading again when she saw a girl with short black hair step out of a SUV. A short stocky Hispanic man joined her as they walked into the store. Sam watched as the two began to page through the books of tattoos. The man was obviously in charge as he pointed to the book and made suggestions to the girl.

     Sam casually studied the pair as the girl looked too young to be with the man. She tried to see if the girl had a butterfly tattoo, but unfortunately the man was standing between them.

     Physically the girl was close to the description Sam had memorized of Alyssa. Yes, the hair was different, but that was the only physical difference. But what struck Sam as strange was that the girl and the man didn’t look like they should be together. He had to be in his late thirties or early forties and the girl was obviously in her teens. From the way he slipped his arm around her waist it was obviously that he wasn’t her father. Sam also noticed that the girl was very quiet and seemed somewhat distracted. Sam wondered if the girl was on drugs.

     Sam glanced over and looked at the SUV. She was able to get a good look at it and was able to see the license plate. She pulled out her cell phone and casually texted the info to Rob along with a short message of where she was.

     A few seconds later Rob replied and told her to stay put and that he was on his way there.

     Sam replied and returned to pretending to read her book.

     The couple paid no attention to her as they continued to page through the catalogs of tattoos.

     The man shifted slightly and Sam could see that the girl had a tattoo on her ankle. It was a butterfly on left calf.

     Bingo, thought Sam. She pulled out her phone and texted the info to Rob.

     Sam was pleased to see that Mike was now talking to the couple. From what Sam could overhear, the man had several ideas for tattoos for the girl.

     Ten minutes later Sam got a text from Rob. He was parked a few spaces away from the SUV. He asked Sam to let him know when the man and girl left.

     The man and the girl stayed another five minutes before leaving. They walked directly to the Black Chevy Blazer with California plates and pulled away. Sam saw Rob’s nondescript sedan pass the shop a few moments later.

     Her phone rang and she immediately answered it.

     “Grasshopper, I’m going to follow them and see where they go. The girl could be Alyssa, I got some good photos of her…including the tattoo….nice catch,” he stated.

     “And what will you do next?”

     “When they stop I’ll call the police,” he replied.

     “Why not call them now?”

     “I want to see where they’re going…hang on, I got a call coming in,” he stated.

     Five minutes later he called her back.

     “The car is registered to a Ramon Castillo; he lives in North Park,” he stated. “He also has a record.”

     “For what?” asked Sam.

     “Pimping,” replied Rob. “Can you get on a computer?”

     Sam asked Mike if she could use their computer and he nodded.

     “Yes, what do you want me to check?”

     “Check the Megan’s law website. I want you to check out Ramon’s address.”

     “I’ll call you back immediately,” she replied.

     Mike watched as Sam logged on and did her search.

     “You’re pretty for a detective,” he said.

     Sam glanced back and smiled at him. “Thanks.”

     The address had a positive hit for Ramon being a registered sex offender and Sam immediately called Rob.

     “Thanks,” he replied. “It looks like they’re going to the address. As soon as they arrive I’ll call the cops. Even if it’s not Alyssa with him, something isn’t right.”

     “Okay,” replied Sam.

     “Good work, Grasshopper,” he said as he hung up.


Chapter 92

     Kelly and Jill walked out of the back a few minutes later and Sam told them what had happened.

     “You mean I missed all the fun?” asked Kelly.

     “Yeah, but you got a cool tattoo,” Sam replied.

     Sam’s phone rang and she immediately answered it.

     “We got her,” stated Rob.

     “Alyssa?” asked Sam excitedly.

     “Yes,” replied Rob. “I need you to come to the downtown police station to make a statement. Call me as soon as you get here.”

     “Cool, we’ll be there shortly,” replied Sam.

     “Great job, Grasshopper,” stated Rob.

     Sam hung up and broke out in a big smile.

     “We got her!” she exclaimed.

     Kelly and Jill both hugged her and Mike gave her a fist-bump.

     “I have to go make a statement; you want to come along, Kelly?”

     “You bet, I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” replied Kelly.

     “Thanks for letting me use your computer, Mike,” said Sam.

     “No problem, kid,” he replied.

     “I’ll call you in a few days concerning your tattoo,” stated Jill.

     “I can’t wait,” replied Sam.


Chapter 93

     Sam was interviewed by a female detective named Cari Walker. Rob sat next to Sam as she described what had happened.

     “You’re rather young to be in this line of work,” noted Cari as she stared the interview.

     “I’m a freshman at SDSU and I have been working as a research assistant for the past six months,” replied Sam.

     Cari smiled back. “What’s your major?”

     “Criminal justice,” replied Sam.

     “That was my major…I think you’ll enjoy it,” replied Cari. “Now tell me what happened.”

     Sam told the detective that she had done some research for Rob.

     “When I saw the girl in the tattoo store I realized she might be the one that Rob was looking for,” stated Sam.

     “What did you do next?” asked Cari.

     “I called Rob and told him what I had seen. He arrived a short time later and trailed the man back to his house,” said Sam.

     Cari nodded. “You have an excellent eye for detail. What were you doing in the tattoo parlor?”

     “A friend was getting a tattoo of her cat. I’m also planning on getting one there in a few days,” replied Sam.

     “What are you going to get?” asked Cari.

     Sam looked over at Rob and then turned to Cari. “A small grasshopper, it will be on my ankle.”

     Rob almost spit out his coffee when he heard this.

     “Cute,” replied Cari. “Well, I’m glad you were so observant. Ramon Castillo is a really bad guy.”

     “What was he going to do to her?” asked Sam.

     “It looks like he was going to turn her into a prostitute,” replied Cari.

     “How’s she doing?” asked Sam.

     “She’s in the hospital. Castillo had her drugged,” replied Cari.

     “What a scumbag,” said Sam.

     “My thoughts exactly,” replied Cari. “Now, you may be called to testify when we take Castillo to trial.”

     “I don’t mind, I’m just glad that Alyssa is okay,” replied Sam.

     “Me too,” replied Cari. “Well, it was nice meeting you Sam.”


Chapter 94

     The next day Rob updated Sam on the case.

     “Castillo lured her out here and planned to turn her into a prostitute. The cops are working with the feds to see if he did this to other teens,” explained Rob.

     “The feds are involved because the girl was from Illinois, right?” asked Sam.

     Rob nodded. “It’s no different than if he had driven there and abducted her.”

     “And do you think this case will go to trial?”

     Rob shrugged his shoulders. “Depends on the evidence they find in his house. From what I’ve been told his computer has a wealth of data on it. If he was smart he’d make a bargain…if this goes to trial he would get the book thrown at him.”

     “And why would the DA make a deal?”

     “Saves time and money,” replied Rob.

     “Okay,” replied Sam.

     “One more thing, Alyssa’s parents are flying out here to be with her. They want to meet you.”

     “Really?” asked Sam. “Do you think I should do it?”

     He nodded. “Why not? It’s rare that we get a true happy ending in our cases. This one could have turned out really bad.”

     “Do we know why Alyssa left home?” asked Sam.

     “The police say that she said that she was in love. Apparently Castillo worked her for several months. I called my friend Ally Burns and she’s very pleased with this case.”

     “She’s the one who runs that teen internet sex crime unit for the feds, right?”

     Rob nodded. “I think you’d like her. We were detectives in the same department for a few years.”


     Rob nodded again. “Back then Ally was Al Burns.”

     Sam’s jaw dropped. “She’s transgendered?”

     “Yep, she transitioned when the feds stole her from the department. Surprisingly the feds haven’t had any trouble with her gender.”

     “That’s great,” replied Sam. “Is it the same in all law enforcement?”

     Rob shook his head.

     “That’s what I thought,” replied Sam. “Oh, it looks like Owens will be arriving the day before the conference and will be staying a few extra days. He will be shifting from the Manchester Grand Hyatt to the Marriott Gas Lamp on K Street.”

     “How long will he be staying there?” asked Rob.

     “Three days, he’s catching an early morning flight back east…do you want the reservation?”

     Rob rolled his eyes. “Sam, you have an…interesting talent….just be careful how you use it.”

     “I will,” she replied. “So how do we confirm this information legally?”

     “I’ll show you,” he replied.


Chapter 95

     “So you confirmed Owens is coming to town?” asked Olivia as they prepared dinner.

     “Yes, Rob called the hotels and pretended to be Owens to confirm the reservations. I don’t see how this is any different that hacking,” said Sam as she set the table.

     Olivia laughed. “The law is funny that way.”

     “I know, but when used for investigation hacking is a great tool.”

     “The important thing is that Owens is caught and put away for a long time,” she said. “I’ve been doing some research of my own on sexual tourism and I was shocked to see how San Diego is a gateway city for tours south of the border,” said Olivia.

     “Rob says that it’s safer for the clients to meet here and then go to Mexico or other places south.”

     “So where does Rob think that Owens will be going?”

     Sam set down the plates. “Being he’s only staying a few days, he’ll probably be just over the border. If it was longer they would probably go down to Central America.”

     Olivia nodded. “Do you have your costume ready?”

     “Yes, Kelly and I picked out a perfect tourist outfit. I’m even going to go blonde. I have an appointment to get my hair lightened.”

     “What a drastic step to take!”

     Sam laughed. “It’ll be worth it to get Owens.”

     As they ate dinner, Olivia asked Sam how the meeting went with Alyssa’s parents.

     “They seemed like really nice people, very concerned about their daughter,” said Sam. “I sort of misjudged them.”

     “In what way?” asked Olivia.

     Sam stopped eating and looked at Olivia. “I guess I applied too much of what happened to me and I thought that they caused Alyssa to run away.”

     “Important lesson…not everyone is like Victor,” said Olivia.

     “Thank God,” replied Sam.

     Olivia smiled. “Oh, how’s everything going with your body?”

     “Still progressing nicely,” replied Sam. “I’m still impatient about how slow it’s happening.”

     “You impatient?” asked Olivia.

     “Funny,” replied Sam.


Chapter 96

     Sam walked into Rob’s office the next morning and handed him his coffee and his favorite bagel; cinnamon-raisin with cream cheese.

     “What did you do now?” he asked with a grin.

     “Am I that predictable?” she asked.

     “When you bring me a bagel…and thank you by the way…I know you’ve been up to something,” he replied.

     “I took a peek into Owens’s email last night, it looks like he’ll be meeting his contact sometime Friday afternoon,” she replied.

     “How did you determine that?” he asked as he took a bite of the bagel.

     “There was a note in calendar telling him to be on Fifth Avenue between Harbor Drive and Broadway starting at one in the afternoon,” she replied. “Not exactly a normal notation.”

     Rob nodded and then wiped his lips with a napkin.

     “I’ll make some phone calls,” he replied.

     Sam sat down at her desk. “Do you think the Feds will just take over?”

     Rob shook his head. “No, they’re willing to let us trail him. Owens isn’t that important to them. Yes they want him locked up, but they’re more interested in breaking up the ring.”

     “And they’re willing to let the Mexican authorities make the arrests?”

     “Sure, the gang that is running this is located in Mexico. No country wants to be stigmatized for being known for child sex vacations,” he replied.

     “And does this mean that Owens will end up in a Mexican prison?”

     “That hasn’t been determined yet,” replied Sam. “The Federal Agents haven’t told me everything.”

     “But they’re willing to let us hand them this case,” stated Sam.

     Rob laughed. “You sound like some jaded cop…not a coed!”

     “I just don’t want to see him walk like Victor did,” she replied.

     “Even with a deal he won’t walk,” replied Rob.

     “I hope not,” she replied.

     “Is your costume ready?” he asked.

     She nodded. “I’m getting my hair bleached blonde this afternoon.”

     “I can’t wait to see you,” he replied.


Chapter 97

     Frank Owens stepped out of his hotel and after checking his map, he headed towards Fifth Avenue. He had been directed to walk slowly up Fifth as if he was a tourist and that a representative of the organization would contact him. They told him that they would be watching him for a while to determine if he was being followed.

     Frank wasn’t worried about that. He had done this before and had always been very careful. He knew the consequences if he was caught.

     It was a nice sunny day and the temperature was in the low seventies. He walked up Fifth and pretended to window shop. He wasn’t that worried about being recognized as the convention had ended two days earlier.

     As he walked slowly through the Gas Lamp he paid little attention to the people around him. Across the street, a young blonde woman, wearing a short skirt and a San Diego Zoo T-shirt, casually chatted into her cell phone. Even if he noticed her, it was highly unlikely that he would have realized that she was the teen he had helped run out of town.

     Sam pretended to window shop as she walked up the sideway. Rob was sitting in his car a few blocks away.

     Thirty minutes into the surveillance Sam noticed a man walking in front of her. What caught her attention was that he was watching Owens.

     He was a large bulky man with several tattoos on his exposed arms. He looked very much out of place among the tourists.

     Sam hung back a bit as she looked in a window of a clothing store. She didn’t want to tip off the man that she was also watching Owens. Thankfully, Owens was walking slowly, so he was easy to track.

     She found that this was easier than she had expected. It was just a matter of being aware of who was around her.

     Sam watched as the man crossed the street a half block behind Owens. She waited a few moments before passing this info onto Rob.

     Ten minutes later the man walked up to Owens and spoke to him. They acted like they were old friends as they greeted each other.

     Sam watched from across the street as the men walked over to the corner of Fifth and E Street. A silver Honda Civic pulled up and the two men got inside. Sam was able to get the license plate and she passed this info onto to Rob.

     “Good job Grasshopper, we’ll take it from here,” he stated.

     The Honda turned down E Street. Sam knew that this was a quick way to get to I-5 South. In less than twenty minutes, Owens would be across the border.

     As they Honda drove away, Sam noticed a second car pull out, almost hitting a cab. The Taxi had to slam on its brakes to avoid hitting the car. The second car immediately pulled into the same lane as the Honda. Sam thought about it for a second and then called Rob.

     “It’s probably nothing, but I thought you’d want to know,” she said after she described the car. She was even able to give him the first three numbers of the license plate.

     “We’ll keep an eye out for it, thanks,” he replied.

     Sam knew that Rob had three cars working together to track Owens. An additional car was waiting across the border.

     While she understood why she couldn’t go with Rob, it was disappointing. Her part of the operation had been over so quickly.

     She walked over to Horton Plaza to get her car. Even though she doubted that she had been seen, she kept her eyes open, just in case.


Chapter 98

     Rob called Sam five hours later.

     “What happened?” asked Sam anxiously.

     “Owens was taken to a house ten miles sound of Tijuana. I placed a call to the agent who was acting as our liaison with the Mexican authorities,” he replied.

     “And?” interrupted Sam.

     “The Federales raided it an hour ago. They arrested Owens and several other men,” replied Rob.

     “Um, was it what we thought it was?” asked Sam.

     “Unfortunately, yes,” replied Rob. “Apparently the men who ran the organization used the house as a safe place to bring their clients. The local police were on the payroll. This is going to open up a whole truckload of shit…pardon my language.”

     “So there were kids there?”

     “Yes…they’re being looked after now,” replied Rob.

     “And Owens? Will the Mexicans keep him?” asked Sam.

     “That’s still being decided. The Agency would like to question him concerning child pornography here in the states.”

     Sam hesitated before speaking. “Please tell me that he’s not going to walk away.”

     “No, at best he’ll get out of this is a long sentence in a US prison instead of a Mexican one,” he replied. “But that’s out of our hands.”

     “So we’re done with this one?”

     “More or less. The agent in change wants to speak to you. Nothing to worry about…I think they might be trying to poach you from me,” he replied.

     “You’re kidding, right?” she asked.

     “Nope. And if I were you, I would listen to the offer.”

     “I like working for you,” she immediately replied.

     “And I like you too…but this could be big.”

     “I’ll think about it,” she replied.

     “No rush, even if they want you…you’ll need your degree first.”


Chapter 99

     Two days later, Sam rode out with Rob to one of the many nondescript office complexes located north of the city.

     On Rob’s advice, Sam wore a skirt and blouse.

     “Did you ever want to be a federal officer?” she asked.

     “No, I like being my own boss,” he replied. “But it’s a great organization.”

     “Why would they be interested in me?” she asked.

     “They’re always seeking talented people,” he replied.

     “Okay…so why are they interested in me?” she asked again with a smile.

     “It won’t hurt to listen,” he replied.

     Sam nodded. “So what’s the name of the man we’re meeting?”

     “Special Agent Steve Williams,” replied Rob.

     Rob pulled his car into parking lot and together he and Sam walked into the building.

     A receptionist greeted them and told them to have a seat.

     Sam and Rob sat down. She immediately began to look around the waiting area.

     “It’s rather plain and nondescript. I would have expected something fancier,” she said. “I’ve been in nicer dentist waiting areas.”

     “We prefer to spend our money on fancy spy stuff,” stated a muscular man who walked into the waiting area. “I’m Special Agent Williams; it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

     Sam and Rob stood up and shook hands with Agent Williams.

     “Please follow me,” stated Steve.

     They walked past the receptionist and entered an office. It was similar to the waiting area in décor. There were several chairs and couch, in addition to a desk.

     “This is just a satellite office, I work out of the main office in Virginia,” explained Steve. “Please have a seat.”

     Rob and Sam sat down on the couch and Steve sat in one of the chairs.

     “First, now that we’re back here, please call me Steve,” he greeted. “I hate being formal.”

     Sam nodded. She took an immediate liking to the agent.

     “Can you give us an update on Owens?” asked Rob.

     “He’s still in Mexican custody, but they really don’t want him and once we work out the details he’ll be transferred to us,” replied Steve. “Sam, Rob told me about Victor and you don’t have to worry about a repeat in this case. Part of Owens’s deal is that he’ll have to plead guilty before we agree to take him back.”

     “And if he doesn’t?” asked Sam.

     “He’ll go to trial in Mexico…not a very appealing proposition,” replied Steve.

     “So how long will he be in prison?” asked Sam.

     “We’re still adding up the charges, but I would say that he’s looking at life,” replied Sam.

     “If you know about Victor does that mean that you know the rest?” asked Sam.

     Steve nodded. “I’m sorry that you had to go through something like that. I have a teenage daughter myself.”

     “Thank you,” she replied. “Um, you do know that I’m transgendered right?”

     Steve nodded. “Doesn’t make any difference to me. You shouldn’t have been abused like that. The initial assault was bad enough…but what was done afterwards was even worse. I also admire that you sought justice and not revenge…it isn’t the easiest thing to do.”

     “I’m not done…there’s still two left on my list,” she said softly. She suddenly realized that she may have said too much.

     “Don’t sweat it, Sam. Just don’t let it control your life. I think you have a great future ahead of you. From what Rob has told me you have all the skills necessary to become an excellent investigator. You have a sharp eye for detail and are very observant. You’re also very intelligent.”

     Sam felt her face getting warm. “Thank you.”

     “I must warn you to be careful with your…’special computer research skills.’ Not everyone is as forgiving concerning those sorts of things,” continued Steve.

     She looked over at Rob who shook his head.

     “We had one of our computer experts go into Owens’s files. She told me that it looked like someone had been in there first,” continued Steve. “Don’t let these devastatingly good looks fool you; I’m a trained investigator too.”

     Sam laughed. “I promise to be more careful. I just wish I knew what I did wrong.”

     “It was minor…but our computer expert is probably one of the best hackers in the country. As Cathleen says, it takes one to know one.”

     Sam laughed again.

     “Now, I know you have some time to think about it, but I want you to seriously consider applying to The Agency when you graduate college. I can promise you that we would find you an interesting position,” continued Steve.

     Sam glanced at Rob who nodded.

     “I’ll keep an open mind. Thank you for considering me,” replied Sam.

     “Good. If you ever make back east call me and I’ll arrange a tour. I know Agent Burns would love to show you her internet department,” continued Steve.

     “Rob told me about her,” said Sam.

     Steve nodded. “She’s a damn fine agent…and I’m also lucky to call her my friend.”

     Sam nodded.

     Steve stood up. “Well, I’ve taken enough of your time. Thanks again for handing us this one. It was a pleasure working with both of you.”

     Rob and Sam stood up.

     Steve handed Sam one of his cards after they shook hands goodbye.

     “I’ll be keeping my eye on you,” said Steve with a soft smile. “Remember, revenge isn’t justice.”

     Sam nodded. “I will, thank you again.”

     On the way back to the office, Sam kept staring at Steve’s business card.

     “What’s on your mind, Grasshopper?” Rob asked.

     “I thought I finally had my life in order and now something like this pops up,” she stated. “What should I do?”

     Rob shook his head. “Not my call, Grasshopper. Look, you still have a few years until you graduate…you have time to think about it. It is a great opportunity.”

     “But I really like the idea of being a PI,” she said.

     “You can always do that afterwards,” he stated. “Sam, you’re very sharp…and I think you can do anything that you set your mind to. But…”

     “But I will lack experience,” she interjected.

     Rob nodded. “Even after working for me many agencies won’t hire you…and it’s very difficult starting your own agency.”

     Sam nodded. “Well, I have time…to make up my mind.”


Chapter 100

     “Well, let me see it,” stated Olivia as Sam walked into the house a couple of days later.

     Sam extended her leg to show off a small green grasshopper tattooed on her leg. The grasshopper was looking through a magnifying glass and wearing a Sherlock Holmes deerstalker cap.

     “Cute, I really like it,” said Olivia.

     “Jill said that she wanted to tie in the whole detective thing,” replied Sam as she sat down on the couch.

     “How was it?”

     “Not as bad as I thought it would be,” replied Sam.

     Olivia nodded. “My first one hurt the most.”

     Sam cocked her head. “I didn’t know you had a tattoo…where is it?”

     “I have one on my back and a one on my butt,” she replied.

     Sam broke out in a big smile. “What are they?”

     “I have a crescent moon on my back and my other one is Bugs Bunny.”

     Sam laughed. “I bet there are some good stories concerning those…especially the Bugs Bunny one.”

     Olivia nodded. “And I might tell you them when you’re older.”

     Sam laughed again.

     “So what does Rob think of your tattoo?”

     “He says that it’s nice…but not exactly subtle.”

     Olivia nodded. “He has a point.”

     “Well, it’s not very big so I doubt it will draw a lot of attention,” replied Sam. “Besides, Kelly likes it.”

     “That’s important,” said Olivia.

     Sam smiled. “I always wanted a tattoo…and now I have one that has real meaning to me.”

     “I’m happy for you,” replied Olivia.

     “Thanks…and thanks for everything you’ve done for me.”

     “It was my pleasure. So, what’s next?”

     Sam thought about it for a moment. “Go to school, work for Rob, take my hormones…and keep an eye on Rod and Dave.”

     Olivia didn’t reply.

     “I thought about it and I can’t let it go. I know that they’ll do something wrong when they’re at college…if they do then I’ll let the proper authorities know about it,” she said. “Look, I had no idea Owens was such a perv or that Victor was a crook either.”

     “You don’t have to justify this to me, dear. I just don’t want you to obsess about it. I’m not downplaying what was done to you…but you also have a wonderful future ahead of you.”

     “I know, Olivia. And if I start going over the top with this let me know, okay?”

     “I will dear,” she replied.


Chapter 101

     Steve Williams sat across from a rather disheveled looking Frank Owens in an interrogation room provided by the Mexican Federales.

     “Who are you?” asked Owens.

     “I’m the man who could save your ass,” replied Steve as he pulled out his badge and showed it to Owens. “The Mexicans take a dim view of rich Gringos coming down here to have sex with their children. You’re facing life in prison...but on the bright side that should only be a few weeks.”

     Frank’s eyes opened wide. “What do you mean?”

     “Your life isn’t worth a peso down here,” said Steve.

     “Haven’t you heard that a man is innocent until proven guilty?”

     Steve laughed. “It doesn’t work that way down here. You’ll be in general lockup until your case comes up…and knowing the Mexican judicial system that could be months. It’s just a question on who will kill you first; the regular convicts or a contracted hit.”

     “What do you mean?”

     Steve leaned back. “The people who run these sex tours will put a hit out on you. They can’t risk you making a deal.”

     “You’re trying to scare me,” stated Owens.

     Steve shook his head. “Correction…I am scaring you.”

     “So what do you want?” asked Owens nervously.

     “The Mexicans are willing to turn you over to us. It would be embarrassing for them when you’re murdered in their prison. However, for this to happen you must tell us everything. We want to know…not just about this trip, but the three others you have taken. We also want to know about the 2,352 photos we found on your computer. We want to know about the videos you recorded in the boy’s locker room back in your high school. We want to know about all the people you know in your twisted little world. We want to know who you sold those videos to…and anything else. We raided your home and your office this morning. I also expect you to tell us about anything else you have hidden.”

     The color went out of Owens’s face.

     “For this information we will provide you with protection,” continued Steve.

     “Witness protection program?” asked Owens hopefully.

     Steve laughed. “You must be kidding. No, you’ll get a private cell in a federal prison. Judging by the number of charges we have on you I would say that it would a life sentence, but at least you would die of old age and not beaten to a pulp or stabbed to death down here.”

     Owens dropped his head.

     “How long do I have to think about this?”

     “Until I walk out of here,” replied Steve. “I’m not offering you this to save your ass…rather I want to put more of you sick fucks away.”

     Owens opened his mouth to reply…but nothing came out.

     “What will it be?” asked Steve as he looked at his watch.

     “I’ll take your offer…but I want to be taken over the border before I start talking,” said Owens.

     Steve shook his head. “No deal.”

     “What if the Mexicans change their mind?” whined Owens.

     “They won’t…as long as you tell us everything,” stated Steve.

     Owens began to sob.

     “Is that a yes or a no?” asked Steve.

     Owens nodded. “I’ll take your…I’ll take your deal.”

     Steve stood up. “Remember, if you hold anything back… the deal is off.”

     Owens continued to cry.


Chapter 102

     Steve stopped by Rob’s office the next day.

     “So this is what a genuine PI’s office looks like,” he stated as he sat down. “Not like they look in the movies.”

     “It’s as genuine as they come,” replied Rob. “It even comes with a bottle of 20 year-old Scotch.”

     Steve smiled.

     “You want a drink?” asked Rob.

     Steve nodded.

     As Rob poured the drinks he commented on how tired Steve looked.

     “I just spent the last fifteen hours listening to Owens spill his guts,” replied Steve as he took the glass from Rob. He took a long sip and closed his eyes. “That’s really good.”

     “The best…so how did it go?” asked Rob.

     “I feel like I need to take a shower. Owens is one really sick fuck.”

     “Did he give up anything useful?”

     Steve nodded as he took another sip of the Scotch.

     “He also told us about his part in driving Sam out of town,” said Steve.


     Steve nodded. “It was near the end of the confession. I guess he really wanted to get everything out.”

     “Did he express any remorse?”

     Steve shook his head. “He said that he did it to protect five other students.”

     “Three of whom are currently in jail,” interjected Rob.

     Steve sipped his Scotch.

     “Where is Owens now?” asked Rob.

     “On his way to a federal prison. He confessed to everything so there won’t be a trial,” replied Steve as he held out his glass.

     Rob refilled it.

     “Do you think Owens will ever get out?”

     Steve shook his head. “I doubt he’ll want to. He gave us a lot of names…especially in the sexual tourism trade. Those people have very long memories.”

     “Excuse me if I don’t shed a tear,” replied Rob.

     Steve nodded in agreement.

     “So, I understand you’re friends with Ally Burns,” said Steve.

     Rob nodded. “We served on the same force for a while. Damn fine cop.”

     “She still is,” replied Steve.

     “I’m not surprised. She has…it. You know what I mean?”

     Steve nodded. “Have you seen her since the change?”

     Rob shook his head. “We’ve talked and exchange emails off and on. I wouldn’t mind seeing her again.”

     “You don’t seem shocked by what she did,” said Steve.

     “I always suspected she was different…and that she was troubled by some internal struggle. I’m just happy that she’s happy now,” replied Rob.

     Steve looked at his watch. “I better get going; I have a flight to catch back east. It was a pleasure working with you.”

     Rob smiled back. “It was good to put a bastard like Owens away.”

     “I know how you feel. Oh, do me a favor, keep me updated on Sam.”

     “Sure thing. She’s special…yeah she needs a lot of work…but if you manage to recruit her The Agency will be better off for it.”

     “My thoughts exactly,” replied Steve as he extended his hand. “I’m pleased to see that she’s in good hands.”

     The two men shook hands.

     “I’ll be in touch,” said Steve as he left the office.


Chapter 103

     The rest of summer was pleasantly uneventfully for Sam. Olivia was pleased to see that Sam was starting to put the horrible events of the previous fall behind her. Yes, she knew that her niece was tracking the last two boys who had raped her, but Olivia saw the Sam was focusing on the future too.

     Still there were constant reminders of the assault and its aftermath.

     Sam walked into the house and set her bag down.

     “How did registration go?” asked Olivia.

     Sam nodded. “Got all the classes I wanted.”

     “I’m glad to hear that,” replied Olivia. “Rebecca’s coming over…she has something to talk to you about.”

     Sam froze and a worried look appeared on her face.

     “Did she tell you about it?” asked Sam.

     Olivia shook her head.

     “Okay,” replied Sam.

     Rebecca arrived a few minutes later and the three of them went out to the deck and sat down.

     “I got a call from the DA concerning the three boys who attacked you back in June,” stated Rebecca.

     Sam tensed up.

     “Their lawyers appealed the confessions and have worked out a new deal with the DA,” continued Rebecca.

     “How’s that possible! They confessed to attacking me! Please don’t tell me that they’re going to walk away free,” stated Sam angrily.

     “No, but they’ll only be serving eighteen months apiece…including time served…with good behavior they could be released in eight months,” she replied.

     “Why?” asked Sam.

     “They’re all first time offenders,” replied Rebecca. “Their lawyers claimed that they didn’t actually hurt you and that they were pressured into confessing.”

     “What should I have done…let them rape me a second time?” exclaimed Sam bitterly.

     Olivia reached over and slipped her arm around Sam.

     “I argued against the deal, Sam,” stated Rebecca.

     “I know…I’m not blaming you…but this is bullshit,” replied Sam.

     “There’s another path we can take,” suggested Rebecca.

     “What is that?” asked Sam.

     “We can sue them.”

     “Victim’s compensation?” asked Olivia.

     Rebecca nodded. “There’s one drawback…it would expose your gender change to them.”

     Sam scratched her head. “That would mean Dave and Rod would find out too.”

     Rebecca nodded.

     “What could we get?” asked Sam.

     “I’m not sure…even if we win it’s difficult to collect in these sorts of cases. I know this doesn’t help, but it would be a symbolic victory,” she replied.

     Sam shook her head. “The hell with them.”

     “I will push for a restraining order against them,” said Rebecca.

     “Fine,” replied Sam. She then broke out in a smile. “But if they come after me again I won’t let them get off so lightly.”

     Rebecca and Olivia laughed.

     “So how are the classes going?” asked Rebecca?

     Sam had recently enrolled in a martial arts class.

     “Good,” she replied. “It’s not as hard as I thought it would be.”


Chapter 104

     “So they’re going to walk away with a slap on the wrist?” asked Kelly as they walked hand in hand down Fifth Ave through Hillcrest.

     “Not exactly…they still have a sentence to serve…and there’s always the hope that they’ll screw up again and get a longer term,” replied Sam.

     “It’s still not right. I mean, what should you have done, let them assault you again?”

     “That’s never going to happen,” said Sam. “If any of them come at me again they’ll regret it the rest of their lives. At least Owens isn’t going to hurt anyone ever again.”

     “What did you hear about him?” asked Kelly.

     “Special Agent Williams called me yesterday when I was at work and told me that the final sentencing took place this week. Owens is doing life without possibility of parole. At least the feds keep their word,” stated Sam.

     “So what’s the scorecard so far?” asked Kelly.

     “The town officials got between ten and thirty years for the combined corruption charges. Owens got life, the three thugs who came out here got reduced sentences, and Dave and Rod are still walking around as free as birds,” counted off Sam.

     “What about Victor?”

     “No charges on the corruption and the attack on me,” replied Sam. “Rob said that there still might be some hope that he’ll do some time.”

     “For what? I thought by being a snitch he got all the charges dropped,” said Kelly.

     Sam shrugged her shoulders. “I have no idea…but Rob said he would know something within the week.”

     Kelly nodded. “So what do you feel like eating?”

     “Let’s go to the Crest,” suggested Sam. “And then, let’s go back to your place.”

     Kelly smiled and then leaned over and kissed Sam on the lips.


Chapter 105

     Sam arrived in Rob’s office for work and was surprised to see that he was talking to Detective Matt Walsh.

     “Hi Sam,” greeted Rob.

     Sam smiled back and then said hello to Matt.

     “I just dropped by to express my disgust with what the DA did,” said Matt.

     “It’s okay, I know it’s not your fault,” she replied.

     Matt nodded. “I have a few friends who work at the facility where they’re doing time. If they screw up even a little they’ll get the correct attention. At least they can serve the rest of their sentences.”

     Sam smiled back. “Thanks.”

     “No problem,” he replied.

     Matt shook hands with Rob and then left.

     “Well, it’s nice to see that the police care,” said Sam.

     “Matt’s a good cop,” said Rob. “Oh, I have some good news for you. It’s not official yet but it looks like Victor is going to do some time after all.”

     Sam broke out in a huge smile. “Really, how? I thought all the charges were dropped as part of his testimony?”

     “They were, but another agency took notice of his actions and they are notoriously much less understanding. Victor apparently underpaid his income taxes the past few years for his business. The IRS is about to file charges against him.”

     “What will he get?” asked Sam.

     “Three to five…it’s better than nothing,” said Rob.

     Sam nodded. “How did this come about?”

     “My reporter friend placed a few phone calls to the IRS.”

     “Good,” replied Sam. 

     “The system works…it isn’t always perfect but it works eventually,” said Rob.

     “Now all I have to do is catch Dave and Rod doing something illegal,” she said.

     “Patience, Grasshopper, patience,”


Chapter 106

     In early October, Sam went in for her checkup. She was sitting on an examination table wearing a paper gown as her doctor finished his notes.

     “Okay, Sam , you can get dressed,” stated Dr. Waldorf. “I’ve very pleased with your progress. When you get dressed come see me in my office.”

     Sam smiled back at her endocrinologist. “Thanks Doc.”

     A few minutes later she stood outside his office and knocked on the open door.

     “Please come in Sam and have a seat,” he greeted from behind his desk.

     Sam did as he ordered.

     “Everything looks great,” he said as he reviewed her chart.

     “Cool,” she replied.

     Dr. Waldorf was one of the top endocrinologists in San Diego and a favorite among the transgendered. He saw gender transition as a necessary medical procedure.

     “Your blood work is great and obviously you are getting nice results from the hormones,” he stated.

     “How much larger will my breasts get?” asked Sam.

     “It’s hard to say, you ‘re a B-cup now…you might get a bit larger,” he said. “You have very nice breast development, Sam.”

     She nodded. “I know. I no longer wear the pads…I just wish they were larger.”

     “If you’re considering implants, I would recommend you wait a bit longer. However, if you do decide to get breast augmentation surgery, I can recommend several reputable surgeons.”

     “Thanks Doc,” she replied.

     “Are you considering SRS?” he asked.

     Sam nodded. “No rush though.”

     Dr. Waldorf smiled back. “Do you have a doctor picked out yet?”

     Sam shook her head. “I’ve looked at a few.”

     “Keep me informed. Do you need your prescriptions refilled?”

     Sam nodded.

     “Okay,” he replied as he filled out the paperwork. “I’d like to see you again in three months. You can make the appointment on the way out.”

     “Thanks, Doc.”

     “Have a great day,” he replied.

     “You too,” replied Sam as she departed.


Chapter 107

     “Well, according to Dr. Waldorf everything is progressing normally,” said Sam to Kelly as they walked to their afternoon class together. 

     Kelly laughed. “I could have told you that…you have the cutest little titties.”

     Sam rolled her eyes. “That’s the problem, I wish they were bigger.”

     “They look fine to me,” countered Kelly. “And I’ve had a lot of time to inspect them.”

     “You’re so bad,” replied Sam.

     Kelly winked. “You have no idea.”

     Sam smiled back. “Oh, I got an email from Sharon this morning; she loves her college.”

     “That’s good to hear,” replied Kelly.

     “She sent me an attached file, but I didn’t have time to open it…she said it has something to do with Dave,” continued Sam.

     “Really? I wonder what it is?” asked Kelly.

     “We can look at it after class.”

     “And then I can do my own examination of you,” whispered Kelly.


Chapter 108

     Sam sat down at Kelly’s computer and logged onto her email account. She then clicked on the message from Sharon and opened the attached file.

     “What is it?’ asked Kelly.

     “It’s a profile of the freshmen football players attending State,” replied Sam. She scrolled through the file until she found the information on Rod and Dave.

     She read the files and at first nothing looked out of place or out of the ordinary. However, Rob had taught her not to overlook anything and that the most important clues were sometimes right out in the open.

     It was on her third read through of the article that something caught her eye. She immediately went to Google and searched the site for photos of the football team.

     “What did you find?’ asked Kelly excitedly.

     “I’m not sure, but it appears that both Rod and Dave bulked up rather dramatically,” she said as she searched her old high school’s website.

     “What do you mean?”

     Sam found what she was looking for.

     “Look at this photo of Dave. It was taken during the championship game last fall,” stated Sam.

     Kelly nodded.

     “Now, look at this one of him taken last week while he stood on the sidelines of State’s conference opener,” continued Sam.

     Kelly compared the two photos.

     “I see what you mean,” replied Kelly.

     Sam did a similar comparison for Rod. Again there was a remarkable difference in size.

     “Okay, so both of them are bigger, they are football players,” said Kelly.

     “This is a big jump in muscle size and weight,” said Sam. “I mean, I’m on hormones now and I know long it takes to get changes.”

     “Are you implying they’re juicing?” asked Kelly.

     Sam shrugged her shoulders. “I’m no expert in these sorts of things…but Dave always had a reputation of getting by on his raw talent back in high school. My old friend Steve once told me that Dave could have been much better if he had applied himself in the weight room. I sincerely doubt that he has had a major change in attitude.”

     “What about Rod?”

     “Whatever Dave does, Rod does,” she replied.

     Kelly nodded. “Look, you know that I could care less about sports, but I know that juicing is illegal. I also know that the cheaters are often staying one step above the testers.”

     “That’s right. Many international athletic organizations are keeping samples to test later.”

     “If Dave and Rod are taking steroids how do we catch them? I mean, I’m sure that the NCAA tests them, right?”

     Sam nodded.

     “So what do we do?”

     “I’ll have to talk to Rob,” said Sam as she downloaded the information to her flash drive.

     “What would the penalty be?” asked Kelly.

     “The first time it’s a year long suspension, the second time it’s a lifetime ban,” she replied.

     “Looks like you found something to work with,” said Kelly.

     Sam nodded and she typed a thank you note to Sharon.

     “So do you want to run over to see Rob now?” asked Kelly.

     Sam shook her head. “He’s on a case the next few days…you promised me an examination.”

     Kelly leaned close and kissed Sam as she began to unbutton Sam’s top.


Chapter 109

     “That was wonderful,” replied Sam as she cuddled up to Kelly.

     Kelly had recently bought a new strap-on dildo/vibrator that had several speeds.

     “I enjoyed it too,” replied Kelly. “I’m glad that your experience with those thugs didn’t swear you off sex.”

     “What they did to me wasn’t sex…it was an attack,” replied Sam. “Sex is when both parties enjoy it.”

     Kelly laughed. “Have you ever thought about having sex with a guy? You can be honest with me, I won’t be upset.”

     “It’s crossed my mind,” replied Sam.

     “I’ve been with both…I prefer women, but I’ve had a few good times with men,” said Kelly. “What I’m saying is that those thoughts you’ve had are normal. I personally think that most people are bisexual.”

     “Well, I’ll stick with you if you don’t have any objections,” said Sam.

     “No complaints here,” replied Kelly. “I love you and everything about you.”

     “I feel the same way about you,” replied Sam.

     “Good, now do you have to go or can you stick around a bit longer?”

     Sam smiled at Kelly. “I can stick around.”


Chapter 110

     Rob looked over the data gathered by Sam. The electronic file included pages of information gathered by Sam.

     It was obvious that both Dave and Rod had undergone significant physical growth. It could be due to working out, diet, and legal supplements, but he also knew it was easier to cheat.

     While he didn’t think there was enough evidence to formally accuse them, there was enough data to justify continuing the investigation.

     What really caught his attention was the amount of information collected and organized by Sam. She was really becoming an excellent investigator.

     Sam arrived a little while later and immediately asked him what he thought.

     “Treat this as you would any other investigation,” he stated.

     “Meaning, find out as much as I can about the subjects and separate my own feelings from the case?” she asked with a grin on her face.

     “You’re learning Grasshopper, there’s hope for you yet,” he replied. “Yes, it does look like they’re on something, but without hard evidence you have nothing. They’ve obviously passed NCAA tests…but that’s not that hard.”

     Sam nodded. “I know, I did some searching online and found numerous sites that offer advice on how to beat the tests. I think my best chance is to find out who is providing them with the stuff.”

     “I agree,” he said.

     “The trouble is… what do I do once I find the evidence? The NCAA isn’t going to listen to me. Past accusations will be treated as hearsay…I will need to expose them when they get their next batch. It’s unlikely that even Dave would be so arrogant to use the stuff during the season, besides, he’s currently third on the depth chart. Rod is currently being redshirted this season.”

     “Let’s just get the evidence first and then we’ll decide what to do,” said Rob.

     “I’ve also sent an email to a student group that monitor’s sexual assaults and told them an edited version of what Dave and Rod did to me. I told them that they raped me, but I left out the fact that I was a guy at time. I did tell them that the school covered up the attack.”

     “Did they reply?” asked Rob.

     Sam nodded. “Apparently two other people sent them similar stories. They said that they would keep an eye on them and be alert for any incidents. But they said that there were few cases reported.”


     “A lot of girls try to nail a player…especially the stars. But I don’t think that would matter to Dave…I remember the look on his face as the others used me…he got off on me being used and abused.”

     Rob cocked his head. “You never told me that part before.”

     “I guess because it just came back to me….maybe I blocked it out…but I can close my eyes and picture how he stared at me…and the evil grin on his face.”

     “Have you told your therapist about this?”

     Sam shook her head.

     “You’d better,” he stated.

     Sam didn’t reply at first, but then she nodded.

     “I thought I was over the shame of what happened…but it’s back,” she replied.

     “Sam, Halloween is in a few weeks….it’s only natural that you would have issues as you get closer to it,” he said.

