We're driving into Manhattan on Monday, and we'd appreciate your prayers. My wife, as adorable as the day we met and fell in love, is dealing with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and has been diagnosed with Chronic Epstein-Barr (where Mononeucleosis arises), and will be seeing an Infectious Disease specialist. It has been difficult the past several months since she's been on disability and every attempt to return to work has been met with roadblocks...extra visits to doctors to get notes that they already provided; disability held up because someone in Trenton misplaced the paperwork, etc. She broke her radius (still praying for your recovery Edeyn) and is now certified for return to her nursing job. But she isn't sleeping, and has no emotional reserve to return to work; hence the visit to the specialist. In the midst of all this, my tremors have increased to the point where I'll be returning to the larger dosage of medicine, which isn't all that bad. The PTSD/flashbacks have not diminished in frequency, but I'm able to tolerate them; most owing to my wife's support and all of my friends here. I finally have an interview scheduled this week as a Youth Counselor at the local Teen Shelter, so pray if you will, and keep your fingers crossed. You folks are just wonderful, and I am so blessed to have you as friends.

Thanks again for all your support and encouragement...Love you all! Andrea Lena DiMaggio
Don't Worry Drea,
I will put you and your wife on my Church Prayer List
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Dear Andrea,
I know that I won't be the only one praying
for you and your family.Hang in there,my friend.
Much love and best wishes,Alison
Hi Drea,
Love your picture. Sounds like many pains in the ass and everywhere else.
I was going to ask where you live. I figured it was somewhere near NYC. I also was wondering if anything could be done to your wife's viral infection, like some of the new antiviral drugs. I guess ya'll'll find out. Stiff upper lip, what.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Ready for work, 1992.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
You, dear heart...
...thank you for your note...We're off in about 5 minutes to Manhattan, so I'll see you on the flip side as our generation once used to say. The doctor Tracey is going to is highly recommended for every aspect of her ailments, so she's in good hands. Talk soon, and love you much! 'drea
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena