Anyone who has a TG book for sale, please feel free to post an article, forum or blog post about it here with links to where it can be bought. In fact, it is okay with me if you post such a thing every other month or so since there is some turnover in the membership here.
Feel free to discuss this here, everybody. :)
- Erin
I am in that boat. I have not been able and still not able to access the Bequest 2.
When the lines between reality and fantasy blur, true magic can begin.
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
TG Books for sale
Two things for you all
1: There are about 35 TG titles available at including my Gaby and Nena series, official Gaby fanfics and several titles from Tanya Allen. They are priced as low as possible so you guys can afford to buy them - we are not in it for profit, honest guv!
and 2: If anyone wants to get a story into print Scaramouch Books would be pleased to hear from you! you can contact them at [email protected].
and remember, a book given is appreciated a whole lot more than a voucher!
Madeline Anafrid Bell