     “I suppose you’re right,” she replied.

     “Have you had any trouble sleeping?”

     “A few more nightmares than usual,” she replied. “This sucks, I used to like Halloween.”

     “What are you doing for it this year?” asked Rob.

     “Kelly and I are invited to a party…I know she really wants to go…but I’m apprehensive about it. I know it’s stupid.”

     “It’s not, Sam. Just tell Kelly the truth about why you don’t want to go.”

     “I’ll think about it,” she replied softly. “I guess I’d better call Dr. Johnston and see if she can get me early. Thanks for caring Rob.”

     “No problem, you mean the world to me.”

     Sam looked up at him and started to smile before she began to cry.

     Rob got out of his chair and walked over to hug her.

     “It’s okay, Sam…we all have our bad days and we have to let it out,” he comforted as he held her.

     Sam clutched him hard as if she wanted to hold onto him forever as she sobbed.

     When she finished she ducked into his restroom and cleaned up. She came out a few minutes later.

     “Thanks,” she replied.

     “When was the last time you let it out like that?”

     She shook her head. “No idea…but it felt good. Rob, I don’t want to sound all gushy or anything like that…but you mean as much to me as my real dad did.”

     Rob smiled. “I appreciate that Sam…you mean a lot to me too.”

     She sighed. “I’d better get going before I start crying again. I’ll see you later.”

     “You can always use my shoulder for a good cry, Sam.”

     “Thanks,” she replied. She started to leave, but turned and gently kissed him on the cheek.


Chapter 111

     Kelly was very understanding when Sam explained why she didn’t want to go to the party. Instead of going to the party they agreed to have a quite dinner out.

     Sam spent the next few weeks gathering information on Dave and Rod. Eventually she was able to get their email addressees and phones numbers from a coed in a chat room.

     As expected, she had little trouble getting into his computer. A first she was disappointed as she found nothing of consequence. There were a lot of naked and semi-naked photos on his computer; most appeared to have been sent to them by female fans. Sam was tempted to email them all back and tell them what Dave and Rod had done to her.

     Sam finally found something in Rod’s old mail file.

     There was an attachment containing the timelines for use of several kinds of steroids and hormonal treatments, including when to stop taking them before testing. To Sam’s shock the testing dates were included in the file. Unfortunately the email address of the sender had been deleted.

     She read the chart and as expected it recommended that there be no steroid use during the season. It recommended that usage start up in mid January and last eight weeks. It started that would give the user sufficient time to purge their system prior to spring camp.

     The chart also included recommendations for how to mask the results if a random test took place.

     She copied the file and sent it to Jax to see if he could provide any additional information on the sender.

     While this wasn’t proof that Rod and Dave were taking steroids, it was the start of an evidence trail. The question was… where would it lead?


Chapter 112

     “I mean, I want to bust Dave and Rod, but right now, I don’t have enough evidence. And the most they could get is a one year suspension,” explained Sam as she talked to Kelly.

     They were sitting in City Deli in Hillcrest having dinner on Halloween night.

     “Then they could claim martyr status and make a triumphant return,” added Kelly.

     Sam laughed. “Well, you get my point.”

     “So you nail them twice; you said that they’re not that bright,” said Kelly.

     “I doubt that even those two are that stupid,” replied Sam as she scanned the menu. “Um, thanks for skipping the party.”

     “No problem, either way I get to sleep with you later this evening…by the way no onions with your dinner,” replied Kelly.

     Sam batted her eyes playfully.

     “For that sort of behavior you might get a spanking,” added Kelly.

     “Hopefully,” replied Sam as she grabbed a pickle out of the jar on the table and took a bite.

     “I’ll put the word out among the group and see if they can turn up anything,” said Kelly.

     “Sounds like a plan. However, I doubt they’re on ‘roids right now….they’re on an off cycle period right now.”

     “You know, you might be focusing on the wrong area…they have to be buying this stuff somewhere. If they were out here, they could buy them right over the border…of course they would have to risk being caught when they came back into the country.”

     “Good idea,” replied Sam who finished off the pickle and was searching for a second one. “Sorry, but these are too good.”

     “I like them too,” said Kelly as she reached for one.


Chapter 113

     By February, Sam had a list of potential steroid dealers in the vicinity of the university. One of them caught her eye. He was part owner of a gym that was popular with the collegiate athletes. His name was Gregory Roman. He sold legal supplements, but from a campus report that Jax had located he was suspected of dealing human growth hormone and anabolic steroids. However the investigation turned up nothing.

She searched both Dave and Rod’s computers and found that both had memberships at the gym. She smiled when she read this.

     Next with Kelly’s help they spent an evening breaking into Roman’s computer. Unlike Rod and Dave, he had a decent security system. It took three calls to Jax before they got in.

     Most of the data concerned his legal supplement business. They were able to confirm that both Rod and Dave bought supplements from him.

     “I’ll run this list of products by a friend I have in the athletic department and see if they could cause the growth in Dave and Rod,” said Sam.

     “Look at this,” said Kelly as she pointed to the screen.

     “What is it?”

     “It’s an encrypted file…big time security…and well beyond my skills,” she said.

     “I want to see what’s in there,” said Sam. “It has to be good.”

     “I’ll call Jax, he’ll see what he can do,” stated Kelly.

     “Okay,” replied Sam. “Let’s shift over to Dave’s computer. I want to see if I missed anything the last time I was in there.”

     They easily gained access to his computer and Sam paged through his email.

     Nothing appeared out of place…until she read the last one.

     Sam’s eyes opened up wide as she read it. “The bastard…he did it again!”


Chapter 114

     Rob read the email that Sam had taken off Dave’s website. It was from Rod and it described in detail the sexual assault on a girl by them the previous weekend.

     “It doesn’t list her name,” said Sam. “But we know that she’s a freshman and that she’s blonde. I know it’s not much, but it’s a start. We checked the local papers, including the campus paper, but there’s nothing.”

     “What about that campus group?” asked Rob.

     “They’re checking around,” said Sam.

     “Have them check the ER,” he suggested. “Oh, and check all other medical facilities in the area.”

     “Wouldn’t the hospital have to report a suspected sexual assault?” asked Kelly.

     “Mine didn’t,” replied Sam. “This is getting very complicated.”

     Rob leaned back in his chair. “I think you need someone there to do some investigating.”

     “I can leave tomorrow,” said Sam hopefully.

     Rob shook his head. “Nice try Grasshopper. My friend Ally recently gave me the name of an organization that is perfect for this sort of investigation.”

     “How much will they charge?”

     “They might take this one for free. They focus mostly on hate crimes against LGBT teens, but they also assist on sexual assault cases. I was going to have them take a look at your case, but I think this one looks promising and it would give you the closure you need too,” he continued.

     “What can they do?” asked Sam who was now intrigued by the group.

     “They provide both legal and investigative assistance,” he said. “The one drawback is if I contact them then it means the end of your shadow investigation.”

     Sam thought about it. “Would they use the info we…um acquired?”

     “I suspect they would use it as a starting point.”

     Sam looked at Kelly and then Rob. She really wanted to bust Rod and Dave her herself, but now that another person had been hurt by them…she knew she only had one choice.

     “Call them,” she said.

     Rob smiled. “I’m proud that you made the right decision.”


Chapter 115

     One of the organization’s representatives was up in LA and drove down the next day to meet with Sam and Rob.

     A short woman with brown curly hair pulled back into a ponytail entered Rob’s office. She was dressed in jeans, a white blouse, and a black leather jacket.

     “Hi, are you Rob McCarthy?” she asked. “I’m Marlene Hamilton.”

     “Pleased to meet you,” greeted Rob as he extended his hand. “This is my research assistant, Sam Gibson.”

     Marlene smiled and shook both of their hands.

     “How was the drive down from LA?” asked Rob.

     “Awful as always,” she replied.

     “Well, why don’t you have a seat and we’ll talk,” suggested Rob. “Do you want some coffee?”

     “That would be great,” she replied as she set her overstuffed business bag down. She pulled out a legal pad and a pen. “Sam, tell me everything. I’m dying to hear your story.”

     For the next two hours Sam described what had happened starting on the night she was attacked to present day.

     “I’m impressed,” said Marlene. “While I don’t condone the hacking, I’m pleased that you’re willing to use the system to get justice.”

     “I wish the three idiots who attacked me out here had gotten their original sentences. But the latest news is that two of them did something wrong and have had some time added,” replied Sam.

     “Well, now it’s time to focus on Dave and Rod,” said Marlene.

     “I want to nail both of them in the worst way,” said Sam. “I’m even angrier now that I know that they assaulted someone else.”

     “Well, we have an investigator on the way down there as we speak. The groundwork you laid down will really speed up this one. So do you have career plans for after college?”

     “I’m weighing a few options,” replied Sam. She told Marlene about The Agency’s offer.

     Marlene let out a low slow whistle. “Now, I’m really impressed. Do they know that you’re transgendered?”

     Sam nodded.

     “I’m glad that they’re becoming more progressive. They’re actually more open-minded than many police forces,” said Marlene.

     “Rob thinks it’s the best career choice for me,” continued Sam.

     “You can’t do much better. But after federal service keep us in mind, we’re always looking for good investigators,” said Marlene.

     “Thanks,” replied Sam. “Um, I would like to be kept informed on your investigation.”

     “You’ll get regular updates from me, Sam,” replied Marlene. “Well, I’m going to go check in my hotel. Would you like to join me for dinner? I hate eating alone.”

     Sam nodded and looked over at Rob.

     “I have a case I go take care of this evening,” he replied.

     “Sorry to hear that, but Sam and I will have a great time,” said Marlene as she packed up her things.

     She gave Sam the name of her hotel.

     “Stop by around seven and we’ll head out,” said Marlene.

     “I’m looking forward to it,” replied Sam.


Chapter 116

     “Have you eaten at Croce’s before?” asked Marlene as walked towards the famous Gas Lamp restaurant.

     Sam shook her head. “I’ve heard it’s great.”

     “Me too,” replied Marlene. “I like to eat at a decent place occasionally. I’m on the road so much that I usually just grab a meal at whatever’s open.”

     “Still, it sounds like you love your job,” replied Sam.

     “It’s very rewarding,” replied Marlene.
     For dinner, Marlene ordered the seared tuna au poivre with black Thai rice timbale, zucchini and Kalamata olive Nicoise ratatouille with micro greens in a truffle vinaigrette. Sam went decided to try the Bordeaux braised short ribs with mac-n-cheese, wilted chard and caned roasted cipolline onions.

     “If you want we can still look into your attack,” said Marlene.

     Sam shook her head. “It’s not necessary. If we can get Dave and Rod then I can close the book on what happened. But I wish I had known about your organization earlier.”

     “Well, you did a great job in bringing down so many of the people involved.”

     “I had no idea of the dirty little secrets that they had,” said Sam. “I just wanted to get the ones who attacked me…and it kept growing.”

     “It happens like that. I’ve been involved in several cases where we’ve uncovered all sorts of awful things,” she replied.

     “The investigators your organization uses, do you use a specific agency or do you have your own PIs?” asked Sam.

     “Depends on the case. We have several full time investigators and lawyers who work for us full time. There are several agencies we use, depending on the case. I would like to add your boss Rob to our list of freelancers, do you think he would do it?” asked Marlene.

     Sam nodded.

     “I also agree with him that you should take the offer from The Agency,” continued Marlene. “You could learn so much from them…and for job security you can’t beat federal service.”

     “I know it’s a great opportunity,” replied Sam.

     “And they do a lot of good…as you saw with Owens. I don’t always agree with their tactics, but I can’t argue with their results. What I’m really impressed with is their new emphasis on fighting internet sexual predators.”

     “Rob has told me about some of the cases; he knows the woman who runs the internet department.”

     Marlene’s eyes opened wide. “Now, I’m really impressed with him. I would love to meet Ally Burns some day. I’ve worked with so many abused transgendered teens that it’s nice that they have a real role model.”

     “I guess I’m fortunate to have so many caring and understanding people in my life,” said Sam.

     Marlene nodded.

     “I’m happy that we we’re working together,” continued Sam.

     “I feel the same way, Sam,” replied Marlene.


Chapter 117

     “So it’s up to others to see if they can get Dave and Rod?” asked Kelly as they drove to the campus.

     “Yes,” replied Sam. “I don’t mind as long as they catch them. In a way I sorta like being in the shadows, there’s a certain kind of secret avenger aspect to it.”

     “Maybe you should get a special costume?”

     Sam laughed.

     “So what are the chances that they’ll nail them?” asked Kelly.

     “Marlene thinks the odds are pretty good,” replied Sam. “I wish you could have met her, she’s really impressive.”

     “I’ve been reading about her organization. They’ve done a lot of great work. I wonder if they’ll be hiring when I graduate,” said Kelly.

     “That would be cool,” said Sam.

     The sound of Sam’s cell phone going off interrupted the conversation.

     “Marlene, we were just talking about you. How’s it going?” asked Sam.

     “We found the girl,” replied Marlene.

     Sam froze for a moment before answering. “How is she?”

     “She’s a wreck, both physically and mentally,” replied Marlene.

     “I’m sorry to hear that,” replied Sam.

     “The good news is that the police completed a rape kit on her and her descriptions of her attackers are pretty close to Dave and Rod,” said Marlene.

     “So she didn’t know them?”

     “No, she doesn’t even go to the same university,” replied Marlene.

     “So what happens now?” asked Sam.

     “We have our investigators checking out her story. They’re also working with the local police.”

     “Do the cops know about Dave and Rod yet?”

     “Yes, I told them that we had a tip that they might be involved. The good news is that they’re treating this very seriously.”

     “So they’re not some star-struck fans?” asked Sam.

     “No, in fact the rape didn’t occur near campus. The police here are fed up with the jocks from the university,” replied Marlene.

     “Okay, that sounds better than my old town,” replied Sam.

     “They’re planning on talking to the girl today and if she IDs Dave and Rod then they’ll bring them in for questioning,” said Marlene.

     “Thanks for the update,” replied Sam.

     “No problem, I’ll keep you informed, Sam,” replied Marlene.

     Sam closed her phone and told Kelly what had happened.

     “That’s great,” replied Kelly.

     “I just hope the girl IDs them.”


Chapter 118

     That evening Sam went over to the gallery to met Olivia for dinner.

     She was just walking inside when her phone rang. Glancing at the number she saw it was Marlene.

     “Yes?” she asked nervously.

     “Rod and Dave are in custody,” announced Marlene.

     “Really?” asked Sam excitedly.

     “The victim positively identified both of them from a police photo lineup. We’re still waiting for their DNA tests to come back, but a search of their apartment turned up some solid evidence.”

     “Like what?” asked Sam.

     “I guess you could call them trophies. Dave had the victim’s panties nailed to his bedroom wall.”

     Sam gasped. “You have got to be kidding!”

     “No and the police have confiscated their computers and that means they should find the emails you told me about.”

     “I suppose that Dave and Rod are saying that nothing happened,” stated Sam.

     “That’s right, but they may change their tune as soon as the DNA tests get back,” said Marlene. 

     “Thanks Marlene, I appreciate everything you and your group have done,” said Sam.

     “Hey, if it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t have known about this case,” she replied. “I’ll keep you informed on what happens. I have the feeling it will get real exciting here in the next few hours.”

     “Okay, take care,” said Sam.

     She then told Olivia what happened.

     Olivia immediately hugged her.

     “I’m so happy that this is finally over,” said Olivia.

     “Me too,” replied Sam.

     “Let’s go down to The Green Flash for dinner,” suggested Olivia.

     “Cool,” replied Sam.


Chapter 119

     Just as Marlene promised things did exciting. The DNA samples taken from Rod and Dave matched those from the police rape kit. Both were immediately charged with rape and several other charges. At first the university stood by them, but as more and more evidence was released by the authorities they began to change their tune.

     Within hours after the initial charges were filed two coeds came forward and claimed that Dave and Rod also raped them.

     The layers representing Dave and Rod claimed that these were unjustified claims, until it came out that both girls had gone to the local ERs and had rape kits performed. Because the assaults came in different jurisdictions the police were unaware that the assaults were connected.

     “So, I guess it’s back to being a fulltime student and part-time researcher for a PI,” said Sam to Kelly as they walked to class.

     “How do you feel about this? I mean, it’s been driving you for a year,” said Kelly.

     “Actually it’s been closer to sixteen months…seriously I feel okay. I mean, I wish that they all knew that it was me who helped bring them down, but that’s my only regret,” said Sam.

     “I suppose Bruce Wayne felt the same way,” said Kelly.

     Sam laughed.

     “Maybe you could show up at the sentencing,” suggested Kelly.

     Sam shook her head. “No, not worth the cost of the airline ticket.”

     “Well, it’s nice that we can just focus on the important things; like wild hot and sweaty sex,” continued Kelly.

     “And how will that be any different than before?”

     “Now, you’ll have more free time,” said Kelly with a wink.


Chapter 120

     As Sam had said, the next few months of her life was fairly routine. She went to class, worked for Rob and she also went to her martial arts classes.

     She loved being with Kelly. The two of them agreed not to look too far into the future and that they should focus on the present. Yes, the sex was excellent, but what Sam really savored was that Kelly loved her for who she was.

     Rob and Dave’s trial was due to start in June and Sam kept up on the news via the internet. The case looked very solid and there was a suspicion that one or both of them would make a plea offer to avoid trial.

     The other boys who had assaulted her had been released from jail and had gone back to Florida. Just to make sure that they behaved, a restraining order was issued. Sam wasn’t that worried as she doubted they would ever come back to San Diego.

     She did want to go back to Florida. Not to visit any old friends, rather she wanted to see her mom’s grave. Over time, she had forgiven her mom for going along with Sam’s exile.

     As summer approached, Sam signed up for several classes. Her goal was to graduate in three years and she was well on her way. Part of this was the overachiever in her and part was that she wanted to have her surgery prior to applying to The Agency. She had traded emails with Steve Williams who said that it wouldn’t affect her application either way as her legal status was now female. Sam decided that she wanted to have the surgery completed prior to applying as there was a long recovery period and she didn’t want to start a job and immediately be off for several months. 

     All things considered, her life was going well.


Chapter 121

     Sam was sitting at her desk reading her email when the doorbell rang. She got out of her chair and headed to the front door. 

     She froze as she looked out through the screen door as she recognized Victor standing on their porch.

     He looked up and stared at her through the door. At first she thought he didn’t recognize her.

     “I had to come here and see it for myself…you fucking freak!” he exclaimed.

     Sam didn’t know how he found out and she wasn’t about to ask him.

     “Go away,” she snapped.

     He shook his head. “You stole my money and ruined my life…freak.”

     Sam started to slam close the front door, but it was too late as Victor backed up and then ran through the screen door. He crashed onto the floor at Sam’s feet. She immediately backed up.

     Victor looked at her with rage as he slowly stood up.

     “There’s no place to run,” he sneered.

     Sam backed up a short distance.

     “Who said that I’m running,” she replied as she kicked him in the face.

     From the crunching sound it was evident that she had broken his nose. Victor fell back and screamed in agony.

     “Mutherfuckin’ freak! I’m going to make you pay for that!” he cursed.

     Sam kicked him again, this time landing a solid shot in his chest.

     Victor was knocked back and he fell hard on his back.

     “Bitch,” he moaned.

     He was in shock as he never expected her to fight back. When he had been told that Sam was living as a woman, he knew what he had to do and had driven cross-country so he could beat her up. It was bad enough that Sam had stolen his money, but to rub it in by becoming a freak of nature was too much for any man to take. It was supposed to be so easy and yet now he was lying on his back with a fractured nose.

     Sam pulled out her phone and dialed. She didn’t even look at which number she had hit, but thankfully it was Rob.

     When he answered, she immediately interrupted him.

     “Victor is here in my house!” she screamed. Before she could say more she had to pull back as Victor was once again getting up.

     “You…are….going to…pay for this,” he gasped as he stood up.

     “Don’t come any closer, Victor,” she warned.

     She knew that she had hurt him, but she also knew that Victor was much stronger than her…he was also enraged and that made him even more dangerous.

     Victor ran straight at her and even though Sam managed to get off several punches off, he was too strong and he knocked her down to the ground. Sam’s head hit hard on the wooden floor and she was momentarily stunned.

     This gave Victor the chance to gain total control over her. He straddled her chest and pinned down her arms. Next he then reached over and ripped open her shirt, exposing her breasts.

     The sight of Sam’s real breasts caught him off guard.

     “Holy shit…you have real tits!” he exclaimed.

     He reached down and grabbed one of her breasts and squeezed it hard.

     “Wow, they feel real too!” he stated.

     Sam cried out in pain.

     “Does that hurt, faggot?” he taunted. “I was just going to beat you up….but maybe I’ll have a little fun first. Those boys who fucked you back at school obviously enjoyed themselves, I might as well see what it’s like too.”

     Sam exploded with rage as she fought to get free, there was no way that she would be sexually assaulted by Victor, even death was preferable to that.

     Victor laughed. “That’s right struggle…I like it when they fight back. As much as I loved your mother…she was too passive in bed…you’re a little firecracker…I’m going to enjoy fucking you.”

     Sam continued to struggle and Victor slapped her across her face.

     “What’s the point…you know I’m stronger than you…now lie back and take it,” he ordered.

     Sam looked up at him and spat in his face.

