tigger's blog

cautiously happier pussycat - kindle update

I want to thank everyone who took the time to reply to my earlier blog reading and to those who went and reviewed the subject book on Kindle. Eight blasts are on the site for this story.

Currently, if you search for helaina Darlington there are four stories under her "authorship." "Playing a woman" >snarling grin showing fangs< is NOT one of them.


Fundamentally Annoyed Feline - Another story theft

Growl, hiss, spit, fume, hackle!

Okay, another of my stories showed up on Kindle this week. The ripped off story is Acting Dominant, which is been >ahem< revisited as "Playing a Woman". Even the title irrigates me (as in p***es me off!). I did it for FREE, people. It was a GIFT in return for all the gifts others have given me.


Thanks and a Thought

Well, over the weekend, Sephy finished posting my Holmes story, A Study in Satin here on BCTS. I really wanted to just say thanks - to Erin for the site and for welcoming my stuff here, to Sephy for reformatting the story, finding the art and then incorporating Brandy Dewinter's original artwork into the posting here. Its all on my website, but I feel better knowing Brandy's work is in more than one place on the web.

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Karin Bishop's New Story

Just want to put in a plug for Karin's new Kindle published story "Port of Arrival", the sequel/continuation of her "Port of Departture"

What a grrrrreat story! I won't go on and on about the characterization, plot, themes and all that other Graduate Level Creative Writing stuff. It is a Karin Bishop story! Its GRRRRREAT!

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Check two-four (times many, many days)

Well, gee. . .

it has really been three years. Time flies when you really don't have much to mark its passing. Saw my name in one of the blog posts today. logged on to my account (took me three tries to remember the password!) to reply and saw I had two unread messages - both over a year old.


My sincere and heartfelt apologies for my inattentiveness. As a much younger man was taught to say, "No Excuse, Sir/Ma'am."

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Great Story for the Fantasy, Role Playing Game Fans . . .

Okay, you all know that Brandy Dewinter is one of my best friends, and that she has on many an occasion (as in just about every time), infinitely improved my scratchings with her wit, her eye for just the right word, and her ability to ferret out and then help correct story inconsistencies. On top of that, she is one of the best storytellers in our genre.

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SPOILER - Change of Orders Psychologist Commentary

I am writing this because of the large number of comments and private messages I've received concerning the actions and beliefs of the Navy Psychologist in my story, A Change of Orders. If you haven't read the story, and intend to do so, you might want to come back to this later as some of the discussion will give away a significant piece of the challenges laid out for the hero(ine) in the plot. Okay?

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Kindle Update

Thanks to everyone who left help and support here.

I finally bit the bullet and went through Amazon's copyright process and was able (without using more than my nom-de-plume) demonstrate that it was my story, or at least, that it was not the purported author's story, and they removed it.

Although I did provide the same data for Karen Elizabeth L.'s story, evidently since I did not claim it, they did not remove it.

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Amazon Kindle Story Theft

I have gotten into the ebook world a bit late (smartphone screens are hard on my older eyes) but I recently loaded Amazon's Kindle app onto my android tablet.

While searching for (ahem) favored types of stories, I found one entitled "Feminized Harem Slave" attributed to one Austin Logan. I downloaded the teaser excerpt only to find that, with the names changed, it is my story "The Sultan's Heir". I know this because ONLY the names have been changed - searching on text strings from my story shoot directly to the same spot in THAT story.

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