I'll take Manhattan

I spent last night at the Epilepsy Center of the New York Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan. After a delightful hour of getting hooked up to electrodes and such, I enjoyed and hour and a half of uninterrupted writing, and I was glad for it; I can't wait to write when I'm not writing, and I can't wait to finish when I am. The most curious thing; the technician was a nice young man who actually had the same kind of face as Ben Kelly, my counselor character and alter-ego of Katie Kelly. I actually thought that a story could be written just seeing this young man and what kind of life he/she might lead. Anyway, the EEG and sleep study were much more involved than either procedure as administered in the past. I have a follow up with my doctor as well as the foremost specialist in the country regarding seizures and epilepsy-related conditions. The follow up is in three weeks, but I might get a call from my doctor before then. My meds help somewhat with the tremors, but the not knowing is still vexing. Even still, I have so many things going for me, even if I do cry over your collective shoulders. I know that God loves me, my wife and son and family love me, and I have so many new friends here that have embraced me and made me feel better about myself than I have in years. I thank God for all of you and I pray that each of you has a wonderful week. Don't forget to think and pray for Sephrena this week as she is undergoing tremendous physical hardship and hopefully will get some relief this week. God bless you all, and thank you for your prayers and kind encouragement.
"She was born for all the wrong reasons, but grew up for all the right ones." Dio ti benedicta! 'drea

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