     Victor cursed as he wiped the spit from his face. He then pulled back his fist.

     “You’ll pay for that bitch!”

     Sam looked up and readier herself for the blow. She knew it would hurt, but it was worth it to delay him from raping her.

     “Freeze!” shouted a woman’s voice.

     Sam didn’t recognize the voice, but whoever it was she was glad that they were here.

     Another voice, this one male announced. “Don’t move, this is the police!”

     Victor was enraged. He had forgotten about the police. He looked down at Sam who appeared to be grinning back at him.

     “I have a gun…back off or I’ll shoot her,” he shouted at the police. “I’ll shoot the little fairy!”

     It was a bluff, but he figured that the cops would do as he ordered. He had his back towards them and it was unlikely that they could tell that he was lying.

     “He’s lying!” screamed Sam. “He’s unarmed!”

     Victor cried out in rage and was about to punch Sam when he felt an intense pain in his back. He tried to scream out, but for some reason nothing came out other than animalistic sounding groans. His whole body began to convulse in agony. He fell to the side, freeing Sam.

     Sam wasn’t sure what happened at first, but she took the opportunity to roll away from him. When she turned she saw that there were now four police officers in her home. Two were cuffing Victor, one was pointing a gun at him and the other was holding a TASER.

     Sam covered up her breasts as she sat up.

     The female officer who was pointing the gun at Victor glanced over at her.

     “Are you okay?”

     Sam nodded. 

     The police officer smiled back. “Just sit there, we’ll help you in a moment.”

     Sam watched as they pulled Victor out of the house.

     The female officer holstered her gun and knelt down next to Sam.

     “How’re you doing?” she asked.

     “I’m okay,” replied Sam. “He only slapped me…in fact I think I hurt him worse than he hurt me. He said he was going to rape me…that happened to me once…never again.”

     The police officer helped Sam to her feet.

     “Can I go put something on?” asked Sam.

     “Sure, I’ll escort you,” replied the police officer. “The detectives will be here soon to question you.”

     Sam nodded.


Chapter 122

     Detective Matt Walsh arrived just as the police were about to leave.

     “What’re you doing here, Magnum?” asked Detective Jake Zimmerman who had taken Sam’s statement.

     “I know the victim,” he replied. “I just wanted to see if she’s okay.”

     Jake nodded. “She’s fine, a little shaken up, but she dished out more damage to the attacker. Seems he didn’t know she was taking martial arts classes, she broke his nose real good.”

     Matt smiled.

     “They’re in the living room,” said Jake.

     Matt walked into the living room and saw Sam sitting on the couch.

     “Hi, I just stopped by to see how you’re doing,” he stated.

     Sam smiled at him. “I’m fine, thanks to the officers who arrived just in time. I owe them so much.”

     Matt nodded. “Glad to hear it.”

     “Matt, this is my aunt Olivia and of course you know Rob,” she said.

     “Pleased to meet you,” said Matt.

     “Olivia, Matt’s the detective who arrested the others,” she continued.

     Olivia smiled back at him.

     “I only wish the DA had prosecuted them to the max,” said Matt.

     “You did what you could,” said Sam.

     Matt nodded. “Well, I better get going; the EMTs need to check you out.”

     “That’s not necessary, I’m okay,” replied Sam.

     “What she means to say is thank you Matt,” interrupted Olivia. “Honey, either you let the EMTs examine you or we take you to the ER, your choice.”

     Sam smiled back. “Okay, you win…and thank you.”


Chapter 123

     “See, I told you I was okay,” said Sam as they left the ER two hours later.

     “You have three bruised ribs and a mild concussion,” corrected Olivia.

     “I feel fine,” said Sam.

     “That’s just the adrenaline,” stated Rob. “You’ll feel it more in the morning. You need to go home and rest.”

     “I need to call Kelly,” said Sam as they got into the car.

     “I’ll call her for you,” said Olivia. She handed Sam a bottle of water. “I want you to take your pain pills and relax.”

     “Honestly, I don’t feel that bad,” she replied.

     “You’ll feel it later, Grasshopper, trust me,” stated Rob.

     Sam took the bottle of water and opened it. She looked at the bottle of pills and after reading the instructions, she took one and swallowed it.

     “Has she always been this stubborn?” asked Rob.

     “Takes after her father,” replied Olivia.

     “Compliments will get you nowhere,” said Sam with a grin. “Seriously, I’ll do what you say…I’ll admit it; I’m feeling a little sore.”

     “We just care about you, Sam,” said Olivia.

     “I know…and I really appreciate it,” she replied.

     Sam looked out the window of Rob’s car as they drove away from the hospital. A few moments later she was sound asleep.


Chapter 124

     Sam woke up the next morning in her bed. It took her a few moments to realize where she was. Her body was sore all over and then she remembered Victor’s attack.

     After a long shower she dressed and went down to the kitchen.

     Olivia was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee reading the paper.

     “Good morning,” said Sam.

     “How do you feel?” asked Olivia as she got up and gently hugged Sam.

     “Sore, but not too bad. How did I end up in my bed?” she asked.

     Olivia released her. “Rob carried you in and I put you to bed. We saw no reason to wake you.”

     “Thank you,” replied Sam as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

     “Do you feel like something to eat?” asked Olivia.

     Sam shook her head as she sat down. “I feel a little queasy; I think it’s the pills. I felt the same way after the last time. So any word on Victor?”

     “He’s due to be arraigned this morning,” said Olivia. “Your detective friend called and told me.”

     “Did he say what they would be charging him with?” asked Sam.

     “It was a long list, including assault, sexual assault, breaking and entering are among the worst ones. Oh, the DA is going to treat this as a hate crime based on what the police overheard when they arrived.”

     “Really?” asked Sam.

     “Oh, Matt said that they consider him to be a flight risk so they’re pushing for no bail,” added Olivia.

     “That’s good to hear,” said Sam as she yawned.

     “Why don’t you go back to bed,” suggested Olivia.

     Sam shook her head. “I’ll go crash out on the deck. Oh, did you call Kelly?”

     Olivia nodded. “She said that she would stop by later.”

     “I’ll call her now,” said Sam. “Um, Olivia, thank you for everything. I know that I’ve brought a lot of baggage with me.”

     Olivia shook her head. “No baggage dear. I’ve been so happy since you moved in with me. I’ve had a chance to see you blossom into a remarkable young woman.”

     Sam smiled back. “Thank you.”

     “Oh, and I placed a call to Dr. Johnston for you. I suspect that you two need to talk,” continued Olivia.

     “Thanks, you obviously can read my mind,” she replied.


Chapter 125

     Kelly found Sam asleep out on a chase lounge on the deck.

     She sat down next to her and gently touched Sam’s face.

     Sam slowly opened her eyes and smiled.

     “Hi,” stated Sam.

     Kelly leaned down and kissed her.

     “That’s better than a hello,” said Sam.

     “How’re you feeling?” asked Kelly.

     “Sore, but otherwise not bad,” replied Sam.

     “What did they give you?” asked Kelly.

     Sam told her. “I’ve stopped taking them…they make me sick. I would rather be sore.”

     Kelly nodded. “So do you feel like talking about it?”

     Sam sat up slowly. “Sure, but can you go inside and get us a couple of cokes first?”

     Kelly kissed her again. “For you anything.”


Chapter 126

     Three months later, Sam, Kelly, Olivia, Rob, and Rebecca walked out of a downtown San Diego courtroom.

     “That didn’t take long,” said Kelly. “The jury was out less than two hours.”

     “Guilty on all charges,” said Sam triumphantly. “So how much time will he get?”

     “I would suspect the maximum. Victor didn’t exactly come across as sympathetic and he was found guilty on a hate crimes charge. I wouldn’t be surprised if he got life without parole,” replied Rebecca.

     “No one will come to his aid this time,” said Olivia.

     “Agreed,” added Rob. “So, is anyone hungry?”

     “Famished,” said Sam.

     The others nodded.

     “What do you feel like?” he asked.

     “Let’s go to The Mission over on J Street,” suggested Sam.

     “Sounds good to me,” said Olivia.

     The others agreed and they piled into Rob’s car for the short drive.

     “I guess that this means it’s over,” said Sam. “I mean now that Rod and Dave have been convicted, all the main parties in my Halloween attack have been caught.”

     Rod plea-bargained a deal with the DA to reduce his own sentence in exchange for testifying against Dave. Rod was sentenced to fifteen to twenty years, while Dave got sixty years.

     “At least some good came out of this,” continued Sam. “I mean, I got to be the real me, I got a family that loves me, a great boss, a great friend and lawyer, and a very special and close friend.”

     “Things work out sometimes,” said Rob. “However, Grasshopper, don’t think that I’m going to slack up on you. You still have some work to do until you can snatch the pebble from my hand.”

     Sam laughed. “I hope not!”

     “Oh, Sam, I got an email from your namesake, she’ll be back home from her latest adventure next month and she can’t wait to meet you,” said Olivia.

     “Cool,” replied Sam. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

     Chapter 127

     Sam and Olivia drove up to the mountain town of Julian on a bright and sunny day to visit Samantha.

     The followed the directions that Samantha had emailed them.

     “Okay, there should be a road coming up on the right,” said Sam. “According to the directions it doesn’t have a sign.”

     “There it is,” said Olivia as she pulled off the main road.

     They pulled up next to a Quonset hut that was surrounded by tall trees.

     “This is it,” said Olivia.

     A tanned and extremely fit looking woman stepped out of the building. She was dressed in jeans and a halter top. Her long blonde hair was styled in a long single braid that ran down her back.

     She was taller than Sam had expected and she estimated that Samantha was almost six feet tall.

     “Olivia! It’s been so long,” she greeted.

     “Hi, Samantha,” greeted Olivia as the two women hugged.

     “And you must be Sam, I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time,” said Samantha.

     Sam smiled as they hugged.

     “Please, come on it, you must be hungry after your drive up here,” said Samantha.

     They followed her into the building. While it looked like a military surplus building from the outside, inside, it was beautiful. The walls were covered with wood panels. There were large beams running from side to side and Sam thought that it looked like an upside down boat. The windows were stained glass.

     The walls were covered with paintings and photographs.

     “This is wonderful, Samantha,” commented Olivia. “It’s so you.”

     “I was lucky to get it,” replied Olivia. “Let me show you the rest of it.”

     From the living room area they walked into the sleeping area and bathroom. Next they arrived at a large kitchen that took up nearly one third of the building. A large antique oak table was already set.

     “It’s small, but functional,” stated Samantha. “Please sit down. We’ll talk as I prepare lunch.”

     “Is there anything we can do to help?” asked Sam.

     Samantha smiled at Olivia who nodded.

     “Sure, you can help me with the veggies,” replied Samantha.

     They talked as they worked.

     “I can really see a lot of your father in you Sam, you have his eyes,” said Samantha.

     “Olivia said that you could tell me some good stories about him,” replied Sam.

     Samantha laughed. “Oh, I know a few.”


Chapter 128

     After lunch they walked up the road into the small town of Julian.

     “We can stop for coffee and apple pie later,” said Samantha as she led them down the main road. “The pie up here is fantastic…best in the world.”

     “Cool,” replied Sam. “I’ve heard about it, but I haven’t had any yet.”

     “Seeking justice can be very time consuming,” said Samantha.

     Sam smiled back. “So Olivia told you everything?”

     “Not everything,” injected Olivia.

     “Oh, I don’t hold it against you dear. I’m pleased with the way you accomplished it,” said Samantha.

     “Even the hacking part?” asked Sam.

     “Whatever it takes,” replied Samantha. “I like that you used legal means too.”

     Sam nodded.

     “And I’m glad that you can put this behind you and look to the future. I’m not downplaying what happened…no one should be forced to experience what you did, but there’s no need to wallow in the past either,” continued Samantha. “Life is too precious for that.”

     Sam nodded again.

     “I’m also pleased to see what a lovely young woman you are…I have high hope that you are going to accomplish great things in your life if you put your mind to it,” said Samantha.

     “I’d better, I have a great namesake to live up to,” said Sam.

     Samantha laughed. “I’m not sure that I’m a worthy role model, dear. I’ve made my share of mistakes…but always remember that mistakes are opportunities for growth.”

     “I will,” replied Sam.

     Samantha stopped in front of restaurant called Mom’s Pie House.

     “You ready for dessert?” she asked.

     The aroma of the fresh from the oven pies smelled too delicious to resist.

     “I highly recommend the Dutch apple pie with the crumb top,” said Samantha as they walked inside.

     “Well, long time, no see, Samantha, when did you get back in town?” asked the woman from behind the counter.

     “Last week. Carol, these two women are like family to me, this is Olivia and my namesake Sam,” stated Samantha.

     “Pleased to meet you,” greeted Carol. “What will you have?”

     Sam ordered the Dutch apple pie, as did Samantha. Olivia ordered her favorite the ruby, which was made with apple, rhubarb, raspberry, blueberry, and strawberry. All three also ordered coffee.

     “This is wonderful,” said Sam as she ate her pie.

     “You’ll have to take a whole one back down to the coast with you,” said Samantha.

     “I suppose you know about my career choice,” said Sam as she took another bite of pie.

     “I think it’s wonderful. I had no idea that the feds were so open-minded,” replied Samantha.

     Sam then told her about Ally Burns.

     “Now, I’m even more impressed. I think it’s a great opportunity for you,” she replied as she took a sip of her coffee.

     “I haven’t met her yet, but Agent Williams speaks very high of her and so does my boss Rob,” replied Sam.

     “I guess I’ll have to buy you a trench coat for graduation,” said Samantha. “Or would you rather have a fedora?”

     Sam laughed. “I’m sure they don’t wear them anymore.”

     “Maybe, but a trench coat is a lovely addition to anyone’s wardrobe,” replied Samantha.


Chapter 129

     Later in the afternoon they were relaxing in Samantha’s living room.

     “Well, after meeting you and I must say that you made the right decision regarding your life. I also pleased that Olivia was there to provide guidance,” said Samantha. “When did you first realize that you were transgendered?”

     “As far back as I can remember I knew I was different,” replied Sam. “Of course, I didn’t tell anyone.”

     “Do you feel like talking about it?” asked Samantha.

     Sam nodded and began to talk about what her life had been like. Samantha sat back and listened without interrupting.

     “I hate to say it… and thinking about it, I’m still pissed off… being exiled from my old town may have been the best thing that could have happened to me,” concluded Sam. “It allowed me to be with Olivia and it gave me a chance to be the real me.”

     “I wish you could have told your father, I suspect that he would have been very understanding,” stated Samantha. “I’m so sorry that he hadn’t been part of your life.”

     “He’s still in my heart,” said Sam softly.

     Samantha smiled back. “That’s so sweet. Now, I heard what you said about being angry about the way you were treated, but please put it in the past. You got your justice and your new life. It’s time to look to the future.”

     Sam smiled back. “Olivia has told me the same thing. I’ll try…maybe I can twist it and use it as a drive when I leave college and become an agent.”

     “Drive is good, but don’t take everything personal,” continued Samantha. “Feeling empathy for others is important, but you can’t let it dominant your life. I’ve learned this lesson myself that you can’t take on the weight of the world on your shoulders. Pick your battles, dear, but live your own life too.”

     Sam nodded.

     “I’m so happy that I finally got to meet you in person,” said Sam. “I hope we stay in touch.”

     “I feel the same way, Sam. You’re always welcome up here,” said Samantha. “Oh, I almost forgot, I have something for you.”

     Samantha got up and walked back to her desk. She retrieved a small wooden box and walked over to where Sam and Olivia were sitting.

     “I picked this up on my travels I would like you to have it Sam,” she said as he handed Sam the box.

     Sam examined the hand carved wooden box. The top slid off and inside was a silver chain with a small white snail shell attached to it.

     “This was given to me when I was in the islands. I think it’s appropriate for you…as you have just come out of your own shell,” said Samantha.

     Sam immediately slipped the chain around her neck and then she hugged Samantha.

     “Thank you so much,” replied Sam.

     “You’re welcome dear,” replied Samantha. “Now, before you go you must answer one last question, what’s the significance of the grasshopper tattoo on your leg?”


Chapter 130

     The following year Sam flew back east during her spring break. However, unlike many other college students she wasn’t heading to some resort for a week of drinking and partying. No, she was making a pilgrimage of sorts.

     She drove her rental car into her old town. It was the first time that she had been there since her exile. It some ways it didn’t look any different.

     She drove straight through town and headed right to the cemetery where her mother was buried. It was a trip that she had to make.

     She stopped at the main building and asked for directions to the gravesite. To her shock she found that Victor had never purchased a headstone. It was also in need of grounds keeping. The idea that her mother was lying in an unkempt and unmarked grave infuriated her.

     She returned to the main office and inquired why the grave was unmarked.

     “Her husband had put down a down payment, but he never paid the rest,” replied the manager apologetically. “We’ve tried to contact him, but…um… he’s indisposed.”

     “No, he’s in prison and he’ll probably die there,” replied Sam without emotion.

     The manager fidgeted nervously in his chair. Victor’s arrest had been the latest black eye the community had suffered in the past few years.

     “What’s the cost?” asked Sam. “I want her to have a headstone.”

     The manager nodded as he logged onto his computer and showed her several headstones.

     Sam selected one and wrote him out a check for payment. 

     “When will it be ready?” she asked.

     “We can have it in place in a week,” he said.

     “Good. Also, I want her grave maintained,” stated Sam as she handed him a card. “You can send the bill to this address.”

     The manager nodded as he read the name.

     “Thank you, Ms. Gibson,” said the manager.

     “Please call me if there are any problems,” she said as he shook his hand. 


Chapter 131
Spring 2008

     The Director of The Agency was at his desk drinking coffee from his old 7th Calvary ceramic mug finishing up his paperwork for the day. The last folder contained the files of the newest applicants. He maintained the final say in the hiring of all agents. Granted, these days it was just a formality as the quality of applicants was so high these days. By the time the final list made it to his desk only the pick of the litter were left.

     Still he read through each file. Gone were the days when he knew every agent personally, he thought. He understood the reason as the organization’s responsibilities had grown over the past few years, but he still liked to see who they were hiring.

     He stopped when he saw the application for Samantha Gibson. He read through her file, even though he already knew a great deal about her. He could understand why Steve Williams was so impressed with her. Sam had graduated college in three years and had aced her private investigator exams. 

     The director took another sip of coffee. He was pleased to see that she had almost recovered from her SRS. He didn’t care about her gender, what he wanted was the best agents possible.

     He leaned back in his chair and debated what department would be the best fit for Sam. He knew that she would need some time to physically recover from the surgery. One of his best agents, Ally Burns, had recently undergone the procedure.

     The Director debated this for several minutes before making up his mind. He would have her assigned to Seattle Office as they were short handed in the research department. This would allow Sam time to adjust to her new job. He fully expected her to excel in the position. When she was physically ready for field work he would have her reassigned.

     He leaned back in his chair and smiled softly. If Sam lived up to her potential she would rise quickly in the ranks. Who knows, he thought, she might be another Ally Burns.


Fall 2009

     “Sam, it’s wonderful to hear from you,” said Olivia. “How’s work?”

     “Fantastic,” replied Sam. “Guess what? I’m getting a promotion. I’m getting a field job too!”

     “Really?” asked Olivia.

     “Wait, it gets even better! I’m being assigned to the main office in Virginia!” squealed Sam excitedly.

     “What’s the position?”

     “I’ll be on the interstate robbery taskforce. They investigate bank robberies, and cases like that,” stated Sam. “I already talked to my new supervisor. Her name is Carol Williams and she’s a real legend in The Agency.”

     “That’s wonderful Sam,” said Olivia.

     “Oh, and Kelly is cool with it too. She’s already applied for a transfer to the DC office. Marlene says that it shouldn’t be a problem,” continued Sam.

     “I’m so proud of you, Sam,” said Olivia.

     “Well, I’ll tell you more later. I need to call Rob and then Sharon. Will you tell Rebecca for me?”

     “Sure, what about Samantha?” asked Olivia.

     “I’m calling her next,” replied Sam. “Olivia, I can’t believe I got this position. I was told that almost a hundred agents applied for it.”

     “I’m happy for you, dear,” said Olivia.

     “I’ll call you later. I love you,” said Sam. “I just know that this is going to an exciting new chapter in my life.” 


The End

San Diego Restaurants in Delayed Justice
(Yes, they’re all real and yes I’ve eaten in all of them!)
The Mission-
Croce’s -
Casa de Guadalajara -
Hash House A-Gogo - (Go hungry!)
City Deli -
Mom’s - (definitely worth the drive!)


Julieverse Characters

Ally Burns — Transgendered Federal agent and head of The Agency's Internet crime Department. Her life partner is Special Agent Carol Williams. (Protector Series, Combined Forces, Coeds Series, Femmed)

Steve Williams- One of the top agents at the federal law enforcement organization called The Agency, a hybrid of the FBI and CIA. Recruited from the US Navy SEALs, Steve currently works out of the Spec-Ops department and runs the tactical strike teams. His wife is Maggie who
is also an agent. (Change of Course Series, Protector Series, Combined Forces, Coeds Series, Femmed)

Matt Walsh- San Diego detective, later recruited by Steve Williams into The Agency (Vengeance Is Bittersweet, Femmed)

Marlene Hamilton- Legal expert and investigator. First appeared in The Scholarship and later in Coeds, and Double Jeopardy

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